After a clean reboot, I began experimenting to find repeatable steps to duplicate the problem.

I have the following programs running across 9 workspaces (which are always running on my machine): Chromium & gPHPEdit, Web (Ephiphany) & Geany, and Terminator (running a split screen). The problem does not manifest itself yet.

I open a Terminal running Screen plus Files (Nautilus) plus Document Viewer (Evince). Then the problem begins to manifest itself, and it grows worse as I experiment.

FIRST MANIFESTATION: I open a youtube video in Chromium and it begins playing. When I move my mouse pointer from the surrounding page across the embedded video, or back again, the screen goes black for 1 second. This manifestation is not sporadic. It happens almost every single time, provided the above conditions are met.

SECOND MANIFESTATION: When I type something in Terminator, the screen goes black for 1 second. This manifestation is sporadic. It happens from time to time, provided the above conditions are met.

THIRD MANIFESTATION: When I open Software, and I type a term in the Search field, the screen goes black for 1 second. This manifestation is sporadic. I happens only sometimes.

FOURTH MANIFESTATION: When I type into Bash running in Terminal, the screen goes black for 1 second. This manifestation is sporadic. I happens only sometimes.

OBSERVATION: As I experiment and open additional copies of Document Viewer (Evince), the problem seems to get much worse. The screen goes black for longer periods of time, and when it returns, it is frequently scrambled up, goes black again, and then returns to normal.

NOTE: I have 8GB of RAM. I have been routinely doing these activities and much more for the past 4 months, with no problems. I do not believe that I am near to maxing out memory. This problem appeared with the upgrade to Debian 9.3.

I am looking into how I can downgrade the kernel without causing further problems. This is my only, my primary work machine. I cannot afford to screw it up. I don't have a second computer to experiment with. Sorry.

I am happy to help with any reasonable troubleshooting steps. Thanks.

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