Re: Fwd: heudiconv FTBFS on i386

2024-03-15 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Hi Alexandre,

Do we know any details on how much memory we have on that i386 box?

meanwhile I made a record against nibabel
on this.

Here -- we could potentially just skip (announce xfail) that particular
test (test_reproin_largely_smoke) on i386?  could even do upstream if
would be of any help (to not mess around with patches etc)

On Fri, 15 Mar 2024, Alexandre Detiste wrote:

> Whoops I sent to the wrong list.

> -- Forwarded message -
> Date: mer. 13 mars 2024 à 11:07
> To: Debian Med Packaging Team 

> Hi,

> I'm refreshing heudiconv.

> It fails to build on i386.


> The lazy solution is to drop more & more 32 bit support.
> ... but maybe this package can still be fixed.

> I'll have a look again later.

> Greetings

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Bug#1065841: Taking over datalad to either Debian Med or Debian Science team

2024-03-12 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Hi Andreas,

Let's keep DataLad under our (NeuroDebian) umbrella for now, since we
are also upstream there and project is active.  We are also
working with Vasyl (CCed) to experiment with some semi-automation for
package updates/backports (for neurodebian) and datalad (and some of its
ecosystem) packages are the target.  Packaging will be on salsa.  We
might move them under larger Med or Science teams, but not just yet.

Re #1065841 specifically -- while trying to build updated package I
experienced some odd side-effect (pip started to try to install
tqdm) and didn't see immediate reason.I will see how well it goes on
debian infra after source only upload (did now).

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Do we need pynwb - if yes please care for its new dependency

2023-12-21 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Hi Andreas,

Thank you for taking care about upgrades of pynwb and hdmf!

FWIW popcon is likely  small because we never packaged downstream
packages which use pynwb and usually just instructed people to "pip
install" them. And as a developer, I usually had to do the same

The reason for current packaging hurdle is a switch from pypi to github
in debian/watch:  pynwb uses git submodule for src/pynwb/nwb-schema/
which they package within pynwb pypi releases.  I double checked it that
they still do as they did before:

❯ for f in pynwb-2.*; do echo $f; tar -tzvf $f | grep 
src/pynwb/nwb-schema/ | wc -l; done

So a solution would be to revert going to monitor github and then reimport
source.  I do not think it is worthwhile packaging nwb-schema at this point
since small and unlikely we would bother packaging any other package which
would use it directly.

Do you agree to such changes -- then I could do the needed dance with git repo
, just let me know.


On Thu, 21 Dec 2023, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi Yaroslav,

> I bumped pynwb to its latest upstream version a couple of times.  It was
> not release in any stable release since o-o-stable since the package was
> always in a bad state.  Popcon is pretty low[1] - but we do not see any
> Ubuntu users here so may be that's a weak metric.

> My recent update in Git to latest upstream has uncovered that it needs
> a new predepends[2].  If you consider this package a good citizen inside
> Debian it would be great if you would care for this new package.  Other
> bugs should be fixed in Salsa, thought.

> Kind regards
> Andreas.

> [1]
> [2]
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: included git submodules

2022-10-21 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 21 Oct 2022, Maarten L. Hekkelman wrote:

> Suggestions, opinions? What is done with other packages that rely on
> submodules?

those feel like worth their own packages or you could establish your own
"mhekkel-toolkit" library "upstream" to contain those two and any other
similar one if you want to maintain 1 instead of 2 (and may be later
more) packages ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Heudiconv moved to Debian Med repository

2021-11-17 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 17 Nov 2021, Nilesh Patra wrote:

> > Argh, that was what I intended to mention: I just uploaded heudiconv
> > 0.9.0-3.  I checked 0.10.0 but there were build time issues thus I did
> > not bumped the version to be able to upload.

> I fixed the tests an uploaded.

coolio, thanks! will check the fixes out if anything to upstream

> However, I noticed that the binary heudiconv_monitor, which had always
> been there is unusable (ever since again) due to inotify not being in
> the archive, so if someone has free cycles 
> (and no, it is not compatible with pyinotify)

FWIW I don't think it is use by anyone, should be safe to strip away if
really not usable

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Description: PGP signature

Re: Heudiconv moved to Debian Med repository

2021-11-17 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 17 Nov 2021, Andreas Tille wrote:

> > I thought we were up to date with connectome-workbench ... yeap - we
> > are.  Upstream is "involved" with uploads so we keep it uptodate afaik.
> > Also upstream (in both cases, we are the upstream of heudiconv) is
> > interested in neurodebian backports, at least for the most recent debian
> > stable -- so ideally those packages should not jump onto bleeding edge
> > packaging changes which would make them incompatible with debhelper etc
> > in debian stable.

> Nilesh asked me to move this one and I guess he has some reason to pick
> this.  Current Debian stable has debhelper 13 so this should be no
> issue.  Debhelper 13 is also backported for old-stable - so I do not see
> any potential breaks here.

if need comes (e.g. upstream wants backports on older
debian/ubuntu), I just would like to reserve the right to provide
"dsc" patches under debian/patches -- they would not be listed in
debian/patches/series, so will not interfere but would simplify building
backports for neurodebian

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Description: PGP signature

Re: Heudiconv moved to Debian Med repository

2021-11-17 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
thank you very much Andreas!  May be worth uploading new version (even
if only to announce the move) so if we forget about the move we have a
better chance to detect it?

I thought we were up to date with connectome-workbench ... yeap - we
are.  Upstream is "involved" with uploads so we keep it uptodate afaik.
Also upstream (in both cases, we are the upstream of heudiconv) is
interested in neurodebian backports, at least for the most recent debian
stable -- so ideally those packages should not jump onto bleeding edge
packaging changes which would make them incompatible with debhelper etc
in debian stable.

On Wed, 17 Nov 2021, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi,

> just to let you know:  I've imported heudiconv to Debian Med team
> repository[1].  Please make sure you pull from there in case you
> intend to commit further to this package.

> I also imported connectome-workbench[2] and Nilesh wants to
> upload a next package version soon.

> Kind regards

>  Andreas.

> [1]
> [2]
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Progress in merging neurodebian team?

2021-11-13 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Sat, 13 Nov 2021, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > Do we have a, sort of ETA to do this?

> I do it

>A) if I have time _and_
>B) I find some specific issue on a package

> Issues can be RC bugs, package not in testing, broken watch file etc.

> There are packages I gave up.  For instance I have some mental note on
> fsl saying: non-free, outdated (upstream has version 6.0) and terribly
> complex.

yeah, don't bother with FSL!  Even though still popular, non-free
license, and no longer fully open source AFAIK.

If any other alternative in purpose -- pick up AFNI please.
Major (if not all) licensing issues were resolved, we never uploaded to
debian proper though.  Upstream is very receptive and friendly.
- age (in how long it has been out there, but it is still active)
- original build infrastructure was "suboptimal",Michael redid in cmake,
  upstream worked on establishing their own cmake build infra but they
  are not actively use it 

our aged, not updated in awhile packaging:


Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Description: PGP signature

Re: Introduction

2021-10-03 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

Hi Enric,

thank you for reaching out!  I just want to follow up on one aspect:
even without any coding/packaging, everyone can contribute to the big
long lasting positive effect for Debian and "Open"
science/software/health/... by promoting open practices, software and
licenses to apply and legal safeguards (e.g. participant consent forms

Quite often in Debian (and elsewhere) we encounter interested in open
sharing researchers who have not thought about open sharing whenever
they initiated study or the project.  That often makes it hard or
impossible for THEM later to either share the products of their work, or
even at times to USE their own work (e.g. if they change
employers, or decide to reuse materials they have surrended their
copyright for).

Shameless plug: have a look at our very brief publication
principles of which apply also to improve reproducibility of research.
For that we promote thinking ahead while developing any
(neuroimaging in our case) study and provide this "short HOWTO" with
more pointers .

So, altogether -- promoting healthy open practices from the beginning of
any study design/plan etc would be of great help to Debian and beyond.


On Sat, 02 Oct 2021, Enric Garcia Torrents wrote:


>I am Enric, new to the project. I am a medical anthropologist with very
>limited coding experience. My current research involves designing and
>developing an open source decision making support system, specifically for
>those cases regarded as severe by the current main psychiatric
>understanding. I hold the hope such system could be adapted for other
>uses, but that's the scope of what I am working on, fortunately with funds
>to carry on the work for five more years.

>My interest in Debian pure blends started ten years ago when I was
>fortunate to get involved in ArbyX, a Stanford Law School Codex' project
>on decision making in international arbitration courts. Unfortunately my
>involvement on that stalled for several reasons, but always kept in mind
>how important it is for people to have an access as easy as possible to
>free suits to do their job without worrying about very often unaffordable
>expenses, the burden of learning how to run the system at least as much as
>to install all packages and make them work without an issue, and so on.

>The arbitration project had a higher scope than the decision making one,
>but basically it's the same idea with a medical twist. That involved power
>maps of the players involved, and so do medicine. Involved adding data,
>and medicine -specially research and the development of treatments for new
>communities- also requires that. My experience, as I have been taught, is
>that software alone is not enough. Hopefully we can package it all, and
>create a tool set ready for those that need it.

>At the moment I really don't know how I can contribute other than maybe
>doing my best to help fire up other communities, help you spread the word
>about Debian Med, and help others join in the effort, on top of doing my
>very best to get to speed quickly on the Debian development part of it -as
>I mentioned to Andreas and the rest of the crew present on today's
>videocall (my apologies the connection was horrible and ran into other
>issues), I have next to zero idea on how to package and maintain-.

>No idea how long it take, because I am a medicine fresher too and that
>will take a massive amount of time. But I will, because I feel it's
>essential. Really admire what you have achieved developing Debian, it's
>impressive. Thanks.
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Should we offer Debian Med workflow-containers?

2021-01-18 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Mon, 18 Jan 2021, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Yaroslav,
> thanks a lot for the valuable information.

> On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 09:15:16AM -0500, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> > May be would be of some help/information

> You could join our Debian Med sprint and than we talk about this.

added Feb 18-21 to my calendar... I will try to keep an eye on the
perspective schedule to see when container relevant discussion would
happen to join.  Insofar I have only Fri Feb 19 12:00-14:00 of ET reserved 

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Should we offer Debian Med workflow-containers?

2021-01-18 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Mon, 18 Jan 2021, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:
> But we have a great success with singularity definition files.

Forgot also to mention a project, which is despite "neuro" in its name,
is not that much "neuro":

Neurodocker is a command-line program that generates custom Dockerfiles
and Singularity recipes for neuroimaging and minifies existing

which we contribute to/use to streamline production of singularity (and
docker) recipes.

it also comes with support for our nd_freeze to use debian (and
neurodebian) snapshots archives to make containers themselves

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Should we offer Debian Med workflow-containers?

2021-01-18 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Sun, 17 Jan 2021, Steffen Möller wrote:

> Hello,

> Our HPC environment does not offer Docker, but Singularity
> (
> is supported. I thought I should give it a shot. Is anybody using this
> already on this list?

FWIW, we have been early adopters and promoters of singularity (largely
within neuroimaging field), using it "daily".

- using as a public builder/archive for
  some images

- keeping all images under VCS using datalad (git-annex), with help of

- to facilitate archival, and reproducible execution (only recently
  singularity came up with -e) established which is a collection of
  singularity images for neuroimaging + a helper
  to ensure absent leakage of the outside env inside the containerized
  (without using -e) + where possible/needed (OSX) execute it via docker
  (there are some gotchas to resolve with some containers but generally
  should work)

May be would be of some help/information

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Ants taken over from Neurodebian team but it does not build - any volunteer?

2020-12-07 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Mon, 07 Dec 2020, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi,

> since we take over packages in our tasks files from Neurodebian step by
> step I did so with ants[1] which is unmaintained since a long time[2].
> I upgraded the packaging to Debian Med standards and injected the latest
> upstream version.  Unfortunately this fails with:



- I have pushed some changes I had committed locally toward 2.3.2
  but not pushed since it was FTBFS:
  happen you find them useful

- ants is a "tricky" one since developers work tightly with ITK, so
  most often a bleeding edge ITK release is needed to get ants build
  properly, so any FTBFS first should assess how far back ITK is

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: mrtrix3

2020-11-26 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 26 Nov 2020, Andreas Tille wrote:
> /usr/bin/env: 'python': No such file or directory
> make[1]: *** [debian/rules:68: override_dh_clean] Error 127
> make[1]: Leaving directory 
> '/home/andreas/debian-maintain/salsa/med-team/build-area/mrtrix3-3.0.2'

> I think its just because I deinstalled python on my box.

> > I have pushed added new 3.0.2 release and completely disabled tests
> > since seems to require data now which is not shipped along AFAIK (but
> > may be I overreacted).  Might just need tune up for python3 though

> Any reason why you do not upload if you are able to build at your side?

patches etc still need tune up, as you somewhat discovered as well.

> What should be checked?  You are the expert of this package - no idea
> what you expect me to do.

"expert" is a stretch ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755


2020-11-25 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Could someone takes a look for final step to cross the line for mrtrix3.

I have pushed added new 3.0.2 release and completely disabled tests
since seems to require data now which is not shipped along AFAIK (but
may be I overreacted).  Might just need tune up for python3 though 

Cheers and thanks in advance!
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: getData&DataLad - could it be heaven? Was: Sepp : including a dataset?

2020-10-09 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 09 Oct 2020, Steffen Möller wrote:
> > On Fri, 09 Oct 2020, Steffen Möller wrote:
> >> I added datalad-crawler to
> >>
> >> .
> > thanks!  requested write access to contribute (no worries -- I will not
> > be as vocal there ;))
> Jun has proven to be exceptionally fast. 

yeap, I already fixed the typo ;)

> >>  * redistribution of the such prepared files and folders with datalad.
> > sure -- could be done from "generic" to specific ("datalad").  But as
> > for Debian users, they do not want to learn any generic or
> > specific.  They know and want "apt install" so it is the question of
> > "what would be the best". (I also like apt-file command to often find a
> > file which might be in some package but I do not know which...)
> Yip. Using that, too. For the moment I do not see how to mix a
> getData-installed setup and a datalad-provided one. That may be trivial
> but I don't see it, not knowing enough.

If "getData" (sorry, didn't look) can output just a list of URLs to
download and any metadata to decide on filenames (besides the ones from
the URLs, and as contained in the archives, if desired) it could be as
easy as

datalad create blah && cd blah && getData --url-records blah | datalad 
addurls - '{url}' '{_url_basename}'

to get yourself a datalad dataset with all the files.  If there are
tarballs ,  subsequent call to  datalad add-archive-content  would add
extracted files.  At some point we should "merry" datalad-crawler and
"datalad addurls" to make it even easier to crawl/update.  Actually if
`getData` returns such records, should be easy to just create getData
specific crawler pipeline which would do all needed, and be
efficient for updates.

> > If getData could account for aforementioned possible gotchas and provide
> > resilient solution, sure -- why not? ;)
> Well. We should talk to diverse upstreams if they would offer their
> (raw) data  via git-annex in some way. 

that is the beauty of git-annex which sparked the whole datalad effort:
git-annex can access data from a wide range of sources, including plain
urls , and allow for custom "external special remotes".  This way
we added support for getting files from tarballs (we first add tarball
to git annex, and individual files are obtained via datalad-archives
git-annex special remote), or from portals with odd authentication
schemes (we have datalad special remote), so we would first ask user
credentials, and authenticate on their behalf.  E.g. in case of some it
would be interaction with their auth server to first get a token to then
use for access to S3.

The point is -- no need to talk to any human/upstream!  Just alert
them whenever their data is actually not accessible or broken -- I ran
into a good number of cases of broken archives etc.  They post data,
nobody cares to download and thus they do not even know that it is junk
they host.

> You discuss transport-reliability. I don't care too
> much, will just manually (?) reinitiate what has failed and check into what
> datalad then redisitributes only after getData was successful.

I am talking more about upstream changing or moving the data,
portals going offline (I had a use case for whenever government shutdown
and their original portal went down, but videos still were accessible
from original urls which otherwise nobody could get to ;)).

> Maybe that got lost a bit. We have talked a lot about the complexity of
> workflows. But maintaining the reference datasets has some complexity to
> it, too. I lack immediate examples, but it is not unthinkable that the
> same search tool is used from different tools but each downstream tool
> uses it with different parameters which may need to prepare different
> indexes for.

yes. that is what Michael Hanke (with whom we started DataLad) had in
mind while developing python3-whoosh based search -- ability to
establish individual index depending on the purpose... in my simple
human life, I am looking more for 'google-like' approach -- simple
query, if desired -- more specialized, and internal implementation
should take care about optimizing (well - current default search backend
in datalad is not dumb simple and not optimizing -- a very simple loop
through the records ;))

> Or - different genome sizes may be suggestive for different hash
> sizes/min index lengths whatever and possibly downstream tools need to
> know about these parameters?

sorry, I have little to no clue in bioinformatics, so might misinterpret
what has sizes we are talking about ;)

> I really like all the meta information that datalad can pass with its
> data, but we fall short of everything if we only discuss redistribution.

EXACTLY! that is why datalad is not just for re-distribution, although
born to fill that niche.

> > And datalad is also in debian already.  git format of debian source
> > packages have been s

getData&DataLad - could it be heaven? Was: Sepp : including a dataset?

2020-10-08 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Please pardon me in advance -- came out long again.

TL;DR summary:

- would be great to merry getData and datalad to benefit from knowledge
  getData possess ATM on data sources, but then gain (many)
  benefits from git/git-annex/datalad, especially while thinking about
  "research process", data management, reproducibility etc

- I shared some initial prototype for the "dh-annex" helper I started
  years back but might be over-complicated/under-engineered, and
  definitely not yet complete

NB BTW still points to SVN which is

"and here we go..."

On Fri, 09 Oct 2020, Steffen Möller wrote:
> I added datalad-crawler to
> .

thanks!  requested write access to contribute (no worries -- I will not
be as vocal there ;))

> The problem I still have with a datalad-only solution is that it
> alienates the folks that have always done it by themselves, i.e.
> fetching the databases from upstream, unpacking and indexing it all for
> all the tools that possibly ask for it. What I see is

>  * some automated routine that prepares all the downloads/indexes somewhere
>  * whoever wants to redo/improve that process themselves please copy
> that automated routine
>  * redistribution of the such prepared files and folders with datalad.

sure -- could be done from "generic" to specific ("datalad").  But as
for Debian users, they do not want to learn any generic or
specific.  They know and want "apt install" so it is the question of
"what would be the best". (I also like apt-file command to often find a
file which might be in some package but I do not know which...)

Sure it could be also accomplished with non-datalad "backend" to
actually fetch the data BUT you would need to re-implement what
git-annex does for us already (checksumming, redundant access urls,
etc), and might quickly get into trouble of unfetchable data so you
would need to keep copies, but become efficient in how you manage them
to not duplicate across versions of the same dataset when those start to
appear, so you would arrive to annex'es .git/annex/objects
keystore...  so - yes, could be done, but might be actually more work in
the long run IMHO and AFAIK from experience of working with more "live"
(not just a dump at the end of the project, but being cooked as more
data comes in, analyzed/reanalyzed etc)

> Somewhere somehow we need to link this to the packages that are
> installed/installable. I don't think we should have any redistribution
> with datalad without that automated processing. For me, strongly biased,
> the automation comes via getData.

If getData could account for aforementioned possible gotchas and provide
resilient solution, sure -- why not? ;)

What is great about having getData is it is a great resource to indeed
feed datalad (there is also datalad addurls which is an "alternative" to
datalad-crawler extension; we will merry them eventually) to establish
datalad datasets and thus possibly provide redundant availability to
that data if hosting it somewhere (or nowhere and just keeping it until
original host disappears or changes data) and then publish ;)  (I do the
same... see also note about containers below and take it along with the
news that docker hub soon will start pruning elderly images).

And datalad is also in debian already.  git format of debian source
packages have been supported for a while. so in principle you could just
wrap pre-created "generic" git/git-annex (datalad) datasets to
become debian source packages and just provide debhelpers for
post-install/uninstall and be done, gain resilience through redundant
availability and exact versioning, etc.  but damn me -- why I haven't
done it already if it all so "easy"? ;)  I think I was over-engineering
starting with a too complex project to start with, and thus not
finishing at all :-/  And then just started to use datalad directly too
much.  But I found that thing I started to work on
which has the script
which I believe was my CI for the

Back to the topic of "why may be datalad":
And then there is the whole question of empowering 'git knowledgeable'
users... any installed datalad dataset then could become a subdataset
within "study" dataset; throw some containers inside (could also be a
debian package -- have a look at my collection of singularity containers
for neuroimaging which is also datalad dataset:, use datalad
container-run (datalad-container and singularity-container are in
debian), and make the whole "research" project if not fully
auto-reproducible  but with a thorough history and exact versioning of
all ingredients. Have a look e.g. at

Re: Sepp : including a dataset?

2020-10-08 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 07 Oct 2020, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 07, 2020 at 10:30:34PM +0200, Pierre Gruet wrote:
> > I have almost finished the initial packaging of sepp [0]. Beside the
> > sepp program, upstream also provides the tipp program in the same
> > tarball. Basically, tipp classifies sequences using sepp and a
> > collection of alignments and placements data and statistical methods.
> > People installing tipp are invited to download a dataset (approx. 240Mo)
> > [1] which does not belong to the same Github repository and has no
> > license information inside it.

> > Technically, I guess we might consider creating a sepp-data package with
> > those data, but I also imagine this is not really feasible if we don't
> > have much information about where those data come from, who collected
> > them, ...

> > Based on your experience, would you have some advice on this? My
> > proposal is to let tipp aside and only focus on sepp, which is ready.

> If the data are not part of the source tarball it might be an option
> to provide both executables and add the documentation you are quoting
> above.

Continuing the thread of "what about datalad'ing it" I started in
"How to package human, mouse and viral genomes?"

here is a quick demonstration on `datalad-crawl` extension (a bit old but still
works, it is what started datalad years back).  Some notes before cut/pasted
dumps from terminal:

- anyone can now 
   datalad install -g
  which will take care about downloading the tarball and extracting it

- we could provide access to "extracted"  files in a clone somewhere on debian
  infrastructure (and also mirror e.g. on -- all
  for redundant availability etc

- note that .zip contains also .tgz with the data besides the extracted

- datalad install above would not remove downloaded archive or even its 
  "to local cache" copy. so if to be "packaged" postinstall hook needs to take
  care about dropping downloaded archives and running "datalad clean"

- Since I said to crawl for all .zip (not just release etc) - I also got a copy 
  of master with the extracted ;)

- Similar procedures (or via `datalad addurls`) could be done to instantiate
  datalad datasets (which are git/git-annex repositories) for any dataset

- I did approach "minting" debian packages from datalad dataset hierarchies but 
  never  got it finished. Just FTR original elderly issue in datalad:
  Will be happy to collaborate etc

- pardon the typo in the name in the dump below

Ok, demo (datalad is in debian, but datalad-crawler extension not yet :-/
please help to package/maintain -- it is on pypi)

/tmp > datalad create tipp-refernece
[INFO   ] Creating a new annex repo at /tmp/tipp-refernece 
[INFO   ] Scanning for unlocked files (this may take some time) 
create(ok): /tmp/tipp-refernece (dataset)

/tmp > cd tipp-refernece

/tmp/tipp-refernece > datalad crawl-init --save 
--template=simple_with_archives url= 
[INFO   ] Creating a pipeline to crawl data files from 
[INFO   ] Initiating special remote datalad-archives 

/tmp/tipp-refernece > datalad crawl
[INFO   ] Loading pipeline specification from 
[INFO   ] Creating a pipeline to crawl data files from 
[INFO   ] Running pipeline [.switch_branch at 0x7f69058ade50>, 
a_href_match(query='.*.zip'), , 
.switch_branch at 
0x7f6901c038b0>, [.merge_branch at 
0x7f6901c039d0>, [find_files(dirs=False, fail_if_none=True, 
regex='\\.(zip|tgz|tar(\\..+)?)$', topdir='.'), ._add_archive_content at 
0x7f6901c03940>]], .switch_branch 
at 0x7f6901c03a60>, .merge_branch 
at 0x7f6901c03af0>, ._finalize at 
[INFO   ] Found branch non-dirty -- nothing was committed 
[INFO   ] Checking out master into a new branch incoming 
[INFO   ] Fetching '' 
[INFO   ] Need to download 607 Bytes from No progress 
indication will be reported 
[INFO   ] Need to download 246.5 MB from No 
progress indication will be reported 
[INFO   ] Repository found dirty -- adding and committing 
[INFO   ] Checking out master into a new branch incoming-processed 
[INFO   ] Initiating 1 merge of incoming using strategy theirs 
[INFO   ] Adding content of the archive ./ into annex 
[INFO   ] Finished adding ./ Files processed: 725, renamed: 
725, +annex: 725 
[INFO   ]

Re: mCaller - Unicode error - anybody who has encountered this before/having an instant idea?

2020-09-04 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 04 Sep 2020, Steffen Möller wrote:

>  File "./", line 59, in distribute_threads
> extract_features(tsvname,refname,read2qual,nvariables,skip_thresh,qual_thresh,modelfile,classifier,0,endline=bytesize,train=train,pos_label=training_pos_dict,base=base,motif=motif,positions_list=positions_list)

>  File
> "/home/moeller/git/med-team/mcaller/mcaller-0.0/",
> line 123, in extract_features
>    model = pickle.load(modfi)
> UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xb9 in position 1:
> ordinal not in range(128)

I guess pickle produced with python2 ... have a look around e.g.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Datalad (Was: How to package human, mouse and viral genomes?)

2020-09-04 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 04 Sep 2020, Andreas Tille wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 03, 2020 at 05:25:51PM -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> > > PS: Yaroslav, I have not seen yet any commit of yours to add datalad
> > > to the science tasks.

> > guilty as charged!

> :-)

> > Where are they now?

> > 
> >

> > all no good

> $ apt-cache showsrc debian-science | grep ^Vcs
> Vcs-Browser:
> Vcs-Git:

> I've added you to the Blends-team to enable commit permissions.

thanks, pushed

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to package human, mouse and viral genomes?

2020-09-03 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 04 Sep 2020, Steffen Möller wrote:

>  * sharing data between colleagues - can you have two different versions
> at the same time?

sure, similar to git... well -- it is git ;)  so multiple versions
across collaborators, multiple versions on your own box  etc -- all
possible.  When you get into it really, you might even like to start
using BTRFS as your filesystem -- provides awesome CoW feature so you
could breed your huge datasets without wasting too much space.

Re versions: especially mind blowing is the ability to quickly switch
between versions -- "large" files are just symlinks.  The only gotcha
remaining -- switching between dataset with subdatasets versions
is not yet "convenienced", but it is possible to have multiple dataset
hierarchy clones of different versions.

>  * I see this mostly orthogonal to the question how we organize our data
> relative to whatever "dataRoot" we define

well -- you could have disjoint datasets, it is not required to bring
them all up into a superdataset, although that could have benefits.

>  * we still have a community-effort to collect the data from somewhere
> (which likely is not a git repository) and post-process it (like some
> indexing for a variety of tools) and to finally prepare the data somewhere

for "processing" checkout "datalad run" and datalad-container extension
providing "datalad container-run".  Then you could you have your
preprocessing entirely reproducible and simple provenance recorded
within git commits. 

handbook on that:

And Michael ATM is actively looking into making snakemake to
tollerate datalad (well, git-annex), so you might like to define your
snakemake workflows

>  * with some agreement between us on how to formulate the metadata in a
> machine-readable manner so we know what tool needs to check out what
> files for which workflows

unfortunately cannot recommend anything specific ATM since not familiar
with bioinformatics metadata and its use within workflows.

> I should now read a bit in your handbook. And think a bit more about it
> over the weekend.

I hope you like it.  Adina and Michael did (well -- still doing) awesome
job with it.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: Datalad (Was: How to package human, mouse and viral genomes?)

2020-09-03 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 03 Sep 2020, Andreas Tille wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 03, 2020 at 08:30:54PM +0200, Steffen M�ller wrote:
> > I looked at

> I'd strongly recommend the very entertaining talk from DebConf


> Kind regards

>  Andreas. 

> PS: Yaroslav, I have not seen yet any commit of yours to add datalad
> to the science tasks.

guilty as charged!  Where are they now?

all no good

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: How to package human, mouse and viral genomes?

2020-09-03 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 03 Sep 2020, Steffen Möller wrote:

> The name "datalad" ( I definitely like.

;-)  The history goes:  it was called datagit, but naive Yarik decided
to asks FSF for a permission... so we had to come up with a new name, I
flew into Germany, we drank (khe khe -- discussed not yet taken names)
for the entire weekend. One of the requirements was: the mascot for the
project must be capable of wearing the orange fury coat (and that name
should be short and still available across social media etc).  The
best we came up with was FTF (Faster than Floppy, forget about mascot),
and I flew back... when I landed, Michael sent me "he got it" and it was
"DataLad" which made total sense if you think about what "git" is ;)

Some kick back though we were told about:

> I suggest to collect more input/use cases over the weekend and then see
> how this goes. My immediate thought is that we describe our alternatives
> and try them all on a machine that we share.

We have a public matrix board, welcome to join
if you have quick questions to address

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to package human, mouse and viral genomes?

2020-09-03 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 03 Sep 2020, Steffen Möller wrote:

> I looked at I could well imagine to use your
> technology for other (larger) databases like Pfam or UniProt or PDB. For
> cute little genomes my initial reaction was that I felt overwhelmed.
> Your pointer will certainly help to define what we want. Many thanks!

FWIW, a few more notes since you seems to be interested ;):  we do
have an elderly "origin of
it all" but now just an extension to datalad which allows for efficient
"updates" and crawling of external resources.  See e.g. this

But in many use cases a straight   "datalad addurls" command
part of handbook with an example:
could be sufficient to "quickly" (depending on bandwidth and/or either
you use --fast option) populate a datalad dataset with files specified
in a spreadsheet/structured records.

So if you have some kind of .json or .csv/.tsv with records -- you could
try it quickly.  addurls also automagically adds columns as git-annex
metadata  per each file so someone could "toy around" (so far I
underused the feature) with "git annex views":
or later to facilitate metadata extraction/aggregation/search.

A sample dataset (original cause for addurls to be written) is available
from  if
you decide to explore (that data is open so no authorization for
access would be needed).

The problem you might encounter in your cases is (not that great)
scalability of git/git-annex to contain hundreds of files in a
single repo.  So you might like splitting them into subdatasets (git
submodules) or providing custom views as I had mentioned before.

addurls makes it easy by establishing a subdataset whenever it
encounters // (instead of /) for path separation in the provided

PS I shut up now ;) Sorry for the flood of info.  We are just very
excited for DataLad even though we had been working on it for over 6
years and should be sick of it and git-annex by now ;-)  but we do

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: How to package human, mouse and viral genomes?

2020-09-03 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
You might like to listen to debconf20 talk on DataLad ;-)

At some point I have started even to establish some kind of dh-datalad
helper so that  .deb package would contain a datalad dataset
(git/git-annex repo), and would just `get`  data files upon
installation...   So -- yes, they would not be "self contained" but it
is infeasible for any sizeable data packages on debian.  But they could
be versioned, point to specific git state of corresponding datasets,
provide lightweight and efficient upgrades (only changed/new files would
need to be fetched), etc.  They could be partitioned into smaller
subdatasets or custom views to be provided, like we have
which is a selection from a larger

Never finished that helper though -- we just (develop and) use datalad
directly and had no debian packages which would need strict dependency
on the datasets.  More of sample  datasets could be found on -- data primarily comes from original
repositories, and covers now > 200TB

We had started to collect resources someone might like to datalad'ify
relevant to bioinformatics:
but since we are not in bioinformatics field, never actually addressed

I also know that is actively using
git-annex (not sure if datalad -- but he did submit some issues, so he
might) for bioinformatics.  Might be worth checking with him
if git-annex/datalad would be decided to be used.

On Thu, 03 Sep 2020, Steffen Möller wrote:

> Hello,

> We are closing in on the workflows. What is kind of missing are the
> mostly invariant inputs like the genomes of pathogens and very much so
> the reference genomes of the human, mouse, rat, worm, fly,  you name
> them.

> Other than a few years ago, hard drives are now big enough to
> accommodate the one or other genome and derivative indexes. Just - I
> don't think we want to organize in our regular Debian infrastructure
> something as variant as public genome (yes, they are still regularly
> updated, very much so) and that is so very security-irrelevant (just
> some data). Also, different sites will vary a lot in where this data
> shall be organized and all those scripts should likely be
> executed/initiated as/by non-root. There are public sites for this from
> where this data can be downloaded. Any redundancy to these sites imho
> mostly hurts us. The other side is that to just get something up quickly
> and for reproducibility tests, our infrastructure is difficult to beat.

> Please kindly throw your ideas at me how you would like whole genomes to
> be presented by Debian to the average user and to professionals. Just
> reply to this thread and/or send me "+1"s a PM and I summarize this up
> in a document which I suggest we then talk about in a jitsi meeting.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755

Re: dcm2niix -- I have an intent to take over (still under Debian Med team), objections?

2018-12-04 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 04 Dec 2018, Andreas Tille wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 04, 2018 at 06:39:15AM +0100, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:
> > > I would be happy to move it to salsa.  I just pointed to it as the one
> > > we currently use

> > > I guess I would then move it to dcm2niix-epoch1 smth like that (on salsa
> > > i.e.) so previous versions could be found from the original
> > > dcm2niix repo (to which I would also add a commit obliterating
> > > everything and stating to look into that -epoch1 repo)

> > Please use the original packaging work on salsa and keep the history intact.

> > I don't see what would prevent you from rebasing the work done on
> > Neurodebian on top of mine. Epoch bumps don't justify history rewrites or
> > new repositories, imo.

> I agree with Ghislain.  Feel free to simply rebase your packaging but
> please keep the same repository name.  We have the policy that the
> package resides in a repository with the same name as the source package
> (and some of our tools are relying on this) and I do not see any reason
> to diverge from it.  There is also no point in keeping an unused
> repository of the old packaging around.

I am still wondering what I should do about dcm_qa* submodules.  I keep
thinking about making a dedicated package (dcm2niix-qa) shipping them.

Without that, I could of cause bring (merge) upstream git tree into your
packaging repo, with all the submodules, but that would "ruin" the clean
history it has now.  I would not be able just to "rebase" my packaging
on top without a merge if I am to bring submodules.

Meanwhile, pushed my adjusted neurodebian packaging to
debian branch, which AFAIK should be good to go as long as we figure
out dcm_qa* situation. Will do a full sweep of builds and if all is
good, upload to NeuroDebian interim

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: dcm2niix -- I have an intent to take over (still under Debian Med team), objections?

2018-12-03 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Mon, 03 Dec 2018, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi Yaroslav,

> On Mon, Dec 03, 2018 at 03:36:19PM -0500, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> > Chris asked me to take over maintenance in Debian as well, and Ghislain
> > blessed me as well.

> Fine for me.

> > To minimize amount of work for myself, I would like
> > to continue with NeuroDebian packaging, just polishing it up (copyright
> > file and may be some cleanup).  How NeuroDebian packaging is
> > different (dropping historical perspective) ATM it is at
> > 

> Please do not do this.  The development platform for Debian packages is
> and *lots* of QA tools are relying to find the packaging
> code here.  I do not mind about the team but I mind a lot about the host
> any Blends package can be found.

I would be happy to move it to salsa.  I just pointed to it as the one
we currently use

I guess I would then move it to dcm2niix-epoch1 smth like that (on salsa
i.e.) so previous versions could be found from the original
dcm2niix repo (to which I would also add a commit obliterating
everything and stating to look into that -epoch1 repo)

> > - main difference is our git repo sitting on top of the upstream so we
> >   also can produce an .orig. tarball with dcm_qa submodule which
> >   provides data for testing of correct operation.  That increases the
> >   tarball size but IMHO it is worth it!

> I do not mind about the tarball size.

I also didn't but current one (280MB) made me think... not sure yet what
thoughts it would give ;)

> > ... removed all agreeed upon ...

> > Please let me know what you think

> All those packaging details sound sensible but please, pretty
> please stick to salsa.d.o.


> Thank you for your work on this package

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

dcm2niix -- I have an intent to take over (still under Debian Med team), objections?

2018-12-03 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Dear Team Comrades,

Upon blessing from Ghislain Antony Vaillant (previous team maintainer)
and Chris Rorden (upstream, CCed) I would like to take over the
maintenance of dcm2niix.  And I would like to do it largely by taking
the dcm2niix packaging setup we have in NeuroDebian.

bits of history

- we have initially packaged dcm2niix long ago (Sep 2015) but 
  forgot to file an ITP because there were a number of outstanding
  license issues to be resolved before considering for "Debian

- Rightfully so, without seeing an ITP, Ghislain provided separate
  packaging in Dec 2016.

- I don't remember at which stage licensing issues got resolved ;)
  and that is when I realized that there is already a package in Debian.
  so we started to talk with Ghislain in Jan 2017 about possibly merging
  the effort, but never converged.

Chris asked me to take over maintenance in Debian as well, and Ghislain
blessed me as well.  To minimize amount of work for myself, I would like
to continue with NeuroDebian packaging, just polishing it up (copyright
file and may be some cleanup).  How NeuroDebian packaging is
different (dropping historical perspective) ATM it is at 

- main difference is our git repo sitting on top of the upstream so we
  also can produce an .orig. tarball with dcm_qa submodule which
  provides data for testing of correct operation.  That increases the
  tarball size but IMHO it is worth it!

- we run (build-time only ATM) tests using that dcm_qa/ data.  That
  already allowed to iron out differences in behavior between i386 and

  I expect though that testing for all the other platforms would open a
  huge can of worms.  But I think it would be beneficial in the long
  run to name them all ;)  I bet Chris (the upstream) would be
  "thrilled" to help nailing them down

  any objections on relying on gbp to produce orig source tarballs?

- in a rush toward "let's converge packaging" I have added needed then
  epoch 1: to the versioning.It would need to "propagate" into
  Debian.  I hope that is ok

- we still use debhelper 9 for maximal ease of backportability.

  any objections?

- we do carry a few patches
  including patches for the packaging backports on elderly jessie (and equally 
old ubuntus)
  probably some symlinks for really old /EOLed ubuntus could be removed,
  will do now

  But any objections against carrying backport patches?

Please let me know what you think
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: mrtrix3 is "coming". Howto tests?

2018-09-07 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 07 Sep 2018, Andreas Tille wrote:

> > to recreate it from git tree.  Without awareness of submodules, it would 
> > need
> > to keep the delta for the entire submodule tree.  Not sure if that is worth 
> > to
> > breed across commits, since it would just keep adding those 16MB with every
> > pristine-tar commit

> Well, if you have good reasons to derive from policy (I think you gave
> somehow good reasons considering your workflow ... ) please at least mention
> this in debian/README.source to inform other team members.

Done, Sir!

> Kind regards and thanks for working on this

Regards, Sir! ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: mrtrix3 is "coming". Howto tests?

2018-09-06 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 06 Sep 2018, Andreas Tille wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 04:12:55PM -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> > > I know there is some way to create pristine-tar from plain Git packaging.
> > > I'd be really happy if you would consider this since it enables other
> > > team members to rebuild the package with the workflow described in team
> > > policy.

> > I do not think pristine-tar would work with git submodules, thus
> > requiring a delta of the size of the testing/data .

> Pristine-tar has nothing to do with the structure of the git repository.

$> grep ls-tree /usr/bin/pristine-tar
"git ls-tree -r --full-name $branch | git update-index --index-info");
  open(LIST, "git ls-tree $b --name-only | sort -Vr |");


$> du -scm .git/objects 
26  .git/objects
26  total

$> pristine-tar commit 
../build-area/mrtrix3_3.0\~rc3+git86-g4b523b413.orig.tar.gz master
warning: pristine-gz cannot reproduce build of 
../build-area/mrtrix3_3.0~rc3+git86-g4b523b413.orig.tar.gz; storing 96% size 
diff in delta (16653927 bytes)
(Please consider filing a bug report so the delta size can be improved.)
pristine-tar: committed to 
branch pristine-tar
pristine-tar commit  master  59.63s user 1.09s system 102% cpu 59.043 total

$> du -scm .git/objects 
56  .git/objects
56  total

> It just stores metainformation of the orig.tar.gz you produced in a
> separate branch to enable gbp recreating a byte-identical tarball as you
> used to upload.

to recreate it from git tree.  Without awareness of submodules, it would need
to keep the delta for the entire submodule tree.  Not sure if that is worth to
breed across commits, since it would just keep adding those 16MB with every
pristine-tar commit

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: mrtrix3 is "coming". Howto tests?

2018-09-05 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 05 Sep 2018, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi Yaroslav,

> On Tue, Sep 04, 2018 at 07:51:52PM -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> > The interesting aspect is that upstream repo provides git submodule
> > testing/data .  It is not that large - just 15 MB compressed but it
> > doesn't change frequently.  There is two ways to handle it:

> > - "Lazy" me would love just to wrap it in the mrtrix3 source
> >   package (not yet sure what will be "upstream source releases", I
> >   am packaging straight from git).  It would be super easy thanks to gbp
> >   ability to include submodules (I do it for dcm2niix neurodebian pkg)

> > - Debian soul in  me says "spend more time and generate one more
> >   source/binary package which would be useless of the mrtrix3 context.

> > What do you think?

> I know there is some way to create pristine-tar from plain Git packaging.
> I'd be really happy if you would consider this since it enables other
> team members to rebuild the package with the workflow described in team
> policy.

I do not think pristine-tar would work with git submodules, thus
requiring a delta of the size of the testing/data .

gbp  can be used to produce .orig.tar.gz and I have added
which instructs to package submodules as well, so anyone could generate
a new .orig.tgz for the new upload, and fetch from packages.d.o for an
existing version.

Is there a better way?

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

mrtrix3 is "coming". Howto tests?

2018-09-04 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Hello Team,

We have mrtrix 0.2.x series in Debian which is still used by some.
Upstream worked hard and soon (hopefully) will push out 3.0 release as
mrtrix3.  I've migrated and tuned up packaging for it (for
3.0~rc3+git86-g4b523b413) which is now at

The interesting aspect is that upstream repo provides git submodule
testing/data .  It is not that large - just 15 MB compressed but it
doesn't change frequently.  There is two ways to handle it:

- "Lazy" me would love just to wrap it in the mrtrix3 source
  package (not yet sure what will be "upstream source releases", I
  am packaging straight from git).  It would be super easy thanks to gbp
  ability to include submodules (I do it for dcm2niix neurodebian pkg)

- Debian soul in  me says "spend more time and generate one more
  source/binary package which would be useless of the mrtrix3 context.

What do you think?

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: Using recent packages on stable systems (Was: Depends available in other PPA's)

2018-03-09 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 09 Mar 2018, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > > > - a lot of people are going to show up running ubuntu.� What might you 
> > > > all
> > > > recommend?� In theory ubuntu people could add debian testing to
> > > > `apt/sources.list.d`.
> > > I do not think that it is a good idea to mix Debian testing with Ubuntu
> > > randomversion.  IMHO the most sensible way to go would be to use the
> > > backporting system the NeuroDebian team has developed.  They are doing
> > > automatic backports to Debian stable / oldstable and several Ubuntu
> > > versions.  Its a real pitty that this nifty system is only used by
> > > NeuroDebian and nobody took the time to make this a bit more generic to
> > > make it useful for all Blends (NeuroDebian team are basically two very
> > > kind and helpful but totally overworked people who will not spent their
> > > time to port their scripting system for any other use - so we are on our
> > > own if we want to use it).
> > Hmm... the 'Get NeuroDebian' section at does look nice.

> +1

> > I don't suppose the code for the backporting system is hosted at a
> > particular place that I could take a look at?� Since I am new I probably
> > couldn't/shouldn't do much, but I would be interested in taking a look.

> NeuroDebian members usually are reading this list but I'm CCing their
> list explicitly hereby.  I guess it will be in some public Git repository
> which you can clone and enhance.

moreover it is just an

   apt-get install neurodebian-dev

away from you :-)   Also in git at:
so choose your poison

A few bullet points relating to it

- our distributed and still used by me system is aged but still works.
  Michael has/is using a newer version
  he came up with for scheduling builds using condor etc.

- the core backporting helper (backport-dsc) is aged  but still
  working.  It was "offered" to be included to devscripts
  but it never happened.

  That one allows to automate creating backport source package, possibly
  while also applying distro specific patches (quite often that is what
  keeps me remaining benevolent maintainer for some packages since
  others prefer to not have any additional non-debian patches within
  Debian source package)

- nd_backport  is just a wrapper around backport-dsc to provide
  neurodebian specifics

- nd_build  is to build a (backported) source package on any cowbuilder

- nd_build4allnd  wrapper/looper around nd_backport and nd_build to
  build on all "supported" Debian/Ubuntus given an original .dsc file

here is an elderly howto which might still work 90%-100% of the way

hope this helps
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: Sprint-derived paper now out:

2017-11-17 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 17 Nov 2017, Steffen Möller wrote:

> Dear all,

> this paper has now surfaced

> Möller, Steffen; Prescott, Stuart W.; Wirzenius, Lars; Reinholdtsen,
> Petter; Chapman, Brad; Prins, Pjotr; Soiland-Reyes, Stian; Klötzl,
> Fabian; Bagnacani, Andrea; Kalaš, Matúš; Tille, Andreas; Crusoe, Michael
> R. (2017): Robust cross-platform workflows: how technical and scientific
> communities collaborate to develop, test and share best practices for
> data analysis. Data Science and Engineering.

Wow -- it is a really nice one, very informative and integrative.
Congrats!  Thanks for sharing the link as well!

To give a little bit of food for thought for the next sprints etc.  In
the paper you already make a good accent on standards, as the driving
force for more efficient and reliable work and resultant environments.
But as data are actually the primary object of operation on, and the
artifact produced are typically data files, it might be nice to
also give additional special attention to data (and meta-data)
standardization.  Even though Debian etc projects are working on
software/tools integration, and are agnostic of the data formats used by
those, we are in a good position to promote through demonstration the
benefits of  data standardization.

As for the background -- in neuroimaging we are pushing toward data
files standardization at the level of the entire experiments now (not
just per file): .  Adherence to the standard
allows for more efficient collaboration, meta-data manipulation
(integration, querying etc), cross-tools integration etc.  CWL, as far
as I see it (I have no working experience with it), seems to provide
some level of data description, if not standardizing types/layout of
input, just again emphasizing on the benefit from such standardizations.

Once again, congrats!
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: Auto creation of docker images from Debian (Med) packages?

2017-10-12 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 12 Oct 2017, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > we auto generate docker images using their stock utility (stockbrew or what 
> > it became), see

> > For singularity, we auto generate just one "ultimate one" - 
> > on 
> > singularity hub

> thanks for your always helpful hints.

> I'd like to repeat myself again:  We definitely should think wider and
> try to generalise what those NeuroDebian guys are doing for Blend *in*
> general.  The effort to adapt it specifically to Debian Med is most
> probably close to the same but we open the chance to attract developers
> of other Blends to contribute to this idea.

> Again: Please think widely.  This will finally help also NeuroDebian
> once they might realise that all their stuff will be provided by a
> common Blends framework. ;-)

If I think just a bit wider might thought will become transparent...

meanwhile -- might be a good time to realize the blend-wide thoughts
into action -- new singularity (I will look into updating the package
for experimental for now) is out with new "toys":
in particular:

Singularity Registry If you want to host your own Registry, we listened and you 
are in luck! Singularity Registry is ready for your use, along with a portal 
for you to “register your registry” to make it easier to share your images. 
Singularity Hub, along with improved building and updated builders, will follow 
this release.

and it is still lonely there in the sregistry: so blends could shine there!

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: Bug#862361: RFS: dcm2niix/1.0.20170429-1 [experimental]

2017-05-11 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 11 May 2017, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:

> Package: sponsorship-requests
> Severity: normal

> Dear mentors,

> I am looking for a sponsor for the following package:

> * Package name: dcm2niix
>   Version : 1.0.20170429-1
>   Upstream Author : Chris Rorden
> * URL :
> * License : BSD
>   Section: science

> One can check out the package by visiting the following URL
> (debian/experimental branch):


> Changes since the last upload:

>   * New upstream version 1.0.20170429
>   * Update copyright information
>   * Drop the patch queue, no longer required
>   * Specify the source directory and build system
>   * Use the system zlib and openjpeg2 libraries
>   * Build and install the manpages with Sphinx

> Best regards,

uploaded, thanks!

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: [Neurodebian-devel] Help needed for pandas bug: Could anybody verify the suspicion that tzdata might have some influence?

2017-03-28 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 28 Mar 2017, Andreas Tille wrote:

> > - I have already stated many times that if you want to move any of the
> >   core packages under bigger (-med, -science, etc) maintenance -- I
> >   don't mind.  But it shouldn't complicate my own work on those
> >   packages.  Someone's "mess" might as well be my "consistency" and I
> >   often can't afford spending time figuring out how this are now. And
> >   even worse time "fixing" up packaging (e.g. re-enabling testing,
> >   re-introducing dropped patches, etc) to make it as "messy" as it
> >   was before ;)

> It might be interesting to know what part of the "mess" is important to
> you.  

itemize "mess"y aspects (I was not the one to provide this
qualification) and I will let you know.  Could as well happen that
the answer will be "none"

> For instance it might help to know in advance if you are fine with
> the gbp layout specified by the packaging policy of the target team. :-)

yes -- it is fine.  I use gbp as well

> I fully agree that a migration of packaging to a team VCS should not
> include changing / dropping any patches in the first place.


> > - so far I still see only myself as the one who took care about pandas
> >   even after I cried out loud for help.  So helping instead of
> >   complaining (again) would be more helpful (I started reading
> >   this with an idea that we are talking about tzdata issue, but
> >   apparently we are just making water harder)

> While I know that you always was cooperating when we started discussing
> about some issue this discussion used to start only after rdepends of
> one of the Neurodebian packages were affected by removal from testing
> warnings.  When checking the bug log no response to those RC bugs was
> logged.  This is simply frustrating since this means a time delay of at
> least 10 days until somebody starts reacting while beeing totally
> unclear whether some work was done or not.  I fully understand if you
> are swamped with more important things but responding to an RC bug by
> tagging it help and forwarding the mail to interested parties - in this
> case Debian Science for instance - would help a lot.

would be great indeed

> May be you consider all this making water harder, but I consider not
> responding to RC bugs (without an appropriate VAC message) in times of
> freeze not responsible maintenance.  

yeah, agree.  In the long run, I may indeed need to shorten the list of
packages I maintain.  I am NOT on VAC virtually ever but indeed
seems getting short of time to provide adequate oversight at times.
Again -- actual help is welcome.

> I'd like to repeat here that I
> would not say so if there would be *any* message crying for help.  Since
> I also personally have no idea about Pandas and this issue I simply took
> some action and involved tzdata maintainers.  This could have happened
> 10 days ago and this is my main point.  (And sorry if I'm to German
> here. :-P )

it is ok -- I like Germans in general ;-)

> > - regarding original tzdata issue -- since we are just expressing
> >   sentiments here -- it would have been cool if maintainers of
> >   core packages would do 'reverse depends testing' before uploading (as
> >   I am trying to do in such cases) so we stop running after a gone train
> >   [see e.g. our ad-hoc messy helper
> >   
> >
> >   which I usually use successfully when preparing next uploads for
> >   cython, nibabel, etc]

> Perfectly valid argument, yes.  This again shows that you are doing
> really cool stuff in NeuroDebian which I totally appreciate.
> Unfortunately this does not make its way where it IMHO belongs like for
> instance at  Well, you wrote some helpful
> tool and have hidden it nicely out of reach for those people who are
> obviously in need of this.

apt-get install neurodebian-dev

I have pointed to it multiple times.
I think there is a (possibly better) alternative now

$> apt-cache show ratt
Package: ratt
Description-en: Rebuild All The Things!
 ratt (“Rebuild All The Things!”) operates on a Debian .changes file of 
 just-built package, identifies all reverse-build-dependencies and 
 them with the .debs from the .changes file.
 The intended use-case is, for example, to package a new snapshot of
 a Go library and verify that the new version does not break any other
 Go libraries/binaries.

but I haven't tried it so YMMV.

You can help leading the initiative to promote it/them to debian-qa@ or
-devel@ or any other appropriate in your opinion channel.  I would
really appreciate!

> > - outdated (not pushed) git on github or alioth is all the same -- just
> >   me forgetting to push.  "Fixed now" (thanks) - and present on
> >   both github and alioth git://
> Thanks.
> > Thanks i

Re: Help needed for pandas bug: Could anybody verify the suspicion that tzdata might have some influence?

2017-03-28 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 28 Mar 2017, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:

> On 28/03/17 10:37, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > PS: Yaroslav, you know my opinion about using Vcs outside of and
> > deriving from policies that are widely established.  Currently
> >   git://
> > is not even featuring the latest uploads - last changelog entry is

> > pandas (0.19.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium

> >   * Exclude a number of tests while running on non-amd64 platforms
> > due to bugs in numpy/pandas

> >  -- Yaroslav Halchenko   Wed, 11 Jan 2017 12:13:05 
> > -0500

> > I'm sorry to repeat myself but you are not creating a welcoming
> > environment for people who intend to help.

> This sentiment is shared on my side too.

> It was very disappointing to discover that nipype will not be part of
> Stretch due to an RC, which looks like many of those the team fixed during
> the Numpy 1.12 migration [1]. Besides, the packaging repository is quite
> frankly a mess [2] and is outdated.

> Looking at the other packages maintained by NeuroDebian and affected by RCs
> [3] (which include nipy, dipy and pandas), the repository layout is
> inconsistent from one package to the next [4, 5, 6]. IMO, as an experienced
> packager who has contributed to many different teams, this completely
> cancels out the benefits of having packages team-maintained in the first
> place.

> I am wondering whether NeuroDebian should instead be focusing on maintaining
> high-quality backports of neuroimaging software for supported Debian and
> Ubuntu releases (a goal it currently fulfills very well), and leave the main
> packaging effort to other Debian packaging teams (Science, Med, Python...).

I will try to be short

- I have already stated many times that if you want to move any of the
  core packages under bigger (-med, -science, etc) maintenance -- I
  don't mind.  But it shouldn't complicate my own work on those
  packages.  Someone's "mess" might as well be my "consistency" and I
  often can't afford spending time figuring out how this are now. And
  even worse time "fixing" up packaging (e.g. re-enabling testing,
  re-introducing dropped patches, etc) to make it as "messy" as it
  was before ;)

- so far I still see only myself as the one who took care about pandas
  even after I cried out loud for help.  So helping instead of
  complaining (again) would be more helpful (I started reading
  this with an idea that we are talking about tzdata issue, but
  apparently we are just making water harder)

- regarding original tzdata issue -- since we are just expressing
  sentiments here -- it would have been cool if maintainers of
  core packages would do 'reverse depends testing' before uploading (as
  I am trying to do in such cases) so we stop running after a gone train
  [see e.g. our ad-hoc messy helper
  which I usually use successfully when preparing next uploads for
  cython, nibabel, etc]

- outdated (not pushed) git on github or alioth is all the same -- just
  me forgetting to push.  "Fixed now" (thanks) - and present on
  both github and alioth git://

Thanks in advance for your help!

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: dcm2niix

2017-01-11 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 11 Jan 2017, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:

> On Wed, 2017-01-11 at 11:22 -0500, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> > Hi Ghislain,

> > Thanks for packaging and uploading to dcm2niix!

> You're welcome.

> > It is a pity though that we duplicated the effort somewhat since
> > we maintained dcm2niix within NeuroDebian for a while and didn't upload
> > primarily due to some licensing issues we brought up with upstream and
> > which were later resolved (e.g. of console/ujpeg.*)

> Before packaging a piece of software for Debian, I systematically check
> whether an ITP has already been filed for it on the Debian BTS. There
> was none, so I went for it. The duplication is a pity, but I can't be
> blamed for following the standard procedure for contributing a new
> package to the archive.

;) oh -- it wasn't my intend to blame anyone.  Indeed, if to blame we
could blame us (NeuroDebian) since indeed I don't think we ever filed an
ITP for this one

> > It would be nice to converge and co-maintain a single package, may be
> > under some team, e.g our pkg-exppsy (neurodebian) team or  debian-med --
> > whatever you would prefer

> I believe the package should be maintained by the Debian Med Team, and
> subsequently backported to Debian Stable and Ubuntu LTS by NeuroDebian,
> if desirable. The primary source for derivative projects should remain
> Debian.


> > our packaging is present on alioth and github:
> > git://
> >
> Ack.

> > unfortunately there is a stumbling stone on our end also -- versioning
> > since upstream was inconsistent and I was naive to switch from our
> > custom to their 'date' scheme they took for earlier
> > releases, and now they have switched to ... heh

> Ack.
> You are referring to the following issue [1], right?
> [1]

I guess ;)

> > correct resolution, to account for poor us NeuroDebianoids would be to
> > introduce an epoch making it 1:1.0.20161101  so currently present
> > version in neurodebian (20160921+git16-g0339407-1~nd+1) would upgrade to
> > it.

> > What do you think? ;)

> Well, do I really have a choice?

;) now that you are the authority over the Debian's dcm2niix package --
more than ever ;)

> An alternative solution could be to convince Chris to revert to the old
> MMDD versioning scheme. This way both the Debian and NeuroDebian
> packages can be upgraded without such hack. He is about to make a new
> release so we should act fast.

indeed!  I will gently follow up on the

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: upload aghermann-1.1.0, fix #824574 and #828008

2017-01-04 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
uploaded but note that it fails to build on anything but recent debians   OK  4:59.08 real, 194.54 user, 37.90 sys, 
2278480 out FAILED  0:38.75 real, 6.05 user, 6.84 
sys, 82376 out
aghermann_1.1.2-1~nd70+1_amd64.buildFAILED  0:49.63 real, 6.35 user, 8.34 
sys, 87336 out FAILED  0:52.50 real, 8.14 user, 8.94 
sys, 96672 out
aghermann_1.1.2-1~nd80+1_amd64.buildFAILED  0:51.23 real, 7.49 user, 8.68 
sys, 102624 out OK  5:17.99 real, 216.12 user, 
33.92 sys, 2133400 out
aghermann_1.1.2-1~nd90+1_amd64.buildOK  5:01.61 real, 196.50 user, 
39.55 sys, 2225304 out   OK  5:14.28 real, 215.76 user, 
34.07 sys, 2131576 out  OK  4:55.06 real, 193.71 user, 
37.91 sys, 2235328 out  FAILED  0:41.61 real, 5.88 user, 7.11 
sys, 83944 out FAILED  0:40.71 real, 7.69 user, 6.76 
sys, 139376 out  FAILED  0:27.23 real, 5.44 user, 4.94 
sys, 97296 out FAILED  0:34.88 real, 5.45 user, 5.63 
sys, 103488 out  FAILED  0:41.47 real, 6.92 user, 6.92 
sys, 105496 out FAILED  0:41.93 real, 6.72 user, 7.00 
sys, 112208 out  FAILED  0:41.57 real, 6.78 user, 6.95 
sys, 109416 out FAILED  0:41.99 real, 6.50 user, 7.20 
sys, 116392 out  FAILED  2:46.26 real, 97.94 user, 23.00 
sys, 1269032 out FAILED  2:48.69 real, 93.90 user, 26.01 
sys, 1289888 out  FAILED  2:46.31 real, 103.70 user, 
19.59 sys, 1476272 out FAILED  2:50.67 real, 98.16 user, 24.29 
sys, 1546360 out

On Tue, 03 Jan 2017, andrei zavada wrote:

> Hi Yaroslav,

> Here's 
> for a new upstream version of aghermann, mostly with bugfixes but also
> with a more cme-compliant debian/control.

> Cheers,
> Andrei

> On 26 August 2016 at 01:29, andrei zavada  wrote:
> > Thanks muchly!

> > On 26 August 2016 at 01:26, Yaroslav Halchenko  
> > wrote:
> >> they were built and just waiting upload

> >> On Fri, 26 Aug 2016, andrei zavada wrote:

> >>> That was quick!

> >>> On 26 August 2016 at 01:15, Yaroslav Halchenko  
> >>> wrote:
> >>> > thanks ... built but then there was power outage.. my screen was "reset"
> >>> > so forgot the "TODOs"  for uploads

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: Shall we develop a Debian Med Tutorial? Fwd: [BC2-conference] Call for workshop and tutorial proposals open now.

2016-11-30 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 30 Nov 2016, Steffen Möller wrote:

> Hello,

> much like many of you I just received this invitation to come up with a
> tutorial and/or workshop for the Basel (Switzerland) conference. The
> ISMB (next time in Prague (CZ) if I recall correctly) I expect to send
> the same around any minute or I already missed it as they typically have
> deadlines in December.

> Question: Shall we? I am not so much after explaining how to prepare a
> Debian package but we should demonstrate the amazing wealth of software
> packages that are readily available to be installed and workflows that
> can be addressed with them. A key message could be that the principles
> explained in this tutorial one would be platform independent as
> VirtualBox does a decent job and also ready for clouds with Amazon and
> others. With respect to workflows I would then go and explain just any
> that is also covered by the Common Workflow Language development.

> Just ping me whoever is up for it. It is quite a bit of work and not so
> very rewarding, scientifically. We shall expect to be offered to write a
> book, which I would very much like to be something towards a
> "bioinformatics recipies" book. This kind of avoids the term "workflow".

YES!  you can also note that anyone using Debian, Ubuntu or any other
derivative, directly or in the cloud or via virtualbox/docker/whatnot
pretty much already uses "Debian Med" ;)

to accent on that you could link to other educational materials you
could find online which talk about installing anything Debian Med
related, e.g. like our which
includes pointers to few youtube videos on how to get started using it.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: RRID: a namespace for research software

2016-06-28 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Related (although we yet to "support" RRIDs) - have a look at , might be of interest if you are looking into sitting 
surviving methods and contributions, not only entire package

On June 28, 2016 5:57:00 PM GMT+02:00, Michael Crusoe 
>On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 9:10 AM, Steffen Möller
>> On 27/06/16 16:22, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> > On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 10:04:40AM -0400, Michael Crusoe wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Example:
>> >>
>> >> Where would be the best place to incorporate this into Debian? We
>> >> adding support for this into the CWL spec so it would be nice to
>have a
>> >> resolver that give a Debian package name for a given RRID.
>> > Add a new field to debian/upstream/metadata ?
>> >
>> This is also what came to my mind. As it happens, we just proposed
>> Registrations:
>>   - Registry:
>> Entry:
>>   - Registry: SEQwiki
>> Entry:
>> so you may want to add
>>   - Registry: RRID
>> Entry: MIR:0558
>> Well, actually, there does not seem to be an entry for Bowtie, yet
>Search is at
>Bowtie is
>> I am uncertain if one wants to have a complete URL or just the ID.
>> preferred the complete URL but I do not see any such for MIRIAM.
>Complete URL please. For khmer it is
>> For the resolver that you mentioned, this can at some point be
>> via the unified Debian database.
>> Best,
>> Steffen
>Michael R. Crusoe
>Community Engineer & Co-founder
>Common Workflow Language project
>+32 (0) 2 808 25 58
>+1 480 627 9108

Sent from a phone which beats iPhone.

Re: Open-source MRI hardware initiative project

2016-05-07 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
I just want to complement (inlined with original email below) to
already good responses, and hope that you Broche would continue the
discussion by providing your feedback to our feedback ;)

On Sat, 09 Apr 2016, Broche, Lionel wrote:
> Hello Debian-Med team,

> I am a researcher in MRI hardware at the University of Aberdeen,
> Scotland. I am currently working on the development of a completely new
> type of MRI system (see, but I would like to avoid the
> traditional route of commercialisation as I see many problems with it.
> Instead, I have been thinking for a while of preparing an initiative for
> the development of open-source hardware in MRI.

> The aim of this initiative would be, in a first stage, to pool the
> technical solutions already in the public domain together so as to help
> small research labs like mine and, in a second stage, to create a rally
> point for these labs to share knowledge, resources and to organise
> collective work. If this proves successful, it may expand into a
> complete open source MRI hardware platform but that would be in the far
> future. I already approached several research groups who expressed their
> enthusiasm about this idea so there would be several academic
> participants to start with (at least 3, probably 5 to 8), and some of
> them are already willing to provide some designs.

> I would like to get some advices from the Debian Med community regarding
> several aspects:
> - What solution would you think is the most appropriate to organise a
> community portal? I do not have any IT help from my University on this
> project but I am willing to put a bit of my own money to get a server
> somewhere if necessary. Bear in mind that I have little training on how
> to maintain a website, though I can take some time to learn.

since no IT/$ support ATM, the best way IMHO would be to effectively use
available "Free" infrastructure:  

-  -- create project organization, push your code there,
  provide source downloads for releases (so don't forget to tag them etc),
  use bug tracker system, ...

- -- to the degree applicable, enable automatic
  testing/building/upload of your content (code, docs, ...)

- -- if you develop documentation in rest/sphinx
  or even markdown -- could provide you automatic docs builds etc
  Very easy and efficient way to bootstrap documentation-oriented

- if you need mailing list or forum, you could create a project on, which is although specific to neuroinformatics,
  could still be useful.

> - I know there is an active part of Debian Med that works on MRI
> software (and make great things, actually!), would any of them be
> interested in this initiative? If yes, what would you expect from it, or
> what would you be willing to provide at this stage? Also, would you have
> some recommendations so that open-sourced MRI hardware would easily
> interface with the already existing open-source software?

other recommendations were already expressed, but I guess

- you might still want it to interface with existing PAC system be it
  open-source (orthanc, xnat, ...) or proprietary

- depending on your target "consumer" you might want to provide "out of
  box" options for export of data in data formats which neuroimaging
  analysis toolkits can consume, e.g. nifti

- in the long run, providing some kind of programmable interface to
  control the beast and obtain the data "online" for real-time
  acquisition "closed loop" systems could be a neat feature

- would be nice if there was a simulator... have you looked at
  Then interested folks could assess some kind of "applicability" I

> - Would you have any suggestions regarding the conduct of such a
> project? I have no experience in the management of open source projects
> and I am actively looking for documentation about it. In particular, how
> can I organise this project so as to avoid bottlenecks in the future?

shameless ad: as per
make sure you asap clear out copyright/license for your work and choose
a DFSG-compatible free and open source license for your code, data,
documentation.  That could help to guarantee that you yourself
would have access to your work in the future, happen you change your
employer ;)

> - Can you see any funding bodies that could be interested in this
> initiative, in the short to medium term?

may be, depending on
what kind of support you are looking for...  But according to you have already gotten various
grants in the past... so pursuing with the same agencies could be an
option.  So it all again depends I guess on what funds you are
looking for?

> - Do you know of organisations that would be interested to know of this
> project or to provide guidance? I already plan to contact OSHWA and the
> CERN Ope

Re: Bug#814000: ITP: cwltool -- Common workflow language reference implementation

2016-04-20 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 20 Apr 2016, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi Afif,

> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 10:12:40PM -0700, Afif Elghraoui wrote:
> > > and the reason is given in the description of the task:

> > >Note that there is no according metapackage created since the packages
> > >might be to different to make sense to install all on one machine.

> > > I think this reason has a point - so we come back to the discussion how
> > > to get a sensible dependency between cwltool and our tasks ...

> > With the current setup, it seems like the answer should be to create
> > another metapackage for workflow management systems. Of the entries
> > currently in science-tools, at least pegasus-wms, snakemake, and cwltool
> > could go directly in there. Then both our tasks and science-tools can
> > refer to this new metapackage.

> I like this idea.  Feel free to do exactly this. :-)

FWIW +1 on that

additional candidates for inclusion if it would be a generic umbrella
for all workflow management systems:


Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: [MoM] Fwd: Outreachy project (CI for all biological applications inside Debian)

2016-03-22 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Fwiw, for all packages I maintain, wherever upstream provides tests, I am 
executing them at build time (scikit-learn, stats models, pymvpa2 are few 
random ones for eg). For many, I (or contributors) also started to enable 
autopkgtests, see eg pandas. Depending on where to draw the line for bio, those 
might be good examples.

On March 21, 2016 5:31:13 PM GMT+01:00, merlettaia  wrote:
>Hi Andreas,
>I've decided to start with Concavity.
>Is there a sample of a well-test-covered package?
>2016-03-21 10:27 GMT+03:00 Andreas Tille :
>> Hi Tanya,
>> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 08:26:17AM +0300, merlettaia wrote:
>> > My name is Tatiana Malygina, I'm another girl from Russia, who
>wants to
>> > help with writing tests for biological applications in Debian =)
>> I admit I'm really happy to get several competent students for this
>> project since when I was registering it I was afraid that nobody
>> sign on.
>> > For Andreas: me and Ann were in the same study group in university,
>> > actually we are friends. But out experience in bioinformatics and
>> > primary research areas differ - that's why I want something
>> > bioinformatics-related as starting packaging project.
>> > For example, project from this list would be great:  dssp,
>> > bio3d, ncols, norsnet, visualization (PyMol, garlic, ...) or
>> Regarding PyMol:  We also need to get the new upstream version of
>> (1.8) build for Debian.  I remember there were some issues in
>> it.
>> > docking-related (autodock, autodock-vina, racoon, etc.). If I'm not
>> > perfect candidate for outreachy internship, I would like to help
>> > packaging for these tools as a volunteer - with some of them (I
>> > docking software) I had no prior experience, and for me it is a
>> > chance to obtain it (and a motivation to finally read
>> > articles).
>> I have the hope that we might get even two students since there is
>> outreachy program and Google summer of code.  No idea whether this
>> - but from my perspective we have tasks even for two students. ;-)
>> For sure any volunteer is welcome as well and the Mentoring of Month
>> project is open for anybody.  So getting some packaging training
>> be granted.
>> > I've created account on alioth (username - latticetower-guest), I
>> like
>> > git.
>> latticetower-guest is now member of the Debian Med team and has
>> permissions.  I'm also busy to migrate those packages from SVN to Git
>> which I consider sensible candidates for creating a test suite
>> I moved stacks and exonerate - feel free to ask me for moving
>> If you are interested in Garlic I noticed that the packaging is in a
>> quite old fashioned state.  We could negotiate with DebiChem team
>> might be the best way to enhance the packaging (either you will get
>> commit permission to their VCS and we move it into their Git or we
>> it over into Debian Med team.  Its also lacking a test suite.  Just
>> us know where you would like to start.
>> Kind regards
>>   Andreas.
>> --

Sent from a phone which beats iPhone.

Re: bart - tools for computational magnetic resonance imaging

2015-12-01 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 01 Dec 2015, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:
> >>I can set the packaging repository up on d-med and push your initial
> >>work to it if you like. That would make collaborative work with members
> >>of d-med much easier, myself included.

> >So I tried to do it myself. See my mail to Andreas.

> Perfect. Don't hesitate to ping me once you are happy with the
> current state of your packaging work. I am happy to help you on the
> final touch before review.

> Good luck and thanks for your contribution to Debian.

Indeed thanks in advance Martin.

And thanks Ghislain -- since of relevance, I have uploaded backports of
ismrmrd to NeuroDebian, happen you need them on some older
debian/ubuntu.  Whenever bart package gets into Debian -- can do the
same to it ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: Debian Med usage or download stats

2015-11-17 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 17 Nov 2015, wrote:


> Emboss seems to be the most frequently used package maintained by the
> Debian Med team.  We have no number of those users who are disabling
> popcon and also no numbers who are using derivatives like Ubuntu or
> BioLinux.  So the numbers listed at the tasks page are *minimum* numbers
> that might be significantly higher but we can not know.

On a related topic, since might be of interest.  For NeuroDebian we are
providing neurodebian-popularity-contest package (which evil us made all
packages in neurodebian archive dependent on, so would not fly as is for
debian proper), which installs

$> cat /etc/popularity-contest.d/neurodebian.conf 
KEYRING="$KEYRING --keyring 

making popcon (if enabled on that box) report also to our popcon server
so we can collect stats from both (recent) debian and ubuntus:

so, similar setup I guess could be achieved for debian-med so you could
possibly get stats from biolinux and other derivatives if they encourage
installation of debian-med-popularity-contest or alike.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: debian-med (possibly + -science) hackathon 2016 dates?

2015-10-15 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 16 Oct 2015, Steffen Möller wrote:

> Hello,

> On 15.10.2015 23:52, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> > Hi Andreas,

> > Sorry for me forgetting, when will it happen?  May be time to start
> > planing ... ;)

> Indeed. I put up
> so we can all start dumping our thoughts/expectations.

shouldn't it be

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

debian-med (possibly + -science) hackathon 2016 dates?

2015-10-15 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Hi Andreas,

Sorry for me forgetting, when will it happen?  May be time to start
planing ... ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

Re: About backports.

2015-08-09 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Mon, 10 Aug 2015, Charles Plessy wrote:
> > Like you indicated, that's not the only concern. On behalf of stable
> > release users, I think making a recent version of samtools available in
> > stable-backports is important-- I think the backports repository is a
> > huge reason why Debian stable is usable for everyday purposes (and it's
> > the main reason why I switched to Debian from Ubuntu for my own machines).

> Backports are definitely great, and the requirement that a backported package
> must have been in Testing is both an asset for the quality and a limitation 
> for
> the logistics.  In some cases, Testing migration is completely out of our
> control, for instance with the GCC5 migrations currently.

> I sometimes wonder if it would be better to have a separate repository for
> providing Debian Med packages to Stable users.  Ideally it would be a Debian
> PPA, but these are not developed yet.

> The big advantage that a separate repository would have over the traditional
> backports, is that it would allow us to also distribute some packages for
> Stable without rebuidling them, when they pass their regression tests on
> Stable.  This would make such a backport archive much more comprehensive.

FWIW, this is our approach in NeuroDebian:  whenever possible enable build-time
testing, then build and upload at the same time to both main Debian archive
sid, and NeuroDebian -- backports for anything supported (Debians and Ubuntus).
Everything is streamlined with some elderly scripts (now in neurodebian-dev
package) around cowbuilder:

sudo nd_build4debianmain *dsc --hookdir=$HOME/neurodebian/tools/hooks && { sudo 
nd_updateall; sudo nd_build4allnd *dsc; }

So if it FTBFS for debian sid, I fall into that environment to troubleshoot it
etc.  If passes -- all build envs get updated, and I build backports for all of
them.  Above generates which tells which builds succeeded, and
where failed I look into corresponding .build file to see what needs to be

This is of cause straightforward for leaf packages... if package is used
by other packages, and I suspect that it might cause various FTBFS and/or tests
failures, I usually also run "downstream" regression testing by rebuilding all
its dependees against old and new versions of the package [1] on Debian sid and
stable if I aim to upload backports. 


Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Copenhagen offered to host upcoming Debian Med Sprint - alternative suggestions?

2015-07-26 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Sun, 26 Jul 2015, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > The next ISMB is in Orlando, Florida. I cannot tell if I am going at the
> > very moment. But after a look at the not so ultimately impressive booths
> > on at the ISMB this year, I had thought, and actually folks suggested it
> > to me, that a Debian Med booth (as in a Debian + Bio-Linux joint 
> > demonstration
> > of what wealth of packages is available at one's fingertips) may
> > be rather neat, indeed. The exact planning of such an event should  possibly
> > be a topic of the Sprint.

> I think having a booth like NeuroDebian people at this kind of events
> would be a great idea (even if I personally will not join this booth).

+1 Having a booth is fun and effective!  Let me know if you need any
help (in a sense of ideas/advices - unlikely to make it to Orladno that
time) with it. E.g. with custom "budget setups" (rental prices on those
shows could be a killer) like:


Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: gbp buildpackage and sponsor upload aghermann-1.0.5 please?

2015-06-15 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
That is great. I would still prefer sponsor requests with dsc on mentors and 
touch git only for minor changes

On June 15, 2015 3:41:53 PM HST, andrei zavada  wrote:
>Hey Yaroslav and Andreas,
>It appears I can learn things yet: for aghermann-1.0.5 (which
>includes a fix for #788025) I have created a new repo
>with pristine-tar and upstream branches following the guidelines from
>, and verified that `gbp
>buildpackage` works.  So I assume Yaroslav can pull from it and do the
>and proceed with package uploading as usual.
>Hope I didn't miss anything,
>On Wed, 13 May 2015 21:04:08 +0200
>Andreas Tille  wrote:
>> Hi Andrei,
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 09:00:11PM +0300, andrei zavada wrote:
>> > 
>> > That's my own bike, and as long as Yaroslav was fine with the
>> > package I would post for him to do dget from, it worked.  Truth be
>> > he duly encouraged me to throw away my bike and go with the
>> > policy, but somehow I kept putting the learning hour off.  Now it's
>> > to do just that, it seems.
>> :-)
>> > > Ahhh, and BTW, I do *not* sponsor "examples":
>> > > 
>> > > # Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
>> > > ...
>> > 
>> > That one is trivial to fix.
>> Yes.  I'mm just allergic against it. ;-)
>> > So Andreas, please don't bother, I'll read up on the policy and fix
>> > repo and ping you again.
>> I'm sure you'll find it simple - if not you know where to ask.
>> Kind regards
>>  Andreas.

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Re: sponsor upload aghermann-1.0.4 please?

2015-05-12 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 12 May 2015, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi,

> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 12:17:21AM +0100, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> > I am traveling but I believe it was build and I just forgot about uploading 
> > it.. unfortunately laptop refuses to connect atm so if not uploaded by 
> > tomorrow I will do that in the morning

> Since I just cloned the Git repository you would have lost in uploading. :-)

"would" indeed ;)  in particular because I also build for all
neurodebian supported debian/ubuntu releases -- so takes longer ;)

apparently I didn't build 1.0.4 yet anyways -- you won! ;)

> However, I have a question:  Is there any reason to keep on uploading
> to experimental?  Unstable should be fine, IMHO.

yeah -- Andrei, please adjust for upload to unstable and we will upload.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: sponsor upload aghermann-1.0.4 please?

2015-05-11 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
I am traveling but I believe it was build and I just forgot about uploading 
it.. unfortunately laptop refuses to connect atm so if not uploaded by tomorrow 
I will do that in the morning

On May 11, 2015 10:50:02 PM GMT+01:00, andrei zavada  
>Hi Andreas,
>As my trusty sponsor Yaroslav seems to have been preoccupied by other
>matters since some weeks ago, could you please stand in his stead and
>the button for my package?  There's a fix for some unfortunate
>regression on
>GTK3's part which screws the font sizes (they were rendered at <1pt),
>and it
>makes me feel for those 20-ish users who did install it.  The link to
>the .dsc file is below:
>> Using this opportunity, I would like to ever so slightly poke
>Yaroslav to
>> push the upload button on my own package, aghermann, where I fix a
>> with gcc-5 to close #69

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Re: Debian Med Sprint in Montreal @ PyCon 2015?

2015-02-12 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 12 Feb 2015, Michael Crusoe wrote:

>Is there interest in having a Debian Med Sprint at PyCon 2015? The dates
>are Monday, April 13th 2015 - Thursday, April 16th 2015.
>I'll be there running a Sprint for the khmer project but I would be happy
>to have Debian folk (both experienced and new contributors) there as well.
>Is this a good idea? Who would be interested in co-hosting with me?

THAT WOULD BE GREAT!  My problem though is that I will be there
only for the duration of the conference, so wouldn't be able to stay
longer for the sprint.  But is there anything I could help with -- let
me know.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: aghermann-1.0.3, reproducible builds

2015-02-03 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 03 Feb 2015, andrei zavada wrote:

> Hi Yaroslav,

> I see some red ink appearing on my QA page, this time suggesting to avoid
> using __DATE__ and __TIME__ macros in order to ensure reproducible builds:

> To address this, I have made appropriate changes to aghermann, resulting in
> version 1.0.3-1, which is right here for you to kindly sponsor upload:

well -- if you want to upload to unstable with purpose of propagating to
jessie -- clarify with debian-release if they would allow this change

Otherwise change changelog release to experimental

> (The other package, cnrun, in the current version (2.0.1-1) awaiting admission
> to unstable, is good wrt this issue, so there's nothing to be done there.)

neurodebian package has been awaiting in NEW queue already for nearly a
record -- 6 months, and that is after addressing ftpmaster's
concerns... but what kind of admission are you talking about for cnrun?
I see nothing in NEW and for new upload -- should go to experimental as
Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: preparing insighttookit 4.7

2015-01-30 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 27 Jan 2015, Steve M. Robbins wrote:

> Ha!  Good point.  

> That reminds me: some years ago I considered creating a new source package 
> for 
> the ITK docs.  Never got further than considering it, but that would solve 
> the 
> builder problem, anyway.

> > BTW, the i386 pbuilder build also went fine, so hopefully you shouldn't
> > have any problems.

> Great!  I'm building now for the upload.

THANK YOU guys for the update and the upload!  Would you mind sharing
the source package somehow (while it is stuck in the NEW queue) -- I
might try build backports for NeuroDebian ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Task for MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) development

2014-12-08 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Mon, 08 Dec 2014, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:

>Dear all,

>I originally started to contribute to the Debian ecosystem to help make
>available some of the development library, such as [1], necessary to work
>with MRI data. In the field of MRI processing, we are currently witnessing
>a growing interest towards the release of opensource tools / framework
>specific to MRI [2, 3]. Since most reconstruction clusters I know run on
>Linux, I can see Debian playing a great part in providing a centralized
>repository for distributing and releasing MRI related software. Before
>that, It would be nice to have a centralized place to discuss and
>coordinate packaging jobs for MRI software, which I thought the creation
>of dedicated task [4] would officially acknowledge.

Hi Ghislain,

>First of, does it sound silly ?

not all

>Is that enough to justify the creation of a new task ?

in addition to

There is already a bulk of MRI related software packages
contributed to listings in those two tasks

What would you call the task?  what software would you like to list
there?  If to make just MRI specific task -- not sure.

>Would there be any interest from other people besides me ?
>How much work would it represent to organize such task ?

not much ;)

>Just testing the waters.

FWIW you might like also to know about the NeuroDebian project: , which while concentrating on brains also is
quite MRI-centric ;)  We do package/maintain some software under
debian-med and debian-science blends umbrellas and list them in those
tasks pages.

As for the packaging discussion  place -- debian-med mailing list would
indeed be a good venue ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Big data needed for unit test

2014-12-01 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Mon, 01 Dec 2014, Corentin Desfarges wrote:
>I'm still working on the packaging of fw4spl, and I'm faced with a new
>problematic : One of the unit tests needs to load an important data file,
>which has a big size (~200 Mo).

such large data arrays are worth their own packages... then you could
have build-depend on it... before that -- indeed just disable that test

>Should I simply remove this test, or can I include the data file in the
>package ?

IMHO too big/too static (I bet) to be included  and then shipped again
and again and again with any new upstream software release.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: please upload cnrun2

2014-11-25 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 25 Nov 2014, andrei zavada wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 15:23:20 -0500
> Yaroslav Halchenko  wrote:

> > On Mon, 24 Nov 2014, andrei zavada wrote:

> > > On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 14:59:24 -0500
> > > Yaroslav Halchenko  wrote:

> > > > On Sun, 23 Nov 2014, andrei zavada wrote:

> > > > > I am investigating this, and hopefully I'll find a fix soon.
> > > > > Supporting ancient distributions is always full of surprises like
> > > > > this.

> > > > so finally my upload was processed properly and cnrun is in the NEW ( I
> > > > guess you got the note)

> > > Indeed, I was notified in due course, earlier today.  It came right in the
> > > middle of my fidgeting with ax_lua.m4, which eventually helped.

> > > I think I can nail down any outstanding issues and... Now that 2.0.0 gets
> > > accepted, I suppose I could release a 2.0.1, then?

> > yeah -- sure ;)

> There indeed were issues with ax_lua.m4 a couple of years ago, it seems; I
> have incorporated a recent, working version of that aclocal file into the
> distribution tarball, and now cnrun builds on all nd-supported arches
> (barring really old ones where g++ is pre-4.7).

> One notable exception is raring: nd_buildall reports the following:

> $ grep -C5 404
>   man-db{a} pkg-config{a} po-debconf{a} texinfo{a} 
> 0 packages upgraded, 40 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> Need to get 1842 kB/12.3 MB of archives. After unpacking 41.4 MB will be used.
> Writing extended state information...
> Err raring/main liblua5.1-0 i386 5.1.5-4
>   404  Not Found
> Err raring/main liblua5.1-0-dev i386
> 5.1.5-4
>   404  Not Found
> Err raring-updates/main libxml2-dev i386
> 2.9.0+dfsg1-4ubuntu4.3
>   404  Not Found
> Err raring/main lua5.1 i386 5.1.5-4
>   404  Not Found
> Err raring/main texinfo i386
> 4.13a.dfsg.1-10ubuntu4
>   404  Not Found
> E: Failed to fetch
>  404  Not Found
> E: Unable to correct for unavailable packages

this one (raring) has EOL'ed already , so just remove from listing in 

> Of which I tend to think it is down to some temporary problem only appearing
> on

> Kindly push the button again?  The .dsc URL is


Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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upstream metadata bib

2014-10-30 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
I remember seeing somewhere a compiled bibtex from the upstream metadata
we have been feeding our packages with... could someone remind me a url?

do we have already a tool to collate a .bib file given a list of
software in question?

Thank in advance!
Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: sponsor upload aghermann-1.0.2 fixing #764820

2014-10-14 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 15 Oct 2014, andrei zavada wrote:

> Hi Yaroslav, Laurent,

> There was a bug (#764820) reported last week for aghermann-1.0.1, about menu
> entries missing icons.  So here's 1.0.2 with a fix (also for some lesser
> issues raised by current lintian), which I am humbly asking you to sponsor
> upload.

> The dsc link is

looks good
building now
upload -- tomorrow


Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Compiling binaries on package installation

2014-10-14 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 14 Oct 2014, Michael Banck wrote:
> > > If you bundle a "please rebuild my packages with optimization" script
> > > with a local .deb archive, you'd only need to do it once on a frontend
> > > box.

> > and initially expose those as an apt repository, adjust apt configuration on
> > every node...   Then have 2 stage upgrade procedure (in first wave it
> > would rebuild locally build beasts, and place them into APT repo, then
> > apt-get update and {dist-,}upgrade to pick them up).

> Sure, "Einen Tod muss man sterben", as the germans say.

> I think it might be a potential GSoC project to come up with a
> mostly-integrated solution (at least on the build host).  The

+100! and not only on the build host ;)  meanwhile it would be
nice even to collect use-cases/examples when we would need such a beast

> configuration-management side of the APT repos on the client are of
> course an issue and cumbersome, but maybe out-of-scope.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Compiling binaries on package installation

2014-10-14 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 14 Oct 2014, Michael Banck wrote:
> > > > Or should I point out how to "compile your own", like it is done in the
> > > > "Building an optimized OpenBLAS packages on your architecture" in the
> > > > README.Debian file of openblas-base?

> > > Not sure what's in those files, but I suggest to support
> > > DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=custom in your Debian packaging, which would build an
> > > optimized package for a the user.  That's what the ATLAS package are
> > > (were?) doing, and if we have enough packages like that, doing the m-a
> > > like tool as mentioned above would be a matter of knowing which packages
> > > do support it.

> > +1 BUT from a user perspective it would have been much more
> > convenient if there was e.g. 'atlas-custom-installer' package which
> > would do that automagically at the package installation time.

> Well, one downside of that would be that you'd need a development
> environment on every compute node you install it on, no?

yeap -- but Debian makes it so easy to get any kind of such an
environment, that for me use of a few more megs of disk space is not
really a cost to even worth mentioning ;)

> If you bundle a "please rebuild my packages with optimization" script
> with a local .deb archive, you'd only need to do it once on a frontend
> box.

and initially expose those as an apt repository, adjust apt configuration on
every node...   Then have 2 stage upgrade procedure (in first wave it
would rebuild locally build beasts, and place them into APT repo, then
apt-get update and {dist-,}upgrade to pick them up).

I am not saying that it all couldn't be done, I am just saying
that for a user it is not available out of the box without manual
configuration etc.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Compiling binaries on package installation

2014-10-14 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 14 Oct 2014, Michael Banck wrote:

> > Or should I point out how to "compile your own", like it is done in the
> > "Building an optimized OpenBLAS packages on your architecture" in the
> > README.Debian file of openblas-base?

> Not sure what's in those files, but I suggest to support
> DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=custom in your Debian packaging, which would build an
> optimized package for a the user.  That's what the ATLAS package are
> (were?) doing, and if we have enough packages like that, doing the m-a
> like tool as mentioned above would be a matter of knowing which packages
> do support it.

+1 BUT from a user perspective it would have been much more
convenient if there was e.g. 'atlas-custom-installer' package which
would do that automagically at the package installation time.  With
'build yourself' approach necessary manual interaction is also inferior
for delivering urgent functionality or security updates, since there
would be no automatic update.

You might also look at matlab-support-dev package and its rdepends
-- since Matlab is not distributable, with this package we help to
automate building of the Matlab extensions at the installation time,
using "registered" within matlab-support alternatives instance of
user-installed Matlab.  So far seemed to work quite neat.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: insighttoolkit4 backport on wheezy 32bit -- 2 tests failures

2014-05-30 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 30 May 2014, Gert Wollny wrote:

> On Fri, 2014-05-30 at 08:57 -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> > > Considering this, one could indeed disable this test but then one should
> > > probably also disable the corresponding functionality.

> > indeed.  What would be a preferable way to disable it?

> > a. throw exception when trying to access it?
> > b. just remove from the API?
> I've dug a bit deeper and what comes out is the following: 
> The test image is a four channel image, and now I assume, that the old
> version of libtiff doesn't support the alpha channel when writing to
> JPEG, because COMPRESSION_JPEG is already defined in the according
> tiff.h header file.

> I'd suggest to fallback to "COMPRESSION_PACKBITS" in itkTIFFImageIO.cxx
> for case TIFFImageIO::JPEG, old libtiff and more than three color
> components. (Patch attached) This way calling code doesn't break, and I
> doubt that the compression type is crucial for storing an image. 

cool -- thanks -- I will try it out
(lazy me just running now
sudo nd_build nd+debian wheezy i386 *~nd70*dsc 
and will wait for it to fail ;)

> > > > > would you mind adding a direct dependency to insighttoolkit4 
> > > > > package's control?

> > > Actually, it is currently not possible - libvtk5-dev is required
> > > depends on libtiff4-dev. 

> > I must be too slow on Friday -- could you elaborate?  even if
> > libvtk5-dev bdepends on libtiff4-dev, that doesn't forbid itk4 bdepend
> > on it...
> libvtk5-dev does not bdepend on libtiff4-dev, it *depends* on it, i.e. 
> when you install libtiff5-dev on wheezy, libtiff4-dev and libvtk5-dev
> will be removed (that's how I realized that there is a problem). 


> The other question is of course, when tk is linked against libtiff4 and 
> itk against libtiff5 and both are loaded by program X then you can not
> be sure what code is actually called when a TIFF function is invoked
> that is available in both libraries.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: insighttoolkit4 backport on wheezy 32bit -- 2 tests failures

2014-05-30 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 30 May 2014, Gert Wollny wrote:
> About the failing tests: The test


> also fails on wheezy amd64. The error

>   "TIFFImageIO: error out of disk space" 

> is nonsense though, this is the default ITK response to a failing
> TIFFWriteScanline. The real error message is sent to TIFFError and is
> printed out to stderr. I guess the relevant output is 

>   "JPEGLib: Bogus input colorspace."

> which would support the assumption that this is a problem with the
> libtiff version. 

> Considering this, one could indeed disable this test but then one should
> probably also disable the corresponding functionality.

indeed.  What would be a preferable way to disable it?

a. throw exception when trying to access it?
b. just remove from the API?

seems indeed to happen for me too on amd64, this test was not there in
4.5.0-3 so that one built fine on wheezy

> The other error message I didn't see on amd64, and I will see if I can
> do a recompile on i386.

> > > would you mind adding a direct dependency to insighttoolkit4 package's 
> > > control?

> Actually, it is currently not possible - libvtk5-dev is required
> depends on libtiff4-dev. 

I must be too slow on Friday -- could you elaborate?  even if
libvtk5-dev bdepends on libtiff4-dev, that doesn't forbid itk4 bdepend
on it...

> Considering that the transition to libvtk6-dev is pending in sid, it
> might become necessary to also backport this one, and since libvtk6-dev
> also depends on libtiff-dev, it should be possible to forced it to use
> libtiff5-dev on wheezy. I'm not sure whether itk is already vtk6 ready
> though. 

For now I would prefer to not care about vtk6 as for backport of current
itk4 to wheezy goes 

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: insighttoolkit4 backport on wheezy 32bit -- 2 tests failures

2014-05-29 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 29 May 2014, Gert Wollny wrote:

> Hello Yaroslav, 

> On Thu, 2014-05-29 at 10:33 -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> > I have (again) tried to provide a backport build of itk4 for wheezy (to
> > be shipped from NeuroDebian) and got those 2 tests to fail.

> > 926 - itkTIFFImageIOCompression_RGBTestImageJPEG_JPEG (Failed)
> > 2168 - itkOtsuThresholdImageFilterTestShort (Failed)

> > Would you be so kind to share your expertise on

> > 1. either I could consider such a failure "minor" thus probably just
> > excluding those tests from being run
> I don't think we should disable tests without also disabling the
> according functionality. 

> > 2. or may be you see how I could easily mitigate/fix underlying problem?
> I will try to compile it myself to debug the errors (if I can reproduce
> them). Actually, I already tried a 

>  nd_build nd+debian wheezy i386 ... 

> but the dependencies could not be resolved. Could it be that you
> backported a gccxml but didn't upload it to the neurodebian repo yet?

That is strange since if you used that command, it should have resulted
in identical environment (given that you nd_updatedist recently):

regarding the gccxml:

~/deb/builds/insighttoolkit4/4.5.2-1$ grep gccxml | head
Depends: debhelper (>= 9), cmake, swig (>= 2.0), gccxml (>= 0.9.0+cvs20120420), 
zlib1g-dev (>= 1.2.2), libpng12-dev, libtiff-dev, libfftw3-dev, libdcmtk2-dev, 
libgdcm2-dev, libdouble-conversion-dev, uuid-dev, libminc-dev, libhdf5-dev, 
python-all-dev, libvtk5-dev, python-vtk
 pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy depends on gccxml (>= 0.9.0+cvs20120420); 
  Package gccxml is not installed.
  gccxml{a} gettext{a} gettext-base{a} groff-base{a} hdf5-helpers{a}
Selecting previously unselected package gccxml.
Unpacking gccxml (from .../gccxml_0.9.0+cvs20120420-4_i386.deb) ...
Setting up gccxml (0.9.0+cvs20120420-4) ...

so it comes from the stock wheezy:
wheezy (stable) (devel): XML output extension to GCC
0.9.0+cvs20120420-4: amd64 armel armhf i386 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 
mips mipsel powerpc s390 s390x sparc 

Just in case -- uploaded my currently completed logs to

from NeuroDebian it just gets
Unpacking neurodebian-popularity-contest (from 
.../neurodebian-popularity-contest_0.32~nd70+1_all.deb) ...
Unpacking libdouble-conversion1:i386 (from 
.../libdouble-conversion1_2.0.1-1~nd70+1_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking libdouble-conversion-dev (from 
.../libdouble-conversion-dev_2.0.1-1~nd70+1_i386.deb) ...

> > Details: actually looking at 926 -- it complains "out of disk space" but I
> > consider it VERY unlikely since that box has it in abundance :-/
> That smells like a integer conversion gone wrong. 

ah -- could well be... I had somewhat similar symptoms from apt while trying to
update some very elderly 32bit ubuntu chroot on this box...

> It could be that for
> the backport  one has to enforce libtiff5-dev.  

rright -- that one was not pulled in, while in sid it does it

$> wget -q -O- 
 | grep libtiff5-dev 
  libtiff5 libtiff5-dev libtiffxx5 libtk8.5 libtorque2 libudev1 libunistring0
  libtiff5-dev libtiffxx5 libtk8.5 libtorque2 libudev1 libunistring0 libva1
Get:257 unstable/main libtiff5-dev i386 
4.0.3-8 [335 kB]
Selecting previously unselected package libtiff5-dev:i386.
Preparing to unpack .../libtiff5-dev_4.0.3-8_i386.deb ...
Unpacking libtiff5-dev:i386 (4.0.3-8) ...
Setting up libtiff5-dev:i386 (4.0.3-8) ...

would you mind adding a direct dependency to insighttoolkit4 package's control?

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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insighttoolkit4 backport on wheezy 32bit -- 2 tests failures

2014-05-29 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Hi Guys,

I have (again) tried to provide a backport build of itk4 for wheezy (to
be shipped from NeuroDebian) and got those 2 tests to fail.

926 - itkTIFFImageIOCompression_RGBTestImageJPEG_JPEG (Failed)
2168 - itkOtsuThresholdImageFilterTestShort (Failed)

Would you be so kind to share your expertise on

1. either I could consider such a failure "minor" thus probably just
excluding those tests from being run

2. or may be you see how I could easily mitigate/fix underlying problem?

Details: actually looking at 926 -- it complains "out of disk space" but I
consider it VERY unlikely since that box has it in abundance :-/

926/2518 Test #926: itkTIFFImageIOCompression_RGBTestImageJPEG_JPEG 
...***Failed0.10 sec
Input Filename: 
Output Filename: 
Compression: JPEG
  Pixel type (string): rgba
  Component Type is unsigned_char
  Component size: 1
  Number of dimensions: 2
JPEGLib: Bogus input colorspace.
Unexpected exception in ImageFileWriter

itk::ExceptionObject (0x87da1b8)
Location: "unknown"
File: /tmp/buildd/insighttoolkit4-4.5.2/Modules/IO/TIFF/src/itkTIFFImageIO.cxx
Line: 1947
Description: itk::ERROR: TIFFImageIO(0x87d49f8): TIFFImageIO: error out of disk 

Exception detected while reading 
 :  Could not create IO object for file 
  Tried to create one of the following:
  You probably failed to set a file suffix, or
set the suffix to an unsupported type.


2168/2518 Test #2168: itkOtsuThresholdImageFilterTestShort 
..***Failed0.13 sec
 Start OtsuThresholdImageFilter "" OtsuThresholdImageFilter (0x93c27b0)
  RTTI typeinfo:   itk::OtsuThresholdImageFilter, 
itk::Image, itk::Image >
  Reference Count: 3
  Modified Time: 66
  Debug: Off
  Object Name:
Primary: (0x93c2578) *
  Indexed Inputs:
0: Primary (0x93c2578)
  Required Input Names: Primary
  NumberOfRequiredInputs: 1
Primary: (0x93c4f50)
  Indexed Outputs:
0: Primary (0x93c4f50)
  NumberOfRequiredOutputs: 1
  Number Of Threads: 8
  ReleaseDataFlag: Off
  ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag: Off
  AbortGenerateData: Off
  Progress: 0
RTTI typeinfo:   itk::MultiThreader
Reference Count: 1
Modified Time: 35
Debug: Off
Object Name:
Thread Count: 8
Global Maximum Number Of Threads: 128
Global Default Number Of Threads: 8
  CoordinateTolerance: 1e-06
  DirectionTolerance: 1e-06
  OutsideValue: 0
  InsideValue: 255
  Calculator: OtsuThresholdCalculator (0x93c5098)
  RTTI typeinfo:   
itk::OtsuThresholdCalculator, short>
  Reference Count: 1
  Modified Time: 51
  Debug: Off
  Object Name:
Primary: (0)
  Indexed Inputs:
0: Primary (0)
  No Required Input Names
  NumberOfRequiredInputs: 0
Primary: (0x93c77f8)
  Indexed Outputs:
0: Primary (0x93c77f8)
  NumberOfRequiredOutputs: 1
  Number Of Threads: 8
  ReleaseDataFlag: Off
  ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag: On
  AbortGenerateData: Off
  Progress: 0
RTTI typeinfo:   itk::MultiThreader
Reference Count: 1
Modified Time: 46
Debug: Off
Object Name:
Thread Count: 8
Global Maximum Number Of Threads: 128
Global Default Number Of Threads: 8
  Threshold (computed): 0
  Mask image in use: 0
  Masking of output: 1
Progress  | 0 | 0.00390625 | 0.0078125 | 0.0117188 | 0.015625 | 0.0195312 | 
0.0234375 | 0.0273438 | 0.03125 | 0.0351562
 | 0.0390625 | 0.0429688 | 0.046875 | 0.0507812 | 0.0546875 | 0.0585938 | 
0.0625 | 0.0664062 | 0.0703125 | 0.0742188
 | 0.078125 | 0.0820312 | 0.0859375 | 0.0898438 | 0.09375 | 0.0976562 | 
0.101562 | 0.105469 | 0.109375 | 0.113281
 | 0.117188 | 0.121094 | 0.125 | 0.128906 | 0.132812 | 0.136719 | 0.140625 | 
0.144531 | 0.148438 | 0.152344
 | 0.15625 | 0.160156 | 0.164062 | 0.167969 | 0.171875 | 0.175781 | 0.179688 | 
0.183594 | 0.1875 | 0.191406
 | 0.195312 | 0.199219 | 0.203125 | 0.207031 | 0.210938 | 0.214844 | 0.2

Re: Fwd: paper: Custom software development for use in a clinical laboratory

2014-05-20 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
very interesting -- thanks for sharing.  I wondered though, if such an
in-lab software releases under FOSS license could then it be re-used or
better built-upon in another lab without violating FDA/etc regulations?

In-house developments resting on the work of FOSS projects are
nice but is there a way those could contribute back to the ecosystem?

What if such are exposed as 'services' and not 'software/devices' --
could then they be re-used within current legal framework(s)?

On Tue, 20 May 2014, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi,

> I think this paper might also be of interest for readers of Debian Med
> list ...

> Kind regards


> - Forwarded message from Ian Malone  -

> Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 12:22:21 +0100
> From: Ian Malone 
> To: FedoraMedical 
> Subject: paper: Custom software development for use in a clinical laboratory

> Hi, been a bit quiet here of late.
> Anyway, was reading this this morning and thought it might be of
> interest to some:
> J Pathol Inform. 2012; 3: 44.
> Published online Dec 20, 2012. doi:  10.4103/2153-3539.104906
> PMCID: PMC3551490

> Custom software development for use in a clinical laboratory

> John H. Sinard* and Peter Gershkovich
> (Open Access)
Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Q-Leap Networks contributes to Debian Med

2014-04-24 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, wrote:

> You're right. How about the added note on:


much better -- thanks!

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Q-Leap Networks contributes to Debian Med

2014-04-24 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, wrote:

> >>>>> "Yaroslav" == Yaroslav Halchenko  writes:

> Yaroslav> On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, wrote:

> >> >>>>> "Yaroslav" == Yaroslav Halchenko 
> >> >>>>> writes:

> Yaroslav> On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, wrote:
> Tony> We appreciated the pizza, of course, but your interest in
> Tony> supporting Debian Med is very welcome indeed. I've just moved
> Tony> house, and I don't yet have a broadband connection. However,
> Tony> when I get reconnected, I'll build a new Qlustar Beowulf and
> Tony> try to get Bio-Linux running on it.

> >> >> Sounds good. Feedback appreciated. We're just finishing up
> >> >> release 8.1.1 which will already have a small sign of Debian
> >> >> Med support. In the QluMan GUI, we've added "chroot
> >> >> management" in which you will be able to

> Yaroslav> oh that sounds interesting ;) is any part of Qlustar, such
> Yaroslav> as QluMan GUI open-sourced?

> >> Everything in Qlustar is open-sourced apart from QluMan ( =
> >> cluster management framework including GUI).

> Yaroslav> would you be so kind to point to the sources?
> Yaroslav>
> Yaroslav> returns empty and there is no obvious link on the website
> Yaroslav> (or those are only available as .dsc source packages from
> Yaroslav> the repository?)

> Exactly. Like Debian/Ubuntu everything is packaged as debs.

.debs are binary packages, I am inquiring about source packages (i.e.
dsc).  Would you be so kind to point me to the Debian repository
containing those?

NB provides a binary download, which is
   probably containing some GPL-licensed software, for which you should 
   "inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d." (GPL v3).  So you might like to add a
   note/instructions on that page.

> Yaroslav> Pity that QluMan is not FOSS -- it is the one which got me
> Yaroslav> intrigued ;)

> Oh well. Maybe one day  ... :)

today is a nice day for doing great things -- and it might be better
than tomorrow ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Q-Leap Networks contributes to Debian Med

2014-04-24 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, wrote:

> >>>>> "Yaroslav" == Yaroslav Halchenko  writes:

> Yaroslav> On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, wrote:
> Tony> We appreciated the pizza, of course, but your interest in
> Tony> supporting Debian Med is very welcome indeed. I've just moved
> Tony> house, and I don't yet have a broadband connection. However,
> Tony> when I get reconnected, I'll build a new Qlustar Beowulf and
> Tony> try to get Bio-Linux running on it.

> >> Sounds good. Feedback appreciated. We're just finishing up
> >> release 8.1.1 which will already have a small sign of Debian Med
> >> support. In the QluMan GUI, we've added "chroot management" in
> >> which you will be able to

> Yaroslav> oh that sounds interesting ;) is any part of Qlustar, such
> Yaroslav> as QluMan GUI open-sourced?

> Everything in Qlustar is open-sourced apart from QluMan ( = cluster
> management framework including GUI).

would you be so kind to point to the sources?
returns empty and there is no obvious link on the website (or those are
only available as .dsc source packages from the repository?)

Pity that QluMan is not FOSS -- it is the one which got me intrigued ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Q-Leap Networks contributes to Debian Med

2014-04-24 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, wrote:
> Tony> We appreciated the pizza, of course, but your interest in
> Tony> supporting Debian Med is very welcome indeed. I've just moved
> Tony> house, and I don't yet have a broadband connection. However,
> Tony> when I get reconnected, I'll build a new Qlustar Beowulf and
> Tony> try to get Bio-Linux running on it.

> Sounds good. Feedback appreciated. We're just finishing up release 8.1.1
> which will already have a small sign of Debian Med support. In the
> QluMan GUI, we've added "chroot management" in which you will be able to

oh that sounds interesting ;)  is any part of Qlustar, such as QluMan
GUI open-sourced?

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Presentation of Debian Med on local Next Generation Sequencing workshop (April)

2014-03-24 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 21 Mar 2014, Charles Plessy wrote:
> For packages without upstream tests, in the meantime, even the most simple
> tests like running the command with the --help option, are potentially useful.

+10 ;)  I also try to run some Demo or Example script if such is
provided (often via xvfb) to indeed catch the most broken beasts

> My favorite example is T-COFFEE, where we were distributing a 100 % broken
> package on arm for years.  With autopkgtest, we will have a better overview on
> what package works where (just a successful build is not enough), and this 
> will
> help people to evaluate the feasiblity of projects based on Debian on amd64,
> and also on more rarely used platforms (such as the Raspberry Pi as we read on
> this list).

well -- the best one IMHO here is the s390x -- big-endian 64bit.  It
helped to detect/iron out bugs for cases where unit-tests were not
developed to test those corner cases, but which naturally appear
when e.g. bytes get swapped ;)  armel is my favorite to detect race
conditions, since it is somewhat slower than regular x86, thus those
race conditions do not come that obvious ;)

> Slightly more complex tests can often be built from the examples in the
> program's README.  On my side, I am still on a learning phase with 
> autopkgtest,
> but I hope that collectively we will have a clear vision on what to recommend
> Upstream so that they can write or accept user-contributed tests are trivially
> run by autopkgtest.

well -- autopkgtest is indeed nice BUT for basic QA I do prefer
build-time testing, since that guarantees that package with known issues
doesn't even get to the users before issues get resolved.  And it goes
through testing on all supported architectures (if not architecture all
of cause).

My main reluctance with autopkgtest was the need to duplicate definition
of 'running tests' twice in debian/rules and then under debian/tests...
sadt seems might be of help to avoid this duplication now -- I will look
later to see if that would be possible to just call it (with
corresponding tune up of PATH/PYTHONPATH) with debian/rules...

> I also like a lot the “litteral programming” side of the “reproducible
> research” trend.  I am developing some tutorials based on real data analyses
> from my work, which are currently implemented in knitr
> (, and which I hope to iron out so that they can be
> used to test a Debian image in an integrated way.  However, they currently
> still use programs that are not yet packaged.

ha -- being not R user much -- haven't heard about knitr.  Looks
interesting indeed.

Python folks were blessed "recently" with IPython which now goes even
stronger forward (thanks to support from Sloan foundation and others).
If you managed to not hear about that: have a look at sample ipython
notebooks at .

> Work in progress but comments welcome !  

it is pity there is no some kind of '' ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Presentation of Debian Med on local Next Generation Sequencing workshop (April)

2014-03-19 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, Diane Trout wrote:
> > I think the more effort we spent in autopkgtest suites the more we will
> > be able to come closer to reproducibility.  I hope that this effort will
> > be rewarded by such projects who for whatever reason do not (yet) trust
> > our work.

> There's also the issue of upgrades changing your environment.

> We've had issues with newer versions of cufflinks and tophat introducing new 
> bugs. 

upon brief look: I have apt-get sourced cufflinks -- found no
unittests available

the same for tophat

I really hope that upstream does have some established procedures
to make sure their code works correctly.

Myself:  I would have thought twice (or at least checked with upstream
on details of above aspect) before using any of those tools.

As somewhat involved in scientific software development, I can say that
testing (unit-, regression- -- separate or in combination) is of
paramount importance for any project unless it is already 10 years
old, got tested by hundreds of users to verify "manually" its correct
operation, and no longer developed (thus no new bugs could possibly be

And this aspect -- testing -- might be the one where anyone could
contribute.  But unfortunately it is rarely fun and definitely would
not be anyhow acknowledged in someone's CV/portfolio.  That is why
testing contributions are probably of the least number :-/  But may be
someone bright would come up with idea on how to improve our situation
on this front.

But also testing contributions might be the easiest ones to contribute
;) -- I call such tests "functional" tests:

- take your use-case code/pipeline 
- take some miniature simulated or real data (may be upstream project
  already has some for internal testing)
- run your code, get the results, add assertions
- contribute back "upstream".

In my case I am doing smth like that  with bug-reports users report
against PyMVPA:
which serves us two ways: replicate original bug, and then assure that
not only it doesn't appear back (which could and often is verified by a
dedicated unit-test), but also that user-constructed pipelines are not
broken throughout our development.

P.S. on this note will try to introduce .travis.yml into one of the
projects on our radar for inclusion into Debian ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Presentation of Debian Med on local Next Generation Sequencing workshop (April)

2014-03-19 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, Carlos Borroto wrote:
>  > I lost some of my initial excitement about contributing to Debian Med.
>  > If I cannot use the results of my effort in the system where I
>  > actually do my job

>  quick side question: which are running ?

>Are you asking about systems using a lot of software already packaged by
>Debian but not using APT(at least not with the oficial repository) to
>install such software?

;-) something like that.  I just was aiming at more specific pointer,
e.g. distribution/release, since that would also add to the picture.
E.g. using some stable but old(er) release of Debian or Ubuntu might
indeed demand users to get fresh versions installed manually (or from
non-official repositories, such as the ones you use or

>Beside the two big ones I already mentioned, Galaxy and CloudBioLinux, I
>don't know any other good example of a popular system for computational
>biology not using official packages. I also don't know of an example of a
>system that does. BioLinux, from where CloudBioLinux comes, is a close,
>but my experience is that the collaboration is not as close as you would
>I have also used several institutional HPC clusters, some that are mainly
>used for computational biology and run on Debian or Ubuntu. None relied on
>oficial packages or even APT.

"run on Debian or Ubuntu" but not using packages or APT... oh well -- at
least it keeps some useful admins on a payroll ;)  joking aside though,
situation with "institutional" HPC clusters is indeed peculiar, since
they need to address many users from different disciplines, and
even if all the software would be provided by stock distribution, some
users would still demand custom versions and/or builds.

But when we would look at smaller deployments (labs/departments),
starting off with stock distribution/packages could save lots of
human power in the short and long run.  Then custom installations could
still be done, using the same 'environment modules' system as they use
across many HPCs.

>Finally, let me repeat myself. I think Debian Med is doing a great job. I
>hope more people could see the benefits of using the official packages. My
>limited involvement allowed me to see how much you can get by following
>good practices for packaging free software. My point was it seems there is
>a need to highlight the importance of these benefits in a meeting like the
>one mentioned in this thread. 

+1  ;)

>Also a need for information on how to get
>reproducibility but still use the official packages.

actually that could be the easiest form to achieve kind of
reproducibility: e.g.  if someone uses stock release of Debian, as I
have demonstrated, it is very easy to recreate very similar (if
not identical) environment in 1 (or few) commands (such as debootstrap).

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Presentation of Debian Med on local Next Generation Sequencing workshop (April)

2014-03-19 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, Diane Trout wrote:
> > I think the more effort we spent in autopkgtest suites the more we will
> > be able to come closer to reproducibility.  I hope that this effort will
> > be rewarded by such projects who for whatever reason do not (yet) trust
> > our work.

> There's also the issue of upgrades changing your environment.

> We've had issues with newer versions of cufflinks and tophat introducing new 
> bugs. 

and possibly fixing some of the existing ones ;)

> As a result the scientists our group tend to want to have consistent 
> versions installed.

this project of Michael Hanke could be of interest for you if you are
keen to join:   The idea is to make
it easy to create regression tests of arbitrary (user) processing
pipelines.  I bet he would welcome contributions!

> I'm not sure if there's a good way of having multiple versions of a debian 
> package available on a single system. 

Theoretically it is possible and done for some packages.  But in general
it is too much burden and all boils down to man power.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Presentation of Debian Med on local Next Generation Sequencing workshop (April)

2014-03-19 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, Carlos Borroto wrote:

> I lost some of my initial excitement about contributing to Debian Med.
> If I cannot use the results of my effort in the system where I
> actually do my job

quick side question: which are running ?

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Presentation of Debian Med on local Next Generation Sequencing workshop (April)

2014-03-18 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Hi Steffen,

On Tue, 18 Mar 2014, "Steffen Möller" wrote:
> I was invited to a local (Northern Germany) workshop on next generation
> sequencing
> to give a quick overview on what Debian/Ubuntu/BioLinux can do for them.
> This is a very friendly environment and besides
>  * explaining how community-run Linux distros work
>  * that Linux not necessarily means desktop,
>- but may mean virtual
>- or server and that 
>- all major cloud services feature Debian images

Do not be shy here: by working "in Debian" we are pretty much automagically
benefiting from the work of more 'cloudy' people cooking up all the appliances
etc.  Thus there is a huge benefit from sharing
expertise/responsibilities across different teams.  That is why work of Debian
Med is automagically omni-present through-out all possible deployment scenarios
-- from cell phones (may be not by Debian itself, but by its derivative(s)), to
servers, clusters, "mainframe" architectures which might not even be generally
available (s390x, sparc) to regular mortals, and all possible clouds.

>  * what Blends are
>  * what packages are available for Next Generation Sequencing

> I am very eager to learn about what the audience expects from our distro(s).

I would also emphasize on unique "features" of Debian such as 

- clear open standards (thus packaging is done "the right way" which
  contributes to packages longevity)

- licensing "clearing house":  helps with wider adoption and longevity
  of software itself

- QA, such as build time testing:  cannot be stressed enough on its
  importance for anyone at least whispering about 'reproducibility'.

> Please kindly mention whatever issue is close to your heart that should
> be presented. I was very happy about the recent advent of the IGV.

> To have something tangible, I asked Roland from to
> demonstrate over the coffee breaks how to set up a distributed work
> environment with Debian. Tony had found and introduced their 
> technology for the Debian Med Sprint. He kindly agreed, so we will
> jointly learn about how NGS-savvy wet-lab biologists are approaching
> us.

heh -- never heard about qlustar... interesting to hear what you learn
from the coffee break

but also do not forget that Debian itself comes with many open HPC
related projects such as batch systems etc:

> Any suggestions on something fancy to display would be helpful.

Fancy... hm... I some times like to amuse "reproducibility-eager" folks
with commands such as 

 debootstrap --arch=i386 --include=python potato /tmp/potato

which in tandem with schroot could be used to bring Debian release from
decade(s) back with

$> python
Python 1.5.2 (#0, Dec 27 2000, 13:59:38)  [GCC 2.95.2 2220 (Debian 
GNU/Linux)] on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam

if you want to impress them even a bit more -- you could use apt-cacher-ng and
then debootstrap right there in matter of seconds (depending on your
harddrive/cpu speed) + pre-cooked schroot and you can really get them back into
the past ;)   JUST MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH DISK SPACE  (do not ask why it is
in capitals)

> I would otherwise just dig into the data we are producing locally
> and show something.

So overall -- press not as much on flashiness (on-a-knee projects might be
flashier) but rather on long standing standards, quality, pervasiveness, shared
responsibility, impact.

if really bored, you can even watch my talk a year back, although I think
I have done much better ;-):

My 1c ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: ANTs & Data file license in

2014-03-01 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Fri, 28 Feb 2014, Gert Wollny wrote:

> On 02/27/14 05:58, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> >>@Hans, could a license notice be placed in the Info tab?  Something
> >>like Creative Commons Attribution [2]?

> >FWIW -- I would advise to use data(set)-appropriate license.  generic
> >CC licenses were devised for "creative/copyrightable" content.

> >As for datasets/bases there is CC0 and those like PDDL etc on
> >

> Since I know that mails tend to vanish I added an issue [1] to the
> ANTS bug tracker so that the reason for which I started this thread
> doesn't get lost :)

thanks!  btw -- I have uploaded the beast (and pushed the tag) to
Debian.  Noted my (I guess) screw up with environment-modules file --
will fix later.

Also built needed build-depend for ITK and now rebuilding 4.5
backports... then would build/upload to NeuroDebian

Brian -- is fresh release coming? ;)


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Re: ANTs & Data file license in

2014-02-27 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 27 Feb 2014, brian avants wrote:

>i havent followed the whole discussion but agree that it would be nice to
>separate our testing data entirely from the source, as yarik suggests, at
>least for ANTs.
>i have been struggling a bit with testing lately, specifically, testing
>combinations of parameters on combinations of data. � is there any
>new/better approach to this? 

do you mean like a good/fancy testDriver  which would be given a
routine, data, expected output to compare?

indeed it would be nice to have some easy/standardized way.  I am only
familiar somewhat with Torsten's cmtk way;a=blob;hb=HEAD;f=testing/apps/
where the driver is the actual collection of tests to be ran.

In Python world there is more or less now standardized way to run parametric
tests (the same test used on a set of input parameters), and in PyMVPA we still
use our home-brewed @sweepargs decorator [1] which allows to explore the
combinations of the parameters for the test


Also, although may be  a bit early to relate, Michael Hanke initiated testkraut validation platform, which
although targeting fingerprinting (state/versions of libraries
etc)/validation of complete analysis pipelines, could be brought in for
parametric testing of specific tools.  Its runtime fingerprinting feature could
actually become very beneficial for bisecting sporadic failures across
different environments and/or upgrades.

> � if i am going to put effort into this, then
>would like to improve the testing situation, in general, if possible.

I would also be interested to hear about a good approach for testing,
especially in neuroimaging projects relying on cmake.  We are (very) slowly
working on introducing some public testing for AFNI so we could QA it at

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: ANTs & Data file license in

2014-02-26 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 27 Feb 2014, Matthew McCormick wrote:
> >> @Yaroslav, the script we use for creating the ITK tarballs [3] may be
> >> a useful reference for creating an ANTS data tarball.

> > Thank you Matthew, we might make use of its parts... but while at it I
> > would like to raise a concern actually about shipping those relatively
> > large data volumes used for testing WITHIN the source tarballs...  Do
> > you expect those to get modified (grow/change) with each ITK release?
> > ATM those data samples occupy big (if not majority) of the
> > compressed tarball IIRC.

> > May be that data could get a life of its own? ;)  i.e. may be we could
> > better package "working set" of test images used by ITK/ANTs (else?) and
> > distribute a dedicated package with only data?  I eventually see it
> > possible that data(set) stabilizes more than code which keeps developing
> > reusing those data files

> > P.S. That is what Michael (of NeuroDebian) has done to other big
> > projects such as AFNI, FSL etc -- we barely ever update the data
> > packages but code packages get updated quite often now without incurring
> > any major penalty of dragging the same data around

> The testing data is included with the source tarballs so that the
> source tarball can be downloaded and the tests can be readily run
> without any extra effort and without a network connection.

> The testing data will vary with releases.  Most of the data are not
> input images but baseline, i.e. ground truth, images used when
> verifying the output of a test.

Fair enough if data is to change with releases and tarballs remain the
ultimate form of "sources" -- thank you Matthew.

Brian -- is that to be the case with ANTs?  then would you be so kind to
provide similar tarball distribution bundled with data?

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: ANTs & Data file license in

2014-02-26 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 26 Feb 2014, Matthew McCormick wrote:

> >From what I can see (find ANTS -name '*.md5'), most if not all of the
> data is located in the Midas Community
> [1].

> @Hans, could a license notice be placed in the Info tab?  Something
> like Creative Commons Attribution [2]?

FWIW -- I would advise to use data(set)-appropriate license.  generic
CC licenses were devised for "creative/copyrightable" content.

As for datasets/bases there is CC0 and those like PDDL etc on

> @Yaroslav, the script we use for creating the ITK tarballs [3] may be
> a useful reference for creating an ANTS data tarball.

Thank you Matthew, we might make use of its parts... but while at it I
would like to raise a concern actually about shipping those relatively
large data volumes used for testing WITHIN the source tarballs...  Do
you expect those to get modified (grow/change) with each ITK release?
ATM those data samples occupy big (if not majority) of the
compressed tarball IIRC.

May be that data could get a life of its own? ;)  i.e. may be we could
better package "working set" of test images used by ITK/ANTs (else?) and
distribute a dedicated package with only data?  I eventually see it
possible that data(set) stabilizes more than code which keeps developing
reusing those data files

P.S. That is what Michael (of NeuroDebian) has done to other big
projects such as AFNI, FSL etc -- we barely ever update the data
packages but code packages get updated quite often now without incurring
any major penalty of dragging the same data around

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Conflict between debian/upstream (DEP-12) & debian/upstream/ (uscan)

2014-02-22 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
ah -- info is there (missed it among numerous) CCs

Since 2.14.1, uscan now uses debian/upstream/signing-key.* for the
upstream signatures.

This seems to conflict with the debian/upstream file, as decribed in

In general I would not mind collecting all the upstream information under

But it would have made much more sense if e.g. debian/watch should have been
renamed into e.g.  debian/upstream/origin  -- then I would have seen point of
uscan using now debian/upstream/signing-key.*.  Now such a rename in
uscan is IMHO only brings even more confusion among "debian/" files
(debian/watch which uses debian/upstream/signing-key.*).

On Sat, 22 Feb 2014, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> Have I missed the background? 

> is debian/watch getting renamed to debian/upstream -- where is the
> "conflict"?

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Conflict between debian/upstream (DEP-12) & debian/upstream/ (uscan)

2014-02-22 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Have I missed the background? 

is debian/watch getting renamed to debian/upstream -- where is the

On Wed, 12 Feb 2014, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi,

> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 04:11:41PM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> > Le Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 12:06:42AM -0500, James McCoy a écrit :

> > > That being said, I don't have access to most of the packages.  Even if I
> > > did, it feels "dirty" to go and commit to a couple hundred packages I
> > > have no involvement with instead of adapting two pieces of software to
> > > deal with both path names.

> > Hi James,

> > you already have commit access to the Debian Med packages, like all other
> > Debian developers.  Please go ahead !

> I take this "go ahead" for "yes, I accept the move".  While I would have
> no problems with this I wonder if it is appropriate to simply go on here
> without at least informing Debian Science and DebiChem who also maintain
> some d/upstream files.  If I might have sounded against the move in the
> past my main problem was that the affected parties were not included into
> the decision making process.

> So I have put the relevant mailing lists in CC to at least give people
> lurking there some heads up and a slight chance to insist.

> I would say:  If nobody will insist until after the weekend we might go
> ahead.  And for the actual action I agree with Charles that I see no
> problem if James would simply commit a change to Debian Med repositories
> (SVN and Git).  That's fine and would save us (me or Charles) some work
> and is perfectly possible permission-wise.

> Kind regards

>   Andreas.

> PS: I think I did not got any answer to my question about further plans
> for the debian/upstream/ dir.  I would be really happy to understand
> the big picture to make sure we will not again invent something which
> needs to be changed later on.
Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: should google-glog be ok with libunwind7-dev? [Was: Orthanc 0.7.2 backport of wheezy]

2014-02-13 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Thu, 13 Feb 2014, Sebastien Jodogne wrote:

> Hi,

> >Thanks to Daigo's -2 of glog with suggested tune up of build-depends,
> >I have uploaded backport build of orthanc for wheezy straight into
> >NeuroDebian wheezy just to give it a try...

> Fine! Could you give the link to the repository containing your backport?

d'oh -- I thought that we are that famous by now that I would not need
to type url all the time ;-)

and here is orthanc's page now

> Would it be possible for you to integrate this backport into the
> main Debian Med repository?

that was my point of tune ups in google-glog and now request for you to
avoid any "backport" patches altogether.  Then I could simply rebuild
the package for any Debian/Ubuntu release (with a new changelog entry,
added automagically ...)

> >initial catch was the re-located *.dic files provided by libdcmtk2
> >(under /usr/share/dcmtk in wheezy and /usr/share/libdcmtk2/ in sid now):
> >orthanc silently failed to start.  log msgs just finished with log lines
> >stating that it was "Loading the external DICOM dictionary" without any
> >failure/error msg following.

> This is very strange. Here is what I get when I use a bad path to
> the dictionaries, with Orthanc 0.7.2:

> jodogne@rth-l-0065:~/Subversion/Orthanc/Build$ ./Orthanc

that was in the logs orthanc produced while being started from init.d
script... may be the last ones you see here are no longer logged to file
but just dumped to console in case you just start in console?

> W0213 09:51:43.822284 10679 OrthancInitialization.cpp:82] Using the
> configuration from:
> /home/jodogne/Subversion/Orthanc/Resources/Configuration.json
> W0213 09:51:43.825232 10679 DicomServer.cpp:87] Loading the external
> DICOM dictionary "/usr/share/dcmtkeec/dicom.dic"
> E: DcmDataDictionary: Cannot open file: /usr/share/dcmtkeec/dicom.dic
> E0213 09:51:43.825423 10679 main.cpp:446] EXCEPTION [Internal error]
> W0213 09:51:43.825594 10679 main.cpp:457] Orthanc has stopped

> So, in my case, there is no silent failure.

> >Sebastien, do you think could you make discovery of the path 'automagic'
> >thus avoiding necessity to patch for the path?  probably the best it
> >could be achieved through  cmake's find_file looking under common
> >suspect paths (/usr/share/dcmtk /usr/share/libdcmtk2) if
> >DCMTK_DICTIONARY_DIR was not specified (and thus avoiding its hard-coded
> >specification in debian/rules)?

> Yes, certainly, this is an interesting suggestion! I have just added
> it to the roadmap [1].


Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: should google-glog be ok with libunwind7-dev? [Was: Orthanc 0.7.2 backport of wheezy]

2014-02-10 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Thanks to Daigo's -2 of glog with suggested tune up of build-depends,
I have uploaded backport build of orthanc for wheezy straight into
NeuroDebian wheezy just to give it a try...

initial catch was the re-located *.dic files provided by libdcmtk2
(under /usr/share/dcmtk in wheezy and /usr/share/libdcmtk2/ in sid now):
orthanc silently failed to start.  log msgs just finished with log lines
stating that it was "Loading the external DICOM dictionary" without any
failure/error msg following.

Sebastien, do you think could you make discovery of the path 'automagic'
thus avoiding necessity to patch for the path?  probably the best it
could be achieved through  cmake's find_file looking under common
suspect paths (/usr/share/dcmtk /usr/share/libdcmtk2) if
DCMTK_DICTIONARY_DIR was not specified (and thus avoiding its hard-coded
specification in debian/rules)?


On Tue, 14 Jan 2014, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> Hi Daigo,

> I have looked at the packporting of orthanc for Wheezy.  orthanc uses
> google-glog and that one currently build-depends on libunwind8-dev.  It
> seems to build (including the build-time testing -- thanks for enabling
> those!) fine using libunwind7-dev, so I thought to check with  you 

> - if you have any information that unwind7 in wheezy would be
>   insufficient/too buggy for google-glog?

> - would you mind adjusting debian/control to Build-depend on

> libunwind8-dev [i386 amd64] | libunwind7-dev [i386 amd64]

> to ease its future backporting?

> Thank you in advance

> On Mon, 13 Jan 2014, Sebastien Jodogne wrote:

> > Hi Andreas and Yaroslav,

> > >>I was not able either to find a complete "backporting handbook" for
> > >>Debian Med packages: Andreas, is there such a guide available
> > >>somewhere?

> > >I admit I'm quite lazy with backports and while I definitely think this
> > >is a reasonable task I somehow consider it "Somebody Else's Problem".
> > >I simply need to restrict my field of work.

> > Yes, you are perfectly right.

> > Yaroslav, I have just expanded the build instructions for Debian Wheezy [1].

> > The only third-party package that should be backported to get an
> > Orthanc package for Wheezy is libgoogle-glog-dev [2] (only available
> > for Squeeze and Sid). I will not personally do this backporting
> > task, but if someone does it, I could then backport Orthanc to
> > Wheezy.

> > Cheers,
> > Sébastien-

> > [1]
> > [2]
Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Python-mne uploaded

2014-01-24 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

I have realized that I haven't uploaded 0.7.3 backport builds of mne-python to 
NeuroDebian -- done now


On Sun, 19 Jan 2014, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi Alexandre,

> I uploaded your preparation in Git with some changes:

>   1. You said it would be upstream version 0.7.3 but you had set
>  the package version to 0.7.1-3.  I fixed this
>   2. The package should always start to unstable not to neurodebian.
>  (fixed)
>   3. THe changelog entry should close the bug (fixed)

> KInd regards

>   Andreas.
Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: modulefiles for fis-gtm may be?

2014-01-22 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 22 Jan 2014, Luis Ibanez wrote:

>  Sounds good.

>                                 Yes, This looks great.
>We will appreciate anything that will reduce the barrier 
>of entry for learning M/MUMPS.  
>Certainly the need for setting those environment variables 
>(although not particularly difficult) is just one more opportunity
>for typos, mistakes and things going wrong, which can lead to
>a first visitor to M / MUMPS to have a frustrating experience.
>I know that I have run in trouble many times due to simple errors
>in those environment variables.
>It is great that they considered the case of having multiple version
>installed of the same tools. Which is one of the scenarios that 
>Bhaskar has been very keen to make sure that are supported.
>This will also be very useful for the VistA package. Since it will
>also enable to have multiple installations running side by side.
>   So, how do we start using the environment-modules ?

Recommends: environment-modules +
add a Modulesfile under whatever that versioned path I have was blurbing
about.  then theoretically modules should be enabled upon login and
people would need just 'load' a corresponding module

>   (I apologize, if I missed it from your link to the email thread).
>   Could you suggest an example that we could follow ?

I wish I could give you an example in the archive, but I haven't got chance to
start using it myself.  for ants meanwhile I did following (do not remember if
tested 100% working ;) ), not sure if that is an ideal setup either.  I have
backport builds of modules for NeuroDebian but didn't upload yet -- wanted
first to make at least package use them... got short on time... I will CC
Alastair -- may be he could guide us a bit:

--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Vcs-Browser:;a=summary
 Package: ants
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Recommends: environment-modules
 Suggests: fsl, gridengine-client
 Description: advanced normalization tools for brain and image analysis
  Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTS) is an ITK-based suite of
diff --git a/debian/dirs b/debian/dirs
index a707198..be88593 100644
--- a/debian/dirs
+++ b/debian/dirs
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index c3d8357..678f9cc 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ srcpkg = $(shell LC_ALL=C dpkg-parsechangelog | grep '^Source:' 
| cut -d ' ' -f
 debver = $(shell LC_ALL=C dpkg-parsechangelog | grep '^Version:' | cut -d ' ' 
-f 2,2 )
 uver = $(shell echo $(debver) | cut -d '-' -f 1,1 )
+modulesfile = debian/ants.environment-modules
 export  http_proxy=
 export  https_proxy=
@@ -44,7 +46,10 @@ override_dh_auto_configure:
+ sed -e 's,$$UVERSION,$(uver),g' $< >| $@
+override_dh_auto_build: $(modulesfile)
: Build manpages
cd `/bin/ls -d obj-*/bin` && mkdir -p ../man && \
@@ -71,6 +76,8 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
: Install shell scripts
install -t debian/ants/usr/lib/ants Scripts/*
+ : Install modules file
+ install -t debian/ants/usr/share/modules/modulefiles/ants $(modulesfile)
cd debian/ants/usr/lib/ants && sed -ie 
's,\([^"=]*\(/bin/ants\|ANTS/release/bin\)\),/usr/lib/ants,g' *.sh *.pl
: Install manpages
@@ -78,7 +85,7 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
-   rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
+ rm -rf $(BUILDDIR) debian/ants.environment-modules
 # upstream tests use some tiny dataset for tests, which
 # they deposited online instead of keeping under the GIT

--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+## ants modulefile
+proc ModulesHelp { } {
+global version
+puts stderr "\tLoads the ANTs (advanced normalization tools) 
+puts stderr "\tIt will adjust PATH and set ANTSPATH so that all ANTs "
+puts stderr "\tbecome available in your environment.\n"
+puts stderr "\tVersion $version\n"
+module-whatis   "enable ANTs binaries"
+# for Tcl script use only
+set version  "$UVERSION"
+setenv  ANTSPATH   "/usr/lib/ants/"
+prepend-path PATH   /usr/lib/ants

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419
WWW:   http://www.linkedin

modulefiles for fis-gtm may be?

2014-01-21 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
I have ran into Luis's recent blog post

Environment Set Up
 Setting up the usual environment variables in the bash shell: 
export gtm_dist='/usr/lib/fis-gtm/V6.0-003-2~nd12.10_x86_64'  # backported from 
export gtmgbldir=$HOME/data/gtm/database
export gtmroutines="$HOME/data/gtm/o($HOME/data/gtm/r) $gtm_dist/ 

Now that Alastair has packaged environment-modules we could start using them I
think, and then in your case it should then be just a matter of

module load fis-gtm

which would set all those environments.

They are usually used in HPC deployments to switch between custom builds
of different versions of software etc.  In our case we could unify all this
environment madness as well I guess.  I have once posted to our very low volume
mailing list my brief analysis but haven't  heard back/nor have done myself yet
proper a 'modulefile'. (althgouh I think for ants package it will be the first
to come whenever I find time to figure out what to do with its tests data).

your input is welcome (I believe you should be able to post without
subscription), or we could continue discussion here ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Thank you Luis!

2014-01-19 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Sun, 19 Jan 2014, Luis Ibanez wrote:
>                                            This is great !
>Thanks for uploading the package to the NeuroDebian repository.
>It shows now at:
>         [2]
>Following the instructions in
>                  [3]
>It installed smoothly on an Ubuntu 12.10.   Very Nice !
>Just for the record,
>Following the NeuroDebian page instructions, I essentially did:
>wget -O- [4] | sudo tee
>sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver [5] 2649A5A9
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt-get install fis-gtm
>And then was able to run the MUMPS interpreter as:
>                   $gtm_dist/mumps -dir
>  Many Thanks for this backport !

Many Welcomes Luis -- great to see if in use and thanks for the
Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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should google-glog be ok with libunwind7-dev? [Was: Orthanc 0.7.2 backport of wheezy]

2014-01-14 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Hi Daigo,

I have looked at the packporting of orthanc for Wheezy.  orthanc uses
google-glog and that one currently build-depends on libunwind8-dev.  It
seems to build (including the build-time testing -- thanks for enabling
those!) fine using libunwind7-dev, so I thought to check with  you 

- if you have any information that unwind7 in wheezy would be
  insufficient/too buggy for google-glog?

- would you mind adjusting debian/control to Build-depend on

libunwind8-dev [i386 amd64] | libunwind7-dev [i386 amd64]

to ease its future backporting?

Thank you in advance

On Mon, 13 Jan 2014, Sebastien Jodogne wrote:

> Hi Andreas and Yaroslav,

> >>I was not able either to find a complete "backporting handbook" for
> >>Debian Med packages: Andreas, is there such a guide available
> >>somewhere?

> >I admit I'm quite lazy with backports and while I definitely think this
> >is a reasonable task I somehow consider it "Somebody Else's Problem".
> >I simply need to restrict my field of work.

> Yes, you are perfectly right.

> Yaroslav, I have just expanded the build instructions for Debian Wheezy [1].

> The only third-party package that should be backported to get an
> Orthanc package for Wheezy is libgoogle-glog-dev [2] (only available
> for Squeeze and Sid). I will not personally do this backporting
> task, but if someone does it, I could then backport Orthanc to
> Wheezy.

> Cheers,
> Sébastien-

> [1]
> [2]
Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Thank you Luis!

2014-01-14 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 14 Jan 2014, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > >BTW, 
> > >we are now making progress 
> > >on the "vista-foia" package.
> > >     Luis

> > BTW since fis-gtm backport builds nicely for wheezy and ubuntus >=
> > 12.04, would it be of any value for you guys if we provided backports
> > for it from NeuroDebian?

> I have commited my backports ignorance here but how does this work
> exactly?  Are you providing a separate backports archive for NeuroDebian
> or are you uploading to and link somehow to this
> from NeuroDebian?  

not quite... I must confess that we have also committed our ignorance
toward backports.debian whenever it was yet to become official, and
initial "pipeline" for backporting was a bit too cumbersome.  So we just
initiated NeuroDebian repository with backports not only for Debian but
also for Ubuntus.  It has no relation/connection to now official, although the script Michael has developed
[] could easily
be used to formalize automated backport builds for the official Debian
as well.  So whenever time comes we might just do backports to official
Debian -- just needs time and motivation to do that.

> I'd consider the later approach sensible and helpful
> but it might create more work for you (exactly the work I'm personally
> afraid of).

yeap ;)  moreover there is a temporal gap effect -- now we upload to
NeuroDebian virtually always in sync with upload to Debian unstable.
For official backports we would need to wait for propagation to testing,
and by then we would simply forget, thus those backport uploads would
always be on per-request basis as an afterthought ;)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Thank you Luis!

2014-01-14 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Tue, 14 Jan 2014, Luis Ibanez wrote:
>  >            Thank You All !    :-)
>  >    BTW, 
>  >    we are now making progress 
>  >    on the "vista-foia" package.
>  >         Luis

>  BTW since fis-gtm backport builds nicely for wheezy and ubuntus >=
>  12.04, would it be of any value for you guys if we provided backports
>  for it from NeuroDebian?

>Yes, having backports from NeuroDebian (or from [2]
>as Andreas suggested) will be very valuable for our efforts of
>fis-gtm (and hence M/MUMPS).
>We will be happy to help, if anything needs to be done,
>but we will certainly need guidance from you.    :-)

nothing to be done ;)  fis-gtm backports now uploaded for Debian wheezy
and Ubuntu >= 12.04 to NeuroDebian repository.  portal's website should
pick it up within a day upon regeneration and fis-gtm will get its
own page overviewing available versions in stock debian/ubuntu and

If upon next uploads to Debian you feel that the release/package is
ready to replace current backport build version in NeuroDebian -- please
buzz me and I will build/upload it.

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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Re: Thank you Luis!

2014-01-13 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Mon, 13 Jan 2014, Luis Ibanez wrote:

>        Thank You All !    :-)
>we are now making progress 
>on the "vista-foia" package.
>     Luis

BTW since fis-gtm backport builds nicely for wheezy and ubuntus >=
12.04, would it be of any value for you guys if we provided backports
for it from NeuroDebian?

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Orthanc 0.7.2 backport of wheezy

2014-01-13 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Mon, 13 Jan 2014, Sebastien Jodogne wrote:

> >I admit I'm quite lazy with backports and while I definitely think this
> >is a reasonable task I somehow consider it "Somebody Else's Problem".
> >I simply need to restrict my field of work.

> Yes, you are perfectly right.

> Yaroslav, I have just expanded the build instructions for Debian Wheezy [1].

> The only third-party package that should be backported to get an
> Orthanc package for Wheezy is libgoogle-glog-dev [2] (only available
> for Squeeze and Sid). I will not personally do this backporting
> task, but if someone does it, I could then backport Orthanc to
> Wheezy.

cool!  I will check it out


> [1]
> [2]
Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Thank you Luis!

2014-01-12 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
For a very nice post


Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Orthanc 0.7.2 backport of wheezy

2014-01-12 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
Hi Sebastien,

Thank you for packaging orthanc -- it looks very interesting!
I wonder -- are there big showstoppers which would forbid its backport
for wheezy?

At some point (0.4.0 iirc) I have tried to build it for wheezy but then
got stuck while backporting also some of the dependencies...

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Bug#728797: ITP: python-mne -- Python modules for MEG and EEG data analysis

2014-01-12 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
ok - done, 0.7.1-2 went into neurodebian, wheezy users should become
happier ;) cheers

On Sun, 12 Jan 2014, Alexandre Gramfort wrote:

> all good for me.

> I'll let you know when we merge the PR with the py 2.6 fixes.

> I'll then backport and tag 0.7.2

> thanks

> Alex

> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 7:39 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko
>  wrote:
> > ok -- while "support 2.6" actions are cooking I thought it would be
> > worthwhile to reupload to NeuroDebian a build without 2.6.

> > Would there be objections if I push to git the following commit and upload
> > generated packages to NeuroDebian.  Marked changelog as 'neurodebian' since
> > that is where it is intended to go and makes no sense for unstable i.e. 
> > proper
> > Debian upload

> > $> git show
> > commit e1d70152267aedf2ba7f4f5be167d53854d5b2c2
> > Author: Yaroslav Halchenko 
> > Date:   Sun Jan 12 10:03:16 2014 -0500

> > Boost X-Python-Version to >= 2.7 to provide installable builds for 
> > wheezy

> > diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
> > index b23aa17..c7f2b36 100644
> > --- a/debian/changelog
> > +++ b/debian/changelog
> > @@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
> > +python-mne (0.7.1-2) neurodebian; urgency=low
> > +
> > +  * Boost X-Python-Version to >= 2.7 to provide installable
> > +builds for wheezy
> > +
> > + -- Yaroslav Halchenko   Sun, 12 Jan 2014 10:02:56 
> > -0500
> > +
> >  python-mne (0.7.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

> >[ Alexandre Gramfort ]
> > diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
> > index b85808a..5ab70eb 100644
> > --- a/debian/control
> > +++ b/debian/control
> > @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Standards-Version: 3.9.5
> >  Vcs-Browser:
> >  Vcs-Git: git://
> >  Homepage:
> > -X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
> > +X-Python-Version: >= 2.7

> >  Package: python-mne
> >  Architecture: all

> > On Sat, 11 Jan 2014, Alexandre Gramfort wrote:

> >>  or may be you would prefer to adjust that one to stay 2.6 compatible?

> >>I guess that would be better as it should stay compatible with 2.6 ... �
> >>it's a mistake on our side... I'll setup a jenkins on 2.6 to avoid this
> >>issue
> >>in the future.
> >>�

> >>  also for testing, I am usually trying to test with all supported
> >>  versions, which could help point out other possible 2.7 dependencies.
> >>  ATM you are testing only for current version... (in Debian sid it is 
> >> 2.7
> >>  only but in older ones ,multiple)

> >>  ok -- let me cook up testing first, see if there is anything else TODO
> >>  for 2,6 support, if not much then I would wait on your thoughts first

> >>thanks for your help
> >>Alex
> >>�

> > --
> > Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
> >
> > Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
> > Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
> > Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419
> > WWW:

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834   Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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  1   2   3   4   >