
when packaging `markdownlint`[0] -- an application implemented in Ruby -- I
committed some errors.  After provision of the source-only upload, and its
eventual transition as `ruby-mdl` into `testing`, it was time to improve this
package for a new upload,[1] "Upload #1" (uploaded by 2023-01-28 17:03).
However, this still is problematic; as an application, the package were better
named `markdownlint`, than `ruby-mdl`.  By now, I equally grasp why `lintian`
equally recommends an improvement here.

Ideally, I would like to rename the package name with the same upload as
accounting for internal changes (debian/control, debian/upstream/metadata,
etc) while retaining the package in Debian testing, including its lineage; but
so far fail.

* From askubuntu[2] I inferred it would suffice to replace the entry
  `ruby-mdl` for `Package` in /debian/control by `markdownlint`.  With the
  changes of "upload #1" plus the new entry `markdownlint` in /debian/control,
  the run with `dpkg-buildpackage` fails.

* On https://wiki.debian.org/RenamingPackages, Debian Wiki (last modified
  2020-04-04 16:06:11) describes with "Transition package method" one could
  write a dummy package.  Can one of you please indicate to a more verbose
  example than the one then on display?  Based on a read of the man pages about
  `dpkg-name` I was not able to change to run

dpkg-name ruby-mdl_0.12.0-3_all.deb

   with an altered control file to obtain `markdownlint-0.12.0-3_all.deb`.  Is
   there an other assistant in `dpkg` (or elsewhere) to obtain the wanted
   adjustment?  Or, do you recommend to file a RFS for `ruby-mdl-0.12.0-3`
   now, and to adjust the name in a subsequent version (then only about the
   package's name), perhaps after `bookworm` was released as `stable`?

With regards,


[0] https://github.com/markdownlint/markdownlint
[1] https://mentors.debian.net/package/ruby-mdl/
[2] https://askubuntu.com/questions/437005/how-to-rename-deb-package

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