Re: Debian 12

2023-10-14 Thread Tobias Frost
Am 14. Oktober 2023 11:51:36 UTC schrieb John Gardner 
>Your FAQ do not address the following problem:
>After successfully installing Debian 12 I am encountering a repeated and 
>important problem with installing software (packages) from third party 
>When using the Terminal prompter (sudo apt install) I am prompted: 'unable 
>to locate package.)
>Where can I find help for this problem with various 3rd party software apps?
>Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email.
Hi John

this list is for discussion of Debian Project matters, not user support.
may i direct you to the proper channels?

Your report has not enough information to be able  to help you (eg what repo, 
what exact error message), but if the problem is with a third party repository, 
 you might get better help by contacting their support channels.

Re: Como posso engajar na comunidade

2023-08-03 Thread Tobias Frost
Hallo Ramone,

On Wed, Aug 02, 2023 at 04:29:18PM -0300, Ramone Ferreira wrote:
> Como faço para me participar da equipe de desenvoolvedores do Debian, sei
> programar em C C++, Lua, Python e Ruby
> apenas quero aprender e adquirir experiência no ramo
> eu aceito trabalhar de graça, se meu desempenho for bom dentro de 3 meses,
> combinamos para efetividade.

sorry in advance if I misunderstood your question, as I do not speak
Portugese and had to use a translation service and those do funny things
from time to time.

(Please understand that the primary language used in the Debian project
to interact with each other is English.)

Regarding your question, which has been translated by the robots to
"How do I join the Debian developer team":

"Offically" joining the Debian project, becoming a Debian project member [1]
is not required to contribute to Debian, on the contrary, one has first
contribute to Debian for a while, before joining the project [2].

You may now ask yourself, "how to start to contribute to Debian": The website 
want to read is [3] :)
Possibly, additionally, as you have expressed -- or at least those translation
robots implied -- that you have programming skills, this might be useful
resources into getting started becoming a package maintainer:[4]

Let me also point you to the debian-mentors mailing list [5], which is a more
appropiate mailing list than debian-devel for people wanting to start to 
to Debian, and a useful resource to ask questions.

The translation robot also had this translation, I'm not sure if that is 
the intention you had on this sentence:
> eu aceito trabalhar de graça, se meu desempenho for bom dentro de 3 meses,
> combinamos para efetividade.
translated to:
> I accept to work for free, if my performance is good within 3 months,
> combine for effectiveness.

As said, I'm not sure about the translation quality, but let me just want
to avoid a possible misunderstanding: Generally Debian is a volunteer project
and we generally do not have (paid) jobs or hire people.


In the hope this was useful information, 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Evolving away from source package realms

2022-10-16 Thread Tobias Frost
On Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 01:06:23PM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Le Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 12:14:35AM +, Scott Kitterman a écrit :
> > 
> > What fraction of security issues we've had in Debian do you think
> > narrower upload permissions would have prevented?
> Exactly zero.  But my comment is not about the past, it is about the
> future.
> I think that a proper risk assessment would be worth doing, an I also
> think that this mailing list is not a proper place for doing it, not
> because of secrecy but because of noise and lack of focus.  Discussing
> the conclusions here would of course be important.
> On my side, I would be fine if my upload key would be restricted to the
> packages that me and my packaging team maintain.  I am very unlikely to
> need archive-wide privileges in the near future.

Being a frequent participant of a Bug Squashing Party and also general active
on sponsoring, restriction to upload privilieges will likely impair my ability 
contribute to Debian in this areas.


Re: Evolving away from source package realms

2022-10-13 Thread Tobias Frost
On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 10:19:28PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Tobias Frost  writes:
> > On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 04:09:54PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> >> Is there some way right now for me to say "any Debian contributor with
> >> upload rights should feel free to merge changes and upload this package
> >> without needing to consult me at all, and I will subscribe to the
> >> packages feed for the package and say something if something happens
> >> that I don't like" with a packaging repository on Salsa?  And if not,
> >> would that be a good way to start?
> > In my understanding this is exactly the purpose of the Debian group on 
> > salsa.
> > As [1] says:
> >  Direct commits to repositories in the Debian group by any Debian
> >  developer are implicitly welcome. No pre-commit coordination
> >  (e.g. merge-request or mail) is expected.
> > [1] 
> >
> What I'm missing, and maybe this is just me not understanding, is the
> uploads part.  Does that also imply that anyone can just upload?  (And
> what about the minor protocol parts of that, such as what to put into
> Maintainer and Uploaders?)
> But I was wondering if this was what the Salsa Debian group was supposed
> to be and we just haven't really used it very much (possibly because there
> aren't that many volunteers to upload random packages?).

(Of course I can only speak for myself,) but I always understood it that the
Debian group was designed for maintaining packaged together, and in my
interpretation of "maintaining" this includes uploading.

The salsa announcement [2] also more broadly talks about "allowing … to work
on your package"; this wording also implies for me that uploads are welcome…

In this spirit, I did several "Team uploads" already for projects in the
Debian group; nobody complained about that towards me so far…

(Maybe this would be a good opportunity to evaluate the project's oppinion
on this, and then document that in more clear words on the wiki?)



> -- 
> Russ Allbery (  <>

Re: Evolving away from source package realms

2022-10-12 Thread Tobias Frost
On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 04:09:54PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

> Is there some way right now for me to say "any Debian contributor with
> upload rights should feel free to merge changes and upload this package
> without needing to consult me at all, and I will subscribe to the packages
> feed for the package and say something if something happens that I don't
> like" with a packaging repository on Salsa?  And if not, would that be a
> good way to start?

In my understanding this is exactly the purpose of the Debian group on salsa.
As [1] says:
 Direct commits to repositories in the Debian group by any Debian developer are
 implicitly welcome. No pre-commit coordination (e.g. merge-request or mail) is


Re: Are users of Debian software members of the Debian community?

2022-09-16 Thread Tobias Frost
On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 08:47:19AM -0400, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
> On 9/16/22 12:12 AM, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 06:17:02PM -0400, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
> > > To put it in the most brief terms, I come to that conclusion based on what
> > > many people are telling me: Debian maintainers cannot fix bugs in software
> > > because they are just volunteers.
> >
> > That statement is incorrect. People _can_ and _do_ fix a lot of bugs when
> > they have time. There are a lot of DDs/DMs/contributors fixing a lot of 
> > bugs on a daily basis
> > for that matter. You could consider taking a look at -devel-changes ML if 
> > you'd like to.
> >
> > > That explains why I almost always am at
> > > least annoyed by one or two bugs when running Debian software, and 
> > > sometimes
> > > after an update the computer is totally unusable until I can debug it and 
> > > find
> > > the fix, because volunteers don't have the time to do it for me. That is 
> > > what
> > > most everyone on debian-user is telling me. Do you disagree with what they
> > > say?
> >
> > Well, sometimes bugs do sit around for a bit, yes; but you are presenting 
> > it in
> > a much way that it makes the situation look worse than it actually is.
> > The resolution is quick quite a few times (to my
> > experience and I am a DD myself) but yes, sometimes they do sit around for 
> > a while.
> That's easy to explain why your bugs are fixed quickly. You are a DD, so your
> bugs are important. I am not a DD so my bugs are not as important to the
> maintainers who have a greater responsibility to respond to a DD's bug than
> to an unknown user's bug. That is the way it should be. No problem here, and
> please no one reply and say I am complaining. I am not. I am just seeing
> how things work at Debian and I think they work fairly well.

Please stop with your passive-aggressive rhethoric.
Claiming that we don't care about equally our users is … inappropiate and 
greatly insulting
to the contributors (regardless of their status in the project).

You need to stop that. Right now.

> >
> > In that case, it is nice to file good bug reports (as Andy told you) and if 
> > you have a
> > patch, that's even better. You could consider to ping maintainers after a 
> > week or so if
> > you think it is important.
> Thanks for the advice. I think a week is way to short. They probably would
> think I am a nag and a troll if I did that. I usually wait six months and they
> still ignore the bug sometimes.
> > And if you think something very critical is broken, you could
> > even raise the severity of the bug, I don't see a lot of problem with it.
> >
> > And yes, sometimes the maintainers of a package _can_ be AFK too,
> For six months?

Even if it six years, a maintainer has absolutly the right to ignore any report,
be it mine, the DPLs, from someone else or yours. Remeber, unless you pay them,
they do not owe you anything.

The feedback given to you that they way you interacted with the project needs to
improve, but your reaction was *not* to consider this input but to feel 
insulted instead.

Then you escalated to -user, and as this dis not yield the result you wanted,
you finally escalate to -project, and people are trying hard to explain here
that there is some inappropiateness in your way of interacting with the project.


Re: Emails are public on the website

2022-01-24 Thread Tobias Frost
Hallo Dipansh,

On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 12:30:36PM +0530, Dipansh Parmar wrote:
> Hello Debian team,
> I'm not sure if it is the intended behavior or not but I just wanted to let
> you guys know. The emails regarding Debian are public on the website and
> can be found at Please review.

Generally, Debian mailing lists are public, as documented here:

> Best Regards,
> Dipansh Parmar


"Go" for MiniDebConf 2021 Regensburg / Registration / Call For Prensentations

2021-09-05 Thread Tobias Frost
Go for MiniDebConf 2021 Regensburg

We are happy to announce that we have decided "Go for the MiniDebConf
Regensburg" as we believe that the event can take place.

There is still a risk that we might be forced to cancel at the last
minute, but the current pandemic situation with the new legal framework
looks good at this moment.

Extended Registration Deadline / Call For Prensentations

As annonced earlier, we are planing to hold MiniDebConf Regensburg 2021
on Oct 2nd/3rd 2021 and with a preceeding MiniDebCamp from September
29th to October 1st.

It will cover topics for Debian users, contributors and developers. For
more information about the conference, see

If you're planing to come to Regensburg but have not registered yet,
please head over to and
add your name to the list or email us at info(at)

We ask you to register _latest_ *Tuesday, September 14th 12:00 UTC* as
this date alignes with some internal deadlines. We will try to accept
registrations past that date, but after this date we cannot guarantee
that your registration will unlock all your perks we have planned for.

We explictily reserve to close registration early, if we need to, e.g.
because we're exceeding a limit imposed on us.

Talks wanted - Call for Presentations (CfP) - Extended Deadline

As we've got a few slots left, we still accepting talk proposoals until
*Friday, September 24th*.  Send your proposals to

We are aiming for talks which are related to Debian or Free Software in
general.  Regular sessions may either be 20 or 45 minutes long
(including time for questions), other kinds of sessions (like workshops,
BoF, lightning talks) could have different durations. Please choose the
most suitable duration for your event and explain any special requests.
Also let us know if you have scheduling conflicts (e.g you're leaving a
day early).

Suggested topics include:

    * Debian usability
    * Cloud and containers
    * Security
    * Packaging
    * Automating with Debian
    * Debian social
    * New technologies & infrastructure

This list is not exhaustive, and anything not listed here is welcome, as
long as it's somehow related to Debian or Free Software in general.  If
in doubt, propose a talk and we'll give feedback. The intention is that
talks are held in English but if you don't feel comfortable giving a
talk in English, please let us know.

Please include a short title, suitable for a compact schedule, and an
engaging description of the event. Please provide us with information
such as additional speakers, scheduling restrictions, or any special
requirements we should consider for your event.

The sessions will be recorded on video and these recordings will be
released under a suitable free licence.

Sprints welcome

The place is ideal for sprints; so we encourage teams to assemble and
gather in Regensburg!

The Pandemic Situation

The good news is, that we've got a new legislative framework since
this week: With the 14. Bayerische Infektionsschutzmaßnahmenverordnung,
the risk that we will have to cancel the event has been reduced
significantly, but we still need to make this disclaimer:

If the situation is worsening towards October, we might be forced to
either limit the number of people allowed on-site or if it becomes
prohibitive to hold an on-site conference, even postpone the conference

If we have to impose a maximum attandees number on us, we'll have to
enforce this limit by considering who has registered first, so register
early! We currently don't execpt we'll exceeding this limit.

Especially if you are planning to come abroad, consider that there might
still be travel restrictions in place, mostly for non-EU countries. To
see if you are affected, the RKI has a list on [rki], there is an
interactive map on [eu], but also check with your local authorities if
there are restrictions e.g on your way back. (The resources are updated

  [rki], link to English pdf at

When you arrange your travels and accommodation, please make sure to be
able to cancel the booking without fees.

Pandemic Specific Conditions

Due to changes with the new 14. BayIfSMV, we need to work out a new
hygenic concept with the venue. We will post the information on the
event wiki page once ready and I try to add some prelimary information
on the wiki later today.


If you want to get in touch with the local team, ple

Re: unsuscribe

2021-08-22 Thread Tobias Frost
On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 05:47:40PM +, wrote:


As your unsubscribe wont work that way:
please see
how to unsubscribe from this mailing lists, 


MiniDebConf 2021 Regensburg Registration / Call For Prensentations

2021-08-22 Thread Tobias Frost
MiniDebConf 2021 Regensburg Registration / Call For Prensentations

As annonced earlier, we are planing to hold MiniDebConf Regensburg 2021
on Oct 2nd/3rd 2021 and with a preceeding MiniDebCamp from September
29th to October 1st.

It will cover topics for Debian users, contributors and developers. For
more information about the conference, see

If you're planing to come to Regensburg but have not registered yet,
please head over to and
add your name to the list or email us at
info(at) until latest September 3rd.

We know that in this difficult pandemic times it is not easy to ask you
to register for an event, especially as it is still uncertain that the
event can take place. However, it is very important for the planning of
the MiniDebConf: We might have to cancel and postpone the MiniDebCamp
and/or MiniDebConf if the interest in the event is too low.

Talks wanted - Call for Presentations (CfP)

We accept talk proposoals until September 3rd.  Send your proposals to

We are aiming for talks which are related to Debian or Free Software in
general.  Regular sessions may either be 20 or 45 minutes long
(including time for questions), other kinds of sessions (like workshops,
BoF, lightning talks) could have different durations. Please choose the
most suitable duration for your event and explain any special requests.
Also let us know if you have scheduling conflicts (e.g you're leaving a
day early).

Suggested topics include:

* Debian usability
* Cloud and containers
* Security
* Packaging
* Automating with Debian
* Debian social
* New technologies & infrastructure

This list is not exhaustive, and anything not listed here is welcome, as
long as it's somehow related to Debian or Free Software in general.  If
in doubt, propose a talk and we'll give feedback. The intention is that
talks are held in English but if you don't feel comfortable giving a
talk in English, please let us know.

Please include a short title, suitable for a compact schedule, and an
engaging description of the event. Please provide us with information
such as additional speakers, scheduling restrictions, or any special
requirements we should consider for your event.

The sessions will be recorded on video and these recordings will be
released under a suitable free licence.

Sprints welcome

The place is ideal for sprints; so we encourage teams to assemble and
gather in Regensburg!

The Pandemic Situation

As there is progress in vaccination, in combination with a hygienic and
testing concept, we believe that the conference can take place this
autumn in Regensburg.

If the situation is worsening towards autumn we might be forced to
either limit the number of people allowed on-site or if it becomes
prohibitive to hold an on-site conference, even postpone the conference

Especially if you are planning to come abroad, consider that there might
still be travel restrictions in place, mostly for non-EU countries. To
see if you are affected, the RKI has a list on [rki], there is an
interactive map on [eu], but also check with your local authorities if
there are restrictions e.g on your way back. (The resources are updated

  [rki], link to English pdf at

When you arrange your travels and accommodation, please make sure to be
able to cancel the booking without fees.


If you want to get in touch with the local team, please feel free to use for this purpose. You can also join

See you in Regensburg!

tobi (for the Regensburg local team)

Description: PGP signature

MiniDebConf 2021 Regensburg Registration is now open -- with caveats

2021-07-26 Thread Tobias Frost
MiniDebConf 2021 Regensburg Registration is now open -- with caveats

We are pleased to announce that we decided to open up registration for the
MiniDebConf and MiniDebCamp in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany [1].

The Camp is scheduled from September 29th to October 1st, and the MiniDebConf
on October 2nd and October 3rd 2021.

However, please make sure to read the whole mail for important details first!

You can either register by visiting [2] or by sending an email to the local
team at info(ät) if you've got privacy concerns.

If you prefer to stay at home and attend remotely, we will try to make that
possible too. However, we still ask you to register to get us a better idea of
attendance figures.


The Pandemic Situation

As there is the progress in vaccination, in combination with a hygienic and
testing concept, we believe that the conference can take place this autumn in

If the situation is worsening towards autumn we might be forced to either limit
the number of people allowed on-site or if it becomes prohibitive to hold an
on-site conference, even postpone the conference again.

Especially if you are planning to come abroad, consider that there might still
be travel restrictions in place, mostly for non-EU countries. To see if you are
affected, the RKI has a list on [rki], there is an interactive map on [eu], but
also check with your local authorities if there are restrictions e.g on your
way back. (The resources are updated frequently)

  [rki], link to English pdf at

When you arrange your travels and accommodation, please make sure to be able to
cancel the booking without fees.


If you want to get in touch with the local team, please feel free to use for this purpose. You can also join

See you in Regensburg!

tobi (for the Regensburg local team)

Description: PGP signature

MiniDebConf Regensburg 2020 (Germany): October 2nd-3rd 2021

2021-07-15 Thread Tobias Frost
Debianites and creatures of this universe,

We are happy to (preliminary) announce MiniDebConf Regensburg 2021.

Regensburg (Germany) on October 2nd and October 3rd 2021, and
preceeded by MiniDebCamp from September September 29th to October 1st.

More details can be found on our the event page [1].


# The elephant in the room

The venue allowed to plan the conference on the condition of the pandemic
situation. If the situation is going to be prohibitive for an on-site
conference, we might be forced to postpone the conference again.

However, as there is the progress in vaccination, in combination with a
hygienic and testing concept, we believe that the conference can take place
this autumn.

# Registration is not yet open

Details on how to register and how to submit talks will follow once we
have fixed the remaining loose ends ;-)

# Sponsors wanted

We're looking for sponsors willing to help making this event possible.
For information on sponsorship opportunties please check our website [2]
or our sponsorship flyer [3].


Plus, there's corporate registration as an option too, where we will
charge you 250€ for the registration. Please contact us if you are
interested in that!

# Contact

If you want to get in touch with the local team, please feel free to use for this purpose. You can also join

See you in Regensburg!

tobi (for the Regensburg local team)

Description: PGP signature

MiniDebConf Regensburg 2020 (Germany): September 26th-27th 2020

2020-02-16 Thread Tobias Frost
Debianites and creatures of this universe,

We are happy to announce MiniDebConf Regensburg 2020.

It will be hosted at the Technical University of Applied Sciences
Regensburg (Germany) on September 26th and September 27th 2020, and
preceeded by MiniDebCamp from September 23rd to September 25th.

More details can be found on our the event page [1].


# Registration is not yet open

Details on how to register and how to submit talks will follow once we
have fixed the remaining loose ends ;-)

# Sponsors wanted

We're looking for sponsors willing to help making this event possible.
For information on sponsorship opportunties please check our website [2]
or our sponsorship flyer [3].


Plus, there's corporate registration as an option too, where we will
charge you 250€ for the registration. Please contact us if you are
interested in that!

# Contact

If you want to get in touch with the local team, please feel free to use for this purpose. You can also join

See you in Regensburg!


Description: PGP signature

Re: GR proposal: mandating VcsGit and VcsBrowser for all packages, using the "gbp patches unapplied" layout, and maybe also mandating hosted on Salsa

2019-07-26 Thread Tobias Frost
On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 11:40:31AM -0300, Andy Simpkins wrote:
> Hi all


> /Andy

Thanks Andy for putting that into words, I completly agree with you.


Release Party at the Binary Kitchen in Regensburg, Germany

2019-07-03 Thread Tobias Frost

Just a short (overdue) announcement that there will be a Release Party
in Regensburg at the local hackspace "Binary Kitchen".

For details see:

As the weather seems to be nice on the release weekend, we will sit
together, have some $BEVERAGES (sold at the hackspace; there is mate in
different flavours, beer, cola …) and a nice BBQ. (Please bring your own

There will also some ad-hoc keysigning, so maybe bring your fingerprints.


Re: [pkg-go] Bug#856139: certspotter: long description advertises commercial service

2017-08-12 Thread Tobias Frost
Am Samstag, den 12.08.2017, 06:29 + schrieb Dr. Bas Wijnen:
> First of all, a clarification: This post (like most in this thread)
> is
> primarily about Debian's philosophy, not about certspotter (but I do
> talk about
> that at the end as well).  For this reason, I'm not CC'ing the bug.
> On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 05:26:58PM -0400, Faidon Liambotis wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 08:03:09AM -0400, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> > > If a free software implementation of the remote service exists
> > > that a
> > > package can work with, then it can remain in main. If not, it
> > > cannot.
> > 
> > There are no free software server-side implementation of e.g. the
> > ICQ
> > protocol, as far as I know, but multiple client-side
> > implementations in
> > main.
> That is a bug as far as I'm concerned; a client designed purely (or
> mostly) for
> such a non-free service should not be in main.

A quick search on $SEARCHENGINE revealed me IServerd, which seems to be
a FLOSS ICQ server implementation. (
Didnt investigate further than looking at the page, so no idea if it
actually works. Its BSD though.

> > 


2014-04-04 Thread Tobias Frost
Am Freitag, den 04.04.2014, 16:33 +0200 schrieb Tobias Frost:
> Also, some reading suggestion:

Sorry, just realized this I pasted the wrong link.
I meant this one:

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact


2014-04-04 Thread Tobias Frost
Am Freitag, den 04.04.2014, 14:50 +0100 schrieb Jonathan Dowland:
> is a thing. This thing lets you, amongst other things, upload a 
> copy
> of your PGP private key to their servers. This is client-side encrypted.
> Discuss.

Well, this "thing" raises several red flags just by reading "upload ...
private key". This alone smells very wrong, because I'm the opinion a
private key must never leave my (trusted) system) 

Reading a little about it, e.g the issue tracker, they *require* the
passphrase when you upload the key [1]. With that it is completly out of
your control, and if it is client-side-encrypted, for what they need the
passphrase in the first place? This makes only sense if they need to
access the private key sometime, and then the client-side encryption is
snake oil (and you never now if your should be better be recoveked)
Also, some reading suggestion:

Disclaimer: Just reading informations, did not try out smth to confirm
the info) 


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact