Re: Forking processes?

2001-07-08 Thread Andreas von Heydwolff
Thanks for your reply - unfortunately I am well aware of and enjoying
the feature that it is sufficient to click only once except when opening
a file after single clicking through the menu. This latter action,
however, works fine.

BTW, I wrote down the wrong KDE version number - I am running 2.1.2, but
the behavior was already there in 2.1.1 and I believe in an earlier
version too. Strangely, right after installing 2.1.2. it was *not* there
for the first few hours of using KDE. Maybe after the first reboot or
even during the first session it started to happen again. I now recall
my initial relief that it seemed to be gone.

If there is something I can do to track where the behavior comes from,
e.g., through some debugging procedure, I would be happy to contribute.

Greetings / Schönen Gruss

Jens Benecke wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 09:47:43PM +0200, Andreas von Heydwolff wrote:
> > Hi all, I'm running KDE 2.1.1 debs on a potato (2.2.3) machine. What can
> > I do to stop the following behavior: Whenever I start a program with the
> > GUI (and not from bash) I get two, seldom even three icons on the
> > external taskbar that indicate that the app is loading, with I presume as
> > many instances of the program starting. One of the two or three survives
> > and becomse the program, the others processes die. I find it annoying and
> > it takes more time for programs to become available for use at startup.
> My guess is that you haven't yet got used to the fact that (other than e.g.
> Windows) KDE by default doesn't require a double click to start a program.
> If you click on something twice, it will be started twice. Or rather, as
> most programs detect duplicates of themselves, they will start, but then
> exit as soon as they detect this.
> So what you are seeing is _probably_ due to what you are doing. Your
> computer is taking your actions literally.
> Just my guess, however. There might really be a bug if you don't double
> click.
> --
> Jens Benecke
> - Die kostenlose Mitfahrzentrale für ganz Europa
>Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Forking processes?

2001-07-04 Thread Andreas von Heydwolff
Hi all,
I'm running KDE 2.1.1 debs on a potato (2.2.3) machine. What can I do to
stop the following behavior: Whenever I start a program with the GUI
(and not from bash) I get two, seldom even three icons on the external
taskbar that indicate that the app is loading, with I presume as many
instances of the program starting. One of the two or three survives and
becomse the program, the others processes die. I find it annoying and it
takes more time for programs to become available for use at startup.

Someone suggested to me it could have something to do with old instances
of the .DCOPserver_debian not being deleted, and often I find a two or
three day old symlink of that name beside the present .DCOPserver. But
deleting this file does not help either. Is there any solution to this?

Best reagrds,

-- Andreas