Re: Companies contact team@security?

2014-05-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Korte,

On Samstag, 17. Mai 2014, wrote:
> mentions
> "Companies using Debian who are interested in aiding this effort should
> contact"
> Is this still up to date or should it be replaced with debian-lts?

it should be updated, yes.


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Re: Draft announce of Debian 6 LTS, please review quickly

2014-06-13 Thread Holger Levsen

On Freitag, 13. Juni 2014, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Please review the attached draft, share your comments and let me know if I
> missed your company.

I don't like the focus / expressed view that LTS is made possible by 
sponsoring organisations rather than volunteers. I think it sets a bad 

Not only does the existing text emphasize this company support it also 
completly lacks mentioning volunteers and thanking them for their work.

And this despite as far as I know all LTS work has been voluntary so far.

Holger, who also wants to offer his work for hire for LTS but so far
failed to introduce himself on this list properly ;) Probably 
I've been to busy with volunteer work - I guess I should stop 
and focus on making money instead.

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Re: Draft announce of Debian 6 LTS, please review quickly

2014-06-13 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Raphael,

On Freitag, 13. Juni 2014, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Here's my suggestion. Replace the 2nd paragraph with this:
> Holger, does that sound ok to you?

sounds a lot better to me! thanks!


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Re: LTS / DebConf

2014-07-02 Thread Holger Levsen

On Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014, wrote:
> Is anyone of the people working on LTS going to DebConf in August? (I
> won't)

I'll be there.
> It would be good to submit a talk to spread the word how to contribute
> and where to go from here.

I can certainly contribute to it and possible (co-)give the talk.

Shall we start with some slides in our git repo?


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Re: LTS / DebConf

2014-07-07 Thread Holger Levsen

On Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2014, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> I can prepare premilinary slides as a basis.


I've submitted an event now, so far boringly titled "Debian Long Term Support" 
with the descripion "What is the Debian LTS, what are the experiences so far, 
what are the plans and expectations?" and as URL.

Anything else/better?


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Re: LTS / DebConf

2014-07-07 Thread Holger Levsen

I forgot the URL for adding yourself to the event, should you want to 
participate and be there:


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Re: squeeze-lts and the security tracker

2014-07-08 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Florian, 

On Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2014, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> > You need the following in addition to the existing source entries for
> > squeeze (as long as squeeze-lts is active, squeeze won't be moved
> > to
> > 
> > deb squeeze-lts main contrib non-free
> > deb-src squeeze-lts main contrib non-free
> Did you have a chance to look into it?
> Currently tracking issues for squeeze-lts is slightly complicated.

ping, what Moritz said is still true, fixing it would be much appreciated!


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LTS-ID : LTS6A-2014-015

2014-07-12 Thread Holger Levsen

I've refrained from adding "LTS6A-2014-015" to the subject of the linux-2.6 
announcement, as well as from including it in the body. But I think we should 
have some ID there, and I propose to use "Long Term Support for Debian 6 
Announcement", or short, LTS6A for this.

What do you think?


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Re: LTS-ID : LTS6A-2014-015

2014-07-13 Thread Holger Levsen

On Samstag, 12. Juli 2014, Holger Levsen wrote:
> I've refrained from adding "LTS6A-2014-015" to the subject of the linux-2.6
> announcement, as well as from including it in the body. But I think we
> should have some ID there, and I propose to use "Long Term Support for
> Debian 6 Announcement", or short, LTS6A for this.

possible variations would be "LTS6" or "ALTS6" or just "LTS", but considering 
that we might see LTS for two versions at once and/or that some people will 
only be interested in a certain LTS flavor, I'd suggest to include the major 
release number in the prefix. Besides that I don't really care much which 
prefix we choose, just that we use an id system at all.


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Re: LTS-ID : LTS6A-2014-015

2014-07-13 Thread Holger Levsen

On Sonntag, 13. Juli 2014, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
> > Why not simply LTS-0008 (or whatever number this one is)?
> How do you sync two people working on different packages?

I'd suggest to pre-allocate them via a file in git.
> As all (most?) LTS updates have a corresponding DSA number why not simply
> replace DSA by LTS?

the linux-2.6 is my first counter example, I'm sure there will be more.


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Re: LTS-ID : LTS6A-2014-015

2014-07-13 Thread Holger Levsen

On Sonntag, 13. Juli 2014, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
> Hmm, according to your announce this upload fixes CVE-2014-4699 which has
> DSA-2972-1.
> Or DSA-2949-1 for CVE-2014-3145.

so let's roll a dice? IMO there is no problem / much overhead in keeping a 
track of some IDs and there are some issues with the idea of reusing DSA IDs.

> In this case maybe the latest one would be the best.

what about cases where stable ain't affected?


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Re: LTS-ID : LTS6A-2014-015

2014-07-14 Thread Holger Levsen

On Montag, 14. Juli 2014, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> I just commited an initial list the existing LTS announcements to
> data/DLA/list, using the same style as data/DSA/list in
> secure-testing. I chose DLA based on the name of the
> Debian-Lts-Announce mailing list.

ok, let's settle on that then. I've just committed reservations for libxml2 
and tor, thus bcc:ing Thorsten and Petter to be double-sure they get the news: 
secure-testing$ svn diff
Index: data/DLA/list
--- data/DLA/list   (revision 27711)
+++ data/DLA/list   (working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+reserved DLA-0017-1 tor - new upstream version
+reserved DLA-0016-1 libxml2 - security update

Please use those IDs when mailing

> You can now pre-declare an LTS number there while you're preparing it,
> and whoever commits first gets the numer. It would be nice to refactor
> bin/gen-DSA make updating the DLA data more automated, but I'm not
> planning to do that.

That would indeed be nice, maybe we can have a LTS work session at dc14?


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DLA documented

2014-07-14 Thread Holger Levsen

I went ahead and explained LTS and DLA in 
and (and redefined DLA to mean "Debian 
LTS Advisory...) and also explained DLA ID handling it 


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Re: DLA documented

2014-07-14 Thread Holger Levsen

Alexander Wirt just offered/suggested to reject mails not conforming to a 
certain subject format (eg including a DLA ID) as well as unsigned mails. (I'd 
suggest to only allow mails signed by keys able to upload.)

If we want this, we should file a wishlist bug against lists.d.o - do we?
IMO yes.


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Re: DLA documented

2014-07-14 Thread Holger Levsen

On Montag, 14. Juli 2014, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> I thought "signed by a DD" is already a requirement for the LTS announce
> list?

yes, it is (as Alexander already privatly confirmed).


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Re: DLA documented

2014-07-15 Thread Holger Levsen

On Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:
> I don't think we should impose restrictions on the format of the mails.

I think we absolutly should. We want consistend announcements, don't we?

> If
> we want to welcome maintainers not part of the LTS team to take care of
> packages in Debian LTS, we should not make this needlessly difficult.

Sure! But I think we can do both.

> Let's not mimick the existing infrastructure too much,
> but rather have a look on how can create cleaner solutions from scratch
> (and retrofit them into once they've proven
> themselves):

I also agree with this.

> If IDs are important to people to have a specific identifier, we should
> rather solve this technically: The script which checks the PGP signature
> could simply increment the ID internally and rewrite the subject with [DLA
> $ID]. This saves people from all hassle with allocating IDs and it's free
> of race conditions in assigning IDs.

listmasters, how feasible do you think it is? I'm all for automating the 
generation of proper announcements! (But I also think that we should use other 
means to achieve consisten announcements until we got there.)


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Re: User Q: Lenny -> Squeeze ; unverified packages reported by apt

2014-07-21 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Ron,

On Montag, 21. Juli 2014, Ron Leach wrote:
> List, good evening, I am a user, not a developer, and let me apologise
> if this is the wrong list to ask a question.
> We've been running a Lenny server for some years, which we've now
> taken offline to upgrade to Wheezy, a process which Debian strongly
> recommends is done in 2 stages, 1st stage an upgrade to Squeeze.

if you plan to upgrade to wheezy anyway and just use squeeze as an 
intermediate step in between, I'd suggest not to bother with squeeze-lts at 
all. Just upgrade to squeeze and then to wheezy.


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Re: DLA documented

2014-07-22 Thread Holger Levsen

(adding listmasters@ to cc: again...)

On Freitag, 18. Juli 2014, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> > > I don't think we should impose restrictions on the format of the mails.
> > I think we absolutly should. We want consistend announcements, don't we?
> Not at the price of scaring away occasional LTS contributors, no.

well, we'll pay the price of looking incompent in exchange (as mails with 
"broken subjects" or context will happen. I hate(d) to see those on the DSA 
list (as it makes Debian security look bad, IMO) and I wont like to see these 
mistakes with DLAs. 

Also I'm not conviced a bouncing mail will scare away contributors for real.
> Since the moderation scripts doesn't send error bounces, every misformatted
> mail ends up in a black hole.

This doesnt sound like an unfixable problem. (?)

All this said, I won't insist now, getting work done is definitly more 
important than endless arguing.


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Re: gen-DLA (was: Re: LTS-ID : LTS6A-2014-015)

2014-07-22 Thread Holger Levsen

On Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> > +reserved DLA-0017-1 tor - new upstream version
> > +reserved DLA-0016-1 libxml2 - security update
> Could we please not have those "reserved" ids? just add the entry and use
> it.

sure. I think the distinction / meaning of "reserved" is just "unreleased"...
> I've just made a copy of gen-DSA, s/DSA/DLA;s/dsa/dla/ and removed some
> bits. It works as it is, so please use it - will have a look another day to
> merge the two into a single script to avoid code duplication.

very cool!
> As for having a work session during DC14... why not, but please lets cut
> the blabla down, as e.g. it took me more time to find and read all of this
> thread and the other, related, one than to get a working gen-DLA.

sure! :) how/when shall we schedule it?


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DLA27/file, delayed upload due to network outtage

2014-07-31 Thread Holger Levsen

so I send out the announcement for DLA27/file and then I wanted to upload the 
ready package and my network connection broke :-/

I now realize that wiki.d.o/LTS/Development suggests to first upload, then 
send mail... mea culpa, I'm sorry.


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python2.6 update

2014-08-01 Thread Holger Levsen

as Raphel Geissert who did the python2.6 update is not on irc, some quotes 
from #debian-lts:

[16:40] < Pepper>  Hi! Is there a regression in python2.6?
[16:40] < Pepper>  I'm getting  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 47, 
[16:40] < Pepper>  from os import urandom as _urandom
[16:40] < Pepper>  ImportError: cannot import name urandom
[16:40] < Pepper> Happens on lts version: python2.6_2.6.6-8+deb6u1
[16:43] <  h01ger> | Pepper: hi. i've no idea about your specific problem 
but i forwarded it to the person who did the update and told him 
  to join here
[16:44] < Pepper> | h01ger: thx.
[16:46] <  h01ger> | Pepper: if nothing happens in 30-60m i suggest to 
mail about that problem
[16:46] <  h01ger> | (that list is publically archived)
[16:46] < Pepper> is reporting a bug about a lts package ok too?
[16:48] <  h01ger> | sure
[16:48] < Pepper> will do some tests an report a bug if it doesn't clear 
things up... thx for help
[22:47] < weasel> 20:09:35> so
[22:47] < weasel> 20:09:39> the python update really broke stuff
[22:47] < weasel> 20:09:44> snapshot-sibelius for instance

Raphael told me about Peppers problem privatly that he couldnt reproduce it, 
so hints how to reproduce the problem(s) are welcome!


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Re: squeeze-lts and the security tracker

2014-08-05 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Florian,

On Dienstag, 8. Juli 2014, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2014, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> > > You need the following in addition to the existing source entries for
> > > squeeze (as long as squeeze-lts is active, squeeze won't be moved
> > > to
> > > 
> > > deb squeeze-lts main contrib non-free
> > > deb-src squeeze-lts main contrib
> > > non-free
> > 
> > Did you have a chance to look into it?
> > Currently tracking issues for squeeze-lts is slightly complicated.
> ping, what Moritz said is still true, fixing it would be much appreciated!

ping, almost a month later... :/

Having the oldstable tracker working would be really useful to pick packages 
to work on...

Isn't it just 5m work for you to enable it?


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Re: squeeze-lts and the security tracker

2014-08-06 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Florian,

On Dienstag, 5. August 2014, Florian Weimer wrote:
> > Having the oldstable tracker working would be really useful to pick
> > packages to work on...
> There's some code that assumes that oldstable has a security archive,
> which is not quite true for LTS. The LTS archive has to be configured
> in addition to the existing archives, so it's not just a matter of
> swapping out some URLs.

where's the repo for that code?

would creating an (empty) lts security archive be easier?


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Re: [DLA 20-1] munin security update

2014-08-08 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Vincent,

thanks for your feedback!

On Freitag, 8. August 2014, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> >>plugins will use /var/lib/munin-node/plugin-state/$uid/$some_file now
> >>- please report plugins that are still using
> >>/var/lib/munin/plugin-state/ - as those  might pose a security risk!
> This changes broke the crontab for /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all. Can we
> use the BTS to report that?

Yes, you could, but there is one already:

This has been finally fixed by git commit b80f5f72 and previously pampered 
over with f356fb30 - I'll probably release a fix for squeeze-lts using 
b80f5f72 later today.


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Re: squeeze-lts and the security tracker

2014-08-08 Thread Holger Levsen

On Mittwoch, 6. August 2014, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> > svn://
> > (as listed on the bottom of the security-tracker pages)
> In particular the Makefile, which fetches and parses the package archive
> data.

$ svn diff
Index: Makefile
--- Makefile(revision 28144)
+++ Makefile(working copy)
@@ -150,6 +150,20 @@
  done ; \
+update-lts: update-lts-$(OLDSTABLE)
+   set -e && archive=$(shell echo $@ | cut -d- -f3) ; \
+ for arch in $($(shell echo $@ | cut -d- -f3)_ARCHS) ; do \
+   $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
+ $(LTS_MIRROR)/$${archive}-lts/main/binary-$$arch/Packages \
+ data/packages/$${archive}-lts__main_$${arch}_Packages ; \
+ done ; \
+ $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
+ $(LTS_MIRROR)/$${archive}-lts/main/source/Sources \
+ data/packages/$${archive}-lts__main_Sources ; \
 update-backports: update-backports-$(STABLE) update-backports-$(OLDSTABLE)

But then, this target (copied from update-backports(-*) is never called, just 
like update-backports. doc/security-team.d.o/security_tracker only mentions 
the update-stable target...

So there must be something missing here.


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Re: squeeze-lts and the security tracker

2014-08-09 Thread Holger Levsen

On Samstag, 9. August 2014, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> esting-instance

ah, thanks. Though I managed to set it up already and partly have support for 
lts locally already :)

Will post patches soon.


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Debian LTS - impressions and thoughs from my first month involvement

2014-08-19 Thread Holger Levsen
# Debian LTS - impressions and thoughs from my first month involvement

originally posted at

## About LTS - we want feedback and more companies supporting it financially

Squeeze LTS, and even more [Debian LTS](, is a 
pretty young project, started in May 2014, so it's still a bit unclear where 
exactly we'll be going :) One purpose of this post is to spread some 
information about the initiative and invite you to tell us what you think 
about it or what your needs are. 

LTS stands for "Long Term Support" and the goal of the project is to extend 
the security support for Squeeze (aka the current oldstable distribution) by 
two years. If it weren't for Squeeze LTS, the security support for it would 
have been stopped in May 2014 (=one year after the release of the current 
stable distribution), which for many is a too short timespan after it's 
release in February 2011. It's an experiment, we hope that there will be a 
similar Wheezy LTS initiative in future, but the future is unwritten and 
things will change based on our experiences and your needs. 

If you have feedback on the direction LTS should take (or anything else LTS 
related), please comment on the [lts mailing list]
( For immediate feedback there is also 
the #debian-lts IRC channel.

Another quite pragmatic way to express your needs is to [read more about how 
to financially contribute to LTS](
lts.html) and then doing exactly that - and unsurprisingly we are prioritizing 
the updates based on the needs expressed from our paying customers.

## My LTS work in July 2014

So, "somehow" I started working for money on Debian LTS in July, which means 
there were 10h I got paid, and probably another 10h where I did LTS related 
work unpaid.  I used those to release four updates for squeeze-lts 
announce/2014/07/msg2.html), [file](
announce/2014/07/msg00013.html), [munin](
announce/2014/08/msg4.html) and [reportbug]
( fixing 
22 CVEs in total. 

The unpaid work was mostly spent on unsuccessfully working on security updates 
and on adding support for LTS to the [security team tracker](https://security-, which I improved but couldn't fully address and 
which I haven't properly shared / committed yet... but at least I have a local 
instance of the tracker now, which - for LTS - is more useful than the one. Hopefully during DebConf14 we'll manage to fix the tracker 
for good.

Without success I've looked at libtasn1-3 (where the first fixes applied 
easily but then the code had changed too much from what was in squeeze 
compared to the available patches that I gave up) and libxstream-java (which 
is at version 1.3, while patches exist for upstream branches 1.4 and 2.x, but 
those need newer java to build and maybe if I'll spend two more hours I'll can 
get it build and then I'll have to find a useful test case, which looked quite 
difficult on a brief look.. so maybe I give up on libxstream-java too 
OTOH, if you use it and can do some testing, please do tell me.

Working on all these updates turned out to be more team work than expected and 
a lot of work involving code (which I did expect), and often code which I'd 
normally not look at... similarily with tools: one has to deal with tools one 
doesnt like, eg I had to install cdbs... :-) And as I usually like challenges, 
this has actually been a lot of fun! Though it's also pretty cool to use 
common best practices, easy and understandable workflows. I love README.Source 
(or better yet, when it's not needed). And while git is of course really 
really great, it's still very desirable if your package builds twice (=many 
times) in a row, without resetting it via git.

## Some more observations

The first 16 updates (until July 19th) didn't have a DLA ID, until I suggested 
to introduce them and insisted until we agreed. So now we agreed to put the 
DLA ID in the subject of the announcement mails and there is also some tool 
support for generating the templates/mails, but enforcing proper subjects is 
not done, as silent bounces are useless (and non silent ones can be abused too 
easily). I'm not really happy about this, but who is happy with the way email 
works today? And I agree, it's not the end of the world if an LTS announcement 
is done without a proper ID, but it looks unprofessional and could be avoided, 
but we have more important work to do. But one day we should automate this 

Another detail I'm not entirely happy is the policy/current decision that 
"almost everything is fine to upload if deemed sensible by the uploader" 
(which is everyone in the Debian upload keyring(s)). In d

Re: proposed wireshark_1.2.11-6+squeeze15 fixing multiple vulnerabilities

2014-08-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Balint,

On Mittwoch, 20. August 2014, Balint Reczey wrote:
> I have prepared a security update for the wireshark source package.


> Please see the diffs attached.

and then, what do you want us to do? Review the patch? Test the package? 
Upload? All of that? Just some?



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Re: Please add me to the secure-testing project

2014-08-20 Thread Holger Levsen

On Mittwoch, 20. August 2014, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> Could you check you can commit and ping again if it does not work?

he already commited stuff :) [Secure-testing-commits] r28376 -


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Bug#759727: patches for including LTS into security-tracker.d.o

2014-08-29 Thread Holger Levsen
package: security-tracker
severity: wishlist
tags: patch


attached are my patches making the security-tracker aware of squeeze-lts. I've 
tested that in a local instance of the tracker and they work nicely.

I think they should be submitted as they are, and as Raphael suggested I send 
them here for review, I did that. Let me know if I shall commit :)

A few comments:

$ svn diff|diffstat
 Makefile |   23 -

fine, I think, I slighlty dislike the variables squeeze_LTS_ARCHS and 
LTS_MIRROR as well as the update-lts* targets, but it does the trick. 

 bin/check-syntax |6 ++-
 bin/   |2 +
 bin/update   |2 -
 bin/updatelist   |2 +
 lib/python/sectracker/ |   17 +

stupid codecopy, but hey, the loader for DTSAs was already a copy of the one 
for DSAs, so I figured adding one more wasnt too painful ;)

 lib/python/   |   47 

stupid codecopy, similar to the one in ;)

 lib/python/sectracker_test/ |1 
 lib/python/sectracker_test/   |5 ++
 lib/python/|   35 +---

here I use a trick to make the whole code easier: the release is changed from 
"squeeze-lts" to "squeeze" and subrelease is set to "lts", so that this 
matches the "security" suites. the other changes are then straightforward.

 10 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

That's it.

Index: Makefile
--- Makefile	(Revision 28502)
+++ Makefile	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 squeeze_ARCHS = amd64 armel i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64
+squeeze_LTS_ARCHS = amd64 i386
 wheezy_ARCHS = amd64 armel armhf i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64
 jessie_ARCHS = amd64 armel armhf i386 mips mipsel powerpc s390x kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64
 sid_ARCHS = amd64 armel armhf hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 mips mipsel powerpc s390x sparc
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
 test check: check-syntax
 check-syntax: stamps/CVE-syntax \
-	stamps/DSA-syntax stamps/DTSA-syntax
+	stamps/DSA-syntax stamps/DTSA-syntax stamps/DLA-syntax
 stamps/CVE-syntax: data/CVE/list bin/check-syntax $(PYTHON_MODULES)
 	$(PYTHON) bin/check-syntax CVE data/CVE/list
@@ -41,6 +42,10 @@
 	$(PYTHON) bin/check-syntax DTSA data/DTSA/list
 	touch $@
+stamps/DLA-syntax: data/DLA/list bin/check-syntax $(PYTHON_MODULES)
+	$(PYTHON) bin/check-syntax DLA data/DLA/list
+	touch $@
 .PHONY: serve
 	@bash bin/test-web-server
@@ -136,7 +141,7 @@
 	  done ; \
+update-old-security: update-lts
 	for archive in $(OLDSTABLE); do \
 for section in main contrib non-free ; do \
 	$(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
@@ -150,6 +155,20 @@
 	  done ; \
+update-lts: update-lts-$(OLDSTABLE)
+	set -e && archive=$(shell echo $@ | cut -d- -f3) ; \
+	  for arch in $($(shell echo $@ | cut -d- -f3)_LTS_ARCHS) ; do \
+	$(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
+	  $(LTS_MIRROR)/$${archive}-lts/main/binary-$$arch/Packages \
+	  data/packages/$${archive}-lts__main_$${arch}_Packages ; \
+	  done ; \
+	  $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
+	  $(LTS_MIRROR)/$${archive}-lts/main/source/Sources \
+	  data/packages/$${archive}-lts__main_Sources ; \
 update-backports: update-backports-$(STABLE) update-backports-$(OLDSTABLE)
Index: lib/python/
--- lib/python/	(Revision 28502)
+++ lib/python/	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -- simple, CVE-driven Debian security bugs database
+# -- simple, CVE-driven Debian security bugs database
 # Copyright (C) 2005 Florian Weimer 
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
 FROM source_packages AS secp, source_package_status AS secst
-AND secp.release = '%s' AND secp.subrelease = 'security'
+AND secp.release = '%s' AND ( secp.subrelease = 'security' OR secp.subrelease = 'lts' )
 AND secp.archive = sp.archive
 AND secst.bug_name = st.bug_name
 AND secst.package = secp.rowid), 0)
@@ -555,6 +555,9 @@
 if unchanged:
+if release == '

Bug#761061: tracker doesnt show closed issues as done

2014-09-10 Thread Holger Levsen
package: security-tracker
severity: important


the tracker doesnt show issues which are "only" closed in the security or lts 
subreleases as closed, as for example can be seen on https://security-

eg is closed in both 
wheezy-security as well as squeeze-lts, yet the /tracker/source-package/file 
lists it as open.

(There pages like 
also are less clean, but at least they contain the right info visibly, just a 
bit scrambled.)

I believe the bug is in getBugsForSourcePackage() in lib/python/ 
but I couldn't yet wrap my head around it properly to fix it. 

There seem to be several functions (in which only deal with 
the releases (sid, jessie, wheezy, squeeze) but not the subreleases (security, 

I'd be happy to discuss this issue and possible strategies to fix it in either 
#debian-security or #debian-lts


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packages-to-support vs rails EOL

2014-09-17 Thread Holger Levsen

debian-lts.git/packages-to-support lists rails with 1h/month, while the 
debian-security-support package (and the security-tracker) express that rails 
is unsupported in squeeze(-lts), because it's end-of-life.

So should rails be removed from debian-lts.git/packages-to-support?

If not, I don't think 1h/month is realistic...


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Re: packages-to-support vs rails EOL

2014-09-17 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Raphael,

On Mittwoch, 17. September 2014, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> you're referring here to a non-public file that lists the packages that
> (some) sponsors of have
> installed.
> Thus I don't believe that this list is the proper place to discuss this.

I agree, apologies. LTS is very new in many regards...
> That said, the file is auto-generated from list of installed packages and
> I don't see the harm of having it listed in that file. As long as the
> security support status of that packages is clear, it will never appear in
> dla-needed.txt and nobody will spend work time on an unsupported package.

ok, so the contents of the debian-security-support package define what we 
support or not. Good. Thanks for clarifying. (That wasn't clear to me as 
evident by this thread.)



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Re: Security support of axis2c

2014-09-22 Thread Holger Levsen

adding the security team to the loop :)

On Montag, 22. September 2014, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> while going through the list of open CVE in oldstable I stumbled upon two
> issues concerning axis2c:
> None of those issues are fixed upstream and they are also not fixed
> in unstable. It looks like the software is mostly dead upstream with
> no new releases for years.
> Shall we declare that axis2c is no longer supportable on squeeze?
> If yes, what's the way to do that, opening a bug report against
> debian-security-support? (IIRC we used to drop the package
> from the release entirely during point releases but this
> is not possible here).


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Bug#762715: dch: please add --lts option

2014-09-24 Thread Holger Levsen
package: devscripts
severity: wishlist


please add a --lts option to dch.

This should 

- set the release to "debian-lts"
- insert "Non-maintainer upload by the Squeeze LTS Team." as the first
  changelog entry and 
- increment the version like this:
  - if a package already e.g. had a +squeeze1 update, use +squeeze2 for the
next update,
  - if a package hasn't seen an update, use +deb6u1 for the next update.

Thanks for maintaining devscripts!


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Re: [SECURITY] [DLA 62-1] nss security update

2014-09-25 Thread Holger Levsen

to answer the original posters question (bcc:ed), iceape ain't supported
anymore, see

On Donnerstag, 25. September 2014, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> Is this even accurate? squeeze's iceweasel should be using the system
> version of nss.

I concluded that from the fact that wheezy had an iceweasel update for this 
> So in spite of being EOL, insecure and rather useless on the internet...
> that old version of iceweasel should get "fixed" by the nss update.

hm, I should have probably left out that last sentence...


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Re: LTS for Debian 6.0.7

2014-09-29 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Björn,

On Montag, 29. September 2014, Björn Daunfeldt wrote:
> Im running Debian 6.0.7 on two servers, for me to use the latest
> updates(security for bash and future ones) for my system i need to get the
> lts repository if i understand it correct.
> Im wondering if what I wrote above is correct?

yes, see


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Bug#763339: lintian: please recognize "squeeze-lts" as suite

2014-09-29 Thread Holger Levsen
package: lintian
severity: wishlist


it would be great if lintian could recognize squeeze-lts as a valid suite.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

My LTS September

2014-10-01 Thread Holger Levsen
In the beginning of September I spent quite some time fixing bugs in the 
[Debian Security Tracker](, which now, 
thanks to the awesome CSS from [Ulrike]
( looks really good and 
professional! There are still some bugs to fix and features I'd like to add, 
eg. the ability to in- and exclude (old)oldstable/lts/backports/nodsa/EOL 
everywhere. It was fun to squash #742382 #642987 #742855 #762214 #479727 
#610220 #611163 and #755800!

And then I also discovered dgit, as in "I've used it for the first time". It 
was so great, I immediatly did a backport of it and uploaded it to wheezy-

So during the last month these uploads I made to squeeze-lts:

 * [DLA 56-1]for wordpress, fixing CVE-2014-2053 CVE-2014-5204 CVE-2014-5205 
CVE-2014-5240 CVE-2014-5265 CVE-2014-5266
 * [DLA 57-1] for libstruts1.2-java, fixing CVE-2014-0114
 * [DLA 60-1] for icinga, fixing CVE-2013-7108 and CVE-2014-1878
 * [DLA 61-1] for libplack-perl, fixing  CVE-2014-5269
 * [DLA 62-1] for nss, fixing CVE-2014-1568
 * [DLA 66-1] for apache2, fixing CVE-2013-6438 CVE-2014-0118 CVE-2014-0226 

Plus I filed #762715, asking the devscripts maintainers to 'add an --lts 
option to dch' and #763339 against lintian: please 'recognize "squeeze-lts" as 


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Re: vs debian-lts respository

2014-10-03 Thread Holger Levsen

On Dienstag, 17. Juni 2014, Evgeni Golov wrote:
> No, please *extend* the list. Not replace it.
> If you remove squeeze and/or squeeze security, dependencies will become
> unresolvable.

squeeze-security isn't needed, the last point release has happened and all 
packages have been moved from there to squeeze proper.

So only squeeze and squeeze-lts are needed.

I'm updating to reflect this again.


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Re: vs debian-lts respository

2014-10-03 Thread Holger Levsen

On Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> there are still packages that seem to be part of security updates, like
> bugzilla3 and openswan

I don't see these source packages in squeeze at all, where do you see them?


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Re: vs debian-lts respository

2014-10-03 Thread Holger Levsen

On Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> >On Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> >> there are still packages that seem to be part of security updates, like
> >> bugzilla3 and openswan

oh, you found a bug in the archive: openswan was removed from squeeze on 
2014-07-19 as you can see and 
the same is true for

but/so these packages should also have been removed from oldstable-security, 
thus cc:ing the ftpmaster team, to make them aware. Shall I file a bug so that 
this doesn't get forgotten?

btw, installing the debian-security-support package would also have told you 
that these packages are not supported anymore. :-)


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Re: vs debian-lts respository

2014-10-04 Thread Holger Levsen

On Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> >btw, installing the debian-security-support package would also have told
> >you that these packages are not supported anymore. :-)
> I do have that one. well unfortunately it's not in wheezy yet.

there is a backport in wheezy-backports.


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Re: vs debian-lts respository

2014-10-04 Thread Holger Levsen

On Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> What about squeeze-updates (formerly volatile)?
> Are they still needed?


> Are security fixes applied to packages in squeeze or squeeze-updates?



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Re: vs debian-lts respository

2014-10-08 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Adam,

On Mittwoch, 8. Oktober 2014, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> The real question is "if there are different packages in squeeze and
> squeeze-proposed-updates, to which one are security patches applied" and
> the obvious answer is squeeze-proposed-updates, as that's what will
> become squeeze at the next point release. (If the package in -updates is
> newer than squeeze, then it is either the same as or older than the
> package in proposed-updates; if the package in -updates is the same or
> older than squeeze then it's irrelevant).

do you think there will be another squeeze point release? I thought it was 
final, but you might know better ;)

> Updating openjdk-6 in LTS to a version > 6b27-1.12.5-1 will still cause
> the same problem, yes. I haven't checked the archive constraints for
> -lts, but certainly having it contain more recent packages than wheezy
> would at the very least break the principle of least surprise.

be surprised:

$ ssh dak ls debian-security-support
debian-security-support | 2014.09.07~bpo70+1 | wheezy-backports | source, all
debian-security-support | 2014.09.07 |  testing | source, all
debian-security-support | 2014.09.07 | unstable | source, all
debian-security-support |  2014.09.11~deb6u1 |  squeeze-lts | source, all
$ dpkg --compare-versions 2014.09.11~deb6u1 gt 2014.09.07 ; echo $?


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testers wanted: tomcat6 packages

2014-11-21 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, has updated tomcat6 6.0.41-2+squeeze5 packages 
for amd64, I'd be glad to see more testing. I'll add i386 .debs shortly.

Closes: 299635 608286 654136 659748 664072 665393 666256 668761 671373 677912 
682955 687818 692440 695250 713796 717279

 tomcat6 (6.0.41-2+squeeze5) squeeze-lts; urgency=medium
   * Security upload by the Debian LTS team.
   * The full list of changes between 6.0.35 (the version previously available
 in squeeze) and 6.0.41 can be see in the upstream changelog, which is
 available online at
   * This update fixes the following security issues:
 - CVE-2014-0033: prevent remote attackers from conducting session
   fixation attacks via crafted URLs.
 - CVE-2013-4590: prevent "Tomcat internals" information leaks.
 - CVE-2013-4322: prevent remote attackers from doing denial of service
 - CVE-2013-4286: reject requests with multiple content-length headers or
   with a content-length header when chunked encoding is being used.
 - Avoid CVE-2013-1571 when generating Javadoc.
 - CVE-2012-3439: various improvements to the DIGEST authenticator.
   * Thanks to Tony Mancill for doing the vast amount of the work for this
   * Downgrade debian/compat to 8 and reduce build-dependency do debhelper 8
 to match the squeeze squeeze version


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Re: testers wanted: tomcat6 packages

2014-11-21 Thread Holger Levsen
doh, it's java... :) (so only all_debs :)

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tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-23 Thread Holger Levsen

On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, Debian FTP Masters wrote:
> Version check failed:
> Your upload included the source package tomcat6, version 6.0.41-2+squeeze5,
> however stable already has version 6.0.35-6+deb7u1.
> Uploads to squeeze-lts must have a lower version than present in stable.

so this is due to the changes to dak implemented by Mark Hymers during the 
MiniDebConf in Cambridge early November. (Mark can you please explain what 
other changes (relevant to LTS) you did?!

Sadly I already send the DLA for the tomcat6 squeeze update and will go out 
for brunch with a fellow DD now, so I cannot work on this in the next few 
hours, but later today I could prepare an upload containing the same changes 
for wheezy.

May/should I?

If so, what's the procedure? Build with the proper changelog in the proper 
env, test and upload and write the DSA and send the signed mail to the DSA-
list or will someone of the security team need to sign the upload+mail?

Or should we do something else?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-23 Thread Holger Levsen
On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, Holger Levsen wrote:
> If so, what's the procedure? Build with the proper changelog in the proper
> env, test and upload and write the DSA and send the signed mail to the DSA-
> list or will someone of the security team need to sign the upload+mail?

and is this proper:

tomcat6 (6.0.41-2~deb7u1) wheezy-security; urgency=medium

? (the version number I mean...)

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Re: tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-23 Thread Holger Levsen
On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, Mark Hymers wrote:
> This probably means that in some cases (especially those involving new
> upstream versions), stable security updates will need to hit p-u before
> the LTS uploads happen.  If this is a problem, we should just revoke
> those parts of the version constraints and leave only the oldstable
> ones.

I still think this makes sense, it was just unconviniend today...

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Re: tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-23 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi ftpmasters,

On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> > squeeze-lts MustBeNewerThan oldstable
> > squeeze-lts Enhances oldstable
> > squeeze-lts MustBeOlderThan stable
> > squeeze-lts MustBeOlderThan proposed-updates
> It even has to be in stable itself, not just in proposed-updates. Which
> means one has to wait until the next point release...

*that* I think is undesirable, we want to be able to do updates more often. 
Adding stable-security as a constraint wont work (as security is using a 
different dak install), so I guess those two constraints newer than 
stable+proposed-updates should go for now - until we move LTS to the security 
archive (if we do so - but I do think thats desirable.)

Anyway, could you please remove those two constraints for now again?


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Re: tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-23 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Mark,

On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, Mark Hymers wrote:
> > Anyway, could you please remove those two constraints for now again?
> Done.

thank you! 

(+didnt we already discuss in Cambridge and conclude not to chane this? I'm a 
bit surprised now.)

Anyway, cheers!

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Re: tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-23 Thread Holger Levsen

security-team, please comment...

On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, tony mancill wrote:
> Synopsis:  Updating tomcat6 for squeeze-lts put us in the awkward
> position of having a newer tomcat in old-stable than in stable; Holger
> is helping to get this resolved.  I am recommending that tomcat-native
> 1.1.31 accompany any updates to tomcat6 6.0.41.

I'm happy to prepare the tomcat-native uploads tomorrow, as well as tomcat6 
for wheezy. What version number should I use for wheezy?




or something else?

oh, "btw": jessie has -2, sid -3, with changes unsuitable for wheezy and 
targeted at jessie. this needs an unblock request to let -3 migrate to jessie 
and have the binaries removed from sid first... anybody doing this?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-23 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Adam,

On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On Sun, 2014-11-23 at 19:43 +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > oh, "btw": jessie has -2, sid -3, with changes unsuitable for wheezy and
> > targeted at jessie. this needs an unblock request to let -3 migrate to
> > jessie and have the binaries removed from sid first... anybody doing
> > this?
> It needs more than that; from the cruft-report:

that's the cruft report for which distro?

> * package libtomcat6-java in version 6.0.41-2 is no longer built from
> source [...]
>   - broken Depends:
> tomcat-maven-plugin: libtomcat-maven-plugin-java

both are in wheezy

> * package tomcat6 in version 6.0.41-2 is no longer built from source
> [...]
>   - broken Depends:
> biomaj-watcher/contrib: biomaj-watcher
> guacamole-client: guacamole-tomcat

both are in wheezy

> jspwiki/contrib: jspwiki

jspwiki I can only find in unstable...

>   - broken Build-Depends:
> jspwiki/contrib: tomcat6

> * package tomcat6-common in version 6.0.41-2 is no longer built from source
> [...
>   - broken Build-Depends:
> tomcat-maven-plugin: tomcat6-common

see above, in wheezy

/me cannot believe adsb might have done a mistake - have we been hacked? ;-)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-23 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Adam,

On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> > > It needs more than that; from the cruft-report:
> > that's the cruft report for which distro?
> For unstable, to go with your "needs ... 

ah, doh, rather obviously you're (already) looking at this from the jessie 
angle (too) :)

/me just was thinking about blockers for the wheezy upload (yet) :)

> the binaries removed from sid".
> Those are the things blocking ftp-master from semi-automagically
> removing them.

right. somebody needs to do more somethings ;)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-23 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Tony,

On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, tony mancill wrote:
> The cruft report for unstable will look *very* different due to 6.0.41-3
> being a *radically* different package.

no, the report exactly looks like this *because* of this:
> >   * Build only the libservlet2.5-java and libservlet2.5-java-doc
> >   packages.

> The decision/requirement to remove tomcat6 from jessie has been
> requested by the Security team for quite a while, and the 6.0.41-3
> source upload effectively does this by just building libservlet2.5-java
> (without which we would have many packages with missing r-deps).

what's missing now is a bug against asking for the removal of 
the binaries from sid, which are not build by the -3 anymore. 

*then*, -3 can migrate to jessie and those binaries will vanish 

and the stuff in the cruft report breaks because of this.

> I not sure I understand all of the ramifications of the statement I'm
> about to make, but for the purposes of squeeze and wheezy, we need to
> consider 6.0.41-2 as the last version of a "complete" tomcat6 source
> package.

yup, I will base the wheezy upload on this.


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Re: [SECURITY] [DLA 91-1] tomcat6 security update

2014-11-24 Thread Holger Levsen

full context for the benefit of the Debian Java maintainers and team 

On Montag, 24. November 2014, H B wrote:
> thx to Tony for the huge effort!
> I installed the update on 2 machines this morning, and i received an error
> message:
> Setting up tomcat6 (6.0.41-2+squeeze5) ...
> sed: -e expression #1, char 396: unknown option to `s'
> dpkg: error processing tomcat6 (--configure):
>  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
> configured to not write apport reports
>   Errors were encountered while
> processing:
>  tomcat6
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
> A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
> Setting up tomcat6 (6.0.41-2+squeeze5) ...
> sed: -e expression #1, char 396: unknown option to `s'
> dpkg: error processing tomcat6 (--configure):
>  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  tomcat6
> Does anyone have the same problem?

together with Hubert we tracked this down to (most likely) him having 
JAVA_OPTS include "ErrorFile=/var/lib/tomcat6/hs_err_pid%p.log" and the % sign 
is causing this error as tomcat6.postinst has this:

| sed "s%^JAVA_OPTS=.*$%JAVA_OPTS=\"$JAVA_OPTS\"%" \
>> $tmpfile

IOW, it's using % as seperator.

I believe this is a rather rare case, else postinst wouldn't look like it 
looks like (and rather use § or # as seperator) and there is nothing I/we 
should do for this DLA - and the upcoming DSA. 

(I didn't hit this bug in my testing...)

Do you agree?


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Re: [SECURITY] [DLA 91-1] tomcat6 security update

2014-11-24 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Hubert,

On Montag, 24. November 2014, H B wrote:
> After removing the % in the $JAVA_OPTS the upgrade process finishes
> correctly. Mea culpa :-/

I don't think it's your fault at all, rather a bug in the package. Just not a 
bug which should be fixed in this security update ;)

Thanks again for your feedback!


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: tomcat6 wheezy DSA (was/and Re: tomcat6_6.0.41-2+squeeze5_amd64.changes REJECTED

2014-11-24 Thread Holger Levsen

On Sonntag, 23. November 2014, Mark Hymers wrote:
> Anyways, it's now just
> based on oldstable - I expect this to bite us at some point, but
> probably better this way than not being able to get security fixes in.

...and it just bit us. Gah.

So when I was about to kick of pbuilder for the wheezy tomcat6 update I looked 
at the .dsc files and saw this:


And realized, this is bad, squeeze-lts would have a higher version than 

So tomcat6_6.0.41-2+deb7u1, no, that won't work, still lower version than 

So tomcat6_6.0.41-3~deb7u1 and "praying" that -3 will go into jessie. (Which 
is actually the right thing (I think), but still needs some work. (#770769))

And while tomcat6_6.0.41-3~deb7u1 would work regarding squeeze-lts, it will 
not work for wheezy-security now (AIU), as jessie has a lower version atm.

Did I miss something?

I'll now proceed with uploading tomcat-native to squeeze-lts and leave the 
tomcat6|tomcat-native uploads for now... grumble.

Holger, who "takes credits" for choosing 6.0.41-2+squeeze5 and not 
6.0.41-2~deb6u1... hindsight and all that. misses instructions for this use case 
(updating to a new upstream version which is the same as in wheezy) but should 
probably get some (as soon as we figured out whats proper), so we don't repeat 
this mistake. For now I'd wish to file a bug so we don't forget but against 
which package?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Please test linux-2.6 (2.6.32-48squeeze9)

2014-11-30 Thread Holger Levsen
with AF_INET
  pending data
- dm snapshot: fix data corruption
- crypto: ansi_cprng - Fix off by one error in non-block size request
- uml: check length in exitcode_proc_write()
- KVM: Improve create VCPU parameter (CVE-2013-4587)
- KVM: x86: Fix potential divide by 0 in lapic (CVE-2013-6367)
- qeth: avoid buffer overflow in snmp ioctl
- xfs: underflow bug in xfs_attrlist_by_handle()
- aacraid: missing capable() check in compat ioctl
- SELinux: Fix kernel BUG on empty security contexts.
- s390: fix kernel crash due to linkage stack instructions
- netfilter: nf_conntrack_dccp: fix skb_header_pointer API usages
- floppy: ignore kernel-only members in FDRAWCMD ioctl input
- floppy: don't write kernel-only members to FDRAWCMD ioctl output
  * Add stable release
- ethtool: Report link-down while interface is down
- futex: Add another early deadlock detection check
- futex: Prevent attaching to kernel threads
- futex-prevent-requeue-pi-on-same-futex.patch futex: Forbid uaddr == 
  in futex_requeue(..., requeue_pi=1)
- futex: Validate atomic acquisition in futex_lock_pi_atomic()
- futex: Always cleanup owner tid in unlock_pi
- futex: Make lookup_pi_state more robust
- auditsc: audit_krule mask accesses need bounds checking
- net: fix regression introduced in by sysctl fixes
  * Add stable release
- x86_32, entry: Do syscall exit work on badsys (CVE-2014-4508)
- x86_32, entry: Store badsys error code in %eax
- x86_32, entry: Clean up sysenter_badsys declaration
- MIPS: Cleanup flags in syscall flags handlers.
- MIPS: asm: thread_info: Add _TIF_SECCOMP flag
- fix autofs/afs/etc. magic mountpoint breakage
- ALSA: control: Make sure that id->index does not overflow
- ALSA: control: Handle numid overflow
- sctp: Fix sk_ack_backlog wrap-around problem
- mm: try_to_unmap_cluster() should lock_page() before mlocking
- filter: prevent nla extensions to peek beyond the end of the message
- ALSA: control: Protect user controls against concurrent access
- ptrace,x86: force IRET path after a ptrace_stop()
- sym53c8xx_2: Set DID_REQUEUE return code when aborting squeue
- tcp: fix tcp_match_skb_to_sack() for unaligned SACK at end of an skb
- igmp: fix the problem when mc leave group
- appletalk: Fix socket referencing in skb
- net: sctp: fix information leaks in ulpevent layer
- sunvnet: clean up objects created in vnet_new() on vnet_exit()
- ipv4: fix buffer overflow in ip_options_compile()
- net: sctp: inherit auth_capable on INIT collisions
  Fixes CVE-2014-5077
- net: sendmsg: fix NULL pointer dereference
- tcp: Fix integer-overflows in TCP veno
- tcp: Fix integer-overflow in TCP vegas
- macvlan: Initialize vlan_features to turn on offload support.
- net: Correctly set segment mac_len in skb_segment().
- iovec: make sure the caller actually wants anything in 
- sctp: fix possible seqlock seadlock in sctp_packet_transmit()
- Revert "nfsd: correctly handle return value from nfsd_map_name_to_*"
- dm crypt: fix access beyond the end of allocated space
- gianfar: disable vlan tag insertion by default
- USB: kobil_sct: fix non-atomic allocation in write path
- fix misuses of f_count() in ppp and netlink
- net: sctp: fix skb_over_panic when receiving malformed ASCONF chunks
- tty: Fix high cpu load if tty is unreleaseable
- netfilter: nf_log: account for size of NLMSG_DONE attribute
- netfilter: nfnetlink_log: fix maximum packet length logged to userspace
- ring-buffer: Always reset iterator to reader page
- md/raid6: avoid data corruption during recovery of double-degraded RAID6
- net: pppoe: use correct channel MTU when using Multilink PPP
- ARM: 7668/1: fix memset-related crashes caused by recent GCC (4.7.2)
- ARM: 7670/1: fix the memset fix
- lib/lzo: Update LZO compression to current upstream version
- Documentation: lzo: document part of the encoding
- lzo: check for length overrun in variable length encoding.
- USB: add new zte 3g-dongle's pid to option.c
- futex: Unlock hb->lock in futex_wait_requeue_pi() error path
- isofs: Fix unbounded recursion when processing relocated directories
  Fixes CVE-2014-5471 CVE-2014-5472
- sctp: not send SCTP_PEER_ADDR_CHANGE notifications with failed probe
  * Update the OpenVZ patch to apply on top of Non-trivial changes
in net/ipv4/tcp_output.c.

  [ Holger Levsen ]
  * CVE-2014-4653: ALSA: control: Ensure possession of a read/write lock.
  * CVE-2014-4654: ALSA: control: Check authorization for commands.
  * CVE-2014-4655: ALSA: control: Maintain the user_ctl_count value properly.
  * Ignore ABI change of  module:drivers/scsi/osd/libosd by listing it in


My LTS November

2014-12-03 Thread Holger Levsen
originatlly posted at

In November I resumed work on Debian LTS and worked on the following packages:

 * [DLA 88-1](
announce/2014/11/msg7.html) for ruby1.8 fixing several CVEs as described 
in the announcement.
 * [DLA 91-1](
announce/2014/11/msg00010.html) for tomcat6, mostly prepared by one of it's 
maintainers, Tony Mancill, also fixing several issues by upgrading to a new 
upstream version. I just did review, testing, release and announcement, and 
then figured out the proper versioing for Wheezy, which turned out to be 
problematic because using the recommend versioning breaks the upgrade paths, 
when new upstream versions are introdued to squeeze-lts which basically have 
same version as in will be (or are) in wheezy-security. One cause (besides the 
wrong recommendation which still needs fixing in [our wiki page]
( are non enforcable version 
constraints: the suites wheezy and squeeze-lts reside on 
(and wheezy is only updated on point releases), while wheezy-security resides 
on Most probably we will still leave things as they are 
for squeeze-lts and do changes for wheezy-lts only. Oh, and the release of the 
tomcat6 update for wheezy is currently stalled by [#770769]
 * [DLA 92-1](
announce/2014/11/msg00011.html) for tomcat-native was also done in cooperation 
with Tony and is also a new upstream release, which is needed as the old 
version of tomcat-native doesn't function with the new tomcat6 version.
 * The update of linux-2.6 has not happened yet, but is planned for 
the coming weekend. So far it has been done in collaboration of Moritz 
Mühlenhoff from the security team, Ben Hutchings from the kernel team, and 
Raphaël Hertzog and myself from the LTS team, which I consider to be quite 
nice. As [Raphaël had already explained]
november-2014/), Ben has joined the LTS team and so far his contribution was 
to identify a problem in patch related to openvz, so I haven't published this 
kernel update yet. Also, there was zero feedback from testers for the openvz 
flavor packages - so if you are using openvz and squeeze kernels, please 
contact us. For all the other flavors there was positive feedback [to the call 
for testing]( 
(thanks!) - so you might want to give these kernels a try too!

Thanks to everyone who is supporting Squeeze LTS in whatever form, according 
to the wide feedback there are quite many people appreciating the work!

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Re: My LTS November

2014-12-03 Thread Holger Levsen
I've just added this to the blog post:

As this was asked on IRC: if you are a maintainer preparing something for 
squeeze-lts, that's totally great, thanks!, just [please tell us about it]
( as this is the assumption we are 
working under: if noone tells the LTS team, we think we need to prepare 
upgrades for squeeze-lts.

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mark textpattern unsupported for LTS?

2014-12-04 Thread Holger Levsen

Raphael commented about textpattern: "NOTE: Has been dropped from newer 
releases. Should we instead mark it unsupported?" and looking at (installed: 6, vote: 1) 
and CVE-2014-4737 (XSS vulnerability) I tend to agree. 

If noone disagrees in the next 24h I will file a wishlist bug against the 
debian-security-support package, so that this get's implemented.


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Re: Accepted debian-security-support 2014.12.08~bpo60+1 (source all) into squeeze-lts

2014-12-10 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Christoph,

thanks for taking care of the debian-security-support package!

On Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2014, Christoph Biedl wrote:
> Changes:
>  debian-security-support (2014.12.08~bpo60+1) squeeze-lts; urgency=low
>  .
>* Rebuild for squeeze-lts

it would be nice if you could build with "debuild -v$previous_version" so that 
we get meaningful changelogs on the list.

I think this would have been this:

debian-security-support (2014.12.08) unstable; urgency=high

  * Remove remaining bashism. Closes: #772268
  * limited support: mozjs* and libv8-3.14
  * postinst: Have an (empty) triggered target
  * Add list of packages not supported in jessie, empty for the
time being

 -- Christoph Biedl   Mon, 08 Dec 2014 
22:24:37 +0100

debian-security-support (2014.11.07) unstable; urgency=high

  * Check hook for existence before running it. Closes: #768391

 -- Christoph Biedl   Fri, 07 Nov 2014 
07:12:24 +0100

debian-security-support (2014.11.04) unstable; urgency=high

  * Closes an RC bug, urgency set to high
  * Add src:axis2c to list of packages not supported in squeeze-lts.
Closes: #765374
  * Use dpkg invoke hook instead of triggers. Thanks Guillem Jover
for the detailed explanations. Closes: #762031

 -- Christoph Biedl   Tue, 04 Nov 2014 
22:01:42 +0100

debian-security-support (2014.10.26) unstable; urgency=low

  * Features and Bugfixes
- Add VCS information
- Move manpage to man/ directory
- Declare the trigger "-noawait". See: #762031
- Use dpkg-query to retrieve the dpkg version number
- Override TMPDIR unless it has relaxed permissions. Closes: #763277
  * limited support list
- Alter text for kde4libs, change webkit to webkitgtk
- Remove wireshark from list of packages with limited support
  * l10n
- Prepare support for localized manpage, leave a note for
- Swedish debconf template translation [Martin Bagge].
  Closes: #762794
- Dutch debconf template translation [Paul Gevers]. Closes: #762927

 -- Christoph Biedl   Sun, 26 Oct 2014 
19:28:08 +0100

debian-security-support (2014.09.11) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * Add iceweasel to list of packages not supported in squeeze-lts

 -- Christoph Biedl   Thu, 11 Sep 2014 
23:30:20 +0200

(which I copied from http://metadata.ftp-
support/unstable_changelog. This UNRELEASED entry there is also hmmm.)


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Re: [SECURITY] [DLA 103-1] linux-2.6 security update

2014-12-10 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Manuel,

On Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2014, Manuel Gualda Caballero wrote:
> 3 openvz updated without problems.

thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated! :)


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Bug#773048: please mark textpattern as "not supported" in Squeeze LTS

2014-12-13 Thread Holger Levsen
package: debian-security-support
x-debbugs-cc:, Vincent Bernat 


Please mark the "textpattern" packages as "not supported" in Squeeze LTS.

On Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2014, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Raphael commented about textpattern: "NOTE: Has been dropped from newer
> releases. Should we instead mark it unsupported?" and looking at
> (installed: 6, vote:
> 1) and CVE-2014-4737 (XSS vulnerability) I tend to agree.
> If noone disagrees in the next 24h I will file a wishlist bug against the
> debian-security-support package, so that this get's implemented.

thanks & cheers,

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Re: Accepted debian-security-support 2014.12.08~bpo60+1 (source all) into squeeze-lts

2014-12-17 Thread Holger Levsen
On Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2014, Christoph Biedl wrote:
> [,..] the debuild manpage doesn't know anything about that option.

indeed, I know about it from "man dpkg-buildpackage", but that's also very 
spare on it. "man dpkg-genchanges" has slightly more info.

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my LTS December

2015-01-06 Thread Holger Levsen
repost from
(it's better formatted there)

# My LTS December

In December 2014 I spent 11h on Debian LTS work and managed to get six DLAs 
released and another one almost done... I did:

 * Release [DLA 103-1](
announce/2014/12/msg00020.html) which was previously prepared by [Ben]
november-2014/) and [myself](
november-2014/). So while for this release in December I only had to review 
one patch, I also had to build the package, provide prelimary .debs, ask for 
feedback, do some final smoke tests, write the announcement and do the upload. 
In total this still took 2.5h to "just release it"...
 * Doing [DLA 114-1](
announce/2014/12/msg00015.html) for bind9 was rather straightforward,
 * As was [DLA 116-1](
announce/2014/12/msg00018.html) for ntp, which I managed to release within one 
hour after the DSA for wheezy, despite me having to make the patch apply 
cleanly due to some openssl differences... ;-)
 * I mentioned the bit about openssl because noone ever made a mistake with 
such patches. Seriously, I mean: I would welcome a public review system for 
security fixes. We are all humans and we all make mistakes. I do think my ntp 
patching was safe, but... mistakes happen.
 * [DLA 118-1](
announce/2014/12/msg00020.html) was basically "just" a new kernel 
update, which I almost released on my own, until (thankfully) Ben helped me 
wih one patch from .65 not applying (a fix for a wrong fix which Debian 
already had correctly fixed), which was due to a patch not correctly removed 
due to linenumber changes. And while I was still wrapping my head around 
applying+deapplying these very similar looking patches, Ben had already 
commited the fix. I'm quite happy with this sharing the work, due to the 
following benefits: a.) Ben can spend more time on important tasks and b.) the 
LTS user get more kernel security fixes faster. 
 * [DLA 119-1](
announce/2014/12/msg00021.html) for subversion was a rather straight forward 
take from the wheez DSAs again, I just had to make sure to also include the 
2nd regression fixing DSA.
 * And then, I failed to finish my work on a jqueryui update before [31c3]
( started. And 31c3 really only 
ended yesterday when I helped putting stuff on trucks and cleaned the big 
hall... So that's also why I'm only writing this blog post now, and not two 
weeks ago, like I probably better had. Anyway, according to the security-
tracker jqueryui is affected by two CVEs and that's wrong: [CVE-2012-6662]
( does not affect 
the squeeze version. [CVE-2010-5312](https://security- on the other hand affects the 
squeeze version, I know how to fix it, I just lacked a quiet moment to prepare 
my fix properly and test it, and so I've rather postponed doing so during 
31c3... so, expect a DLA for jqeuryui very soon now!

Thanks to everyone who is supporting Squeeze LTS in whatever form! Even just 
expressing that you or the company or project you're working with is using 
LTS, is useful, as it's always nice to hear once work is used and appreciated. 
If you can contribute more, please do so. If you can't, that's also fine. It's 
free software after all :-)

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Re: Upgrade from squeeze-lts to wheezy

2015-01-17 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Lucas,

On Samstag, 17. Januar 2015, Lucas van Braam van Vloten wrote:
> I am planning the upgrade according to the standard instructions
> (
> tml). Since I am using squeeze-lts, are there any additional considerations
> for this upgrade?


Just take the usual measures for such (distro) upgrades... :-)


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Re: Accepted tomcat6 6.0.41-2+squeeze6 (source all) into squeeze-lts

2015-01-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Mathieu,

On Montag, 19. Januar 2015, Mathieu Parent wrote:
> Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 21:34:40 +0100
> Source: tomcat6
> Changes:
>  tomcat6 (6.0.41-2+squeeze6) squeeze-lts; urgency=medium
>  .
>* Security upload by the Debian LTS team.
>* This update fixes a regression:
>  - Fix for "NoSuchElementException when an attribute has empty string
> as value." Reported upstream as

thanks for doing this LTS update, but I'm a bit surprised as there was nothing 
in the Debian BTS about this bug and also because you didn't contact myself as 
previous LTS uploader of tomcat6  - did you at least contact the package 
maintainers before uploading?

(eg for preventing duplication of work.)


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Re: Accepted tomcat6 6.0.41-2+squeeze6 (source all) into squeeze-lts

2015-01-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Mathieu,

On Dienstag, 20. Januar 2015, Mathieu Parent (Debian) wrote:
> No, but I posted to debian-lts mailing list [1] and updated the SVN.

sigh to/about myself, I should have noticed the mails to the lts lists (but 
friday was a (too) busy day it seems :/

> I
> didn't intend to hijak the package. I didn't thought about sending a
> mail to you and package maintainer.
> This is my first LTS update, and it took me some time to figure out
> how it works. I focused too much on the process and didn't contact the
> proper persons.
> I'm sorry. I'll do better next time.

No need to be sorry, you improved Debian LTS, helped users and notified the 
LTS list. That's at least three good things against a small mistake :-)

Thanks for your work!


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Re: eglibc update for GHOST CVE-2015-0235

2015-01-28 Thread Holger Levsen

On Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Of course we do! That said the current LTS team doesn't have access
> to embargoed information and thus nobody prepared the update in advance.

Lucas now contacted me about this and he said he would try to start with some 
informal discussions at FOSDEM about how to solve this. To accellerate this a 
bit I've put him and the security team in cc: - as we both agreed an email 
discussion first is also good. "Whatever works."

Please keep in mind that Debian LTS is not even a year young.

> The announce has not yet been sent to debian-lts-announce however.
> Holger will probably do it once he wakes up.

actually I did sent it last night already but there was+is a problem with the 
lists, which the listmasters are currently sorting out.

Holger, still at his first coffee…

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Re: eglibc update for GHOST CVE-2015-0235

2015-01-28 Thread Holger Levsen

On Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> It seems at least from my perspective that the LTS team is a loosely
> defined consortium of individuals which makes sharing the embargoed
> information problematic. If I have an embargoed issue I think there's
> usually no problem sharing that information privately with LTS'ers, but
> right now there's no clear contact point for that.

> Nor do I have a good understanding of who is working on LTS. People are
> hired by the hour, so if I send something to someone personally now it may
> just be that they're not working on LTS this week.

I do understand how you come to think this, but at least for me this is not 
true: while I do work some paid hours per month on LTS I also spent "my free 
time" on both LTS and (to a lesser degree) I'mm also willing to do security 
work (in "my free time") for wheezy (esp. for issues I fix in LTS first...)

So in summary: I'm available (at least for coordination) for LTS things all 
the time.

But I don't want to be the single LTS person in that role...

> There's not really a
> defined "team" that I could find.

we should still fix this.

> I would start with creating such a contact point, and make it clear who's
> behind it. That makes sharing this information much more straightforward.


> Subscription to distros list is per individual and we can certainly
> nominate people for that, but I think it also depends on a clear
> definition of which DD('s) that would be.



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my LTS january

2015-02-05 Thread Holger Levsen
repost from
(it's better formatted there)

# My LTS January

It was very nice to hear many appreciations for our work on [Squeeze LTS]
( during the last weekend at FOSDEM. People really 
seem to like and use LTS a lot - and start to rely on it. I was approached 
more than once about Wheezy LTS already...

(Most of my FOSDEM time I spent with [reproducible builds]
however, though this shall be the topic of another report, coming hopefully 

So, about LTS. First I'd like to describe some current practices clearly:

 * the Squeeze LTS team might fix your package without telling the maintainers 
in advance nor directly: dak will send a mail as usual, but that might be the 
only notification you'll get. (Plus the DLA send out to the [debian-lts-
announce]( mailing list.)
 * when we fix a package we will likely *not* push these changes into whatever 
VCS is used for packaging. So when you start working on an update (which is 
great), please check whether there has been an update before. (We don't do 
this because we are mean, but because we normally don't have commit access to 
your VCS...
 * we totally appreciate help from maintainers and everybody else too. We just 
don't expect it, so we don't go and ask each time there is a DLA to be made. 
Please do support us & please do talk to us! :-)

I hope this clarifies things. And as usual, things are open for discussion and 
best practices will change over time.

In January 2014 I spent 12h on Debian LTS work and managed to get four DLAs 
released, plus I've marked some CVEs as not affecting squeeze. The DLAs I 
released were:

 * [DLA 139-1 for eglibc](
announce/2015/01/msg00012.html) fixing CVE-2015-0235 also known as the "Ghost" 
vulnerability. The update itself was simple, testing needed some more 
attention but then there were also many many user requests asking about the 
update, and some were providing fixes too. And then many people were happy, 
though one person seriously complained at FOSDEM that the squeeze update was 
released full six hours after the wheezy update. I think I didn't really reply 
to that complaint, though obviously this person was right ;)
 * [DLA 140-1 for rpm](
announce/2015/01/msg00013.html) was quite straightforward to do, thanks to 
RedHat unsurprisingly providing patches for many rpm releases. There was just 
a lots of unfuzzying to do...
 * [DLA 141-1 for libksba](
announce/2015/01/msg00015.html) had an easy to pick git commit in upstreams 
repo too, except that I had to disable the testsuite, but given the patch is 
100% trivial I decided that was a safe thing to do.
 * [DLA 142-1 for privoxy](
announce/2015/01/msg00016.html) was a bit more annoying, despite clearly 
available patches from the maintainers upload to sid: first, I had to convert 
them from quilt to dpatch format, then I found that 2 ouf 6 CVEs were not 
affecting the squeeze version as the code ain't present and then I spent 
almost an hour in total to find+fix 10 whitespace difference in 3 patches. At 
least there was one patch which needed some more serious changes ;-)

Thanks to everyone who is supporting Squeeze LTS in whatever form! We like to 
hear from you, we love your contributions, but it's also totally ok to 
silently enjoy a good old quality distribution :-) 

Finally, something for the future: checking for previous DLAs is currently 
best done via said mailing list archive, as DLAs are not yet integrated into 
the website due to a dependency loop of blocking bugs... see [#761945]
( for a starting point.

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Re: [debian-lts] file package

2015-02-19 Thread Holger Levsen

On Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Yeah, that's the kind of feature that I envisioned within the new
> package tracker. Each contributor would express what they are willing
> to work on:
> But I have too many plans for the package tracker and not enough time to
> dedicate to it. :-(

we could start with a wiki page like the lowNMU one?!? This technology exists 
today and would allow us to gather data until tracker is ready for this.


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Re: [debian-lts] file package

2015-02-19 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Christoph,

On Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015, Christoph Biedl wrote:
> Thanks for that, given the past experiences with regressions
> introduced in file updates I'd really like to keep an eye on it.

Thanks for that! And your other work on file too :)

> I
> have a huge collection of test files that help me to identify
> unexpected side effects, total run time is several hours - but cannot
> disclose it for legal reasons.

Just that I'm slightly uncomfortable with this. IMO uploads of free software 
should not depend on access to a non-free data collection.

Can you maybe share this collection with others, so there could be team 
maintenance of the file package? Could Debian somehow help to make this 
collection free, gather a free collection or do something else?

Should we track this as a bug in the file package for the time being?


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Re: [debian-lts] file package

2015-02-19 Thread Holger Levsen
On Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Just that I'm slightly uncomfortable with this. IMO uploads of free
> software should not depend on access to a non-free data collection.
> Can you maybe share this collection with others, so there could 

_at least_

> be team maintenance of the file package?

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Bug#780201: new codename needed for oldstable (due to squeeze-lts) when stable becomes oldstable

2015-03-10 Thread Holger Levsen


when jessie will be released, wheezy will become oldstable and we'll need a 
new alias for squeeze, as various tools internally work with aliases. (The 
security tracker comes to my mind, but also the Release files it seems. And 
probably more.)

I believe it's the ftp teams duty / joy to decide this name and would like to 
ask you to do soon, so that various places can be prepared for the joyful day 
we release jessie.

Current suggestions I've heard (and liked) are "oldoldstable" and 

I *dislike* "obsoletestable" and "stalestable" as they are either wrong 
(squeeze is not obsolete) or carry a bad connotation.


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Re: About the security issues affecting tcllib in Squeeze

2015-03-10 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Sergei,

On Dienstag, 10. März 2015, Sergei Golovan wrote:
> I've prepared an updated package. I can upload it to squeeze-lts. What
> else should I do?

please follow the procedure as described on & thanks for your contributions to 


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: squeeze update of axis?

2015-03-10 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Markus,

On Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015, Markus Koschany wrote:
> > I think this is a trivial update, the version of Axis hasn't changed
> > since Squeeze and it should be as simple as dropping the CVE-2014-3596
> > patch from axis/1.4-22 into the version 1.4-12 currently in Squeeze (it
> > also addresses CVE-2012-5784).
> I agree with Emmanuel. I have successfully built axis in Squeeze with
> the CVE patch. Please find attached the debdiff against the version in
> Squeeze.

Thanks! I've just uploaded a fixed axis package to squeeze-lts and will send 
out the announcement shortly!


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Re: Debian LTS talk/BoF/sprint during Debconf?

2015-03-16 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Raphael,

On Montag, 16. März 2015, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> In particular, it would be nice if we could get face to face with
> the stable security team to see how we can get closer in term of workflow
> so that wheezy lts keeps using instead of
> a supplementary repository that everybody must add. 

I totally agree, thanks for bringing this up!

> Shall we schedule something else during Debconf?

a roundtable / workshop maybe?
> Who will be there? (I'm there for the whole conference, but not for
> Debcamp)

I'll be at DebConf too, except for the cccamp days (august 12-17th)


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Re: Any ideas on whether or not a Wheezy LTS will happen or not

2015-03-30 Thread Holger Levsen

On Montag, 30. März 2015, Michael Banck wrote:
> Please keep in mind that wheezy will get regular maintenance for one
> year after the jessie release, so the question whether there will be a
> wheezy-lts or not is not imminent.

while I agree that the question is not imminent, I do think this question 
should be answered sooner, eg. it would be good to decide on _jessie_ LTS 
_now_, as it's an important factor when deciding whether to deploy jessie 
soon, whether it will have 2 or 5 years security support. 

That's said, I dont know how to "properly" decide this now and I also have no 
idea how to guarantee that we'll keep this promise unless by proving we'll do 
so, by doing so. Basically just like we release a new Debian version roughly 
every 22 months since 10 years, even though this also not guaranteed.

So my current answer to the question about Wheezy or Jessie LTS is: "I have no 
idea, but given Squeeze's LTS success, I think it's very likely we'll have 
Wheezy + Jessie LTS. Please support Squeeze LTS and/or express your 
appreciation / usage to make it happen."


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Re: Any ideas on whether or not a Wheezy LTS will happen or not

2015-03-30 Thread Holger Levsen
On Montag, 30. März 2015, Holger Levsen wrote:
> _now_, as it's an important factor when deciding whether to deploy jessie
> soon, whether it will have 2 or 5 years security support.

3 or 5

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Re: About the security issues affecting openldap in Squeeze

2015-04-13 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi debian-edu,

is anyone of you using Squeeze and able to test Ryans updated packages?

If you are interested, please reply to Ryan directly.

On Mittwoch, 8. April 2015, Ryan Tandy wrote:
> >>We currently have a few patches pending or under discussion for
> >>wheezy. After the changes for stable are finalized, I hope to
> >>backport them to squeeze as well, when time permits.
> >is there anything I can do for the Squeeze upload?
> I have a squeeze branch in progress. Do you use openldap on squeeze? I'd
> be really happy to have someone besides myself test the package before
> uploading.

Ryan, I believe you might find some testers among the Debian Edu users, which 
uses openldap by default. Best if you couldd provide binary packages 
(amd64/i386) for download somewhere...


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Re: How to deal with wireshark CVE affecting Squeeze

2015-04-14 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Balint,

On Dienstag, 14. April 2015, Bálint Réczey wrote:
> I have prepared the DLA and uploaded the fixed package but it ended up in
> NEW. Dear FTP Masters, please accept it.

what distribution did you use in debian/changelog?


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Re: How to deal with wireshark CVE affecting Squeeze

2015-04-14 Thread Holger Levsen
On Dienstag, 14. April 2015, Bálint Réczey wrote:
> squeeze-lts, both in *.changes and *.changelog.
> The binary package names changed quite a lot so I think entering NEW
> was reasonable.

ah. makes sense :)

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Re: About the security issues affecting openldap in Squeeze

2015-04-18 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Ryan,

On Samstag, 18. April 2015, Ryan Tandy wrote:
> Uploaded openldap for squeeze-lts to mentors:
> Would a member of the LTS team be willing to sponsor it and announce the
> update? The issues fixed are the same as DSA-3209-1, plus CVE-2012-1164.

ok, cool! I'll upload and announce it (now).

> I didn't receive any responses to my call for tests. I think it should
> be safe to go ahead, but I don't mind waiting longer if you think it's
> appropriate.

I think it's fine. You prepared the update carefully and asked for testers... 

> Thanks for your work on LTS,

likewise! :)


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Re: Debian LTS talk/BoF/sprint during Debconf?

2015-04-19 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Raphael,

On Dienstag, 31. März 2015, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> I proposed this event:


Feel free to add me as a speaker...


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Re: Debian LTS talk/BoF/sprint during Debconf?

2015-04-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Raphael,

On Montag, 20. April 2015, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > > I proposed this event:
> > >
> > > ts/
> > Feel free to add me as a speaker...
> I don't know how to do this. It doesn't appear to be an option under "Edit
> event".

thats a known missing feature in summit, cc:ing the talks team.


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Re: Debian LTS talk/BoF/sprint during Debconf?

2015-04-20 Thread Holger Levsen
Servus Maxy!

On Montag, 20. April 2015, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> Added. In the edit event that I see the speakers are selected from a select
> box, that lists all the users without any order, which is not ideal.
> Anyway, done.



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Re: Updating dpkg in squeeze-lts

2015-04-22 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Ben,

thanks for preparing the LTS dpkg update!

On Mittwoch, 22. April 2015, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> - Would you rather I numbered it as 1.15.12 or 1.15.11+nmu1?

I think you should use 1.15.11+deb6u1 as per :-)

The dpkg maintainers can comment better on the remaining questions than me.


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Re: Bug#773834: Preparing a release for stable and lts

2015-05-01 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Vincent,

On Donnerstag, 30. April 2015, Vincent Fourmond wrote:
>   I'm in no position to upload tonight. I'm posting a debdiff with
> respect to the previous LTS version. 

seems you forgot to attach the diff, can you please do so?

enjoy your vacation!


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Re: squeeze update of mercurial?

2015-05-11 Thread Holger Levsen

On Montag, 11. Mai 2015, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:
> the mercurial version of squeeze has those issues open? in wich version of
> debian mercurial packages are resolved?

check the links you quoted:
> >
> > (optional, is
> > tagged no-dsa)


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Re: Bug#773834: Preparing a release for stable and lts

2015-05-12 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Vincent,

On Dienstag, 12. Mai 2015, Vincent Fourmond wrote:
>   Looks like I've started enjoying my vacation before attaching the
> file... Sorry about that.

I hope you had a good one! :) And thanks for coming back to this issue...
>   Bastien has worked more on the patches. I'm attaching the debdiff
> between 8: and the proposed new version. Please note
> that, for internal (gitpkg-related) reasons, some patches have changed
> names between the squeeze5 and squeeze6 version, which is not easy to
> detect because of the huge number of new patches in the squeeze6
> version. 

sigh. i'm not sure this is a the right thing to do...

> However, I've checked manually that the patches are still
> applied to the final code (one of them has further changed), so I
> don't expect any regression on that point.
>   I haven't tried to build yet, but that's what I'm going to do right
> now, if I can get my squeeze chroot up again.
>   If I get it to build, would it be OK to upload as is ?

once you have build it, you should *test* that package. once that has been 
done, we can think about uploading ;-)


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Re: Virtualbox 3.2 update due to CVE-2015-3456 (VENOM)

2015-05-18 Thread Holger Levsen

adding the virtualbox maintainers to cc: :)

On Montag, 18. Mai 2015, Marcin Szewczyk wrote:
> is there going to be a security update to the squeeze-lts Virtualbox?

from IRC:

 the debian-security-support package will tell you if a package is 
end-of-life in a distro
 virtualbox wasnt part of squeeze
 virtualbox is only in squeeze-backports, for that you need to ask the 
maintainer, but backports are generally asked to be security supported
 so, yes, virtualbox-ose should be supported
 (i have no idea atm if this is practical...) doesnt have 
an updated for venom yet, but says 3.2 is still 

Please reply if there are patches "somewhere".


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Re: Accepted fuse 2.8.4-1.1+deb6u1 (source amd64) into squeeze-lts

2015-06-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Laszlo,

On Dienstag, 2. Juni 2015, Laszlo Boszormenyi wrote:
> Source: fuse
> Version: 2.8.4-1.1+deb6u1

there was no DLA for this upload, could you please prepare one and send it to 
the list?! Thanks already.


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Re: Accepted mercurial 1.6.4-1+deb6u1 (source all amd64) into squeeze-lts

2015-06-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Javi,

On Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2015, Javi Merino wrote:
> Source: mercurial
> Version: 1.6.4-1+deb6u1

there was no DLA for this upload, could you please prepare one and send it to 
the list?! Thanks already.


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Re: Accepted imagemagick 8: (source amd64 all) into squeeze-lts

2015-06-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Bastien,

On Freitag, 29. Mai 2015, Bastien Roucariès wrote:
> Source: imagemagick
> Version: 8:

there was no DLA for this upload, could you please prepare one and send it to 
the list?! Thanks already.


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Re: About the security issues affecting dcraw/ufraw/libraw/rawtherapee/rawstudio/exactimage/freeimage in Squeeze

2015-06-03 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi David,

(mostly using darkstar as an example. I don't event know that package - but I 
noticed that I decided not to care much about my squeeze-backports anymore (eg 
not to backport piuparts) while realizing I'd still do security fixes.)

On Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2015, David Bremner wrote:
> Sven Eckelmann  writes:
> > [...] dcraw, darktable,
> > freeimage, rawstudio and xbmc most likely still need a patch. 
> Darktable is not in squeeze.  There is a version in squeeze backports,
> but I don't plan any further support for that. Of course, someone else
> is welcome to...

I'm not sure this is what the backports project is expecting, cc:ing them to 
get their input.

A possible solution would be to remove the backport if it's not supported 
security wise anymore, or, express this via the debian-security-support 
package (which doesn't support backports yet) or to cease oldoldstable-
backports alltogether, which I think would be unfortunate.

And finally, if the issue is not worth fixing, this can also be documented in 
the security tracker...


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Re: Accepted linux-2.6 2.6.32-48squeeze12 (all source) into squeeze-lts

2015-06-17 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Patrick,

On Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2015, Patrick Matthäi wrote:
> We have got problems with the new version on all of our vSphere 5.1/5.5
> VMs and dedicated hosts.
> It looks like our xen VMs are not affected. Here some snips of dmesg:

to confirm #789037 - you've only seen this on 32bit archs (i386/powerpc) but 
not on amd64?!


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