Re: Miscellaneous issues

2002-12-09 Thread Frank Van Damme
On Monday 09 December 2002 20:52, David Bishop wrote:
> > A man, a plan, a caret, a ban, a myriad, a sum, a lac, a liar, a hoop, a
> > ...
> > Panama! - Dan Hoey
> Um, sorry about that.  Was messing around and obviously attached the wrong
> thing as a sig :-P  Won't happen again

It was a pretty sig though :)


Re: Miscellaneous issues

2002-12-09 Thread Tom Badran
On Monday 09 Dec 2002 7:49 pm, David Bishop wrote:
> >  Printing m's.  I *think* this is a KWord issue.  When printing
> >  to my HP LaserJet 1200, the rightspace on m's is missing, so
> >  every m runs into the next character.  Printing from kedit (f.e.)
> >  doesn't show this problem.  Anyone else seeing this?
> Using the same font? Any font?  What happens if you print to a pdf, then
> use kprinter to print the pdf?

This problem is deinately a kword only problem. You will probably find it 
works well with either postscript or truetype fonts, and badly with the other 
(i forget which way round). Printing to file makes no difference as the same 
postscript is still generated. Kword has been plagued by problems with its 
printing system, most of which have been cleared up. If your not using the 
latest version it would definately be worth upgrading. I personally have 
always found to be better (albeit slower and less kde 
integrated) than koffice, in terms of features and reliability. Although it 
does need some LD_PRELOAD= and interface font changes before it works well 
for me.


Re: Miscellaneous issues

2002-12-09 Thread David Bishop

> A man, a plan, a caret, a ban, a myriad, a sum, a lac, a liar, a hoop, a ...

> Panama! - Dan Hoey

Um, sorry about that.  Was messing around and obviously attached the wrong 
thing as a sig :-P  Won't happen again

Re: Miscellaneous issues

2002-12-09 Thread David Bishop
On Monday 09 December 2002 05:04 am, jedd wrote:
>  Howdi,
>  I've rtfa'd, but can't find much info on these issues that are
>  currently confusing / annoying me.  I'm using kde 3.0.3 debs,
>  with a mostly sarge, partly sid, system.  Kernel 2.4.19 (custom),
>  and using KDE natively on XFree 4 as well as via VNC.  Mostly
>  I work around problems I find, but building a box from scratch
>  for the girlfriend recently highlighted a lot of things I'd never
>  noticed before.  I'm hoping someone can help with at least
>  one of these.  :)

I'm not up on all of these, but I'll help where I can.

>  CD burning.   Arson seems the best of breed, as far as aesthetics
>  go, but it gets mighty confused with my ide-scsi sg0 cdrom
>  device (AOpen 32x).  gcombust gets further, but it's a less
>  consistent UI.  Arson's lack of data-burning functionality is
>  a bit weird.   What do most Debian / KDE3 users use?  (I'd
>  normally use mkiso / cdrecord in konsole, but the girly's
>  not really into the CLI ... yet.  ;)

I used gcombust for a long time, and it worked great.  I'm now using k3b, 
which is the first KDE-based cd burner app that works as well.  I am now 
using 3.1, so I can't tell you how k3b will work for you, but gcombust is 
fine (confused yet?).

>  Browsing (file).  Maybe it's an MS-ism, but opening the sub-dirs
>  in the lefthand pane doesn't scroll the pane up (to reveal the bit
>  that you just descended into).  Is that normal?  Configurable?

It took me a little while to figure out what you were talking about.  I do not 
think that is configurable.  I guess I'm used to using the scroll-wheel to 
move it down, and I don't use Windows so I can't tell you what the MS-ism is 

>  Printing m's.  I *think* this is a KWord issue.  When printing
>  to my HP LaserJet 1200, the rightspace on m's is missing, so
>  every m runs into the next character.  Printing from kedit (f.e.)
>  doesn't show this problem.  Anyone else seeing this?

Using the same font? Any font?  What happens if you print to a pdf, then use 
kprinter to print the pdf?

>  PDF's.  kghostview barfs on pretty much any pdf I throw at it,
>  but gv copes with the same file(s), which is particularly weird.
>  Anyone else seeing this with kghostview .v. gv?

I have vague recollections of this being a problem with those packages.  
Search the list archives for kghostview, to see what the fix was (there was a 

>  xmms-arts.  It doesn't seem to be available as a deb with kde3,
>  or am I missing something obvious?  There's a several second
>  delay after trying to start an mp3 file with xmms.  I installed
>  the custom deb for xmms-kde, which is also damned sexy, but
>  it's just a front-end so didn't affect this problem.  I'm sure there
>  was an arts-output for xmms in the kde2 debs . . . (?).

The solution for this is to set your artsd timeout to something very low (or 
turn it off, if you don't use noatun/kaboodle), and the use the OSS output 
for xmms.  At least I've never had anything but problems with the arts output 
for xmms.  On the other hand, I now use noatun exclusively, so maybe its 
improved in the meantime.

>  file .v. web konqing -- I'm sure I used to have the 'home' button
>  configured to take me to ~ when doing file-browsing, and to take
>  me to http://localhost when doing web-browsing, in earlier
>  versions of the deb's for KDE.  Is this a lost feature now?

Hrm, I'd never figured out how to do that (set seperate homes).  So to me it's 
a "never had" feature :-)

>  konq-web peculiarities.  I've seen others mention some sites that
>  they get bad performance on -- for me it's,
>  which is strange because they're pretty pro-GNU/Linux.  I get
>  really slow loads on what are mostly text pages, and about half
>  the time I get pages devoid of text.  Do others get this with them,
>  or is the problem at my end?

This may be the ip6 problem that was bandied about here a little while ago.  
You'd probably be best served again by checking the archives for the various 

>  home/end key mapping - on VNC this works fine, doing shift-end
>  to select to end of line.  On direct console (different machine,
>  same set of deb's) shift-end on the numeric keypad just shows a '1'.
>  I think I saw something about this, but googling on the relevant
>  keywords is less than satisfying.

I don't actually know what you're talking about here.  In bash? In a text 
editor?  I get 1 if my num-lock isn't on, but a capital F in bash, and the 
"select to end of line" behavior in KMail's composer if it is.  I mean, I 
feel dumb for suggesting it, but did you check your numlock?

Hope that helps.


A man, a plan, a caret, a ban, a myriad, a sum, a lac, a liar, a hoop, a pint, 
a catalpa, a gas, an oil, a bird, a yell, a vat, a caw, a pax, a wag, a tax, 
a nay, a ram, a cap, a yam, a gay, a tsar, a wall, a car, a luger, a ward, a 
bin, a woman, a vassal, a wolf, a tuna, a nit, a pall, a fret, a 

Miscellaneous issues

2002-12-09 Thread jedd

 I've rtfa'd, but can't find much info on these issues that are
 currently confusing / annoying me.  I'm using kde 3.0.3 debs,
 with a mostly sarge, partly sid, system.  Kernel 2.4.19 (custom),
 and using KDE natively on XFree 4 as well as via VNC.  Mostly
 I work around problems I find, but building a box from scratch
 for the girlfriend recently highlighted a lot of things I'd never
 noticed before.  I'm hoping someone can help with at least
 one of these.  :)

 Multiple X consoles.  I made the changes in /etc/kde3/kdm/Xservers
 file, and set it up for three consoles.  When a user logs in and then
 selects Logout/Shutdown, the machine hangs .. *until* I Ctrl-Alt-F?
 to another kdm-controlled X console, which then partly starts up,
 and lets the machine shut down.  Weird.  Can I make kdm properly
 start all three kdm login screens at boot?  (It only seems to start
 the X server, showing the NVidia splash screen, when you switch
 to a different console.)  And, of course, sometimes the whole console
 just refuses to talk to me after I do a shutdown or login-as-diff-user,
 but for some reason I find that kind of bug easier to deal with.

 kppp.  Never used this before, but gosh it's damned sexy.  Couldn't
 get it to connect for anything other than root, though, despite dig
 and dialout group membership.  Ended up setting suid-root on
 /usr/bin/kppp (previously suid-group (dip)).  Weird, because the
 pppd daemon was definitely spawning as root.  Tried to set the
 noauth stuff in /etc/ppp and also in kppp, but the former was
 ignored, and the latter gave an error that we didn't have perms
 to do it (unless we were root).

 CD burning.   Arson seems the best of breed, as far as aesthetics
 go, but it gets mighty confused with my ide-scsi sg0 cdrom
 device (AOpen 32x).  gcombust gets further, but it's a less
 consistent UI.  Arson's lack of data-burning functionality is
 a bit weird.   What do most Debian / KDE3 users use?  (I'd
 normally use mkiso / cdrecord in konsole, but the girly's
 not really into the CLI ... yet.  ;)

 Browsing (file).  Maybe it's an MS-ism, but opening the sub-dirs
 in the lefthand pane doesn't scroll the pane up (to reveal the bit
 that you just descended into).  Is that normal?  Configurable?

 Printing m's.  I *think* this is a KWord issue.  When printing
 to my HP LaserJet 1200, the rightspace on m's is missing, so
 every m runs into the next character.  Printing from kedit (f.e.)
 doesn't show this problem.  Anyone else seeing this?

 PDF's.  kghostview barfs on pretty much any pdf I throw at it,
 but gv copes with the same file(s), which is particularly weird.
 Anyone else seeing this with kghostview .v. gv?

 xmms-arts.  It doesn't seem to be available as a deb with kde3,
 or am I missing something obvious?  There's a several second
 delay after trying to start an mp3 file with xmms.  I installed
 the custom deb for xmms-kde, which is also damned sexy, but
 it's just a front-end so didn't affect this problem.  I'm sure there
 was an arts-output for xmms in the kde2 debs . . . (?).

 file .v. web konqing -- I'm sure I used to have the 'home' button
 configured to take me to ~ when doing file-browsing, and to take
 me to http://localhost when doing web-browsing, in earlier
 versions of the deb's for KDE.  Is this a lost feature now?

 konq-web peculiarities.  I've seen others mention some sites that
 they get bad performance on -- for me it's,
 which is strange because they're pretty pro-GNU/Linux.  I get
 really slow loads on what are mostly text pages, and about half
 the time I get pages devoid of text.  Do others get this with them,
 or is the problem at my end?

 home/end key mapping - on VNC this works fine, doing shift-end
 to select to end of line.  On direct console (different machine,
 same set of deb's) shift-end on the numeric keypad just shows a '1'.
 I think I saw something about this, but googling on the relevant
 keywords is less than satisfying.
