special sybols on German Mac Pro Keybord

2001-06-07 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
With my G4 Cube I got the USB 'Apple Pro Keyboard' with german keycaps. 

I don't see how to manage typing several important symbols in the Linux
environment (for the MacOSes I could detect them). 
I am only using the console up to now.

the symbol for 'pipe' --  |
the symbol for 'at'   --  @
the 'backslash--  \ 

I am writing this mail message on my PC, that's why I can type these

What can I do if not putting that Apple keyboard away? 
But if so, which apple compatible keybord could be the alternative 
under Linux? 
By the way, it's not very comfortable for me typing on it - too noisy
above all. 


Re: G4 Cube FWUpdate -->boot fiasco

2001-06-07 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
Quoting Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> it sounds like the nvram is corrupted, this is not normal behavior
> regardless of a linux installation.  
> shut it down, and boot it cold while holding down command option p r
> keep them down until it reboots itself 3 or more times.  this should
> reset the nvram to sane defaults, and if your bootstrap partition is
> first it should boot into debian.  if you still have difficulty with
> the debian bootloader i recommend you check that your using the
> current yaboot package in potato, and rerun mkofboot -f.  i highly
> recommend you get the yaboot package from woody and install that
> however, its more reliable.   remember you MUST rerun ybin or mkofboot -f 
> after upgrading the yaboot package, the active bootlaoder is NOT
> upgraded until you do.

Thank you very, very much for your help. 
I'll try the rebooting torture tomorrow. 
Since Monday I am completely in 'unstable' and with your tips to me and
the others for the last 2-3 hours I again was able to boot into Debian
via the OFW. 

The first thing I did was to apt-get the 2.2.19 kernel-image. 
Q refering to that: what is with that 'quik.conf' and 'quikconfig' for
NewWorld machines. Does it really write a boot block? 
I can't believe that it has any function. It had no active entries in
the juvenile install configuration! Or what is the corresponding 
thing to 'lilo' on i386 platform? 
That leads me to the Q of how compiling a kernel for PPC: 
I succeeded on Monday in: make dep clean zImage modules modules_install 
 ('b'zImage is not supported by the Makefile; why? - is there something
  corresponding? Or does the 'better' PPC hardware not urge to such
But what's next? Corresponding to 'make bzlilo' or 'make bzdisk'?
How do you activate a boot block overtaking the new kernel file? 
Is it sufficent to cp System.map and new-built kernel file to /boot/...
and linking /vmlinux to it? 
Commandig mkofboot and/or ybin after that? 
I need some information at this point

Thanks in advance, 


> -- 
> Ethan Benson
> http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/

G4 Cube FWUpdate -->boot fiasco

2001-06-07 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
I'm new to this group and to the ppc/apple hardware. 
With Debian I have experiences for several years ... on the i386 platform. 

In Mid-May I bought a G4 Cube. 
In general: it is the the 'new' (for me) hardware I have difficulties with. 

After some fiddling with MacOS and MacOSX on my Cube I decided to put
'my' beloved Debian additionally on the HDD. 

This decision resulted in a three-system boot configuration, booting
Debian as default :-)
With the G4 Cube having a so-called NewWorld PowerMac, I achieved the
multi-booting by a Apple_Bootstrap partition activated by 
ybin and /etc/yaboot.conf.
A nice thing I found by access was booting with the 'Option' key which
also in a kind of GUI showed a Linux(penguin) boot icon choosable by
mouse (plus a bootable CD if inserted).

All this is lost now! 
For I did the newest "recommended" 'G4 Cube FWUpdate' version 4.1.8 
I did it having tested the additional RAM before. 
I had not thought of it damaging completely the boot configuration, even
the boot GUI apple-feature.

The new situation:
1) Booting into OpenFirmware now still shows the linux entry but it 
   doesn't boot Debian any more. 
2) Booting with the 'Option' key pressed now flickers up the boot 'GUI'
   for a short moment. In it only the boot volume choosed in one of the
   MacOSes can be seen. Then I get an OpenFirmware prompt. There I only
   see the possibility typing 'boot mac-os' to get a system.
3) Additionaly now I haven't any possibility to boot from a CD. 
   Neither pressing 'c' nor with the Option key.

What can I do get a boot status similar to that before the RomUpdate? 
Thanks a lot for hints.


Re: Install on 466 MHz G4?

2001-06-07 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
Quoting Mark K. Gardner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

>   mkofboot --boot /dev/hda9 -m /usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot --root \
> /dev/hda11 --partition 11

Additional directly after this step I did a 'ybin -v' 
This command -I think- wrote some information from the /etc/yaboot.conf
into the 'Apple_Bootstrap' partition. 
Because of the verbosity option I got the information that 'yabin' wrote
some kind of hfs filesystem to the bootstrap. 
After this process booting my G4 Cube with the option key showed the HDD
icon with the penguin.
before I did the OFWUpdate :-((

>   0> boot hd:9,yaboot
This -for me- unknown command perhaps will help me a bit further in my
present booting problems


Re: G4 Cube FWUpdate -->boot fiasco

2001-06-07 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
Quoting Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 04:18:00AM +0200, Karl-Heinz Haag wrote:
> if you have a newworld your best way to fix that right now is:
> apt-get --purge remove quik

> you should use make-kpkg from the kernel-package to build a kernel
> .deb its much simpler and straighforward then all of this.  
I'll do so.
I suppose this home-brewn kernel image will not ask whether activating a
boot block with 'quik' as the image did I fetched with apt-get yesterday...

> > How do you activate a boot block overtaking the new kernel file? 
> > Is it sufficent to cp System.map and new-built kernel file to /boot/...
> > and linking /vmlinux to it? 
> yes, but kernel-package makes this eaiser.  
> > Commandig mkofboot and/or ybin after that? 
> update /etc/yaboot.conf and rerun ybin.  just like you would do on x86
> with lilo.
All clear to me so far. 
Next question: Creating a boot 'fallback' to the new kernel? 

On i386 you can stop the lilo bootup by pressing the 'shift' key, and
'Tab' shows boot alternatives you created in /etc/lilo.conf. With this
you can boot different Linux kernel images and other OS on the HDD. 

How enabling to boot the new kernel by default and -by choice- elder
ones as well? The new one could be broken or bad configured
My situation now is that I'm booting into Debian via OF:
boot hd:9,yaboot

Where can I find some stuff to read about that besides man yaboot/ybin? 


keymap in X

2001-06-10 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
Successes on my newworld G4 Cube -Rage128:
-Debian again boots by default
-console works now with the right "german" console-maps. 
 (as symbols I also now can type \,@,~,|,{[]} )
-I also got X working with xserver-xfree version 4.0.3-3 

With 'startx' I can start icewm as the default wm.

Working on X is not very useful.  
Because, what and where I type in the X environment -be it into xterms
or somewhere else- I only get weird characters. 
I.e. I don't get typed the signs that I press on the keybord. 
Even pressing 'Enter' gives a comma sign on the screen. 

How to get the right (german) ?keymap? in X?

Perhaps it is useful to give the few lines of my 
XF86Config-4 refering to the Input devices.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "XFree86 Configured"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Keyboard0"
Driver  "keyboard"
Option  "CoreKeyboard"   
Option  "XkbdRules" "xfree86"
Option  "XkbdModel" "macintosh"
Option  "XkbdLayout" "de"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "PS/2"
Option  "Device" "/dev/input/mice"

Thanks again for your help.

X and console with "Apple Pro Mouse"

2001-06-11 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
With my newworld Cube G4 I got an optical "Apple Pro Mouse" on USB. 
The Cube has an ATI Rage128.

3 Questions: 

1. Is it possible to use the gpm for the console? 
   With which configuration? 
2. How is it possible to emulate the second and third mouse key 
   in X with this "one-key" Apple Mouse? 
3. If I have configured gpm for this mouse, are there any known 
   conflicts/interferences with the X-configuration for the mouse? 


Re: keymap in X

2001-06-11 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
Quoting Michel Dänzer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Karl-Heinz Haag wrote:
> > Section "InputDevice"
> > Identifier  "Keyboard0"
> > Driver  "keyboard"
> > Option  "CoreKeyboard"
> > Option  "XkbdRules" "xfree86"
> > Option  "XkbdModel" "macintosh"
> > Option  "XkbdLayout" "de"
> > EndSection
> For one, there are typos here - should be 'Xkb...', not 'Xkbd...' .

You were quite right - the biggest problem is solved now!

What remains to solve is the 'emulation' of 2nd and 3rd mousekey 
in X and the 2nd key working for gpm. 
If you don't like to explain yourself, please give me a tip/link 
where to search...


tripwire & freeswan in debian-ppc

2001-06-15 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
I want to use tripwire-2.3.?? and freeswan also on the macppc platform
within Debian.  

Do you see possibilities for realizing that? 
In Debian-PPC there are no packages+sources for these two programs. 

In the original tripwire sources I noticed that the Makefile only has targets 
for i386 and sparc and it doesn't compile correctly on my G4 with


Re: tomcat / apache-mod

2001-06-15 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
> I'd like to know if anyone has build the ppc version of the libapache-mod-jk, 
> which is tomcat plugger into apache, for servlet developpement. It appears 
> that 
> it exists only for ix86, is it too difficult to buils on other platforms ?

I can tell you by experience that it is also 'too difficult' on the i386
platform in Debian ;-(

After some period of frustration with the Debian packages you mention
I switched to a 'handmade solution' with tomcat for the servlet development 
servers in my company. That was in April this year. 
It is a lot easier to implement and configure it by yourself. 

For your support the Tomcat FAQ's, lists and documents are full of
enlightments and solutuions for any problem you will have to deal with. 

In all, mangling apache-jserv + cocoon mid last year was the more difficult
task for me. 


Sound on G4 Cube

2001-06-17 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
*sound on/with G4 Cube* 

How to configure? 

Apples tech-information only tells:  
"Sound card 16-Bit -PCI- 44.1 KHz stereo"
"Audio Output -- Sound card -PCI- integrated"

Which hardware is this?
Is kernel 2.2.19 sufficient?
Which modules do I need to compile? 
Is there something special about the order to load these modules? 


tripwire for ppc (was: tripwire & freeswan in debian-ppc)

2001-06-17 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
Quoting Michael Schmitz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I want to use tripwire-2.3.?? and freeswan also on the macppc platform
> > within Debian.
> >
> > Do you see possibilities for realizing that?
> Yep. Build it from source. You'll need to have a close look at the source
> for that, 

That's too complicated for me alone :(
Not beeing a C developer.
Did someone succeed in compiling tripwire for ppc from source?

> > In Debian-PPC there are no packages+sources for these two programs.
> Look in non-US.

That is what I did first :) 
I looked it up in testing/non-US and unstable/non-US.
"E: Package tripwire has no installation candidate"

It is only there for i386.

If there is no solution with tripwire I believe I have to choose 'aide',
of which I heard the first time today in irc.
For aide there is a 'candidate' for ppc. 


how play MCDs on Cube G4

2002-10-08 Thread Karl-Heinz Haag
Hello all, 

I've grabbed the list but did not find a working 
solution for playing music CDs with my cube G4. 

Cube G4 450
Debian Woody 3.0
lsmod shows loaded modules: 

What's working:
mpg123 plays mp3 files
aumix works for volume, bass, treble

Half working:
xmms can be watched start playing the MCD 
But: there is no sound to hear

What's not working: 
command music cdplayers like workbone, cdcd: no sound 

I would prefer workbone on Linux-console, but I see no way
to activate the numblock in a way that workbone accepts. 
The other keys work nearly perfect on the console with 
the Pro Keyboard (german layout)

I also tested the script "cdda2wav...cdir..sed..." someone 
suggested in this list for playing mcds. 
The effect is a kind of white noise from the Macspeakers. 

Do you have any suggestions? 
