Quik booting Wallstreets - a howto of sorts

2006-07-16 Thread Simon Stapleton
First off, I've replied offlist to Ben Racher on this, but here's a  
bit of a howto on getting quik booting working on a Wallstreet  
powerbook with 2.6 initrd kernels (it probably works for other  
oldworld powerbooks too and might be useful for other machines with  
horribly busted firmware and ide drives)

What you will need:

- A MacOS boot CD, preferably 8.6 or better
- A network connection to a machine running an appletalk / appleshare  

- A copy of BootX on the appletalk server
- A copy of System Disk on the appletalk server or an OSX 10.[0-2]  
boot disk
- A recent debian boot CD (I used the 3.1r2 netinst CD) - it's  
important that you are using a recent copy of quik as older ones foul  
up with initrd kernels

First thing we'll do is entirely zap the machine.  Power it off  
completely, then do the cmd-opt-p-r tango on startup, letting at  
least 3 chimes go through.

Next up, we'll install the Apple firmware patches.  Either do the  
first boot / reboot phase off the OSX install CD, or, preferably,  
boot up off the MacOS CD, connect to the appleshare server and run  
System Disk.  If you're running system disk, also make the machine  
stop at the open firmware prompt on boot.

If you did the patching through the OSX CD, you want to now make the  
machine stop at open firmware on boot, which is, frankly, a pain.   
Wallstreets are particularly picky about timings for the cmd-opt-o-f  
keypress, so this will probably take you a few shots to get right,  
the key thing seems to be hitting all the keys at the same time, and  
doing so _during_ the startup chime.  Fear not, it _can_ be done, and  
eventually you'll be seeing open firmware's friendly[1] 0 prompt.   
open the CD drive, stick your MacOS boot CD in, and type the following:

  setenv auto-boot? false
  wait for reboot back to OF

You now have a machine with patched firmware running MacOS off the  
install CD.  If you're not already connected to your appletalk  
server, connect to it now.

The next step is crucial - although your firmware is patched, it  
won't boot a drive that doesn't have a horde of tiny little Apple- 
provided partitions on it (8 on my machine).  So we will run the disk  
utility off the install CD to reformat the drive.  Obviously, if you  
have important stuff on there, you want to back it up first.   Don't  
worry about how many partitions you create or whether they are hfs or  
hfs+, you'll be blowing them away later anyway, the important thing  
is that the Apple tool sems to be the only way of getting the chain  
loader partitions onto the disk.

Next, we'll run BootX.  If you don't already have the installation  
kernel and initrd on the appleshare server, get them on there now.   
Fire up BootX, set it to use the installation kernel and ramdisk and  
add an additional kernel argument of video=ofonly.  Don't hit  
Linux yet, though.  With BootX still running, hard-eject the MacOS  
CD (biro / paperclip on the drive's force eject tab) and swap in the  
debian install CD.  Now click on Linux and yo should (finally) see  
the penguin logo and the standard boot messages

When you get to the partitioning the disk stage of the installer,  
choose manual partitioning.  Other choices will blow away the chain  
loader partitions and you won't be able to boot with quik.  Be  
careful not to blow those partitions away yourself, either, they may  
look pointless, but they are not.  Your usable partitions will  
probably start around partition 9.  Also be aware that your boot  
partition (whether it's a separate partition mounted onto /boot, or  
the entire root partition) must be plain-jane EXT2, and must live in  
the first 8GB of the drive.  Remember what partition number your boot  
partition is.  As for the rest - knock yourself out :)

Ignore the warning about quik at the end of the install process.  Let  
it rip, and to hell with the consequences.  If you have an  
unorthodoxsetup, you may need to fire up a shell and manually run  
quik before rebooting, but if you're that advanced you already know  
this and what you have to do.  If messing with the quik config file,  
be aware that booting from quik with anyhing other than  
video=ofonly seems to crash the kernel hard (more on this in  
another post)

Reboot.  Watch in awe as you machine drops to the open firmware  
prompt and does - ummm - nothing.

There's a final bit of cleanup to be done before we can make this  
work.  The installer's quik setup knowns nothing of the firmware  
patches, and also kills the proper boot command, so we need to tidy  
that up.  The '9' below should be replaced by the partition number of  
your boot partition, as a hex number (thus partition 10 would be 'a')

  setenv boot-device ide0/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9
  setenv boot-command 1 bootr
  wait for reboot back to OF

And you should now be into the second stage of installation of your  

See?  It's simple, really :)

Wallstreet + quik + atyfb = crash

2006-07-16 Thread Simon Stapleton
So, I'm back on my Wallstreet, which I bought back in '99 or so as a  
Linux machine, and then moved to OSX in 2001.  For teh last year or  
so, it's lingered, mildly unloved and gathering dust, and I decided  
to get it back on Linux as a test platform.

So, as per my other post, I have it up and running, booting with  
quik, and all is well.  Except that, like Ben Racher, I can't get  
accelerated video running with a quik boot.  I _think_ that way back  
when, I was quik booting with accelerated video (video=atyfb:vmode: 
14,cmode:32 etc etc), but whether or not that's true it most  
certainly doesn't work now.

I've tried with the stable branch kernel (2.6.8) both as a binary  
install and as a modularised build and a monolithic build, ditto for  
the testing kernel (2.6.15 as of yesterday).  With video=ofonly  
all is well, but any combination of arguments to video=atyfb cause  
a hard crash - the screen gets blanked (presumably as the early  
console driver gets switched out) and I see screenmelt psychedelic  
patterns (or, if running with an external monitor, signal out of  
range errors), there's a very brief flurry of hard drive activity  
and then nothing.  nada.  Hard rebooting the system and coming back  
up with working video shows that the boot process has not got as far  
as mounting the root drive R/W as everything mounts clean with no  
fsck required.

The same kernels, booted using the OS9 CD and an appleshare server  
with BootX on it, boot fine with both video=ofonly and  

It seems to me that quik is leaving the video card in a state that  
the atyfb driver can't cope with, but of course I can't see any  
output to even begin to tell where that might be happening.  I might  
be able to dig out a serial device to act as console if that is  
possible.  If I can debug what's going on I have no issues with doing  
some real work on getting this going.

Anyway, any gurus feel like chipping in?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New I2C and machine probing method

2006-07-16 Thread Matthias Grimm

I want to use some OF and kernel 2.6 features to improve device probing
in pbbuttonsd. Unfortunately I have only an ancient PowerBook so I need
your help to test the new routines on as many different machines as

I attached the source code of a short program. You could compile it as
 $ gcc -o of_probing of_probing.c

This program does three things:
1. detecting the machine ID.
   Any PowerBook user can test this feature. Launch the program and
   check if the machine ID is correctly detected on your machine. If
   you don't know which ID your machine have see in
 $ cat /proc/device-tree/model or
 $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
   Tell me if your machine is not correctly identified. PowerBooks
   before the G3 Pismo will get the dummy ID 1, because Apple started
   his numbering system just with the Pismo.

2. detecting the LMU I2C address
   The program looked for the lmu-controller in the device tree and
   read the attached data to find out the I2C address.
   This test will only have a result, if you have a PowerBook with an
   ambient light sensor. Otherwise the program won't find an LMU.
   If your machine definitely has an ambient light sensor and the program 
   won't find it, the device tree path might be wrong. In this case please
   send me the correct path or an tar archive of /proc/device-tree.

3. detecting of the /dev/i2c device to communicate with the LMU
   This test reads /sys to find out which i2c devices are available and
   which one is connected to the uni-n controller the LMU is attached
   to. Each found i2c device will then be checked for the LMU.
   The program lists all found i2c devices to the console and mark the
   device with the LMU connected.
   This test needs the kernel module i2c-dev to be loaded. If not
   already done, you could load the module with
 $ modprobe i2c-dev

I would appreciate any feedback.

 Thank you and Best Regards

#include stdio.h
#include dirent.h
#include string.h
#include fcntl.h
#include sys/ioctl.h

#define OFBASE /proc/device-tree
#define SYSI2CDEV  /sys/class/i2c-dev
#define I2CCHIPuni-n
#define I2C_SLAVE  0x0703

probeLMU(char *device, int addr)
	char buffer[4];
	int fd, rc = 0;

	if ((fd = open(device, O_RDWR)) = 0) {
		if (ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, addr) = 0) {
			if (read (fd, buffer, 4) == 4) 
rc = 1;
	return rc;

addPath(char *path, int maxlen, char *pattern)
	DIR *dh;
	struct dirent *dir;
	int rc = 1;
	if ((dh = opendir(path))) {
		while (dir = readdir(dh)) {
			if ((strncmp(dir-d_name, pattern, strlen(pattern)) == 0)) {
strncat(path, /, maxlen-1);
strncat(path, dir-d_name, maxlen-1);
rc = 0;
	return rc;

	char path[200];
	FILE *fd;
	long reg;
	int n, rc = 0, err = 0;

	path[0] = 0; /* terminate path buffer */
	strncat(path, OFBASE, sizeof(path)-1);
	err += addPath(path, sizeof(path), uni-n);
	err += addPath(path, sizeof(path), i2c);
	err += addPath(path, sizeof(path), lmu-controller);
	strncat(path, /reg, sizeof(path)-1);
	printf(  OF: '%s'\n, path); 
	if (err  0)
		printf(Path incomplete! One or more elements not found.\n);
	else if ((fd = fopen(path, r)) = 0) {
		n = fread(reg, sizeof(long), 1, fd);
		if (n == 1)
			rc = (int) (reg  1);
	return rc;

findI2CDevice(int addr)
	char buffer[40];
	DIR *dh;
	FILE *fd;
	struct dirent *dir;
	int n;

	if ((dh = opendir(SYSI2CDEV))) {
		while (dir = readdir(dh)) {
			if (dir-d_name[0] == '.') continue;
			snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), SYSI2CDEV/%s/name, dir-d_name);
			if ((fd = fopen(buffer, r)) = 0) {
n = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fd);
if (n  0  n  sizeof(buffer)) {
	buffer[n-1] = 0;
	printf(  I2C: '%s', '%s', dir-d_name, buffer); 
	if ((strncmp(I2CCHIP , buffer, 6) == 0)) {
		snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), /dev/%s, dir-d_name);
		if ((probeLMU(buffer, addr)))
			printf(  - this is the LMU device);

	char buffer[32];
	int fd, n, machine = 0;

	if ((fd = open(OFBASE/model, O_RDONLY))) {
		if ((n = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1)) != -1) {
			buffer[n] = 0;   /* terminate buffer, only to be sure */
			if (strncmp(PowerBook, buffer, 9) == 0) {
if (buffer[9] == 0)
	machine = 1;  /* Dummy code for pre-Pismo PowerBooks */
else {
	machine = (atoi(buffer[9])  0xf)  4;
	for (n = 9; buffer[n] != ','  buffer[n] != '\0'; ++n);
	if (buffer[n] == ',')
		machine |= atoi(buffer[n+1])  0xf;
	return machine;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int addr, machine;

	printf(\nProbing machine...\n);
	machine = getMachineID();
	if (machine != 0) {
		printf (  Machine: ID = %x\n, machine);

		addr = getLMUAddress();
		if (addr) {
			printf(  LMU: I2C address = %x \n, addr);
		} else

Re: xorg nv options

2006-07-16 Thread Filippo Giunchedi
On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 06:19:33PM -0400, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
  I haven't been able to use an external monitor/beamer with this laptop
  and xorg. Is it possible now (I have not tried it for a while).
 The nv driver doesn't support dual head. I think it's possible however
 to coerce it into using the external output instead of the internal flat
 panel but I don't know the details. Others on the list might.

I can successfully use the external vga out, however the laptop LCD is not
usable meanwhile. Note that you have to boot with the external vga adaptor
plugged in.


Section Monitor
Identifier   Monitor0
VendorName   Monitor Vendor
ModelNameMonitor Model
HorizSync   28-49
VertRefresh 43-72
Option  DPMS  

Section Monitor
Identifier   Monitor1
VendorName   Monitor Vendor
ModelNameMonitor Model
HorizSync   28-49
VertRefresh 43-72
Option  DPMS  

Section Device
Identifier  Card0
BusID   PCI:0:16:0
Driver  nv
Option  CrtcNumber 1 # 0 is external crt
Option  FlatPanel 1 # 0 is external crt
#Option UseFBDev   true
#Option fbdev /dev/fb0

Section Device
Identifier  Card1
BusID   PCI:0:16:0
Driver  nv
Option  CrtcNumber 0 # 0 is external crt
Option  FlatPanel 0 # 0 is external crt

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Card0
DefaultDepth 16 

SubSection Display
Depth 16 
Modes   1024x768 800x600 640x480 

Section Screen
Identifier Screen1
Device Card1
DefaultDepth 16 

SubSection Display
Depth 16 
Modes   800x600 640x480 
#   Modes   1024x768 800x600 640x480 

Section ServerLayout
Identifier XFree86 Configured
#Screen 1 Screen1  LeftOf Screen0
# only one of each at a time.
# lcd screen
Screen  0   Screen0 
# vga out
#Screen 1   Screen1 
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer 
InputDevice Mouse1
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard


Filippo Giunchedi - http://esaurito.net
PGP key: 0x6B79D401
random quote follows:

I always keep the Titanic in mind when I talk about security or
safety, meaning that nothing is fully secure.
-- Anonymous (?)

Description: Digital signature

Re: New I2C and machine probing method

2006-07-16 Thread Filippo Giunchedi
On Sun, Jul 16, 2006 at 03:45:57PM +0200, Matthias Grimm wrote:
 I want to use some OF and kernel 2.6 features to improve device probing
 in pbbuttonsd. Unfortunately I have only an ancient PowerBook so I need
 your help to test the new routines on as many different machines as
 I attached the source code of a short program. You could compile it as
  $ gcc -o of_probing of_probing.c

$ ./of_probing 

Probing machine...
  Machine: ID = 62
  OF: '/proc/device-tree/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/reg'
Path incomplete! One or more elements not found.
  LMU: No LMU found!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ cat /proc/cpuinfo 
processor   : 0
cpu : 7447/7457, altivec supported
clock   : 998.40MHz
revision: 0.1 (pvr 8002 0101)
bogomips: 47.94
timebase: 18432000
platform: PowerMac
machine : PowerBook6,2
motherboard : PowerBook6,2 MacRISC3 Power Macintosh
detected as : 287 (PowerBook G4)
pmac flags  : 001a
L2 cache: 512K unified
pmac-generation : NewWorld

seems fine, powerbook 12 bought nov'03

Filippo Giunchedi - http://esaurito.net
PGP key: 0x6B79D401
random quote follows:

I was once walking through the forest alone. A tree fell right
in front of me -- and I didn't hear it.
-- Steven Wright

Description: Digital signature

Re: New I2C and machine probing method

2006-07-16 Thread Johannes Berg
 2. detecting the LMU I2C address
The program looked for the lmu-controller in the device tree and
read the attached data to find out the I2C address.
This test will only have a result, if you have a PowerBook with an
ambient light sensor. Otherwise the program won't find an LMU.
If your machine definitely has an ambient light sensor and the program
won't find it, the device tree path might be wrong. In this case please
send me the correct path or an tar archive of /proc/device-tree.

I haven't tested it, but a quick look at the code suggests it won't find
it here:

johannes:/proc/device-tree/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL 
hd compatible
  6c 6d 75 2d 63 6f 6e 74  72 6f 6c 6c 65 72 00 |lmu-controller.|

...$ hd device_type
  6c 6d 75 2d 63 6f 6e 74  72 6f 6c 6c 65 72 00 |lmu-controller.|


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Wallstreet + quik + atyfb = crash

2006-07-16 Thread brian
on my powerbook3400 where i just got quik going,  i just double checked -- i have no video options set at all.  just in case i worry somebody, my disk is ok i think (its just the old fashioned laptop parking makes me nervous, or maybe it does need some tuning somewhere, but its ok)  i do have apparently though some video driver problem, that is no better or worse in quik or bootx. the pb3400 has chips tho not ati, but keep reading.  worried about my disk, i did finally manage to backup my debian sarge off the 3400 and copy it to my beige g3 and am up and running there, more or less, with bootx. the one video problem i had with chips disappears but there are some other minor problems, i am still working with the xf86config. besides the ati there i also  have an ixmicro16MB card which i am studying how to get going. (no luck yet). i have seen people suggest options like you are discussing but i have no
 idea what the various flags there represent, may be out of date, i don't wish to burn up something !!  one thing quik did help with on 3400 is now i have hotplug support for my wireless card - that is it does not have to be inserted allways before startup.  my video problem there is about some twisted up fonts in various places - only urw family apparently work ok. the evidence with the  beige being fine i either have and error in my x config or a problem with video drivers / kernel somewhere ?  note i am always so far using stock kernels- that is i have not tried either building my own or putting an etch kernel into sarge- now that i have sarge on the g3 i have more resources there i might try it. my oldworlds run sarge/2.6.8-3.  brian Simon Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So, I'm back on my Wallstreet, which I bought back in '99 or so as a  Linux machine, and then moved to OSX in 2001.  For teh last year or  so, it's lingered, mildly unloved and gathering dust, and I decided  to get it back on Linux as a test platform.So, as per my other post, I have it up and running, booting with  quik, and all is well.  Except that, like Ben Racher, I can't get  accelerated video running with a quik boot.  I _think_ that way back  when, I was quik booting with accelerated video (video=atyfb:vmode: 14,cmode:32 etc etc), but whether or not that's true it most  certainly doesn't work now.I've tried with the stable branch kernel (2.6.8) both as a binary  install and as a modularised build and a monolithic build, ditto for  the "testing" kernel (2.6.15 as of yesterday).  With "video=ofonly"  all is well, but any combination of arguments to "video=atyfb" cause 
 a hard crash - the screen gets blanked (presumably as the early  console driver gets switched out) and I see "screenmelt" psychedelic  patterns (or, if running with an external monitor, "signal out of  range" errors), there's a very brief flurry of hard drive activity  and then nothing.  nada.  Hard rebooting the system and coming back  up with working video shows that the boot process has not got as far  as mounting the root drive R/W as everything mounts clean with no  fsck required.The same kernels, booted using the OS9 CD and an appleshare server  with BootX on it, boot fine with both "video=ofonly" and  "video=atyfb..."It seems to me that quik is leaving the video card in a state that  the atyfb driver can't cope with, but of course I can't see any  output to even begin to tell where that might be happening.  I might  be able to dig out a serial device to act as console if that is  possible.  If I
 can debug what's going on I have no issues with doing  some real work on getting this going.Anyway, any gurus feel like chipping in?Simon -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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