I can't get Marble working right. I have a proxy, and it's configured via
http_proxy sistem variable. KDE uses that variable for proxy. All programs
works fine in that way, but marble doesn't. It just shows the maps I
installed by default, and OpenStreet shows nothing.
I have tried the proxy setting in marble, with the same results.
I'm using Marble 0.7.1 and KDE 4.2.1.
Using it form command line, this is part of the output:

Download rejected: It's being downloaded already.
Download rejected: It's being downloaded already.
Download rejected: It's being downloaded already.
RESET started
RESET stopped
Detecting maxLabelHeight ...
"Download of maps/earth/openstreetmap/1/0/0.png Blacklisted. Number of
blacklist items: 3"
"Download of maps/earth/openstreetmap/1/1/0.png Blacklisted. Number of
blacklist items: 4"
"Download of maps/earth/openstreetmap/1/1/1.png Blacklisted. Number of
blacklist items: 5"

Some one can use Marble with proxy? A use other geo software with success
trought the same proxy (with openstreet for example), thats why I think that
may be a marble bug.


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