Persons involved in kernel development of debian os

2017-07-04 Thread pushpinder manhas

 I had some querry regarding BOSS os. Before going further i needed some
piece of info if can be given by you.
Can you please share with me the names of original team who developed
debian os and its kernel.

P S Manhas

Re: Persons involved in kernel development of debian os

2017-07-06 Thread Laurence Parry
> Can you please share with me the names of original team
> who developed debian os and its kernel.

There are several hundred Debian Developers and Maintainers:

Since Debian was founded in the 1990s many have joined and left the project, 
but a few key names are here:

Debian is mostly put together from pieces developed by others.
Many only have responsibility for a small part of the system,
in the case of Maintainers perhaps because they are involved
with an upstream project which actually develops the software.
What Debian brings to the table is organization into a product.

As for the kernel, it is Linux, with some Debian patches.
A very long list of Linux kernel maintainers is available at
It may be useful if you have questions about particular subsystems.

> I had some querry regarding BOSS os.

BOSS appears to be a derived distribution of Debian

BOSS's creators take parts of Debian and modify it to their needs, selecting 
packages, adjusting software configuration and the user interface. They may 
know lots about the software they use, or only about their modifications.

In some cases, it *may* help to talk to the people working on Debian or the 
Linux kernel itself. This mailing list is a good place to discuss issues 
with the releases of the Linux kernel provided by Debian. If BOSS directly 
uses these releases, it might be a good place to ask for help. But Debian 
developers do not know and are not responsible for anything BOSS does with 
Debian after it has left their hands, including specific kernel 
configurations or its interaction with BOSS software which might be causing 
any problems you have.

Similarly, Linux maintainers would not know about anything Debian or BOSS 
did. So it's a good idea to go up the tree slowly - ask BOSS, then Debian, 
then specific maintainers, rather than try to jump to the top. If you've 
explained a problem and the first person says "I don't know", it may be time 
to talk to someone higher.

Best regards,
Laurence "GreenReaper" Parry - - -
"Eternity lies ahead of us, and behind. Have you drunk your fill?"