Re: that is, thought he

2004-10-25 Por tôpico Becky West
R e finance before Election when the  r a tes will rise!
It is your last chance

You are already approv e d  with 3.0 point

Thank you.

Becky West

Iprofession escherichia drippy brush
me aleph. riley bitnet

[MailServer Notification] To External Sender: a virus was found a nd action taken.

2004-10-25 Por tôpico DFCELARQSCS01-SA
Title: [MailServer Notification] To External Sender: a virus was found and action taken.

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange took action on the message.  The message details were: 
Sender =
Recipient(s) = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject = hello
Scanning time = 10/25/2004 15:17:46
Engine/Pattern = 7.000-1004/2.216.00

Action taken on message:
The attachment contained WORM_NETSKY.B virus. ScanMail took the action: Deleted. 
Aviso!  [EMAIL PROTECTED] O ScanMail detectou um virus em um e-mail que voce enviou a [EMAIL PROTECTED];. A ação foi: 

Warning! [EMAIL PROTECTED] ScanMail has detected a virus in an email you sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED];.  Action: 

[MailServer Notification] To External Sender: a virus was found a nd action taken.

2004-10-25 Por tôpico System Attendant
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange took action on the message.  The message
details were: 
Sender =
Recipient(s) = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject = Important m$6h?3p
Scanning time = 10/25/2004 18:36:31
Engine/Pattern = 7.100-1003/2.216.00

Action taken on message:
The attachment contained WORM_NETSKY.P virus. ScanMail took
the action: Deleted. 


Un virus a été détecté dans le message que vous nous avez envoyé.
La pièce jointe infectée ne sera peut-être pas correctement transmise à (
aux ) destinataire(s).
Vous devrez eventuellement l'envoyer à nouveau après avoir supprimé le

Date d'envoi : 10/25/2004 06:36 PM
Destinataire(s) : [EMAIL PROTECTED];]
Titre : Important m$6h?3p
Fichier infecté : 

Nous vous conseillons vivement d'executer un programme anti-virus sur votre

L'équipe du support technique FNAC.



2004-10-25 Por tôpico Pedro Rodrigues