Re: copyright violation in libflash

2002-08-04 Thread Aubin Paul
Hi Robert,

Thanks for bring this to my attention; I agree that we should remove the 
package, as I
checked the two files and both mention that they are derived from sample code. 
I can't
believe I didn't see that; I thought the only copyright violation was the old 
from Mozilla which was replaced. 


P.S. Is Oliver using my patches? 

On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 11:37:12PM +0200, Robert Millan wrote:
 Hi Aubin!
 Olivier Debon (upstream maintainer of libflash) just told me that
 some files in libflash cannot be licensed under the GPL:
 because they are (or appear to be) a derived work from macromedia's
 copyrighted code. he said he's working on a replacement and will
 release a fixed version in a few weeks.
 please could you invistigate on this? it could be that libflash needs to
 be removed from debian until the issue is solved.
 I'm CCing debian-legal
 Robert Millan
 5 years from now everyone will be running
 free GNU on their 200 MIPS, 64M SPARCstation-5
   Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 30 Jan 1992

GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Ralf Treinen
Is it OK to distribute a script, which is
- licencend under GPL.
- intended to be executed by a non-free interpreter.

Background: I'm intending to package maria (ITP at bug #146320), which
is licenced under GPL. Besides the main tool, called maria, it also
contains a script, called maria-vis, which can be used to visualise the
output of maria. It is a script for the lefty interpreter, which is
part of the non-free graphviz package. The first line of maria-vis is


I was intending to split maria into several binary packages, in particular
- maria: the core. Goes into main, suggests maria-vis
- maria-vis: the mentioned script + manpage. Goes into contrib, depends
  on graphviz.

When I sent my ITP on debian-devel today, Moshe Zadka claimed that
even distributing maria-viz would be illegal.

Can please someone advise whether this is really the case?

Thanks. -Ralf.

Re: GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Chris Lawrence
On Aug 04, Ralf Treinen wrote:
 Is it OK to distribute a script, which is
 - licencend under GPL.
 - intended to be executed by a non-free interpreter.
 When I sent my ITP on debian-devel today, Moshe Zadka claimed that
 even distributing maria-viz would be illegal.
 Can please someone advise whether this is really the case?

I do not believe the Free Software Foundation interprets the GPL in
this manner.  After all, some GNU software includes code that is only
intended to work with non-free compilers and make implementations.  I
believe there is GPL'ed software in contrib that requires certain
(non-free) Java class libraries as well.

The issue in the case of this program is perhaps even more narrowly
cast, since there is a free alternative to (at least some of) graphviz
(, and it is entirely
possible to develop a free alternative for the particular interpreter
in question.

Chris Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Instructor and Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science, Univ. of Mississippi
208 Deupree Hall - 662-915-5765

Description: PGP signature

RE: GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
To take Chris Lawrence's post a step further, what is the difference between
having a pound-bang line for a non-free interpreter and executing a GPL binary
on a closed source system?  It is permissible for libc to be non-free and a
program to use it.  The closed system's kernel is for all intents and purposes
an interpreter.

I think this is simply ideology getting in the way.

Re: GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 05:58:19PM +0200, Ralf Treinen wrote:
 Is it OK to distribute a script, which is
 - licencend under GPL.
 - intended to be executed by a non-free interpreter.

 Background: I'm intending to package maria (ITP at bug #146320), which
 is licenced under GPL. Besides the main tool, called maria, it also
 contains a script, called maria-vis, which can be used to visualise the
 output of maria. It is a script for the lefty interpreter, which is
 part of the non-free graphviz package. The first line of maria-vis is


 I was intending to split maria into several binary packages, in particular
 - maria: the core. Goes into main, suggests maria-vis
 - maria-vis: the mentioned script + manpage. Goes into contrib, depends
   on graphviz.

 When I sent my ITP on debian-devel today, Moshe Zadka claimed that
 even distributing maria-viz would be illegal.

 Can please someone advise whether this is really the case?

It is ok to redistribute it by itself; if you distribute it with the
interpreter (which is the case in Debian), I believe the GPL requires you
to also distribute the interpreter's source under the GPL.  Therefore, if
the interpreter is not GPL-compatible, the letter of the GPL says you
cannot distribute this script in Debian.

However, you can do so easily if you get an exemption from the author
saying it's ok to distribute it with the lefty interpreter in spite of
the interpreter's license.  Legally, this is the least ambiguous
solution, so I recommend seeking this license exception from the author
to prevent future objections.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 10:14:59AM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 To take Chris Lawrence's post a step further, what is the difference between
 having a pound-bang line for a non-free interpreter and executing a GPL binary
 on a closed source system?  It is permissible for libc to be non-free and a
 program to use it.  The closed system's kernel is for all intents and purposes
 an interpreter.

None whatsoever -- which is why, in both cases, shipping the GPLed work
WITH the GPL-incompatible component it depends on is prohibited.

 I think this is simply ideology getting in the way.

Odd, I thought ideology was the point of the GPL. ;)

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Jeff Licquia
On Sun, 2002-08-04 at 12:47, Steve Langasek wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 05:58:19PM +0200, Ralf Treinen wrote:
  When I sent my ITP on debian-devel today, Moshe Zadka claimed that
  even distributing maria-viz would be illegal.
  Can please someone advise whether this is really the case?
 It is ok to redistribute it by itself; if you distribute it with the
 interpreter (which is the case in Debian), I believe the GPL requires you
 to also distribute the interpreter's source under the GPL.  Therefore, if
 the interpreter is not GPL-compatible, the letter of the GPL says you
 cannot distribute this script in Debian.

Forgive my ignorance, but is this the general policy for GPL packages in
contrib that depend on packages in non-free?  It's been often quoted
that contrib and non-free are not part of Debian; I'm wondering if
this determination has an effect on the licensing question.

The idea in my head is that contrib and non-free are separate.  Of
course, if you create a contrib/non-free CD, you might have problems,
but I thought that Debian didn't make any guarantees about third-party
distribution of non-free.

 However, you can do so easily if you get an exemption from the author
 saying it's ok to distribute it with the lefty interpreter in spite of
 the interpreter's license.  Legally, this is the least ambiguous
 solution, so I recommend seeking this license exception from the author
 to prevent future objections.

I can't argue with this logic, no matter the conclusion of my previous

Re: GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Alan Shutko
Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It is ok to redistribute it by itself; if you distribute it with the
 interpreter (which is the case in Debian), I believe the GPL requires you
 to also distribute the interpreter's source under the GPL.

What clause of the GPL requires you to do this?

It seems that this link is apropos:

Alan Shutko [EMAIL PROTECTED] - In a variety of flavors!
In cyberspace no one can hear your stomach rumble.

Re: Font license recommendation

2002-08-04 Thread Jeff Licquia
On Fri, 2002-08-02 at 17:24, Lars Hellström wrote:
 It odd to see such a conviction that this is aggregation, which is
 harmless here on this list, considering that it was recently claimed that
 a tarball (!) must be considered to be single work until proof of the
 contrary has been obtained, without any objections from the regulars. Can
 anyone think of any use other than aggregation for a tarball? But perhaps
 there are double standards at work ...

I argued that a tarball must be considered a derived work, but I was
arguing in reference to the LPPL, not the GPL.  The draft of the LPPL
under discussion at that point had no mere aggregation clause.

There is no question that a tarball is a derived work of the files
contained within it.  The GPL, however, allows that its conditions
concerning derived works need not hold to mere aggregations, which
allows the kinds of discussions we're having here.  The LPPL does not
allow these kinds of discussions, however, because it lacks a similar

Re: GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 02:59:17PM -0400, Alan Shutko wrote:
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  It is ok to redistribute it by itself; if you distribute it with the
  interpreter (which is the case in Debian), I believe the GPL requires you
  to also distribute the interpreter's source under the GPL.

 What clause of the GPL requires you to do this?

The GPL's definition of source code is:

 The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
 making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
 code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
 associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
 control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
 special exception, the source code distributed need not include
 anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
 form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
 operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
 itself accompanies the executable.

Interpreters are not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the definition, but
their function is most similar to compilers and kernels -- the major
components of the operating system on which the executable runs.  There
is sufficient ambiguity that I believe obtaining an explicit license
exception is safest for all involved.

 It seems that this link is apropos:

The question presented there is, If a programming language interpreter
has a license that is incompatible with the GPL, can I run GPL-covered
programs on it?, but running such programs is not the issue --
distributing them is.  In light of the wording of the GPL, that FAQ
answer seems to only cloud the issue, IMHO.

It is also based on the FSF's interpretation of the GPL; their
interpretation is not legally authoritative, particularly when they don't
hold the copyright on the work in question.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 01:57:52PM -0500, Jeff Licquia wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-08-04 at 12:47, Steve Langasek wrote:
  On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 05:58:19PM +0200, Ralf Treinen wrote:
   When I sent my ITP on debian-devel today, Moshe Zadka claimed that
   even distributing maria-viz would be illegal.

   Can please someone advise whether this is really the case?

  It is ok to redistribute it by itself; if you distribute it with the
  interpreter (which is the case in Debian), I believe the GPL requires you
  to also distribute the interpreter's source under the GPL.  Therefore, if
  the interpreter is not GPL-compatible, the letter of the GPL says you
  cannot distribute this script in Debian.

 Forgive my ignorance, but is this the general policy for GPL packages in
 contrib that depend on packages in non-free?  It's been often quoted
 that contrib and non-free are not part of Debian; I'm wondering if
 this determination has an effect on the licensing question.

 The idea in my head is that contrib and non-free are separate.  Of
 course, if you create a contrib/non-free CD, you might have problems,
 but I thought that Debian didn't make any guarantees about third-party
 distribution of non-free.

The ignorance appears to have been mine; I assumed that the interpreter
was GPL-incompatible, but still free.  If it's non-free, then we don't
risk shipping them together, since non-free, main, and contrib are each
regarded separately, and Debian does not ship non-free as part of the
standard CD sets.  We even go so far as to warn distributors about the
potential legal tangles of shipping non-free; this is just one more.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: GPL-script to be run on a non-free interpreter

2002-08-04 Thread Alan Shutko
Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The GPL's definition of source code is:

Clause 3 means that if you ship an executable or object code form of
a work, you do not need to ship the compiler and kernel source unless
you are including the compiler or kernel with the executable.

Debian would not be shipping an executable or object code form of a
script, since the script _is_ source, therefore distribution would
fall under clause 2, which has no such problems.  I could see this
being a problem with a non-free language with something like the perl
compiler or Emacs byte-compiler, if we only shipped compiled
versions, but it isn't a problem here.

Alan Shutko [EMAIL PROTECTED] - In a variety of flavors!
The Illuminati aren't out to get you. What was your name?

Re: copyright violation in libflash

2002-08-04 Thread Robert Millan

Hi Aubin,

On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 10:13:39AM -0500, Aubin Paul wrote:
 Thanks for bring this to my attention; I agree that we should remove the 
 package, as I
 checked the two files and both mention that they are derived from sample 
 code. I can't
 believe I didn't see that; I thought the only copyright violation was the old 
 from Mozilla which was replaced. 

good luck. Hope that Oliver brings a solution soon..

 P.S. Is Oliver using my patches? 

I think so, I sent them a while ago and he accepted them

Robert Millan

5 years from now everyone will be running
free GNU on their 200 MIPS, 64M SPARCstation-5

  Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 30 Jan 1992

Re: Font license recommendation

2002-08-04 Thread Lars Hellström
At 00.53 +0200 2002-08-03, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
Lars Hellström  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I doubt this argument could work. However if it did then it certainly would
 provide a technical solution to the (obnoxious?) GPL incompatibility
 problem: just design the linker so that it pads the executable with markup
 saying beginning/end of material that is part of the work XXX, and then
 claim the file is an aggrevation of different works, which just happens to
 be interpreted as an executable program by the OS.

Since things like intention matter--and not just technical
mechanism--this is just FUD.


On what do you base your opinion that intent has any significance for
whether the GPL allows an action? It clearly says

  You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
  except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
  otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
  void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

and I don't see any reference in it to the intent of the licensee (only to
the intent of the license, but that is something quite different).

Furthermore I don't see that there would necessarily be any difference in
intent. Certainly if one writes a program whose only purpose is to
demonstrate a legal loophole there would be a difference in intent, but
that isn't the interesting case. In the interesting case the intent is to
make a single file program, incorporating various pieces of free software
(some of which are GPL and some of which are GPL-incompatible), that does
X. The X could be to display a certain picture; PS files can have this
intent, but there are also C programs with the same intent.

And just to make sure we're clear on what my point is: Incorporating a
GPLed font in a PS document does, in contrast to what you claimed, have (in
many cases) unwanted legal implications; if it didn't then there would be a
simple workaround for GPL-incompatibility.

Lars Hellström

Bug#155396: ITP: iso-codes -- Collection of ISO code lists and their translations

2002-08-04 Thread David Starner

 Package: wnpp
 Version: N/A; reported 2002-08-04
 Severity: wishlist

 * Package name: iso-codes
   Version : 1.0
   Upstream Author : Alastair McKinstry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * URL :

 * License : GPL
   Description : Collection of ISO code lists and their translations

 This package is (to be) a collection of ISO code lists:
   - ISO 639 Language codes
   - ISO 3166 Country codes
   - ISO 3166-2 country code subdivisions
   - ISO 4217 Currency codes

 and their translations (50+ languages so far).

This is very problematic. First place, I don't see where we can distribute
ISO 3166-2 _at all_. See where
ISO 3166-2 is only offered for sale. Secondly, I don't see how we can relicense
the others - under an indeterminate license - and their derivatives
(translations) under the GPL. It also seems counter-productive; more than GPL
programs need to use these.

Re: Font license recommendation

2002-08-04 Thread Jeff Licquia
On Sun, 2002-08-04 at 17:53, Lars Hellström wrote:
 At 00.53 +0200 2002-08-03, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
 Lars Hellström  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I doubt this argument could work. However if it did then it certainly would
  provide a technical solution to the (obnoxious?) GPL incompatibility
  problem: just design the linker so that it pads the executable with markup
  saying beginning/end of material that is part of the work XXX, and then
  claim the file is an aggrevation of different works, which just happens to
  be interpreted as an executable program by the OS.
 Since things like intention matter--and not just technical
 mechanism--this is just FUD.
 FUD ?
 On what do you base your opinion that intent has any significance for
 whether the GPL allows an action? 

Well, there's this:

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. (section 3)

Preferred is an intent, last time I checked.  It's used against people
who use obfuscators on their source before distribution, for example,
because no one in their right mind would intend to edit the obfuscated
source to add features or fix bugs.

There's also this:

The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from
the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on
the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). 
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

What the Program does is also intent.

Incidentally, the latter paragraph also provides reason to believe that
a PostScript file generated using a GPL font does not become tainted
with the source requirements of the GPL.  (No, it's not clear-cut; I'm
not necessarily arguing that it's the case, just that it's possible.)

 It clearly says
   You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
   except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
   otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
   void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
 and I don't see any reference in it to the intent of the licensee (only to
 the intent of the license, but that is something quite different).

That's because intent is a subject of other parts of the license.

 Furthermore I don't see that there would necessarily be any difference in
 intent. Certainly if one writes a program whose only purpose is to
 demonstrate a legal loophole there would be a difference in intent, but
 that isn't the interesting case. In the interesting case the intent is to
 make a single file program, incorporating various pieces of free software
 (some of which are GPL and some of which are GPL-incompatible), that does
 X. The X could be to display a certain picture; PS files can have this
 intent, but there are also C programs with the same intent.

Well, let's take the Gimp.  It processes one image file into another,
and is GPLed.  Does that have any implication on the legal status of
either image?  What if the original is GPLed?  Especially given that
most image formats are their own preferred format for modification,
things are not so clear as they might seem.

One could make the case that a font is an interpreted language, with the
font renderer as the interpreter.  In that case, a rendered glyph could
be considered output from the Program.  OTOH, the font could be
considered data that is input by a font renderer; in that case, the
rendered glyphs could be considered derived works.

Then again, if you're using the Gimp to create a PNG with text rendered
in a GPLed font, it wouldn't matter; the PNG file is its own preferred
format.  But an EPS or SVG might, especially if the font is required to
process the file properly.  Indeed, a vector image file format could
itself be described as a program; PostScript is even considered Turing
complete, if my memory serves me.  But what if you convert a PNG to an
EPS, and add some text with a GPLed font?  What constitutes the
source?  If the PNG is proprietary, have you just violated the GPL?

The details of embedding could even make a difference.  One could embed
bitmaps generated by the font instead of the font itself, which would
clearly be output from the Program.  Bitmap fonts would themselves be
in the preferred form, so their licensing status might not matter; at
that point, what would it matter if the fonts were embedded in another

In short, I don't think the question is as simple as you make it.

 And just to make sure we're clear on what my point is: Incorporating a
 GPLed font in a PS document does, in contrast to what you claimed, have (in
 many cases) unwanted legal implications; if it didn't then there would be a
 simple workaround for GPL-incompatibility.

That's entirely possible, but I remain unconvinced.