[BTS#848248] po-debconf://dbconfig-common/ru.po

2016-12-15 Пенетрантность Yuri Kozlov

Это информационное письмо предназначено для
автоматической регистрации перевода в системе учёта.

Best Regards,
Yuri Kozlov

Validation failed

2016-12-15 Пенетрантность Debian Webmaster
*** Errors validating
/srv/www.debian.org/www/international/l10n/po/en_GB.ru.html: ***
Line 120, character 351:  "128513" is not a character number in the
document character set
Line 300, character 337:  "128513" is not a character number in the
document character set
Line 1295, character 241:  "128513" is not a character number in the
document character set

 You received this mail for the language code ru.
 Please edit webwml/english/devel/website/validation.data if this is not 
 Please also update webwml/english/devel/website/ with the new coordinator(s) 