Bug#1022117: RFS: depthcharge-tools/0.6.0-1 [ITP] -- Tools for ChromeOS firmware/bootloader integration

2022-11-01 Thread Alper Nebi Yasak
On 31/10/2022 00:52, Jérémy Lal wrote:
> Le dim. 30 oct. 2022 à 22:42, Jérémy Lal  a écrit :
>> Everything seems to be fine with your package.
>> It builds fine, is lintian-clean, copyright is ok, and best practices are
>> observed.
>> Since it's a python program, it would make more sense to team-maintain it
>> in the python-team group.
>> I cloned your repo to
>> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/depthcharge-tools
>> Now you need to request write access (developer role) to that repository.
>> Please have a look at https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/PythonTeam/HowToJoin
>> After that, debian/control should be modified to be:
>> Maintainer: Alper Nebi Yasak 
>>  , Debian Python Team 
>> Vcs-Browser:
>> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/depthcharge-tools
>> Vcs-Git:
>> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/depthcharge-tools.git
> Also since python-team admins are busy, I've took the liberty to make the
> changes,
> slightly differently (see
> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/depthcharge-tools),
> and I uploaded your package to NEW.

Thanks! I sent an email to the debian-python list just now about joining
the Python team. I agree with your changes and points above, but didn't
want to put the team as Maintainer before getting an OK from them.

Bug#1023250: RFS: wxmaxima/22.09.0-1 -- GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima

2022-11-01 Thread Gunter Königsmann
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I received a mail that wxMaxima is about to be removed from debian if I 
don't switch to the newest wxWidgets version =>

Am looking for a sponsor for the new version of my package "wxmaxima" that
besides support for the newest version of wxWidgets comes with 
improved wizards and a all-new integrated help browser:

 * Package name : wxmaxima
   Version  : 22.09.0-1
   Upstream contact : Gunter Königsmann 
 * URL  : http://wxmaxima-developers.github.io/wxmaxima/
 * License  : CC0-1.0, public-domain, GPL-2
 * Vcs  : https://github.com/wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima
   Section  : math

The source builds the following binary packages:

  wxmaxima - GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima

What wxMaxima does:

  wxMaxima is a quite complete GUI for maxima that does goth numeric
  calculations with arbitrary-size floats, integers and rational numbers
  (sqrt(2)*%pi/7 or similar). But its main goal is symbolic calculations 
  like the following:

  (%i1) a^2+b^2=sin(c);
  (%o1) b^2+a^2=sin(c)
  (%i2) solve(%,c);
  solve: using arc-trig functions to get a solution.
  Some solutions will be lost.
  (%o2) [c=asin(b^2+a^2)]

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 


Alternatively, you can download the package with 'dget' using this command:

  dget -x https://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/w/wxmaxima/

Changes since the last upload:

 wxmaxima (22.09.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version
   * Added the new dependency to wxWebView
   * Allow building with wxWidgets 3.2

  Gunter Königsmann 

Bug#1023249: RFS: w-scan-cpp/20220105-1 [ITP] -- DVB channel scanner (successor of w_scan)

2022-11-01 Thread Fab Stz
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: wishlist

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "w-scan-cpp":

 * Package name : w-scan-cpp
   Version  : 20220105-1
   Upstream contact : Winfried Koehler 
 * URL  : https://www.gen2vdr.de/wirbel/w_scan_cpp/index2.html
 * License  : GPL-2.0, GPL-2.0+
 * Vcs  : https://salsa.debian.org/bastif/w-scan-cpp
   Section  : video

The source builds the following binary packages:

  w-scan-cpp - DVB channel scanner (successor of w_scan)

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 


Alternatively, you can download the package with 'dget' using this command:

  dget -x 

Changes for the initial release:

 w-scan-cpp (20220105-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial release. (Closes: #1023169)

This package depends on "librepfunc1" which is part of src:librepfunc, which 
is also needing a sponsor

  Fab Stz

Bug#1023143: RFS: xfce4-calculator-plugin/0.7.1-1 [ITP] -- calculator plugin for Xfce panel

2022-11-01 Thread Akbarkhon Variskhanov
On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 9:29 AM Wookey  wrote:
> You may feel that, but I disagree. Good descriptions, both long and
> short, are important.  Imagine somone reading through a list of our
> thousands of packages (who maybe never have even _heard_ of XFCE) when
> writing descriptions. The description needs to tell them enough to
> decide whether or not they might want to install this thing.

Hmm, I can see how a user running `apt search ...` could get a wrong
impression after reading the long description if it's incomplete or
poorly written.

> I've been using XFCE daily for 20 years and I'm still asking for a
> more useful description because I _don't_ know what this package
> is/does. What you've said above is pretty good, and I've now actually
> tried it, so I came up with this:
> "An XFCE desktop panel plugin, which provides a 'paper mode' style calculator 
> as a box in the panel."

Woah, that sounds good. Apart from the 'paper mode'. Sorry but I have
no idea what that's supposed to mean. Perhaps something like:

"This plugin places a resizable text entry box, where you can enter
mathematical operations to calculate, on the Xfce panel. Common
operators (+, -, *, /, ^) with usual precedence rules and a number of
functions, including but not limited to abs(x), sqrt(x), sin(x) and
cos(x) are supported. An adjustable number of recent operations are
saved in history and can be accessed in a drop-down list."

could also work? Do you think it describes the package and its
features reasonably well? In any case, thanks for the inspiration!

> The important distinction here is between something that launches a
> desktop calculator or something that provides a box in the panel that
> will do calculations. It sounds from what you have said that it is the
> latter (and I have just installed it to check that that is indeed the case).
> I was actually a lot more excited about it when I thought it was a
> quick way to keep something like galculator to hand.

Well, it'd just be a launcher in that case and users can already add
launchers to their panels. However, I can see how users unfamiliar
with Xfce might get confused.

> That'll be the best way to work out what was intended.

Done. Let's wait for their answer. I'll update the package accordingly.
