Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.51-1 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2023-03-02 Thread Charles

Changes since 3.2.7

Version 3.5.1  27 Feb 2023

* Issue 20 err_trap_mount_conf: when keyword Snapshot used in debug
  mode: mount_fs_spec_conf[i]: unbound variable

Version 3.5.0  10 Feb 2023

* Issue 8: Notifications: create plug-in architecture

Migration notes
* rsync_bu destination and source computers must both run bung version

Version 3.4.0  1 Feb 2023

* Issue 6: Do not generate an error when the mailx command is not

Migration notes
* In case the mailx command is available but you do not want bung to use
  * Most scripts: use the "Email for report" keyword new value "none".
More in the bung_common (5) man page
  * check_hotplug_usage: use the "Check hotplug usage" keyword "Email"
sub-keyword new value "none".
More in the check_hotplug_usage (5) man page

Version 3.3.0  21 Jan 2023

* Feature 18: more retention policies.
  All backup scripts now remove old backups before backing up instead of
* Keywords MySQL and OpenLDAP can no longer be repeated in a single
* postgres_bu now also backs up database template1
* Documentation clarifications
* rsync_restore: usability improvements

Migration notes
* In case the new retention policies better suit your needs, migrate to
  They are percent_usage[,min_old_backups] and
  More about retention in individual scripts' man (5) pages
* In the unlikely case of repeated keyword errors, workaround by
  splitting the conffile into conffiles with a single keyword and using
  them via hotplug_bu or super_bu's "Subsidiary script"



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.6-5 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2022-09-04 Thread Charles

Dear Bastian

> During the package build with libreoffice-common as Build-Dependency

Thank you for guidance.  Done.  Uploaded to 
https://mentors.debian.net/package/bung,  The QA information is now

– Package uses debhelper-compat
Debhelper compatibility level 13
– Package is the latest upstream version

– Package is not native
format:3.0 (quilt)
– "Maintainer" email is the same as the uploader
– Package has lintian informational tags
I extra-license-file
I possible-documentation-but-no-doc-base-registration
I spare-manual-page
I systemd-service-file-missing-documentation-key
bung source
I out-of-date-standards-version
4.5.1 (released 2020-11-17) (current is
I unused-entry-in-debian-source-include-binaries
usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts next generation 3.2.x 
Programmer's Guide.htm [debian/source/include-binaries:1]
usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts next generation 3.2.x 
Programmer's Guide.pdf [debian/source/include-binaries:3]
usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts next generation 3.2.x 
User Guide.htm [debian/source/include-binaries:4]
usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts next generation 3.2.x 
User Guide.pdf [debian/source/include-binaries:6]

P very-long-line-length-in-source-file
1502 > 512 [usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts next 
generation 3.2.x Programmer's Guide.odt:115]
1703 > 512 [usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts next 
generation 3.2.x User Guide.odt:239]
2165 > 512 [usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts next 
generation Publisher's Guide.odt:3]

X debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature
X prefer-uscan-symlink

X upstream-metadata-file-is-missing
– Package closes ITP bug
#985918 (Wishlist, ITP): ITP: bung -- backup next generation
– No VCS field present
– Package is not in Debian
– Upstream-Contact missing from d/copyright

Is there anything else you need me to fix?



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.6-3 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2022-08-19 Thread Charles

Dear Bastian

Regards "Please use the *.source.tgz as source instead of 
*.source_with_htm_and_pdf.tgz", I assume you refer to the files at 
https://github.com/CharlesMAtkinson/bung/releases/tag/3.2.6.  If that is 
not correct, please correct my assumption and disregard the rest of this 

Regards "You should then export and install the .htm as documentation 
automatically", when and where do you want that automation to happen?

In case you wanted it to be done while installing the .deb, it is not 
possible.  The .htm files are created from .odt files using soffice from 
package libreoffice-common.  Package libreoffice-common may not be 
installed on computers where the .deb will be installed.  There is no 
way to create .htm files from .odt files on all computers where the .deb 
will be installed



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.6-3 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2022-08-06 Thread Charles

Dear Bastian

I have uploaded a fixed version to 
https://mentors.debian.net/package/bung,  The QA information now shows

+ Package uses debhelper-compat
+ Package is the latest upstream version
+ Package is not native
– "Maintainer" email is the same as the uploader
– Package has lintian errors
[I class items snipped]
E source-is-missing
[usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts next generation 3.2.x 
User Guide.htm]

P very-long-line-length-in-source-file
[several, only for .odt and .pdf files]
[X class items snipped]
+ Package closes ITP bug
– No VCS field present
– Package is not in Debian
– Upstream-Contact missing from d/copyright

I do not understand the E class item. "usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts 
next generation 3.2.x User Guide.htm" is present in bung_3.2.6.orig.tar.gz

Is there anything else you need me to fix?



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.6-3 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2022-08-06 Thread Charles

Dear Bastian

I have uploaded a fixed version to 
https://mentors.debian.net/package/bung,  The QA information now shows

+ Package uses debhelper-compat
+ Package is the latest upstream version
+ Package is not native
– "Maintainer" email is the same as the uploader
– Package has lintian errors
[I class items snipped]
E source-is-missing
[usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts next generation 3.2.x 
User Guide.htm]

P very-long-line-length-in-source-file
[several, only for .odt and .pdf files]
[X class items snipped]
+ Package closes ITP bug
– No VCS field present
– Package is not in Debian
– Upstream-Contact missing from d/copyright

I do not understand the E class item. "usr/share/doc/bung/Backup scripts 
next generation 3.2.x User Guide.htm" is present in bung_3.2.6.orig.tar.gz

Is there anything else you need me to fix?



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.5-2 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2022-08-01 Thread Charles

Dear Bastian

Thank you for your help

The mentors upload has been fixed.  I had accidentally uploaded to 
ftp.upload.debian.org instead of mentors.debian.net

https://mentors.debian.net/package/bung/ QA information shows 'The 
uploader is not in the package's "Maintainer" or "Uploaders" fields'.  I 
will fix that on the next upload

The QA information shows lintian messages in the package and the source

I will fix
* The uploader is not in the package's "Maintainer" or "Uploaders"
* The W messages
* I extra-license-file
* I typo-in-manual-page
* I out-of-date-standards-version
* P silent-on-rules-requiring-root
* P uses-debhelper-compat-file
* X debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature
* X upstream-metadata-file-is-missing

I will consider fixing
* X prefer-uscan-symlink

I cannot fix
* E source-is-missing
  Backup scripts next generation 3.2.x User Guide.htm is created by
  saving the .odt file in HTML format



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.5-2 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2022-05-19 Thread Charles

Dear Bastian

Thank you for your help

The debian/changelog file's UNRELEASED has been changed to unstable



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.4-1 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2022-04-01 Thread Charles

Dear Tobias

Further to your 13 Nov 2021 message above ...

The orig.tar.gz file is now in the required format

The source build now has a watch file

The git is publicly available at https://github.com/CharlesMAtkinson/bung

The orig.tar.gz file is available from 

Dear Geert

You asked for proof that feedback gets follow-up.  This is it, not as 
quickly as I would have liked.  Migration to github and automating the 
release and publication procedures was not trivial



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.1-1 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2022-03-01 Thread Charles

Dear Tobias

Sorry for not responding to your 13 Nov 2021 message.  I did not see it 
until Geert Stappers mentioned it on 18 Feb 2022

Dear Geert

Thank you for your message

Dear All

I understand there are two blockers, the format of orig.tar and the 
absence of a watch file

Regards the current orig.tar, it is the upstream tarball in the format 
used for installing before a .deb was developed.  Do I rightly 
understand that is not what is required, that what is required is the 
in-development files?  If so I will create a new orig.tar, being the 
content of https://github.com/CharlesMAtkinson/bung/tree/main/source

When that doubt is resolved I will create 3.2.1-2 including a watch file



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.2.1-1 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2022-02-17 Thread Charles

Dear readers

bung 3.2.1 was released on 12 Feb 2022.  Upgrading to the current 
release is always encouraged but bung 3.1.1 users need only do so if 
they want the new features

The tarball and .deb are available from 
https://redmine.auroville.org.in/projects/bung/files. Documentation is 
available from https://redmine.auroville.org.in/projects/bung/documents

*Changes since 3.1.1*

The most important changes are rsync_bu now supports non-root user for 
remote rsync and Debian 8 Jessie is no longer supported.  The User Guide 
now includes an Android backup example

Bugfixes and new features

  * Documentation #12897 Missing postgresql_bu configuration sample
  * Bug #12900 .deb: postrm script: purge: /etc/opt/bung instead of
  * Task #12994 Examples: update Mikrotik hook scripts and templates
  * Feature #13503 bung: enable non-root user for remote rsync
  * Bug #13511 rsync_bu: hangs when there's no known_hosts entry for the
remote host
  * Task #13504 run_remote_agent: reduce logging verbosity
  * Task #13509 All scripts: simplify the signal trapping and reporting
  * Feature #13518 initialise_1.scrippet: unprivileged use: default the
conf, log, PID and tmp_root dirs
  * Feature #13569 rsync_bu: log the rsync command in a format which can
be run by copy and paste

*Migration notes*

* No configuration changes are required for migration from 3.1.x to
* Debian 8 Jessie is no longer supported



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.1.1-1 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2021-10-05 Thread Charles
To all who have contributed to this bug report: Antonio, Bart, Gurkan, 
Robin and Tobias

Thanks for your help and your patience as I have naively struggled to 
comply with Debian standards.  Apart from doc-base I think the package 
is now fully compliant.

No sponsors have come forward.  Please suggest how I might find one.

Here's what I have done already ...

I viewed https://wiki.debian.org/Teams and 
but did not find any appropriate teams to ask for sponsorship

I used 
to find packages functionally related to bung and to note their 
maintainers.  I haven't written to any of them yet, partly because it 
would be intrusive and partly because it is not obvious that just 
because they maintain a related package they would have any interest in 
sponsoring bung

FWIW here's the list

backupninja pkg-backupni...@lists.riseup.net mi...@riseup.net 
intrig...@debian.org jer...@riseup.net

backuppc team+pkg-backu...@tracker.debian.org t...@debian.org a...@debian.org

bacula-director pkg-bacula-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org

cedar-backup2 and cedar-backup3 prono...@debian.org

chiark-backup ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk

dirvish p...@debian.org

flexbackup k...@shore.net

luckybackup pmatth...@debian.org

mariadb-backup pkg-mysql-ma...@lists.alioth.debian.org o...@debian.org

rdiff-backup cha...@ohmytux.com

rsbackup rsbackup-ma...@lists.alioth.debian.org matt...@debian.org

slbackup debian-edu-pkg-t...@lists.alioth.debian.org 
sunwea...@debian.org wer...@debian.org

vbackup v...@v13.gr



Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.0.8-2 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2021-06-28 Thread Charles

Thanks for reviewing, tobi

https://mentors.debian.net/package/bung/ is updated

I fixed all the defects you identified (installed debhelper, debmake, 
and lintian from buster-backports) except ...

d/source/metadata.  The bung git repo is not (yet) publicly accessible 
so metadata cannot be implemented

d/changelog.  I did not understand
Maybe useful: Use dc -r ""  to update it and update the timestamp.

doc-base was a challenge and I failed.  The key difficulty was some of 
bung's docs have spaces in their file names (I believe in making things 
easy for people rather than computers).  I tried several workarounds but 
nothing worked.  In case they are of any value, my doc-base notes are below



doc-base notes
* No "Format" for .odt files.  Ref 
file:///usr/share/doc/doc-base/doc-base.html/interface.html#s2.3.2 > 
" Format sections".  Maybe OK to use Text format, maybe not
* No support for spaces in file names. 
file:///usr/share/doc/doc-base/doc-base.html/interface.html#s2.3.2 > 
" Format sections" > Files does not define the 
requirements/restrictions. Tried single and double quotes and backslash. 
 Worked around by using glob expressions
* https://wiki.debian.org/doc-base lists doc-base clients. Used 
https://www.debian.org/distrib/packages to search for them

** dochelp did not find the bung entries.  Because of the globs?
** dwww required running Apache.  Not convenient
** dhelp not packaged for Buster
** doc-central required running Apache.  Not convenient
** yelp did not list any doc-base documents
** khelpcenter4 not packaged after Stretch
* file:///usr/share/doc/doc-base/doc-base.html/interface.html refers to 
/usr/share/doc/dpkg/triggers.txt.gz but it did not exist
* From https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=910783 "Remove 
doc-base recommendation"
> However, it is clear that we do not think a lack of doc-base 
registration is a bug of severity greater than wishlist, which is what 
the current Policy wording implies
* When globs were used in doc-base File values, lintian generated 
* Tried to work around the need for globs by changing file names' spaces 
to underscores during the build
* Then dpkg-source generated "warning: ignoring deletion of file" for 
each renamed file in the upstream tarball
* Tried to work around by creating debian/source/options with 
* Then dpkg-source generated "error: aborting due to unexpected upstream 

* Tried using dpkg-source --commit as suggested but got a 1 MB patch file

Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.0.7-2 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2021-06-18 Thread Charles

Thanks tobi, I appreciate the guidance

bung/3.0.7-2 is now at https://mentors.debian.net/package/bung (3.0.7-2 
is signed, 3.0.7-1 was not)

Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.0.7-1 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2021-06-16 Thread Charles

bung is now at version 3.0.7.  The main change is an improved summary

backup scripts next generation (bung):
* Uses standard backup utilities mysqldump, pg_dump, rsync, slapcat and
  tar to create backups on local and remote file systems.
* Is arbitrarily extensible via templates with integrated support for
  git.  Templated examples are provided for backing up some Cisco and
  MikroTriek devices.
* Supports hotplug storage devices such as USB disks.
* Features LVM snapshots, file system mounting, on-screen notifications
  and report emails.
* Features extensive logging designed to facilitate problem
* For rsync backups, retains changed and deleted files thus providing a
  "rolling full" backup.
* Is normally started by scheduler (anacron or cron) or by udev (after a
  hotplug storage device plug in event).
* Is GPL-2.0+ licensed.
* Is written in bash.
* Was created in 2013 and is known to be used for backing up hundreds of
  laptops, PCs, routers and switches.

As usual, the bung_3.0.7 files are available from 

Bug#983146: RFS: bung/3.0.6-1 [ITP] -- backup next generation

2021-04-15 Thread Charles

I have now updated the lintian pedantic clean source build.  It is the
bung_3.0.6-1 files at https://redmine.auroville.org.in/projects/bung/files


Bug#983146: sponsorship-requests: Backup next generation (bung)

2021-02-20 Thread Charles

Hi Robin

Thanks for the prompt reply.

I tried hard to make a source .deb but did not manage to do so.  Would 
you like me to share the system I use to create the .deb?

bung was not a Debian package so I thought the appropriate place to 
install it was under /opt.  If it becomes a Debian package then it 
should be installed in the conventional places.



On 20/02/2021 18:53, Robin Gustafsson wrote:

Hi Charles,

Where can I find the Debian source package? I found .deb files, but
not how they're generated.

Also, installing the files under /opt is disallowed for official packages.


Bug#983146: sponsorship-requests: Backup next generation (bung)

2021-02-19 Thread Charles

Dear Maintainer,

Please change the email address on this bug report from 
send_only.aurin...@auroville.org.in to b...@charlesmatkinson.org


Charles Atkinson

On 20/02/2021 08:34, Charles Atkinson wrote:

Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

bung has been developed over eight years as a campus backup utility, running
on Debian and a few Ubuntu systems.  It is known to be used on more than 100

Documentation includes man pages and, available from
user and programmer guides

Selected text from that page follows

bung is a set of wrapper scripts for several backup utilities:

* OpenLDAP (slapcat and tar)
* mysqldump
* pgdump
* rsync

bung also has:

* A "sysinfo" facility to generate system information reports
* Templated backups allowing custom backup commands.  Example templates are
   provided for Cisco switches and MikroTik routers

bung features:

* Automated backup to hotplug devices when they are plugged in with on-screen
   notifications to both character terminals and X displays
* Backup to remote file systems via ssh
* Custom commands (hooks) to run before and after the backup itself
* File system hierarchy standard (FHS) compliant installation under /opt. For
   cron jobs, documentation, the logcheck filter file and man pages, symlinks
   are created in the conventional places with targets under /opt. Fori
   convenience, /etc/opt/bung and /var/log/bung are created for configuration
   and logs
* GPLv2
* Logging designed to ease production support
* LVM snapshots
* man pages
* Mounting and unmounting local file systems
* Remote ssh command validation


Charles Atkinson

Bug#983146: sponsorship-requests: Backup next generation (bung)

2021-02-19 Thread Charles Atkinson
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

bung has been developed over eight years as a campus backup utility, running
on Debian and a few Ubuntu systems.  It is known to be used on more than 100 

Documentation includes man pages and, available from
user and programmer guides

Selected text from that page follows

bung is a set of wrapper scripts for several backup utilities:

* OpenLDAP (slapcat and tar)
* mysqldump
* pgdump
* rsync

bung also has:

* A "sysinfo" facility to generate system information reports
* Templated backups allowing custom backup commands.  Example templates are 
  provided for Cisco switches and MikroTik routers

bung features:

* Automated backup to hotplug devices when they are plugged in with on-screen
  notifications to both character terminals and X displays
* Backup to remote file systems via ssh 
* Custom commands (hooks) to run before and after the backup itself
* File system hierarchy standard (FHS) compliant installation under /opt. For 
  cron jobs, documentation, the logcheck filter file and man pages, symlinks
  are created in the conventional places with targets under /opt. Fori
  convenience, /etc/opt/bung and /var/log/bung are created for configuration
  and logs
* GPLv2
* Logging designed to ease production support
* LVM snapshots
* man pages
* Mounting and unmounting local file systems
* Remote ssh command validation


Charles Atkinson

How to handle conffiles when renaming or splitting a package?

2021-01-02 Thread Charles Plessy
Hello everybody,

and happy new year !

I have recently split the mime-support package in two: media-types and
mailcap.  But I wonder if I handled the conffiles correctly.

mime-support had the conffiles `/etc/mime.types` and
`/etc/mailcap.order` until version 3.64.  Version 3.65 is a transitional
package containing only a changelog and a copyright file, and depends on
media-types and mailcap.  And these two packages declare a Breaks and
Replaces relationship against mime-support << 3.65.

As a result of the upgrade, the conffiles are now owned by the new
packages.  But dpkg still keeps a record that the mime-support has
the "obsolete" version of them:

# dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' media-types
 /etc/mime.types 43fa90aa9a5e009997f451be169ac530

# md5sum /etc/mime.types
43fa90aa9a5e009997f451be169ac530  /etc/mime.types

# dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n'  mailcap
 /etc/mailcap.order ba07e08a7fe3741d0b8339127963190e

# dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n'  mime-support
 /etc/mime.types 0d516753aee0a2c670c79667aad0c836 obsolete
 /etc/mailcap.order ba07e08a7fe3741d0b8339127963190e obsolete

I have received reports from users who consider this a problem.  Indeed,
in the case of mailcap it is potentially confusing as the conffile's MD5
sum has not changed.

On the other hand, once mime-support is purged, which is how
transitionnal packages eventually should be handled, the situation is
clean.  So I am not sure if there is a problem here.

Is it needed to clean dpkg's database so that it does not report
obsolete conffiles for mime-support?  (Actually, I would have expected
dpkg to do this automagically given the Breaks and Replaces

Have a nice day,


Charles Plessy Nagahama, Yomitan, Okinawa, Japan
Tooting from work,   https://mastodon.technology/@charles_plessy
Tooting from home, https://framapiaf.org/@charles_plessy

Re: How to manage CPU-specific features in package ?

2020-04-25 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 02:53:51PM -0400, Aaron Boxer a écrit :
> My library can use SIMD vector operations such as AVX2 if available on
> system.
> What is the best way of managing this ?


maybe you can have a look at how other packages use `libsimde-dev`?


Have a nice Sunday


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Akano, Uruma, Okinawa, Japan

Re: Riddled by debian-policy 8.1.1 about ldconfig

2017-09-14 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 02:25:41PM +0200, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :

> What is meant by "DEBIAN/triggers" in policy manual and man 5 deb-triggers ?
> Is there supposed to be a "DEBIAN" directory under ./debian ?

Hi Thomas,

the `DEBIAN` directory is created in the process of building in binary
packages.  In the binary packages themselves, its contents become the
contents of the `control.tar.gz` member.  For a package "p", the file
DEBIAN/triggers is installed in `/var/lib/dpkg/info/p.triggers`.  You
can find many real examples there.  In particular, for libraries
complying with the Policy, you will see that this file indeed
"activate-noawait" the "ldconfig" trigger.  For packages built using
Debhelper, the triggers files is added by `dh_makeshlibs`, which
explains why you can not see traces of it in the clean source package.

I hope it clarifies.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Re: installing GUI launchers and mimes

2017-07-30 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 11:55:20AM +0200, Narcis Garcia a écrit :
> Do you mean that with only having at the package:
> ./usr/share/applications/xxx.desktop
> ./usr/share/mime/packages/xxx.xml
> triggers are automatically run?

Hello Narcis,

yes they will:

$ grep usr/share/applications /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File 
/usr/share/applications mime-support/noawait
/usr/share/applications desktop-file-utils
/usr/share/applications gnome-menus/noawait

$ grep usr/share/mime/packages /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File 
/usr/share/mime/packages shared-mime-info

See /usr/share/doc/dpkg-dev/triggers.txt.gz for (a lot of) details.

> Why transmission-gtk/postinst calls update-menus and update-mime ? Is it
> some kind of compatibility measure?

The short answer is: "because transmission-gtk/postinst is generated by 
fia dh_installmenu".

$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/transmission-gtk.postinst
set -e
# Automatically added by dh_installmenu
if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x "`which update-menus 2>/dev/null`" ]; 

I am not sure why this is still needed while there is already a dpkg trigger
doing the work.

Anyway, as noted elsewhere, the Debian menu system is being phased out.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Re: How to deal with arch-specific paths in .install files

2017-05-07 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, May 03, 2017 at 11:36:01AM -0700, Shawn Sörbom a écrit :
> I have a package .install file where a library expects to go into /usr/lib/
> x86_64-gnu/[subdirectory] on amd64 systems. I realize this is not portable. 
> What regex can I use to substitute for the arch directory in my .install file?

Hi Shawn,

you can find an answer (and many alternatives) in the following wiki page:


Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Best GPG practices before sending computer to maintenance.

2016-11-11 Thread Charles Plessy
Hello everybody,

the laptop that I use mainly for Debian development will go to hardware
maintainance tomorrow.  I will of course remove my .gnupg folder, but out of
curiosity I wonder if there are better practices.  The mass storage is a SSD
that I am not going to remove it before sending the laptop.

Have a nice week-end,


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Re: Review of firefox-branding-iceweasel

2016-04-19 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 01:46:46PM -0700, Sean Whitton a écrit :
> "Every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its copyright
> information and distribution license in the file
> /usr/share/doc/package/copyright."
> It then makes an *exception* to this verbatim rule:
> "Packages distributed under the Apache license (version 2.0), the
> Artistic license, the GNU GPL (versions 1, 2, or 3), the GNU LGPL
> (versions 2, 2.1, or 3), and the GNU FDL (versions 1.2 or 1.3) should
> refer to the corresponding files under /usr/share/common-licenses,
> rather than quoting them in the copyright file."
> Since you are not using /usr/share/common-licenses, your package doesn't
> fall under this exception and so you need to include it in your
> d/copyright file.

Hi all,

actually, the MPL-2 will be added to /user/share/common-licenses when a Policy
Editor will find time to make it happen.


So I suggest that it is fine to be forward-compatible with the future Policy :)

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Re: Git-buildpackage question: tracking upstream git and tarballs

2016-04-08 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Apr 07, 2016 at 03:25:08PM +0200, Raphaël Halimi a écrit :
> If I understand [1] and [2] correctly, one would need two upstream
> branches : one originating from upstream, with the full commit history,
> and one managed by gbp import-orig, which would contain upstream sources
> imported as single tarballs commits.
> [1] http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/notes/debian/git.html#combine
> [2] http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.html
> I don't understand the reason for having two separate upstream branches.
> Is there a specific reason against having a single upstream branch,
> which would contain the full upstream commit history, and maintaining
> the pristine-tar branch with a plain old "pristine-tar commit 
> " (since gbp import-orig would want to import the
> tarball files and create a new tag, which both may conflict with the
> upstream branch/tags) ?

Hi Raphaël,

if in your case it works well to pull updates directly from Upstream's
repository and to use downloaded tarballs from the upstream website, then there
is no problem to use pristine-tar directly instead of gbp import-orig, as you
suggested.  (The answer from Ferenc explains well why in some cases there can
be problems caused by differences between the upstream repository and the
upstream tarballs).

If you do this and intend to make your source package's repository easy to use
for collaborative maintenance, it will be good to document this workflow
somewhere (perhaps README.source ?) since it is not standard.  Otherwise,
people may run gbp import-orig and waste time wondering why it did not work as

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Re: git-buildpackage pattern question

2016-03-21 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 06:43:58PM -0700, Sean Whitton a écrit :
> In my usage of git-buildpackage, I've been using a different approach to
> that suggested by Russ and I thought it might be useful to share it in
> this thread.
> I think of (local) branches as things that I expect to make commits to,
> and use tags to keep track of work done by upstream that is read-only
> from my point of view.  So in my repository I have all of upstreams tags
> (1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.0.2 etc.) and a master branch which contains both
> upstream's code and my debian/ directory.  There is no upstream branch.

Hi Sean,

not to nitpick your workflow itself, but I was wondering: with your approach,
what is the advantage using git-buildpackage instead of simply
`dpkg-buildpackage -i -I` ?  For the sake of curiosity (and sorry to sidetrack
the thread), what `gbp` commands are you still using in your workflow ?

Have a nice day,


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

[OT] Re: user want messages removed from mailing list

2015-11-18 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 02:18:04PM +0100, Jakub Wilk a écrit :
> Reporting non-spam messages as spam is counter-productive. It won't help the
> message disappear. But it will help actual spam messages to survive in our
> archives.

Hi Jakub,

there are definitely precedents were messages containing private information
that the poster did not want to send or regrets to have sent have been removed
with the spam-removal interface.

And I fail to see how it helps actual spam messages to stay, unless you are
suggesting that by using the spam removal system for these purpose we will
undermine it by demotivating or drain time from the people who use it for spam
removal only, or that we will cause it to be more strongly moderated.

I understand that listmasters do not have time to handle removal requests, but
I think that we are being arrogant when we refuse for technical reasons.
Especially with the trap situation that people tend to send removal requests to
the debian-www address without knowing that it is also a publically archived
mailing list.  Some times I have the impression that our only answer is just
shaming the requester.

Anyway; there is not much to discuss.  When I reads these requests, I tend to
mark the message as spam.  And sometimes it works.



Re: user want messages removed from mailing list

2015-11-16 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 09:49:51PM +0800, Alex Vong a écrit :
> A user says he wasn't aware that the mailing list is public and want
> his conversion with me and another person removed. I have replied to
> him stating that the mailing list is like a public forum, everyone can
> read it. He hasn't replied yet. But if he insisted on having the
> conversation removed, what should I do?

Hi Alex,

You can mark it as spam and cross fingers that other people do the same and the
spam cleaners (everybody's help is welcome by the way) feel compassion.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Re: cowbuilder/pbuilder: require newer version from experimental

2015-10-28 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 03:11:08PM +0100, Ole Streicher a écrit :
> to build an "experimental" version of one of my packages, I need to
> specify a package that is in unstable (1.0.5-1) and in experimental
> (1.1~b1-1), and I need the experimental version here.

Hi Ole,

this is a bit off-topic answer, but if you use sbuild
--build-dep-resolver=aptitude, you should be able to satisfy the dependency on
the package in experimental.

Have a nice day,


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Re: Best practices for downloader packages

2015-08-18 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 03:47:13PM +0200, Ole Streicher a écrit :
 After lunch, someone pointed out that the policy only requires that
 packages that download *software* need to go to contrib. Since my one
 would download *data* only, it would be probably suitable for main.

Hi Ole,

I doubt that the intention of the policy is to distinguish data and software
here.  Also, the current interpretation of the DFSG is that data is software.

Altogether, in the case of your package, I think that it is a matter of taste.
In my point of view, there is nothing wrong putting it in contrib, to represent
that the access to the data is not as easy as if it were distributed inside the
package.  One of the points of Free software is that is can not be taken away
from the user, and if one has a full copy of the Debian archive, it is possible
to rely on all the programs and data in the main section.  For downloader
packages, however, they can become useless at any time, and the user has no
control over this.


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Re: doc-base for more than one document

2015-06-20 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 04:26:58PM +0200, Ole Streicher a écrit :
 I am a bit confused on how I can register more than one document for one

Hi Ole,

one file per document; see the emboss package for instance.

Have a nice day,


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Not able to pull dependencies for tests ran on ci.debian.net.

2015-06-17 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 01:52:52PM +0200, Dominique Dumont a écrit :
 from the logs, tabix package is not installed.
 Neither samtools or samtools-test depends on tabix.
 Looks like ci does not install build dependencies...

Thanks Dominique, but I would have expected tabix to be installed because
the file debian/tests/control declares “Depends: @, tabix”.

Am I misunderstanding how this control file is used ?



Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Not able to pull dependencies for tests ran on ci.debian.net.

2015-06-16 Thread Charles Plessy
Good evening everybody,

I am probably missing something obvious, but I have simple problem with the
samtools package, where the regression tests depend on the tabix package for
the bgzip command, and fail on ci.debian.net despite my attempt to set the
dependency properly...

$ curl 
Tests: samtools-test
Depends: @, tabix
Restrictions: allow-stderr

$ curl --silent --compressed 
  | tail -n15
Setting up samtools-test (1.1-1) ...
Setting up adt-satdep (0) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-18) ...
adt-run [00:27:23]: test samtools-test: [---
The command failed [32512]: cat /tmp/YHnFtIRjxI/bgzip.dat | bgzip -ci 
-I/tmp/YHnFtIRjxI/bgzip.dat.gz.gzi  /tmp/YHnFtIRjxI/bgzip.dat.gz
err:/bin/bash: bgzip: command not found

 at ./test.pl line 67.
main::error(The command failed [32512]: cat /tmp/YHnFtIRjxI/bgzip.dat 
| b..., out:\x{a}, err:/bin/bash: bgzip: command not found\x{a}\x{a}) 
called at ./test.pl line 138
main::cmd(cat /tmp/YHnFtIRjxI/bgzip.dat | bgzip -ci 
-I/tmp/YHnFtIRjxI/b...) called at ./test.pl line 300
main::test_bgzip(HASH(0x1951e78)) called at ./test.pl line 35
adt-run [00:27:24]: test samtools-test: ---]
adt-run [00:27:24]: test samtools-test:  - - - - - - - - - - results - - - 
- - - - - - -
samtools-testFAIL non-zero exit status 127

Does anybody spot what I have been missing ?

Have a nice day

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique

2015-03-03 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 03:59:31PM +0100, Helge Kreutzmann a écrit :
 I recently got lots of errors for the debian/copyright files of my two
 packages using the machine style copyright.
 The expanded version states This paragraph define an already defined
 license., however the paragraphs I checked only use GPL-2+.

Hello Helge,

I think that the lintian tag is either too strict or too severe, given that the
machine-readable format permits to repeat the long description in multiple
Files paragraphs.  I opened https://bugs.debian.org/779676 about this.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: launchpad for debian and autobuilders

2014-12-12 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 09:15:44AM +0100, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda a écrit :
 I build my packages with pbuilder, but I'm looking for an automatic place to 
 build packages for debian.

Dear Leopold,

how about Elida ?




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Re: Install files based on architecture?

2014-09-27 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 06:55:03PM +0800, Bamm a écrit :
 Is it possible for the debian/install file to install a file based on
 architecture? Perhaps something like this?
 bin/$arch/* usr/bin
 Where $arch is either i386 or amd64?

Hello Bamm,

you can have a look at dh-exec and how it is used in the particular case of
multi-architecture packages.


But as Paul noted, wildcards are enough as long as you do not need $arch to be
in the target.

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Samtools fails to build on several architectures [nore...@buildd.debian.org: failed i386 build of samtools 1.0-1]

2014-09-24 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 02:44:16PM +0200, Jakub Wilk a écrit :
 samtools stats displays help, but only if stdin is a terminal. If
 it is not, it'll read data from it:
if ( !bam_fname )
if ( isatty(STDIN_FILENO) )
bam_fname = -;

Brilliant, many thanks !

The issue was then quickly solved upstream.


Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Packaging from upstream's Git repository.

2014-07-12 Thread Charles Plessy
Dear Yukiharu and Jeremy,

thanks for your answers.

Yes, I know about git-buildpakcage and will use it in last ressort.

There are multiple reasons why I prefer to base my packages on the upstream Git
repository when it exists.

First, in my experience, this tremendously eases the exchange of patches
between us and upstream.

Second, some upstreams start to prefer releasing tags instead of tarballs,
especially for release candidates.

Lastly, the Git repository is the source, while some files in the tarball are
autogenerated.  While we have a long-standing tolerance for some kind of
autogenerated files, I think that it is preferable to use the source directly.

So, are there other suggestions ?

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Licensing question

2014-07-11 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 11:21:24AM -0400, Paul Tagliamonte a écrit :
 I'll of course defer to Charles' ability to understand french, so
 working from the English translation (which is to say, I might be
 missing something), I don't see the same issues he does.
 Both the ISC and MIT/Expat license don't explicitly allow distribution
 of modified works, but it's pretty implicit:

Hi all,

the essence of my conclusion in 2012 was: “in doubt, ask Upstream”.  Sorry that
it was not clear.  Also, if after reading the email of Jonathan Keller in the
same thread you still have no doubts, go ahead with your conclusion; the worst
case scenario is only to have to remove the packages from our Project's main
archive later.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Packaging from upstream's Git repository.

2014-07-11 Thread Charles Plessy
Hello everybody,

I am trying to package the new 'datamash' tool.


I am currently in contact with the upstream author about how to make the Debian
source package.

I would prefer to propose him a solution where the sources used by Debian are
directly his Git repository, intead of using git-import-orig to import tarballs
made by ‘make distcheck’, since the first solution obviously enhances the
possibility to exchange patches.

I am blocking on the fact that he uses gnulib in a way that the version number
of his program is expressed only via a Git tag.  Thus, given that Debian source
package are based on tar archives, the version number is lost unless I use the
“sources” produced by ‘make distcheck’. 

Does anybody know a simple solution to that problem ?

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Help for watch file needed

2014-06-29 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 11:43:47AM +0200, Andreas Tille a écrit :
 At first I do not understand why uversionmangle=s/\./-/g does not work:
 $ uscan --verbose --report
 -- Scanning for watchfiles in .
 -- Found watchfile in ./debian
 -- In debian/watch, processing watchfile line:
 http://thegrantlab.org/bio3d/download/download-bucket   .*bio3d-v([-.0-9]+)
 -- Found the following matching hrefs:
  /bio3d/download/download-bucket?download=1:bio3d-v2-0-1 (2-0-1)
  /bio3d/download/download-bucket?download=1:bio3d-v2-0-1 (2-0-1)
 Newest version on remote site is 2-0-1, local version is 2.0-1
  = remote site does not even have current version
 -- Scan finished

Hi Andreas,

shouldn't it be s/-/./g instead ?


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: script-with-language-extension

2014-03-10 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 03:19:51PM +0800, Thomas Goirand a écrit :
 On 03/10/2014 04:49 AM, Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
  Not sure if fixing it by renaming the files is what you want to do.
  I have such a warning in xinetd and honestly I just ignore it because I 
  think that renaming scripts after they have been there for many years is a 
  good idea. Besides that's the upstream name so that's how they will be 
  probably called in other distributions too I guess.
 The Debian policy manual don't agree with you, AFAIR.

Hi Thomas,

This is very unfortunate.  I have ashamed myself sending scripts to colleagues
that did not work on their platform, just because I developed them on Debian,
which corrects file names unilaterally.  I would prefer my colleagues to know
Debian for being rock solid and secure, rather than know it for being
incompatible by design with the rest of the Unix world.



Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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How to selectively silence git-multimail messages ?

2014-01-24 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 10:55:16AM +0800, Paul Wise a écrit :
 The news are collected on http://wiki.debian.org/DeveloperNews
 Email notifications for git commits on git.debian.org
   -- Raphaël Hertzog
  [1] http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git#Commit_mails_with_diff
  [2] https://github.com/mhagger/git-multimail/

This was an excellent improvement, many thanks to Raphaël for this.

Sometimes, I can guess in advance that a push will generate a flood of emails
that will not be very relevant at best and annoying at worse on my packaging
team's mailing list.  For instance, merges from upstream's master branch, with
hundreds of commits that do not change the contents of the debian directory.
Sometimes, to avoid them, I log on Alioth and disable temporarly the commit

Would anybody be able to improve the system so that, when pushing with the
--quiet option, the individual emails for each commits will be skipped ?

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: (uscan) Files-Excluded mecanism documentation ?

2013-12-12 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 04:38:20PM +0100, Andreas Tille a écrit :
  with no luck so far.
 I received the answer from DEP5 drivers that this format (version 1.0)
 will not be changed.

Hi Andreas,

The DEP 5 work is finished, and I think that its' drivers opinion on the
contents of http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
does not have more weight than the one of other developers, including yours.

This said, I think that going for a 1.1 update is the best solution.  It is
hard to say how long it will take, but in theory, it can be as fast as
providing a patch to #685506, have it accepted, and upload an updated
debian-policy package.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: No relro when building from inside a Git package ?

2013-11-22 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 09:31:25AM +0100, Andreas Tille a écrit :
 On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 09:10:44AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
  On Fri, 22 Nov 2013, Andreas Tille wrote:
   $ gbp-clone ssh://git.debian.org/git/debian-med/htslib.git
   $ cd htslib
   (debian/unstable) $ git branch
   * debian/unstable
   (debian/unstable) $ git-buildpackage
   (debian/unstable) $ lintian -I --pedantic 
  The mere fact that the generated files are in ../build-area/ means that
  you're using --git-export-dir (via ~/.gbp.conf) and thus you are building
  in a directory that doesn't have the .git dir. It's an export (with
  git archive) that is unpacked in ../build-area/package/ that you use as
  build directory.
 Well, that's correct.  So trying again:
 $ cd ..
 $ ln -s build-area/htslib_0.2.0~rc4.orig.tar.gz
 $ cd htslib
 (debian/unstable) $ pdebuild

Hi Andreas,

I suspect that pdebuild is also using either an export or an unpacked source 

I think that if you use dpkg-buildpackage directly, you will reproduce the 



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Re: No relro when building from inside a Git package ?

2013-11-21 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 09:00:48AM +0100, Andreas Tille a écrit :
 PS: Alioth is back online and I might have a look later this day if
 you would commit there.

Thanks a lot !

gbp clone git.debian.org:/git/debian-med/htslib.git



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Re: No relro when building from inside a Git package ?

2013-11-21 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 11:26:24AM +0100, Andreas Tille a écrit :
 On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 05:29:26PM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
  gbp clone git.debian.org:/git/debian-med/htslib.git
 When doing `git-buildpackage` (which for sure includes the .git dir) I
 can not see the effect you are describing.  The only thing lintian (and
 I) are more concerned about is:
   E: libhts0: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on 
 symbol cram_index_build@Base
   W: libhts0: symbols-file-contains-debian-revision on symbol 
 bam_mplp_init_overlaps@Base and 1 others
 I personally would simply drop the symbols file since it seems to
 introduce more harm than good.

Hi Andreas,

this is strange, in my case, from a fresh clone, and when building with git
buildpackage -us -uc, I see the hardening-no-relro tag.

$ lintian -I --pedantic ../htslib_0.2.0~rc4-1_amd64.changes
I: htslib source: quilt-patch-using-template-description debian-changes
W: htslib source: newer-standards-version 3.9.5 (current is 3.9.4)
W: libhts0: hardening-no-relro usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1
P: libhts0: no-upstream-changelog
E: libhts0: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on 
symbol cram_index_build@Base
W: libhts0: symbols-file-contains-debian-revision on symbol 
bam_mplp_init_overlaps@Base and 1 others
P: libhts-dev: no-upstream-changelog
W: libhts-dev: manpage-has-errors-from-man usr/share/man/man5/vcf.5.gz  file 
`standard input', around line 15:
P: htslib-test: no-upstream-changelog

For the tags related to the symbols file, this is because the package is work
in progress.  I pull upsteam commits as they go and only update the version
number when upstream makes new tags, therefore Debian revisions contain changes
to the library's symbols.

Given that the API is not yet stable, I understand that the symbols file is not
yet useful, but I prefer having it in the package now so that I do not forget
to add it when I start to upload packages built on the htslib-dev package.



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Re: No relro when building from inside a Git package ?

2013-11-20 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 10:24:29PM +0100, Andreas Tille a écrit :
 without having checked out the repository and diving into it:  Can you
 post a diff of the two build logs?

Hi Andreas,

here it is (attached).  Could the problem be a side effect of the test suite ?


--- with-.git   2013-11-21 09:32:14.244499056 +0900
+++ without-.git2013-11-21 09:34:12.908497923 +0900
@@ -150,15 +150,6 @@
make -j1 test
 make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/htslib'
-echo '#define HTS_VERSION debian/0.2.0_rc3-1-38-g9469458'  version.h
-gcc -g -Wall -O2 -I. -DSAMTOOLS=1 -c -o hts.o hts.c
-ar -rc libhts.a kfunc.o knetfile.o kstring.o bgzf.o faidx.o hfile.o 
hfile_net.o hts.o sam.o synced_bcf_reader.o vcf_sweep.o tbx.o vcf.o vcfutils.o 
cram/cram_codecs.o cram/cram_decode.o cram/cram_encode.o cram/cram_index.o 
cram/cram_io.o cram/cram_samtools.o cram/cram_stats.o cram/files.o cram/mFILE.o 
cram/md5.o cram/open_trace_file.o cram/pooled_alloc.o cram/sam_header.o 
cram/string_alloc.o cram/thread_pool.o cram/vlen.o cram/zfio.o
-ranlib libhts.a
-gcc -pthread  -o test/fieldarith test/fieldarith.o libhts.a  -lz
-gcc  -o test/hfile test/hfile.o libhts.a  -lz
-gcc -pthread  -o test/test_view test/test_view.o libhts.a  -lz
-gcc -pthread  -o test/test-vcf-api test/test-vcf-api.o libhts.a  -lz
-gcc -pthread  -o test/test-vcf-sweep test/test-vcf-sweep.o libhts.a  -lz
 test/fieldarith test/fieldarith.sam
 cd test  ./test_view.pl
@@ -456,11 +447,11 @@
 Failures  0
 cd test  ./test.pl
-   /tmp/htslib/test/test-vcf-api /tmp/Vvj_N60T4W/test-vcf-api.bcf
+   /tmp/htslib/test/test-vcf-api /tmp/cUKPv4vctM/test-vcf-api.bcf
 .. ok
-   /tmp/htslib/test/test-vcf-sweep /tmp/Vvj_N60T4W/test-vcf-api.bcf
+   /tmp/htslib/test/test-vcf-sweep /tmp/cUKPv4vctM/test-vcf-api.bcf
 .. ok
@@ -495,10 +486,6 @@
make -j1 install DESTDIR=/tmp/htslib/debian/tmp AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR=no 
prefix=/usr PACKAGE_VERSION=0.2.0\~rc4-1
 make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/htslib'
 mkdir -p /tmp/htslib/debian/tmp/usr/include/htslib 
/tmp/htslib/debian/tmp/usr/lib /tmp/htslib/debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man5
-echo '#define HTS_VERSION 0.2.0~rc4-1'  version.h
-gcc -g -Wall -O2 -I. -DSAMTOOLS=1 -fpic -c -o hts.pico hts.c
-gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libhts.so.0  -o libhts.so kfunc.pico knetfile.pico 
kstring.pico bgzf.pico faidx.pico hfile.pico hfile_net.pico hts.pico sam.pico 
synced_bcf_reader.pico vcf_sweep.pico tbx.pico vcf.pico vcfutils.pico 
cram/cram_codecs.pico cram/cram_decode.pico cram/cram_encode.pico 
cram/cram_index.pico cram/cram_io.pico cram/cram_samtools.pico 
cram/cram_stats.pico cram/files.pico cram/mFILE.pico cram/md5.pico 
cram/open_trace_file.pico cram/pooled_alloc.pico cram/sam_header.pico 
cram/string_alloc.pico cram/thread_pool.pico cram/vlen.pico cram/zfio.pico  -lz
-ln -sf libhts.so libhts.so.0
 install -p -m 644 libhts.so 
 ln -sf libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 /tmp/htslib/debian/tmp/usr/lib/libhts.so
 ln -sf libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 /tmp/htslib/debian/tmp/usr/lib/libhts.so.0
@@ -660,7 +647,7 @@
 dpkg-gensymbols: warning: some new symbols appeared in the symbols file: see 
diff output below
 dpkg-gensymbols: warning: debian/libhts0/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match 
completely debian/libhts0.symbols
 --- debian/libhts0.symbols (libhts0_0.2.0~rc4-1_amd64)
-+++ dpkg-gensymbolskXM3kh  2013-11-21 09:32:00.312499189 +0900
 dpkg-gensymbols4DQT53  2013-11-21 09:34:08.056497969 +0900
 @@ -230,6 +230,7 @@
   cram_huffman_encode_int0@Base 0.2.0~rc3
   cram_huffman_encode_int@Base 0.2.0~rc3
@@ -675,12 +662,12 @@
rm -f debian/htslib-test/DEBIAN/shlibs
dpkg-shlibdeps -Tdebian/libhts0.substvars 
-dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol exp used by 
debian/libhts0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 found in none of 
the libraries
-dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol pthread_join used by 
debian/libhts0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 found in none of 
the libraries
-dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol pthread_kill used by 
debian/libhts0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 found in none of 
the libraries
 dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol pthread_create used by 
debian/libhts0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 found in none of 
the libraries
+dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol exp used by 
debian/libhts0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 found in none of 
the libraries
 dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol lgamma used by 
debian/libhts0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 found in none of 
the libraries
+dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol pthread_kill used by 
debian/libhts0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 found in none of 
the libraries
 dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol log used by 
debian/libhts0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1 found in none

No relro when building from inside a Git package ?

2013-11-19 Thread Charles Plessy
Dear all,

I am experience a strange variation when building package from a Git repository
or from the same source with the .git directory deleted.

In the first case I have the Lintian warning 'libhts0: hardening-no-relro
usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhts.so.0.2.0~rc4-1', but not in the second case.

The only git-dependant code that I found is to create a package version, but
I override it in debian/rules by the Debian package's version.

In Makefile:

ifneq $(wildcard .git) 
original_version := $(PACKAGE_VERSION)
PACKAGE_VERSION := $(shell git describe --always --dirty)

In debian/rules:

dh_auto_build -- \
  CFLAGS=$$(dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS) \
  CPPFLAGS=-I. -DSAMTOOLS=1 $$(dpkg-buildflags --get CPPFLAGS) \
  LDFLAGS=$$(dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS) \

dh_auto_install -- prefix=/usr PACKAGE_VERSION=$(DEB_VERSION)

(Digression: I do this because after tagging a debian revision, for instance
'debian/0.2.0_rc3-1', the package will fail to build from the Git repository
since the tag becomes used for the soversion of the library, and the slash is
mistaken as a directory separator.  Is there a smart solution to this problem ?)

You can get the source with 'gbp clone https://github.com/Debian/htslib'.  Does
anybody see why the hardening-no-relro is triggered when building in presence
of the .git directory ?


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Is it still needed to pre-depend on multiarch-support ?

2013-11-07 Thread Charles Plessy
Hello everybody,

now that Wheezy has been released, I am wondering if it is still needed to
pre-depend on multiarch-support, especially for a new package.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: [Debian-med-packaging] Please help: sra-sdk

2013-10-22 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 08:43:05PM +0200, Andreas Tille a écrit :
 I have done the changes needed to build sra-sdk in an unstable chroot
 manually.  It remains totally unclear to me why the build fails with
 pbuilder but works in a minimal unstable chroot anyway.
 Charles, if you can build the package, could you at least run your test
 to confirm whether the upstream code leads to the same results as our
 current version?

Thanks Andreas,

I tested the 'fastq-dump' command using the file at the URL below, and this
time it worked.


I can not upload from work, becaues I removed my GPG key from my Debian
computer after I started to share administrative privileges with a colleague,
so if you are faster than me, please do not hesitate to upload.

Just pull the most recent changes before, as I updated the symbols file.


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: DFSG and assembler code

2013-08-21 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 10:01:29AM +0200, Andreas B. Mundt a écrit :
 To be able to compile the program with standard tools, the
 pre-compiled code of the ROM-dumpers is included in the source.  This
 code needs to be removed for DFSG reasons.

Hi Andreas,

note that the DFSG do not imply that we need to remove the pre-compiled code
from the source package.  If 1) it can be redistributed; 2) its source code is
provided; 3,4) its modification is allowed in practical terms; 5,6) there are
no unreasonable restrictions on how to use it, and 7,8,9) its license is not
awkward, then the work is Free according to the DFSG.

Nevertheless, our current quality standards for the binary packages is that
each file must be rebuildable from source, and for the ROMs discused here,
without the proper compiler in Debian it is not possible.  So in practice, this
pre-compiled code can not be added to the binary packages, but I would like to
stress that it is not because of the DFSG.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: How to handle a package requiring external test data for its test suite?

2013-06-17 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 08:10:29AM +0900, Thomas Moulard a écrit :
 I am currently packaging a computer vision software[1] which test suite
 requires external data (images).  Considering the weight of the images
 (~75Mb) compared to the package size (a few Mb) they decided to distribute
 them separately.

Dear Thomas,

Have you considered running the tests with autopkgtest ?


Then, you can either download the data or install it from a separate
data package.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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A smart post-commit hook to cherry-pick only Debian changes ?

2013-06-15 Thread Charles Plessy
Hello everybody,

With Git, I just created an email deluge by merging an upstream branch in the
master branch of the repository where I maintain the euca2ools package, and
pushing to Alioth, which sent hundreds of commit messages on our commit mailing

Does anybody knows a good post-commit hook that will only send an email for the
changes related to the Debian packaging ?


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: What the proper way to update debian/changelog

2013-05-23 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, May 24, 2013 at 02:14:39AM +, T o n g a écrit :
 Not complaining, Debian has lot of good documents. Just that they are not 
 to my taste. :-) They are written in the reference book style, whereas I  
 more prefer a cook book style. :-) Still not complaining -- We've got to 
 appreciate what we already have so far. 


have you considered the following tutorial ?



Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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2013-05-01 Thread Charles Williams
Hash: SHA1

just testing to make sure the mail goes through now.
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Bug#706361: gti review

2013-05-01 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, May 01, 2013 at 05:37:50PM +1000, Dmitry Smirnov a écrit :
 ## debian/copyright
 License name MIT is incorrect even though upstream may refer to this
 license as such. MIT is considered ambiguous by the Free Software
 Foundation. copyright-format-1.0 specification recommends to label
 newer MIT license as Expat however this is an older variant so it
 would be better called MIT-old-style or similar. See

Hi all,

to be comprehensive, there are also the Software Package Data Exchange
project and the Open Source Initiative which both agree on a reference
MIT license:


So if it matches the above, it may be fair to call it MIT if Upstream calls
it MIT.

In the case of gti, the license does not match the text of the MIT or Expat
license, therefore it is better to use an arbitrary short name.  Something like
gti, or MIT-like (as Upstream calls it), etc. would be enough.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Debian Preseeding: prevent particular package from being installed

2013-03-20 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 11:56:19AM +0100, Konrad Vrba a écrit :
 I am using Debian preseeding for automated installations (from PXE)
 in my preseed config file, I have the following line, to install only
 the minimum number of packages:
   tasksel tasksel/first multiselect
   d-i base-installer/install-recommends boolean false
 This however still installs some packages which I don't want. My question is:
   how does the installation script decide which packages will be installed?
   how can I modify this list?
   can I prevent specific package to be installed
 or, is there some other Debian mailing list, which would be more
 appropriate for my question?

Hi Konrad,

on the debian-b...@lists.debian.org there are people who are the most likely to
be able to answer your question, but before asking there it may be useful to
ask first on a debian user mailing list, where there may be people experienced
with preseeding as well.

I am not sure if it will work, but have you tried d-i base-installer/excludes ?

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Changelog etiquette for upstream patches

2013-03-01 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Mar 01, 2013 at 10:05:52PM +, Tony Houghton a écrit :
 The thing is there isn't a separate patch in the debian packaging or
 elsewhere in the pending release tarball because I've applied the patch
 to the code upstream.

Dear Tony,

for changes made upstream, you can thank the contributor in the upstream
changelog.  It is not necessary to repeat the information in the Debian
changelog.  If there was a Debian bug associated to the issue, you can mention
its number together with the mention of a New upstream version.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Why is it so hard to get sponsors.....?

2013-02-28 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 01:04:39PM -0430, PICCORO McKAY Lenz a écrit :
 I've noticed that some reports have response as is not critical, is still
 working, or else not reproducible, or better u can made a patch u can
 made a fix u ca... u can.. u do that co DD/DM has no time!! NO TIME!??

Hi Lenz,

with time, DDs tend to meet loved ones, make children, be promoted at work,
have new passions, develop new talents not related to software, take care of
their old relatives, etc.

If you have time to dedicate to packaging, please step up and help the teams
you mentionned.  What DDs who become short in time make sure in these teams, is
that the infrastructure and learning curves are as easy as possible for
newcomers, in order to to help others to contribute where they can not do
themselves anymore.

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Exact matches in files in control data format.

2013-02-27 Thread Charles Plessy
Hello everybody,

I am trying to parse the tasks files in tasks directory of the tasksel package:
I would like to list all the tasks that are in the l10n section and enhance the
desktop task.


Task: japanese-desktop
Enhances: desktop, japanese
Section: l10n

Using grep-dctrl, I tried the following command (with contortions
to avoid the po directory and the README).

find . -maxdepth 1 -type f |
  xargs grep -l '^Task:' |
  xargs grep-dctrl --exact-match -FSection l10n \
   --and \
   --exact-match -FEnhances desktop \
   -sTask -n

Unfortulately, this only returns me the tasks that enhance
the desktop task and nothing else, like in the following.

Task: british-desktop
Test-lang: en_GB
Enhances: desktop
Section: l10n

However, if I relax the search, I also get tasks that enhance
gnome-desktop, like the following:

Task: japanese-gnome-desktop
Enhances: gnome-desktop, japanese-desktop
Section: l10n

Does anybody know a workaround ?


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: RFS: libengsas packages

2013-02-26 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 08:56:11AM +0100, Helmut Grohne a écrit :
 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 06:58:22PM +0100, Anton Gladky wrote:
  On 02/25/2013 05:37 PM, Andrew Shadura wrote:
   6) Copyright-file must be in DEP-5 format.
   Please don't say 'must' when you're speaking about what's actually a
   recommendation, not a rule. Thanks.
  ok, agree, my typo. But I think it is desirable to ask for DEP-5 for
  new uploads.
 In addition it is not even possible to use DEP-5 for every case.
 http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-games/2013/02/msg00065.html is a
 recent example where a license cannot be reformatted to fit into DEP-5,
 because it expressly prohibits modification. (I have to admit that this
 is non-free.)

Hi all,

in case of Steam, I do not think that including a copy of the license in a
debian copyright file following the machine-readable format constitutes an
alteration of the license.  First, the original file in the sources is
unmodified.  Second, indentation and escape of empty lines is not a
modification of the license, but a formatting to allow the retreival of the
pristine text using dedicated software.  For instance, the tool config-edit
displays license texts after converting them back to plain text.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Package install location for 0700 Directories

2013-02-11 Thread Charles Williams

Hash: SHA1

Hello all,

My name is Chuck and I am new to the list. I am currently working on
building a package based on the ClusterLabs Hawk web GUI. Thanks to the
people in #debian-mentors I have most of the package complete. It works
perfectly in Squeeze and I will be starting builds for Wheezy today or

However, I still have 1 problem. This package controls entire clusters
(corosync, pacemaker, et al) and thus is designed with directory rights
of 0700 for user hacluster (user used to run corosync). The problem is
that 0700 directories are against policy in /usr/share. However,
lighttpd is the delivery agent for the package and such apps (phpmyadmin
and other web gui's) are usually installed in /usr/share. If I set the
directories at 755 then there is the possibility that any service/script
could execute files in the directory and thus control the cluster.

I had considered moving it all to /var/lib but that doesn't seem to be
correct to me. Is there a better location for the install where I can
actually set 0700 permissions?

Thanks for your comments and ideas,
Charles Williams
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Re: Package install location for 0700 Directories

2013-02-11 Thread Charles Williams
Hash: SHA1


Please excuse me for not posting something as obvious as the link to the


as you can see it is currently for squeeze (my production servers) but I
will be porting to wheezy as soon as I get this situation taken care of.

This is just a web gui to the cluster and operates just peachy without
the gui. However, that said, corosync/pacemaker/heartbeat can be a bit
time consuming and the gui can help an admin save some of that time.

The security of the cluster itsself (security between the nodes in the
cluster) has nothing directly to do with the gui except that one can
access the cluster through the gui. This is not unlike other web gui's
which offer similar functionality (webmin, confixx  hsphere to name a
few). The point is to make the install as secure as possible while
retaining the ease of functionality.


On 02/11/2013 01:30 PM, Paul Wise wrote:
 Could you link to your source package so we can see what you are
 talking about?
 I would expect a network service to use proper authentication
 methods like RSA keys of some form (SSH/OpenPGP/X.509), is this
 cluster thing really having no authentication and using file
 permissions to protect the service?

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Re: xdg menu entries

2013-02-06 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Feb 07, 2013 at 03:50:58PM +1000, Steven Hamilton a écrit :
 1) How are XDG .desktop files handled. What is Debian policy regarding
 2) Is it acceptable to create a .desktop file for the game, or more
 appropriately, is it acceptable to create a shell script in /usr/games/
 that can execute the Mari0 game with a single command? That way people
 can run it from a command line.

Dear Steve,

the best solution for the menu entry is to write a .desktop file and send it
upstream, so that their build system will install it in the appropriate
directory for all users.

In the meantime, you can ship it in the Debian part of the source package, and
install it in /usr/share/applications.  Dpkg triggers will take care of
everything else.

There is currently no policy for FreeDeskotop (XDG) menu files, however the
format has a nice speficication for you to follow.


In addition, the program `desktop-file-validate`, from the desktop-file-utils
package, will be useful for you to check your Desktop entry file before
sending it upstream and distributing in Debian.

(For the possibility to drop a script in /usr/games, I have no comment to make).

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: [Debian-med-packaging] Bug#699260: Help (Was: Bug#699260: r-cran-genabel: FTBFS: error: subscript out of bounds)

2013-01-29 Thread Charles Plessy
tag 699260 confirmed
severity 699260 grave

Le Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 01:28:36PM -0600, Dirk Eddelbuettel a écrit :
 Also, CRAN has 1.7-3, you guys are at 1.7-0 of GenABEL.  Maybe this even
 changed upstream...

Indeed :)

+***  v. 1.7-3 (2013.01.09)
+Commented the parts related to non-additive GC in qtscore
+Removed calls to 'attach' from multiple procedures
+Decrease of running time for long-running examples 
+Fixing the problem which prevents the package from loading while checking the 
version on CRAN

I confirm that 1.7-0 fails and 1.7-3 builds.  Also, the error also affects the
binary package (version 1.7-0), rendering it useless.

Our choices are:

 a) distribute 1.7-3 in Wheezy (note that the diff is not small),
 b) backport the correction, and
 c) remove r-cran-genabel from Wheezy.

I volunteer for a), and I am neutral with b) and c).

Have a nice day,


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Re: Maintainer address for collab-maint team maintained packages

2012-11-19 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 06:54:26PM +0100, Arno Töll a écrit :
 On 11/19/2012 03:28 PM, Marc Haber wrote:
  package@packages.debian.org seems to add that header automatically
  before forwarding to the PTS, but using that address as Maintainer: is
  a lintian _error_ (not even a warning) (Severity: serious, Certainty:
 Thing is, you can't use the QA forwarder because it relies on your
 source control field to learn about actual forwardings. If you would add
 right that address, the result would be an infinite loop because you
 would essentially forward mail to package@packages.debian.org to
 package@packages.debian.org. I hope it is clear why this won't work.

Hi all,

I think that the best way forward would be to fix the PTS and remove the
infinite loop.  This would be tremendously useful for many packages that are
collectively maintained.

I have no time to do it myself, but see the following wiki page to contribute.


Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Once more: Need help updating my DM upload permissions

2012-11-17 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 10:32:29AM +0100, Thomas Friedrichsmeier a écrit :
 I am a Debian Maintainer, working on a single package, rkward[1]. As my 
 former sponsor appears to be MIA, I have previously posted to debian-
 mentors[2,3], asking for help adjusting my upload permissions to the new 
 management interface[4] (for details on what I need a DD to do, refer to [2]).

Hi Thomas,

In 2009 I encouraged you to apply for DM and my opinion has not changed since.
I just granted you upload privileges on rkward.

For #689982, it can be corrected by uploading to wheezy-proposed-updates if
need is.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: asking for package removal

2012-09-21 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 11:42:23AM -0300, gustavo panizzo gfa a écrit :
 i was going through the list of rc bugs for wheezy and i found
 while i think the package should be removed (dead upstream, doesn't
 work with wheeze version of it's dependencies) i'm not the maintainer.
 how long do i have to wait to maintainer to reply before ask to ftp
 team to remove the package? can i (neither maintainer, uploader or DD)
 ask for removals? 
 is nothing personal with the package or the maintainer, is was just
 doing QA.
 PS: i wasn't sure if send this to mentors or qa


It looks like the maintainer of abby has recently packaged a replacement,
nomnom.  Since this shows he is still active, I recommend to wait two weeks for
his answer to the proposition to remove the package, that you made in

In the absence of answer, debian-qa is an appropriate list to discuss further
the removal.  If there a consensus for it, you can submit the request yourself
to the FTP team.

But I think you were right to use debian-mentor for asking for a general

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: How to remove a package from unstable

2012-09-17 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 04:04:19PM +0200, Olе Streicher a écrit :
 I accidently uploaded a package to unstable (python-cpl) that should
 have gone to experimental. How can I remove that from unstable but not
 from testing?

Dear Ole,

if the presence of this package is really disruptive, you can re-upload the
previous version using an epoch.  But if the problem is only that you wanted to
keep unstable in sync with testing in case you need to correct a RC bug, then
it is better to leave the package as it is: there is still the possibility of
updates through testing-proposed-updates.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Need help for watch file

2012-09-14 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 04:21:33PM +0200, Andreas Tille a écrit :
 filenamemangle=s/VolView(-[\d\.]+)-Linux-x86_64.sh/VolViewSrc$1.tar.gz/ \
 http://www.kitware.com/products/vvdownload.html \
 -- Downloading updated package 
 uscan warning: ../http://www.kitware.com/VolView/files/VolViewSrc-3.4.tar.gz 
 does not appear to be a compressed file;
 the file command says: ERROR: cannot open 
 `../http://www.kitware.com/VolView/files/VolViewSrc-3.4.tar.gz' (No such file 
 or directory)

Hi Andreas,

the problem here is that uscan sees the file name as:


Your filenamemangle regular expression turns it into:


A second expression is needed to remove the URL part. With the following,


Uscan now sees the file name as


Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Problems converting Subversion-managed source package to Git.

2012-09-13 Thread Charles Plessy
Dear all,

I am trying to change the repository type of Debian Med's velvet package from
Subversion to Git.  I have followed the instructions from the Debian wiki,
which usually work well for me.


To my surprise, this time a long string of commits, from
d3677cd5346ef36bad621f29c5fe54ca8441ee6c to 
was not attached to the master branch, as indicated by their absence in git
log, or the discontinuation in 'gitk --all'.

Does anybody know the reason and a way to repair ?

I have uploaded the repository at git://git.debian.org/debian-med/velvet.git

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Any script to populate debian/copyright file ?

2012-07-16 Thread Charles Plessy
 On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 9:41 AM, gustavo panizzo gfa 
  cd /usr/share/doc
  find . -name copyright |xargs grep

Le Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 10:35:03AM -0400, Aliaksei Sheshka a écrit :
 Sorry, but not helpful. They only represent ~13% on nearly default Wheezy

Dear Aliaksei,

you can find more examples in the following repository:


There, 1,047 out of 3,302 copyright files declare that they follow
the machine-readable format version 1.0.

These files are refreshed each time the package is uploaded, and sometimes more
often, as they are picked directly from the package's VCS. See the following
URL for details.


Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: how to document removed Build-Depends in debian/changelog (Re: viennacl at mentors)

2012-07-15 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:25:14AM +, Bart Martens a écrit :
 I would mention this in debian/changelog :
   * debian/control: No longer Build-Depends: poppler-utils, asciidoc, lynx.
 But I don't know how detailed such information must be for debian-policy.
 Sometimes it is useful to also mention the reasons.  I'm adding debian-mentors
 in cc so that other sponsors can comment if they want to.

Hi all,

Policy's section 4.4 indicates that Changes in the Debian version of the
package should be briefly explained in the Debian changelog file
debian/changelog.  In that sense, the entry Remove unused build-deps is
already quite informative as it provides the explanation for the change: the
entries were not used.

For packages that I maintain in a Git repository, I tend to become brief like
this in my changelogs, and more verbose in the corresponding commits, for which
the changelog mentions the first numbers of the hash ID.  But this is a matter
of taste; all in all, it does not cost much to fill up the changelog line with
more information.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Multilicense `debian/copyright` file

2012-07-14 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 01:09:21AM -0400, Aliaksei Sheshka a écrit :
 Hi debian-devel list!
 Please help me to write a proper `debian/copyright` file.
 Original COPYING file says:
 Several parties hold copyright to various parts of IRRToolSet.  One or more
 of the following licenses may apply to the code contained within this
 1. USC (and occasionally USC/IBM) license
 2. RIPE NCC license
 3. GNU General Public License version 2
 What should put in the `debian/copyright` then ?

Dear Aliaksei,

your question is more suited for the debian-mentors@lists.d.o list, so I am
transferring the discussion there.

The Debian Policy's section 12.5 describes the requirements for
the Debian copyright file.


Note that it is not required to list exhaustively which file names correspond
to which license, and that years of publication for one copyright holder may be
gathered together.

If you want to browse many Debian copyright files, you can have a look
at the following repository:


(More information about this project at http://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata 

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Bug#675701: RFS: ptop

2012-06-24 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 06:37:42AM +, Bart Martens a écrit :
 Files: filename1, filename2 for exceptions.

Actually, it should be:

Files: filename1 filename2

(The separator is a space, not a comma plus a space).



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Re: Bug#677013: RFS: time

2012-06-23 Thread Charles Plessy
Dear Bob,

you can find many recent copyright files in the following subversion repository.


Each time a binary package is uploaded, its copyright file is refreshed in this
Subversion repository if the source package was itself stored in a VCS.


For the Machine-readable copyright format (DEP 5), ther is no field to record
upsteam authors, because it is widely accepted that this is not required by the
Policy, that is: the FTP team accepts new packages not doing so, and no bugs
are filed against packages that are not doing so.  But if you wish,
you can either use the Comment field as you did, or use an extra field:

  The syntax of the file is the same as for other Debian control files, as
  specified in the Debian Policy Manual. See its section 5.1 for details. Extra
  fields can be added to any paragraph. No prefixing is necessary or desired, 
  please avoid names similar to standard ones so that mistakes are easier to
  catch. Future versions of the debian/copyright specification will attempt to
  avoid conflicting specifications for widely used extra fields.

Lastly, note that your current copyright file does not have a valid syntax
as spaces are not allowed in short license names.  The tool 'cme' frome
Dominique Dumont's excellent libconfig-model-perl package, will assist you
for further syntax checking.

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Bug#678468: RFS: sgml-data/2.0.7 [RC] [QA] -- common SGML and XML data

2012-06-23 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 02:30:38PM +0200, Helmut Grohne a écrit :
 On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 02:55:40PM +0300, Boris Pek wrote:
* The description still contains the homepage.
  Hmm, is it a problem? I don't see nothing about it in the Debian Policy [1].
  That lintian note was about missed homepage field which is possibly present 
 This is not a problem. The information is just redundant, i.e. it adds
 no value to the description. But this is just my opinion.

Hi all,

perhaps one of the problems it causes is that, when the homepage changes, the
long description changes, which will spend a bit of time of the translators,
just for them to acknowledge that there is nothing to translate ?

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Maintainer of GNS3 Missing-in-Action, I volunteer

2012-05-15 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, May 15, 2012 at 06:41:58PM -0400, Alexey Eromenko a écrit :
 Hi All !
 GNS3 package is Debian has not been updated in the last year, and the
 Debian maintainer, Erik Wenzel, went MIA. (doesn't answer to emails
 for last few months)

Hi Alexey,

According to his QA page, the maintainer of gns3 uploaded another package
(aggregate) 15 days ago.  He is therefore not MIA.   Perhaps you can try again
to contact him in #665979, with a short summary of the pros and cons of
releasing with 0.7.4 or 0.8.2 ?

Note that since Debian has a release cycle that is roughly two years, gns3 will
be eventually outdated in Stable anyway.  But we have backports.debian.org for
bringing new upstream stable versions to the users of Debian stable, so your
work as upstream developer can be accessble to them through the Debian archive.

Have a nice day, and thanks for your care of the gns3 package.

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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About the field Choices-C Debconf templates.

2012-05-15 Thread Charles Plessy
Hello everybody,

years after becoming DD, I am learning Debconf... amazing.

I could not find an explanation for the Choices-C field in debconf-devel(7)
nor the Developers Reference.  Is that field clearly defined somewhere ?


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: is wheezy frozen already?

2012-05-14 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, May 14, 2012 at 03:49:41PM +0200, Andreas Tille a écrit :
 On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 09:57:42AM +, Daniel Pocock wrote:
  I notice that packages have not been taken from the queue for 3 weeks:
 I'd rather see a correlation to the fact that some members of the
 ftpmaster team might be short in time for private reasons than to the
 freeze date.  It might be that some Do you need some help I could offer
 in terms of 2-3 hours per week to ftpmaster team would be welcome.

Hi all,

when the NEW queue is long, this leaves us some time to make a pre-review to
ease the work of the FTP team, by reducing the number of errors they have to
deal with.


Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: is wheezy frozen already?

2012-05-14 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Tue, May 15, 2012 at 01:09:32AM +0200, Arno Töll a écrit :
 On 15.05.2012 00:26, Charles Plessy wrote:
  when the NEW queue is long, this leaves us some time to make a pre-review to
  ease the work of the FTP team, by reducing the number of errors they have to
  deal with.
 how would you do that, given packages in NEW aren't publicly accessible
 on purpose?

In my experience, I rarely encountered a package in NEW where neither the
upstream archive nor the debian directory were downloadable from somewhere

A very large number of packages have at least their debian directory stored in
a publicly-accessible VCS, and the changes file indicates the MD5 sum of the
upstream source archive, so all in all, in most of the cases a review is
possible.  And as you noted, the packages are also often available on

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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What is the best way for disabling a service from another package ?

2012-05-04 Thread Charles Plessy
Dear all,

I am porting to Debian a package that uses dpkg-divert in its maintainer
scripts to disable a service provided by another package, by moving out the
other package's upstart script.

I can keep the commands as they are, since the target package does not exist in
Debian, but this made me curious how to actually do these kind of operations,
when package A must in a way modify package B's starting behavior or

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Bug#659522: RFS: prelink/0.0.20111012-1 [ITA] - ELF prelinking

2012-04-27 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 12:23:20AM +0100, Daniel Martí a écrit :
 A new package is available at mentors as shown below:
 Since the lintian description tells me to contact upstream before patching
 with quilt (which would give extra work), I've sent a mail to Jakub about the
 subject. I'll wait a week or two for his answer. For the time being, the newer
 upload seems to be fine apart from those two warnings.
 I'd be very glad if someone sponsored this package for me.

Dear Daniel and everybody,

I am interested in prelink because of #643967 and #505906 (which pollutes
my mailbox with a daily notification from a system I co-administrate).

As a first step when inspecting the package, I compared the 'original'
source archive that you uploaded, with the one that looks like
being the upstream one.


Can you explain why they differ ?  Is it the Lintian description that
confused you to repack the archive instead of patching it ?

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: how to adopt a non-orphaned package?

2012-04-25 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 06:24:06PM +1000, Dmitry Smirnov a écrit :
 What would be the best practice to adopt a package which was not properly 
 My particular concern is about 'autofs5' package which was not updated for 
 years since squeeze release due to maintainer inactivity.

Dear Dmitry,

judging from the maintainer's QA page, he looks totally inactive indeed.

For the package you would like to adopt, consider that one day, you may be the
inactive person as well, and call for co-mainainers or maintainance in an
existing team, so that the same situation does not happen again. You can for
instance send an Intend to Hijack email to debian-devel, and CC it to the
persons who contributed NMUs and patches in the BTS, explaining what you
already explained here, and add that the package has already been NMUed 2
times.  Then, get the package sponsored with you and others as maintainers.
You can keep the current maintainer in the list as well, to show that he is
welcome to work on the package if he can come back to Debian.

But while this would solve the problem with autofs5, this will not solve
the problem with the otehr packages.  You will do a great service to Debian
if in parallel you follow the guidelines that Paul pointed you to, and help
the QA and MIA teams to take care of the other packages.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Modifications of the changelog.

2012-04-21 Thread Charles Plessy
 * Do not modify previous changelog entries, especially not in NMUs.

Hi all,

are there concrete problems caused by modifying previous changelog entries ?  I
do it from time to time, of course not when the diff has to be carefully
inspected by others as it would be a distraction, and I have not found it
causing breakages.


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Modifications of the changelog.

2012-04-21 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 12:22:43PM +1000, Ben Finney a écrit :
 Charles Plessy ple...@debian.org writes:
  are there concrete problems caused by modifying previous changelog
  entries ?
 Doing that breaks the entirely reasonable expectation: that a changelog
 only ever accumulates entries for the latest release, and nothing in
 earlier releases has changed since the last time the recipient read

Hi Ben,

What is that expectation for ?  I find it dogmatic written like this.

If it breaks software, especially in Debian's infrastructure, that would be a
key reason for not changing any byte.

Otherwise, while there is probably better things to do in life than
spellchecking a changelog, I admit that once I went through the first entry, I
sometimes correct the ones below.  I also remove trailing spaces that distract
my eyes when colored in purple by my editor, and for the packages in Git, I
sometimes added the first seven numbers of the commit hash to past entries.  I
also have added missing hashes so that when browsing the changelog on
packages.d.o, one can have a nice hyperlink to bug reports, etc. 

I am not advocating that other people should do this, but I think that,
especially on debian-mentors, strong statements about what everybody must not
do should come with explanations about the reason, if possible argumented with
concrete examples of the problems caused.

Have a nice Sunday,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Documentation generated by doxygen and Debian Policy

2012-04-19 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 03:57:59PM +0200, Thibaut Paumard a écrit :
 I believe it is generally accepted that every file that can be
 (re)generated during the build process should be, for various reasons.

Hi all,

I think that there is a consensus that generated files must be regenerable, and
that it is a bug if their build system is broken.  The best way to ensure this
is to regenerate them at build time, however it is not a requirement.  In
particular, I do not see advantages in distributing rebuilds that would for
instance only update time stamps.  It is increasing debdiffs and heating the
planet for no benefit.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Documentation generated by doxygen and Debian Policy

2012-04-19 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 05:02:13PM +0200, Thibaut Paumard a écrit :
 Le 19/04/12 16:20, Charles Plessy a écrit :
  I think that there is a consensus that generated files must be regenerable, 
  that it is a bug if their build system is broken.  The best way to ensure 
  is to regenerate them at build time, however it is not a requirement.  In
  particular, I do not see advantages in distributing rebuilds that would for
  instance only update time stamps.  It is increasing debdiffs and heating the
  planet for no benefit.
 File timestamps won't show up in debdiff. At the very least, the
 maintainer should (IMNSHO) regenerate the files himself and check that
 they match what ends-up being distributed. And he should also document
 this process in debian/README.source. Honestly, I think it's simpler and
 less error-prone to just distribute the regenerated files. But as you
 said, it's not a policy requirement.

There are other timestamps.  Some documents contain the date where they were
built, as an indication for the last time they were modified.  For the packages
I maintain, where I wrote manpages in DocBook XML, I do not regenerate them at
each build and store the generated nroff code in the VCS where the package is
maintained.  This has the additional advantage that the package does not need
to build-depend on the DocBook toolchain.  debian/rules contains a target to
rebuild, plus a comment explaining which packages to install.

The point I am trying to make is that there is no single rule that has to be
strictly followed by eveybody in all cases.  Otherwise we would fall in the
same selective blindess as for the freeness of pictures, videos, music and
scientific data.


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: adding a new file using (d)quilt

2012-04-12 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:50:23PM +0200, Gerber van der Graaf a écrit :
 Hi, for packaging freefoam-user-doc I intend to include the static file
 UsersGuide.pdf.gz as asymptote is currently broken.

Dear Gerber,

it will be much simpler for you to include it directly in the debian tarball
using the dpkg format 3.0 (quilt).  In contrary to what the name suggests,
this will not be done using quilt.  See the manual page of dpkg-source
for more details.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Bug#659047: RFS: rpg - Readable Password Generator

2012-04-07 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Apr 07, 2012 at 04:46:33PM +0400, Vladimir Stavrinov a écrit :


There is no need to rename bugs and mentors uploads retroactively.  If repagen
is accepted in Debian, it will close #652718 and #659047, and this is enough to
make the link.  The mentors URL (in my understanding) will not persist.

This said, for your information, you can easily retitle bugs from the command
line with the bts program in the devscripts package.


There can be discrepancies between Debian's package name and the upstream name.
For instance, I packaged the program last in the package last-align.
Conversly, I packaged the program bwa in the package bwa, but on
SourceForge (and only there) it is called bio-bwa.

As a side note, I think that the comments about security in this thread are
very relevant.  If your package were accepted in Debian, it would need to meet
Debian's and Debian's users expectations, not only your vision as an upstream
developer.  This means that if some design choices are perceived as flaws
from Debian's point of view, somebody will have to do some work to correct
the package in Sid and perhaps in Stable.  That is one of the reasons
for the reluctance to accept your package.

Have a nice Sunday,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Bug#659047: RFS: rpg - Readable Password Generator

2012-04-06 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Apr 06, 2012 at 07:04:08PM +0400, Vladimir Stavrinov a écrit :
 On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 3:34 AM, Charles Plessy ple...@debian.org wrote:
  I also think that we should refrain from using short and common names for 
 What about repagen i.e. REadable  PAssword GENerator ? Is it OK.?

That is nice.

Good luck for solving the other problems raised in that thread and finding a
sponsor.  Debian has thousands of packages.  Each of them has an imprint on our
ecosystem.  Consider for instance that if one day you suddenly can not
contribute anymore, somebody else will need to care of the package.  Summed
together, even removals takes time.

In the future, Debian wants to set up a personal package archive system like in
Ubuntu.  That would be an ideal first stage for packages like yours, where they
can demonstrate they have an audience, before entering the main distribution.

This said, it is good to pick a unique name in advance, and repagen
illustrates well the point of the package.  It looks like that there
is a trademarked cosmetic of the same name, but fields of use are different
enough.  Or pehraps unreadable passwords are bad for the skin in the long term 


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: installing desktop file and icon

2012-04-06 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Fri, Apr 06, 2012 at 04:14:49PM -0800, Christopher Howard a écrit :
 Hi. I have source code that comes with a freedesktop-style .desktop file
 and svg icon. I know they need to go in /usr/share/applications and
 /usr/share/pixmaps (respectively). In the deb package which I am making,
 what should I put in the deb's rules file so that these are properly

Dear Christopher,

thanks to dpkg triggers, everything needed is run when dpkg detects that it
adds a file in /usr/share/applications.

$ grep applications /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File 
/usr/share/applications gnome-menus
/usr/share/applications desktop-file-utils

You only need to install the files like any other files.  Developers using
debhelper would for instance use dh_install(1) for this.  Note that since
/usr/share/applications and /usr/share/pixmaps are standard directories, it
would be best that make install simply install them at the same time as the
other files.

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Bug#659047: RFS: rpg - Readable Password Generator

2012-04-05 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Apr 05, 2012 at 07:05:16PM +0400, Vladimir Stavrinov a écrit :
 But there no package named rpg.


I also think that we should refrain from using short and common names for the
packages.  That there is no package named rpg does not say that it is free for
you, it says that there was self-discipline and peer pressure up to now to
avoid it.  Package names need to be thought forward, not on a first-arrived
first-served manner.  In your case, rpg-password or other suffixes can
be used to increase the length a complexity of the package names.

To convey the pristine name of the software that is packaged, there are other
ways such as the AppStream and Component Metadata for Debian and Upstream
metadata gathered with yaml (UMEGAYA) projects.



Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Signing a .deb later?

2012-04-04 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 07:55:09AM +0200, Thibaut Paumard a écrit :
 Le 04/04/12 01:01, Christopher Howard a écrit :
  So, my first question: Is there some nifty command or trick to
  (properly) GPG sign a .deb package /after/ I've finished making it?
 You can't sign your binary packages. What you can sign is the .dsc
 (source package) and .changes (upload file). You sign them using debsign.

Actually, there is a binary package signing tool, but it looks rather 



Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Advice on use of patch system while hacking

2012-04-01 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Apr 01, 2012 at 01:30:41PM -0700, Ross Boylan a écrit :
 It's not my package, and for reasons of courtesy to the maintainer and
 (I thought) minimizing work for myself I didn't want to make any
 unncessary changes.

Actually, since the maintainer of noweb does not seem to have made uploads for
a long time, perhaps you can check if he is still interested or available;
otherwise it is a good moment to take over the package or transfer it to a team
that would like to adopt it, possibliy with more extensive modifications (for
instance merging Ubuntu's changes).


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Debian-friendly upstream best practices?

2012-03-28 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 02:29:22PM +0200, Michael Wild a écrit :
 The only unpleasant side-effect I can think of is that git-dch will
 probably be a bit noisy.

Same for the commit emails.  This is one of the reasons I still import tarballs
from upstream projects that are maintained with Git: I did not manage to find
how to avoid sending a deluge of commit emails when pushing the upstream branch
to Alioth.  Also, they are sent with the commiter's name as sender, which gives
the wrong impression he is the one who pushed the upstream changes to the
Debian package.

Any hint ?

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: how to manage d/changelog for updated but not yet sponsored package

2012-02-13 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 11:53:45AM +0100, Jakub Wilk a écrit :
 * Ben Finney ben+deb...@benfinney.id.au, 2012-02-13, 13:40:
 I want to keep trace of it in the d/changelog by keeping my
 first version entry and adding a second entry. Can I do that ?
 Will it confuse some Debian robots ?
 It's fine. I consider uploading the package to
 ‘mentors.debian.net’ a release of the package, since at that point
 interested people (e.g. reviewers) can rely on it, and the version
 should refer uniquely to what I uploaded at that time.
 Be aware, though, that some people disagree (on the grounds that
 it's not a new version until it enters Debian).
 I believe that vast majority of sponsors disagree.

Note however that the FTP team does not reject such packages.

I tend to keep the changelog entries of packages that have been released
outside Debian for the public.  However, I revert all previous “unstable”
entries to “UNRELEASED” to clearly mark that these packages were not in the
Debian archive.

Have a nice day,


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Files permission in the debian directory

2012-02-13 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 04:05:11PM +0100, fre...@free.fr a écrit :
 What are the recommended permissions for all the files that reside inside the 
 debian directory ?
 I've not found any documentation about it, except for debian/rules.

Dear Fred,

the Dpkg source format version 1.0 does not support other files than
debian/rules to be executable, so I recommend that unless strictly needed, you
do not rely on files in debian/ to be executable, especially if you suspect
that your package might be backported by users on local installations that are
too old for supporting the 3.0 (quilt) format.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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