Debian 8.5 kde - tela de bloqueio Debian 8.5 kde - lock screen

2016-11-07 Thread Leandro Muniz da Silva
  Boas Noites, sou usuário do Debian GNU/Linux, actualmente estou a usar o kde 
como ambiente de ofício, bloqueei a tela e vi um ícone ou algo do gênero com a 
opção de personalizar a tela de bloqueio, por meio daquele botão pude accessar 
meus arquivos ao buscar por uma imagem, gostaria de saber se isto é normal?

menu - system settings - display and monitor - screen locker - screen locker 
type - Desktop Widgets.

  Escolho esta função, tendo feito isto, aplico e por conseguinte volto as 
tarefas. Contudo ao bloquear o meu notebook, vi a tela de bloqueio e no canto 
superior direito há um Widget que oferece opções, porém mesmo SEM DIGITAR A 
SENHA posso trocar minha imagem de fundo da tela de bloqueio e com isto accesso 
meus arquivos pessoais, questiono, isto é normal? Desde já agradeço-vos a 

Good evening, I am a Debian GNU / Linux user, I am currently using kde as a 
craft environment, I blocked the screen and saw an icon or something of the 
kind with the option to customize the lock screen, through that button I could 
access my When searching for an image, would you like to know if this is normal?

Menu - system settings - display and monitor - screen locker - screen locker 
type - Desktop Widgets.

   I choose this function, having done this, apply and therefore return the 
tasks. However when I lock my notebook, I saw the lock screen and in the upper 
right corner there is a Widget that offers options, but even WITHOUT DIGITING 
THE PASSWORD I can change my background image of the lock screen and with this 
access my personal files, This is normal? Thank you in advance for your 

[fwd: call for participation - Debian contributors survey, 1st ed.]

2016-11-07 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
This was originally posted to debian-devel-announce minutes ago. I'm
forwarding it to debian-project in order to reach out to
non-Debian-Developers contributors.


- Forwarded message from Stefano Zacchiroli  -

TL;DR: all Debian contributors --- from bug reporters to Debian project
members and participants in any Debian team --- are invited to take part
in the first edition of the Debian contributors survey. To participate

The deadline for participation is: 4 December 2016, at 23:59 UTC.

This is the first instance of what we hope will become a recurring
annual survey of Debian contributors. The survey is intended to help the
Debian project and community by enabling them to understand and document
the evolution of the project's population over time, through the lenses
of common demographics.

In addition, each year the survey will explore a specific aspect of the
project. The focus for this first edition is on work and labour issues,
specifically on the extent to which Debian contributors are volunteers
or paid to work on Debian, and on how that affects their contributions.

Participation in the survey is completely anonymous, with no logging of
any provenance information (e.g., IP address, HTTP referrer), and all
questions are optional.  The survey is conducted using the Free Software
platform LimeSurvey and hosted by  The results of the
survey will be analyzed as part of ongoing research work by the
organizers and released in aggregate form only. A report discussing the
results will be published under a DFSG-free license and distributed to
the Debian community as soon as it's ready. The raw, disaggregated
answers will not be distributed and will be processed under the
responsibility of the organizers.

The survey will remain open until: 4 December 2016, 23:59 UTC.

If you have any questions, you can always reach the survey organizers

- Mathieu ONeil (
- Molly de Blanc (
- Stefano Zacchiroli (

We thank you in advance for your participation!

For the organizers,
- End forwarded message -

Stefano Zacchiroli . . . . o . . . o . o
Computer Science Professor . CTO Software Heritage . . . . . o . . . o o
Former Debian Project Leader . OSI Board Director  . . . o o o . . . o .
« the first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club »

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