Re: LGPL module linked with a GPL lib

2005-07-26 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 09:17:25AM -0500, Jeff Licquia wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 11:59 +0200, Loïc Minier wrote:
> >  GStreamer's build process builds separate binaries for the various
> >  plugins, these are then dlopened when requested.
> > 
> >  I would personnally think that installing only Debian's GStreamer
> >  packages that are linked to LGPL libraries doesn't make your GStreamer
> >  installation / packages GPL (that is the build process has nothing to
> >  do with the resulting packages).
> > 
> >  I would even thing that installing GStreamer plugins packages which
> >  link to GPL libraries don't make your installation nor your running
> >  GStreamer applications GPL (that is only dlopening() something GPL
> >  makes the whole program in memory GPL, while it remains in memory).
> In a technical sense, you're right, in that each binary retains its
> separate copyright status.  Most people, however, are concerned about
> the restrictions effectively placed on them more than about the specific
> status of any particular binary.

I think it'd be a stretch to say that this prohibits proprietary
gstreamer plugins, but I doubt you could *include* them in a gstreamer
distribution. Third-party ones should still be okay.

> I see two ways in which this practically effects people using Debian.
> One, Debian could decide to package a plugin linking to a free but
> GPL-incompatible library, such as OpenSSL.  Two, others might want to
> add a few proprietary plugins on top of Debian and distribute the
> result.

So, I'd say that the former is probably prohibited and the latter is
probably allowed. Incorporating proprietary plugins into Debian is
somewhere around the borderline case, but I can't see that ever being
an issue.

> This seems worth mentioning in the copyright file, even if the license
> itself doesn't change.

Yeah, as far as the above goes.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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Re: generated source files, GPL and DFSG

2005-07-26 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sat, Jul 23, 2005 at 01:01:07AM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
> * Steve Langasek:

> >> It's clear from the context (and previous discussion) that this has to
> >> be interpreted as "software".

> > No, it isn't.  Considering we went through all the effort of a GR to amend
> > the DFSG and this still says "program", not "software", I don't see how you
> > can claim it *has* to be read as "software".

> So you think that the DFSG clauses 2, 6, 7, 8 do not apply to
> documentation, only to executables?

> This is certainly an interesting position.  Whether it's a valid one
> is indeed harder to decide than I thought.

I think that clauses 6, 7, and 8 are applicable to documentation and data as
well as to programs, and I think that they're rules that Debian should
follow for everything we distribute.

I think that clause 2 is *not* clearly applicable to things that aren't
programs.  Aside from (or perhaps entwined with) the issue of trying to
reach a consensus on what constitutes "source" for all of these things, I
think we need to consider what the practical aims are that lead us to insist
on the availability of source.

The ones that strike me as most important are:  being able to recompile the
source code for porting (to a different architecture, a different library
ABI, etc); being able to fix bugs (and security bugs in particular) in the
program; and allowing our users to modify the work to meet their needs.

Well, the first of these isn't applicable to data; it's just not meaningful
to talk about "porting" of data (just as this is largely meaningless when
discussing programs written in interpreted languages).  It may be useful to
be able to *convert* your data from one form to another, but that's not the
same thing as porting; and there may be a particular form that's more
convenient for use in converting to other forms, but this may or may not be
the "preferred form for modification" which most people seem to be arguing
should be the definition of source, so insisting on source code here doesn't
ensure that we get this benefit.

Fixing bugs is important for data as well as for programs, of course; though
it's much less likely that data or documentation would contain a security
bug or other RC bug.  But more importantly, the presence or absence of
true "source" in the case of data and documentation is simply not a good
proxy for the question of whether we can fix bugs.  Source v. binary is
important for programs, because fixing bugs in the machine code for a
typical program is several orders of magnitude more difficult than fixing
the source and recompiling.  This is not the case for most data formats!
Although there are some opaque documentation formats like PDF that are a
concern, most data formats (especially images and video) are edited directly
using binary editors; and as for fonts, my personal experience is that
trying to edit them is a PITA regardless of whether you have a "source"
format available. :P

And finally, giving our users the ability to modify data in the same manner
that the author would is a nice idea, but they only actually get this if
Debian is going to *distribute* all of those "sources".  Many of these are
quite large (much larger than the resulting target data files), and there's
far from universal agreement that Debian *should* distribute all of these
pristine sources.  I don't think it makes any sense to insist that our
upstreams make available sources that we ourselves are unwilling to commit
to distributing.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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Re: LGPL module linked with a GPL lib

2005-07-26 Thread Loïc Minier

On Mon, Jul 25, 2005, Jeff Licquia wrote:
> >From the GPL:
> > Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
> > covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
> > running the Program is not restricted...
> So the particular details of how things are distributed in memory while
> running aren't directly relevant.
> Modification and distribution are what matters, and it's clear from
> looking at the packages that GStreamer is distributed in Debian in
> conjunction with GPLed bits in a manner that's more than "mere
> aggregation".

 I'm not sure to understand: you mean that since some LGPL GStreamer
 plugins are shipped in Debian along with GPL packages and they can play
 together means that the whole is GPLed?

 Would it be ok to have a copyright file along these lines:

 "The source code for all plugins in the GStreamer Plugins source
 package is licensed under the LGPL, however some plugins are built with
 the help of header files from GPL libraries, and will be linked to GPL
 libraries when loaded in memory.  Thus, using these plugins will switch
 their license to GPL, and you can only use them in applications with a
 license compatible with the GPL.

 You should have received a copy of the GPL and LGPL licenses ..."

 Is a list of plugins necessary?  I guess it's up to the interested
 person to check, nowadays it's relatively easy with tags and Debian's
 "copyright" files, and I don't want to maintain such a list.

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Re: LGPL module linked with a GPL lib

2005-07-26 Thread Humberto Massa Guimarães
** Loïc Minier ::

> Hi,
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2005, Jeff Licquia wrote:
> > >From the GPL: Activities other than copying, distribution and 
> modification are not
> > > covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act
> > > of running the Program is not restricted...
> > So the particular details of how things are distributed in
> > memory while running aren't directly relevant.  Modification and
> > distribution are what matters, and it's clear from looking at
> > the packages that GStreamer is distributed in Debian in
> > conjunction with GPLed bits in a manner that's more than "mere
> > aggregation".
>  I'm not sure to understand: you mean that since some LGPL
>  GStreamer plugins are shipped in Debian along with GPL packages
>  and they can play together means that the whole is GPLed?
>  Would it be ok to have a copyright file along these lines:
>  "The source code for all plugins in the GStreamer Plugins source
>  package is licensed under the LGPL, however some plugins are
>  built with the help of header files from GPL libraries, and will
>  be linked to GPL libraries when loaded in memory.  Thus, using
>  these plugins will switch their license to GPL, and you can only
>  use them in applications with a license compatible with the GPL.
>  You should have received a copy of the GPL and LGPL licenses ..."
>  Is a list of plugins necessary?  I guess it's up to the
>  interested person to check, nowadays it's relatively easy with
>  tags and Debian's "copyright" files, and I don't want to maintain
>  such a list.

I find this discussion ultimately absurd. Debian is *not*
distributing a derivative work. Debian does *not* distribute a work
that includes both plugins/libraries. The fact that the things are
(dynamically) linked at run time, especially combined with the fact
that the plugins are opened with dlopen() and use stable API, is
*more* than enough to lift any (inexistent IMHO) "no-link"
requirement of the GPL.

Please don't do that.


Re: OT: How I learned to stop worrying and love software patents

2005-07-26 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Michael K. Edwards wrote:
> I see your "weasel-words" and raise you "horse-pucky".  You are
> impugning the intelligence and integrity of a whole class of dedicated
> public servants, whose actions are subject to more public scrutiny
> that any other branch of government, on pure hearsay.  Tell me what
> cases you would have decided differently and why -- taking into
> account the actual constraints of statutory language and stare decisis
> -- and then we can talk about where the error lies on the spectrum
> from ignorance to corruption.

Hmm.  Sticking to patents for the time being, let's note that no court
bothered to actually test whether the patent or copyright system falls
within the Constitutional power to "promote the Progress of Science and
the Useful Arts".  Given this, Diamond v. Chakrabarty is wrongly
decided; it rules that the Congressional intent to allow "anything under
the sun that is made by man" to be patentable subject matter is correct,
and furthermore that it is the principle by which questions of
patentable subject matter should be interpreted.  But that's a issue of
major legal philosophy.

Well, here's a nice simple one for you.

Diamond v. Diehr was wrongly decided; it overturned Parker v. Flook for
no particularly good reason, and didn't even have the decency to admit it.

"Respondents' claims must be considered as a whole, it being
inappropriate to dissect the claims into old and new elements and then
to ignore the presence of the old elements in the analysis."

This might have been avoided had the following actually been true: "In
this case, it may later be determined that the respondents' process is
not deserving of patent protection because it fails to satisfy the
statutory conditions of novelty under 102 or nonobviousness under 103";
however, footnote 33 of the dissent makes clear that this was not the case.

The patent consisted of combining a number of preexisting devices ---
including the preexisting temperature sensors -- in a way which was not
just obvious, but pretty much unavoidable -- everything in the industry
points to it like a laser.  Given the description of the problem, *I*
would have come up with it, and I don't know the first thing about the

The rejection of the Flook method of claim analysis actually rejected
precedents dating back to 1854, as noted by Stevens in the dissent.

Stevens's dissenting opinion is spot-on.  As usual for his later work.

AT&T v. Excel was decided wrongly, of course.

This court, unlike previous ones, didn't bother to look up the meaning
of the terms "formula", "algorithm", or "equation", which can only be
described as ignorance.  But that's a small matter.

'Thus, the Alappat inquiry simply requires an examination of the
contested claims to see if the claimed subject matter as a whole is a
disembodied mathematical concept representing nothing more than a "law
of nature" or an "abstract idea," or if the mathematical concept has
been reduced to some practical application rendering it "useful."'

Yep, this is perfectly parallel to arguments allowing patentable
artwork.  I invent a unique piece of artwork, but if I render it
"useful", it's not a "law of nature" or an "abstract idea".

"In Alappat , we held that more than an abstract idea was claimed
because the claimed invention as a whole was directed toward forming a
specific machine that produced the useful, concrete, and tangible result
of a smooth waveform display."

Yep, my invention as a whole produces the useful, concrete, and tangible
result of a pretty picture on a screen.

This is the bottom of the slippery slope, as someone wrote in Spectrum.

Of course, the broad patentable subject matter wouldn't be nearly as
serious a problem if the requirement of non-obviousness/non-triviality
had any teeth.  But it doesn't.

In Re Sang Su Lee, Teleflex v. KSR and the entire line of cases which
demand specific suggestions in a particular written reference to
determine obviousness are wrongly decided.  (And they aren't compelled
by the Supreme Court precedents, either.)  I actually think this line of
cases has done much more serious damage to the patent system than
anything else -- it's the primary reason for the substantial drop in
patent quality.  Patent examiners know that if they reject a patent for
obviousness without demonstrating exactly why it's obvious with
voluminous written references, they will be overturned.  It's very hard
to prove something "obvious" now, and very very easy to get it declared

Your choice whether this is incompetence or corruption, but it's
definitely one or the other.

The number of patents overturned on obviousness grounds has dropped from
the historical 30-40% to nearly nothing -- and it's not because fewer
are being filed.  :-P

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] Debian with OpenSolaris: a broken dream]

2005-07-26 Thread Florian Weimer
* Alvaro Lopez Ortega:

>   Some days ago I asked about the viability the idea of creating a new
>   architecture of Debian using the OpenSolaris stack.

Just the kernel or libc as well?

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] Debian with OpenSolaris: a broken dream]

2005-07-26 Thread Alvaro Lopez Ortega

Florian Weimer wrote:

>>  Some days ago I asked about the viability the idea of creating a new
>>  architecture of Debian using the OpenSolaris stack.
> Just the kernel or libc as well?

  That is something in which we will have to think if there isn't any
  issue with the license.  By the moment there isn't a detailed
  technical plan over the desk, it is just a proposal. The first step
  is to check if the CDDL meets with the DFSG.

Greetings, alo.

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] Debian with OpenSolaris: a broken dream]

2005-07-26 Thread Florian Weimer
* Alvaro Lopez Ortega:

> Florian Weimer wrote:
>>>  Some days ago I asked about the viability the idea of creating a new
>>>  architecture of Debian using the OpenSolaris stack.
>> Just the kernel or libc as well?
>   That is something in which we will have to think if there isn't any
>   issue with the license.  By the moment there isn't a detailed
>   technical plan over the desk, it is just a proposal. The first step
>   is to check if the CDDL meets with the DFSG.

Ah, okay.  A CDDLed libc is impossible for Debian because you can't
distribute GPLed software that links to it.  The operating system
exception deliberately does not apply when you are distributing an
operating system.

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Re: LGPL module linked with a GPL lib

2005-07-26 Thread Jeff Licquia
On Tue, 2005-07-26 at 11:14 -0300, Humberto Massa Guimarães wrote:
> I find this discussion ultimately absurd. Debian is *not*
> distributing a derivative work. Debian does *not* distribute a work
> that includes both plugins/libraries. The fact that the things are
> (dynamically) linked at run time, especially combined with the fact
> that the plugins are opened with dlopen() and use stable API, is
> *more* than enough to lift any (inexistent IMHO) "no-link"
> requirement of the GPL.

I find most of this response confusing.

First of all, it's clear that Debian *is* distributing a derived work
based on GPLed libraries, called "Debian GNU/Linux".  The specific case
in question may fall under the "mere aggregation" clause of the GPL, but
then this is the point you should argue.  I abhor imprecision in these
discussions, as they are the breeding ground for all kinds of myths and
speculation.  (Not that I am immune to imprecision, or that I am not
occasionally a myth-monger in my own right.  But I welcome the

Second, you seem to be asserting that an app and its dynamically linked
libraries do not constitute a derived work based on both for the
purposes of the GPL.  Rather than debate this point, I think it best to
point out that this runs counter to accepted precedent within Debian
that dates back a long time; see the KDE/Qt controversy for a famous
example.  Basing conclusions on this past precedent is not "absurd";
indeed, it would seem that the onus is on you to prove your assertion.

That's probably enough for starters.  If I am indeed confused and you
are correct, then there doesn't seem much point to proceed to the
dlopen() question.

Re: LGPL module linked with a GPL lib

2005-07-26 Thread Michael Poole
Jeff Licquia writes:

> On Tue, 2005-07-26 at 11:14 -0300, Humberto Massa Guimarães wrote:
>> I find this discussion ultimately absurd. Debian is *not*
>> distributing a derivative work. Debian does *not* distribute a work
>> that includes both plugins/libraries. The fact that the things are
>> (dynamically) linked at run time, especially combined with the fact
>> that the plugins are opened with dlopen() and use stable API, is
>> *more* than enough to lift any (inexistent IMHO) "no-link"
>> requirement of the GPL.
> I find most of this response confusing.
> First of all, it's clear that Debian *is* distributing a derived work
> based on GPLed libraries, called "Debian GNU/Linux".  The specific case
> in question may fall under the "mere aggregation" clause of the GPL, but
> then this is the point you should argue.

US copyright law distinguishes between the classes of work called
"derivative works" and "compilations".  The usual reading is that a
"compilation" or "collective work" (which is a subset of
"compilation") is what the GPL means by "mere aggregation", and a
"derivative work" is covered by the stricter terms.  The Berne
Convention makes a similar distinction of a "collection" versus the
works that comprise the collection.

A compilation or collective work under US law is not necessarily a
derivative work of any of its components.  The GPL's use of
"derivative" and "derived" is fuzzy in this sense, which is one reason
the terms from copyright law are used more often than the GPL's terms.

Michael Poole

CECILL license status?

2005-07-26 Thread Achim Bohnet
[please cc me, i'm not subscribed to d-l]
new digikamimageplugin > 0.7.3 release

a) contains now a header file that uses the CeCILL license.

b) this header file is included in files distributed under GPL.

Checking and googling
find lots of discussion, but I found no 'final' debian-legal

I'm still not sure what the status of CECILL with respect to
DSFG is:

o okay for main
o goes to non-free
o undecided: remove 'CECILL' code for now


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Does DFSG#2 apply to non-programs? [was: Re: generated source files, GPL and DFSG]

2005-07-26 Thread Francesco Poli
On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 05:17:35 -0700 Steve Langasek wrote:

> I think that clauses 6, 7, and 8 are applicable to documentation and
> data as well as to programs, and I think that they're rules that
> Debian should follow for everything we distribute.
> I think that clause 2 is *not* clearly applicable to things that
> aren't programs.

I fail to understand how you justify your reading of "program" as
program in DFSG#2 while you read "program" as work in the other
guidelines at the same time.
IOW, why do you agree with me that the other guidelines must be applied
to anything in Debian (excluding texts of licenses covering the works,
as often reminded) and, at the same time, disagree with me on the scope
of DFSG#2, stating that it applies to programs only.

Moreover, in the long discussions about the GFDL, the "what is
software?" tangent came up many many times.
Several people pointed out that there's no clear line to tell programs
and non-programs apart: the distinction is blurred (many examples were
proposed at the time: e.g. PostScript is a Turing-complete programming
language, literate programming creates works that are both program and
documentation, ...)
Which criterion are you proposing to tell *when* DFSG#2 must be taken
into account?

>  Aside from (or perhaps entwined with) the issue of
> trying to reach a consensus on what constitutes "source" for all of
> these things,

which is not so difficult as you seem to imply, IMHO...

> I think we need to consider what the practical aims are
> that lead us to insist on the availability of source.

Are we *again* going to talk about practical points of view? From a
practical point of view, nVidia proprietary drivers seem to work well
and make many people happy: are we going to ship them in main?
I really hope we aren't!

> The ones that strike me as most important are:  being able to
> recompile the source code for porting (to a different architecture, a
> different library ABI, etc); being able to fix bugs (and security bugs
> in particular) in the program; and allowing our users to modify the
> work to meet their needs.

Please add
* avoiding dependence on a single provider
* allowing user to study how the work is created by looking at its

> Well, the first of these isn't applicable to data;

That's true.

> It may be useful to be able to *convert* your data from
> one form to another, but that's not the same thing as porting; and
> there may be a particular form that's more convenient for use in
> converting to other forms, but this may or may not be the "preferred
> form for modification" which most people seem to be arguing should be
> the definition of source, so insisting on source code here doesn't
> ensure that we get this benefit.

Could you show a concrete practical example in which the "preferred
form for modification" is *not* the preferred form to start with for
conversions to other formats?

> Fixing bugs is important for data as well as for programs, of course;
> though it's much less likely that data or documentation would contain
> a security bug or other RC bug.

So you say that lacking the preconditions for fixing non-RC bugs is

> But more importantly, the presence or
> absence of true "source" in the case of data and documentation is
> simply not a good proxy for the question of whether we can fix bugs.
> Source v. binary is important for programs, because fixing bugs in the
> machine code for a typical program is several orders of magnitude more
> difficult than fixing the source and recompiling.  This is not the
> case for most data formats! Although there are some opaque
> documentation formats like PDF that are a concern, most data formats
> (especially images and video) are edited directly using binary
> editors;

With no source, how are you going to fix a bug due to the camera
position in a pov-ray generated image?

> And finally, giving our users the ability to modify data in the same
> manner that the author would is a nice idea, but they only actually
> get this if Debian is going to *distribute* all of those "sources".

That's how it works for programs too...

> Many of these are quite large (much larger than the resulting target
> data files), and there's far from universal agreement that Debian
> *should* distribute all of these pristine sources.

Correct me if I'm wrong: Linux kernel source packages are much larger
than the corresponding vmlinuz images...
Are we going to stop distributing kernel sources?

> I don't think it
> makes any sense to insist that our upstreams make available sources
> that we ourselves are unwilling to commit to distributing.

I think we *should* be willing to distribute source: that's one of the
key elements of free software!

:-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
  Francesco Poli GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4
 Key fingerprint 

Re: Does DFSG#2 apply to non-programs? [was: Re: generated source files, GPL and DFSG]

2005-07-26 Thread Francesco Poli
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 00:28:23 +0200 Francesco Poli wrote:

[some hopefully useful contributions to the discussion, but with *wrong*

Please, ignore the wrong Mail-Followup-To: set in the my previous
I forgot to disable it!  :-(
I really really apologize.

Sylpheed authors should really implement a decent Mail-Followup-To:
handling...  :-(

:-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
  Francesco Poli GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4
 Key fingerprint = C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12  31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: How I learned to stop worrying and love software patents

2005-07-26 Thread Michael K. Edwards
Summary:  There is a real concern with the integrity of the patent
process underlying the Federal Circuit's refusal to condone summary
patent invalidation without an adequate scrutiny for triable questions
of fact.

On 7/26/05, Nathanael Nerode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm.  Sticking to patents for the time being, let's note that no court
> bothered to actually test whether the patent or copyright system falls
> within the Constitutional power to "promote the Progress of Science and
> the Useful Arts".  Given this, Diamond v. Chakrabarty is wrongly
> decided; it rules that the Congressional intent to allow "anything under
> the sun that is made by man" to be patentable subject matter is correct,
> and furthermore that it is the principle by which questions of
> patentable subject matter should be interpreted.  But that's a issue of
> major legal philosophy.

Both the majority and the dissent in Chakrabarty agreed that the only
question before the court was a narrow one of statutory
interpretation.  Even so, Chief Justice Burger addressed the
constitutional concern:

It is, of course, correct that Congress, not the courts, must define
the limits of patentability; but it is equally true that once Congress
has spoken it is "the province and duty of the judicial department to
say what the law is." Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 177 (1803).
Congress has performed its constitutional role in defining patentable
subject matter in 101; we perform ours in construing the language
Congress has employed. In so doing, our obligation is to take statutes
as we find them, guided, if ambiguity appears, by the legislative
history and statutory purpose. Here, we perceive no ambiguity. The
subject-matter provisions of the patent law have been cast in broad
terms to fulfill the constitutional and statutory goal of promoting
"the Progress of Science and the useful Arts" with all that means for
the social and economic benefits envisioned by Jefferson. Broad
general language is not necessarily ambiguous when congressional
objectives require broad terms.

One can reasonably argue whether Congress excluded bacteria from the
Plant Patent Act because they were satisfied with existing
administrative and judicial interpretations such as In re Arzberger
(the majority's guess), or because the only category of animate
"inventions" they intended to authorize was plants (the dissent's). 
But at least five generations of Supreme Court jurisprudence have
agreed that deciding what boundaries on patentable subject matter will
best "promote the progress of science and useful arts" is Congress's
job, and all the judiciary can do is try to construe the law correctly
based on the fact patterns presented.

It's interesting that you identify this as a question of legal
philosophy, though.  I would agree to some extent, noting the parallel
to non-obviousness as discussed in Justice Douglas's concurrence in
A&P Tea v. Supermarket (1950), and following it back to Justice
Bradley in Atlantic Works v. Brady (1882).  But the judicially created
(Hotchkiss v. Greenwood, 1851) doctrine of non-obviousness was
codified by Congress in 1952, and at the next opportunity (Graham v.
John Deere, 1966, about which more later) the Supreme Court adopted
Congress's "more practical test of patentability" in Section 103.

I would suggest that the Supreme Court's deference to Congress where
the scope of patentability is concerned, once the non-obviousness
requirement was duly codified, foreshadows the corresponding view of
copyright in Eldred v. Ashcroft.  I think it likely that none of the
Justices considered the Sonny Bono Act wise; but as the Eldred opinion
states in its concluding paragraph, "The wisdom of Congress' action
... is not within our province to second guess."

> Well, here's a nice simple one for you.
> Diamond v. Diehr was wrongly decided; it overturned Parker v. Flook for
> no particularly good reason, and didn't even have the decency to admit it.
> "Respondents' claims must be considered as a whole, it being
> inappropriate to dissect the claims into old and new elements and then
> to ignore the presence of the old elements in the analysis."

To my eyes, Footnote 12 of the Diehr opinion does a good job of
explaining why they didn't need to overrule Flook to arrive at this

It is argued that the procedure of dissecting a claim into old and new
elements is mandated by our decision in Flook which noted that a
mathematical algorithm must be assumed to be within the "prior art."
It is from this language that the petitioner premises his argument
that if everything other than the algorithm is determined to be old in
the art, then the claim cannot recite statutory subject matter. The
fallacy in this argument is that we did not hold in Flook that the
mathematical algorithm could not be considered at all when making the
101 determination. To accept the analysis proffered by the petitioner
would, if carried to its extreme, make all inventi

Re: LGPL module linked with a GPL lib

2005-07-26 Thread Michael K. Edwards
On 7/26/05, Michael Poole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A compilation or collective work under US law is not necessarily a
> derivative work of any of its components.  The GPL's use of
> "derivative" and "derived" is fuzzy in this sense, which is one reason
> the terms from copyright law are used more often than the GPL's terms.

Almost -- a compilation or collective work is almost _never_ a
derivative work of any of its components.  The GPL drafter just plain
got it wrong in Section 0, and the legal definition in 17 USC 101 (and
its parallels in other Berne Convention countries) overrides the GPL's
incorrect paraphrase.  Extensively discussed on debian-legal in the
last few months (disclaimer: only those few d-l participants with
actual legal credentials seem to agree with me); you might start at .

- Michael

Re: LGPL module linked with a GPL lib

2005-07-26 Thread Michael K. Edwards
I wrote:
> ... only those few d-l participants with actual legal credentials seem to 
> agree with me ...

Er, that overreaches a bit in both directions; sorry.  I'm more
strident on the topic than the people with credentials are, and there
are certainly other d-l regulars who question the FSF FAQ's stance on
the matter.  I just meant to say that I seem to be in a minority but
it's a minority in which I'm comfortable.  :-)

- Michael