Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On 4 Apr 2006, Benj. Mako Hill said:

 quote who=Manoj Srivastava date=Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 03:23:35AM
 The way I see it, Debian produces an modular OS. the
 modularity of the product is, by and large[0], packages.

 .. snip ..

 [0]. There are people who contribute to Debian other than as
 package maintainers, but they do have the same rights of
 uploading as anyone else.

 As other have pointed out, many package maintainers can't vote

In my nomenclature, people who upload the packages are the
 maintainers -- even if the majority of the work has been done by
 others, like the uipstream author. As far as Debian is concerned, the
 person sho signed off on the upload is the one attesting to the
 quality of the package. Also, they are the only ones we can actually
 trust we can verify the identity of (there is a reason for the web of

 I think that the fact that the upload keyring is the same as the
 voting keyring is bad. Contributors are told they can't vote until
 they learn C compiler flags. People who don't upload anymore keep
 their privileges in order to vote.

I beg to differ here. I think that rights and priviledges
 accorded to full membership are done correctly, the steep cirve for
 becoming a maintainer keeps the riff-raff and troublemakers out (the
 investment of time and effort does not meet the retrn-on-investment
 thresholds for most  crackers, for instance).

 Branden had an interesting idea of fixing the second big by allowing
 people to simply opt-out of upload privileges through Debian has a *very* poor recognizing non-packaging
 contributions to the community with enfranchisement of any sort.

That is a bug I would be willing to accept as such.

It is Texas law that when two trains meet each other at a railroad
crossing, each shall come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed
until the other has gone.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread MJ Ray
Wouter Verhelst [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 They don't need to be in the web of trust to affect those issues. They
 can just step in and do something.

This is often overlooked as a form of democracy. It's a bit brutal,
but can be useful.

 [...] and b) there is no clear-cut and
 objective criteria currently to identify those people who do make
 regular contributions without being a developer.

Unless something has changed since I last looked, the NM process
was hardly clear-cut or objective either.

 Put differently, here are a number of questions you should answer for
 this to have merit:
 * What should a non-DD contributor be doing before we consider him/her
   eligible to vote?

Making a worthwhile contribution to the project. Interestingly,
self-censorship by non-members allows projects such as Indymedia
to function with much weaker membership qualification than debian.

 * How should we link their key to their identity, so that we *know* a
   given key belongs to some non-DD contributor? For DDs, we know because
   we've seen their uploads. For contributors, we don't see their
   uploads, so we can only know through key signing, which is a weaker
   criterion (unless they sign their contributions with their GPG key).

We should see submissions by contributors and those could be signed.

 * Should non-DD contributors be allowed to vote on just about anything?
   If not, what types of votes should they be allowed to vote on, and
   what types of votes should they not be allowed to vote on? Make this a
   clear rule, so that you can apply it to any possible and impossible
   thing we might have an idea about voting on.

- Appoint or recall the Project Leader.
- Override any decision by the Project Leader or a Delegate.
- Override any decision by the Technical Committee.
- Issue, supersede and withdraw nontechnical policy documents and statements.

I exclude the power to amend the constitution, which they've
agreed to even less than developers. All of the others affect
the work done by contributors in some way, so I think there's
an argument for giving them a voice. Maybe one or more of the
above should be subdivided, but I'm not sure.

 * Should non-DD contributors be allowed to propose General Resolutions?

Only ones that they can vote on.

 * Should non-DD contributors be allowed to nominate themselves as DPL?

No, it should require a number of seconds.

 [...] But if there
 was a vote on say 'should debian create a new irc channel for mutt
 users' or 'what applications should be translated first for the urdu
 desktop?' or 'what is the number one thing that debian users want for
 etch?'  Then would a user need to be in the Debian web of trust to
 affect those issues? What would be required, short of joining the web of

All of the above seem like JFDI (Just F Do It) issues, not
requiring a vote.

 [...] If you do get more involved, you may want=20
 to read the Debian Constitution and Social Contract too. That would have=20
 given you the correct information regarding the democratic processes=20
 within Debian.

Except for the situations where they are ignored. I thought some
DDs claimed never to have agreed to those processes because they
predate the NM process: am I mistaken?

Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Far from it being a known bug, I don't think it is a bug at
  all.  There has to be some criteria for allowing people decision
  making powers in the project (conducting the vote on slashdot would
  be unacceptable to most people).

There is a space between only uploaders may vote and everyone
may vote. Also, I believe non-uploading contributors also have
some responsiblity for the operating system debian distributes,
so they should have some decision-making role. Arguably, they
already do, but what weight should that role carry?

  [...]  Becoming a DD also entails a level of commitment tot he
  project that a casual contributor has not made.

Is anyone suggesting casual contributors get the vote? There are
some long-term contributors who do not have the vote and seem
unlikely to get through the current NM process: it's hard enough
for package maintainers with years in the free software scene
who get left in DAMnation for many months while they are quizzed
repeatedly over whether they know the difference between free beer
and free speech.

It may be that there needs to be clearer information for l10n
teams about who can become DDs and how, but I thought there was
resistance to non-uploading DDs. Did I misunderstand?

Best wishes,
Laux nur mia opinio: vidu
Bv sekvu

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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Helen Faulkner
Jorgen Schaefer wrote:
 Helen Faulkner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It seems to me that we are already in a situation where only the
 people who are really interested in, or informed about, a
 particular question are voting on it.
 And that's bad because ...?

Oh, I wasn't suggesting it was bad.  I think it's good.  I think we'd see the
same behaviour if non-DD contributors were allowed to vote.  They would vote on
the things they know something about and ignore the things they don't know 

The overal effect would be to increase the number of informed people voting and
to get the viewpoints of people who are contributing to Debian in non-maintainer
ways, which I think would be entirely positive.


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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Henning Makholm
Scripsit Benj. Mako Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I think that the fact that the upload keyring is the same as the
 voting keyring is bad. Contributors are told they can't vote until
 they learn C compiler flags.

Who tells contributors that nonsense?

Henning Makholm However, the fact that the utterance by
   Epimenides of that false sentence could imply the
   existence of some Cretan who is not a liar is rather unsettling.

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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Henning Makholm
Scripsit Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 3 Apr 2006, Wouter Verhelst outgrape:

 I don't have any problems per se with non-DD contributors being
 allowed to vote on matters of purely technical substance.

 I have a problem with _anyone_ voting on a matter of purely
  technical substance.

According to the Constitution, members of the TC do.

Henning Makholm   Hele toget raslede imens Sjælland fór forbi.

Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Henning Makholm
Scripsit Benj. Mako Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It's argueably the most important right that is reserved for developers
 but it does not necessary stand to reason that it should be reserved
 only for those who engage in development.

 I'd like to see those who have made long-term, sustained, and
 significant contributions to Debian enfranchised.

How is making long-term, sustained, and significant contributions to
Debian _not_ engaging in development?

Henning Makholm  The burning swoosh shall be our emblem, and
we shall laugh in the face of trademark lawyers.

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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Clint Adams
 In other words, those who are responsible, decide.

I agree.  So let's divest of their voting privileges those DDs who
don't contribute enough.  We have several hundred of those.

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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On 4 Apr 2006, Benj. Mako Hill spake thusly:

 quote who=Wouter Verhelst date=Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 08:58:57AM
 The problem is more one of 'how do we identify those people that
 aren't a Developer, but that do contribute regularly'.

 There are a number of ways of doing this although, like NM, it's
 ultimately a human process that is carried out in the context of
 guidelines. Ubuntu has separate categories for member and maintainer
 (only the latter can upload although they are equal in all other
 respects) and their process involves testimonial, demonstrated work
 over a long period of time, and review by an elected
 board. Something similar could work in Debian.

Ubuntu also gives limited rights to its so called members. Can
 members throw out the benevolent dictator for life? fire all the
 members on the committees? overrule the peoject leader? Or any
 delegate? Propose and with enough numbers, change the very articles
 of incorporation or other foundation documents?

I'd be happy to follow the ubuntu model -- gice every
 /. reader full rights, but whittle down their powers so all
 they can really do is say they are members, and vote on some
 inconsequential things.

This is not what franchise in Debian entitles you to.

 Since Debian votes are conducted through GPG-signed mails and
 regular contributors aren't part of the Debian web of trust, this
 is more than a convenience issue. Note that Debian Developers
 without an active key in the keyring can't vote, either.

 The system could still require a key signed by another Debian
 developer. The identity part of NM is not the most difficult part
 for many and is easily overcome even by non-developers.

Err, all that means is that we have a weak trust in the
 identity of the people, but does nothing to address commitment,
 responsibility, and trust in that person, or any idea if they adhere
 to the foundation principles of the project.

Ultimately, the powers weilded by voting members affect me. I
 am willing to listen to directions from my peers, I am less likely to
 be inclined to take direction from anyone who has submitted a random
 patch to the BTS. I am also unlikely to want to take direction from
 anyone who has not demonstrated a modicum of commitment to the
 project. There is

Now, if there are people like that who are not DD's, the
 question we must ask, is wjy are they not DD's?  If they are putting
 in the work, and have the same commitment as a DD does, even if they
 do not package stuff, why is the project not treating them as first
 class members?

The solution is not to dilute the franchise, the solution is
 rather to induct all trustworthy significant contributors commited to
 the project as full members.

It has never been about work -- else upstream authors doing
 all the heavy lifting should be the ones voting. It is about
 commitment, responsibility, and trust.

There's no future in time travel.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On 4 Apr 2006, Henning Makholm verbalised:

 Scripsit Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 3 Apr 2006, Wouter Verhelst outgrape:

 I don't have any problems per se with non-DD contributors being
 allowed to vote on matters of purely technical substance.

 I have a problem with _anyone_ voting on a matter of purely
 technical substance.

 According to the Constitution, members of the TC do.

I'll try dotting the i's and crossing the t's with this
 analogy: You and I can't vote to decide what is the law, what falls
 afoul of the law, and what does not. 

The supreme court justices do vote.

See the difference?

Many a bum show has been saved by the flag. George M. Cohan
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On 4 Apr 2006, Benj. Mako Hill stated:

 quote who=Steve Langasek date=Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 12:15:15AM
 Most developers seem to agree that there are bugs in our process
 for integrating new members into the project, but that's not the
 same as saying that non-DDs should be allowed to vote

 Clearly not.

 voting rights are one of the few privileges that are reserved only
 for developers, and arguably the most important.

 It's argueably the most important right that is reserved for
 developers but it does not necessary stand to reason that it should
 be reserved only for those who engage in development.

You know, in my new country (I've just joined the enfranchised
 ranks here). Even my new country, far more democratic than Debian
 ewver shall be, does not give franchise based on work people do. If
 it did, trust fund babies would have no vote, and the illegal
 migrant workers would. 

When I got my citizenship, it took an pledge of allegiance
 before things were stamped, and I had to go through an NM PP section
 with a immigration official to see if I knew the philosophy and
 practical details of how the government worked. I also had a back
 ground and identity check done, to enter the web of trust.

Seems like people on -project as asking L1 visa holders [0]
 to get a right to vote, no questions asked

 I'd like to see those who have made long-term, sustained, and
 significant contributions to Debian enfranchised. That could mean
 broadening the category of developer through changes to NM or it
 could also mean another enfranchised category of contributor. That's
 what I read as the argument at the core of this thread -- but
 perhaps I was just projecting.

I think we need to make them full, undifferentiated, members
 of the project. Which means going through a process where we know
 they adhere to our foundation documents, and spend time with a
 trusted developer (AM) so we have a better idea of who they are, and
 can have a modicum of trust in that they do not sabotage the

Trust. Commitment. Responsibility.


[0] temporary foreign workers working for a local company in the
country to continue to do the job they did for the same
company in their home country)
wolf, n.: A man who knows all the ankles.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On 4 Apr 2006, Clint Adams stated:

 In other words, those who are responsible, decide.

 I agree.  So let's divest of their voting privileges those DDs who
 don't contribute enough.  We have several hundred of those.

Please help out the MIA process. It would really be

QOTD: It was so cold last winter that I saw a lawyer with his hands
in his own pockets.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Setting up

2006-04-04 Thread Adrian von Bidder
On Monday 03 April 2006 01:25, Christian Surchi wrote:
 Il giorno dom, 02/04/2006 alle 18.39 -0400, Jaldhar H. Vyas ha scritto:

  Well, personally I had debian-specific projects like d-i and debconf
  translations in mind.

 And how could be that idea connected to upstream translation work? That
 was my question, basically.

I guess the answer is 'not, and that's not a bad thing either'.  For d-i and 
package descriptions etc. there are not upstream developers separate from 
Debian.  I presume work on program translations should take place wherever 
upstream does it - no need for Debian to set up an infrastructure.  If 
upstream infrastructure for i18n is lacking, this should be solved 
upstream, not in Debian.

-- vbi

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Information Concerning Telugu Font

2006-04-04 Thread James Hardy

I am searching for a free Telugu font that I can install on my computer.  I
do not know enough about the software to ask specific questions.  I would
like to be able to do word processing and possibly publication using Telugu

Do you have any suggestions on how I should proceed to find, download and
use Telugu font for word processing and possibly publication?

Thanks ever so much!

James Hardy

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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Kevin Mark
On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 02:36:58PM +0200, Henning Makholm wrote:
 Scripsit Benj. Mako Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  It's argueably the most important right that is reserved for developers
  but it does not necessary stand to reason that it should be reserved
  only for those who engage in development.
  I'd like to see those who have made long-term, sustained, and
  significant contributions to Debian enfranchised.
 How is making long-term, sustained, and significant contributions to
 Debian _not_ engaging in development?

Hi Henning,
just to clarify, does 'engaging in development' equate to 'doing
software related stuff' or could it include 'helping to improve the
Debian organization in other ways'?
|  .''`.  == Debian GNU/Linux == |   my web site:   |
| : :' :  The  Universal | |
| `. `'  Operating System| go to and |
|   `- |be counted! #238656   |
| my keysever:   | my NPO: |

Description: Digital signature

Re: Information Concerning Telugu Font

2006-04-04 Thread Kevin Mark
On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 11:18:59AM -0500, James Hardy wrote:
 I am searching for a free Telugu font that I can install on my computer.  I
 do not know enough about the software to ask specific questions.  I would
 like to be able to do word processing and possibly publication using Telugu
 Do you have any suggestions on how I should proceed to find, download and
 use Telugu font for word processing and possibly publication?
 Thanks ever so much!
 James Hardy
Hi James,

apt-cache show ttf-indic-fonts
Package: ttf-indic-fonts
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Installed-Size: 32
Maintainer: Debian-IN Team [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: all
Version: 1:0.4.7
Depends: ttf-bengali-fonts, ttf-devanagari-fonts, ttf-gujarati-fonts, 
ttf-kannada-fonts, ttf-malayalam-fonts, ttf-oriya-fonts, ttf-punjabi-fonts, 
ttf-tamil-fonts, ttf-telugu-fonts
Filename: pool/main/t/ttf-indic-fonts/ttf-indic-fonts_0.4.7_all.deb
Size: 4470
MD5sum: f45a091047b59fa678a98cbbffce876d
Description: Metapackage for free Indian language fonts
 This package merely depends on the various Indian language font packages
 available in Debian.  Use this if you want fonts for every official Indian
Tag: culture::bengali, culture::hindi, culture::punjabi, culture::tamil, 
made-of::data:font, role::aux:metapackage
|  .''`.  == Debian GNU/Linux == |   my web site:   |
| : :' :  The  Universal | |
| `. `'  Operating System| go to and |
|   `- |be counted! #238656   |
| my keysever:   | my NPO: |

Description: Digital signature

Re: Setting up

2006-04-04 Thread Bernhard R. Link
* Adrian von Bidder [EMAIL PROTECTED] [060404 19:41]:
 I guess the answer is 'not, and that's not a bad thing either'.  For d-i and 
 package descriptions etc. there are not upstream developers separate from 
 Debian.  I presume work on program translations should take place wherever 
 upstream does it - no need for Debian to set up an infrastructure.  If 
 upstream infrastructure for i18n is lacking, this should be solved 
 upstream, not in Debian.

Many upstreams do not have the resources or the need for i18n. I think
with exception of some very large upstreams like gnome, KDE or mozilla,
almost no upstream has the resources for translations. Also many
upstreams will just not care by themself but happily accept patches
from the Debian maintainer for i18n as they do with any other patches
or bugreports. (And some may even interface those resources themselves,
as many are subscribing the bts for the packages they are upstream for).

I think the most cruical point for that is the possibility to have
multipe versions of a file open for translations (best marked with
different priority), so that one as Debian Maintainer of a package
can put documents there when upstream releases a release candidate
or (if he has such a thing - a string freeze) and submit those already
collected till then back to upstream before the release, and those
that come late before uploading a package. (Docs how all this stuff
works, and where to put those files, makes it much easier, too)

Bernhard R. Link

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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Henning Makholm
Scripsit Kevin Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 02:36:58PM +0200, Henning Makholm wrote:
 Scripsit Benj. Mako Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  It's argueably the most important right that is reserved for developers
  but it does not necessary stand to reason that it should be reserved
  only for those who engage in development.

  I'd like to see those who have made long-term, sustained, and
  significant contributions to Debian enfranchised.

 How is making long-term, sustained, and significant contributions to
 Debian _not_ engaging in development?

 just to clarify, does 'engaging in development' equate to 'doing
 software related stuff' or could it include 'helping to improve the
 Debian organization in other ways'?

As far as I'm aware, everything in Debian is software-related stuff in
that it all exists to enable and support the creation of a free
operating system.

Henning MakholmNu kommer han. Kan du ikke høre knallerten?

Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-04 Thread Clint Adams
 Please help out the MIA process. It would really be

The MIA process does not address the type of people that are the
object of my complaints.

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