Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-06-03 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 12:20:39PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Steve Langasek wrote:
 It is not mere aggregation, for the same reason that a bug in a
 library that makes it unusable by applications is a grave, not a
 critical, bug: one piece of software is not unrelated to another if
 the former depends on the latter.

 Ah, I get what I was missing earlier... so you're claiming that there's 
 a legal status for a combination C of A and B, which does *not* make C a 
 derived work derived from work B, but where C is also not a mere 
 aggregation of work A with work B.

 I don't think there is.  I could be wrong, of course.  IANAL.

I'm sorry -- IANAL either, and I was not aware that mere aggregation
was a legal term at all.  I'm discussing the concepts, as present in the
DFSG and the GPL, and explaining why I believe that, if the GPL places
requirements on applications that use GPL libs, this doesn't violate

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-29 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 23:21 US/Eastern, Steve Langasek wrote:

Not all: the terms of section 3 talk about covered source code in very
broad terms of all modules [the work] contains.  Can you expand on
your understanding of this phrase?

Section 3 reads, in part:

You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based
on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
under the terms ofSections 1 and 2 above provided that you
also do one of the following:

a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding
machine-readable source code, which must be distributed
under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,

Later, complete source code is defined, in part, as all the source 
code for all modules the work contains.

In order to be a part of the complete source code, the source has to be 
for a module that the Program or a work based on the Program [i.e., a 
derivative work] contains.

This leads fairly clearly to your asymmetry below:

One possibility that I had not thoroughly considered is that in the 

of an application, all modules includes any libraries referenced by
the application; but that in the case of a library, all modules does
not include any applications which use that library, because the
*library* which is GPLed does not encode any information pointing to 


I think it might even be possible that symmetry is preserved; that is, 
dynamic linking a GPL'd work to a non-GPL'd library might be allowed, 
too, iff that does not form a derivative work. Why? Because if those 
are two separate works under copyright law, then the non-GPL'd library 
is not a module of the work.

I'm not sure I like this asymmetry (I'm pretty sure it
isn't the FSF's intention),

I think the FSF argues that a program using the library is a derivative 
work of the library, in which case the program using the library is a 
work based on [the Program] for GPL 3.

However, depending on how Lotus v. Borland is interpreted, this 
reasoning may be specious.

Noted.  I've come to believe that the basis for claiming the 

is a derived work in these cases is very weak, but it still seems
prudent to treat dynamically-linked works as covered by the GPL's 

code requirements for the time being.

As Debian doesn't have a legal war chest (and doesn't want a bunch of 
bad press, either), it's quite prudent. Then again, it'd end all our 
OpenSSL problems real quick ;-D

However, I think for some cases --- such as the mess that started this 
whole thread, and for other things that have been discussed, like 
command-line utilities in shell scripts, we should go ahead and link 

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-29 Thread Jakob Bohm
On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 03:19:45PM -0400, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
 Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 03:30 PM, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
  In Lotus Development Corp. v. Borland International, Inc.,[0] the
  court held that a menu structure is method of operation. Methods of
  operation are, by statute, not copyrightable. To quote the decision:
   We think that method of operation, as that term is used
   in 102(b), refers to the means by which a person operates
   something, whether it be a car, a food processor, or a
   We hold that the Lotus menu command hierarchy is an
   uncopyrightable method  of  operation. The Lotus menu
   command hierarchy provides the means by which users control
   and operate Lotus 1-2-3.  Users must use the command
   terms to tell the computer what to do.  Without the menu
   command hierarchy, users would not be able to access and
   control, or indeed make  use of,  Lotus 1-2-3's functional
   The Lotus  menu command hierarchy  does not  merely explain
   and present Lotus 1-2-3's functional capabilities to the
   user; it also serves as the  method by which the program
   is operated and controlled.
 OK.  Well, that settles that argument: if this hasn't been reversed,
 you're unambiguously correct.  Thanks for pointing this out!
 I wonder how this relates to library interfaces... certainly, those
 are methods of operation as well.


As far as I recall that famous case, the case was about the
right to re-implement a programmable interface and whether
preserving the interface names was a Copyright infringement on
the original implementation.

This, I believe, is the landmark ruling that it is not illegal
for GNU bash to accept the same language and keywords as ATT
sh, for lesstif to be a drop in replacement for Motif etc.

The case was not directly about whether someone *using* a
proprietary or GPL interface is implicitly deriving from that
interface but the ruling may confirm the common theory that gcc
for Solaris is not a derivative of the SunOs interface just
because it is written to use it.

Anyway, I thought the common GPL linking claim was that the
runtime in-memory process image includes a copy of the GPL code
and is thus a derivative of that copy.  Thus at least in the GPL
case, the problem is where the borderline is between the last
and third-last paragraph of GPL-2 clause 2, with the two
extremes being:

A: The two pieces of code do not in any way talk to each other
  but are on the same disk, falling under the explicit mere
  aggregation provision of clause 2.

B: The lines are manually mixed together in the source code of a
  single medium sized function in a single source file, making
  the entire function a GPL derivative which must be under the
  GPL unless otherwise permitted by the author of the old GPL
  part.  If the GPL lines were deleted again, the old GPL parts
  no longer force GPL-ing of the other lines, but recipients of
  the combination could continue to act and distribute under the
  GPL they received it under.
So the question is When does a combination of a GPL piece of
code and some independent pieces of code reside so close
together at runtime, that the combination forms a single derived
work of the GPL piece of code and becomes subject to the GPL as
a whole, including each and every part regardless who wrote it?

Borland vs. Lotus as quoted doesn't say much here, since the
whole case was about a situation where the Borland and Lotus
code where not even on the same (non-networked) computer.  

Hope this helps even though it doesn't clear up much, sorry.


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Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-29 Thread Nathanael Nerode

Steve Langasek wrote:
It is not mere aggregation, for the same reason that a bug in a
library that makes it unusable by applications is a grave, not a
critical, bug: one piece of software is not unrelated to another if
the former depends on the latter.

Ah, I get what I was missing earlier... so you're claiming that there's 
a legal status for a combination C of A and B, which does *not* make C a 
derived work derived from work B, but where C is also not a mere 
aggregation of work A with work B.

I don't think there is.  I could be wrong, of course.  IANAL.

If removal of foo makes bar unusable, the combination of the two cannot
be considered mere aggregation.
Is that a quote from a legal opinion?  If so, I defer to your expertise. 
 I didn't think that was the legal ruling on the nature of derived 
works.  But if it *is*, if it's a combination involving copyrightable 
elements and it's not 'mere aggregation', then it's a derived work.   I 
think there's no 'third state'.  Again, I could be wrong here!

Not all: the terms of section 3 talk about covered source code in very
broad terms of all modules [the work] contains.  Can you expand on
your understanding of this phrase?
The work is the *derived work* derived from the original GPLed work. 
It has to be *one work*.  For the GPL to apply to it as a consequence of 
section 2b, it has to be a *derived work* of the original.

The modules are independent pieces which can be extracted from the 
derived work, but may individually not constitute derived works.

Suppose we have:

GPLed source file A
My source file B
Object file C, compiled into a program from A, B, and C.
Object file B, compiled from B alone

Executable file C is one work, which is a derivative of work A.  The 
source file B is the source code for a module which is not a 
derivative of work A.  The source file A is the source code for a 
module (which is work A.)  That was my interpretation of modules; I 
assumed that it was mainly an effort to elaborate on requiring 
*complete* source code for an object code file, given the context it's in.

The special exception for operating systems still remains meaningful, 
because it covers OS header files, which may not be freely 
distributable, and are, in fact, source code for the compiled object file.

I was more interested in the phrases about identifiable sections in 
section 2, but they clearly start from the assumption that there is a 
modified work, such as executable file C.

Noted.  I've come to believe that the basis for claiming the application
is a derived work in these cases is very weak, but it still seems
prudent to treat dynamically-linked works as covered by the GPL's 
source code requirements for the time being.

This, we agree on 100%. :-)


Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-29 Thread Jakob Bohm
On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 11:57:18AM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Jakob Bohm said:
 Anyway, I thought the common GPL linking claim was that the
 runtime in-memory process image includes a copy of the GPL code
 and is thus a derivative of that copy.
 But this derivative (if you assume that it is a derived work) is 
 created by the user on their home computer, and is not redistributed. 
 Since it's not distributed or published, it's not subject to the GPL's 
 'viral' requirements under section 2b:
 b)  You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
 whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part 
 thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties 
 under the terms of this License.
 (Emphasis mine)
 This is why the runtime in-memory state of the dynamically linked code 
 is not directly relevant to the GPL's 'virality'.


As I said, I believe there is a continuum of cases ranging from
mere aggregation to manually mixing of code lines in the
hand-edited source.

One point in this continuum is when a library and an
application are both in a Debian CD image, where the application
is clearly marked to automatically link to the library whenever
run.  Is this mere aggregation or do the two form a single work
derived (by simple inclusion) from the library.

However the main point of my post was not that.  My main point
was that in Borland vs. Lotus, the issue placed before the court
was the right to *re-implement* a compatible interface, not the
right to implement things that *use* the interface.

More specifically, this is how I recall the case (I was not
around, I just read about it once, so my memory may fail me):

Lotus had a monopoly status in the spreadsheet market with its
Lotus 1-2-3 program.  Part of its monopoly lock-in was the fact
that users had invested much time and effort creating and
sharing macros written in the Lotus macro languages.  Macros
which often encoded complex things like price schedules or U.S.
Tax Legislation, and were sold as commercial products or used as
necessary parts of business relationships (similar to the
current status of MS Word .doc files).  The Lotus 1-2-3 macro
language happened to consist of simply spelling out the actual
menu shortcut keys for the Lotus commands.

Borland, in its Quattro Spreadsheet program chose as a major
feature to implement full support for running and manipulating
existing Lotus macros, just as the Free Software community do
today for many proprietary interfaces.

Lotus sued, claiming that Borland broke the Lotus copyright on
the menu tree design detail and the artistic and random choices
amongst alternate naming and placement of the items.  Borland
said that such a claim would amount to forcing gratuitous
incompatibilities to the detriment of the general publics
ability to use different products at their choice.  A comparison
was made (in court) to Ford (hypothetically) demanding that all
non-Ford cars placed the pedals or steering wheel differently.

Borland won, re-implementing an old interface as part of a new
superior product while preserving the verbs of the command
language seem to be legal and not a violation of the copyright
of prior implementations.  The ruling also said that such
protection could be obtained with a patent, but Lotus did not
have one.  All of this in the U.S. of cause.


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Trademarks and other things belong to their owners, if any.

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-29 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 20:00, Jakob Bohm wrote:

 However the main point of my post was not that.  My main point
 was that in Borland vs. Lotus, the issue placed before the court
 was the right to *re-implement* a compatible interface, not the
 right to implement things that *use* the interface.

Lotus v. Borland decided something broader than that: That the menu
hierarchy (which Borland copied from Lotus 1-2-3 not just for macros,
but to use in its own GUI) is a method of operation, and this not
subject to copyright.

The court makes it fairly clear that it considers human interfaces to
computer programs as methods of operation.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-28 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 15:20 US/Eastern, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

OK, then I take it you're in favor filing seriouss bug against asking for the removal of apache-ssl and *many* more
packages like it.

Not quite -- I'd prefer to find a more reasonable solution first, and
begin implementing it second.

Can we call Lotus v. Borland a reasonable solution? ;-)

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-28 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 15:19 US/Eastern, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

All of those --
TCP, HTTP, and DEB -- are generic formats.

.deb isn't. There is, AFAIK, only one implementation.

At the very least, alien and dpkg deal with it; I believe there are

If I remember correctly, alien uses dpkg-deb to do its work. Even if 
not, isn't alien GPL?

[...] but really, you'd rather be writing a derivative of a GPL
work than a GFDL work.

At least we can agree on that ;-)

I wonder how this relates to library interfaces...

Me too.

Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-28 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 14:25 US/Eastern, Steve Langasek wrote:

This assumes that the FSF's interpretation depends on the claim that
dynamic linking creates a derived work.

Well, from carefully reading the GPL, this appears to be what it says.

A quote:
a work based on the Program means either the Program or
any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a
work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim
or with modifications and/or translated into another language.

So, if a new_program is neither a derivative work of Program or Program 
itself, then it is not a work based on the Program as used in the GPL.

And then:
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on
the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the
Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium
does not bring the other work under the scope of this

So, the GPL is very clear that new_program is not covered by the GPL.

Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-28 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 12:22 US/Eastern, Nathanael Nerode wrote:

First, any interface which could be used by humans is a method of
operation.  This is essentially all interfaces.

That's a good question. I think the decision only covers interfaces 
that humans need to use to use the program (and all its features).

However, for a library, it is quite arguable that the API is covered.

  Since dynamic linking
involves the copying of small, (usually) uncopyrightable, code 

together with the use of an interface, dynamic linking incurs no
obligations, and the FSF's interpretation is quite wrong.

This is quite possible, especially since if the normally copyrightable 
commands used in a menu are not copyrightable because they are a method 
of operation, its possible the method names, etc., needed to dynamic 
link are, too.

Second, any interface which is designed for use by humans is a method
of operation.  This is more restrictive, but does not touch the
question of secret interfaces.  Suppose that passing
-EF)#I^FMCVS)[EMAIL PROTECTED])[EMAIL PROTECTED] on the grep command line 
gives access
to the secret operations -- is this the means by which a person
operates something?

I think its probable. Even if it isn't, I doubt you could claim 
copyright over the above string. Same problem with the longer (random) 

If my second extrapolation is the correct one, then the documentation
status *may* be relevant as evidence for whether the interface was
designed for humans or not, though what matters is whether the GPL
program creator documented it.

I think that a program which uses command line arguments, one of the 
standard ways of user interaction on Unix, is very strong evidence that 
it is a method of operation. It'd be hard, I think, to argue that the 
command line interface is not intended for humans.

(In fact, its other interface designed for 'people to operate it' is 

interface for being statically linked with programs, so use of static
linking probably isn't covered either!  Although in that case the
combination is probaly a 'derived work' and may not be redistributable;
but individuals can do the linking themselves quite freely.)

The GPL never covered use, and copyright law (at least in the US) 
specifically exempts copying needed to use a computer program, so I 
don't think the GPL ever prohibited private, non-distributed linking.

If my third extrapolation is the correct one, then the FSF's
library linking interpretation is valid, but we've wandered into a
remarkably fuzzy realm.  Certain command-line options are rarely, if
ever, used by humans; for instance, options designed to produce better
program-readable output.

Those options are _very_ often used by humans. Part of the UNIX user 
interface is the pipe operator in every shell.

However, if the 'linkage' causes program B to rely on copyrighted
elements of program A, but the 'linkage' is not actually performed
except by the end-user, then there is no infringment on the part of the
distributor.  And the GPL puts no restrictions on 'use', or indeed
creation of derived works as long as they're not distributed, so
there's no cause for contributory infringment, as far as I can tell.

I don't think there is any way to be a contributory infringer when 
there is no infringement. I'm not sure if eventually dynamic linking 
will become a way around copyleft licenses, but I wouldn't be surprised 
if --- should it ever be tested in court --- it turns out to often be.

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice!

Very strong ditto there.

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-28 Thread Brian T. Sniffen
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 15:20 US/Eastern, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

 Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 OK, then I take it you're in favor filing seriouss bug against asking for the removal of apache-ssl and *many* more
 packages like it.

 Not quite -- I'd prefer to find a more reasonable solution first, and
 begin implementing it second.

 Can we call Lotus v. Borland a reasonable solution? ;-)

Heh.  Given the chain of logic: A means of operation is not
copyrightable; All user interfaces are means of operation; exec()
is a programmatic user interface... I'm even willing to concede that
exec() is always a boundary between works.



Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-27 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Anthony DeRobertis said:
 I'm not sure if you're thinking of this when mentioning public 
domain, but many header files (for example, ones giving simple structs 
and numeric defines) probably have no copyrightable work in them, and 
thus would be essentially in the public domain. So, using those is 
fine, no matter what the copyright notice says.
I was, indeed, thinking of this. :-)

 I point out Lotus v. Borland[0] and note that the commands used by the 
shell script are the same as used by a human, and thus are a method of 
operation, not protected by copyright.
This is an interesting case, the details of which I was not aware.

This case leads to the following test:  if you are 
accessing a program through an interface which is a method of 
operation, referring to the means by which a person operates 
something, you incur no obligations, because that is not copyrightable.

There are various possible extrapolations from this.

First, any interface which could be used by humans is a method of 
operation.  This is essentially all interfaces.  Since dynamic linking 
involves the copying of small, (usually) uncopyrightable, code segments, 
together with the use of an interface, dynamic linking incurs no 
obligations, and the FSF's interpretation is quite wrong.

Second, any interface which is designed for use by humans is a method 
of operation.  This is more restrictive, but does not touch the 
question of secret interfaces.  Suppose that passing 
-EF)#I^FMCVS)[EMAIL PROTECTED])[EMAIL PROTECTED] on the grep command line 
gives access 
to the secret operations -- is this the means by which a person 
operates something?  Suppose the corresponding scheme is the passing of 
a specific 255-byte string, designed with the intention that it will 
only be used by computers?

Third, any interface which is usually used by humans is a method of 
operation.  This is also unclear on important points, like the last 

So in regards to declawing, this makes a *non-arbitrary* distinction,
 Not really. You essentially said that if I, as the author of a 
non-GPL program that wants to use a GPL'd work says I need a program doing
foo, bar, and baz to work, such as GNU frob instead of saying I need GNU 
frob to work I'm fine. That's a rather pointless distinction, 
It consists of creating interface documentation in a publically 
accessible way; one which allows, and even encourages, creation of 
replacement programs.  This is intended as a defense against the 
claim that the program *relies* on copyrighted elements of the GPLed 
program.  (No, it doesn't rely on anything in GNU grep.  Any user of my 
program can write an appropriate 'grep' program; I told them what they need
to do!)

If my first extrapolation from the mentioned case is the correct one, then
the documentation status of the interface is truly irrelevant, and 
incidentally the GPL doesn't cover dynamic linking.

If my second extrapolation is the correct one, then the documentation 
status *may* be relevant as evidence for whether the interface was 
designed for humans or not, though what matters is whether the GPL 
program creator documented it.  Writing out what features are used is 
still a way to insulate yourself against claims that you're relying on 
copyrighted elements of the GPLed program, however, since this 
extrapolation doesn't clearly resolve the 'secret interfaces' issue.

Here, however, we see something interesting.  When a library is distributed 
independently, its *only* interface designed for 'a person to operate' 
it, is its library linking interface.  Accordingly, the FSF's claims 
about the GPL covering dynamic linking of such libraries are no good, 
and we can stop worrying generally about dynamic linking of GPL libraries.

(In fact, its other interface designed for 'people to operate it' is the 
interface for being statically linked with programs, so use of static 
linking probably isn't covered either!  Although in that case the 
combination is probaly a 'derived work' and may not be redistributable; 
but individuals can do the linking themselves quite freely.)

If my third extrapolation is the correct one, then the FSF's 
library linking interpretation is valid, but we've wandered into a 
remarkably fuzzy realm.  Certain command-line options are rarely, if 
ever, used by humans; for instance, options designed to produce better 
program-readable output.


It's a matter of whether the linkage is integral to the
program, or not.  Admittedly the distinction must be applied carefully
on a case-by-case basis, but that's often what makes good law.
 I'd say its a matter of if the linkage causes program B to rely on 
copyrighted elements of program A, then there could be infringement. 

You're better at stating things clearly.  :-)

However, if the 'linkage' causes program B to rely on copyrighted 
elements of program A, but the 'linkage' is not actually performed 
except by the end-user, then there is no infringment on 

Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-27 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 12:22:35PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Anthony DeRobertis said:
  I'm not sure if you're thinking of this when mentioning public 
 domain, but many header files (for example, ones giving simple structs 
 and numeric defines) probably have no copyrightable work in them, and 
 thus would be essentially in the public domain. So, using those is 
 fine, no matter what the copyright notice says.
 I was, indeed, thinking of this. :-)

  I point out Lotus v. Borland[0] and note that the commands used by the 
 shell script are the same as used by a human, and thus are a method of 
 operation, not protected by copyright.
 This is an interesting case, the details of which I was not aware.

 This case leads to the following test:  if you are 
 accessing a program through an interface which is a method of 
 operation, referring to the means by which a person operates 
 something, you incur no obligations, because that is not copyrightable.

 There are various possible extrapolations from this.

 First, any interface which could be used by humans is a method of 
 operation.  This is essentially all interfaces.  Since dynamic linking 
 involves the copying of small, (usually) uncopyrightable, code segments, 
 together with the use of an interface, dynamic linking incurs no 
 obligations, and the FSF's interpretation is quite wrong.

This assumes that the FSF's interpretation depends on the claim that
dynamic linking creates a derived work.  While varies parties have
claimed this at one point or another, I have argued that the dynamically
linked work is under the purview of the GPL by virtue of the license
terms alone, *if* you are distributing the GPL library in question,
which is always the case for Debian.

There have been many well-constructed arguments here that writing to an
interface does not create a derived work, and is not subject to the
copyright of the library because the only parts being copied are not
copyrightable.  However, the advertising materials for a product are not
derived works of a software library either, yet there are software
licenses that place restrictions on the contents of advertising
materials for products containing the software -- *and* we accept such
licenses as free.  You have no say in it, it's not a derived work is a
null argument, because as distributors we must accept the terms of a
license that *gives* them a say in it.

The greater question for Debian, I think, is whether such an
interpretation can be regarded as DFSG-compliant.  I believe the answer
is yes: first, because it is not *merely* the act of co-distribution
that triggers this license contamination, so DFSG 9 does not seem to
apply; second, because this interpretation of the GPL's requirements has
existed for a long time, and I'm not aware of any formal objections to
its DFSG-freeness even though it depended on a definition of derived
work that varies from country to country, so I don't think it suddenly
becomes non-free just because we've shown it isn't copyright law
directly that's used to enforce the requirement.  There is a certain set
of freedoms that we demand from Free Software, some of which are granted
to the user by default in copyright law and some of which are not; so
long as these core freedoms are preserved, I don't think changes in
copyright law or its interpretation should render a license non-free.

Granted, this rule of thumb has its limitations -- a change in copyright
law that eliminates all use rights by default would certainly affect the
landscape -- but I think it applies here.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-27 Thread Brian T. Sniffen
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 03:30 PM, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

 Wait.  Isn't dpkg under the GPL?  Now everything on the entire system
 has to be under the GPL, because you can't even get it installed
 the use of dpkg.

 I don't see how a program which merely happened to be installed using
 dpkg can be said to be a derivative work of dpkg,

 Well, he is going a little far. But certainly the postinst, preinst,
 postrm, etc. files would have to be, as Debian distributes them in
 such a way to force dpkg to link them (by executing them). That would
 mean that everything used in those scripts has to be GPL-compatible.

I didn't say *all* execution was derivation.  Execution is a form of
use, not covered by copyright.  Creation with a certain target in mind
is derivation, though.

 All of those --
 TCP, HTTP, and DEB -- are generic formats.

 .deb isn't. There is, AFAIK, only one implementation.

At the very least, alien and dpkg deal with it; I believe there are

 BTW: If the documentation in the policy manual makes it a standard,
 why doesn't the documentation in the GNU grep manpage, info page,
 etc. make it a standard, too?

They do -- but really, you'd rather be writing a derivative of a GPL
work than a GFDL work.

 If he,
 in his creation, is intentionally deriving creative ideas from the
 author of a previous work, his work is derivative.

 The only thing I'm deriving from in, e.g., grep is, if anything:
   1) its command line interface
   2) its functionality

 In Lotus Development Corp. v. Borland International, Inc.,[0] the
 court held that a menu structure is method of operation. Methods of
 operation are, by statute, not copyrightable. To quote the decision:

  We think that method of operation, as that term is used
  in 102(b), refers to the means by which a person operates
  something, whether it be a car, a food processor, or a

  We hold that the Lotus menu command hierarchy is an
  uncopyrightable method  of  operation. The Lotus menu
  command hierarchy provides the means by which users control
  and operate Lotus 1-2-3.  Users must use the command
  terms to tell the computer what to do.  Without the menu
  command hierarchy, users would not be able to access and
  control, or indeed make  use of,  Lotus 1-2-3's functional

  The Lotus  menu command hierarchy  does not  merely explain
  and present Lotus 1-2-3's functional capabilities to the
  user; it also serves as the  method by which the program
  is operated and controlled.


OK.  Well, that settles that argument: if this hasn't been reversed,
you're unambiguously correct.  Thanks for pointing this out!

I wonder how this relates to library interfaces... certainly, those
are methods of operation as well.



Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-27 Thread Brian T. Sniffen
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 09:52 AM, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
 Let's take a concrete example: apache-ssl. In particular, it's
 It uses adduser, which is under the GPL. It also uses update-rc.d,
 also under the GPL. So, as above, we have to say the postinst is
 available under the GPL. However, it also uses
 /usr/sbin/ssl-certificate, which uses OpenSSL. It is well-known
 that the
 GPL and the OpenSSL license are not compatible.

 Is the above legal? If so, why?

 I'm not a lawyer -- but I think distribution of apache-ssl.postinst
 must be distributed under the terms of the GPL.  As such, it can't be
 distributed by others without an OpenSSL exception or a license which
 grants a superset of the freedoms of the GPL.

 OK, then I take it you're in favor filing seriouss bug against asking for the removal of apache-ssl and *many* more
 packages like it.

Not quite -- I'd prefer to find a more reasonable solution first, and
begin implementing it second.



Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-27 Thread Nathanael Nerode

Steve Langasek wrote:
This assumes that the FSF's interpretation depends on the claim that
dynamic linking creates a derived work.  While varies parties have
claimed this at one point or another, I have argued that the 
dynamically linked work is under the purview of the GPL by virtue of 
the license terms alone, *if* you are distributing the GPL library in 
question, which is always the case for Debian.

Well, this statement is simply wrong, and I'll devote the rest of this 
email to explaining why.

If the dynamic linking does *not* create a derived work, you are 
distributing two works:

A. The new program which links to the GPL'ed library
B. The GPL'ed library which is linked to

Not one work.  A mere aggregaton of two works.

Under the GPL, the library B is distributable under section 3, using 
either the written offer (b) or the distribution of source code (a), and 
the source code for the library can be distributed under section 1.

There is no restriction on the distribution of B with other works.  In 
fact, there's an explicit statement that there's no such restriction 
(Section 2, final paragraph).  So the GPL imposes no restriction on the 
distribution of A and B together.  Note carefully that *all* the 
restrictions in the GPL (except for the very mild section 1 
restrictions) are stated in terms of incorporating parts of the 
Program, as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, 
etc., all of which are terms refering to the creation of a derived work.

Steve said:
You have no say in it, it's not a derived work is a
null argument, because as distributors we must accept the terms of a
license that *gives* them a say in it.
Wrong.  The license, in the case of the GPL, *doesn't* give them a say 
in it.

Some other, theoretical, license, *could* impose such a restriction (a 
la the BSD advertising clause), but the GPL simply *doesn't* impose such 

The dynamic linking imposes GPL is, fundamentally, based on the idea 
that dynamic linking creates a derived work.  I'm quite sure the FSF 
lawyers will agree with me on that.

Furthermore, it is not within the rights of the copyright holder to 
decide unilaterally what constitutes a derived work.  I believe that is 
considered to be a matter of facts, to be established by court cases and 

Respecting the FSF's *opinion* that dynamic linking creates a derived 
work is perfectly sensible and wise.  (Hey, they could be legally 
correct!)  Claiming that the GPL somehow imposes itself on works linked 
with even if linking *doesn't* legally create a derived work is just 
plain wrong.


Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-27 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 05:11:21PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Steve Langasek wrote:
 This assumes that the FSF's interpretation depends on the claim that
 dynamic linking creates a derived work.  While varies parties have
 claimed this at one point or another, I have argued that the 
 dynamically linked work is under the purview of the GPL by virtue of 
 the license terms alone, *if* you are distributing the GPL library in 
 question, which is always the case for Debian.

 Well, this statement is simply wrong, and I'll devote the rest of this 
 email to explaining why.

 If the dynamic linking does *not* create a derived work, you are 
 distributing two works:
 A. The new program which links to the GPL'ed library
 B. The GPL'ed library which is linked to

 Not one work.  A mere aggregaton of two works.

It is not mere aggregation, for the same reason that a bug in a
library that makes it unusable by applications is a grave, not a
critical, bug: one piece of software is not unrelated to another if
the former depends on the latter.  This may or may not make the one work
a derived work of the other, but it does mean we're dealing with
something more than mere aggregation, because the application references
the library at several levels: in the ELF header, in the form of
undefined symbol references, and in the Depends: line of the package

If removal of foo makes bar unusable, the combination of the two cannot
be considered mere aggregation.

 Under the GPL, the library B is distributable under section 3, using 
 either the written offer (b) or the distribution of source code (a), and 
 the source code for the library can be distributed under section 1.

 There is no restriction on the distribution of B with other works.  In 
 fact, there's an explicit statement that there's no such restriction 
 (Section 2, final paragraph).  So the GPL imposes no restriction on the 
 distribution of A and B together.  Note carefully that *all* the 
 restrictions in the GPL (except for the very mild section 1 
 restrictions) are stated in terms of incorporating parts of the 
 Program, as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, 
 etc., all of which are terms refering to the creation of a derived work.

Not all: the terms of section 3 talk about covered source code in very
broad terms of all modules [the work] contains.  Can you expand on
your understanding of this phrase?

One possibility that I had not thoroughly considered is that in the case
of an application, all modules includes any libraries referenced by
the application; but that in the case of a library, all modules does
not include any applications which use that library, because the
*library* which is GPLed does not encode any information pointing to the
applications.  I'm not sure I like this asymmetry (I'm pretty sure it
isn't the FSF's intention), but I'm also not sure I can make a
convincing argument against this interpretation.  The best I can muster
is that it conflicts with the FSF's public interpretation of the GPL,
which *could* be seen as significant in a court case.

 Furthermore, it is not within the rights of the copyright holder to 
 decide unilaterally what constitutes a derived work.  I believe that is 
 considered to be a matter of facts, to be established by court cases and 


 Respecting the FSF's *opinion* that dynamic linking creates a derived 
 work is perfectly sensible and wise.  (Hey, they could be legally 
 correct!)  Claiming that the GPL somehow imposes itself on works linked 
 with even if linking *doesn't* legally create a derived work is just 
 plain wrong.

Noted.  I've come to believe that the basis for claiming the application
is a derived work in these cases is very weak, but it still seems
prudent to treat dynamically-linked works as covered by the GPL's source
code requirements for the time being.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-25 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 03:30 PM, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

 but given
their authors licensed them in ways that forbid linking with
non-GPL-compatible software, such as OpenSSL, that sounds reasonable

Well, at least you're consistent ;-)

Wait.  Isn't dpkg under the GPL?  Now everything on the entire system
has to be under the GPL, because you can't even get it installed 

the use of dpkg.

I don't see how a program which merely happened to be installed using
dpkg can be said to be a derivative work of dpkg,

Well, he is going a little far. But certainly the postinst, preinst, 
postrm, etc. files would have to be, as Debian distributes them in such 
a way to force dpkg to link them (by executing them). That would mean 
that everything used in those scripts has to be GPL-compatible.

All of those --
TCP, HTTP, and DEB -- are generic formats.

.deb isn't. There is, AFAIK, only one implementation.

BTW: If the documentation in the policy manual makes it a standard, why 
doesn't the documentation in the GNU grep manpage, info page, etc. make 
it a standard, too?

If he,
in his creation, is intentionally deriving creative ideas from the
author of a previous work, his work is derivative.

The only thing I'm deriving from in, e.g., grep is, if anything:
1) its command line interface
2) its functionality

In Lotus Development Corp. v. Borland International, Inc.,[0] the court 
held that a menu structure is method of operation. Methods of operation 
are, by statute, not copyrightable. To quote the decision:

We think that method of operation, as that term is used
in 102(b), refers to the means by which a person operates
something, whether it be a car, a food processor, or a

We hold that the Lotus menu command hierarchy is an
uncopyrightable method  of  operation. The Lotus menu
command hierarchy provides the means by which users control
and operate Lotus 1-2-3.  Users must use the command
terms to tell the computer what to do.  Without the menu
command hierarchy, users would not be able to access and
control, or indeed make  use of,  Lotus 1-2-3's functional

The Lotus  menu command hierarchy  does not  merely explain
and present Lotus 1-2-3's functional capabilities to the
user; it also serves as the  method by which the program
is operated and controlled.

I think its clear that the logic applies at least as much to a command 
line interface. Indeed, the court even says If specific words are 
essential to  operating something, then they are  part of a 'method  of 
operation' and, as  such, are unprotectable. This is so whether they 
must be highlighted, typed  in, or even spoken, as computer programs no 
doubt will soon be controlled by spoken words.[1] Note that the court 
did not say that it was copyright infringement but fair use. Instead, 
it said that menu command hierarchies are not copyrightable. So no use 
--- programatic or otherwise --- can infringe the copyright, as there 
is no copyright. Thus, it can't be (1) above.

As for (2), Title 17 USC Sec. 102(b) seems to fairly clearly say that 
can't be protected by copyright, either:

In no case does copyright protection for an original work of
authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system,
method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery,
regardless of the form in which it is described, explained,
illustrated, or embodied in such work
In other words, what grep does can't be protected by copyright. Only 
the expression can be. So I can't be creating a derivative work of what 
grep does.

[1] IMO, this is a potential reason for that anti-spam haiku to fail if
seriously challenged in court if mass adoption occurs.

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-25 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Saturday, May 24, 2003, at 10:02 PM, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 01:45 PM, Stephen Ryan wrote:

On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 09:52, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

The other option, of course, is that the kernel exec() function *is* 
barrier, Debian *can* be used for real work and not just an exercise 

ivory-tower masturbation.

Whoa!  Those are not my words.  I'm not quite sure whose they are.

My apologies. It appears I have destroyed the quoting somehow. Those 
are the words of Stephen Ryan 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in Message-Id: 

Well, I don't believe exec is a magic copyright barrier; instead, I
think we need to generalize _why_ we generally consider it be one.

But this leads me to believe that we may well be on common ground;
what generalization do you see there?

I see the generalization hinted to in the message I just posted: That 
no copyrightable elements of programs like grep were derived from.

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-24 Thread Brian T. Sniffen
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 01:45 PM, Stephen Ryan wrote:

 On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 09:52, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

 The other option, of course, is that the kernel exec() function *is* a
 barrier, Debian *can* be used for real work and not just an exercise in
 ivory-tower masturbation.

Whoa!  Those are not my words.  I'm not quite sure whose they are.

 Well, I don't believe exec is a magic copyright barrier; instead, I
 think we need to generalize _why_ we generally consider it be one.

But this leads me to believe that we may well be on common ground;
what generalization do you see there?


Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-23 Thread Brian T. Sniffen
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, 2003-05-21 at 11:59, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

 I don't.  If it makes use of features specific to the GNU version, it
 should either use the normally part of your OS exception, or if
 distributed with GNU grep be itself available under the GNU GPL.

 So every script that Debian distributes that makes use of features only
 found in GPL tools must be under the GPL (since Debian can't use the
 normal part of OS exception).

 Let's take a concrete example: apache-ssl. In particular, it's postint.
 It uses adduser, which is under the GPL. It also uses update-rc.d,
 also under the GPL. So, as above, we have to say the postinst is
 available under the GPL. However, it also uses
 /usr/sbin/ssl-certificate, which uses OpenSSL. It is well-known that the
 GPL and the OpenSSL license are not compatible.

 Is the above legal? If so, why? 

I'm not a lawyer -- but I think distribution of apache-ssl.postinst
must be distributed under the terms of the GPL.  As such, it can't be
distributed by others without an OpenSSL exception or a license which
grants a superset of the freedoms of the GPL.

 The distinction really does come down to whether something is a
 derivative work:

   A ''derivative work'' is a work based upon one or
   more preexisting works, such as a translation,
   musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization,
   motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,
   abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a
   work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work
   consisting of editorial revisions, annotations,
   elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole,
   represent an original work of authorship, is a
   ''derivative work''. (Title 17 USC, Sec. 101)

 It's hard to see how a shell script could be a derivative work of grep
 under that definition. I don't think the shell script is an
 transformation, recasting, or adaption of grep. Or a modification.

It certainly can be.  For example, consider the shell script
greppager, which simply runs grep and pipes the output through
$PAGER.  That's a program constructed as a transformation and
recasting of grep.  That it includes grep by reference rather than by
copying shouldn't matter -- this is the heart of the FSF's linking is
modification argument.  Greppager is a work based on a pre-existing
work, consisting of elaborations and other modifications which, as a
whole, represents an original work of authorship.

I don't need to edit the source of a computer program to modify the
program: I can create a derivative function by wrapping another
function.  The output of (lambda (f) (lambda (l) (map f (filter even?
l may be a derivative work of f, for example.  That a shell script
is easily broken apart and read by a human shouldn't matter.

For example, if I distribute a macro package which, given some text,
loads MS Excel and uses that to perform some calculations, then closes
Excel and uses the output of the calculations for some other purpose,
that's clearly a derivative work of Excel.  If my work couldn't have
existed in the same form without another work, my work is derivative
of that work.

 a shell script which coincidentally uses generic grep
 functions isn't a derivative work of grep.  A shell script which wraps
 GNU grep to provide some of its peculiar functions to another program
 is a derivative work of GNU grep.

 Where do you see that in the definition above?

To further clarify, given a copyrightable program P which implements
an algorithm A(x), a program Q which implements B(A(x)) by nontrivial
use of P is a derivative work of P.  Put simply, if it's clear that
you wrote Q intending it to wrap P, Q is a derivative work of P.  If
you wrote Q to work with a separate standard, or with a wide variety
of programs P1, P2, etc. all presenting a similar interface to P, then
Q isn't a derivative work of any of them (and it's most likely not
derivative of the standard, because the procedures expressed in the
standard are not copyrighted, only their expression there).



Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-23 Thread Stephen Ryan
On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 09:52, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
 Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Wed, 2003-05-21 at 11:59, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
  I don't.  If it makes use of features specific to the GNU version, it
  should either use the normally part of your OS exception, or if
  distributed with GNU grep be itself available under the GNU GPL.
  So every script that Debian distributes that makes use of features only
  found in GPL tools must be under the GPL (since Debian can't use the
  normal part of OS exception).
  Let's take a concrete example: apache-ssl. In particular, it's postint.
  It uses adduser, which is under the GPL. It also uses update-rc.d,
  also under the GPL. So, as above, we have to say the postinst is
  available under the GPL. However, it also uses
  /usr/sbin/ssl-certificate, which uses OpenSSL. It is well-known that the
  GPL and the OpenSSL license are not compatible.
  Is the above legal? If so, why? 
 I'm not a lawyer -- but I think distribution of apache-ssl.postinst
 must be distributed under the terms of the GPL.  As such, it can't be
 distributed by others without an OpenSSL exception or a license which
 grants a superset of the freedoms of the GPL.

I'm surprised no one else has jumped on this yet.

No.  The script in question is a derivative of both OpenSSL and of
adduser, and the author of the script has no legal standing to relicense
either of those.  Thus, no script which uses both OpenSSL and adduser
may be distributed by anyone under any terms, because it would link
OpenSSL with adduser, and they are under incompatible terms.  Even
though the script itself may offer an exception for OpenSSL, adduser
doesn't have that exception, and thus, the work as a whole is

Wait.  Isn't dpkg under the GPL?  Now everything on the entire system
has to be under the GPL, because you can't even get it installed without
the use of dpkg.

The other option, of course, is that the kernel exec() function *is* a
barrier, Debian *can* be used for real work and not just an exercise in
ivory-tower masturbation.  
Stephen RyanDebian Linux 3.0
Technology Coordinator
Center for Educational Outcomes
at Dartmouth College

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-23 Thread Brian T. Sniffen
Stephen Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 09:52, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
 Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Wed, 2003-05-21 at 11:59, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
  I don't.  If it makes use of features specific to the GNU version, it
  should either use the normally part of your OS exception, or if
  distributed with GNU grep be itself available under the GNU GPL.
  So every script that Debian distributes that makes use of features only
  found in GPL tools must be under the GPL (since Debian can't use the
  normal part of OS exception).
  Let's take a concrete example: apache-ssl. In particular, it's postint.
  It uses adduser, which is under the GPL. It also uses update-rc.d,
  also under the GPL. So, as above, we have to say the postinst is
  available under the GPL. However, it also uses
  /usr/sbin/ssl-certificate, which uses OpenSSL. It is well-known that the
  GPL and the OpenSSL license are not compatible.
  Is the above legal? If so, why? 
 I'm not a lawyer -- but I think distribution of apache-ssl.postinst
 must be distributed under the terms of the GPL.  As such, it can't be
 distributed by others without an OpenSSL exception or a license which
 grants a superset of the freedoms of the GPL.

 I'm surprised no one else has jumped on this yet.

 No.  The script in question is a derivative of both OpenSSL and of
 adduser, and the author of the script has no legal standing to relicense
 either of those.  Thus, no script which uses both OpenSSL and adduser
 may be distributed by anyone under any terms, because it would link
 OpenSSL with adduser, and they are under incompatible terms.  Even
 though the script itself may offer an exception for OpenSSL, adduser
 doesn't have that exception, and thus, the work as a whole is

Sounds reasonable.  I'm not entirely clear on why adduser and
update-rc.d are under the GPL and not the BSD license... but given
their authors licensed them in ways that forbid linking with
non-GPL-compatible software, such as OpenSSL, that sounds reasonable

 Wait.  Isn't dpkg under the GPL?  Now everything on the entire system
 has to be under the GPL, because you can't even get it installed without
 the use of dpkg.

I don't see how a program which merely happened to be installed using
dpkg can be said to be a derivative work of dpkg, any more than it
being a derivative work of whatever tool was used to download the .deb
file, or whatever router software runs in the middle.  All of those --
TCP, HTTP, and DEB -- are generic formats.  Implementing to a standard
does not make your work a derivative work of a popular implementation
of that standard.

 The other option, of course, is that the kernel exec() function *is* a

I don't understand why you believe a technical definition is relevant.
Why exec and not ld?  Why not JMP?  Why not #include?  The barrier
as you put it has nothing to do with bits.  It is defined by thought:
by the intent of an author of a potentially derivative work.  If he,
in his creation, is intentionally deriving creative ideas from the
author of a previous work, his work is derivative.  If he's creating
independently of previous programs, or implementing to a
specification, his program is not derivative of any other program.

So if I write a shell script which makes calls to /usr/bin/openssl, my
program is derivative of Eric Young's program, so we both have a
copyright on the result.  If my script also calls GNU grep, and I
looked at the info page while writing it, consciously implementing it
to use features particular to GNU grep, then it's also derivative of 
that program, and the FSF also owns a copyright on it.

Doesn't this framework seem easier to work with than trying to find a
technical definition of a barrier?

 Debian *can* be used for real work and not just an exercise in
 ivory-tower masturbation.  
 Center for Educational Outcomes
 at Dartmouth College

Ahem.  I'm all for getting real work done: I just don't see a need to
bend the law or the intent of an author to do it.



Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-23 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 01:45 PM, Stephen Ryan wrote:

On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 09:52, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

The other option, of course, is that the kernel exec() function *is* a
barrier, Debian *can* be used for real work and not just an exercise in
ivory-tower masturbation.

Well, I don't believe exec is a magic copyright barrier; instead, I 
think we need to generalize _why_ we generally consider it be one.

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-23 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 09:52 AM, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
Let's take a concrete example: apache-ssl. In particular, it's 

It uses adduser, which is under the GPL. It also uses update-rc.d,
also under the GPL. So, as above, we have to say the postinst is
available under the GPL. However, it also uses
/usr/sbin/ssl-certificate, which uses OpenSSL. It is well-known that 

GPL and the OpenSSL license are not compatible.

Is the above legal? If so, why?

I'm not a lawyer -- but I think distribution of apache-ssl.postinst
must be distributed under the terms of the GPL.  As such, it can't be
distributed by others without an OpenSSL exception or a license which
grants a superset of the freedoms of the GPL.

OK, then I take it you're in favor filing seriouss bug against asking for the removal of apache-ssl and *many* more 
packages like it.

A ''derivative work'' is a work based upon one or
more preexisting works, such as a translation,
musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization,
motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,
abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a
work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work
consisting of editorial revisions, annotations,
elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole,
represent an original work of authorship, is a
''derivative work''. (Title 17 USC, Sec. 101)

It's hard to see how a shell script could be a derivative work of grep
under that definition. I don't think the shell script is an
transformation, recasting, or adaption of grep. Or a modification.

It certainly can be.  For example, consider the shell script
greppager, which simply runs grep and pipes the output through
$PAGER.  That's a program constructed as a transformation and
recasting of grep.

No it isn't; such a simple program has no copyrightable part.

  That it includes grep by reference rather than by
copying shouldn't matter

Yes it should. That's why its COPYright law.

-- this is the heart of the FSF's linking is
modification argument.

Yes, and I think they go to far in that argument. A line has to be 
drawn somewhere; otherwise, think of visiting a non-free webapp with a 
GPL browser. Or a GPL browser with the default home page set to a 
non-free webapp --- Google, for example.

  Greppager is a work based on a pre-existing
work, consisting of elaborations and other modifications which, as a
whole, represents an original work of authorship.

No, it does not represent an original work of authorship. It looks 
something like this:

grep $@ | $PAGER

There is absolutely nothing to copyright in there; it is not an 
original work of authorship.

I don't need to edit the source of a computer program to modify the

I disagree (excepting binary patching, and other tricks like that, of 

  If my work couldn't have
existed in the same form without another work, my work is derivative
of that work.

That is a very, very, very broad definition of derivative work. Under 
that definition, Apple would of EASILY won its UI lawsuit against 
Microsoft; the court, however, found the opposite. Care to explain?

To further clarify, given a copyrightable program P which implements
an algorithm A(x), a program Q which implements B(A(x)) by nontrivial
use of P is a derivative work of P.

Why? All Q uses from P is the algorithm A, which is not copyrightable.

  Put simply, if it's clear that
you wrote Q intending it to wrap P, Q is a derivative work of P.

No. There is no case law on the subject; and what little there is 
certainly doesn't say its clear.

If I can write Q without reference to any copyrightable parts of P, 
then it is difficult to argue that Q is a derivative work of P; 
instead, it is very similar to a  proper clean-room reverse engineering 
job --- which is legal.

(and it's most likely not
derivative of the standard, because the procedures expressed in the
standard are not copyrighted, only their expression there).

Nothing besides expressions can be copyrighted ever, even for programs. 
If its a derivative of a program to make use of its documented 
interfaces, then it is a derivative of the standard to do the same.

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-22 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Wed, 2003-05-21 at 11:59, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:

 I don't.  If it makes use of features specific to the GNU version, it
 should either use the normally part of your OS exception, or if
 distributed with GNU grep be itself available under the GNU GPL.

So every script that Debian distributes that makes use of features only
found in GPL tools must be under the GPL (since Debian can't use the
normal part of OS exception).

Let's take a concrete example: apache-ssl. In particular, it's postint.
It uses adduser, which is under the GPL. It also uses update-rc.d,
also under the GPL. So, as above, we have to say the postinst is
available under the GPL. However, it also uses
/usr/sbin/ssl-certificate, which uses OpenSSL. It is well-known that the
GPL and the OpenSSL license are not compatible.

Is the above legal? If so, why? 

 The distinction really does come down to whether something is a
 derivative work:

A ''derivative work'' is a work based upon one or
more preexisting works, such as a translation,
musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization,
motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,
abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a
work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work
consisting of editorial revisions, annotations,
elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole,
represent an original work of authorship, is a
''derivative work''. (Title 17 USC, Sec. 101)

It's hard to see how a shell script could be a derivative work of grep
under that definition. I don't think the shell script is an
transformation, recasting, or adaption of grep. Or a modification.

 a shell script which coincidentally uses generic grep
 functions isn't a derivative work of grep.  A shell script which wraps
 GNU grep to provide some of its peculiar functions to another program
 is a derivative work of GNU grep.

Where do you see that in the definition above?

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-22 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 01:01:06AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

 It seems wrong to me that we can take a free, but GPL-incompatible
 application out of Debian main and hand it to two software distributors.
 Each distributor grabs a different ABI-compatible implementation of a
 shared library (upon which this app depends) out of Debian main.  One of
 those happens to be GPLed and the other does not (it's, say, under the
 MIT/X11 license), but the distributors just flip a coin to decide which
 one they ship.

 Under your analysis, one of these guys is in deep shit with the
 copyright holder of the GPLed implementation of the shared library, and
 the other guy is not.

 It's just a bellyfeel, but it's a strong one.  What the Debian Project
 distributes should not be subjecting people to this sort of risk.  I
 think one should be able to distribute arbitrary subsets of the Debian
 OS in pretty much total ignorance of the licensing on the software
 within.  If they modify stuff, that's a different story.

I think that's a reasonable requirement, and I don't think my analysis
supports the conclusion that someone distributing a subset of Debian
packages would be in violation of the GPL, *if* Debian itself is in
compliance with the license.

If someone distributes a subset of Debian's packages that includes a GPL
library and a GPL-incompatible app, there are two principal

* Installing the application package automatically pulls in the library
package, which means that whoever created the original packages (Debian)
is also responsible for any GPL violations that result from such a

* Installing the application package does *not* automatically pull in
the library package, or does so in a way that the application will not
automatically load the library when you try to run the application.
Manual intervention is required to combine the GPL and GPL-incompatible
code, and the distributor (and Debian) cannot possibly be in violation
of the license.

The one corner case I can see would be an application kfrob-not-so-gpl
which depends on libfrob-lgpl | libfrob-gpl.  If someone installs
kfrob-not-so-gpl from the Debian archive, it will pull in libfrob-lgpl
unless the user declares otherwise.  If a distributor ships only
kfrob-not-so-gpl and libfrob-gpl, the result is different.  I agree that
this is bad, but I don't know of any packages this is a problem for in
practice.  Perhaps the best way to address this corner case would be to
prohibit maintainers from doing this.

   I hate to say this because I love my bright-line tests, but I think
   intent matters here.  Shipping such code together with readline
   itself, and nothing else, should be distinguishable from what Debian
   does, which is ship such code, readline itself, a clone or two of
   readline, and a whole boatload of other stuff that has nothing to do
   with any of the above.

  I think references to the file name of the GPL'ed library in an
  application's ELF header constitute pretty damning evidence of the real
  intent.  Your honor, the plaintiff's license is non-binding because I
  could have used editline instead doesn't sound like much of a defense
  to me.

 If that's the case with readline vs. editline -- I can't be assed to
 check, then you're right.  But does your analysis change at all if
 libeditline ships, say, its own /lib/  I mean, this is
 exactly the point of ABI compatibility.  Just look at the LessTif

I think it does change in such a case.  Today, the libeditline0 and
libreadline4 packages can be installed side-by-side, however, and
applications built against each look for a different library name.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-21 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 01:49:03PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
   I think it's an interesting case to consider because of the question of
   whether an interface is copyrightable, but I think that discussion is
   best left for another thread.  In any case, I believe the generic
   interface defense is only applicable when the distributor is not
   distributing a combination that requires selecting one specific
   implementation as the default.
  I am not sure the U.S. courts agree.[1][2]
 I don't see how the cases you cite conflict with what I said.  In both
 of the cases, IIRC, the courts found in favor of someone who duplicated
 a competitor's interface.  This seems to support (API vs. user interface
 question aside) the notion that the generic interface defense *is*
 applicable when you aren't distributing someone else's copyrighted
 implementation of the generic interface.  However, it does not establish
 a precedent for the case where you *are* distributing the plaintiff's
 copyrighted work which provides a given interface.  Apple v. Microsoft
 doesn't mean Microsoft could claim MacOS no longer enjoys copyright
 protection just because someone cloned the UI.

Uh, I see I rebutted the very point you wanted to leave to another
thread.  Sorry.  :)

I am not sure I agree that a generic interface defense suddenly becomes
unavailable simply due to what a distributor fails to distribute.  In my
view, either an interface is generic or it is not.

It seems wrong to me that we can take a free, but GPL-incompatible
application out of Debian main and hand it to two software distributors.
Each distributor grabs a different ABI-compatible implementation of a
shared library (upon which this app depends) out of Debian main.  One of
those happens to be GPLed and the other does not (it's, say, under the
MIT/X11 license), but the distributors just flip a coin to decide which
one they ship.

Under your analysis, one of these guys is in deep shit with the
copyright holder of the GPLed implementation of the shared library, and
the other guy is not.

It's just a bellyfeel, but it's a strong one.  What the Debian Project
distributes should not be subjecting people to this sort of risk.  I
think one should be able to distribute arbitrary subsets of the Debian
OS in pretty much total ignorance of the licensing on the software
within.  If they modify stuff, that's a different story.

Because the two libraries are interface-compatible, the FSF is not in a
position to forbid people from distributing code that links against
libreadline if that code is not licensed GPL-compatibly, because the
code could be linked against libeditline instead.[1]
   Yes, but they are in a position to forbid distributing such code
   together with readline itself.
  I hate to say this because I love my bright-line tests, but I think
  intent matters here.  Shipping such code together with readline
  itself, and nothing else, should be distinguishable from what Debian
  does, which is ship such code, readline itself, a clone or two of
  readline, and a whole boatload of other stuff that has nothing to do
  with any of the above.
 I think references to the file name of the GPL'ed library in an
 application's ELF header constitute pretty damning evidence of the real
 intent.  Your honor, the plaintiff's license is non-binding because I
 could have used editline instead doesn't sound like much of a defense
 to me.

If that's the case with readline vs. editline -- I can't be assed to
check, then you're right.  But does your analysis change at all if
libeditline ships, say, its own /lib/  I mean, this is
exactly the point of ABI compatibility.  Just look at the LessTif

G. Branden Robinson| If God had intended for man to go
Debian GNU/Linux   | about naked, we would have been
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | born that way. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-21 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Tue, 2003-05-20 at 05:15, Branden Robinson wrote:

 I am uncomfortable with some of the ramifications but I am also
 uncomfortable with totally declawing the GNU GPL by adopting and
 interpretation of it that would let people wrapper and language-bind
 their way out of the copyleft commons.

At some point, we've got to draw a line where it's de-clawed. After all,
I think we all agree that if a shell script calls GNU grep[0], it isn't
required to be under the GPL.

So, is encapsulating code in the kernel's execve interface always OK?

[0] Which, btw, has many extensions over POSIX or BSD grep,
so there is not, AFAIK, an alternative implementation.
Alternatively, put gcc or your favorite GPL program in
its place.

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-21 Thread Brian T. Sniffen
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, 2003-05-20 at 05:15, Branden Robinson wrote:

 I am uncomfortable with some of the ramifications but I am also
 uncomfortable with totally declawing the GNU GPL by adopting and
 interpretation of it that would let people wrapper and language-bind
 their way out of the copyleft commons.

 At some point, we've got to draw a line where it's de-clawed. After all,
 I think we all agree that if a shell script calls GNU grep[0], it isn't
 required to be under the GPL.

I don't.  If it makes use of features specific to the GNU version, it
should either use the normally part of your OS exception, or if
distributed with GNU grep be itself available under the GNU GPL.

 So, is encapsulating code in the kernel's execve interface always OK?

The distinction really does come down to whether something is a
derivative work: a shell script which coincidentally uses generic grep
functions isn't a derivative work of grep.  A shell script which wraps
GNU grep to provide some of its peculiar functions to another program
is a derivative work of GNU grep.  There is a wide swath of gray down
the middle; this is where we hope people are reasonable, and if not
obey the wishes of the original authors.


 [0] Which, btw, has many extensions over POSIX or BSD grep,
 so there is not, AFAIK, an alternative implementation.
 Alternatively, put gcc or your favorite GPL program in
 its place.


Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-20 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 01:04:08PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
 I am specifically addressing the case where:

I'm afraid I cannot come up with very much to add to your analysis.

I am uncomfortable with some of the ramifications but I am also
uncomfortable with totally declawing the GNU GPL by adopting and
interpretation of it that would let people wrapper and language-bind
their way out of the copyleft commons.

  Is it any help to cite the libreadline/libeditline case?  Readline is a
  GPLed library authored by the FSF.  Editline is a BSD-licensed clone
  (with a limited feature set) developed by people who weren't happy with
  Readline's licensing.
 I think it's an interesting case to consider because of the question of
 whether an interface is copyrightable, but I think that discussion is
 best left for another thread.  In any case, I believe the generic
 interface defense is only applicable when the distributor is not
 distributing a combination that requires selecting one specific
 implementation as the default.

I am not sure the U.S. courts agree.[1][2]

Also worthy of note are the opinions of RMS himself[3].

However, it's possible that RMS feels that only visual interfaces should
not be protectable by copyright, and programming interfaces should be.

 To restate:  If distributing a statically-linked binary that combines a
 GPL library with GPL-incompatible code is a violation of the GPL, then
 shipping *any other combination of files* which constitute a program
 that, when run, result in a corresponding intermingling of GPL and
 GPL-incompatible code in memory is also a violation of the GPL.  You
 cannot circumvent the GPL's requirements on source code by shipping your
 combined work in the form of a GPLed library and a GPL-incompatible
 program; nor can you circumvent them by writing (or reusing) a GPL
 interpreter and shipping it together with the GPLed library and your
 GPL-incompatible script (bytecode).  (I'm going to ignore the much
 hairier RPC question for the moment. :)
  Because the two libraries are interface-compatible, the FSF is not in a
  position to forbid people from distributing code that links against
  libreadline if that code is not licensed GPL-compatibly, because the
  code could be linked against libeditline instead.[1]
 Yes, but they are in a position to forbid distributing such code
 together with readline itself.

I hate to say this because I love my bright-line tests, but I think
intent matters here.  Shipping such code together with readline
itself, and nothing else, should be distinguishable from what Debian
does, which is ship such code, readline itself, a clone or two of
readline, and a whole boatload of other stuff that has nothing to do
with any of the above.

[1] Apple Computer v. Microsoft Corp., 35 F.3d 1435, 1446-47 (9th Cir. 1994)
[2] Lotus Dev. Corp. v. Borland Int'l, 49 F.3d 807, 815 (1st Cir. 1995).

G. Branden Robinson|   The only way to get rid of a
Debian GNU/Linux   |   temptation is to yield to it.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   -- Oscar Wilde |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-20 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 04:15:54AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

   Is it any help to cite the libreadline/libeditline case?  Readline is a
   GPLed library authored by the FSF.  Editline is a BSD-licensed clone
   (with a limited feature set) developed by people who weren't happy with
   Readline's licensing.

  I think it's an interesting case to consider because of the question of
  whether an interface is copyrightable, but I think that discussion is
  best left for another thread.  In any case, I believe the generic
  interface defense is only applicable when the distributor is not
  distributing a combination that requires selecting one specific
  implementation as the default.

 I am not sure the U.S. courts agree.[1][2]

I don't see how the cases you cite conflict with what I said.  In both
of the cases, IIRC, the courts found in favor of someone who duplicated
a competitor's interface.  This seems to support (API vs. user interface
question aside) the notion that the generic interface defense *is*
applicable when you aren't distributing someone else's copyrighted
implementation of the generic interface.  However, it does not establish
a precedent for the case where you *are* distributing the plaintiff's
copyrighted work which provides a given interface.  Apple v. Microsoft
doesn't mean Microsoft could claim MacOS no longer enjoys copyright
protection just because someone cloned the UI.

  To restate:  If distributing a statically-linked binary that combines a
  GPL library with GPL-incompatible code is a violation of the GPL, then
  shipping *any other combination of files* which constitute a program
  that, when run, result in a corresponding intermingling of GPL and
  GPL-incompatible code in memory is also a violation of the GPL.  You
  cannot circumvent the GPL's requirements on source code by shipping your
  combined work in the form of a GPLed library and a GPL-incompatible
  program; nor can you circumvent them by writing (or reusing) a GPL
  interpreter and shipping it together with the GPLed library and your
  GPL-incompatible script (bytecode).  (I'm going to ignore the much
  hairier RPC question for the moment. :)

   Because the two libraries are interface-compatible, the FSF is not in a
   position to forbid people from distributing code that links against
   libreadline if that code is not licensed GPL-compatibly, because the
   code could be linked against libeditline instead.[1]

  Yes, but they are in a position to forbid distributing such code
  together with readline itself.

 I hate to say this because I love my bright-line tests, but I think
 intent matters here.  Shipping such code together with readline
 itself, and nothing else, should be distinguishable from what Debian
 does, which is ship such code, readline itself, a clone or two of
 readline, and a whole boatload of other stuff that has nothing to do
 with any of the above.

I think references to the file name of the GPL'ed library in an
application's ELF header constitute pretty damning evidence of the real
intent.  Your honor, the plaintiff's license is non-binding because I
could have used editline instead doesn't sound like much of a defense
to me.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-08 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Wed, 2003-05-07 at 19:11, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:

 P is not a derived work of GPLLib, but P+GPLLib is likely to be a
 derived work of GPLLib, in which case it is not allowed to distribute
 them together.

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], I posted the legal definition of a
derivative work in the United States at least, taken from Title 17 USC,
Section 101. To repeat:

A ''derivative work'' is a work based upon one or more
preexisting works, such as a translation, musical
arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion
picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,
abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which
a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work
consisting of editorial revisions, annotations,
elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole,
represent an original work of authorship, is a
''derivative work''. (Title 17 USC, Sec. 101)

From the definition, I don't see how it could be argued that P is not a
derivative work of GPLLib, unless P happens to be on the same CD-ROM
(ftp site, etc.) as GPLLib.

I can see (though not agree with) that the binary image created in
memory may be a derivative work. But the GPL allows arbitrary use, so
there is no license violation. If it dumps core, though, you may not be
able to redistribute the core. :-)

BTW: Beware DFSG 1 when arguing that P alone is distributable, GPLLib
alone is distributable, but together, they are not. This isn't always
true, such as with the system components exception to the GPL, but its
something to certainly be wary of. I think an interpretation of either
that DFSG and GPL that renders the GPL non-free is strange.

 However, you could certainly distribute P on its own if
 you could reasonably claim that P is useful without GPLLib.

I'll further argue that P is not based upon GPLLib in any meaningful
manner; it includes absolutely no part of GPLLib. 

 There are other implementations of grep, ls, etc, so it would
 certainly be all right to distribute the GPL-incompatible shell script
 on its own.

Sure. Assuming, of course, that the shell script doesn't use any GNU
extensions, which is quite a big assumption. Many scripts use GNU
extensions. Especially on Debian, which is a GNU system after all.

How many other tars accept a j option, for example? It ain't in SUSv2.
Neither is z, for that matter.

 which is probably doable if the
 script makes relatively minor use of grep, etc

I think you'd have a very hard time finding scripts which make minor use
of GPL utilities. Even our cat program (like everything else in
coreutils) is GPL. So is our echo program.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-08 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  However, you could certainly distribute P on its own if
  you could reasonably claim that P is useful without GPLLib.
 I'll further argue that P is not based upon GPLLib in any meaningful
 manner; it includes absolutely no part of GPLLib. 

If P is useless without GPLLib, then it might be argued that by
distributing P you are encouraging people to link it with GPLLib and
are thus indirectly distributing a combined work P+GPLLib which
infringes GPLLib's licence. That's why the existence of alternative
implementations of GPLLib is important. (Even the existence of
alternative GPL implementations might help.) However, if Debian were
to distribute P and GPLLib in such a way that P uses GPLLib by
default, then I would guess there is potentially a problem even if
there are alternative non-GPL implementations of the library.

  which is probably doable if the
  script makes relatively minor use of grep, etc
 I think you'd have a very hard time finding scripts which make minor use
 of GPL utilities. Even our cat program (like everything else in
 coreutils) is GPL. So is our echo program.

I suppose I should explain what I mean by minor, though I'm not
quite sure myself. Perhaps one could compare with the situation where
someone distributes a summary of someone else's novel, compared with
where someone distributes a criticism of the novel that also
summarises it in the course of criticising it. I don't have any legal
evidence for this idea, but I suspect that in addition to how much is
taken from or used from another work, what else a work contains may be
relevant in deciding whether it is a derived or an independent work.


Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 09:39:25PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 01:12:09PM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
  On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 01:50 AM, Branden Robinson wrote:
  Or are you wanting to restrict the problem domain to cases where an
  interface innovated in a GPLed library hasn't been cloned yet?
  1) Library GPLLib is under the GPL
  2) Perl module Iface provides an interface to various implementations
 of similar features, and the user selects which implementation to
  3) Perl modules PM uses GPLLib to implement Iface
  4) Perl program P is under a GPL-incompatible license
  Is is permissible for P to use PM through Iface?
 I would say yes, and I think that 2) is the critical issue.

Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS raised a good point.  GPL clause 0 says The act of
running the Program is not restricted.  Your question should be
rephrased as:

Does the GPL permit people to distribute P with GPLLib?

The answer probably depends on the circumstances, but distributing
alternative implementations of Iface with P, not just the GPLLib
implementation of Iface, makes the answer an almost certain yes.

G. Branden Robinson| If you're handsome, it's flirting.
Debian GNU/Linux   | If you're a troll, it's sexual
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | harassment. | -- George Carlin

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-08 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 12:50:30AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 05:58:15PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
  Any chance you'd care to comment on the underlying question of whether
  Debian should or should not accede to the FSF's claim that GPL
  modules for interpreted languages demand GPL scripts?  I believe Anthony
  and I are at an impasse; we simply disagree on the relative weight that
  should be given to various factors involved here, so no consensus is
  likely to be forthcoming between the two of us.

 I've been away from the list for a few days, but using Mutt to limit the
 message view to subjects including the string interp reveals no
 messages I haven't already read.  I recall a message from you referring
 to the GPL FAQ which confusingly talks about whether people can run
 GPL-incompatible scripts with a GPLed interpreter, which only serves to
 cloud the issue since The act of running the Program is not

Apparently, I haven't expressed myself very clearly.  Yes, I'm not
saying a user running such a script would be violating the GPL; the GPL
doesn't speak to running the program, and the GPL is non-binding on
users.  I'm also not talking about any cases where a script is
distributed separately from the interpreter, or where the bindings for
the interpreted language are distributed separately from the GPL library
that they make available to the script; these are gray areas, and not
germane to the activities of Debian or its redistributors.

I am specifically addressing the case where:

- a library, libfoo, available under the GPL
- an interpreter, pargle, available under a GPL-compatible license
- a module that provides bindings for scripts written in pargle to use
  libfoo, also available under a GPL-compatible license from a different
- a script, fooadmin.prg, under a GPL-incompatible license

are all distributed together in such a manner that running the script
causes pargle to load libfoo for use by fooadmin.prg.

The *act* of running fooadmin.prg is not a violation; but the facts of
how this code is combined into a single runtime executable at the
instant of running, without any conscious intent on the part of the
user, show, I believe, that the distribution of such a combined work
constitutes a violation on the part of the distributor.

The GPL FAQ supports this interpretation, saying,

  If a programming language interpreter is released under the GPL, does 
  that mean programs written to be interpreted by it must be under 
  GPL-compatible licenses?

  When the interpreter just interprets a language, the answer is no. 
  The interpreted program, to the interpreter, is just data; a free 
  software license like the GPL, based on copyright law, cannot limit 
  what data you use the interpreter on. You can run it on any data 
  (interpreted program), any way you like, and there are no requirements 
  about licensing that data to anyone.

  However, when the interpreter is extended to provide bindings to 
  other facilities (often, but not necessarily, libraries), the 
  interpreted program is effectively linked to the facilities it uses 
  through these bindings. So if these facilities are released under the 
  GPL, the interpreted program that uses them must be released in a 
  GPL-compatible way. The JNI or Java Native Interface is an example of 
  such a facility; libraries that are accessed in this way are linked 
  dynamically with the Java programs that call them.

  Another similar and very common case is to provide libraries with 
  the interpreter which are themselves interpreted. For instance, Perl 
  comes with many Perl modules, and a Java implementation comes with 
  many Java classes. These libraries and the programs that call them are 
  always dynamically linked together.

  A consequence is that if you choose to use GPL'd Perl modules or Java 
  classes in your program, you must release the program in a 
  GPL-compatible way, regardless of the license used in the Perl or Java 
  interpreter that the combined Perl or Java program will run on. 

The FSF's statement is really much farther-reaching than I believe it
has any grounds to be (see the gray areas above), but if it has any
merit at all, the case is strongest when distributing all the components
together in a single product (operating system or otherwise).

So my questions for debian-legal are,

Do you believe the GPL FAQ presents a legally valid interpretation of
the GPL, as it pertains to the case of combined distribution described

Do you believe this interpretation is *applicable* to GPL code that is
copyright FSF, to code that is copyright MySQL AB, and to GPL code in
general?  Why or why not?

If this interpretation is applicable in some or all cases, could Debian
be in violation for using GPL commandline utilities from
GPL-incompatible scripts?  If not, how are commandline utilities
different from language bindings for an interpreted language?

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-07 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 05:58:15PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
 Any chance you'd care to comment on the underlying question of whether
 Debian should or should not accede to the FSF's claim that GPL
 modules for interpreted languages demand GPL scripts?  I believe Anthony
 and I are at an impasse; we simply disagree on the relative weight that
 should be given to various factors involved here, so no consensus is
 likely to be forthcoming between the two of us.

I've been away from the list for a few days, but using Mutt to limit the
message view to subjects including the string interp reveals no
messages I haven't already read.  I recall a message from you referring
to the GPL FAQ which confusingly talks about whether people can run
GPL-incompatible scripts with a GPLed interpreter, which only serves to
cloud the issue since The act of running the Program is not

Is it any help to cite the libreadline/libeditline case?  Readline is a
GPLed library authored by the FSF.  Editline is a BSD-licensed clone
(with a limited feature set) developed by people who weren't happy with
Readline's licensing.

Because the two libraries are interface-compatible, the FSF is not in a
position to forbid people from distributing code that links against
libreadline if that code is not licensed GPL-compatibly, because the
code could be linked against libeditline instead.[1]

(Incidentally, there appear to be at least *two* clones of Readline in

libedit-dev - BSD editline and history libraries (development files)
libedit2 - BSD editline and history libraries
libeditline-dev - Line editing library similar to readline - developer files
libeditline0 - Line editing library similar to readline - runtime

So, following this reasoning, if there is a GNU BASIC interpreter
licensed under the GPL, this does not mean that Debian cannot distribute
GPL-incompatible BASIC programs in packages, because there are other
BASIC interpreters in Debian that are more liberally licensed.

Or are you wanting to restrict the problem domain to cases where an
interface innovated in a GPLed library hasn't been cloned yet?

G. Branden Robinson|The first thing the communists do
Debian GNU/Linux   |when they take over a country is to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |outlaw cockfighting. |-- Oklahoma State Senator John Monks

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-07 Thread Anthony DeRobertis

On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 01:50 AM, Branden Robinson wrote:

Or are you wanting to restrict the problem domain to cases where an
interface innovated in a GPLed library hasn't been cloned yet?

1) Library GPLLib is under the GPL
2) Perl module Iface provides an interface to various implementations
   of similar features, and the user selects which implementation to
3) Perl modules PM uses GPLLib to implement Iface
4) Perl program P is under a GPL-incompatible license

Is is permissible for P to use PM through Iface?

I argue yes because I don't see how P could _possibly_ be held to be 
a derived worked of GPLLib, and thus is not subject to the GPLs 

I further argue that if the answer is no, there is no good reason to 
say changing the language from perl to shell script should matter, and 
thus no GPL-incompatibly licensed program can use GNU grep, ls, etc.

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-07 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   1) Library GPLLib is under the GPL
   2) Perl module Iface provides an interface to various implementations
  of similar features, and the user selects which implementation to
   3) Perl modules PM uses GPLLib to implement Iface
   4) Perl program P is under a GPL-incompatible license
 Is is permissible for P to use PM through Iface?

Yes, of course, because the GPL doesn't restrict use!

 I argue yes because I don't see how P could _possibly_ be held to be 
 a derived worked of GPLLib, and thus is not subject to the GPLs 

P is not a derived work of GPLLib, but P+GPLLib is likely to be a
derived work of GPLLib, in which case it is not allowed to distribute
them together. However, you could certainly distribute P on its own if
you could reasonably claim that P is useful without GPLLib.

 I further argue that if the answer is no, there is no good reason to 
 say changing the language from perl to shell script should matter, and 
 thus no GPL-incompatibly licensed program can use GNU grep, ls, etc.

There are other implementations of grep, ls, etc, so it would
certainly be all right to distribute the GPL-incompatible shell script
on its own. Debian would distribute the shell script with GNU grep,
ls, etc, so you'd have to find another argument why the script is a
separate work from grep, ls, etc, which is probably doable if the
script makes relatively minor use of grep, etc to do something
independently interesting, but would be a bit harder if the script
implements a graphical interface to grep.

That's how I see it, anyway.


Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-07 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 01:12:09PM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
 On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 01:50 AM, Branden Robinson wrote:
 Or are you wanting to restrict the problem domain to cases where an
 interface innovated in a GPLed library hasn't been cloned yet?
   1) Library GPLLib is under the GPL
   2) Perl module Iface provides an interface to various implementations
  of similar features, and the user selects which implementation to
   3) Perl modules PM uses GPLLib to implement Iface
   4) Perl program P is under a GPL-incompatible license
 Is is permissible for P to use PM through Iface?

I would say yes, and I think that 2) is the critical issue.

Without 2), this procedure looks like an effort to create a Perl module
Iface which is a shim to let other programs P make themselves infrining
derivatives of GPLLib.

But with 2), this procedure looks like an effort to create an
abstraction layer Iface, which is a shim to let other programs P
interoperate with a de-facto standard.  Programs P cannot *necessarily*
be derivative works of GPLLlib in this scenario, and therefore such
programs are not *necessarily* infringing of the GNU GPL at the time
they are distributed.

This is my opinion, and I cannot claim to speak for the FSF, but the
above sounds exactly like the libreadline/libeditline situation to me,
and to my knowledge the FSF has never gone after people who *weren't*
using libreadline-as-libreadline with a GPL-incompatible application.
NcFTP is an example of a program that did just that, according to the

G. Branden Robinson|   The software said it required
Debian GNU/Linux   |   Windows 3.1 or better, so I
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   installed Linux. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-30 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Mon, 2003-04-28 at 18:58, Steve Langasek wrote:

 Any chance you'd care to comment on the underlying question of whether
 Debian should or should not accede to the FSF's claim that GPL
 modules for interpreted languages demand GPL scripts? 

I think he's too busy taking over the world to do that.

 I believe Anthony
 and I are at an impasse;

Seems that way.

 so no consensus is
 likely to be forthcoming between the two of us.

At least not without some further arguments coming to light.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-28 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 02:35:30AM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
 A copyright holder has legal standing to sue anyone he damn well

Not true; questions like this are frequently decided in the early phases
of civil trials, and not always in favor of the plaintiff.  Standing
is a legal concept and a matter of law that is litigated by attorneys
and decided by judges, often with reference to statutes which *define*
standing in various types of cases.

Please consult a legal dictionary.

G. Branden Robinson|  There's no trick to being a
Debian GNU/Linux   |  humorist when you have the whole
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  government working for you. |  -- Will Rogers

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-28 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 05:07:03PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 02:35:30AM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
  A copyright holder has legal standing to sue anyone he damn well

 Not true; questions like this are frequently decided in the early phases
 of civil trials, and not always in favor of the plaintiff.  Standing
 is a legal concept and a matter of law that is litigated by attorneys
 and decided by judges, often with reference to statutes which *define*
 standing in various types of cases.

Any chance you'd care to comment on the underlying question of whether
Debian should or should not accede to the FSF's claim that GPL
modules for interpreted languages demand GPL scripts?  I believe Anthony
and I are at an impasse; we simply disagree on the relative weight that
should be given to various factors involved here, so no consensus is
likely to be forthcoming between the two of us.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-26 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Apr 20, 2003 at 08:02:45PM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:

  My question is, how is a package that depends on DBD::mysql materially
  different from a compiled program that links dynamically against

 A ''derivative work'' is a work based upon one or more
 preexisting works, such as a translation, musical
 arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion
 picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,
 abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which
 a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work
 consisting of editorial revisions, annotations,
 elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole,
 represent an original work of authorship, is a
 ''derivative work''. (Title 17 USC, Sec. 101)

 I can see how it can be argued that dynamic linking is creating a
 derivative work, because it actually involves copying _very small_
 amounts of the library into the executable. I'm not sure if I agree with
 that; but let's assume it true for a moment.

I am not arguing that dynamic linking creates a derivative work, and I'm
not sure the FSF is, either.  I *am* arguing that it is within the
purview of the GPL to impose restrictions on redistribution of dependent
works whether or not these are derivative works; and the FSF's GPL FAQ
asserts that they are doing so.

 If you think that is a creation of a derivative work (and thus violates
 the GPL), then I have a much bigger GPL violation for you to worry
 about. It's with an interpreter known as bash. Many bash scripts
 rely on functionality provided by bash modules such as grep, gawk,
 and even tar. Why is this OK, if the DBI/DBD stuff isn't? The
 mechanisms are different; the effect is the same.

Are you certain that a copyright holder who subscribed to this
interpretation would *not* have legal standing to sue someone for
bundling their GPLed 'mygrep' with a proprietary script that invokes it?

There are two differences, however.  First, we know of no copyright
holders who assert such a requirement in the case of shell scripting
interfaces; whereas in the case of GPL modules that are loaded into
memory by interpreters, there is at least one prominent copyright holder
who asserts this requirement.  Second, in the case of shell utilities, it
is the original authors who have exposed a certain interface (the exec()
interface) for use by the system; whereas in the case of a Perl module,
the wrapper that provides the interface used by Perl scripts may be
written by a third party (as is the case with DBD::mysql), and its
existence cannot be construed as an implicit endorsement on the part of
the authors of the original library.

The truth is that much of this is very fuzzy; but there are some reasons
to believe we are acting in good faith when we use GPL shell utilities
from GPL-incompatible scripts, and there are also some reasons (such as
the statements in the GPL FAQ) to believe this argument would not hold
up as well when the GPL lib is incorporated into an extension to an
interpreted language.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-26 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Sat, 2003-04-26 at 01:17, Steve Langasek wrote:

 I am not arguing that dynamic linking creates a derivative work, and I'm
 not sure the FSF is, either.  I *am* arguing that it is within the
 purview of the GPL to impose restrictions on redistribution of dependent
 works whether or not these are derivative works; and the FSF's GPL FAQ
 asserts that they are doing so.

Considering DFSG 1, I _sincerely_ hope they are not doing that!

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a
storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the
scope of this License.

a 'work based on the Program' means either the Program or any
derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing
the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications
and/or translated into another language.

So, unless the program is a derivative work, it doesn't fall under the
GPL's requirements. Any license that claimed otherwise would, I think,
fail DFSG 1.

 Are you certain that a copyright holder who subscribed to this
 interpretation would *not* have legal standing to sue someone for
 bundling their GPLed 'mygrep' with a proprietary script that invokes it?

A copyright holder has legal standing to sue anyone he damn well
pleases. IANAL, but I think said suit would be lost. The point is, of
course, that we have _hundreds_ of scripts like this, and we seem to (by
inaction, at least) judge that OK.

 There are two differences, however.  First, we know of no copyright
 holders who assert such a requirement in the case of shell scripting
 interfaces; whereas in the case of GPL modules that are loaded into
 memory by interpreters, there is at least one prominent copyright holder
 who asserts this requirement.

Sure. This does lessen lawsuit risk, but the point is anyone could get
ticked off and decide to suddenly try and enforce that. If it's illegal,
we shouldn't be doing it --- whether someone currently complains or not.

 Second, in the case of shell utilities, it
 is the original authors who have exposed a certain interface (the exec()
 interface) for use by the system; whereas in the case of a Perl module,

Hold on a sec. It's pretty clear that the authors of libmysqlclient have
exposed a certain interface (the C API) for use by other programs on the
system. The perl module is just using that documented, public interface.

 The truth is that much of this is very fuzzy; but there are some reasons
 to believe we are acting in good faith when we use GPL shell utilities
 from GPL-incompatible scripts, and there are also some reasons (such as
 the statements in the GPL FAQ) to believe this argument would not hold
 up as well when the GPL lib is incorporated into an extension to an
 interpreted language.

What, actually, is the difference? That the kernel happens to load
libraries into the same address space as programs, but separate programs
have separate address space? Does that mean that using those shell
scripts on Mac OS before 10 would be illegal because all processes share
one address space? Or that shared memory is a problem? Would that be any
different than shared disk space, in light of mmap?

Why does bash's or dpkg's use of execve(2) for a shell script form a
magic copyright barrier, while Perl's use of AutoLoader does not?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-21 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 If you think that is a creation of a derivative work (and thus violates
 the GPL), then I have a much bigger GPL violation for you to worry
 about. It's with an interpreter known as bash.

Another example is the Linux kernel and GPL-incompatible programs that
use kernel services. This is mentioned in /usr/src/linux/COPYING:

   NOTE! This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use kernel
 services by normal system calls - this is merely considered normal use
 of the kernel, and does *not* fall under the heading of derived work.

(What does it mean by normal system calls? I assume it means system
calls of an ordinary, released kernel, as opposed to ones that have
been added specially to support some GPL-incompatible program.
However, it could mean standard Unix system calls, as opposed to
functions that are specific to Linux.)

 [ Sorry for being so sarcastic in the last paragraph. But we really need
   to decide when program A benefiting from features of program B creates
   a derivative work, if ever. ]

It's a difficult problem.


Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-20 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 19:19, Steve Langasek wrote:

 My question is, how is a package that depends on DBD::mysql materially
 different from a compiled program that links dynamically against

A ''derivative work'' is a work based upon one or more
preexisting works, such as a translation, musical
arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion
picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,
abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which
a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work
consisting of editorial revisions, annotations,
elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole,
represent an original work of authorship, is a
''derivative work''. (Title 17 USC, Sec. 101)

I can see how it can be argued that dynamic linking is creating a
derivative work, because it actually involves copying _very small_
amounts of the library into the executable. I'm not sure if I agree with
that; but let's assume it true for a moment.

Now, we're talking about a perl script that contains _no_ part of the
other work. It's hard to see how it could --- by including no part of
the work whatsoever --- be a derivative work. Sure, it gets some
functionality from it, through a standardized API, which works with
several databases.

If you think that is a creation of a derivative work (and thus violates
the GPL), then I have a much bigger GPL violation for you to worry
about. It's with an interpreter known as bash. Many bash scripts
rely on functionality provided by bash modules such as grep, gawk,
and even tar. Why is this OK, if the DBI/DBD stuff isn't? The
mechanisms are different; the effect is the same.

I've even heard rumors of a program which links against GPL libraries
and yet depends on functionality provided by modules with names like
openssl.preinst which are apparently under the OpenSSL license, which
is not GPL compatible. Oh, yeah, and there is even that apache-ssl
module for that relies on OpenSSL's x509 stuff. Once again, the
mechanisms are different; the effect is the same.

[ Sorry for being so sarcastic in the last paragraph. But we really need
  to decide when program A benefiting from features of program B creates
  a derivative work, if ever. ]

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-16 Thread Steve Langasek
Hi Raphael,

On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 10:08:59PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
 Le Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 02:29:52PM -0500, Steve Langasek écrivait:
  The latest version of libdbd-mysql-perl build-depends on
  libmysqclient-dev.  I'm afraid that, although this fixed the FTBFS bug,
  it potentially renders some software in our archive non-distributable.
  Because the new libmysqlclient12 package is licensed under the GPL, any
  GPL-incompatible apps which depend on libdbd-mysql-perl would be in
  violation of the libmysqlclient12 license.

 I disagree completely with this bug.

 The perl module links to libmysqlclient12, but the perl module is
 available under the GPL so it's ok.

I agree that the perl module itself is not violating the license of 

 Any other program/script uses DBD::mysql but doesn't link to
 libmysqlclient12 ... so there's no problem on that side either.

Here, I have to disagree.  You draw a distinction based on linking,
but this word only appears only once in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL:
as a footnote referring to the fact that the LGPL *does* allow linking
to proprietary apps.

Please note that if you are right, this would be a gaping loophole in
the GPL: it would allow people to circumvent the GPL, just by wrapping
any code they want as a module for an interpreted language.  Fortunately
for the goals of the FSF, this is not the case.  If you (in this case:
Debian) are distributing GPL software, under copyright law the GPL can
(and does) place restrictions on your distribution of other software
together with the GPL software; and under the DFSG, this is acceptable
because the GPL only restricts redistribution of other software that's
*related* to the GPL code programmatically (it doesn't taint independent
software distributed alongside it).

This establishes that a license can place restrictions on scripts built
around the software and still be considered free, but of course we must
also show that the GPL actually has such a restriction.  I believe the
key is in GPL section 2:

2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
  of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
  distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
  above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:


  b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
  whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
  part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
  parties under the terms of this License.

We are linking scripts that depend on libdbd-mysql-perl in a manner
that's conceptually equivalent to a dynamically-linked binary:  we have
a programmatic link, in the form of a Depends: line in our package
system, that guarantees that when the user runs the script as we
distribute it, GPL code is loaded into memory.  This means that any
scripts *we* distribute that Depend: on libdbd-mysql-perl must comply
with the terms of the GPL.  This is also not inconsistent with other
views of the GPL; anyone else, who is not distributing the MySQL
libraries, can distribute such scripts freely under terms of their

  These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
  identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
  and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
  themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
  sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
  distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
  on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
  this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
  entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote 

  I have not had a chance to look through the list of packages that depend
  on libdbd-mysql-perl to see if any of these are actually
  GPL-incompatible; however, libmysqlclient10 has been reintroduced to the
  archive for just this sort of situation.  Please consider changing your
  build-dep back to libmysqclient10-dev and dropping the libssl-dev

 Not until you can convince me that my interpretation of the license is
 clearly wrong. 

Please let me know if you find problems with any of my reasoning above.
Since the GPL makes no reference to technical details of linking
mechanisms, however, I'm confident that any interpretation that permits
distributing GPL-incompatible perl scripts together with a GPL perl
module would also permit distributing GPL-incompatible compiled binaries
together with GPL libraries.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-16 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Apr 17, 2003 at 12:02:31AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
 Le Wed, Apr 16, 2003 at 03:15:19PM -0500, Steve Langasek écrivait:
  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.

 I'm sorry but a perl script using DBI/DBD::mysql doesn't contain
 DBD::mysql and is not derived from DBD::mysql ... and it doesn't
 contain libmysqlclient12 and it isn't derived from libmysqlclient12.

 This is even more clear when you consider the fact that a perl script
 can use DBI as a general DB layer without knowing which driver is used
 behind the doors.

My question is, how is a package that depends on DBD::mysql materially
different from a compiled program that links dynamically against
libmysqlclient?  The mechanisms are different; the effect is the same.  I
believe that any sane interpretation of the GPL must treat these cases as
equivalent.  You seem to agree, though you disagree with me on how these
two cases should be treated.

  Please let me know if you find problems with any of my reasoning above.

 The fact is that I think that you extend too easily the meaning of
 contains and is derived.

 While a program directly linked can be considered like a derived work of
 the library, I don't think that you can say that program A is a derived
 work of libX if A is linked to libY which itself uses libX.

 Yes this means that you can go around the limitation of the GPL... but
 I'm confident that a fake library used only in that intent would be
 considered as violating the spirit of the GPL. However when that
 intermediate library serves a generic purpose like DBI, I doubt that
 we violate the spirit of the GPL.

So you don't believe that the letter of the GPL prohibits binary-only
distribution of an application, together with a GPL library that it's
dynamically linked against?  I believe there is room for argument here;
however, I also believe that Debian has a responsibility to err on the
side of caution when there is room for argument in interpreting a

As to the spirit of the GPL, please read  This is
the opinion of the FSF; I'm inclined to believe, based both on past
litigation and on the fact of their strange decision to relicense under
the GPL that they will take a stance that's as hard-line as or more so
than that of the FSF.

The packages I listed in the bug report are not just consumers of the
intermediary DBI library; through decisions made by the package
maintainers, there are explicit dependencies on the DBD::mysql module.

  Since the GPL makes no reference to technical details of linking
  mechanisms, however, I'm confident that any interpretation that permits
  distributing GPL-incompatible perl scripts together with a GPL perl
  module would also permit distributing GPL-incompatible compiled binaries
  together with GPL libraries.

 Note that the perl module is not GPL only, but GPL/Artistic (like most
 perl modules). I don't know how much trouble that brings ... :-)

In this case, I think it saves trouble: if DBD::mysql were GPL-only, then
the same argument applies even if you link against the LGPL version of

 Does your reasoning also mean that each time a proprietary perl script
 is using a standard perl module, it uses the module under the terms of
 the Artistic license and not under the GPL because it can't comply with
 the GPL ?

Only if the proprietary perl script is bundled with the perl module.  If
the proprietary perl script isn't bundled, both licenses allow this use
(the FSF seems to disagree here, but I don't think they have legal
standing to enforce their position against someone who isn't a
distributor of the GPL code).

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-04-15 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Le Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 02:29:52PM -0500, Steve Langasek écrivait:
 The latest version of libdbd-mysql-perl build-depends on
 libmysqclient-dev.  I'm afraid that, although this fixed the FTBFS bug,
 it potentially renders some software in our archive non-distributable.
 Because the new libmysqlclient12 package is licensed under the GPL, any
 GPL-incompatible apps which depend on libdbd-mysql-perl would be in
 violation of the libmysqlclient12 license.

I disagree completely with this bug.

The perl module links to libmysqlclient12, but the perl module is
available under the GPL so it's ok.

Any other program/script uses DBD::mysql but doesn't link to
libmysqlclient12 ... so there's no problem on that side either.

 I have not had a chance to look through the list of packages that depend
 on libdbd-mysql-perl to see if any of these are actually
 GPL-incompatible; however, libmysqlclient10 has been reintroduced to the
 archive for just this sort of situation.  Please consider changing your
 build-dep back to libmysqclient10-dev and dropping the libssl-dev

Not until you can convince me that my interpretation of the license is
clearly wrong. 

I'm ccing debian-legal to have further input.

Raphaël Hertzog -+-
Formation Linux et logiciel libre :