Bug#887495: cups-browsed: 'No destination host name supplied by cups-browsed for printer "name", is cups-browsed running?' for all queues

2018-03-26 Thread Christoph Pleger


I discovered the same problem on my computer today and found out that it 
is NO coincidence that the problem occurs on the KDE desktop.

After several unsuccessful attempts of getting it to work under KDE by 
stopping cups and cups-browsed, editing configuration files, deleting 
all files from /var/cache/cups and starting daemons again, I read your 
post, then logged out of KDE, re-logged in with MATE, did the same as 
before, except from editing configuration, and then, printing was 
successful. I logged out from MATE, re-logged in under KDE and then, 
printing did also work with KDE. Another daemon restart after deleting 
cache files, error occurred again. Logged out, in again with KDE, 
printing worked.

Beside the fact that printing worked immediately with another desktop 
environment, but only with problems in KDE, I noticed another 
difference: In MATE, files 
/var/cache/cups/cups-browsed-options-´ were created soon after 
the printer information broadcast messages had been received, while in 
KDE these files were created not before cups-browsed was stopped.


Bug#868316: cups-bsd: lpr does not print with "DefaultPolicy authenticated" in cupsd.conf

2017-08-29 Thread Christoph Pleger


You might want to edit your pull-request to either target the 
branch-2.1 from
upstream, or rebase yours on top of upstream's master; as-it-is it's 

confusing :-/

The request has already been acted on and the issue is closed. They did 
not exactly apply my patch, but their solution does quite the same.


Bug#868316: cups-bsd: lpr does not print with "DefaultPolicy authenticated" in cupsd.conf

2017-08-28 Thread Christoph Pleger


Would you be interested to push a pull-request to upstream? It doesn't 
make a

lot of sense for me to play proxy…

Done, though I do not understand what you see as a possible problem 
there. I guess that comparison of port numbers in an AF_UNIX connection 
never makes sense ...


Bug#868283: cups-browsed ignores "DefaultPolicy authenticated" from cupsd.conf

2017-07-24 Thread Christoph Pleger


  Printers ->  -> Administration -> Set Default Options

A workaround to avoid doing this is to have DefaultPolicy in cupsd.conf
on the server as "authenticated".

Ah, thank you, I found it.


Bug#868283: cups-browsed ignores "DefaultPolicy authenticated" from cupsd.conf

2017-07-21 Thread Christoph Pleger


Isn't it under "Policies"?

Maybe I am blind, but I even cannot find "Policies", though I have 
clicked on many of the links.


Bug#868283: cups-browsed ignores "DefaultPolicy authenticated" from cupsd.conf

2017-07-21 Thread Christoph Pleger


cups-browsed now saves a copy of the remote printer's PPD in
/var/cache/cups. "Operation Policy" is one of the options which
can set there using the web interface (say).

I cannot find where to change the operation policy in the web interface.

I wonder whether we really have a bug here if this is the way
it is designed to work now.

If cups-browsed is designed to take invalid data from a self-created 
cache, than that is a bug in design.


Bug#868283: cups-browsed ignores "DefaultPolicy authenticated" from cupsd.conf

2017-07-19 Thread Christoph Pleger


But I dug a hole for myself.

4. Reinstall stretch's cups-browsed (no change in cupsd.conf) to go 

   to 2. "OpPolicy authenticated" is what I get!

5. Remove "DefaultPolicy authenticated" from cupsd.conf. Back to 1. Not
   at all! It's still "DefaultPolicy authenticated".

Colour me perplexed (or inept).

I guess that some information is taken from the files in /var/cache/cups 
and that these cache files are not correctly updated ...


Bug#868316: cups-bsd: lpr does not print with "DefaultPolicy authenticated" in cupsd.conf

2017-07-17 Thread Christoph Pleger


On 2017-07-14 17:51, Brian Potkin wrote:

We'll need an error_log; the Printing section of the wiki will guide
you in getting one. Compress it with gzip and send it to #868316.

The log is attached. I stopped the cups daemon, removed the old 
error_log, started the cups daemon, tried to print, and after the print 
job had been removed from the queue, stopped the daemon. So, the log 
contains only these steps.

Also attach your cupsd.conf and give the printer make and model.

It is the original cupsd.conf copied from 
/usr/share/cups/cupsd.conf.default at package installation, only with an 

DefaultPolicy authenticated


There are several printers, all of them remote printers imported by 
cups-browsed - which is also currently broken related to authenticated 
policy, see #868283, so that I installed an older version. Of course, I 
verified that printing works with this older version of cups-browsed and 
"DefaultPolicy default".


Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Bug#868316: cups-bsd: lpr does not print with "DefaultPolicy authenticated" in cupsd.conf

2017-07-14 Thread Christoph Pleger

Package: cups-bsd
Version: 2.2.1-8

Dear maintainers,

I do not know if it is a problem with the lpr program from cups-bsd or 
with the cups daemon itself, but with "DefaultPolicy authenticated" in 
cupsd.conf, lpr does not print, but the job remains in the print queue 
for a while and then is removed.
