On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 06:01:57PM +0300, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 10:45:38PM +0200, Jan Hauke Rahm wrote:
> > All in all, that were great four days. I don't know about official
> > numbers about visitors or anything. But I do know that we all had fun,
> > that we've met new, interesting people as well as "the old guys" from
> > the last few years. I'd like to thank Annette for making the effort and
> > organizing everything, Alex for shipping the merch stuff to us, and --
> > of course -- all our helpers at the booth, be that DDs or total newbies.
> > I can't list them all -- sorry -- but rest assured, we've had an
> > interesting, refreshing, and big team of about 10 to 15 people everyday
> > who offered their help. Everyone (as far as I know) was free to see
> > whatever talk they liked (except for Zack's talk that everyone wanted to
> > hear), and we still kept the booth running. Thanks to all of you who
> > registered on the wiki page [3] so we were able to plan; thanks to all
> > who just jumped in whenever it seemed neccessary. And special thanks to
> > those who worked just as hard and literally just started getting to know
> > Debian better!
> ... and, while we are at it, thanks for this report Jan.  I always found
> amazing to read about community feedback at events where Debian is
> present "in person".  I sometime do a lousy job at reporting about the
> events I attend on behalf of Debian (shame on me!), but reading reports
> like this one reminds me how useful they are.  Please keep them coming
> and encourage other Debian representatives at events to do the same.

Absolutely. That's basically something I've learned from you:
communicate about the good stuff. :)

> For what concerns my own LinuxTag recap, I've unfortunately being able
> to attend only one day (Thursday) due to family and work business.
> Nonetheless I've been amazed by the warm welcome of LinuxTag-ers for
> Debian, something I've also experienced in past LinuxTag editions. Even
> though my talk has been scheduled in a not entirely appropriate track,
> i.e. the "business application track" [1], and on a non week-end day,
> the room was quite packed and people seem to have appreciated yet
> another edition of the song & dance in spreading the verb about Debian's
> grand role in the ecosystem of Free software.  Various people told me
> they were looking forward to attend the other two Debian-related talk by
> Alexander and Moritz (see [2] for pointers to the various Debian-related
> events at LinuxTag 2011).
> To conclude and disclose, I hereby thank LinuxTag organization for
> sponsoring my travel attendance to the conference.

Organization was very friendly and worked out great for all of us.


PS: I prefer Hauke over Jan :)

 .''`.   Jan Hauke Rahm <j...@debian.org>               www.jhr-online.de
: :'  :  Debian Developer                                 www.debian.org
`. `'`   Member of the Linux Foundation                    www.linux.com
  `-     Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe      www.fsfe.org

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