World-Wide Open Source Society

2005-11-01 Thread Peter Makholm
Not strictly on topic but Debian i one of the best ressources for
dedicated open source people.

In the Danish open source community we are somehow mystified about an
organisation calling them self Danish Open Source Society (DOSS). On
their website they claim the support of Bruce Perens and their by-laws
mentions a World-Wide Open Source Society.

I can't find any other informatuin of such society. Does anyone in
Debian know WWOSS?

 Peter Makholm |   First you fall in love with Antarctica, and then it
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | breaks your heart | -- Antarctica

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: agenda for Debian leadership team (a.k.a. Project Scud) meeting on 2005-04-24

2005-04-25 Thread Peter Makholm

 I hope I'm not alone when I say that this confidentiality and seemingly
 crass Besserwisser tone concerns me. Because I am not experienced
 with the politics of Debian, this is all I will say.

It is not ideal as Branden says. But I prefer closed groups who does
some work to Anonymous Cowards who just complains. I'm all for
openness but my experience shows me that closely knit groups with
clear responsabilities does work better than fully open mailling

 Peter Makholm |'Cause suicide is painless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | It brings on many changes |And I can take or leave it if I please
   |-- Suicide is painless

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hejsan!

2004-10-18 Thread Peter Makholm
Christopher Kruhse [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jag har en fråga till er eftersom jag ska skriva ett arbete
 om just debian. Om ni har tid och lust, skulle ni kunna
 berätta vad det unika med just debian är... Skulle vara
 väldigt tacksam om jag fick ett svar på det...!!

debian-project is an english mailling list. If you need to ask
questions in swedish you should use the list

 Peter Makholm |I congratulate you. Happy goldfish bowl to you, to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  me, to everyone, and may each of you fry in hell |   forever
   |  -- The Dead Past

Re: Debian Weekly News - April 27th, 2004

2004-04-29 Thread Peter Makholm
Josip Rodin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 10:24:03PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
  Editorial Amendments to the Social Contract passed. Manoj Srivastava
  [25]announced that the [26]general resolution covering editorial
  amendments to the [27]social contract has passed with a 4:1 majority
  (3:1 required). From 213 valid votes 174 were in favour of these
  changes while 39 people voted for further discussion.
  Sarge Release Status. Anthony Towns [28]reported that he can not
  justify the policy decisions to exempt documentation, firmware, or
  content any longer, as the social contract has been amended to cover
  all these areas and not only software. Hence, these blobs need to be
  removed from sarge before it can be released. This will make a release
  impossible for this year, though.
 Good to have such biased news reporting :P

Where's the bias? 

 Peter Makholm |   First you fall in love with Antarctica, and then it
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | breaks your heart | -- Antarctica

Re: Kill the DPL! (Elections are almost over)

2004-04-07 Thread Peter Makholm
Lars Wirzenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Indeed. We should find the laziest S-O-B and *make* him become the DPL.

but I don't want to be the DPL!

 Peter Makholm |According to the hacker ethic, the meaning of life
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |is not Friday, but it is not Sunday either |  -- Peeka Himanen

Re: How do I use dpkg without superuser privileges?

2003-11-17 Thread Peter Makholm
Debs Spammagnet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've been trying to de-deb a .deb file without root
 permission. I just want to unwrap the file like a tar
 file. I DO NOT WANT TO INSTALL IT. I just want to
 UNPACK it like i might a TAR file.

Use dpkg-deb directly:

$ cd somewhere
$ dpkg-deb -x package.deb .

 Peter Makholm |We constantly have to keep in mind why natural
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |languages are good at what they're good at. And to | never forget that Perl is a human language first,
   |and a computer language second

Re: Founding moment for Debian

2003-08-13 Thread Peter Makholm
Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The installation procedure that doesn't need to be babysat and system
 setup procedure that will attempt to setup and configure everything from
 fstab to Xconfig, on the other hand...

At least we got Be warned that it will be rather large :) right.

 Peter Makholm | Wisdom has two parts:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   1) having a lot to say, and |  2) not saying it

Re: Why are these packages in Debian?

2003-04-08 Thread Peter Makholm
Nikos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I typed king james bible in Google and hit I'm feeling lucky. I was 
 browsing the text 1 second later...

Not long ago slashdot had a story about how easy it was to redefine a
term acording to google. Granted it would probally take a bit longer
to redefine 'king james bible':

Generally I agree that we sometimes are to eager to package static
data-sets and texts. Being able to write 'apt-get remove text' instead
of 'rm -Rf /usr/local/doc/text' isn't really a win in my opinion. But
you argument is flawed.

 Peter Makholm |According to the hacker ethic, the meaning of life
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |is not Friday, but it is not Sunday either |  -- Peeka Himanen

Re: Bug of the month, or how to get people fixing bugs

2002-08-30 Thread Peter Makholm
Andres Salomon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 fixing bugs, to simply closing them in the BTS.  Sometimes, it's good to
 keep bugs open in the BTS (tagged w/ wontfix, documenting a problem that
 other people may bring up; or tagged w/ unreproducable, as another


Of course this shouldn't change the way we use the BTS. If people
misuse the BTS and close bugs which isn't really fixed or really
proved as non-bugs they shouldn't get credited for the close. We might
even let it have a negative impact on their status.

I think some kind of review of the bug-fixing would be needed. Some
system to let the maintainers rate the help they got:

  - Good fix - I only had to patch and rebuild the package

  - Important help - The bug wouldn't have been closed without the help

  - Nice try - The bug didn't actually get fixed but he tried a lot

  - Destructive help - This person shouldn't ever touch my packages again

 Peter Makholm |  Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |pants and slide on the ice |-- Sidney Freedman

Re: ibook

2002-08-02 Thread Peter Makholm
anton feldmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i`m a student from germany. I bought the new ibook and i want to
 install linux debian for it. can you give me a link to the right
 distribution of linux for my ibook.

It's a powermac-NewWorld. Look at

 Peter Makholm |   First you fall in love with Antarctica, and then it
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  breaks you heart | -- Antarctica

Re: linux kernel

2001-11-10 Thread Peter Makholm
Theo Houtman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I like to complain about the debian distribution.

You *can* complain all you want. Debian won't be release earlier because
of that. Debian will be released when it's ready. The only thing that
will help getting Debian released is by testing, finding bugs and
fixing bugs.

 It's time to release debian with the 2.4.* kernel.

Well, 2.4.15 should be a stable kernel and some of the most pressing
issues with the vm should be solved. But lets give it a little time
before we believes to much in it.

 Many software require the 2.4.* kernel.

The only software I've seen that has to use 2.4-kernels is software
especially made to support special new features of 2.4 like lvm,
reiserfstools and devfsd.

Når folk spørger mig, om jeg er nørd, bliver jeg altid ilde til mode
og svarer lidt undskyldende: Nej, jeg bruger RedHat.
-- Allan Olesen på dk.edb.system.unix

Re: Proposed General Resolution : IRC as a Debian communication channel

2001-10-31 Thread Peter Makholm
Peter Makholm [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[Sorry I should have sent this here instead]

 Raphael Hertzog [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 - all #debian-* channels on OpenProjects should be open to everyone
   except #debian-private which is for registered debian developers only
   (the actual key protection may be replaced by a better identification
mechanism at any time)

 Can we as an open projects really accept more closed forums? How many
 private places can we have and still say that the development of the
 debian distribution is an open project?

 debian-private is allready filled with discussion that shouldn't be
 kept private.

Når folk spørger mig, om jeg er nørd, bliver jeg altid ilde til mode
og svarer lidt undskyldende: Nej, jeg bruger RedHat.
-- Allan Olesen på dk.edb.system.unix

Re: Proposed General Resolution : IRC as a Debian communication channel

2001-10-31 Thread Peter Makholm
Raphael Hertzog [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 #debian-private exists, we have to acknowledge that. Wether it should be
 used or not is not the discussion here.

Which is my point. I don't think we should acknowledge any more closed

Når folk spørger mig, om jeg er nørd, bliver jeg altid ilde til mode
og svarer lidt undskyldende: Nej, jeg bruger RedHat.
-- Allan Olesen på dk.edb.system.unix


2001-10-22 Thread Peter Makholm
Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What about all other debian.tld domains, like e.g
 ( is in safe hands)? Can we really enforce the name
 Debian worldwide and win domain name disputes? (If so, great, but can

And do we want to waste money on it. Just having a lot of silly
domains is a wate of resources in my opinion. We have
because that the gTLD we're belonging to.

Everything would be a lot cleaner if we removed all gTLDs at let
people register any name they wanted on the root level (maybe keep
two leters TLD's for national stuff) or decided that you should only
be able to register you name in one gTLD.

The present solution has only meaning for those who earns money on
people registering their name in multiple gTLDs.

Når folk spørger mig, om jeg er nørd, bliver jeg altid ilde til mode
og svarer lidt undskyldende: Nej, jeg bruger RedHat.
-- Allan Olesen på dk.edb.system.unix

Re: Woody Go Live

2001-08-21 Thread Peter Makholm
Nathan Goss [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is it possible to get an approximate release date for the Stable Woody

No. It will be released when it's ready and we not far enough in the
release cycle to guess the release date within a month or two.

Når folk spørger mig, om jeg er nørd, bliver jeg altid ilde til mode
og svarer lidt undskyldende: Nej, jeg bruger RedHat.
-- Allan Olesen på dk.edb.system.unix

Re: Next version of Debian

2001-05-14 Thread Peter Makholm

 I'd like to know when the next stable version of Debian will be ready ?

We like to know that too. But I think it would be just before we're
releasing it.

 Which will be the kernel of this version ? (the 2.4 ?)

I think 2.4 will be an option but on most archs 2.2 will be the

 Which version of XFree will be used ? (the 4 ?)

Xfree 4.0 will probally be the standard. It might have an version of
3.3.6 for cards unsupported in 4.0 probally depending on the state of
Xfree 4.0.


Re: Frågor ison

2001-02-28 Thread Peter Makholm
Roland Frans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 binary-i386-1.iso och -2, -3.iso och en som hette:
 binary-i386-1_NONUS.iso. Min fråga är: Vad är skillnaden och vilka
 måste man ta hem?

You need at least one of the -1 iso's. As a european you should use
the NONUS one and get cryptography tools. The packages is sorted so
you only need disk 1.

If you need more packages not on -1 you could download -2 or both -2
and -3 as an addition.

There is a swedish debian users list. Try using that one for
discussion in swedish. (


Re: Debian and GNU

2001-02-26 Thread Peter Makholm
Marco Mililotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The point is: Is Debian e GNU distribution, or is GNU/Linux only a
 component of Debian? Isn't it possible to become - for Debian - a
 GNU project?

Debian has in the past been sponsored by FSF.

But better ask why Debian should be a GNU project? I't wouldn't get us
anything, but that copyright for programs (scripts and the like)
probally should be handed over to FSF. Which means a lot of beucracy
with little gain.


Re: Sponsorskap

2001-02-17 Thread Peter Makholm
Kim Dahlberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hej!  Vi undrar om Ni skulle vilja sponsra vårat demoparty med
 eran linux dist.

As a completly non-profit organisation Debian has no funding for
sponsoring events or give out free merchandize and CD's.

You could probally have some luck in asking local buisnisses using or
selling Debian. You could ask on
if they know any local company able of sponsoring you.


Re: Discussing the DMUP

2000-04-26 Thread Peter Makholm
Marcus Brinkmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I think we're playing the blind version where new players doesn't see
the initial ruleset and nobody got the complete ruleset.

Peter er ikke sur, han er sær -- og han er ikke DIKUs sureste koder,
men måske nok DIKUs særeste ;)
- citat Pink

Re: [ Re: FWD: C-Kermit potato]

2000-01-06 Thread Peter Makholm
I've sent this to both debian-devel and debian-project. Please remove
debian-devel from follow-ups.

Frank da Cruz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If non-free is good enough for you, then lets stop here. And when you
have a (I assume) GPLed gkermit something can go into main. (Non-free
isn't a part of debian and all that) 

 Peter Makholm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Problem1: I can't see any rights to modify the code, just redistribute it.

 That's a fine point.  You can modify the code all you want but since I
 have to support it now and forever, I need to get the changes.  Debian isn't

Debian isn't the only place distributing Linuxkernel but Does Linus
have a problem controling Linux?

(try asking the same with Gnome, nethack, X11...)

  Problem2: If I can't distribute a program with solaris i anin't free in
  Debians sense of freeness.

 You're free to define free however you want.  So am I :-)  It's a big,
 complicated world.

If we pretend that you only want to do the best for open source, then
I'm think you doing it the wrong way. Open source shouldn't be
promoted because some people is evil and some is good. Open source is
about better software for everybody.

If I'm going to be mean for a second then I could get the thought that
the only reason to allow Open Source systems to use this software that
i to spread the software so solaris and windows users *have* to pay
you. That is what I read out of the license, but you mails probally
shows otherwise.

There is a trap on this level! 

Re: New-Maintainer

2000-01-03 Thread Peter Makholm
Nate Duehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  the control file is set up properly.  The sponsored party is listed as
  the Maintainer for dpkg purposes; they just can't upload the package
 I didn't realize this.  It's interesting that this is how it's being
 handled.  I haven't looked carefully at the Maintainer listings in the

Sponsoring is handlet just like porting. The sponser just port the
package to source and whatever platform he is working on.

They say that eggs, pancakes and juice are just a mundane breakfast. 

Re: Debian FreeBSD

1999-11-18 Thread Peter Makholm
John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is a very bad idea.

 Why?  The BSD license.

Yes, The BSD license. A very nice readable license (which I wouldn't
call the GPL) and it's fair too (which GPL also is If I read it corectly)

I see no problem with SPI supporting all kinds of free software and
Debian FreeBSD won't become propitary it can't nobody can tell us
(Debian) to stop developing it as a piece of free software.

We had this discussion before (on -devel, not personally) and that is
why the debian-bsd list was made. We now have a debian-projects list
for Debian project related non-technical (i.e. political,
organizational, etc.) discussions. so please keep the political there.

I congratulate you. Happy goldfish bowl to you, to me, to everyone,
and may each of you fry in hell forever. 
-- Isaac Asimov, The Dead Past