hello I am writing because I have not been able to connect to my hotmail account neither messenger, if I try my messenger I got a dialog box saying 
'we were unable to sign you into the .NET Messenger Service, possibly because of a problem with your internet connection. Please try again later. 0x81000370'
if I try hotmail with explorer I receive 'the page cannot be displayed', through netscape I receive a dialog box saying 'Alert the connection was refused when attempting to contact logginet.passport.com'
I find this problem very wierd because I have been able to connect to the rest of the web, even yahoo mails, and any other web page. I try desinstalling my msn and installing it again and it didn't work. I been able to check my inbox through outlook express, please help me, I don't know what else can I do!!!!!!
I have windows ME, and DSL connection provided by Verizon.
Thanks in advanced, regards, Victoria.

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