Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sat, 24 Jan 2015, Anthony Towns wrote:
> Archive, mirrors, lintian, piuparts, other qa stuff, yep.


> Promotion to testing [1], maybe?

I think so; I know I personally would like to have a set of bits of R
packages which didn't change on about the schedule of a stable release.

> BTS, I somewhat don't think so?

Probably just a single pseudo-package for coordinating groups of
automatically packaged packages; if someone really wants to file more
than one or two bugs, then it's probably a sign that the package should
become a fully-supported package. [Or the person filing bugs should get
more involved and help promote it to becoming a real package.]

> NEW-esque license review seems impractical.

Yeah; for debian-r, we assume that CRAN has the license listed
correctly, and we just go from there. [Well, the awesome cran2deb stuff
does it; I just modified it and built the results.]

> Probably also wants an additional db tracking what upstream
> commit/whatever was converted to which Debian-ised version.


> [1] Oh, dude! I finally thought of a possible rename for britney:
> pro-test as in promotion to testing.

Sounds good to me.

Don Armstrong

"You have many years to live--do things you will be proud to remember
when you are old."
 -- Shinka proverb. (John Brunner _Stand On Zanzibar_ p413)

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Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:03:08AM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Jan 2015, Anthony Towns wrote:
> >  CRAN has about 6k (~250 in Debian),
> Just to piggyback here, has about 8.6k of these
> packages (bioc, cran, and omegahat).

Talk about giving 110%! [0] 

> > Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
> > everything in all the language archives
> Handling this will probably require second-class packages, where we use
> automated tools to package the package, and hope for the best. In some
> ways, we're already starting to go that way,[1] but it would be nice to
> use all of Debian's infrastructure even for those second-class packages,
> too.

Archive, mirrors, lintian, piuparts, other qa stuff, yep. Promotion to
testing [1], maybe? BTS, I somewhat don't think so? NEW-esque license
review seems impractical.

Probably also wants an additional db tracking what upstream
commit/whatever was converted to which Debian-ised version.


[0] Or more accurately 110% of 110% of 110% of 110% 

[1] Oh, dude! I finally thought of a possible rename for britney:
pro-test as in promotion to testing.

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Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:29:19AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Anthony Towns dijo [Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:57:55AM +]:
> > (Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
> > everything in all the language archives, no matter how special purposes
> > (compare against the chiark* packages eg).
> My answer to this is that... A distribution should mostly cater to
> users. That means, we should target applications, not libraries.

So I'm going to disagree with that in two ways.

First, and more trivially, is that there are plenty of applications
people want to run, that depend on unpackaged libraries that are a
PITA to package. Etherpad is the example I already gave. Openrocket is
another -- it's packaged as an installer that "downloads the pre-build
OpenRocket .jar file from the upstream site and instals it"; because
openrocket upstream likes using cool new java libraries for features and
java libraries are a pain to package. 

ie, not having those libraries easily available in Debianised form /is/
one of the things that prevents people from running apps on Debian.

Second, and more philosophically... Free software's about users not just
being passive consumers, but treating them like co-developers. From "Free software developers guarantee everyone equal rights
to their programs; any user can study the source code, modify it,
and share the program." If we *really* believe that, then we shouldn't
just be about getting users some nice eary to install prepackaged apps,
we should be about getting them the tools they need to make those apps
do whatever they want, and even make apps of their own. Once upon a
time the C library, a compiler and a debugger were state of the art for
doing that; nowdays, pulling together bits of code from the hundreds of
thousands of pre-written open source modules is.

Oh, and as a bonus: third -- how much easier would packaging applications
be, if all the libraries they used (and all the libraries we currently
maintain) we're already packaged, essentially for free?

> By limiting our scope to what is actually wanted (i.e. by applications
> that have been ITPed or RFPed, 

Per the wnpp pages, there are:

 * 868 packages being worked on
 * 3434 requested packages

That's a total of 4302, compared to 21554 source packages, that's just
under 20%, so about two years worth of backlog at 10% growth in source
packages per year. ie, Debian's already not coming close to keeping up
with the "actually wanted" stuff.

(Also, note that quite a lot of those are modules from various language sites


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Re: About language specific package management tools

2015-01-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:51:32AM +, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:57:55AM +, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > It takes a couple of minutes to download something using pip or
> > npm; how long does it take to get a python or nodejs Debianized and
> > installable? (eg: learning that npm2deb exists, how to use it, what else
> > you have to do to have a package, building the package, and getting apt
> > access to the package -- which in turn presumably includes setting up
> > and distributing an archive key)
> > 
> > In an ideal world, users would just be able to say "apt-get install
> > lib-whatever-perl" and have it. At worst, they might have to modify
> > their apt sources explicitly to say "yes, I know there's a lot of crap
> > on CPAN that doesn't necessarily receive good security updates, I know
> > what I'm doing".
> > 
> > There's two ways that could be achieved:
> > 
> >  - having automated scripts pull everything from CPAN (et al), package
> >it as debs, and publish it
> > 
> >  - having about 14,000 new DDs each individally maintaining 10-20
> >library packages
> > 
> > But if the answer is "oh, you want to use some random nodejs package? just
> > npm it into /opt. if you want there's some tools to help start you off
> > in packaging it too" 
> > 
> > (Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
> If this is being done in an automated fashion is there not a third
> option? Teach apt and associated tools about the language specific
> repositories. They'd do the download from CPAN or wherever, do the
> conversion, and pass to dpkg. On the fly, no need to expand the archive
> and no need to wait for the latest and greatest if you're that way
> inclined. For extra bonus points teach cpan, gem etc to still work but
> register the package + files with dpkg.

Sure, that's an option. It seems more a gentoo-style approach than a
Debian style approach to me. The main drawback to my mind is that I
don't think it's as feasible:

 - if cpan/pypi/etc change their formats and the conversion scripts need
   updating, it'd have to be done on every system, rather than in one

 - you'd still require a build environment just to use the modules on
   and end-user system

 - your end-user system relies on multiple mirror networks all working,
   rather than just the debian mirror network working

 - modifying apt is probably harder than just writing scripts that
   generate debs

(On the other hand, just pointing users at urls and having them download
stuff has fewer potential licensing issues)

> I think there are some issues with automated packaging which would mean
> that you'd still want hand crafted bits,

You definitely want hand-crafted bits somewhere; ideally those would go
in the upstream sources. Having them in a separate git repo could work
too though; though that adds another dependency if you're expecting
every user to have access to it.

> and there's the question of how
> you pin to a "stable" version (though I think often the reason
> people are pulling in from external sources is because the version in
> stable simply isn't recent enough, rather than unavailable) but it'd be

Yep, that's certainly a question. You might be able to automate it via
dependency analysis, britney-style, or use popcon-style statistics. 

I don't know how you'd choose versions either; would
experimental/unstable/testing/stable be enough varieties? Would they
even be useful? How would you deal with developing against one version
of a module versus running an app using a different version? Coinstalled
packages? Containers?

> kinda cool to have:
> cpan
> cran
> etc in /etc/apt/sources.list and have it just work. 

I guess my theory was more along the lines of either:

  deb testing main contrib extras

(with them all combined into the "extras" component, and sharing the
pool with Debian main), or

  deb testing cpan cran pypi
  deb unstable cpan npm

(with a separate pool/ and separated by upstream archive)

Same/similar result, different behind the scenes implementation.

> You could probably
> treat each different source as a different suite to aid with apt
> pinning (and by default preferring the Debian version rather than the
> external version).

With the examples above it'd be:

  Pin: release c=extras


  Pin: release o=Debian-extras


  Pin: release o=Debian-extras, c=cpan, a=unstable


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Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 23 Jan 2015, Anthony Towns wrote:
>  CRAN has about 6k (~250 in Debian),

Just to piggyback here, has about 8.6k of these
packages (bioc, cran, and omegahat).

> Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
> everything in all the language archives

Handling this will probably require second-class packages, where we use
automated tools to package the package, and hope for the best. In some
ways, we're already starting to go that way,[1] but it would be nice to
use all of Debian's infrastructure even for those second-class packages,

1: I mean, I've already done this myself for parts of CRAN.
Don Armstrong

But if, after all, we are on the wrong track, what then? Only
disappointed human hopes, nothing more. And even if we perish, what
will it matter in the endless cycles of eternity?
 -- Fridtjof Nansen _Farthest North_ p152

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Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Anthony Towns dijo [Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:57:55AM +]:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 07:02:51PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 6:28 PM, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > >  - there are "archive networks" for most programming languages these days:
> > >CPAN, CRAN, Hackage, PyPI, RubyGems, NPM, CCAN, etc. Installing
> > >software from these sources is often necessary for Debian users, but
> > >doesn't mesh well with packaged software (unlss you're a DD and can
> > >package it yourself). Since it's all free software, I don't really
> > >see why Debian doesn't have a set of automatic tools to repackage
> > >all that software, so it's all just an "apt-get" away.
> > We do: dh-make-perl, npm2deb, gem2deb, stdeb, cabal-debian etc which
> > are intended to be wrapped by debdry to eliminate much of the initial
> > packaging process.
> Sure, that works great if your model is "there are a few thousand pieces
> of interesting software, and a few hundred packagers, each of whom can
> maintain tens of them". But CPAN has 30k modules (~3k in Debian), CRAN
> has about 6k (~250 in Debian), Hackage has 7k (~700 packaged), PyPI has
> about 54k (2500 packaged), RubyGems has about 95k (~6000 packaged?),
> npm has about 120k (266 packaged?). [0]
> There's obviously a seriously long tail of stuff that's not very
> interesting to many people in those numbers, but Debian's still at least
> an order of magnitude short of any of them.
> (...)
> In an ideal world, users would just be able to say "apt-get install
> lib-whatever-perl" and have it. At worst, they might have to modify
> their apt sources explicitly to say "yes, I know there's a lot of crap
> on CPAN that doesn't necessarily receive good security updates, I know
> what I'm doing".

We have talked about this problem since long ago. I'm presently not
involved in the (great!) pkg-perl group, but back in 2007 I wrote an
article and presented this talk at the Vienna YAPC:

Around that time there was talk in the pkg-perl group about packaging
*all* of the CPAN. One of the factors that made us decide against it
is that in Debian we care about quality, not just quantity. And not
all of the available Perl modules have the same maintenance level (and
Perl is quite an exemplary community WRT their quality levels). Having
all modules packaged would mean we DDs would have to answer through
the BTS for any shortcomings in the different Perl (or Ruby, or R, or
TeX, or Hackage, or Python, or Node.js, or Drupal, or Whatnot)
modules. Hardly feasible.

>  - having automated scripts pull everything from CPAN (et al), package
>it as debs, and publish it
> (...)
> But if the answer is "oh, you want to use some random nodejs package? just
> npm it into /opt. if you want there's some tools to help start you off
> in packaging it too" 
> (Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
> everything in all the language archives, no matter how special purposes
> (compare against the chiark* packages eg).

My answer to this is that... A distribution should mostly cater to
users. That means, we should target applications, not libraries. Yes,
most of us are programmers, and we are a special kind of users — But
programmers often prefer anyway working with either a particular
library version they are comfortable with, or with the bleeding edge,
or whatnot. Programmers will often look outside of the distribution,
because they will want specific bits at different points in time.

I believe it is the programmers' products (the applications) are
closer to what we should aim to package. If an application requires a
given set of dependencies we don't have yet fulfilled, we should work
on them. And yes, that might mean tweaking it so it works with the
versions of the libraries we have on the distribution — As we need to
provide an always-coherent, always-coinstallable set of packages.

By limiting our scope to what is actually wanted (i.e. by applications
that have been ITPed or RFPed, or for the *relatively few* specific
librares deemed as worth having on their own because there's an
obvious need for them, or whatnot), we can expect to keep excelling in
overall quality. If we were to open the scope to
just-about-everything, our distribution's quality would surely drop.

> > >  - perhaps it's all been fixed since I last looked, but "web apps" still
> > >don't seem to be a "solved problem" to me. If you install, say,
> > >libreoffice, you run apt-get (or whatever), then you run libreoffice,
> > >and you're done. But if you want to install wordpress, you have a whole
> > >bunch of additional steps to go through [1].
> > We have a web app policy but it is fairly abandoned.
> Isn't that statement alone a pretty clear indication that Debian's not
> addressing the packaging problems of today?

Yes. Web ap

Re: About language specific package management tools

2015-01-23 Thread Jonathan McDowell
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:57:55AM +, Anthony Towns wrote:
> It takes a couple of minutes to download something using pip or
> npm; how long does it take to get a python or nodejs Debianized and
> installable? (eg: learning that npm2deb exists, how to use it, what else
> you have to do to have a package, building the package, and getting apt
> access to the package -- which in turn presumably includes setting up
> and distributing an archive key)
> In an ideal world, users would just be able to say "apt-get install
> lib-whatever-perl" and have it. At worst, they might have to modify
> their apt sources explicitly to say "yes, I know there's a lot of crap
> on CPAN that doesn't necessarily receive good security updates, I know
> what I'm doing".
> There's two ways that could be achieved:
>  - having automated scripts pull everything from CPAN (et al), package
>it as debs, and publish it
>  - having about 14,000 new DDs each individally maintaining 10-20
>library packages
> But if the answer is "oh, you want to use some random nodejs package? just
> npm it into /opt. if you want there's some tools to help start you off
> in packaging it too" 
> (Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including

If this is being done in an automated fashion is there not a third
option? Teach apt and associated tools about the language specific
repositories. They'd do the download from CPAN or wherever, do the
conversion, and pass to dpkg. On the fly, no need to expand the archive
and no need to wait for the latest and greatest if you're that way
inclined. For extra bonus points teach cpan, gem etc to still work but
register the package + files with dpkg.

I think there are some issues with automated packaging which would mean
that you'd still want hand crafted bits, and there's the question of how
you pin to a "stable" version (though I think often the reason
people are pulling in from external sources is because the version in
stable simply isn't recent enough, rather than unavailable) but it'd be
kinda cool to have:


etc in /etc/apt/sources.list and have it just work. You could probably
treat each different source as a different suite to aid with apt
pinning (and by default preferring the Debian version rather than the
external version).


I reckon that me and you should rule the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 07:02:51PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 6:28 PM, Anthony Towns wrote:
> >  - there are "archive networks" for most programming languages these days:
> >CPAN, CRAN, Hackage, PyPI, RubyGems, NPM, CCAN, etc. Installing
> >software from these sources is often necessary for Debian users, but
> >doesn't mesh well with packaged software (unlss you're a DD and can
> >package it yourself). Since it's all free software, I don't really
> >see why Debian doesn't have a set of automatic tools to repackage
> >all that software, so it's all just an "apt-get" away.
> We do: dh-make-perl, npm2deb, gem2deb, stdeb, cabal-debian etc which
> are intended to be wrapped by debdry to eliminate much of the initial
> packaging process.

Sure, that works great if your model is "there are a few thousand pieces
of interesting software, and a few hundred packagers, each of whom can
maintain tens of them". But CPAN has 30k modules (~3k in Debian), CRAN
has about 6k (~250 in Debian), Hackage has 7k (~700 packaged), PyPI has
about 54k (2500 packaged), RubyGems has about 95k (~6000 packaged?),
npm has about 120k (266 packaged?). [0]

There's obviously a seriously long tail of stuff that's not very
interesting to many people in those numbers, but Debian's still at least
an order of magnitude short of any of them.

So what's that mean if you're either developing or installing random

 1) ignore anything not in Debian and be hamstrung

 2) use the language native packaging stuff

 3) invest a lot of time skilling up on the various Debian utilities
and package it yourself (including repackaging every update)

 4) invest even more time so that your packages can be included in Debian

It takes a couple of minutes to download something using pip or
npm; how long does it take to get a python or nodejs Debianized and
installable? (eg: learning that npm2deb exists, how to use it, what else
you have to do to have a package, building the package, and getting apt
access to the package -- which in turn presumably includes setting up
and distributing an archive key)

In an ideal world, users would just be able to say "apt-get install
lib-whatever-perl" and have it. At worst, they might have to modify
their apt sources explicitly to say "yes, I know there's a lot of crap
on CPAN that doesn't necessarily receive good security updates, I know
what I'm doing".

There's two ways that could be achieved:

 - having automated scripts pull everything from CPAN (et al), package
   it as debs, and publish it

 - having about 14,000 new DDs each individally maintaining 10-20
   library packages

But if the answer is "oh, you want to use some random nodejs package? just
npm it into /opt. if you want there's some tools to help start you off
in packaging it too" 

(Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
everything in all the language archives, no matter how special purposes
(compare against the chiark* packages eg). By my count, jessie's at
20,700 source packages in main, which is about an 11% per annum growth
rate since lenny, and indeed since sarge in 2005 [1]. If we'd stayed at
about a 35% pa growth rate since woody then we'd be at around 200k source
packages now, which I think would be the right order of magnitude for
everything that's actually buildable in CPAN, and PyPI and so on being
just an apt-get away.)

> >  - perhaps it's all been fixed since I last looked, but "web apps" still
> >don't seem to be a "solved problem" to me. If you install, say,
> >libreoffice, you run apt-get (or whatever), then you run libreoffice,
> >and you're done. But if you want to install wordpress, you have a whole
> >bunch of additional steps to go through [1].
> We have a web app policy but it is fairly abandoned.

Isn't that statement alone a pretty clear indication that Debian's not
addressing the packaging problems of today?

> There are some external projects in this space, like sandstorm and juju.

(And that one too... Also, unless I'm mistaken neither are packaged
in Debian; apparently juju got dropped over a year and a half ago,

> The wordpress wiki page seems to miss the wp-setup script that is in
> the package now.

The manpage says "For now, it's mainly for the package's internal usage

> >  - application isolation is a popular issue now, often solved by blatting
> >whole OS images around (VMs, docker, ...). That brings up a whole host
> >of packaging issues (how do you create the image, how do you keep it up
> >to date, how do you distribute the image)
> systemd has some great isolation features that use the same Linux
> kernel APIs as docker/etc.
> The GNOME folks are working on application isolation for the desktop:

Why is that something "the GNOME folks" are doing, but "the Debian
folks" aren't?

If Debian's just about packagin