Re: help

2012-02-07 Thread Carsten Hey

sounds like your hard disks are dying (I'm not sure about this, though).
You should really backup your data regularly, anyhow, it is too late
now, but you should do so in future.

If you really need your data, it seems to be a good choice to pay
someone with experience in this area to rescue your data. If you really
want to try this yourself (doing things wrong further worsens the
situation, you have been warned), here is a quick summary of a possible
way of proceeding:

 1. Check the self monitoring of the hard disks using 'smartctl -a
/dev/whatever' and if there is anything suspicious, turn the server
off immediately. If your server is already turned off, check the
hard disk's self monitoring after step 5.

 2. Buy an external hard drive that is larger than your current ones.

 3. Go to and download the grml rescue/live

 4. Burn the image to a CD-ROM or create a bootable USB device
containing the image.

 5. Boot your server using this CD-ROM, using 'forensic' as boot
parameter. This boot parameter is important to avoid writing to the
possibly dying harddisks.

 6. Try to create a image of the old harddisks on the new harddisk. describes a tool that is
able to do such things (should be installed on the grml CD by default).
If you mix up device numbers, which could be different now, you
could overwrite the data you want to rescue, so be careful.

 7. Turn the server off, since you continue rescuing on a different

 8. Create an additional copy of the images you created. Everything you
do from now on must happen on the copies to avoid changing the image
you created.

 9. Now you can do things like running fsck, mounting the image and so
on. To access partitions on the image you can use kpartx (if you
created images of the partitions instead of the hard disk you don't
need kpartx, but creating an image of the hard disks is less error

Since you never did something like this before, you should experiment
with the tools before doing what I described above, or even better: let
someone with experience in this area do it ...


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Re: [DEP-5] [patch] Renaming the Format-Specification field to ‘Format’.

2010-08-14 Thread Carsten Hey

thank you for addressing this old suggestions :)

* Charles Plessy [2010-08-14 11:29 +0900]:
 Renaming the Format-Specification field:


 Carsten Hey (and perhaps others) also questionned if the field should
 be required and if it should contain an URL:

I guess my wording might not have been that clear, sorry for that.  The
format field should IMHO be required.  The Optional ? part in
notes.mdwn in your commit thus should be removed.  I wanted to question
if Files: should be required or if Files: * should be assumed instead
if the files field is missing.

Back then someone answered to my question whether using URLs or version
numbers would be preferable and had good arguments for using a URL.  The
length of the URL was also addressed in another response, something like
It was never planned to use the URL of the svn revision after the first
version of DEP-5 is released has been said.  Maybe we should move to
a stable URL like:

Format: http://dep5.debian.{net,org}/$version

$version could be ${year}.${number} or ${major_number}.${minor_number}.

It has been said, that the DEP-5 svn repository is not anymore the main
repository for DEP-5, this should be reflected on, which still points to the svn repository.
Besides the correct URL to the bzr repository there should be a way to
read a recent revision using http.  Instructions how to update the page
can be found on (I can't do this
myself since I don't know a URL of a recent bzr export).

If we would release stable DEP-5 revisions as debian package and would
add Vcs-* fields, people could use debcheckout to check out the current

I might not be up to date in this point, but it looks like the
Maintainer: field still points to the upstream maintainer, this
seems be be very confusing due the fact that Debian packagers often are
referenced as maintainers.  A way to make this less ambiguous would be
using Upstream: for the upstream maintainer and still accepting but
deprecating Maintainer: (and not removing it from the spec before end
of this decade).


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Re: [DEP-5] [patch] License table: more links and licenses.

2010-08-14 Thread Carsten Hey
* Charles Plessy [2010-08-14 16:58 +0900]:
 After looking at, I realise that the very
 existence of a license list in DEP-5 is in question (not in this thread).
 However, since I had a version of the DEP with a more comprehensive use
 of web links for licenses, I propose the attached patch anyway.


I already mentioned this points in an old mail or in a wiki:

Once upon a time the following dialog happend:

me... great, we need a licence.  What do you think
about the expat license?
well_known_dd What?  Which license?
well_known_dd Why don't you call it MIT then?  Anyway, I'm fine
with that.

Shouldn't it be mentioned in the licenses description that the expat
license sometimes wrongly is referred to as MIT license?

Since Berkley removed the advertising clause from their published code
(but obviously could do this not for code they do not own the copyright)
referring to the original BSD license just as BSD seems to be
imprecise, I would prefer BSD-4.  Especially the explanation should
mention that BSD is the original 4-clause variant.  On Debian
/usr/share/common-licenses/BSD even is a 3-clause BSD license.

Counting from one to four is more easy than remembering which licenses
FreeBSD and TNF use nowadays, we should at least consider adding these
numbers to the licenses description and maybe also make BSD-2
respectively BSD-3 aliases for FreeBSD and NetBSD.


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Re: MIT and Expat licenses; lice nses ‘similar to’ a BSD licens e (Re: [DEP-5] [patch] License table: more links and licenses.)

2010-08-14 Thread Carsten Hey
* Charles Plessy [2010-08-15 00:20 +0900]:
 Le Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 01:26:45PM +0200, Carsten Hey a écrit :
  Shouldn't it be mentioned in the licenses description that the expat
  license sometimes wrongly is referred to as MIT license?

 I wonder if the tradition of using the “Expat” name to refer unambiguously to
 one of the variants of the “MIT” license is widespread or Debian-specific.

If I would need to make a guess I would guess: the FSF was first in
doing so.

 I think that the DEP should not fall in the trap of trying to make some
 extensive license classification. We actually removed most of what made the
 short name parseable during the off-line preparative work, and I will prehaps
 go further and propose the removal of the description of the version 
 that is for instance: GPL-2 and GPL-3 would be two separate short names, not
 two version of the GPL short name. Ontologies and license metadata are 
 better in the scope of another document.

GPL, GPL-1, GPL-1+, GPL-2, GPL-2+, GPL-3, GPL-3+ ... that would be a lot
of short names, even if GPL-1 and GPL-1+ could be merged and GPL could
be removed.  Besides GPL there are other licenses with different
versions like LGPL and there is code that is licensed  CDDL-1 although
there is only one CDDL version currently.

 If it provides ‘MIT’ as a keyword, and the full text of the MIT license in
 annex, then it will be clear what ‘MIT’ means in the context of the DEP.
 Interstinly, SPDX has not yet made up their minds about the MIT license:

Your approach is interesting, but on the other hand I don't think we
should encourage calling the Expat license MIT license by using MIT as
keyword.  If we just change the description everything should be clear
without the need to use a search engine to find out what the Expat
License is.

FSF says:
| Expat License
| This is a simple, permissive non-copyleft free software license,
| compatible with the GNU GPL. It is sometimes ambiguously referred to
| as the MIT License.

Our description is just (or rather was 240 days ago):
| Expat - The Expat License.

 Now, for the BSD:


 If consensus converges on using a ‘similar to’ keyword, I will submit a patch.

I see the problem you want so solve and I'm unsure if a such a keyword
addition would finally make DEP-5 easier to use or more complicated.
Anyone else?

The FSF has also good (and non-free) descriptions of the various BSD

| FreeBSD license
| This is the original BSD license with the advertising clause and
| another clause removed. (It is also sometimes called the “2-clause BSD
| license”.) ...

| Modified BSD license
| ...
| This is the original BSD license, modified by removal of the
| advertising clause. ...
| This license is sometimes referred to as the 3-clause BSD license.

 Have a nice sunday,

Thanks, you too.  You are always a bit ahead of the times ;)


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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Carsten Hey
* Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo [2010-07-02 19:01 +0200]:
 [4] Including not acknowledging NMUs (many of them FTBFS), not replying to
 most (any?) bug reports, not replying when people asked to update the
 software or orphan it if he was not interested anymore, not replying to my
 (private) offering to co-maintain them as I am doing unofficially with
 OpenSceneGraph that I sent more than 2 months ago, and a previous warning
 about the intention to NMU the packages... all this while he did attend
 other packages in the past weeks, so he's not Missing in Action.

Sounds like these packages are in fact orphaned, at least it should be
ok if you add yourself as uploader with your next upload.  Next step is
to become DM and then if you want to DD ...


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Re: Estadistical proyect.

2010-05-12 Thread Carsten Hey

sorry for my late answer, I read this list only rarely.

* angel [2010-04-21 10:58 +0200]:
 In case Debian is interested in having someone work on a statistical
 project of any nature (the project would be supervised by professors
 of the Statistics and Operations Research department of the University
 of Granada and and Debian would not be charged with any costs
 whatsoever), please feel free to contact me.

Since your request has been misunderstood partly, I subsume it at first:

You want to do a small to medium-sized statistical project and you don't
want to program in a non-statistical language during this project.
Debian needs to provide you access to the data required to complete your
project and most importantly needs to tell you what information it is
interested in.

Access to the data is easy:  Stefano already mentioned Ultimate Debian
Database (UDD) as possible data source.  It should contain everything
you would need in such a project.  If you don't want to create a local
copy of the database using the provided dump you almost certainly should
get a guest-account on to access the database without
any problems.

As you might know, Debian divides bugs by severities, the most important
ones are critical, serious and grave, these are release critical.
Additionally there are important, normal, minor and wishlist.
Besides severities there are things like fixed and found and so on,
all this is documented on below the heading Bug
tracking system documentation.

We want to release the next Debian release Squeeze soon and to do this
we need to get the number of release critical bugs in testing, currently
named Squeeze, to 0 (except some ignored bugs).  To be able to improve
this process and thus improve Debian in general it would be nice if we
would have some statistical data about how bugs have been fixed in the
past. Understanding where we still have problems is the first step to
resolve them. :)

Some questions to be answered could be:

 * How long does it take on average until a bug with a particular
   severity gets fixed and how is the variance?  Does this change if
   Debian is frozen (frozen describes the time before the actual release
   with a more restricted package migration to testing)?

 * Is there a correlation between the number of installations according
   to popcon and the time until a bug gets fixed?

 * Is there a correlation between the size of a package or the packages
   priority [1] and the average bug fixing time?

 * How does the number of people maintaining a package relate to bug
   fixing time and how does it relate to the number of unfixed bugs per
   package?  Rationale for this is that we encourage single maintainers
   of important packages (with priority important and priority required)
   to switch to maintaining these packages in a team but we lack data to
   support our guess that team maintenance is really more efficient.

 * How does the number of bugs reported per time unit change after a new
   upstream release is packaged in comparison to releasing a new Debian
   revision?  Does which part of the upstream version number has been
   incremented have any influence on it? I expect for example a 2.0
   release to contain more bugs on average than a 2.2 release.

 * We currently migrate packages that don't introduce new release
   critical bugs to testing after being in unstable for 10 days (unless
   the maintainer or the release team overwrite this or other packages
   prevent it).  Is this a good choice according to the time after an
   upload when most release critical bugs are reported?

 * Is there a relation between bug fixing and the time the last
   maintainer upload happend?  Similar question is if there is
   a relation between bug fixing and the number of non maintainer
   uploads (NMUs) in the last n years?

 * How does the probability of a release critical bug being fixed in
   a NMU instead of a regular maintainer upload raise over time?

 * Is there a significant difference between bug fixing in officially
   maintained packages and in packages maintained by the QA team
   respectively orphaned packages?

 * Are certain programming languages or packages in certain sections
   more prone to FTBFS (fails to build from source) bugs, security
   related bugs or bugs in general?

 * A combination of probability of an release critical bugs being filed
   over time in conjunction with the two former questions and the number
   of installations according to popcon could possibly be used to help
   people to decide if a package should be removed from Debian or
   orphaned if the former maintainer lost interest.  Currently I neither
   have an idea how this could be done in a sane way nor if it can be
   done in a sane way at all.

I think you got the idea.  If you deal with data and these question some
time you should get a feeling which one might be relevant and
interesting and which one can be ignored.  If 

Re: DEP5: Machine-readable debian/copyright (the paperwork)

2009-12-22 Thread Carsten Hey

a few remarks about DEP #5:

The Expat License is rather unknown under this name, thus I propose
adding a comment like this to its description:

  Expat The Expat License (often referred as MIT license, see
comment in *Problematic Licenses*)

It's might not be obvious for all which BSD licenses are meant by BSD
and FreeBSD, thus I propose appending  (3-clause BSD) and
respectively  (2-clause BSD) to their descriptions.

Format-Specification: is needlessly long, Format: would be

Forking this spec would render all (to be written) tools to parse
changelog entries useless and it would complicate exchanging Debian
source packages between deb based distributions.  Except being able to
fork this spec easily I see no reason to add its URI instead of
a version number to changelog files.

I would prefer Format: $major.$minor[.$revision] (for example
Format: 0.0.r135 or Format: 1.0) over Format-Specification: $uri,
even when the URI will be much shortened in future.


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Re: Differentiating BSD-style licenses (was: DEP5: Machine-readable debian/copyright (the paperwork))

2009-12-22 Thread Carsten Hey
On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 09:57:05AM +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
 Carsten Hey writes:
  It's might not be obvious for all which BSD licenses are meant by BSD
  and FreeBSD, thus I propose appending  (3-clause BSD) and
  respectively  (2-clause BSD) to their descriptions.

 That's even more ambiguous, though. It doesn't say *which* clauses; any
 three-clause license similar to a BSD license could be “3-clause BSD”.

To clarify, just in case I was not specific enough, I proposed an
addition.  For example, the following line:

BSD  Berkeley software distribution license

would become:

BSD  Berkeley software distribution license (3-clause BSD)

I don't think adding additional information can make this more
ambiguous.  I also don't know any project using the “attribution” clause
but not the “no endorsement” clause, so at least for people being
familiar with licenses like DDs this should be rather clear.

Anyhow, I don't care whether we call it 3-clause BSD, new BSD, revised
BSD or original BSD with the “attribution” clause removed.  “BSD”
without any further explanation could refer to the original BSD license,
the new one or even the simplified one and this is too unspecific for
a specification.

 I've advocated making mnemonic descriptors for the particular clauses,
 e.g. “attribution”, “no endorsement”, etc. Those have the disadvantage
 of not being well-known, but the advantage (compared to simply counting
 the clauses) that at least a guess as to which clauses are being
 referenced will likely be right.

These descriptors would be a very elegant way to differentiate between
the different BSD licenses, but I guess such seldom used licenses like
1-clause BSD or 3-clause BSD with “attribution” but without “no
endorsement” should better be handled as “other” instead of extending
the format to catch every corner case.


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Re: Differentiating BSD-style licenses (was: DEP5: Machine-readable debian/copyright (the paperwork))

2009-12-22 Thread Carsten Hey
On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 01:22:47PM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
 Here are reasons why I do not think that licenses inspired by the BSD license
 can be efficiently classified by counting the number of clauses.

 First, the license of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) source code
 copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California has a
 non-endorsement clause that is frequently edited each time this license is 
 as a template by another project. Therefore, it is not possible to use the 
 short name for them, since “3-clause BSD” would not refer to the same license
 when sources from two different projects are aggregated in the same package.

Using the following description would it make less ambiguous even
without the need to check the annex:

  BSD  Revised Berkeley software distribution license

 To remove any ambiguity, we can add an annex to the DEP with a copy of
 all the licences for which it specifies a short name.

I think adding an annex is a good idea.

 For the licenses inspired by the Regents of the University of
 California’s BSD license, I would rather try to work on extending the
 DEP to include a concept of being ‘similar to’ other licenes. This
 would be useful for other cases than the BSD.

I like the idea of adding a similarity concept too, but to comply with:

| Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
| notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
| documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

... there needs to be an exact copy of the licence in the binary itself,
the copyright file or in e.g. /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD.  So adding
such a concept could help to make copyright files more machine readable
but not to shorten them for packages using “similar licenses”.


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Re: Debian decides to adopt time-based release freezes

2009-08-05 Thread Carsten Hey
 Steve Langasek wrote:
  Does that mean you don't think Ubuntu developers contribute fixes
  back to Debian today?

As security, contributing fixes back to Debian is not a product nor
a state, it's a process.  We should all be interested in optimizing this
process further. indeed makes the packages easier to merge but
it is not as powerful as our patch tracking system [1].  One possible
step to improve the situation could be a similar service provided by
Ubuntu based on the work which already has been done by Sean Finney.
The source code is available in a public repository and it is GPL2

After such a service would have been implemented one could think about
things like adding a special tag to patch headers to recommend these
patches to be merged by Debian.  It could also be useful to be able to
specify how strong such a recommendation is.

Is there already a (wiki) page which describes how a Debian maintainer
can track his packages in Ubuntu or how to handle Ubuntu originated
bugs?  If this is the case it should be promoted better, e.g. in Misc
Developer News.



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Re: Debian decides to adopt time-based release freezes

2009-07-30 Thread Carsten Hey
Why not freeze in June 2010 instead of December 2009 and then freeze
again in December 2011*?  Mark Shuttleworth seems (at least seemed) to
be fine with delaying Ubuntu LTS by half a year to get Ubuntu and Debian
in sync [1]:

| The LTS will be either 10.04 or 10.10 - based on the conversation that
| is going on right now between Debian and Ubuntu.

Besides having more time to make Squeeze a great Debian release, one
could also revisit the need to support skip-upgrades if the freeze
would be postponed.

In his blog Lucas highlights the similarity between the next Ubuntu LTS
and the next Debian release, but he also points out the need to
differentiate us from Ubuntu.  This sounds contrary.  He also asks how
we are relevant but does not give an answer [2]:

| after the releases (both Ubuntu’s and Debian’s), users will get to
| choose between two very similar distributions. We need to think about
| how Debian will differenciate itself from Ubuntu: what should we
| emphasize? How are we relevant?

I hope he does not want to imply that we should let Ubuntu release for
us anytime in the future.  Some pros and cons of such a step have
already been discussed in our wiki years ago [3].


 * Or freeze again in December 2012 if one and a half year is not enough
   time between two Ubuntu LTS releases.


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Re: Debian Project sponsoring

2009-04-28 Thread Carsten Hey

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:14:48PM +0200, Kevin Schmitt wrote:
 Does the Debian Project sponsor other projects for a return?

no, Debian is not interested in such things, sorry.


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Re: How to be authorized distributor

2009-03-21 Thread Carsten Hey
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 09:06:11PM -0300, Vonlist wrote:
 I written to them so that I want to know that I need to be an
 authorized distributor of Debian. My project is to facilitate the
 operative system to those who cannot download it from Internet and to
 need those who it with urgency.

Actually everyone is allowed to distribute Debian CDs or DVDs.

Information how to get listed on can
be found at:

 I do not try to win with this, is more, I am faithful follower of GNU
 philosophy and is why it would by all means donate part of the money
 to foundation GNU and Debian.

Information how to donate money to Debian can be found at: and

 Waiting for an answer that can clarify my doubts

I hope it did.


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Re: Debian website redesign proposal

2008-02-18 Thread Carsten Hey
Hi Nathan!

 I would like to offer a redesign of Debian's website.  I will use
 WordPress to power the new site.

Thanks for the offer!  I discussed your proposal with some Debian
developers.  We came to the conclusion, that Wordpress is not the right
tool for this task.  This has many reasons, one is, that Wordpress had
some security related bugs in the past and that is too
critical to be exposed to these potential security holes.  Also is a high traffic website with limited hardware resources
and through dynamically generating static content the whole situation
gets even worse, especially when one uses a language that is not known
to be very fast.  Another reason is, that Debian developers want to
manage in a version control system like git or subversion
and without the need to use a webbrowser (some of those sick guys and
girls even prefer using decade old tools like vi and a shell).

 I appreciate the open source community and I thought that this would
 be a good way to give back. is a good starting point if you want
to contribute to Debian.  Depending on your knowledge the translation
project or writing documentation may be a good way to begin
contributing.  Maybe even helping other users or packaging software if
you a really experienced in Debian.  Your help would be much


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