Re: git packaging workflows

2024-08-13 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Daniel,

please forgive me for brief, blunt, and perhaps somewhat irritated reply.

On Tuesday, 13 August 2024 9:34:54 PM AEST Daniel Gröber wrote:
> >
> Yeah, that doesn't work for me. I get anxious without a git repo :)

In the end simplest and most straightforward approach works the best.

Use git repo, but don't rely on it to build a package. 

You can build in dedicated build directory, and that don't have to be
the debian package repository.

> Since I'm still searching here's my git workflow requirements list:

Overly complicated workflow is impediment for collaboration and

Simple is really the better. The less distraction on packaging tools will
give you more capacity to focus on problems that need solving.

>  - patches-applied (just commit/cherry-pick, no manual debian/patches
> handling)

There is no way to avoid manual handling of patches. Exporting git commit
as a patch is trivial enough. "quilt" may be not the most advanced
patch management system, but it is certainly quite robust.

>  - allows preserving upstream history

Get upstream history from upstream. More often than not you won't need
upstream history, and certainly there is no need to mirror it on debian
infrastructure. It is most inconvenient when upstream history is
interleaved with debian package history. Keeping them apart is the best.

>  - "import" upstream releases from git

That is the most awful thing about GBP workflow. Sometimes it is not 
applicable, sometimes it does not work, when it works it works badly,
it comes with significant overhead plus risks of inconsistencies.
Many problems originate from storing upstream in debian packaging repo.

It is almost always redundant. As maintainer you have to make sure that
"debian/watch" works and that tarball workflow works first. If that works
then importing upstream into packaging git repo is redundant.

> I agree in principle but my solution does not involve giving up on git
> packaging tools entirely :)

Whatever works for you without adding complexity to your co-maintainers
is the best. I like "gbp dch --full" command -- perhaps the most (if not
the only) useful tool from git-buildpackage.

> However: I think your criticism on space/bandwith use is unfounded. Git is
> spectacularly efficient at packing history. Even when it isn't because
> there's just so much of it --depth=N is always there to only download a
> compressed tarball's equivalent of data but with git benefits.
> I'd also like to point out that git is more useful for bandwidth constraint
> users because it does delta-transfers. Imagine downloading multiple
> versions of 0ad-data to do some archaeology.

Nonsense. It does not matter if instead of latest release you have to
download "well packed" history of all upstream releases ever packaged
in Debian. You should not have to do that when it is not necessary.

If you need archaeology then clone upstream repository, or download prior
releases from Debian.

Bandwidth is not the only, or most important concern. When you work on many
packages, repositories grow not only in space but also in numbers of files
and everything is getting slower. You'd notice when your repository grow to
have around 100,000 files so you do slow and CPU-intensive "git gc --aggressive"
and doing that on many repositories is tedious. 

Storing all upstream releases in "upstream" branch of packaging repository is
unjustifiable, even if that became common/normalised packaging practice.

On small packages it is a little pain, but on large and complex packages it is
a big pain, so big that certain packages can not be maintained in such manner.

> IMO every workflow should have documentation like dgit's dgit-maint-*
> manpages even when it's "trivial". Any one workflow may be, but Debian has
> *many* of them.

Only something very uncommon needs to be documented within package itself.

For everything else there is plenty of information and general-purpose
approach to building packages is best to document elsewhere, outside of
package (e.g. in wiki).

Remember that everything committed is technical liability (debt) that
takes time to maintain.

> Many prominent packages use it after all.

And many don't. So? Majority decision is rarely a most sensible one.

> IMO if alternate workflows want to have any success they need
> to be visible.

To whom? Isn't it a matter of attention? And sometimes it is a matter
of consensus or established practice within a team. 

Complicated git workflows violate principle of least surprise.

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/52B6BBD953968D1B


Politics: the art of using euphemisms, lies, emotionalism and
fear-mongering to dupe average people into accepting — or even
demanding — their own enslavement.
 -- Larken Rose

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Bug#1052015: RFS: blktrace/1.3.0-1 -- utilities for block layer IO tracing

2024-08-12 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Sunday, 11 August 2024 8:51:06 PM AEST Daniel Gröber wrote:
> What remains to discuss is how you want to handle the git repo. Personally
> I still haven't found a git packaging workflow I'm really happy with

I use something like the following that does not depend on git, GBP, etc.:

It works well for NMUs, even without access to package repository at all,
and IMHO it is a relief when one does not need to bother with
"gbp import-orig" or other methods of committing upstream sources.
(By the way GBP workflow is a huge impediment for large packages, MUT
packages, as well as packages with many vendored/bundled libraries which
is typical for Golang software.)

> so I
> have a hard time recommending something. gbp is the most popular but I find
> it lacking in a number of technical aspects. dgit is nice but complex,
> still a bit niche and also not technically perfect in my eyes.

IMHO GBP approach is counter-productive, with needlessly complicated
workflow, redundant upstream branch(es) and incredibly inconvenient merge
of debian packaging and upstream files in "master".

Here is some criticism:

> Perhaps it would be best to just stick with the current debian/-only repo
> layout since blktrace doesn't seem to get many releases anyway?

Yes, absolutely. 

> If we document the magic incantation to unpack a new upstream release
> in d/README.source it's not so bad really.

There is not much to document, as "origtargz" is all that one needs.
And arguably that should be a common knowledge among Debian maintainers.

(Alternatively just extract tarball, copy/add "debian" folder and build.)

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/52B6BBD953968D1B


If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.
 -- Anonymous, "Analects"

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#948260: RFS: golang-github-russellhaering-gosaml2/0.3.1-1 [ITP] -- Pure Go implementation of SAML 2.0 (library)

2020-01-08 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Thursday, 9 January 2020 3:10:11 AM AEDT Christian Barcenas wrote:
> I think the default branch for some reason is set to 'upstream' rather
> than 'debian/sid', would it be possible to change that? Gitlab says I
> don't have the right permissions:
> ml2/-/settings/repository

I've changed the default branch and elevated your permissions to "Maintainer" 
in case you need to make similar changes in the future.

I much prefer "master" as a default branch (I'm strongly against DEP-14).

> Did you see there is a LICENSE file in the root of the upstream Github
> repository? For projects whose only website is a Github repo with a LICENSE
> file, is it necessary to add this a comment like this to d/copyright?

License is not the same as copyright. Upstream did not include the full text 
of the license. If you read the full text [1], in the APPENDIX where it 
explains how to apply the license it says to add a copyright statement that 
upstream neglected to do. I recommend to follow-up with upstream regarding 
explicit copyright statement (which is currently missing).


 Dmitry Smirnov.


Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#948260: RFS: golang-github-russellhaering-gosaml2/0.3.1-1 [ITP] -- Pure Go implementation of SAML 2.0 (library)

2020-01-08 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Monday, 6 January 2020 5:37:16 PM AEDT Christian Barcenas wrote:
> Additionally, I need the sponsor to push the packaging from my personal
> repo
> to the official go-team repository
> aml2

I gave you "developer" access to the team repository. Could you please try to 
push there?

Everything looks good but it would be great if you could add comment (to 
"copyright" file) regarding source of information about upstream copyright as 
I could not find copyright statement anywhere.


 Dmitry Smirnov.


No person, no idea, and no religion deserves to be illegal to insult,
not even the Church of Emacs.
-- Richard Stallman

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#847350: RFS: golang-github-minio-minio-go/2.0.2+dfsg-1

2016-12-12 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Monday, 12 December 2016 11:09:56 AM AEDT Félix Sipma wrote:
> From gbp-dch(1):
>   Include N digits of the commit  id  in  the
>   changelog  entry. Default is to not include
>   any commit ids at all.
> So, that's already the default, right? It could be modified by the user's
> global gbp.conf, and it affects the changelog entries, so I set it back to
> this.

Yes, I don't want commit IDs in changelog so I explicitly state that. I've 
started doing so after few cases when uploaders introduced needless commit ID 
noise to changelog.

> > Basically it instructs GBP to generate/use tarball and it might be useful
> > for "debian"-only master repository layout.
> I thinks that these should be set by the user's global gbp.conf.

I also think so. Personally I don't build packages with GBP so I shouldn't 
care much but this fragment may be important for thouse who don't know how to 
build package without upstream sources in master. This fragment was 
introduced after earlier discussion in mail list when someone suggested that 
repository layout should be compatible with GBP either through "standard" 
layout or with gbp.conf to allow package build out of the box.

> If he
> wants to use "export-dir = ../debian-build-area" or anything else, we
> shouldn't override this.

I agree this is ugly but "export-dir" is important because one can't build 
package with default settings. It is always easier to change existing 
settings than try to find which parameter should be added.

> Does this address your concerns?

Nope. :) But those concerns wasn't really mine as it is all about helping 
those who build packages with GBP...

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Truth — Something somehow discreditable to someone.
-- H. L. Mencken, 1949

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#847350: RFS: golang-github-minio-minio-go/2.0.2+dfsg-1

2016-12-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wednesday, 7 December 2016 6:52:04 PM AEDT Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> this case there is no license/copyright issue, at least I can't
> see it

So we are not discussing a generic issue? This particular package did not 
have DFSG-repackaging to begin with nor does it need one... :)

Fortunately minio-go do not bundle anything...

> it is fine now, the whole point was
> "please don't repack the tarball as dfsg just to exclude two tests (already
> there in the current upload and excluded by debian/clean"

I see... All good.

I had a glimpse at the package and it looks good except removed content of  
"gbp.conf" that I'll leave for Félix to fix (if he thinks it necessary).

Félix, in "gbp.conf"

id-length= 0

is occasionally useful for "gbp dch".

The following fragment is to help building the package with GBP when upstream 
sources are not merged in "master":

overlay = True
export-dir = ../build-area/
tarball-dir = ../

Basically it instructs GBP to generate/use tarball and it might be useful for 
"debian"-only master repository layout.


All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher
esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#847350: RFS: golang-github-minio-minio-go/2.0.2+dfsg-1

2016-12-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wednesday, 7 December 2016 6:02:33 PM AEDT Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> repacking to drop bundled dependencies is sometimes called ds (Debian
> Source) repack, non dfsg (even if nobody ever wrote some documentation for
> this).

I think "ds" is quite confusing let alone that it matches my initials. ;)
IMHO DFSG-repacking fits all cases even when we throw away useless files to 
avoid documenting their copyrights. Often you just don't know whether 
excluded content is DFSG compliant or not. And since removing bundled 
libraries is policy compliance I believe DFSG is the appropriate suffix to 
use in repacked tarballs.

> If you prefer a dfsg tarball, it is fine for me,
> but I don't get why you
> used debian/clean to remove such files,

I thought "debian/clean" is an unrelated issue... What about "debian/clean"?
I sometimes remove 3rd party dependencies from "debian/clean" as well (not in 
this package as I recall). You may say it is redundant but actually it is 
useful if/when you re-build from non-repacked tarball or checkout of upstream 

Here I think "debian/clean" was used merely to drop some tests (instead of 
patching 'em which would be more difficult).

> and now you want a source repack.

Only if there are bundled 3rd party libraries. Repacking is very common for 
Golang packages -- even dh-make-golang does that by default and it does not 
indicate that something was thrown away neither by adding "ds" nor "dfsg" to 

> Not sure if I got it correctly, but the removal of the tests has nothing
> to do with bundled dependencies, but more a "remove tests that we can't
> run on Debian infrastructure".


> Can you please explain again your point?
> I admit I worked only a little on golang-* packages, and I would like to
> learn something more :)

I'm sorry I think I've lost the context... Could you please ask your question 
again and I'll do my best to explain.

> (btw feel free to cancel/reschedule, or tell me what to do with this
> upload)

Thank for your help, Gianfranco. I did not have a chance to look at the 
current state of the package yet. I'll see if I can have a look later today.

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#847350: RFS: golang-github-minio-minio-go/2.0.2+dfsg-1

2016-12-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wednesday, 7 December 2016 2:13:08 PM AEDT Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> what is the reason for the repack? non-dfsg files?
> if it is just to skip some tests, I really prefer a debian/clean target,
> and not a repack of the whole source tarball.
> diverging from upstream tarballs has a lot of useless complications that
> should be avoided whenever possible
> as a general rule I like repacks when:
> 1) non-dfsg files might be left out
> 2) heavy and useless files are kept in the tarball (e.g. binaries, windows
> files, or prebuilt stuff)
> in the other cases, I never found a good reason for a repack.
> Other people might disagree, just I found none documentation about the
> reasons for this repack.

I believe that should be fairly obvious that we repack to drop all bundled 
dependencies. That's Golang for you where it is common to incorporate all 
dependency libraries into tarball. Throwing away private copies of those 
libraries is important to avoid using 'em accidentally, reduce burden and 
also to avoid tedious copyright review and documentation.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


The more false we destroy the more room there will be for the true.
 -- Robert G. Ingersoll, 1902

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#810853: RFS: moosefs/2.0.83-1 [ITP] -- fault tolerant, reliable, highly available, highly performing, scaling-out network distributed file system

2016-05-23 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Monday, 23 May 2016 9:08:20 AM AEST Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> Did anything happened here in the past 4+ months?

Not much from packaging prospective. Upstream however show some signs of 
improvement as they've started using GitHub:

> Dmitry setted the moreinfo tag (as this indeed need(ed) work), but I
> anyway can't understand if he is an available sponsor for this.

I'm still busy so I can't make any promises regarding sponsorship.
However I am probably the best person to review packaging... As far as I'm 
aware they've never attempted to improve packaging so I doubt they can 
maintain it properly...
Last time I checked upstream packaging was too sloppy for upload.

I still have some concerns regarding inferior licensing [1] and I believe  
that MooseFS is redundant when we already have LizardFS.
I'm not against having alternative storage system which may have benefits 
like availability of different MySQL/MariaDB flavours...


 Dmitry Smirnov.


Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything
else is public relations.
-- George Orwell

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817281: closed by Dmitry Smirnov (Re: [pkg-go] Bug#817281: RFS: golang-gopkg-hlandau-easyconfig.v1/1.0.13 [ITP] -- Go package with easy bindings for configurable)

2016-04-02 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Saturday, 2 April 2016 11:37:47 PM AEST Peter Colberg wrote:
> Could you push the release tag to the git repository?

Did I forget to push? It should be OK now.

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate,
contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and
unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the
discomfort of thought.
-- John F Kennedy

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817283: RFS: golang-gopkg-hlandau-service.v2/2.0.15 [ITP] -- Go package for writing services

2016-03-28 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Monday, 28 March 2016 10:38:48 PM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> I pushed commit be569f2, which adds a Comment linking to the license text.

Thanks, this is helpful. I'll upload when all dependencies will become 

Also I prefer "unstable" instead of "UNRELEASED" in changelogs of packages 
seeking sponsorship -- one little thing less to do for your sponsor. ;)

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


"All government, of course, is against liberty.
-- H. L. Mencken

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817218: [pkg-go] Bug#817218: RFS: golang-github-hlandau-xlog/0.0~git20160208.0.c18de57 -- logging library for Go

2016-03-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wednesday, 9 March 2016 12:39:27 AM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for the package "golang-github-hlandau-xlog":

Uploaded, thank you. :)

 Dmitry Smirnov.


If any remedy is tested under controlled scientific conditions and
proved to be effective, it will cease to be alternative and will simply
become medicine. So-called alternative medicine either hasn't been
tested or it has failed its tests.
-- Richard Dawkins, 2007

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817215: [pkg-go] Bug#817215: RFS: golang-github-alecthomas-template/0.0~git20151201.0.14fd436 -- text templates with newline elision for Go

2016-03-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Sunday, 27 March 2016 11:20:45 PM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> Unless you suggest otherwise, I can package a preliminary version of
> and patch acmetool to use the Go 1.6
> template syntax.

I think it seems reasonable as it would let us to drop obsolete dependency.

Though I'd really like to convince upstream to tag/release v3.

> Please see the Comment in debian/copyright, which links to the source
> of the template package that is licensed under a BSD-3-clause license:

I've noticed that and thanks for leaving a comment. :)

However I believe this is still insufficient as you are not getting this 
package directly from Go Authors and author of changes did not confirm the 
license... It would be reasonable to assume that he did not change the 
license but we need to know for sure and there is nothing in the modified 
package that refer to text of BSD-3-Clause license...

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Truth — Something somehow discreditable to someone.
-- H. L. Mencken, 1949

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817215: [pkg-go] Bug#817215: RFS: golang-github-alecthomas-template/0.0~git20151201.0.14fd436 -- text templates with newline elision for Go

2016-03-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Peter,

On Wednesday, 9 March 2016 12:24:19 AM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for the package
> "golang-github-alecthomas-template":

Upstream does not have a license and commented the following:

  "as Go 1.6 now supports whitespace elision [1], I won't be making any
   further changes to this package and will probably delete it soon." [2]

Is this package really needed?

Please investigate. Meanwhile I'm tagging this bug as "wontfix" for now.

Also please note that "BSD-style license" is not necessary the same as 
"BSD-3-clause". You can't make such assumption because there are too many 
"BSD style" licenses so techically speaking it can be any of them (and not 
limited to the list):


 Dmitry Smirnov.


Truth — Something somehow discreditable to someone.
-- H. L. Mencken, 1949

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817829: [pkg-go] Bug#817829: RFS: golang-github-cheggaaa-pb/0.0~git20160304.0.a75ad33 [ITP] -- simple console progress bar for Go

2016-03-25 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Saturday, 19 March 2016 12:54:06 AM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> Could you revert Debian commit 5699dec to restore the empty watch file
> and upload a second version? Otherwise the above tag would permanently
> show on, despite the package being up to date.

Don't you worry about that. Upstream kindly tagged new releases

so "watch" file is useful now.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817226: [pkg-go] Bug#817226: RFS: golang-gopkg-hlandau-svcutils.v1/1.0.7 -- utilities for writing services in Go

2016-03-25 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wednesday, 9 March 2016 1:10:27 AM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for the package
> "golang-gopkg-hlandau-svcutils.v1":

Very good work, Peter. :)

I'd like upstream to clarify licensing before we upload:

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


It is time that we admitted that faith is nothing more than the license
religious people give one another to keep believing when reasons fail.
-- Sam Harris

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817865: RFS: acmetool/0.0.49 [ITP] -- automatic certificate acquisition tool for Let's Encrypt

2016-03-19 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Thursday, 17 March 2016 5:07:39 PM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> Seeing that you have sponsored an impressive number of golang-*
> packages, would you be willing to sponsor the initial upload of
> acmetool [1] and its dependencies?

I'd love to but I have to prioritise so unfortunately I won't be able to 
allocate time to look into this for a while... I'll keep that in mind and I 
might come back to you eventually but please don't count on my help as I 
simply have no time now... Sorry.

I think you are working on important software and it would be great to 
introduce it to Debian. Thank you for your help and hard work.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
-- Philip K. Dick

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817829: [pkg-go] Bug#817829: RFS: golang-github-cheggaaa-pb/0.0~git20160304.0.a75ad33 [ITP] -- simple console progress bar for Go

2016-03-18 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Saturday, 19 March 2016 12:54:06 AM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> Now this stray tag shows up in uscan:
> uscan: Newest version of golang-github-cheggaaa-pb on remote site is 1.0,
> local version is 0.0~git20160304.0.a75ad33 uscan:=> Newer package
> available from
> Could you revert Debian commit 5699dec to restore the empty watch file
> and upload a second version? Otherwise the above tag would permanently
> show on, despite the package being up to date.

I'll leave this with you. Please remember that package is already uploaded 
with this change. Perhaps we could give upstream some time to respond to bug 
before deciding whether to keep this change or not.

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817829: [pkg-go] Bug#817829: RFS: golang-github-cheggaaa-pb/0.0~git20160304.0.a75ad33 [ITP] -- simple console progress bar for Go

2016-03-18 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Saturday, 19 March 2016 12:47:12 AM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> The tag in question is 'go1.0', which points to commit e8c7cc5 from
> Dec 2, 2014. This does not look like a proper release tag, rather
> an internal tag for an old commit that works with Go version 1.0.
> I added a watch file only for Go packages that are published on
>, which is a good indication that the author is familiar
> with proper versioning and regularly tags new versions.
> For other Go packages I used git snapshots. I did see the occasional
> single tag for these, but again outdated and not indicative of regular
> releases. Therefore I think it’s best to ignore these stray tags.

I see, thank you. Alternatively we can bug upstream in order to convince him 
to tag properly...
Please feel free to disable my watch file if you think it is not useful...

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


Truth — Something somehow discreditable to someone.
-- H. L. Mencken, 1949

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#817829: [pkg-go] Bug#817829: RFS: golang-github-cheggaaa-pb/0.0~git20160304.0.a75ad33 [ITP] -- simple console progress bar for Go

2016-03-18 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Peter,

On Thursday, 10 March 2016 12:58:32 PM AEDT Peter Colberg wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for the package "golang-github-cheggaaa-pb":

I've uploaded with only one correction: I've added "watch" file to check for 
upstream releases. Apparently there is one new tag/release made 10 days ago.

Tagged version is quite different from yours -- please check with upstream if 
necessary. I've also reported the following bug:

Thank you for your work.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Faith: not wanting to know what the truth is.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#810853: RFS: moosefs/2.0.83-1 [ITP] -- fault tolerant, reliable, highly available, highly performing, scaling-out network distributed file system

2016-01-18 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Mon, 18 Jan 2016 07:23:30 AM Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki wrote:
> On 15 Jan, 2016, at 15:10, Dmitry Smirnov  wrote:
> > I had a glimpse at the packaging in the source archive 3.0.69 and I think
> > it needs much more work before it could be uploaded (let alone my
> > objections against introducing MooseFS to Debian). There are too many
> > issues to list...
> Could you enlight me? 'debian' folder looks almost the same in MooseFS and
> LizardFS. What issues are you talking about? Some examples?

Please note that official Debian packaging is quite different from what you 
can find in upstream repository. LizardFS team is not competent with 
packaging and they barely touched it as far as I recall.

Obvious way to improve packaging would be to address Lintian warnings, 
introduce support for Systemd etc. Sorry I don't have time for in-depth 
review and at the moment I have no intention to sponsor MooseFS...

> Believe me or not, but we are very open to change some things in MooseFS.
> As you maybe know we change licence of open source version to GPL and made
> it freely available, so we always try to adapt to community necessities.

That is very nice indeed. Thank you.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
-- Winston Churchill

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Bug#810822: ITP: MooseFS

2016-01-15 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 04:27:06 PM Piotr Robert Konopelko wrote:
> We're already publishing own packages repository
> (
> <>). We would like to make
> MooseFS available directly in Debian! :)

In November 2014 when I was working on introducing LizardFS (a fork of 
MooseFS) to Debian, there were no publicly available source code for MooseFS 
-- no tarballs or source code repository. Later it became possible to request 
MooseFS sources by filling web form and hoping that sources will be sent over 
email. Even though now MooseFS sources can be freely downloaded there are no 
public bug tracker and no public VCS. Lack of VCS means one can not isolate 
(and backport) fixes without great difficulties. 

Moreover only crippled "community edition" of MooseFS is free software as 
MooseFS developers apparently focused on proprietary "PRO" edition.

Debian already have MooseFS' fork -- LizardFS. To my knowledge at the moment 
MooseFS do not offer noticeable advantages over LizardFS while the latter 
seems to have slightly more features.

For quite a while LizardFS is developed with community using public VCS and 
bug tracker (GitHub) as well as Gerrit code review system and continuous 
integration system. LizardFS have more development transparency than MooseFS 
ever had.

I believe that poor governance of MooseFS motivated forking and it appears 
that MooseFS developers still did not learn their lesson.

Based on the above I recommend to refrain from introducing MooseFS to Debian.

Please note that IMHO MooseFS versus LizardFS situation have many 
similarities with MySQL vs. MariaDB situation where poor Oracle's governance 
and focus on proprietary addons discourage community from working with them.
(MySQL is not as bad as MooseFS because MySQL have public bug tracker).

As I object to introduction of MooseFS to Debian I would object to 
introduction of MySQL if MariaDB were already available.

Having both is a burden and non-negligible overhead.

With all due respect to MooseFS's former innovations and legacy I think for 
now it would be best to refrain from debianising MooseFS and re-evaluate 
situation in the future if there will be any development.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the way in which it has
been expressed is unsympathetic to us.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Bug#810853: RFS: moosefs/2.0.83-1 [ITP] -- fault tolerant, reliable, highly available, highly performing, scaling-out network distributed file system

2016-01-15 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 10:44:16 PM Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Jan 12, Piotr Robert Konopelko  wrote:
> > If you loose Master Server, user action is needed: he can run another
> > Master Server e.g. basing on medatada collected on Metalogger (sometadata
> > is *not* lost) or "repair" broken Master Server.
> In other words, the system is not highly available.

In LizardFS master (i.e. metadata) server is not shipped with built-in HA. 
However master daemons are ready for failover -- in case of master server 
failure one just needs to take over master's IP address and reload shadow 
master configuration to promote it to authoritative master. Failover takes 
only few seconds at most. It can be implemented with ucarp, corosync, etc. 
using trivial (or not so trivial) scripts. Proper built-in HA is on the 
LizardFS roadmap.
I suppose MooseFS might be using similar failover mechanism which leaves 
particularities of HA implementation to sysadmin.

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


Truth — Something somehow discreditable to someone.
-- H. L. Mencken, 1949

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#810853: RFS: moosefs/2.0.83-1 [ITP] -- fault tolerant, reliable, highly available, highly performing, scaling-out network distributed file system

2016-01-15 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 09:52:21 PM Piotr Robert Konopelko wrote:
>   I am looking for a sponsor for our team's package - MooseFS

I had a glimpse at the packaging in the source archive 3.0.69 and I think it 
needs much more work before it could be uploaded (let alone my objections 
against introducing MooseFS to Debian). There are too many issues to list...

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the
-- Winston Churchill

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#810853: RFS: moosefs/2.0.83-1 [ITP] -- fault tolerant, reliable, highly available, highly performing, scaling-out network distributed file system

2016-01-15 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 11:52:17 PM Piotr Robert Konopelko wrote:
> Of course I think MooseFS is better,

I'd much appreciate if you could elaborate on details how MooseFS is better.
I could not find anything to support that claim.

> Apart this I don't think, that LizardFS maintainer would "replace"
> LizardFS with MooseFS.

That is correct. However I would replace MooseFS with LizardFS without 

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can
get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or
ignorance can't lead to a good conclusion.
-- Julian Assange, 2010

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#789712: RFS: pylint-celery/0.3-1 [ITP]

2015-06-23 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Daniel,

On Tue, 23 Jun 2015 20:20:34 Daniel Stender wrote:
> I'm seeking for an uploader resp. sponsor of my package of pylint-celery

I'm not sure if I'll be able to sponsor your package but I had a quick look 
and spotted a problem in packaging: it is incorrect to override 
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS from "debian/rules". DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS should be available 
to whoever builds your package to override default behaviour (for example 
disable tests, etc.).
Correct way to disable tests is by using "override_dh_auto_test" where
you can invoke "-dh_auto_test" (that's right, with "minus" character) to run 
tests but continue on their failures. If some tests are meaningful it might be 
useful to run them in order to capture tests output in build logs.

Also I believe the correct name of the license is "GPL-2" instead of 

Finally I have some doubts whether this tiny plugin is worth exposing system-
wide -- if it is only used by Pylint then perhaps it could be installed 
privately? Isn't that what Python team policy says?

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking
our potential.
-- Winston Churchill

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#784854: MIA for "Karolina Kalic "

2015-05-19 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Karolina,

On Mon, 18 May 2015 10:58:08 Karolina Kalic wrote:
> As I can remember, MIA team contacted me a while ago. And I explained
> that I can not continue my work for Debian at the moment. The packages
> should have been orphaned properly after that. I don't know what
> happened. I'm glad that someone wants to continue the work on unico. I
> don't have any objections.

Thanks for your reply. I hope one day you will be able to contribute to Debian 

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


The more false we destroy the more room there will be for the true.
 -- Robert G. Ingersoll, 1902

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#784854: RFS: gtk3-engines-unico/1.0.3+14.04.20140109+repack1-1 [ITA] [RC]

2015-05-17 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Vincent,

On Sun, 17 May 2015 21:36:22 Vincent Cheng wrote:
> I'd argue that the right approach is still to contact the MIA team and
> ask them to investigate and reach out to the supposedly missing
> maintainer. The thing is, either way (MIA team involved, or not) you'd
> usually want to wait an indeterminate amount of time for the old
> maintainer to reply before giving up anyways, so you may as well just
> follow the devref guidelines. The MIA team is fairly active AFAIK, and
> it's just a matter of sending a brief email to to
> get the ball rolling.

No objections from me. :)

I just wanted to mention another approach to friendly takeover for 
unmaintained packages... As I recall it was discussed in debian-devel (and/or 
debian-qa) a while ago and I've seen it in practice. Of course contacting MIA 
team won't hurt. Thanks for reminding about it.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
-- Winston Churchill

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#784854: RFS: gtk3-engines-unico/1.0.3+14.04.20140109+repack1-1 [ITA] [RC]

2015-05-17 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi James,

I'm unable to review your packaging at this time.

On Sun, 17 May 2015 17:13:34 James Lu wrote:
> As for the package truly being orphaned, I assume that the people who
> filed the report already knew what was going on.

No he did not know. #717044 was filed by person who is not a Debian Developer 
and not even Debian Maintainer. Clearly he is not familiar with orphaning 

> The LDAP database
> didn't find anything for Karolina Kalic or,

This is expected as she is also not a Debian Developer. Database is only for 
official members of Debian project and it does not list all contributors.

However there is some scarce information here:

> and the
> package has been orphaned for almost 2 years now. Two of their packages
> appear to have new maintainers already
> <>
> (curtain and spotlighter).

It looks like she did not do anything about "critical" bug #706330
since 2013-07-17 which IMHO justifies takeover because she is obviously not 
active or at least appears to be not on top of her maintainer's duties...

I would assign ITA bug to the package, express my intention to take over to 
the bug and to current maintainer, wait for some time and eventually proceed 
with upload (provided that everything is OK with packaging and there are no 
objections from maintainer). 

> Either way, I'll Cc them on this conversation now. I'm not sure what has
> been done already, and what still has to be done.


 Dmitry Smirnov.


Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.
-- H. L. Mencken

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#784854: RFS: gtk3-engines-unico/1.0.3+14.04.20140109+repack1-1 [ITA] [RC]

2015-05-09 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Sat, 9 May 2015 19:19:22 James Lu wrote:
> Hi,
> > Did you try removing symlink from "debian/clean" file?
> debian/clean? I don't see that mentioned anywhere in the New Maintainers
> guide <>.

It is a part of debhelper suite. See dh_clean(1).

> > What does it have to do with quilt?
> I was trying to use a quilt patch to replace the symlink with a copy of
> the regular file, but that didn't work. I don't know what the regular
> practice is for situations like this.

I did not look into your packaging but why not just ignore symlink and install 
original file? Or replace symlink from override_dh_install? Repacking orig.tar 
to drop symlink in unnecessary...

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Not a lack of belief, but adherence to false knowledge is the enemy of
progress. And certain that we have found everything worth searching for,
we see no point in further search and inquiry. Believing what is
unworthy of belief, believing falsehood as if it were incontrovertible
truth, and sure that we know everything we will ever need to know, we
are worse than ignorant.
-- Chester Dolan, "Blind Faith"

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#784854: RFS: gtk3-engines-unico/1.0.3+14.04.20140109+repack1-1 [ITA] [RC]

2015-05-09 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Sat, 9 May 2015 09:04:39 James Lu wrote:
> One small note: the tarball was repacked in order to remove the INSTALL
> symlink, which quilt didn't seem to handle properly (it just reported no
> files changed).

Did you try removing symlink from "debian/clean" file? Wouldn't it be easier 
than repacking? What does it have to do with quilt? Thanks.

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#781927: RFS: qemuctl - control gui for qemu / 0.3.1-4 [ITA]

2015-04-04 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Antti,

On Sun, 5 Apr 2015 03:05:23 Antti Järvinen wrote:
>   I am looking for a sponsor for package "qemuctl"

Ideally to adopt package you need to change more than just declare yourself as 
maintainer for first upload. Fix a bug maybe or improve something.

Also if you have access to collab-maint it may be better to put packaging 
repository to our infrastructure.

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


The persistence of erroneous beliefs exacerbates the widespread
anachronistic failure to recognize the urgent problems that face
humanity on this planet.
-- Murray Gell-Mann, "Quark and the Jaguar"

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#781622: RFS: opentyrian/2.1.20130907-1 [ITP]

2015-04-02 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Thu, 2 Apr 2015 09:05:50 Etienne Millon wrote:
> > Nice. But I meant to use all those headers (except for Applied-Upstream
> > which I use ocassionally).
> Oh, I see. I added them.


> Thanks for the heads-up on the new way of repacking. Files-Excluded
> makes it real easy indeed.

If you ever need more advanced repacking (e.g. not just removing files but 
changing something in the archive) or generating orig.tag from checkout there 
is a wiki page with samples of how to do that:

> Done, repushed, reuploaded!

Awesome, I'll have a look soon. Thanks.

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking
our potential.
-- Winston Churchill

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Self-maintained Debian packages best practice

2015-04-01 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Mon, 1 Dec 2014 10:27:52 Paul Wise wrote:
> Personally I prefer to separate packaging from upstream development
> because they are two different things. When I use a VCS for packaging
> it contains only the debian/ directory.

This is how I like to handle Debian packaging in git as well.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


If you travel the earth, you will find it is largely divided into two
classes of people - people who say "I wonder why such and such is not done"
and people who say "Now who is going to prevent me from doing that thing?"
-- Winston Churchill

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#781622: RFS: opentyrian/2.1.20130907-1 [ITP]

2015-04-01 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wed, 1 Apr 2015 09:20:34 Etienne Millon wrote:
> I refreshed this, forwarded two patches and picked the upstream
> version of one.

Nice. But I meant to use all those headers (except for Applied-Upstream which 
I use ocassionally).

> I'm not too familiar with how icons work, so I've installed them as
> /usr/share/icons/hicolor/NxN/apps/opentyrian.png. Is that correct?

Yes it is correct. Thanks for installing all icons nicely.

> >   * Re-distribution of pre-built binary "macosx/tyrian.icns" in
> >   source archive may be a bit of concern.
> It's being removed in the next release:

That's good but let's repack orig.tar to remove this file unless you want to 
wait till next release. Ftp-masterd do not like blobs and I'm not sure if they 
will be willing to tolerate this particular one. Better not take chances and 
not waste their time.

Repacking is easy:

 * changelog: change version to "2.1.20130907+dfsg-1"

 * copyright: add "Files-Excluded: macosx/tyrian.icns" to top section (under 

 * watch: add

opts=repacksuffix=+dfsg,dversionmangle=s{\+dfsg\d*}{} \

before URL.

and get repacked orig.tar using `uscan`.

Speaking about watch file I recommend to extend regex to match other types of 
archives, something like 


Too many times I've seen new releases not noticed because upstream changed tar 

> >   * There is a comma "," which is not present in the original copyright
> > 
> > statement after copyright year in
> > 
> > 
> > Files: ./src/video_scale_hqNx.c
> > Copyright: 2003, MaxSt ( )
> > 
> > 
> > IMHO it should be just "2003", not "2003,".
> > Other than this "debian/copyright" looks good.
> Indeed, fixed that.

Thanks. I think same issue exists in copyright of Andrea Mazzoleni.
Could you fix it too please?

I'll have a look again once those changes are done and hopefully we'll upload 

 Dmitry Smirnov.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#781622: RFS: opentyrian/2.1.20130907-1 [ITP]

2015-04-01 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wed, 1 Apr 2015 20:38:30 Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
> Hmm, how about doing it gnu-make-style?

Just kidding, your way is OK, just please pass 
"--mode=644 --preserve-timestamps" to install (taking care of reproducible 
build etc.). Also you can replace `mkdir` with `-D` option to `install`.

 Dmitry Smirnov.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#781622: RFS: opentyrian/2.1.20130907-1 [ITP]

2015-04-01 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wed, 1 Apr 2015 10:19:15 Alexandre Detiste wrote:
> I fixed the icon location.
> for size in 22 24 32 48 128 ; do \
> - mkdir -p usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps ;\
> - install linux/icons/tyrian-$${size}.png
> usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps/opentyrian.png ;\
> + mkdir -p debian/opentyrian/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps
> ;\ + install linux/icons/tyrian-$${size}.png
> debian/opentyrian/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps/opentyrian.
> png ;\
> done

Hmm, how about doing it gnu-make-style?

$(MAKE) release

ICONS=22 24 32 48 128
install --verbose --mode=644 --preserve-timestamps -D \
$(CURDIR)/linux/icons/tyrian-$@.png \


override_dh_install: $(ICONS)

Please note that in make files "make" is usually spelled as "$(MAKE)".

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Perhaps is is better to be irresponsible and right, than to be responsible
and wrong.
-- Winston Churchill

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#781622: RFS: opentyrian/2.1.20130907-1 [ITP]

2015-03-31 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 31 Mar 2015 19:35:12 Etienne Millon wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "opentyrian"

That is very nice. I was looking forward to see opentyrian in Debian for a 
while. Thanks for packaging.

> I'm happy to hear your remarks about this package.

First thing to improve is to add more DEP-3 [1] headers to patches.
Specifically the following (missing) headers would be useful:


Working with upstream is important part of package maintenance.
From looking at patch headers I need to see whether it was Forwarded,
when Last-Update happened, where patch was taken from (Origin, if it was 
borrowed from upstream or from another distro) and sometimes Applied-Upstream 

If you did not forward patches yet I'd recommend to wait no further and 
document progress as described.

Also there are some remarks about packaging:

  * There should be versioned Depends on "game-data-packager" which actually 
support "tyrian-data" (i.e. "tyrian-data | game-data-packager (>= 40)").

  * Package should install icon (there are some in "linux/icons). Icon is 
referenced from installed .desktop file.

  * Repository do not match package uploaded to Mentors. There are differences 
in "control" (Standards-Version) and in README.Debian.

  * Why not enable full hardening?
(e.g. "export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all")

  * Re-distribution of pre-built binary "macosx/tyrian.icns" in source archive 
may be a bit of concern.

  * There is a comma "," which is not present in the original copyright 
statement after copyright year in 

Files: ./src/video_scale_hqNx.c
Copyright: 2003, MaxSt ( )

IMHO it should be just "2003", not "2003,".
Other than this "debian/copyright" looks good.

> Also, please note
> that I'm a Debian Maintainer, so once this clears NEW I'm interested
> in uploading the next revisions myself. Thanks!

Great attitude. :)


 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride
it, but in the end; there it is.
-- Winston Churchill

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#754202: Gamera/3.4.1-1

2014-07-22 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:21:35 Jakub Wilk wrote:
> As the bug says, there is no wxPython 3.0 in Debian yet...

True, but the following bug was just filed:

transition: wxpython3.0

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#754202: Gamera/3.4.1-1

2014-07-13 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Daniel,

I'm not sure if I have enough time to familiarise myself with the package to 
sponsor it but I had a quick look so here is my feedback and improvement 

Although debian/copyright is almost comprehensive it still misses some 
organisations, notably "2007 INRIA" (AKA Dolphin?), "2006 LIFL" (AKA OPAC?). 
Worth to clarify.

Besides copyright file feels not very human-readable and therefore it is hard 
to review. I understand the effort that will be necessary but I still hope 
that eventually (when convenient) the following improvements can be made:

 * Sorting (please alphabetise copyright holders)
 * Padding with spaces (to make lists appears more like tables i.e. add spaces 
between copyright year and name if necessary to make all names begin from the 
same column). This will increase readability.
 * Ideally it will be nice to have contact emails listed as well. Many of them 
can be harvested from source files.
 * I prefer to be more precise regarding years of copyright so I would remove 
trailing commas after copyright years. When year of copyright written like 
"2007," it may create wrong impression that person is still actively 
contributing which is not true on many occasions. I believe it is better to 
write "2007-2011" and never use ambiguous trailing commas.

I've noticed that package is not using dh_python2. I do not have enough 
experience with Python to say whether it is a good or bad thing. I also think 
that package could use more debhelper functionality. This is not a problem but 
I'd prefer someone (other than me) who have more Python experience to review 
and upload. Hopefully someone from Python team could help?

Gamera_gui exposes its modules globally which may be unnecessary. I understand 
that according to Python policy it is desirable to install application's 
modules privately. In that sense "python-gamera" obviously should be exposed 
in global name space but "gamera-gui" may be better to hide its modules.

`cme check dpkg-control` (from "libconfig-model-dpkg-perl") reported 
unnecessary versioned dependencies. This is the opportunity to clean 

Finally my biggest concern is new dependency on wxwidgets2.8.
There is on-going transition to wxwidgets3.0:

So if I understand situation properly your package will be blocking this 
transition (if uploaded as is) and therefore it will be affected by yet-to-be-
filed "serious" bug. IMHO it will be ideal to migrate to wxwidgets3.0 before 

 Dmitry Smirnov.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#732084: RFS: slowhttptest/1.6-1 [ITP] -- Application layer Denial of Service attacks simulation tool

2013-12-14 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Sun, 15 Dec 2013 14:38:48 Prach Pongpanich wrote:
> It's missing '/gitweb' in Vcs-Browser field.

Yeah, well spotted, it is a broken URL indeed. It should be 


All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov.

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Bug#732084: RFS: slowhttptest/1.6-1 [ITP] -- Application layer Denial of Service attacks simulation tool

2013-12-14 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Neutron,

On Sat, 14 Dec 2013 05:30:51 Neutron Soutmun wrote:
>   I am looking for a sponsor for my package "slowhttptest"

Nice, thank you for your work. :)

I hope you'll forgive me for pedantic nitpicking but let's fix the
following minor issues before we upload:

 * Standards 3.9.4 (expected current version 3.9.5).

 * Needless versioned Build-Depends on debhelper (this exact version
   is in "stable"). Besides is there are any features of this
   particular version is in use?

 * Short package description starts with capital letter (lowercase
   would be better).


 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Gitorious and debian/watch file

2013-11-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:38:22 Bart Martens wrote:
> I suggest to use this :
>   |  version=3
>   |  opts=filenamemangle=s/\S*download=//g \
>   |  
>  \
>   |  
> .*=osmctools(?:[_\-]v?|)(\d[^\s/]*)\.(?:tar\.xz|txz|tar\.bz2|tbz2|tar\.gz|tgz)

Thanks Bart, it works perfectly. I owe you for this advise.

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Bug#714947: RFS: djvusmooth/0.2.14-1 -- graphical editor for DjVu

2013-07-05 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Fri, 5 Jul 2013 21:02:40 Daniel Stender wrote:
> Removed the unecessary deps. Great pointer to cme!

Thanks. :) 

Sorry but I have to ask you to correct corresponding changelog entry:

+ removed unnecessary deps (python-all, djvulibre-bin, python-djvu).

Clearly it says that you dropped three packages from depends while you
merely removed obsolete versioning... Could you re-phrase it please?
That's my only concern -- otherwise I'm ready to upload.

Also latest changes not yet committed to repository, right?

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Bug#714947: RFS: djvusmooth/0.2.14-1 -- graphical editor for DjVu

2013-07-04 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Daniel,

I found only few pedantic issues... :)

`cme check dpkg-control` report the following unnecessary versioned

 * python-all (>= 2.6.6-3~)
   Debian has squeeze -> 2.6.6-3+squeeze7; wheezy -> 2.7.3-4; jessie -> 
2.7.5-2; sid -> 2.7.5-2;
 * djvulibre-bin (>= 3.5.20-5~)
   Debian has squeeze -> 3.5.23-3; wheezy ->; jessie ->; 
sid ->;
 * python-djvu (>= 0.1.15)
   Debian has squeeze -> 0.1.18-2; wheezy -> 0.3.9-1; jessie -> 0.3.9-1; sid -> 
0.3.9-1; sid -> 0.3.9-1+b1;

This time let's remove them before upload please.

On Fri, 5 Jul 2013 01:08:20 Daniel Stender wrote:
>   * Bumped Debhelper level to 8 (deb/control and compat).

Why only to level 8? Current recommended level is 9 and even if you're
backporting to squeeze-backports debhelper 9 is there.
Any particular reason to stay on compat=8?

I know Arch:all packages benefit little from upgrade from dh-8 to dh-9
but personally I would upgrade for the sake of staying
up-to-date. IMHO there are less caveats if you maintain all/most of
your packages in same DH compatibility level...

Another improvement idea might be to use upstream .desktop file from
"extra/". There are few differences from .desktop file in "debian/"
and perhaps they could be merged with patch. Usually it is better to
use upstream files when possible as it help to track changes and share
our improvements as well as reduce duplication.

Please advise if you want to address any of the above issues before
upload. Thanks.

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Bug#714144: RFS: didjvu/0.2.7-1 -- DjVu encoder (python-apps)

2013-07-01 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Daniel,

Wouldn't it be better to add "python-libxmp" to Build-Depends to allow
all post-build tests to run?

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B

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Bug#712056: RFS: scantailor [ITP] -- interactive post-processing tool for scanned document pages

2013-06-20 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Daniel,

One more thing: please install desktop icon. At the moment it is
mentioned in .desktop file but not yet shipped by the package.


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Bug#712056: RFS: scantailor [ITP] -- interactive post-processing tool for scanned document pages

2013-06-19 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your recent corrections. Just few more left to do and I'll
upload for you.

 * When I mentioned "unnecessary versioned dependencies" I meant that
   versioning is unnecessary and safe to drop. There is no point
   writing "cmake (>= 2.8.2+dfsg.1-0+squeeze1)" when just "cmake" is
   enough because cmake in oldstable is above minimum requirement.
   Same applies to "libqt4-dev".

 * Short package description should start with lowercase letter.


 * Upstream uses two emails in source files:

 Joseph Artsimovich 
 Joseph Artsimovich 

   The latter statement appears to be older (it is often accompanied
   by years 2007-2008 and one would hardly use this horrible russian
   email service while having account at gmail).

   I would at least mention first statement (i.e. contact email) in
   Upstream-Contact or even include both statement to copyright
   paragraph as it would be speculative to decide which statement is
   more important/valid.

 * The following copyright holders are not listed in debian/copyright:

Vadim Kuznetsov ()DikBSD 
2011 Petr Kovar 
 * "Based on code from the GIMP project" is not a copyright statement
   so perhaps it's better to move it to Comment section. Then it would
   become obvious that word "Copyright" is used twice in the

 * At least one file in "packaging/osx" is under BOOST license. Also
   file "ScanTailor.icns" is a (sourceless?) binary file...

 * "License: PD" perhaps is better written as
 "License: public-domain".
   For files in Public-Domain copyright is not applicable so it is
   better to write "Copyright: not-applicable" but mention origin of
   files (i.e. Tango project and URL) in Comment field.

 * One of the man pages is written by "Artem Popov "
   but that's not how his name is written in debian/copyright. It is
   always safer to use original statement as written by author without
   unnecessary translation of person's name to native characters even
   if it is done correctly.

 * Generated man page is not removed on clean.

Probably you don't need this reminder but when convenient please
forward patch and man pages to upstream.

Thanks for your patience. Correcting the above issues will increase
our chances to pass ftp-master's review.

 Dmitry Smirnov.

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Bug#712056: RFS: scantailor [ITP] -- interactive post-processing tool for scanned document pages

2013-06-19 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 03:25:05 Daniel Stender wrote:
> 1) buildflags.patch / build type
> First of all, the patch works fine. Actually, after removing the
> forced variable overrides Cmake recognizes already the standard
> environment build flags.

Great, thanks for checking. :)

> I've came across that Debhelper 20130504 was set to always switch to
> RelWithDebInfo build type (#701233), which yes puts -DNDEBUG into
> building on current Sid (Debhelper 20130605) - are there different
> opinions on that issue?

It is great than debhelper became better with cmake. From my past
experience with cmake I might be a bit traumatised by weird upstream
scripts that strip executables in "Release" mode. However explicitly
passing build type may be advantages in some cases. It does not hide
logic and allows to set proper corresponding CMAKE variables that are
specific to build type. Concerning backportability it would be even
preferable to explicitly set build type to produce reliable and
predictable build results.

For "scantailor" I have no preference and leave decision to maintainer.

> 2) hardening of scantailor-cli
> As another issue remains that scantailor-cli still doesn't got fortified:
> $ hardening-check scantailor-cli

As far as I'm aware `hardening-check` might produce incorrect
results. When I check build logs with `blhc` it prints no warnings
whatsoever which is an evidence that all executables compiled will
hardening flags so IMHO we're all good here.

Here is another minor improvement suggestion: there are some
unnecessary versioned build-dependencies on

 *  "cmake (>= 2.6.0)": oldest is 2.8.2+dfsg.1-0+squeeze1
 *  "libqt4-dev (>= 4.4.0)": oldest is 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1

Also I'd set source archive and .DEB files compression to xz:

Source compression can be set in "debian/source/options" by adding

compression = "xz"

.DEB file compression can be set in "debian/rules" by adding

 dh_builddeb -- -Zxz

I'll have yet another look at the package tonight.


 Dmitry Smirnov.

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Bug#712056: RFS: scantailor [ITP] -- interactive post-processing tool for scanned document pages

2013-06-19 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 18 Jun 2013 23:15:23 Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> Technically RelWithDebInfo should not be used anymore with cmake from sid:
> It now appends -DNDEBUG ... see #701231 for more info
Interesting, thanks for this information. I'm just wondering if
"should not" is a little bit too strong to express new recommended
practice... If package builds according to expectations with
"RelWithDebInfo" then perhaps it might be safe to keep as is...

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity.

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Bug#712056: RFS: scantailor [ITP] -- interactive post-processing tool for scanned document pages

2013-06-17 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 21:15:09 Daniel Stender wrote:
> As a matter of fact, the CXX_BUILDFLAGS are recognized after a 2nd cmake run:

Interesting... I found another post discussing similar bug:
Although I don't have good understanding of how it works, using the
above information I was able to produce patch (attached) that fixes
incorrect FLAGS override. I tested it and it looks like no build flags
are dropped any more. I would appreciate if you could review the patch
and apply it if appropriate.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Platitude: an idea (a) that is admitted to be true by everyone, and (b)
that is not true.
-- H. L. Mencken

Last-Update: 2013-06-18
Forwarded: no
Author: Dmitry Smirnov 
Description: fix FLAGS override due to incorrect caching
 Read more about similar issue at

--- a/cmake/SetDefaultGccFlags.cmake
+++ b/cmake/SetDefaultGccFlags.cmake
@@ -53,80 +53,80 @@
 			# Flags common for all build configurations.
 "-Wall -Wno-unused -ffast-math ${no_inline_dllexport_cflags_}"
-CACHE STRING "Common C flags for all build configurations." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "Common C flags for all build configurations."
 CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${stdlibs_shared_static_}"
-CACHE STRING "Common C++ flags for all build configurations." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "Common C++ flags for all build configurations."
 			# Release
 "-DNDEBUG -O2 ${visibility_cflags_} ${gc_sections_cflags_}"
-CACHE STRING "C flags for Release builds." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "C flags for Release builds."
 "-DNDEBUG -O2 ${visibility_cflags_} ${gc_sections_cflags_}"
-CACHE STRING "C++ flags for Release builds." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "C++ flags for Release builds."
 "${gc_sections_ldflags_} ${dead_strip_ldflags_}"
-CACHE STRING "Link flags for Release builds." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "Link flags for Release builds."
 			# MinSizeRel
 "-DNDEBUG -Os ${visibility_cflags_} ${gc_sections_cflags_}"
-CACHE STRING "C flags for MinSizeRel builds." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "C flags for MinSizeRel builds."
 "-DNDEBUG -Os ${visibility_cflags_} ${gc_sections_cflags_}"
-CACHE STRING "C++ flags for MinSizeRel builds." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "C++ flags for MinSizeRel builds."
 "${gc_sections_ldflags_} ${dead_strip_ldflags_}"
-CACHE STRING "Link flags for MinSizeRel builds." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "Link flags for MinSizeRel builds."
 			# RelWithDebInfo
 "-DNDEBUG -g -O2 ${visibility_cflags_}"
-CACHE STRING "C flags for RelWithDebInfo builds." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "C flags for RelWithDebInfo builds."
-"-DNDEBUG -g -O2 ${visibility_cflags_}"
-CACHE STRING "C++ flags for RelWithDebInfo builds." FORCE
+"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO} -DNDEBUG -g -O2 ${visibility_cflags_}"
+CACHE STRING "C++ flags for RelWithDebInfo builds."
-CACHE STRING "Link flags for RelWithDebInfo builds." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "Link flags for RelWithDebInfo builds."
 			# Debug
-"C flags for Debug builds." FORCE
+"C flags for Debug builds."
-"C++ flags for Debug builds." FORCE
+"C++ flags for Debug builds."
-CACHE STRING "Link flags for Debug builds." FORCE
+CACHE STRING "Link flags for Debug builds."
--- a/cmake/SetDefaultBuildType.cmake
+++ b/cmake/SetDefaultBuildType.cmake
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-			"Build type (Release Debug RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel)" FORCE
+			"Build type (Release Debug RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel)"

Bug#712056: RFS: scantailor [ITP] -- interactive post-processing tool for scanned document pages

2013-06-15 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Daniel,

On Sun, 16 Jun 2013 01:16:30 Daniel Stender wrote:
> 3) buildflags
> But Scantailor gets compiled w/o any customization

That's because upstream drop/override given CXXFLAGS (which is a
bug). :)

I'm not experienced with cmake but perhaps first attempt to fix this
problem might look like the following patch:

--- a/cmake/SetDefaultGccFlags.cmake
+++ b/cmake/SetDefaultGccFlags.cmake
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@
CACHE STRING "C flags for RelWithDebInfo 
builds." FORCE
-   "-DNDEBUG -g -O2 ${visibility_cflags_}"
-g -O2 ${visibility_cflags_}"
CACHE STRING "C++ flags for RelWithDebInfo 
builds." FORCE

There are might be better ways to preserve flags and I'm not sure if I
did it properly. Also CFLAGS might need similar workaround (I didn't

> Anyway, the custom linker flags got passed through!

Good. :)

> I've experimented around, e.g. dropping the build type switch, but couldn't 
> got a clue why this
> isn't working that way, is it?

Build type is better to leave as "RELWITHDEBINFO". This might be
useful if you decide to provide -dbg package or just to (re-)build
with debugging info with command like

`DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nostrip" debuild -us -b`

> For recent changes, please cf.: 

Sure, I'll have a look in few days (as soon as I have time). Hopefully
it will be ready for upload by then. ;)

> Mucht thanks also for the other comments!

No worries, you're very welcome. :)

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B

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Bug#712056: RFS: scantailor [ITP] -- interactive post-processing tool for scanned document pages

2013-06-12 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for packaging "scantailor".

I had a brief look at the package and IMHO it needs a little bit more
work before we'll be able to upload it.

 * buildflags.patch is incorrect because it is hardcoding FLAGS.
   To make it useful upstream you could modify cmake to avoid
   overriding CXXFLAGS and then pass build flags like in the following

dh_auto_configure -- \

   Also perhaps more DEP-3 headers like [Forwarded,Last-Update] may be

 * Passing build flags requires more work as there are still some
   FLAGS missing, according to `blhc`:

   CXXFLAGS missing (-fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat 

 * I: scantailor: unused-override hardening-no-fortify-functions 

 * Please do not override "no-upstream-changelog". Lack of upstream
   changelog is a genuine (minor) problem isn't it? Silencing
   legitimate warnings is not a good idea, especially when you do it
   without corresponding comment about why the warning was suppressed
   in lintian-overrides.

 * regarding copyright, notation "Files: ./crash_reporter/google-breakpad/*"
   is a bit strange as there is no need to prefix file paths with "./"

   * In "Copyright: 2006-2008 Google Inc." paragraph license "other"
 is incorrect -- it is a "BSD-2-clause" license.

   * In "Copyright: 2005-2007 Paul Hsieh" paragraph license "other" is
 incorrect -- it looks like modified "BSD-3-clause" license, so
     perhaps it might be better to mark it something like
 "BSD-3-clause(modified)" and/or add a comment.

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


No person, no idea, and no religion deserves to be illegal to insult,
not even the Church of Emacs.
-- Richard Stallman

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#706361: gti review

2013-05-23 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hello Felix,

Thank you for your corrections. We're almost there, but I hope that
few more pedantic issues could be fixed... :)

> I take it it is not customary to provide overrides for "pedantic"
> warnings?

You can do it and on some occasions I overridden some pedantic
warnings to acknowledge that I've had a look at it and no further
action is necessary. I found overrides useful with maintaining many
packages where I tend to forget whenever I already dealt with the
warning in particular package.

But it is important to recognise unnecessary overrides such as those
that tell you about problems that can be addressed by you or by
upstream developer(s). It is not good to silence such warnings so the
best would be to keep them as reminders however unimportant they may

"No upstream changelog" can remind you to include changelog if/when
upstream decide to add it or it may be a reminder to suggest upstream
to ship it. Also you may choose to generate changelog if you produce
orig.tar from repository checkout. Perhaps there is no reason to
silence this particular warning if upstream changelog is not

> > License name "MIT" is incorrect even though upstream may refer to this
> > license as such. "MIT" is considered ambiguous by the Free Software
> > Foundation.
> Yes, I saw that, which is why I included the full license text. I assumed
> that would disambiguate it. Does the "ambiguous" designation mean that the
> name "MIT" should simply not be used? I have changed it to "MIT Old Style".

I think you can use "MIT" to refer to new MIT license text but perhaps
it would be better to call it "Expat" as advised in
copyright-format-specification-1.0: "There are many versions of the
MIT license. Please use Expat instead, when it matches".

Please do not use spaces in short license name -- see examples in
copyright-format-1.0 specification which clearly state that "License
names are case-insensitive, and may not contain spaces". Remember I
suggested to use "MIT-old-style" not "MIT Old Style"? ;)

> > Specifically I think it is a good practice to maintain "Forwarded" and
> > "Last-Update" headers.
> All patches now have these.

Thanks. As for usage of "Forwarded" field it is unusual to leave it
empty.  When your patch have only debian customisation and not useful
for upstream just use "Forwarded: not-needed" and you can skip long
explanation (in description) why and how this patch is not useful for

> Again, thank you for your review. I appreciate all the information you've
> shared, and I think the package is much improved after these changes.

Thank you, it's been a pleasure to help. :)

I checked updated version and to my taste the car is still moving too
fast. Of course this is not a problem, just feedback.

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


I hate all sports as rabidly as a person who likes sports hates common
-- H. L. Mencken

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Re: Bug#706361: gti review

2013-05-01 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wed, 1 May 2013 18:42:19 Charles Plessy wrote:
> to be comprehensive, there are also the Software Package Data Exchange
> project and the Open Source Initiative which both agree on a reference
> MIT license:
> So if it matches the above, it may be fair to call it "MIT" if Upstream calls
> it "MIT".

Interesting, thanks.

> In the case of gti, the license does not match the text of the MIT or Expat
> license, therefore it is better to use an arbitrary short name.  Something 
> like
> "gti", or "MIT-like" (as Upstream calls it), etc. would be enough.

The following page
refers to the text of this license as "MIT Old Style" therefore I
suggested to label it as "MIT-old-style" exactly because it's not a
new MIT license (AKA Expat).

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B

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Bug#706361: gti review

2013-05-01 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Dear Felix,

Thanks for packaging this funny software. :)

Isn't the animation is a little too fast? I can hardly recognise the
animated car and it's certainly moves faster than animated train in

I had a look at your package and I'd like to share some suggestions
with you:

There is unnecessary lintian-override for "no-upstream-changelog".
Please remove it. It may be a reminder to generate upstream changelog
if you're producing orig.tar from checkout.

By the way why you didn't forward man page upstream yet?

Package version looks a little bit unconventional. Although it's not a
problem I would suggest to use just version "1.0.4-1" and backport
patches from unreleased upstream commits if necessary. If you don't
want to use upstream tarball releases as is then please provide
get-orig-source target in debian/rules to generate upstream tarball
from checkout.

Perhaps the easiest solution would be to use upstream tarball as is.

## debian/watch

As it is debian/watch could be fine for package version "1.0.4-1".

However it is broken for version "1.0.4+git.20130416.8b0819d-1" which
requires "dversionmangle". Otherwise `uscan` can't download orig.tar.

## debian/rules 

debian/rules contains unnecessary comments (dm-make template
remnants?) -- please consider removing 'em.

Also you might add

dh_builddeb -- -Zxz

To save some space you might want to compress .deb file with xz
instead of gz. To use xz compression for Debian source you can also

   compression = "xz"

to debian/source/options.

## debian/copyright

License name "MIT" is incorrect even though upstream may refer to this
license as such. "MIT" is considered ambiguous by the Free Software
Foundation. copyright-format-1.0 specification recommends to label
newer MIT license as "Expat" however this is an older variant so it
would be better called "MIT-old-style" or similar. See

## debian/control

Priority "extra" is probably better changed to "optional" as per

IMHO "Suggests: sl" is incorrect because it suggests unrelated package.
I would replace it with "Enhances: git".

Versioned build-depends on "dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1~)" is unnecessary and
may be completely dropped.

## Patches

Please follow Patch Tagging Guidelines:

Specifically I think it is a good practice to maintain "Forwarded" and
"Last-Update" headers.

Perhaps it would be

Forwarded: non-needed


"fix-makefile-add-dpkg-buildflags.patch" it is done wrong. I
would rename it and modify to respect build flags but without
including file provided my dpkg. This way your improvement will be
usable for upstream and will have to be forwarded.

debhelper 9 in compat 9 mode automatically export build flags which
makes unnecessary to include "/usr/share/dpkg/" or set
"DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS" as we used to do with dh 8 to import
hardening flags.

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just
enough money not to quit
-- George Carlin

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Bug#700233: Subject: RFS: libre-jigsaw/2012.09.09-1 [ITP]

2013-02-10 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 12:50:47 Jon Hulka wrote:
> > there are decent jigsaw puzzle games in Debian: "palapeli", "xjig" and
> others.
> > I'm not that impressed with "libre-jigsaw" but the images are truly nice.
> I know I'm biased, but I didn't find these to be very playable.

Did you have a good look?

Clearly palapely is very playable because you can zoom-in/zoom-out, scroll  
and easily connect pieces together while in libre-jigsaw pieces are snapping 
together only after annoying precision-work.
Besides pieces are looking better in palepeli.

To appreciate xjig you need a little bit more patience: it is mostly 
controlled by command line and parhaps lacking some GUI to choose an image but 
it's gameplay is rich, unique and challenging because pieces can be flipped 
over as well as rotated.

I might be overly critical to libre-jigsaw but its interface do not appears 
very impressive to me...

> > By the way what's the point installing that many (14) icons to
> > "/usr/share/icons/hicolor"? Is it really necessary?
> Probably not - I'm learning.

Thank you for your effort. It is appreciated despite some criticism that you 
may feel. :)

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B

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Re: Bug#700233: Subject: RFS: libre-jigsaw/2012.09.09-1 [ITP]

2013-02-10 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Jon,

On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 22:10:08 Jon Hulka wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "libre-jigsaw". As the name
> implies, this is a jigsaw puzzle game. Currently there is nothing like it
> in the Debian repositories, and I think it will be a good addition to
> Debian games.

As I mentioned in

there are decent jigsaw puzzle games in Debian: "palapeli", "xjig" and others.
I'm not that impressed with "libre-jigsaw" but the images are truly nice.

Perhaps the best would be to package images separately as a standalone source 
package to benefit other jigsaw puzzle games as well as any other use such as 
desktop backgrounds etc. In this case package description shall be neutral 
i.e. it doesn't have to mention "libre-jigsaw".

The game packaging shall be improved. Paul already stressed the main points of 
importance but also you may consider

 * using "javahelper".

 * to use up-to-date Standards (debian/control)

 * use xz compression for source and binaries.

 * tracking packaging in publicly accessible VCS.

By the way what's the point installing that many (14) icons to  
"/usr/share/icons/hicolor"? Is it really necessary?

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity.

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Bug#696385: RFS: astromenace/1.3.1+ds-1 [ITP] -- hardcore 3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities

2012-12-25 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 25 Dec 2012 21:06:54 Boris Pek wrote:
> > - Since you use xz compression, please consider adding Pre-Depends:
> > dpkg (>= 1.15.6) to debian/control (i.e. lintian tag
> > data.tar.xz-member-without-dpkg-pre-depends, which I think has been
> > recently removed).
> Yes, I am aware of this lintian note, but I ignore it because:
> 1) It is useless for new packages.
> 2) "Pre-Depends should be used sparingly, preferably only by packages whose
> premature upgrade or installation would hamper the ability of the
> system to continue with any upgrade that might be in progress.
> You should not specify a Pre-Depends entry for a package before this
> has been discussed on the debian-devel mailing list and a consensus about
> doing that has been reached." [1]
> [1]

Perhaps it was me who ignored this lintian warning first. :)
This warning doesn't make sense for Debain any more.
I completely agree with Boris on this. 

> > - Dmitry Smirnov is listed as an Uploader for astromenace but not for
> > astromenace-data; is this intended?
> I am not sure that he want to co-maintain it. But he could add or remove
> himself from uploaders list at any moment. Dmitry, could you comment this?

Boris picked up the packaging where I left it. In the beginning both packages 
[astromenace,astromenace-data] were generated from single source. It was good 
enough as proof of concept. I was not following on development since Boris 
continued it but I trust Boris and I'm sure he knows what he is doing. :)

As the moment I have other priorities so I can't co-maintain astromenace-data 
yet. I'd probably stay a bit longer as astromenace uploader until I decide 
whenever remove or add myself as uploader of astromenace-data. 

Thanks, Boris.
Thanks Vincent.


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Bug#688185: RFS: winswitch/0.12.16+svn20120916-1

2012-09-19 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: wishlist

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my new package "winswitch".

* Package name: winswitch
  Version : 0.12.16+svn20120916-1
  Upstream Author : Antoine Martin 
* URL :
* License : GPL-3+
  Section : utils
  Description : tool to start and control remote sessions
supports both seamless applications (via Xpra, NX and ssh)
and full remote desktops (via NX, VNC, RDP).
Once a session has been started via winswitch,
it can be displayed on any other networked machine running
the winswitch client.

It builds the following binary package:

  winswitch  - tool to start and control remote sessions

To access further information about this package, please visit:

Source package is available from:

Thank you.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#688184: RFS: redmine-plugin-markdown/2.0.1+git20120821-1

2012-09-19 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: wishlist

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my new package "redmine-plugin-markdown"

 * Package name: redmine-plugin-markdown
   Version : 2.0.1+git20120821-1
   Upstream Author : Takashi Okamoto 
 * URL :
 * License : GPL-2+
   Section : web
   Description : Introduce Markdown support for Wiki in Redmine using 
 Redcarpet is extremely fast and compatible Markdown
 formatter which is used as GitHub's wiki formatter.

It builds the following binary package:

  redmine-plugin-markdown - Redmine plugin to add Markdown as a wiki format

To access further information about this package, please visit:

Source package is available from

Thank you.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#688111: RFS: git2cl/2.0+git200808271242-2

2012-09-19 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 00:10:31 Arno Töll wrote:
> I didn't look at your package, but at a first glimpse while looking
> through my mailbox, this came to my attention: Yesterday a new policy
> version was released, making this standards version outdated.

I thought I'd have more time to absorb policy changes. :)

Updated to 3.9.4, thanks.


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Bug#688111: RFS: git2cl/2.0+git200808271242-2

2012-09-19 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

Please consider uploading updated version of "git2cl" package.

Changelog as follows:

git2cl (2.0+git200808271242-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added new patch to introduce POD documentation to git2cl executable:
best practice recommend providing embedded docs viewable with perldoc.
  * Changed man page generation from standalone markdown file with pandoc
to pod2man producing man page from embedded documentation.
This fixed "hyphen-used-as-minus-sign" (Closes: #672111).
  * Updated homepage and upstream source URLs.
  * Build-Depends:
- dropped "pandoc".
+ added "perl-doc" (used to pre-validate embedded POD documentation).
  * Debhelper & compat to version 9.
  * Standards to 3.9.3.
  * Debian source compression to xz.
  * debian/copyright:
+ to copyright-format-1.0.
+ minor update to copyright year.
- removed '©' characters (not needed according to specification).

 -- Dmitry Smirnov   Wed, 19 Sep 2012 15:57:33 +1000

I think it is safe to upload to unstable as the probability of 
discovering a RC bug in git2cl/testing is quite low.
(IMHO it doesn't worth troubles to upload this to experimental).

To access further information about this package, please visit:

Source package is available from

Thank you.

Best regards,

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Re: Need help for watch file

2012-08-28 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Tue, 28 Aug 2012 19:27:28 Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hmmm, I tried this
> opts=dversionmangle=s/([\d.]+)\.(\d+)/$1-r$2/,downloadurlmangle=s/MRIConver
> t_.*/ \
> .tar\.gz
> which ends up with version 2.0-r235.  I know that dversionmangle is the
> wrong approach and it rather should be
> but if I try this I do not get a match on the given download page.

The following would work with "uscan --rename --repack":


Hack-ish and perhaps ugly but works... 

Indeed the best would be to try convincing upstream to rename source archive...


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#659947: Bug #659947: RFS: portabase/2.0+git20110117-1 [ITP] -- Easy-to-use personal database application

2012-05-30 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
This is fixed, thank you very much.



On 31/05/12 04:01, Aron Xu wrote:
> Hi,
> The packaging of this package is almost fine, but there is a problem
> in DEP5 copyright file:
> W: portabase source: syntax-error-in-dep5-copyright line 8: Duplicate
> field copyright.
> Please fix this warning, thanks!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#672394: RFS: ipset/6.12-1 -- administration tool for kernel IP sets

2012-05-16 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Arno,

On 15 May 2012 08:51, Arno Töll  wrote:
> * You declare the debhelper compat[ibility] to be 9, but you build
> depend on "debhelper (>= 9)". Please use a version which actually
> supports the finalized level 9. That is 9.20120115.

No need to impose this requirement because non-finalized versions are
not present in the archive:§ion=all

IMHO "debhelper (>= 9)" would be perfectly fine.
Moreover this is a common practice.

Strict dependency would be justified only if there were any particular
bugs in prior 9.20120115 but even then we could safely use (>= 9)
simply because no "broken" versions are present in the archive.

Please share your concerns if I'm missing anything.

Thank you.


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Bug#671701: RFS: autofs/5.0.6-1 [ITA] -- kernel-based automounter for Linux

2012-05-08 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Dear William,

Since you're on board with us may I suggest that you'll close your RFS
bug yourself?
(I'm a bit overwhelmed with work at the moment)

Michael, I set up package repository at collab-maint:

All the best,

On 9 May 2012 04:27, William Dauchy  wrote:
> I was also interested for this package since I uploaded a version in
> #671436 a few days ago with less modification for a first update.
> Please consider closing it since the package from Dmitry seems more complete.
> I'm also interested to be a co-maintainer.

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Bug#671701: RFS: autofs/5.0.6-1 [ITA] -- kernel-based automounter for Linux

2012-05-05 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Sun, 6 May 2012 15:24:10 Michael Tokarev wrote:
> And note that whole 5.0.6-allow-for-kernel-packet-size-change.patch
> is NOT NEEDED, it should be reverted upstream.  *SIGH*, we spent
> a ton of time and emails discussing this matter, please find
> the recent LWN feature article about it (a good summary), or
> LKML threads.  The patches are now added to all stable trees.
> The two patches -- linux kernel version check and this one --
> should be reverted upstream and not included in debian package.

Thanks for this, I trust you that we don't need 

However it is not too easy to just drop this patch because it will break the 
chain of upstream patches. Possibly we need to apply all upstream patches and 
then use our new patch to revert some of their changes... Or maybe consider 
ignoring upstream patches... What do you think would be the best?

Dropping kernel version check is a bit challenging as well due to multiple 
references to this code. If you're sure it will be a cause for any troubles 
perhaps we could modify the code of 'linux_version_code' function instead of 
dropping it completely...

Unfortunately this is a bit beyond my competency so I hope you have some 

Thank you.


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Bug#671701: RFS: autofs/5.0.6-1 [ITA] -- kernel-based automounter for Linux

2012-05-05 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
> There's one more issue with the new package.  I already
> told Ian about it, but apparently he ignored it.  This
> new code being added as a patch to debian package,
> originally from upstream author:
> ++static inline unsigned int linux_version_code(void)
> ++{
> ++struct utsname my_utsname;
> ++unsigned int p, q, r;
> ++
> ++if (uname(&my_utsname))
> ++return 0;
> ++
> ++p = (unsigned int)atoi(strtok(my_utsname.release, "."));
> ++q = (unsigned int)atoi(strtok(NULL, "."));
> ++r = (unsigned int)atoi(strtok(NULL, "."));
> ++return KERNEL_VERSION(p, q, r);
> ++}
> This will break with 2-number kernel version string.  There
> were several tools who assumed 3-component version string
> and who broke when 3.0-rc come out, so Linus decided to
> postprone defaulting to 2-component version.  Many packages
> has been fixed since, but here autofs introduces a new bug
> of the same theme.
> Note that actually the version check isn't really necessary
> since the issue for which it has been added is now resolved
> in the kernel.
> Thanks,
> /mjt

I'm not sure if I fully understand the implications...
As far as I know it works well with 3.2 kernel...
Any suggestions are welcome.

By the way, many thanks to you for your work on 'mdadm' package.
I'm in your debt for this. 
Eventually I might be available for help but you're doing great already. :)


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Bug#671701: RFS: autofs/5.0.6-1 [ITA] -- kernel-based automounter for Linux

2012-05-05 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Michael,

Thank you for quick reply.

On Sun, 6 May 2012 15:01:42 Michael Tokarev wrote:
> I'm very much interested in this package myself, and
> wanted to do some packaging as well, but got distracted
> by other things, and especially by the famous 32/64bit
> user<=>kernel space interface issues we found recently
> (there was several threads on LKML about it and a feature
> LWN article).

I'm swamped with work myself but I couldn't leave this package unattended. :)
After all I'm actively using it. :)

> I looked at your packaging, it looks sane at first, but
> you did quite a few things all in one go, so it makes
> me a bit nervous.  Especially, did you test transition
> from autofs5 to autofs, does it work correctly?

Yes I did test it to the extent of my abilities. 
Actually it was quite tricky to do it right especially in regards to 
config files but I believe I've managed to do it well.

Of course review, testing and improvement suggestions would be much 

> I'd love to sponsor this package, and maybe to become
> a co-maintainer if that's welcome in any way, but
> unfortunately I've no time in a few days to work with
> it, -- as you may know, we all russians have a long
> weekend, due to the Victory Day, so I'll be unavailable
> (and away from computers) up to May-10.

Thank you very much - you are more than welcome as co-maintainer.
Since I've been honoured with DM status recently I might be able to look after 
this package without bothering you too much with sponsorship requests, if you 
consider setting 'dm-upload-allowed'.  ;)

Congratulations for the upcoming holiday.

> Can you wait for a few days please? :)  Unless someone
> else wants to sponsor this package ofcourse!  I will
> try to find some time in these days to check it all
> too, but I can't promise.  BTW, Monday (tomorrow) have
> a good chance to have me semi-available :)

Souns great. :)

> Thank you, especially for doing this packaging!  The
> new packaging and the care with which you do things -
> I like it!

It is a pleasure to read your kind words. Thank you.

All the best,

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Bug#671701: RFS: autofs/5.0.6-1 [ITA] -- kernel-based automounter for Linux

2012-05-05 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

  I am looking for a sponsor for package "autofs"

 * Package name: autofs
   Version : 5.0.6-1
   Upstream Author : Transmeta corporation
 * URL :
 * License : GPL-2+
   Section : utils

  It builds those binary packages:

 autofs - kernel-based automounter for Linux
 autofs-hesiod  - Hesiod map support for autofs
 autofs-ldap- LDAP map support for autofs
 autofs5- transitional dummy package for 'autofs'
 autofs5-hesiod - transitional dummy package for 'autofs-hesiod'
 autofs5-ldap   - transitional dummy package for 'autofs-ldap'

  To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

  Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

dget -x

  Changes since the last upload:

  * New upstream release
- "mount(nfs): no hosts available" (Closes: #608459).
- "new upstream version available" (Closes: #602933).
- "autofs mounted directory are never dismounted" (Closes: #521165).
- "autofs5 does not support recursive mount" (Closes: #626473).
- "autofs5 crashed in a nested setup in combination with
   negative lookups on *" (Closes: #617317).
- "autofs5-ldap: simple bind auth feature request" (Closes: #595808).
- "autofs5-ldap: SASL auth broken" (Closes: #568813).
  * package rename: dropping '5' from package names (Closes: #655351).
  * NMU changes acknowledged (Closes: #603491, #583094).
  * register /etc/default/autofs with ucf (Closes: #556961).
  * debian/copyright to DEP-5 format; upstream copyright audit.
  * packaging update:
* use debhelper & compat version 9.
* standards to 3.9.3
* lintian-override for 'non-standard-file-perm'
* install missing autofs_ldap_auth.conf.5 man page
* source format to version 3 and .xz compression
* debian/rules rewritten in debhelper style
  * patchworks:
+ replacing upstream patches with new patchset as of 2012-04-23.
+ replacing dpatch with quilt (Closes: #668077)
+ new patch to correct manpages spelling (Closes: #660075)
  thanks to Oz Nahum Tiram and Javi Merino
+ updated SYSV init script patch:
  * removed bashisms (Closes: #626435).
  * introduce 'status' support to SYSV script
(Closes: #651978, #667811, #565507).
  * adding 'slapd' to Should-Start/Stop (Closes: #600764, #659616).
  * LSB output (Closes: #567805) thanks to Petter Reinholdtsen.
  * declare myself as Maintainer (adopting package)


This package was NMU'ed twice since last maintainer's update in August 2009.

Jan Christoph Nordholz 
is MIA, here is what he wrote on another package some months ago:

(I will follow the remaining bugs after upload of this package.)

Thank you.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: how to adopt a non-orphaned package?

2012-04-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Wed, 25 Apr 2012 20:10:08 Charles Plessy wrote:
> You can for instance send an "Intend to Hijack" email to debian-devel, and
> CC it to the persons who contributed NMUs and patches in the BTS, explaining
> what you already explained here, and add that the package has already been
> NMUed 2 times.  Then, get the package sponsored with you and others as
> maintainers. You can keep the current maintainer in the list as well, to
> show that he is welcome to work on the package if he can come back to
> Debian.

Thank you for all your advices. 
However it appears to me that word "Hijack" is perhaps too strong due to 
negative meaning attached. This situation looks more like legitimate adoption 
/ taking over the package.

Just a thought: probably some form of semi-automatic check for MIA maintainers 
(similar to annual DM ping) could be useful in case of total lack of 
maintainer's activity neither in regards to uploads nor in mail lists...

All the best,

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Re: how to adopt a non-orphaned package?

2012-04-25 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Paul,

On Wed, 25 Apr 2012 18:39:58 Paul Wise wrote:

Thank you for reminding me about this link. (I already asked MIA team today).

Sadly this is exactly the case when inactive maintainer had his packages
sponsored so there is no information in database.

All the best,

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how to adopt a non-orphaned package?

2012-04-25 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Dear mentors,

What would be the best practice to adopt a package which was not properly 

My particular concern is about 'autofs5' package which was not updated for 
years since squeeze release due to maintainer inactivity.

I'd like to adopt this package but it wasn't properly orphaned or requested 
for adoption. I already sent an email to maintainer but considering proximity 
to freeze, we don't have three months to wait for maintainer's answer (if 

What would be the best practice to adopt the package in such case?

In the updated source package I uploaded to I set myself as 
maintainer and moved original non-active maintainer to Uploaders. 

Contrary to NMU uploads, I'm not sure how to properly adopt a de-facto 
orphaned (non-maintained) package.

Please advise.

Thank you.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Making packages available to Debian users (was: Bug#659047: RFS: rpg - Readable Password Generator)

2012-04-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Sunday 08 April 2012 12:58:08 Vladimir Stavrinov wrote:
> The problem is that I don't see this "review process" here. Instead, all of
> You are explaining what Debian is and what is not. But I've got no much
> new. You are trying to breach into opened door. But point is that all this
> discussion have no relation to script in question.

Hi Vladimir,

I routinely use 'pwgen' but because it doesn't have functionality I wish for 
on several occasions I've been trying other password generation tools.

Shortly after you published your RFS I tried 'rpg' but quickly discarded it 
because from the first look I found no new functionality. (pwgen is more 
feature rich)

In my view even if 'rpg' is marginally better with generation of certain kind 
of passwords than 'pwgen', it's not enough to justify inclusion of 'rpg' to 
archive but rather demonstrate a possible way to improve existing tools.

I like, respect and appreciate diversity we're already have in Debian but 
having too many tools doing the same thing is hardly helpful.

Moreover one simple script like 'rpg' do not benefit so much from packaging so 
perhaps it may be still useful for those who want to use it if they just get 
it with 'wget' etc.

It is great that you love and care for your script and wish to share it with 
the world through Debian, however I have a feeling that few people around here 
convinced that we have a problem worth introducing 'rpg' as solution.

Debian always needs manpower and if you truly wish to help us we will much 
appreciate your contribution to existing packages. 
I imagine you might be already using some Debian packages which need more love 
and care. Your skills will be better used if you dedicate a bit of your 
attention to addressing existing problems.

Your work on other packages will help you to learn and to demonstrate that 
you're capable of taking responsibility for a package maintenance.

All the best,

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Re: sponsorship-requests mails should not go to debian-mentors

2012-03-06 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
We already tried to discuss the issue in 

  Bug#658498: "sponsorship-requests and debian-mentors mailing list"

but I have a feeling our argument hasn't been heard.


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Re: Bug#661568: RFS: ipset/6.11-2

2012-02-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Neutron,

Just one little suggestion if you excuse me:

Could you please put a short description of bugs you're closing to changelog?
This would be very helpful.


On Tuesday 28 February 2012 14:28:25 Neutron Soutmun wrote:
>   * Close bugs that have been reintroduced again since updating version
> uploaded.  (Closes: #528990,#625360,#648366)

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Re: RFS: ipset

2012-02-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Nikolai,

Basically what you're talking about is just happened - some hours ago 'ipset' 
was accepted to unstable, see

When credits for preparing standalone 'ipset' package goes to Neutron Soutmun,
yours truly played a key role in coordinating and preparing a non-colflicting 
upload of both packages (ipset and xtables-addons).

Next challenge would be to backport ipset...


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Re: optional package in Build-Depends (how?)

2012-02-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
In case someone is tempted to try Build-Depends like "check | dpkg",
it doesn't work at all in pbuilder which is smart enough to notice that dpkg 
is already installed so it never pulls 'check'. 

(Anyway particular example with check is silly because check is available on 
all architectures)

Apart from that such approach will provoke a nasty lintian error.

So this idea is not worth the effort. 

As Russ Albury noticed earlier, "Debian quite intentionally does not have such 
a thing as a weak build dependency, nor do I think such a thing is appropriate 


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Re: build server at home?

2012-02-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Gergely,

Thank you for sharing your experience - very interesting.


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Re: optional package in Build-Depends (how?)

2012-02-27 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Russ,

On Monday 27 February 2012 17:59:28 Russ Allbery wrote:
> > Another package I was recently testing on GNU Hurd where some tests were
> > failing (even though the package is working).
> A bug in the test suite?  It's worth being careful about assuming that the
> package is working when the tests are failing.  :)

Sorry, sorry, never mind. :) Actually I couldn't find peace with it so I 
checked again I realised that tests actually are not failing on Hurd. 
Fortunately I was wrong. :) All good, no need to ignore.

> > So again I had to ignore post-build test(s) failure.
> I don't think that makes sense to do for Hurd, actually.  The package
> needs to be ported to it; I would let the build fail until that's
> happened.  That may mean just porting the test suite or the test suite may
> be uncovering a real issue.  That's generally what I do with any
> non-release architecture until I have time to do the (low priority,
> usually) porting work.  You don't want to accidentally hide failures that
> need porting effort by making the build succeed "artificially."

Fully agreed.

> > Testing still useful to me when I read build logs, but I'm very
> > reluctant to introduce a potential failure point with dependency more
> > strict than necessary.
> Making the *dependency* strict isn't going to add a failure point.  It's
> not like valgrind is going to disappear on i386 and amd64.

True, good point to keep in mind when considering.

> If the build failures are mostly due to bugs in the test suite, I agree
> with you.  That's the criteria on which I'd make the decision.  If the
> tests are finding bugs, then the failures are valuable and shouldn't be
> suppressed.
That's common sense, I can only agree.

> > And it appears to me that if tests failure is already pretty much
> > ignored is would be acceptable to make tests optional with weak build
> > dependency.
> However, Debian quite intentionally does not have such a thing as a weak
> build dependency, nor do I think such a thing is appropriate here.
> Rather, I think you should make a decision: either depend on the tools
> required to run the tests and ignore the test failures (if you think
> they're bugs in the test suite and not the package) if the output is
> valuable, or don't depend on the tools and skip the tests.

Thank you, I think this is a good advice. I'll keep it in mind.

All the best,

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Re: optional package in Build-Depends (how?)

2012-02-26 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Russ,

On Monday 27 February 2012 15:28:51 Russ Allbery wrote:
> Even with valgrind, personally I'd just list a specific set of
> architectures on which valgrind is required, even if you also
> opportunistically test for its existence.  There's no reason to allow
> *not* running valgrind tests on i386 and amd64.

It makes perfect sense for complete (working) test suits. 
I had an experience with valgrind only recently when upstream introduced 
yet-to-be completed tests which are failing everywhere so far.

I'm already ignoring tests failure using override


In which case it makes perfect sense not to take the risk of FTBFS on some 
architectures for the sake of testing which is not even useful yet.

Another package I was recently testing on GNU Hurd where some tests were 
failing (even though the package is working).
So again I had to ignore post-build test(s) failure.
Testing still useful to me when I read build logs, but I'm very reluctant to 
introduce a potential failure point with dependency more strict than 

While I'm with you and I fully share the desire not to allow skipping tests on 
i386 or amd64, I think risk of FTBFS outweighs it. You see, When I build the 
package on my amd64 host I will likely to notice if something goes wrong but 
my concern is more about architectures I have no access to. I'm not yet in 
habit of reading all build logs from all architectures upon package upload 
when the build was successful. And it appears to me that if tests failure is 
already pretty much ignored is would be acceptable to make tests optional with 
weak build dependency.


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Re: optional package in Build-Depends (how?)

2012-02-26 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Craig,

Thak you for sharing your experience.

On Monday 27 February 2012 14:09:21 Craig Small wrote:
> That's the problem I have with mudlet.
>   libluajit-5.1-dev [amd64 armel i386 kfreebsd-i386],
>   liblua5.1-0-dev [!amd64 !armel !i386 !kfreebsd-i386],

Very interesting and useful.
This is exactly what I'm afraid of. How can fellow maintainer track the 
changes in all architectures effectively? I imagine the maintenance pain for 
such configuration and it is probably breaks once in a while...

> It's not pretty and basically means if other arches come along and
> support libluajit I have to manually fix it.  I don't think I could use
> "or" | because it didn't work on some build systems.

I see...

> A "or nothing" would be handy but I always get worried that you will
> miss linking because of a transistional "bump" then the program
> behaviour changes.
> Imagine if on the armel libluajit is not available temporarily. I think
> its better to fail to build than to issue out a package without that
> linking.

This is a very valid point, thank you.
You're right, if libgpm-dev is not available on i386 or amd64 for whatever 
reason, build should fail rather than ignore the problem.
Which makes this dependency package optional only on some architectures so I 
probably need to use something like 

   libgpm-dev [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386],
   libgpm-dev [linux-any],

It's not too bad after all.

> Specifically to your testing, valgrind testing should probably be
> opportunistic, so test if valgrind is available and don't otherwise. I
> think dejagnu does it that way.

OK, so for really optional packages like 'check' or 'bison' it may be 
appropriate to use something like "check | dpkg" if we're not linking against 

I understand it much better now.

Thank you.


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Re: optional package in Build-Depends (how?)

2012-02-26 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Paul,

Thanks for quick reply.

On Monday 27 February 2012 13:00:32 Paul Wise wrote:
> See section 7.1 of debian-policy for examples on how to do that (you
> probably want linux-any for the arch):

Indeed it probably could be written as 

Build-Depends: libgpm-dev [linux-any]

But the obvious drawback would be the requirement to know all architectures
where this package is available.
In this case Build-Depends configuration will be ineffective against changes.
Maintainer will have to track if the package was ported to new architecture 
and maintaining such relationships may potentially turn into expanded list of 
Perhaps it will work beautifully for dependencies which will never be ported.

But let's discuss more general case: 
 what if optional dependency is not ported to target architecture yet,
 or if if is not available in backports?

There are might be situations where defining optional build dependencies 
without architecture wildcard may be more error-proof and easier to maintain.

Another case I'm thinking of is when upstream is using unit-testing framework 
like 'valgrind'. I like to have post-build tests enabled. But this 
functionality requires an optional dependency. I don't want to risk my package 
to FTBFS because I put dependency only needed for unit tests to Build-Depends 
and it is not available on all our platforms. In such case using architecture 
wildcard is just inappropriate because availability of such package (may) have 
nothing to do with architecture. 

Specifically regarding 'libgpm-dev', I've made a list of architectures where 
it is available (below). At the moment I have no idea what 's390x' is (linux 
or not) so I have doubts regarding architecture wildcars to use.
(OK, I admit I've checked with 'type-handling any linux-gnu' command but I'm 
still confused how to use architecture wildcards properly in this case)

All of this makes me think about the approach to use essential alternative to 
make sure build will never fail because of my lack of understanding which 
platform will have the required package.

What do you think?

avr32   N
hurd-i386   N
kfreebsd-amd64  N
kfreebsd-i386   N
s390x   N
alpha   Y
amd64   Y
armel   Y
mipsel  Y
powerpc Y
armhf   Y
powerpcspe  Y
sh4 Y
sparc   Y
sparc64 Y


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optional package in Build-Depends (how?)

2012-02-26 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Dear mentors,

I have an interesting problem on my hands:

The package I need to build have optional build dependency (libgpm-dev)
which is not available on all platforms.

If I just put it to Build-Depends, package will FTBFS on some platforms.

So idea is to specify an optional (soft) build-dependency like

Build-Depends: libgpm-dev | TRUE

where 'TRUE' would stand for essential package like 'dpkg'.

However I suspect there must be a better way to do that, a practical 
equivalent to hypothetical 'Build-Recommends'.

What would be the best practice for such case?
Any suggestions?

Thank you.

All the best,

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build server at home?

2012-02-26 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Dear mentors,

Could any of you share experience of having your own private build server?

I'm thinking of something which could build uploaded source for as many 
architectures as possible on amd64 host, and ideally put the results to  
'reprepro'-managed tree.

The goal is to simplify package deployment to internal infrastructure for  
evaluation before upload to debian. 

Any hints for quick start please?

Thank you.


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Re: Announcing Debexpo v2

2012-02-26 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
I just wanted to thank you sincerely for all the hard work of yours which is 
so very useful for all of us.

Thank you, Arno and Nicolas! Good work.


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Re: Explain to me "any all"

2012-02-26 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Fantastic, thanks very much Bernhard, I think that's the explanation we're all 


On Sunday 26 February 2012 22:02:15 Bernhard R. Link wrote:
> * Paul Elliott  [120226 02:03]:
> > The new standard allows "any all" in the Architecture field.
> > 
> > Please explain this new feature. What does it do and under what
> > circumstances should it be used?
> It's for the Architecture field of the .dsc. As that field is
> automatically generated, you don't "use" it normally.
> As maintainer you usually edit the debian/control field. There every
> binary package has an Architecture list. This Architecture in the .dsc
> is the merged list of all those architectures.
> If one package is e.g. architecture "i386" and one is architecture
> "any", then those are merged to "any" (as there is a package to be
> generated on any architecture, it does not matter that on i386 there
> are even more packages to generate).
> What is changed is what happens if one .deb is architecture "any"
> and one .deb is architecture "all". Former versions of dpkg merged
> that to "any" and policy reflected that.
> The problem with this is that it loses information whether there
> are architecture "all" packages to be built. As architecture "all"
> packages were never built by the buildds, this was no actual
> problem, so only fixed recently.
> Current versions of dpkg merge this to "any all", and policy was
> changed to reflect this.
> Bernhard R. Link

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Bug#660175: RFS: fcgi-daemon

2012-02-16 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,
New package "fcgi-daemon" is looking for sponsor.

fcgi-daemon is an 'fcgiwrap' alternative with friendly debconf interface;
It makes CGI applications available through FastCGI interface which comes handy 
for nginx.
It can execute CGI scripts written in Perl with persistent interpreter for 
Additionally it uses RLIMITs, and check for memory leaks on Linux.

   Package name: fcgi-daemon
Version: 0.2021-1
Upstream Author: Dmitry Smirnov 
License: AGPL-3+
Section: web
   Language: Perl
Description: Perl-aware FastCGI daemon
 FCGI::Daemon is a small FastCGI server for use as fcgiwrap 
 with nginx web server. It is enforcing RLIMITs and running 
 perl applications with persistent interpreter like mod_perl.
 FCGI-Daemon correctly passing STDERR output to web server.

Source package URL:

It produces the following architecture-independent packages: 


QA information:

Info:   Package is Lintian clean
Info:   Package is not native
Info:   The maintainer and uploader emails are the same
Info:   Package is the latest upstream version
Info:   A watch file is present
Info:   The watch file works
Info:   Closes WNPP bug #650198: "ITP: fcgi-daemon -- Perl-aware FastCGI daemon"
Info:   The package uses straight debhelper

More information about this package is available from the following URL:

Thank you.

All the best,

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#660014: RFS: portabase

2012-02-15 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal
Dear mentors,
New package "git-ftp" is looking for sponsor.

   Package name: git-ftp
Version: 0.6.0+git20110923-1
Upstream Author: René Moser 
License: GPL-3
Description: git-ftp is a shell script for uploading Git tracked files to 
an FTP server.
 By default, it uploads only those files which have changed 
since the last upload.
 This saves time and bandwidth. It can even work with different 

Source package URL:

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:

Thank you.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Bug#659947: RFS: portabase

2012-02-15 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

New package "portabase" is looking for sponsor.

Portabase is a modern alternative to MobileDB (and to Jfile).

Use case: you're taking water samples and analyse them on spot
with portable colorimeter. Then you enter results to mobile 
version of portabase (I use my Nokia N900). 
Desktop version of this application comes handy to work 
with the data on workstation with full-size screen.

Also Portabase is useful to prepare data for mobile use.

 * Package name: portabase
 * Version : 2.0-1-1
 * Upstream Author : Jeremy Bowman 
 * Homepage:
 * License : GPL-2+
 * Section : databases
 * Language: C++
 * Description : Easy-to-use personal database application

Source package URL :

It produces the binary package "portabase".


PortaBase is a program for conveniently managing one-table database files.
 It is available for many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, Windows,
 and Maemo.  Features include:

  * String, Integer, Decimal, Boolean, Note (multi-line text), Date, Time,
Calculation, Sequence, Image, and Enum column types;
  * custom data views (subsets of the columns in any order);
  * filter the displayed rows using sets of conditions;
  * sort the rows by any combination of columns, each in ascending or
descending order;
  * add, delete, rearrange, and rename columns at any time;
  * view summary statistics for columns (total, average, min, max, etc.);
  * import data from CSV, XML, and MobileDB files;
  * export data to CSV and XML files;
  * command-line format conversions (to and from XML, from MobileDB);
  * optional data file encryption.


QA information:

Info:   Package is Lintian clean
Info:   Package is not native
Info:   The maintainer and uploader emails are the same
Info:   Package is the latest upstream version
Info:   A watch file is present
Info:   The watch file works
Info:   The package uses straight debhelper
Info:   Closes WNPP bug #584570: "ITP: portabase -- An easy-to-use personal
  database application"

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

Thank you.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: How to convince maintainer to use --as-needed?

2012-02-10 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 11:38:23 Paul Wise wrote:
> The --as-needed flag is a workaround for buggy upstream build systems,
> IMO it should not be used unless the relevant build systems will not
> be fixed any time soon.

Seems like a typical case with GNOME project stuff.

Do you know if there are something what might contribute to potential problems 
with --as-needed, like outdated toolchain?

So far we're reluctant to use --as-needed where it may be beneficial because 
in theory it might break something. However what's the practical likehood of 

Do we know any particular example of --as-needed incompatibility to look into 
and analyse?


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Re: How to convince maintainer to use --as-needed?

2012-02-10 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
On Fri, 10 Feb 2012 23:15:22 Bernhard R. Link wrote:

> I personally strongly recommend against using --as-needed unless you
> understand very well what it does. It may change the runtime behaviour of a
> program without any signs at link time.

Surely it's a powerful thing which should be used with care.
Many packages has no or little benefit so using --as-needed would not be 

But sometimes an innocent call to library causing package to inherit the whole 
hierarchy of needless dependencies. 
And this affect not just obvious things like slower start-up and installation 
but also troubles with migration to testing and complications with library 
transitions. The latter sucks our precious manpower not just from package 

Package maintainers can surely track problems to --as-needed if that's the 
case and here we have hope because many packages using it already for years 

> Unless you are entangled in libraries ignoring usual best practises and
> ignoring library borders in their headers (libglib, libboost), there
> might be better solutions than --as-needed.

I'd like to learn more about --as-needed alternatives. 
Could you suggest any resources/guidelines, please?

> That is not to say there might not be cases where --as-needed is the
> best solution, but it is definitely not something one should apply
> blindly.
But this seems to be more like risk management and less like informed 
technical decision. (I wonder what makes Ubuntu taking the risk applying --as-
needed to everything?)
Surely there must be software incompatible with --as-needed. But what are the 
chances to experience it? How to identify situation when --as-needed is likely 
to cause troubles?


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How to convince maintainer to use --as-needed?

2012-02-09 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Dear mentors,

I seek your advice regarding the best practice with using --as-needed.

Recently I tried to convince two package maintainers to use --as-needed in 
order to reduce overlinking. Surprisingly this time this idea was opposed with 
great resistance as none of maintainers but me had previous experience with --

Because in their eyes I have neither expertise nor reputation I couldn't 
convince them that benefits are outweight risks. (--as-needed removes dozen of 
packages from Depends)

I've been asked to provide a document or a quote from reputable DD regarding 
using --as-needed as recommended practice in Debian, if such.

So here am I asking for your expertise.

Thank you.

Those who interested might read the following document describing the problem 
and the solutions.

(Links to Debian mail list discussions in the end of this document are worth 
reading as well.)

All the best,

P.S. does anyone knows good examples of debian package using --as-needed?

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Bug#659045: RFS: goplay (NMU)

2012-02-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Charles,

On Wed, 8 Feb 2012 13:51:42 Charles Plessy wrote:
> Alioth requests are a mess: when one admin answers, there is no
> notification to the other admins.  As a consequence, it can happen that
> everyone expects the others to have answered.  I recommend to contact the
> team on its mailing list.

Thank you for this very useful information. 
Now I understand why sometimes it takes so long to process a join application.


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Bug#659045: RFS: goplay (NMU)

2012-02-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Charles,

On Wed, 8 Feb 2012 12:51:19 Charles Plessy wrote:
> have you actually tried to contact the team ?  I do not see messages from
> you in January or February on their mailing list.

How could I forget, I did contact them thought the Alioth request to join the 
team, where I mention the prepared NMU.

But I give them almost not time to respond before RFS.
(Due to low activity I didn't expect a soon response)

Sorry for my impatience.


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Bug#659045: RFS: goplay (NMU)

2012-02-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Charles,

> have you actually tried to contact the team ?  I do not see messages from
> you in January or February on their mailing list.

I did just before I noticed this message of yours, but I wrote to them after I 
placed the sponsorship request. :(
Probably that's wasn't the best choice but I didn't expect an answer hence I 
decided to file NMU.
I reckon I should have give them a chance to respond. 
Lesson learned.

All the best,

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Re: sponsorship-requests and debian-mentors mailing list

2012-02-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
I think proposal regarding managing sponsorship through bug tracker was to 
encourage usage of bug tracker.

To me forwarding BTS activity for sponsorship-requests to mentors mail list 
appears to be against the spirit and the desire of the proposal.

Indeed we should encourage people to PTS-subscribe instead and therefore 
provide certain freedom of choice. (I'm not talking regarding the best way to 
inform subscribers regarding the change)

So please let's filter 
 or clearly explain why not
  so everybody would understand and agree.


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Re: Bug#659045: RFS: goplay (NMU)

2012-02-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Hi Arno,

On Wed, 8 Feb 2012 04:10:48 Arno Töll wrote:
> > + compat and debhelper to version 9 + default hardening (with the
> > exception of fortify) + standards to 3.9.2 + ept-cache replaced
> > with apt-xapian-index in Depends
> We don't do such things in NMUs.

*Sometimes* we do. 

The options are: 

   * QA :   Not in this case since the package is 

   * Team   :   Looks like best option, but I'm not the 
team member 
so I can't upload on behalf of the team.

   * NMU:   Certainly not an unreasonable option, read 

Of course team upload would be the best but because package hasn't been 
touched for years, I have reasonable concerns that either team is not active 
or they are busy with something more important.

Normally I would send patches but in this case I found no public repository 
and not even upstream repository.

Because for few years there were no activity regarding the package (neither 
package updates nor bug tracker activity) I think the NMU approach is 

Changes in NMU are easy enough to acknowledge so whoever interested may just 
drop my work in DELAYED unless team would step in.

> > (Closes: #615495 important:"goplay must be run as root at least
> > once to function") (Closes: #460921 wishlist:"requires manual
> > ept-cache reindex on the first start") + games-thumbnails moved to
> > Recommends (Closes: #470047 wishlist:"please Recommends:
> > games-thumbnails instead of Depends") + no longer depends on
> > g++-4.5 (Closes: #654733 important:"non-standard gcc/g++ used for
> > build...") + build-time .xpm icon regeneration, no longer ship
> > pre-built icon (imagemagick added to build-deps)
> And neither most of that.

I think sometimes you'd better consider common sense.
I believe you're not saying "don't do the best you can in NMU" because that 
would be quite discouraging.

There are enough teams out there who do not accept anything less than perfect. 
So I spent couple of hours doing those improvements and I've chosen to fix 
what I could and then walk away to address other problems. This provides more 
help regarding work needed and allow to use time effectively.

Let me point out that your concerns regarding what can be done in NMU would be 
better considered in context of what's the best for the package and if the 
changes are good enough for upload.

I've seen NMUs with bigger changes. NMUs are there to address problems aren't 

Also from technical prospective it is reasonable to use proven up-to-date 
packaging since outdated packaging often cause problems by itself.
NMU should not be in the way of quality.

> Please keep NMUs minimally invasive and fix _very_ important bugs only
> (i.e. RC bugs or other important bugs which qualify for a NMU). See [1]
> [1]

I'm aware of that, thank you.


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Bug#659045: RFS: goplay (NMU)

2012-02-07 Thread Dmitry Smirnov
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

NMU for package "goplay" is looking for a sponsor.
(See attached debdiff output)

 GoPlay! is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that uses DebTags for easily
 finding games in Debian. The program uses FLTK for handling the widgets,
 and libept as the backend for retrieving the data.
 GoPlay! is also a generic yet simple to use DebTags-based package browser.
 Prepackaged browsers GoLearn!, GoAdmin!, GoNet!, GoOffice!, GoSafe!, GoWeb!
 and GoScience! show applications (and for some of them also documentation)
 packages related to education, administration, network, office, safety, web
 and science.  You can also roll your own custom browsers using commandline

 * Source package URL :

 * Package name: goplay
 * Version : 0.4-1.1

 * debian/changelog:

goplay (0.4-1.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Packaging update:
- removed dh-buildinfo, autotools-dev
+ added missing build-deps, dh-autotools; build-deps optimised
+ compat and debhelper to version 9
+ default hardening (with the exception of fortify)
+ standards to 3.9.2
+ ept-cache replaced with apt-xapian-index in Depends
  (Closes: #615495 important:"goplay must be run as root at least
   once to function")
  (Closes: #460921 wishlist:"requires manual ept-cache reindex on
   the first start")
+ games-thumbnails moved to Recommends
  (Closes: #470047 wishlist:"please Recommends: games-thumbnails
   instead of Depends")
+ no longer depends on g++-4.5
  (Closes: #654733 important:"non-standard gcc/g++ used for build...")
+ build-time .xpm icon regeneration, no longer ship pre-built icon
  (imagemagick added to build-deps)
  * patch to introduce 'goscience' browser,
thanks to Frederic Daniel Luc Lehobey
(Closes: #474603 wishlist:"Please add a goscience browser")
  * debian/copyright:
+ updated list of contributors
+ little correction for DEP-5 compliance

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

diff -Nru goplay-0.4/debian/changelog goplay-0.4/debian/changelog
--- goplay-0.4/debian/changelog	2010-06-25 18:37:46.0 +1000
+++ goplay-0.4/debian/changelog	2012-02-08 03:15:17.0 +1100
@@ -1,3 +1,33 @@
+goplay (0.4-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Packaging update:
+- removed dh-buildinfo, autotools-dev
++ added missing build-deps, dh-autotools; build-deps optimised
++ compat and debhelper to version 9
++ default hardening (with the exception of fortify)
++ standards to 3.9.2
++ ept-cache replaced with apt-xapian-index in Depends
+  (Closes: #615495 important:"goplay must be run as root at least
+   once to function")
+  (Closes: #460921 wishlist:"requires manual ept-cache reindex on
+   the first start")
++ games-thumbnails moved to Recommends
+  (Closes: #470047 wishlist:"please Recommends: games-thumbnails
+   instead of Depends")
++ no longer depends on g++-4.5
+  (Closes: #654733 important:"non-standard gcc/g++ used for build...")
++ build-time .xpm icon regeneration, no longer ship pre-built icon
+  (imagemagick added to build-deps)
+  * patch to introduce 'goscience' browser,
+thanks to Frederic Daniel Luc Lehobey
+(Closes: #474603 wishlist:"Please add a goscience browser")
+  * debian/copyright:
++ updated list of contributors
++ little correction for DEP-5 compliance
+ -- Dmitry Smirnov   Wed, 08 Feb 2012 01:08:17 +1100
 goplay (0.4-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   [ Peter De Wachter ]
diff -Nru goplay-0.4/debian/clean goplay-0.4/debian/clean
--- goplay-0.4/debian/clean	1970-01-01 10:00:00.0 +1000
+++ goplay-0.4/debian/clean	2012-02-08 02:49:34.0 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff -Nru goplay-0.4/debian/compat goplay-0.4/debian/compat
--- goplay-0.4/debian/compat	2010-06-25 17:58:22.0 +1000
+++ goplay-0.4/debian/compat	2012-02-08 01:08:35.0 +1100
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff -Nru goplay-0.4/debian/control goplay-0.4/debian/control
--- goplay-0.4/debian/control	2010-06-25 17:59:44.0 +1000
+++ goplay-0.4/debian/control	2012-02-08 02:47:24.0 +1100
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
  Miriam Ruiz ,
  Enrico Zini ,
  Jonas Smedegaard 
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), autotools-dev,
- g++-4.5 | c++abi2-dev, dh-buildinfo, pkg-config,
- libept-dev (>= 1.0), libept-dev (<< 2),
- libwibble-dev (>= 0.1.9), libwibble-dev (<< 0.2),
- libfltk1.1-dev, fluid
-Standards-Version: 3.8.4
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), dh-autoreconf, pkg-config,
+ libept-dev, libwibble-de

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