Hello Jonathan,

The Debian-Med team is considering plans for optimising large parts of the
scientific software in Debian /en masse/.

Many of the participants work for EU organisation.

I'm sure they would appreciate your participation:


On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 3:58 PM, Jonathan Boyle <jonathan.bo...@nag.co.uk>

> Dear All
> I’m currently involved in a EU funded project to help EU organisations
> (e.g. academia and industry) improve performance of parallel software by
> analysing performance and making recommendations on how to improve. These
> services are free of charge to EU organisations.
> It’s important to realise we don’t offer to refactor code, and the code
> analysis tools are designed for typical HPC software, e.g. MPI & OpenMP
> running on Linux/Unix, which will undoubtedly place limits on who we can
> help.
> This could be useful to someone developing or using parallel software so I
> thought I’d send details to the list. There’s more information on the
> website https://pop-coe.eu/services including how to apply.
> Please feel free to send on the information to anyone who might be
> interested, or to get in touch with myself to discuss further.
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
> Jonathan Boyle
> HPC Application Analyst
> Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG)
> Peter House, Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 5AN
> +44 (0)161 602 3821
> http://nag.co.uk/

Michael R. Crusoe     CWL Community Engineer     cru...@ucdavis.edu
Common Workflow Language project    University of California, Davis
https://impactstory.org/MichaelRCrusoe http://twitter.com/biocrusoe

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