[OT] Maintaining something in order to be a developer

2004-08-06 Thread Josh Triplett
Joe Moore wrote:
 Personally, I'm quite interested in using Free software in Debian, but I
 don't have the time to maintain a Debian package.  Also, with over 8000
 packages in stable/main now (and over 14000 in unstable), I don't think
 Debian needs more packages just so that I can be a maintainer of

You might consider adopting an orphaned package that you use, or
assisting on an existing package; you don't have to package something
new to become a developer.

- Josh Triplett

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Re: Failure

2004-08-06 Thread Aktivitetskalender
Vi har den 22/5-04 fået ny e-mail adresse, som kan findes på bagsiden af 
Aktivitetskalenderen for Lyne Sogn.
Du må derfor sende din mail igen, denne gang på vor nye adresse.

mvh.  Gunnar Schmidt

Re: Suggestions of David Nusinow, was: RPSL and DFSG-compliance - choice of venue

2004-08-06 Thread Walter Landry
David Nusinow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 03:39:01AM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
  On Fri, 30 Jul 2004, David Nusinow wrote:
   I echo his point that this probably needs to be justified.
  In all of the cases to date, where we've gone against the
  interpretation of the FSF, we've done so with very careful
  justification of the reasoning behind our difference in opinion, and
  how that springs from the DFSG.
  The few thousand messages on the GFDL are a reasonable example of the
  process of justification that we have gone through.
 If there's one thing I would never accuse the participants of this list of,
 it's lack of care and thoroughness. My real concern is simply to allow these
 carefully formed conclusions to reflect the will of the project as a whole.

If there are people who disagree with the conclusions of debian-legal,
then they are free to discuss it on this mailing list.  This has
happened numerous times.  You seem to want to force people to care
about such issues.  If they care, they already browse debian-legal.

Walter Landry

Re: RPSL and DFSG-compliance - choice of venue

2004-08-06 Thread Walter Landry
Josh Triplett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steve McIntyre wrote:
  Josh Triplett writes:
 With that in mind, what if we just amended the DFSG to include a
 statement at the top explicitly acknowledging the Guidelines
 interpretation, and pointing out that the DFSG is not an exhaustive list
 of allowable license clauses?  That way, it is clearer that the DFSG
 cannot be used as a checklist, and that general-consensus
 interpretations about a license are valid.
  pass, or a simple majority of the small number of self-selecting
  interested posters to debian-legal, many of whom are not DDs? That's
  the point I've been trying to make for a long time here.
 I would tend to say a supermajority consensus on debian-legal, with the
 ability for the project as a whole to override such a decision with a
 GR, based on sections 4.1.3 and 4.2.2 of the Debian Constitution.  I
 suspect that such an ability would rarely be used, considering that it
 would be easier to simply get the developers who would vote for such a
 GR to help you argue your case on debian-legal.

Debian-legal is a mailing list.  That is it.  The people with real
power (ftp-master, RM, etc.) can decide to ignore debian-legal or not.
I understand that ftp-master generally goes by debian-legal consensus,
but they don't have to.  The former RM (Anthony Towns) recently did
not (and caused quite an uproar because of it).

 Note also that debian-policy is basically self-selecting (albeit with a
 more formal process), and it seems to work fine.
 As for some debian-legal members not being developers :), that is an
 issue to consider as well. On the one hand, many contributors to
 debian-legal are not DDs. On the other hand, we don't really want
 single-shot opinion mails from people uninterested in rational
 discussion. I would tend to say that if it became necessary to adopt a
 formal process, then it would have to be limited to DDs, while if the
 process remained semi-informal like it is now, then all contributors
 would probably be included in the informal do we have consensus check.

It would be interesting to see how many of these single-shot opinion
mails from people uninterested in rational discussion come from DD's
and how many come from third parties.  In the three years I've been
posting here, I've certainly seen plenty from both camps.

In general, I find this complaining about debian-legal to be
misplaced.  It is as if people started complaining that the french
localization list came up with a french style guide without
consulting anyone (oh, and they use this strange terminology called
French to discuss things).  If you are interested in french style
guides, then that is the obvious place to go.  Similarly, if you are
interested in legal issues, then you go to debian-legal.

Walter Landry

your request Confirmation

2004-08-06 Thread Forrest Burr

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Re: RPSL and DFSG-compliance

2004-08-06 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Aug 4, 2004, at 17:00, Rob Lanphier wrote:


[You sent this to a public mailing list, debian-legal@lists.debian.org, 
so I assume you want replies from people other than Branden.]

The process as it exists now is not at all unlike the IETF working 

process.  The main difference is that, while the debian-legal list
functions like an IETF working group list at first, there's not a clean
process for getting to closure.

There isn't really a process for getting closure because we realize 
that we have, in the past, certainly made mistakes; and we want to, if 
new arguments arise, revisit past decisions.

However, there is actually a formal procedure for accepting and 
challenging debian-legal decisions. debian-legal is actually an 
advisory body which advises the ftp-masters. The ftp-masters, delegated 
to do so by the DPL under the Debian Constitution, actually decide what 
may be in the archive, and in which section.

So, it is actually ftp-masters who decide if something is free. They 
just come here for advice.

There is also an appears procedure to override the ftp-masters' 
decisions; that procedure is spelled out in the Constitution. I just 
woke up, so don't quote me on this, but I think it takes a majority 
vote of the developers.

We've heard a long list of grievances with the RPSL 1.0, and it's
difficult to tease out which ones are showstoppers, and which ones are
nice to haves.

If we (debian-legal) endeavored to do an analysis of the license, and 
post a clear summary, would that help?

*  License-incompatible forking.  Our business model is predicated on
dual-licensing of the source code.  RPSL insures that we can continue 

reincorporate outside modifications into our dual-licensed codebase.

I'm not sure if requiring that is something -legal would consider a 
free license.

However, we certainly don't have a problem if you only accept patches 
which give you that permission. You mention below some other projects 
which do that; I'd like to add Best Practical (request-tracker) to the 
list as well, now.

*  Use, modification, or distribution by parties that wish to bring
patent lawsuits against us.

If you want this to be a defensive-only clause, I think we (-legal) are 
ok with that. We're generally less-ok with it when it would prohibit me 
from counter-suing if Real sued me first, or when it'd prohibit patent 
claims against parties other than Real.

Re: Suggestions of David Nusinow, was: RPSL and DFSG-compliance - choice of venue

2004-08-06 Thread Andreas Barth
* Walter Landry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040806 14:10]:
 If there are people who disagree with the conclusions of debian-legal,
 then they are free to discuss it on this mailing list.  This has
 happened numerous times.  You seem to want to force people to care
 about such issues.  If they care, they already browse debian-legal.

Some people who care have just given up to discuss here.

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

Re: RPSL and DFSG-compliance

2004-08-06 Thread Walter Landry
Rob Lanphier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  * What do you want to prohibit?
 You'll need to read the license for that.  However, tangible differences
 between RPSL and GPL are noted below:
 *  License-incompatible forking.  Our business model is predicated on
 dual-licensing of the source code.  RPSL insures that we can continue to
 reincorporate outside modifications into our dual-licensed codebase.  

Unless I am misunderstanding, I think that this is going to be a
showstopper.  As I argued earlier with a similar clause in the QPL [1],
this is essentially a fee that is paid to the initial developer in
exchange for being able to modify and distribute the software.

 *  Use, modification, or distribution by parties that wish to bring
 patent lawsuits against us.

If you suspend patent (but not copyright) grants for patent lawsuits,
then we don't have too much of a problem.  Since patents cover use and
distribution, that should cover you.  Anything more is over-reaching.

Walter Landry

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2004/07/msg01705.html

Re: RPSL and DFSG-compliance

2004-08-06 Thread Josh Triplett
Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
 On Aug 4, 2004, at 17:00, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 *  Use, modification, or distribution by parties that wish to bring
 patent lawsuits against us.
 If you want this to be a defensive-only clause, I think we (-legal) are
 ok with that. We're generally less-ok with it when it would prohibit me
 from counter-suing if Real sued me first, or when it'd prohibit patent
 claims against parties other than Real.

s/parties other than Real/software other than the RPSLed software in
question/ , right?  Otherwise, a patent holder could sue all users of
the software other than Real, and unless that patent holder's license is
revoked, they could effectively control distribution of the software.

I think the real issue :) is that the clause must be limited to patent
lawsuits _over the piece of RPSLed software_.

- Josh Triplett

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: RPSL and DFSG-compliance - choice of venue

2004-08-06 Thread Josh Triplett
Walter Landry wrote:
 Josh Triplett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Steve McIntyre wrote:

Josh Triplett writes:

With that in mind, what if we just amended the DFSG to include a
statement at the top explicitly acknowledging the Guidelines
interpretation, and pointing out that the DFSG is not an exhaustive list
of allowable license clauses?  That way, it is clearer that the DFSG
cannot be used as a checklist, and that general-consensus
interpretations about a license are valid.

pass, or a simple majority of the small number of self-selecting
interested posters to debian-legal, many of whom are not DDs? That's
the point I've been trying to make for a long time here.

I would tend to say a supermajority consensus on debian-legal, with the
ability for the project as a whole to override such a decision with a
GR, based on sections 4.1.3 and 4.2.2 of the Debian Constitution.  I
suspect that such an ability would rarely be used, considering that it
would be easier to simply get the developers who would vote for such a
GR to help you argue your case on debian-legal.
 Debian-legal is a mailing list.  That is it.  The people with real
 power (ftp-master, RM, etc.) can decide to ignore debian-legal or not.
 I understand that ftp-master generally goes by debian-legal consensus,
 but they don't have to.  The former RM (Anthony Towns) recently did
 not (and caused quite an uproar because of it).

Good point.  So whatever method we use would be solely for the purposes
of making consensus clear to the decision-makers, and the project as a
whole would not be appealing our consensus, but the decisions based on
that consensus, which they can already do.

Nevertheless, I still believe the Guidelines approach should be
spelled out explicitly, to avoid further issues with people stating that
complaints not specifically following from a DFSG point are not
relevant.  Freeness cannot be reduced to a checklist, and we need to
make that clear.

Note also that debian-policy is basically self-selecting (albeit with a
more formal process), and it seems to work fine.

As for some debian-legal members not being developers :), that is an
issue to consider as well. On the one hand, many contributors to
debian-legal are not DDs. On the other hand, we don't really want
single-shot opinion mails from people uninterested in rational
discussion. I would tend to say that if it became necessary to adopt a
formal process, then it would have to be limited to DDs, while if the
process remained semi-informal like it is now, then all contributors
would probably be included in the informal do we have consensus check.
 It would be interesting to see how many of these single-shot opinion
 mails from people uninterested in rational discussion come from DD's
 and how many come from third parties.  In the three years I've been
 posting here, I've certainly seen plenty from both camps.

:)  Certainly true.  In this case, I was more thinking of the effect in
a more formal process of stuffing the ballot box, by getting many
different people to send a mail voting in the process without actually
considering the issue.

However, given what you mention above, I don't think such a formal
process is necessary.

 In general, I find this complaining about debian-legal to be
 misplaced.  It is as if people started complaining that the french
 localization list came up with a french style guide without
 consulting anyone (oh, and they use this strange terminology called
 French to discuss things).  If you are interested in french style
 guides, then that is the obvious place to go.  Similarly, if you are
 interested in legal issues, then you go to debian-legal.

I strongly agree.  debian-legal is an open list, after all.

- Josh Triplett

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: RPSL and DFSG-compliance

2004-08-06 Thread Brian Thomas Sniffen
Rob Lanphier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 11:15, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 Rob Lanphier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 10:48, Matthew Garrett wrote:
  Rob Lanphier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Let me get this straight.  The freedom that you are trying to protect is
   the freedom to drag an ecosystem contributor into court and sue them?
  Think about the reverse situation, where a free software developer
  using software under the RPSL discovers that it breaches a patent he
  holds. Why should his legitimate case result in the removal of his
  rights to do anything with the code?
  Why should we license any copyrights or patents to him when he's not
  willing to reciprocate?  It's his right to charge us cash for using his
  patent, but then it's our right to then demand he pay us for using our
  copyrighted and patented intellectual property.
 Well, no reason, really.  The same no reason that you license your
 copyrights to those who aren't willing to reciprocate.  You have every
 right to make that demand -- but then what you're doing isn't Free
 Software, just a very generous shared source program.
 It's still a cool thing, it's just not Debian's cool thing.

 GPL includes all sorts of IP reciprocity clauses.  I understand the
 tactical differences between RPSL and GPL, but why is this morally any

There are no reciprocity clauses in the GPL.  There are symmetry
clauses -- but nothing compels me to give anything to the upstream as
such, ever.  I only have to give others the same freedom with a
distributed original or derivative work that I had with the original.

For example, I can make a modification to Emacs and keep it to
myself.  Or just share it with my friends -- though they're free to do
otherwise with it.

And if I find out that Emacs infringes one of my patents, then I can
sue the FSF over this.  I don't lose the right to keep using Emacs --
after all, I haven't done anything wrong.  But I can't distribute it
unless I give everybody else the same freedoms I have.

In contrast, let's say I'm using Helix -- publicly -- and Real is
taken over by Microsoft.  Microsoft wishes to squelch all this free
software stuff, so they start intentionally infringing patents owned
by those known to be publicly using Helix, including me.  Now I'm over
a barrel: I have to let Microsoft, which hasn't released any of its
patents or software to me, use my patents without fee, or I have to
pay all the costs associated with stopping use of Helix and switching
to something else.

That's the kind of problem we're trying to prevent.  I understand why
you don't want to release Helix under the GPL -- to prevent Microsoft,
say, from using it on MSN with modifications without releasing those.
And I don't blame you.  That seems like a really good reason.  You're
afraid that if Microsoft or others had certain freedoms, they'd use
them in ways which hurt you.

But that doesn't make your software Free; it just gives you a good
reason to be non-Free to go with all the good reasons to be Free.  So
maybe there's a way to get you what you want *and* to have Helix be
free software.  For example, releasing most of Helix under the LGPL
with some particularly important parts -- codecs, maybe -- Under the


Brian Sniffen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Helix Player under GPL (was Re: RPSL and DFSG-compliance)

2004-08-06 Thread evan
So, this is a side-note about the Helix Player, not fully concerned with the
RPSL per se.

As I understand it, the Helix player (client side) has recently been
dual-licensed under the GPL.

There doesn't appear to be any way that the dual-licensing prevents users
from exercising freedoms protected by the GPL, so barring any of the
multitude of problems that can make GPL'd software non-free, it seems to me
that at least the Helix player is Free Software, and should be included in
either main or contrib.

I don't know what the dependencies are, or if there are any dependencies
that would prevent it from being in main. Thomas, is enough of the helix
player code GPL'd that we can include it in main, regardless of what we
conclude about the RPSL?


Re: Web application licenses

2004-08-06 Thread Josh Triplett
Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 Josh Triplett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
Josh Triplett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

How about something vaguely like:

If you make the software or a work based on the software available for
direct use by another party, without actually distributing the software
to that party, you must either:

a) Distribute the complete corresponding machine-readable source code
publically under this license, or
b) Make the source code available to that party, under the all the same
conditions you would need to meet in GPL section 3 if you were
distributing a binary to that party.

So if I use software under such a license in a network switch, to whom
am I obliged to distribute source?  How about a web proxy?

My _intent_ with the phrase direct use was to avoid such issues.  I'm
aiming only for the case where a user directly _interacts_ with the
software, so perhaps I should have said direct interaction instead of
direct use.

Really, the main cases I'm thinking of here are:
* Using the software to power a website or web service.
 But I don't directly use your CGI scripts.  They aren't even
 network-aware.  I'm talking to Apache, which you probably haven't
 In fact, I'm not even talking to Apache.  I'm talking to your kernel
 -- or the network switches between you and me.  I'm not even sure I
 *am* talking to you, what with dynamic routing tables and all.
 And in fact, I'm not talking to the network at all.  I'm just using
 this unmodified Mozilla Firefox, and it renders various results of RPC
 calls for me.

Hence the problem: the license can't rely too much on common sense.
This makes it either too specific (only web services, for example) and
therefore miss many cases, or too general (software used to run a
business), and become onerous.

However, I still think it's possible to write a license that would work.

* Using the software in a kiosk that others can directly interact
 OK, *that* I'll agree is reasonably direct.  There, you have a work --
 the kiosk -- which has components GUI, OS, application, etc.

Note, of course, that you only need to release the source to the work(s)
derived from a work under this license, which may not be everything
running on the kiosk.  (Of course, you _should_, but you are not
_required_ to.)

 But if I put up a bronze plaque, should I be obliged to provide the
 source, complete with build tools, to anyone who can see it?  I
 continue to have trouble seeing how that promotes freedom: even if you
 have the source, you don't have my kiosk, and you can't just run
 whatever you want there.
 For example, even if Debian Airlines gave out the source to its
 fast-checkin kiosks, that would not give anybody freedom to alter the
 operation of those kiosks.

And obtaining GNU Emacs does not entitle you to run it on a gnu.org
machine.  Why should this be any different?  You have control over your
own boxes and what runs on them.  I have the same control over mine.  If
you make software available, I can run it on my boxes, but not on yours
unless you permit it.  This would still give me Freedom over the
software I'm using; what you suggest would infringe _your_ Freedom to
decide what software you run on your own hardware.

* Allowing a user to log into your box and run the software.
 So if I want to have a dialup server, it must include the source for
 all its 

This sentence seems incomplete.

Yes, you would have to provide source for the programs users may run on
your server, if those programs are covered by this license, or are based
on such software.  However, that can probably be handled for 99% of the
software on that server by saying Get it from *.debian.org.

For example, suppose someone wanted to use GCC as a basis for the
compiler for a new language, but they didn't want to release the source
for it.  All they would need to do is make the changes, put them behind
a web-accessible SOAP API, and tell people to use that for compilation
(and perhaps distribute a small client for that service to install as
/usr/bin/secretarch-gcc).  This would sidestep the GPL, since the code
is not being distributed to those users; nevertheless, the users of such
a service certainly deserve the code behind it, under a Free license.
The license I suggested is an attempt to avoid that.
 I just don't see a way to avoid that in a free way.  I understand your
 motivation for doing this, but I don't think you can do it without
 prohibiting behavior necessary for freedom.  I'd be interested to see
 a way to do so.

I strongly believe there is a way to do it Freely; it just hasn't been
found yet.

I do wonder what publically means.  If I'm offering to hand a CD to
anyone who asks me for one in person, is that public enough?  Or must
I run a web server to distribute it, and thus (assuming this license
is broadly used) have to distribute a web server too?

Publically meaning that rather than making special arrangements with

Re: Web application licenses

2004-08-06 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Fri, Aug 06, 2004 at 01:15:38PM -0700, Josh Triplett wrote:
 Note, of course, that you only need to release the source to the work(s)
 derived from a work under this license, which may not be everything
 running on the kiosk.  (Of course, you _should_, but you are not
 _required_ to.)

... unless the license is viral.  The general case of an entire system under
this type of license should be considered; a license shouldn't be considered
free if its restrictions become too onerous when applied to lots of pieces of

 Yes, you would have to provide source for the programs users may run on
 your server, if those programs are covered by this license, or are based
 on such software.  However, that can probably be handled for 99% of the
 software on that server by saying Get it from *.debian.org.

The case where every piece of software is in some way modified must be
considered.  Onerous only if modified is still onerous--modification is

 They don't necessarily need to provide source download services, and if
 they do, they needn't provide those services from the same server that
 uses the modified Apache.  I would be satisfied with any mechanism that
 provides the machine-readable source for no more than the cost of

This means that, in order to make use of Apache (were it under this type of
license), I would have to commit to responding to requests for source, as
well as make the offer.

That means that I either have to put the source up somewhere--a 6+-meg
archive, even if I'm just setting up a daemon to host one 10k text file[1]--or
I have to set up some means of contacting me, sending me money to buy
media and pay shipping, and I have to spend the time actually burning a
CD and driving to a mailbox if somebody decides to request it from me.
this is completely unacceptable to me--in practice, it would probably eat
about an hour of my time.

Point them to ftp.debian.org no longer works if I had to modify a couple
lines of code to get the thing to compile, so I don't think that avoids
the fact that the above is overburdensome.  It's also risky; if ftp.debian.org
goes down, I may be in violation of the license indefinitely, unless I happen
to notice.  Also, ftp.debian.org doesn't keep source for all old packages
around; if I don't upgrade my testing machine, my binary won't match the
source on that server, and I'll be in violation.

In practice, none of this, when applied to binary distribution (GPL), has ever
been a serious problem for me: binaries and source tend to be of a similar
magnitude in size--making a 5-meg source available with a 5-meg binary is
generally not a big jump.  Making a 6-meg source available with a 10k
source file, however, is different by several orders of magnitude.  I
would not use Apache if it was under this type of license; it fails my
personal pain in the ass test.

[1] even if it's only for my own use, with a password--other people still
interact with it, when receiving the access denied page

Glenn Maynard

[Fwd: Re: httping license issues]

2004-08-06 Thread David Moreno Garza
Hello all,

Some days ago I sent an email to the upstream author of httping (a GPL
ping tool for HTTP request using OpenSSL) and I got this reply by him

I got the package rejected from ftpmaster some time ago, that's way I
wanted to explain a little bit all the GPL vs OpenSSL license issues to
the author.

So, is it right to do what the upstream author is asking to do? I mean,
to add the exception on every file using OpenSSL. Is that correct? Does
the code have to be modified in some other way? Maybe the COPYING file
too? I just want to make sure from legal experts.

Please cc: me, since I'm not suscribed to -legal.

Thanks in advance,

David Moreno Garza [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.damog.net/
 GPG 356E16CD - 84F0 E180 8AF6 E8D0 842F  B520 63F3 08DB 356E 16CD
Hi David,

I've opted for the second option: the one explained in that e-mail you gave
a link to.
As I'm not a native English speaker/reader/writer I might have misunderstood
what is written there.
Am I right that I have to add this text to all code? Or just the files doing
OpenSSL stuff? Or not at all?

 The GPL applies to this program.  --- added by me
  In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
  permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
  OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
  individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
  including the two.
  You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
  for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
  file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
  version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
  do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
  version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
  files in the program, then also delete it here.

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004, David Moreno Garza wrote:

 Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 17:40:25 -0500
 From: David Moreno Garza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Folkert Van Heusden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: httping license issues


 If you recall correctly, I wrote to you an email some weeks ago telling
 you about packaging httping for Debian, which you found correct and let
 me free to do it.

 Anyway, we found some license issues involving httping, because of GPL
 (being httping licensed under it) and OpenSSL (which httping uses for
 SSL connections). I don't want you to take me as bad words, but I think
 you probably don't have a correct interpretation of OpenSSL license, let
 me tell you:

 OpenSSL license introduces these two importante clauses:
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
*software must display the following acknowledgment:
*This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
*for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)

* 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
*This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
*for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)

 These clauses impose restrictions on people wishing to distribute your
 program. If your program is licensed under the GPL, these restrictions
 conflict with the following clause in the GPL

 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
   Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
   original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
   these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
   restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.

 Anyway, I would just love to tell you that it might be proper to handle
 all that license stuff, please don't misunderstand my words, I'm doing
 this because I'm interested in httping being included on Debian, as well
 as, being free software, contribute a little bit with it.

 Please, you could refer to this explation page:

 And, if you are interested on adding a GPL exception to the code, this
 might be useful:

 Although, you could always use GNUtls, for SSL functions.

 However, it could be useful to you, to read a position which I really
 share, which is this:
 Made by Branden Robinson, Debian Developer.

 Thank you in advance Folkert,

 David Moreno Garza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Folkert van Heusden

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