Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-07 Thread Richard Hecker

Don Armstrong wrote:

On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Frans Pop wrote:

Is it actually OK for FD to demand that candidates go through DM
before applying for DD, or as part of the NM process?

If the FD isn't fairly confident that someone has enough experience in
Debian to make occupying an AM's time and taking slotes and time away
from more qualified candidates, then yes, they should be strongly
suggesting that people aren't ready to become DDs, and thus should
spend more time working on Debian, possibly as DMs.


The problem I see is the inability of some people to take a hint.  An
obstinate person will point out that it is not mandatory.  Then a long
flame war ensues where neither side bothers to take a charitable
look at what the other person wrote.


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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Carsten Hey
* Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo [2010-07-02 19:01 +0200]:
 [4] Including not acknowledging NMUs (many of them FTBFS), not replying to
 most (any?) bug reports, not replying when people asked to update the
 software or orphan it if he was not interested anymore, not replying to my
 (private) offering to co-maintain them as I am doing unofficially with
 OpenSceneGraph that I sent more than 2 months ago, and a previous warning
 about the intention to NMU the packages... all this while he did attend
 other packages in the past weeks, so he's not Missing in Action.

Sounds like these packages are in fact orphaned, at least it should be
ok if you add yourself as uploader with your next upload.  Next step is
to become DM and then if you want to DD ...


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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

First of all, most honest thanks to you Russ, you seem to be the only one 
concerned really with what I am saying (even reading it).

On Sunday 04 July 2010 19:36:02 Russ Allbery wrote:
 Please try to use a charitable reading of other people's messages when
  understanding e-mail and, as you said yourself:
  The first thing that a Front Desk person has to do is to investigate,
  try to understand what the people is saying (applicants are not
  [always] familiar with Debian's inner ways of working), and more
  important, read it twice or ask if you don't understand what the
  applicant is saying, not mocking them.
 I think the situation would not have escalated in the way in which it did
 if you had followed the smae advice, because I don't believe either
 Cristoph or Joerg meant their messages anywhere near as negatively as you
 perceived them.

I think that if they didn't meant that, they could've reacted in a couple of 
simple and reasonable ways to my reply to Joerg's message:

a) I meant it seriously even if I was joking, your job in Debian so far is 
not enough to apply for DD just yet.

b) Sorry, I had misunderstood you, and [whatever].

The not reasonable reaction for me is (without any other communication in 
the middle except the generic message to debian-newmain@ ML):

1) Erasing me from the NM database, not even leaving any trace in the NM 
weekly report.

2) Accusing me of finger-pointing in that message, etc, even if not 
directly; apart from:

3) Not abiding to the rules that supposedly Debian Community approved, and 
enforcing unofficial rules instead systematically.

I just exposed the case in this mailing list as best as I could in the heat 
of the moment, because had I been a Debian Member who approved the rules 
via General Resolution or whatever other means, and cared for people trying 
to join my project, I wouldn't approve of sub-groups breaking the rules and 
acting partially (especially in a sub-group as prominent as this one, trying 
to gather new contributors).

That's all the story.  If the Debian Community as a whole doesn't care about 
this or thinks that they actions and reaction are OK, that's fine for me, I 
just don't want be a Debian Member anymore and everybody happy.

  c) Re: the MIA stuff: he is not MIA, he does some work to some of his
  packages, you can see it in the PTS; but didn't do any work on these
  ones for 3 years, nor replied to offerings of help, bug requests
  telling to orphan them, etc.  And I'm no DD to start inquiring DDs and
  bothering people with MIA stuff, I think.  BTW, He just replied to a
  bug report after I we updated the K3D package.
 I appear to have not been sufficiently clear here, so I'll try to be even
 more direct.
 Absolutely nothing changes about this procedure whether you are a DD, a
 DM, or someone with no official relationship with Debian.  If the package
 is unmaintained, someone needs to follow the process described in the
 Developer's Reference for dealing with this.  If the maintainer is not
 responding to bugs about that package and not maintaining that package,
 they are MIA with respect to at least that package, even if they're doing
 other Debian work, and regardless of terminology, that's a problem that
 needs to be addressed.

As I understand the whole section 7.4. Dealing with inactive and/or 
unreachable maintainers, the MIA stuff discussed is in the general case 
(not in particular packages).  I could have investigated whether he was 
really MIA, or not etc, but I decided that the NMU was an easier path and 
that might produce some reaction that the e-mails did not, and apparently it 

In other words: you're right, I just didn't follow that path.  And I think 
that if it's important for Debian Community to know of such cases and act 
upon them, they should implement a way for doing it (e.g. like the annual 
ping for DMs that I mentioned in another mail).

I, as an outsider, don't want to investigate and report on people, in 
general; I'm just concerned with packages being in a good shape (especially 
the ones that I know of, and if I can help in any way).

 You do not need to be a DD to address this, and if you're interested in
 maintaining this package, you *should not* wait to be a DD to address
 this.  You can start working on this now.

As I said multiple times I already did, I created 3 versions of that 
packages already, which were sponsored and uploaded:

with a few fixes in the works (RPATH lintian warning, licensng problems and 

 If the contributions are the same, then it shouldn't make a difference,
 but they do need to be the same at all levels, not just technical
 competence.  OpenSceneGraph has an incorrect Maintainer and Uploaders
 field from what you've said, which should be fixed, and the other
 packages you've done 

Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Hector Oron
Hello Manuel,

  I would like you not to be so hurt, calm down and listen to people.
By rule of thumb nobody in the boat is evil, but there are many
misunderstandings which with *pacience and time* will get solved.

2010/7/2 Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo
 Another thing, I'm going out for the weekend plus monday, so don't expect
 replies from me in about 3 days at least (unless I happen to have time later

Starting a flame/ranting email and go away it is not a good way of
behaviour in the community, don't you think so?

 cases (no SONAMES for libraries, defining RPATH, using in-source third party
 software instead of the existing package in Debian, lacking man pages for
 some binaries which I created and sent to them...), technical difficulties

I might be missing something here, are you defining RPATH? I believe
it is not good practice in (native built) Debian packaging.

 This started about 1 month ago.

I waited for 5 years before becoming DD (two of them in the NM queue),
not so long ago.

 Since I wanted to be DD, I needed the signature of a Debian Member (as
 some web pages say, I won't spend time seeking it now), so I wrote to
 newmaint@ asking for a clarification whether DMs were considered Debian
 Members or not for this purpose.  Christoph Berg replied telling me, among
 other things, that Debian Members were only Debian Developers but also
 that I was confused about applying to DM or DD.  I explained him that I was
 not, I wanted to apply for Debian Developer for the reasons stated above,
 and because the webpages describing the process (which I'll cite later)
 state clearly that it's not mandatory to be a DM before applying for DD
 (though highly recommended, but I was already --unofficially-- co-
 maintainer of OpenSceneGraph anyway).  He didn't tell me about unoficcial
 policies (more on this later) by then, a few weeks ago.

Did I tell you I waited for 2 years on NM process, well, things are
evolving in Debian, not always everything it is written on mailing
lists, blogs, planets and so on (impossible to track them all). There
also meetings[1] to help things out and speed up the NM process, but
certainly not for people like you but for people that already has a
very good understanding of Debian, which, you'll have to excuse me,
are lacking. As Debian itself it is not only maintaining software
packages. If you have a look to my profile I am one of the persons in
Debian with few packages and that is intented to be that way, but that
does not mean I am inactive in Debian. There are also some duties all
Debian Developers should follow to stay in the boat, those are not
very heavy to accomplish, but we have been doing fine with them for
many years (well, not all the time).


 (There are more official Debian Developers in that city but they didn't
 reply to the calls, and they do not maintain packages at least in some
 cases, so probably they should resign from Debian, by the way.)

As Debian Developers are not forced to reply to your emails and this
snippet is already in discussion on another thread you do not want to
discuss. But it shows the lack of Debian understanding you have. We do
not accuse people for not doing... as this is a volunteer task and
we are suposed to have fun with it.

 I replied with the same answers that I said in the Precedents above
 (though I was still preparing some packages for Aqsis and K3D, some of the
 new Aqsis packages were submitted already one or two days before the
 questionnaire came in, so it was a prove that I meant to do what I was

 One of the questions was (*):
 Are you a 'Debian Maintainer' as described on or do you plan to become a DM?

 a) No
 b) Not specially, my main intention is to become Debian Developer.  DM
 doesn't allow to do what I'm doing with Aqsis and K3D when the official
 maintainer doesn't cooperate, that's one of the main reasons why I want
 to become DD instead of just DM (so I don't have to bother any sponsor,

 (*) says: Debian Maintainers:
 official status of people, who are not (yet) Debian Developers, but that are
 allowed to upload packages, that have a DM field set. See Debian Maintainer

You are allowed to upload your packages by setting some flag on the
debian/control file being DM. I am failing to see why that does not
work for you. Also being DM you would get more experienced and
certainly gain more knowledge on Debian OS.

 I replied telling that I didn't just NMU a couple of packages well attended,
 I was in effect intending to ***become the maintainer from now on*** of
 *quite complex* packages (all of them much bigger in size and dependencies,

Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Patrick Schoenfeld

On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 03:13:34PM +0200, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
 I, as an outsider, don't want to investigate and report on people, in 
 general; I'm just concerned with packages being in a good shape (especially 
 the ones that I know of, and if I can help in any way).

well, if you don't want to do it as an outsider you don't have to,
but its the right way to go under normal circumstances and anyway
if you were a DD.

  You do not need to be a DD to address this, and if you're interested in
  maintaining this package, you *should not* wait to be a DD to address
  this.  You can start working on this now.
 As I said multiple times I already did, I created 3 versions of that 
 packages already, which were sponsored and uploaded:
 with a few fixes in the works (RPATH lintian warning, licensng problems and 

Yes, you did three uploads on two packages for which you are not the
maintainer in a time range of one (!) month. In other words:
No one can see from this as much commitment as we require from
people who want to be a Debian Developer. We can't even tell from
this if you'd be active in a month from now.
And one could even say that the answer to one of the questions in the
Apply for NM checklist is no, depending on how you look at it,
because you are not the maintainer of any package in the archive.

Don't take that as we'd not appreciate or honour what you've did so far.
But you don't have to be a DD for this. 
It does not require you the right to vote or unsupervised
upload access for every package in the archive. You possibly don't need
access to our porter systems.

I don't want to comment the communication between you and FD/DAM
but it seems to me that you have not yet understood some of the
basic concepts of how Debian works. Therefore I can understand
if you are not passed through to start the process of becoming a DD.

 If you mean that I was rejected because I required more time from Front 
 Desk, I don't think that's true.
 Instead of looking to Maintainer or Uploaders field, all I was asking is 
 to just look at a few entries in a changelog, approved by the maintainer of 
 the package himself who is a Debian Developer since very long ago, and who 
 was the person who uploaded the package.

And that is already wrong and (for now!) IMHO disqualifying you from beeing
a DD. The point is, we want our DDs to take some responsibility
for the ideals and goals of the project and to be trustworthy.
That is because they have unlimited upload access, are able to access
the porter machines and decide on the future of Debian by voting.

If you are not even taking responsibility for _one_ package by
becoming the maintainer of it and this way stating I feel responsible
for this package how do you expect us to see weither you feel
responsible for a certain package? Just because of two uploads in one
month? If you don't want to follow the common procedures in the project
(e.g. for taking over packages) how are we supposed to know that you
will, once you are a DD?

 I wouldn't think that Front Desk job checks are OK just by checking those 
 fields, because they're clearly misleading in many packages.  That maybe 

Well, they must not be misleading on weither the person in question
feels responsible at all for what he is applying to do.
Thats a _first_ indication of your work in Debian. If its not enough
we can't handle your application over to an AM who has to spend
a lot of time for your application (the NM-process takes quiet some time for
you and your AM!).

The package check itself is handled by the Application Managers.
We have to do some more checks than just checking those fields.

Best Regards,

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Paul Wise
On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 10:09 PM, Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:

 And that is already wrong and (for now!) IMHO disqualifying you from beeing
 a DD. The point is, we want our DDs to take some responsibility
 for the ideals and goals of the project and to be trustworthy.
 That is because they have unlimited upload access, are able to access
 the porter machines and decide on the future of Debian by voting.

 If you are not even taking responsibility for _one_ package by
 becoming the maintainer of it and this way stating I feel responsible
 for this package how do you expect us to see weither you feel
 responsible for a certain package? Just because of two uploads in one
 month? If you don't want to follow the common procedures in the project
 (e.g. for taking over packages) how are we supposed to know that you
 will, once you are a DD?

A lot of folks have pointed this out (including myself in private mail
before these public threads started). AFAICT, Manuel simply
misinterpreted Debian's confusing terminology to mean that he couldn't
put himself in the Maintainer/Uploader fields of packages until he
became a DM/DD (and his sponsor should be in those fields instead). I
think this has been explained to him enough now and would assume he
can understand the situation properly now.

Everyone needs to calm down, use less emotive language and forgive
misunderstandings and miscommunications.


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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Bernd Zeimetz
On 07/06/2010 02:24 PM, Carsten Hey wrote:
 * Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo [2010-07-02 19:01 +0200]:
 [4] Including not acknowledging NMUs (many of them FTBFS), not replying to
 most (any?) bug reports, not replying when people asked to update the
 software or orphan it if he was not interested anymore, not replying to my
 (private) offering to co-maintain them as I am doing unofficially with
 OpenSceneGraph that I sent more than 2 months ago, and a previous warning
 about the intention to NMU the packages... all this while he did attend
 other packages in the past weeks, so he's not Missing in Action.
 Sounds like these packages are in fact orphaned, at least it should be
 ok if you add yourself as uploader with your next upload.  Next step is
 to become DM and then if you want to DD ...

NO. This is *not* okay. The proper way is to contact the MIA team and let them
handle the situation *OR* to get the OK from the maintainer.

 Bernd ZeimetzDebian GNU/Linux Developer
 GPG Fingerprints: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79
   ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

Firs of all: for people who are going to reply me from now on: Please don't 
make me repeat the same thing a dozen times, it's boring for me to have to 
do so and for people reading.

So if you're going to tell you opinon about whether you consider that I made 
effort enough or not to apply for DD without being DM first (which by now is 
of little interest), please read my application and the advocation message 
before, available from the archives of the appropriate mailing lists.

(This was the advocation for DD, but the information is superseded by the 
previous one: 

On Tuesday 06 July 2010 16:09:20 Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:
 Yes, you did three uploads on two packages for which you are not the
 maintainer in a time range of one (!) month.

 In other words:
 No one can see from this as much commitment as we require from
 people who want to be a Debian Developer. We can't even tell from
 this if you'd be active in a month from now.

If with the one (!) thing you mean that it's too little commitment for me 
to apply for DD you're wrong here, because I was not defending (in the lines 
that you're quoting) the case about why I considered that I could start the 
NM process (apply for DD) without being official DM first.

[Refer to the messages pointed in the hader.  They wiped my application from 
the NM database and I won't apply again, so that's why there's no need to 
discuss that again, anyway.]

So in what you quote, I was replying only to Russ' paragraph:
You do not need to be a DD to address this, and if you're interested in
maintaining this package, you should not wait to be a DD to address
this.  You can start working on this now.

I'm in effect taking responsibility for those packages, I'll put myself in 
Maintainers/Uploaders field if that's the right thing to do in the next 

  If you mean that I was rejected because I required more time from Front
  Desk, I don't think that's true.
  Instead of looking to Maintainer or Uploaders field, all I was
  asking is to just look at a few entries in a changelog, approved by
  the maintainer of the package himself who is a Debian Developer since
  very long ago, and who was the person who uploaded the package.
 And that is already wrong and (for now!) IMHO disqualifying you from
 beeing a DD. The point is, we want our DDs to take some responsibility
 for the ideals and goals of the project and to be trustworthy.
 That is because they have unlimited upload access, are able to access
 the porter machines and decide on the future of Debian by voting.
 If you are not even taking responsibility for _one_ package by
 becoming the maintainer of it and this way stating I feel responsible
 for this package how do you expect us to see weither you feel
 responsible for a certain package? Just because of two uploads in one
 month? If you don't want to follow the common procedures in the project
 (e.g. for taking over packages) how are we supposed to know that you
 will, once you are a DD?

Apart from the one month thing that I replied to above, I was not putting 
myself as maintainer because:

1) OpenSceneGraph does have a maintainer, I'm just co-maintaining it 
unofficially. (And reason 3) after this).

2) The NMUs to Aqsis and K3D, after previous NMU-notice and my offering to 
co-maintain them several months ago, were not replied, so before seeing 
whether the maintainer reacts or not, I didn't feel that it was appropriate 
to overtake the package (without doing the MIA process, which I didn't want 
to, as explained in other message).

3) As a Debian user, I don't think that it's appropriate that random people 
appear as Maintainer of a package when they didn't get DM or DD status, 
especially if (for the time being in two of the packages) they only upload 
once or twice; and unless they are in the process of becoming DMs or DDs.

So I was trying to state I want to be responsible for this and that when I 
submitted my appplication and before they wiped my application to NM; and 
when I applied to DM before the wiping because of the unofficially enforced 

And that's why I didn't want to put myself as maintainer before having some 
kind of official engagement with Debian -- not wanting to pretend that I'm 
officially Debian-something, instead of not wanting to take responsibility.

Was I wrong?  Yes.  Will I fix it?  Hopefully yes.  Sorry, my bad, and 
thanks for pointing it.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Felipe Sateler
On 06/07/10 10:09, Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:
some stuff about Manuel not being ready for DD status

AFAICT, none of this justifies silently removing someone from the NM

Felipe Sateler

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Raphael Hertzog
On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Felipe Sateler wrote:
 On 06/07/10 10:09, Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:
 some stuff about Manuel not being ready for DD status
 AFAICT, none of this justifies silently removing someone from the NM

I can't speak for the NM team, but if he was asked to go through DM first
(and that's what I understood), I could understand that his NM application
got removed for now.

Don't attribute it to malice.

Raphaël Hertzog

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Frans Pop
On Tuesday 06 July 2010, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
 I can't speak for the NM team, but if he was asked to go through DM
 first (and that's what I understood), I could understand that his NM
 application got removed for now.

This is the thing I'm having some problem with in the discussion so far.

Is it actually OK for FD to demand that candidates go through DM before 
applying for DD, or as part of the NM process?

As I remember it, DM was primarily intended as an alternative *end point* 
for those contributors who are not interested in going through the full NM 
procedure and are happy with both the facilities and limitations that DM 
offers. From his mails Manuel clearly intended to go for DD.

Sure, in a lot of cases getting DM first can help to be more productive 
sooner. But shouldn't that remain the choice of the candidate him/herself?

I can see loads of cases where going straight for DD is much more logical:
- contributors who's primairy interest is not packaging
- contributors who already have a very solid history of contributions
- contributors who work mainly on team-maintained packages and thus only
  need commit access to the team source repos while leaving the uploads
  to other team members
- contributors who have a good relationship with the current maintainer
  of a package or sponsors and thus see no need for upload rights

In Manuel's case I personally would say that getting DM status on the route 
to DD *does* seem to make sense, but still IMO that should be *his* 
option. In past discussions we have explicitly stressed that it should be 
possible to tailor the NM process to the ambitions and background of 
individual candidates, in discussion between the candidate and FD and/or 
assigned AM.

Have the FD and NM-team (silently?) inflated DM beyond what was originally 
intended? I would personally be against listing DM on the website as a 
required or even desired stage to go through for NM, as some have 
suggested; it should of course be listed as an option.

I agree with others that the main problem in this particular case seems to 
have been a communications failure. But IMO refusing or declining to go 
through DM should by itself never be a reason to reject a candidate. I 
don't think it was in this case; the escalated communication has probably 
However, the FD and DAM have a very strong responsibility when it comes to 
trying to avoid such failures given that new candidates probably will not 
be familiar with all options and terminology.


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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Frans Pop wrote:
 Is it actually OK for FD to demand that candidates go through DM
 before applying for DD, or as part of the NM process?

If the FD isn't fairly confident that someone has enough experience in
Debian to make occupying an AM's time and taking slotes and time away
from more qualified candidates, then yes, they should be strongly
suggesting that people aren't ready to become DDs, and thus should
spend more time working on Debian, possibly as DMs.

Don Armstrong

It was said that life was cheap in Ankh-Morpork. This was, of course,
completely wrong. Life was often very expensive; you could get death
for free.
 -- Terry Pratchet _Pyramids_ p25

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Frans Pop
On Tuesday 06 July 2010, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Frans Pop wrote:
  Is it actually OK for FD to demand that candidates go through DM
  before applying for DD, or as part of the NM process?

 If the FD isn't fairly confident that someone has enough experience in
 Debian to make occupying an AM's time and taking slotes and time away
 from more qualified candidates, then yes, they should be strongly
 suggesting that people aren't ready to become DDs, and thus should
 spend more time working on Debian, possibly as DMs.

Strongly suggesting (or advising) is different though than requiring or 
demanding. And IMO in that case it is the task of the FD to make 
completely clear *why* that advise is being given: that it will help the 
candidate to be more productive sooner and that it should not make the 
total process towards DD any longer.

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Felipe Sateler
On 06/07/10 15:11, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
 On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Felipe Sateler wrote:
 On 06/07/10 10:09, Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:
 some stuff about Manuel not being ready for DD status

 AFAICT, none of this justifies silently removing someone from the NM
 I can't speak for the NM team, but if he was asked to go through DM first
 (and that's what I understood), I could understand that his NM application
 got removed for now.

The part I find strange is the silentness of the removal, not the
removal itself.

 Don't attribute it to malice.

I didn't. I can be a honest mistake (like forgetting to mail the
applicant indicating the removal, or millions of others). I'm just
stating that silent removal does not seem justifiable.
And the NM team has not yet spoken about that point.

Felipe Sateler

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Frans Pop wrote:
 On Tuesday 06 July 2010, Don Armstrong wrote:
  On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Frans Pop wrote:
   Is it actually OK for FD to demand that candidates go through DM
   before applying for DD, or as part of the NM process?
  If the FD isn't fairly confident that someone has enough experience in
  Debian to make occupying an AM's time and taking slotes and time away
  from more qualified candidates, then yes, they should be strongly
  suggesting that people aren't ready to become DDs, and thus should
  spend more time working on Debian, possibly as DMs.
 Strongly suggesting (or advising) is different though than requiring or 

The FD can say that someone isn't ready to enter the NM process,
though, and then provide specific suggestions as to how they can
demonstrate to the FD that they are ready to enter the NM process.

The FD is responsible for gauging that someone looks to have been
active in Debian enough to assign them an AM.

Don Armstrong

Build a fire for a man, an he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on   
fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
 -- Jules Bean

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Frans Pop
On Tuesday 06 July 2010, Don Armstrong wrote:
 The FD can say that someone isn't ready to enter the NM process,
 though, and then provide specific suggestions as to how they can
 demonstrate to the FD that they are ready to enter the NM process.

I'm not disagreeing with that. But that's a completely different issue than 
I raised in my initial mail.

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

On Tuesday 06 July 2010 21:11:00 Raphael Hertzog wrote:
 On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Felipe Sateler wrote:
  On 06/07/10 10:09, Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:
  some stuff about Manuel not being ready for DD status
  AFAICT, none of this justifies silently removing someone from the NM
 I can't speak for the NM team, but if he was asked to go through DM first
 (and that's what I understood), I could understand that his NM
 application got removed for now.
 Don't attribute it to malice.

1) Re: Rejected by not applying first to DM

That's not the reason that they gave here (in which they do not mention that 
I was removed, though can be deduced, that's why I went to find about the 
status of my application to DD):

reasons that I refuted in the subsequent message in the thread (that neither 
Christoph nor anybody else from FrontDesk replied, or explained in any 
manner, publicly or privately):

and that occurring *after* I had abided their (quoting Christoph) 'DM 
before NM' is a rule we have been inofficially enforcing for some time now 
and which will be officialised soon, accepted the counsel and had applied 
to DM:

My application for DM was 1 Jul 2010 03:11:46 +0200, the advocation 
message for DM at 01 Jul 2010 18:33:01 +0200, the deletion at some point 
the day after at 2 Jul 2010 10:23:37 +0200.  So wouldn't the application 
to DD should be put on hold, at most, after I accepted the counsel?

Isn't the requirement of DM fulfilled anyway by the active co-maintenance of 
OpenSceneGraph that I'm doing since the end of last year, even if I was not 
doing it properly putting myself in the Uploaders field, etc?

If Front Desk people don't think that I'm a good candidate because I've been 
arguing with them, doing the finger-pointing that they say, etc, shouldn't 
they explain themselves more clearly and refute/prove it (maybe appointing 
someone external but maintaining things private, if they think that my 
supposed finger-pointing is harmful to be made public)?

2) Re: notifications

Shouldn't the applicant receive a similar automated message when being 
dropped/rejected as the one when somebody is applying, or receive advocation 
(quoted below)?  Or at least appear in the weekly NM report or somewhere 
that I was rejected for this and that?

Application confirmation:
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Debian Developer. Your name
and email address has been entered into the new maintainer database

Advocation confirmation:
Thanks for your recommendation of:
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo
This applicant will hopefully be assigned an Application Manager soon.

I received neither automatic messages nor official explanations for 
rejection, other than the generic message of the 1st link in this message.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Russ Allbery
Raphael Hertzog writes:
 On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Felipe Sateler wrote:

 AFAICT, none of this justifies silently removing someone from the NM

 I can't speak for the NM team, but if he was asked to go through DM first
 (and that's what I understood), I could understand that his NM application
 got removed for now.

 Don't attribute it to malice.

Yeah, I'm sure it's not malice, but it does seem like we're missing a
tracking state if such records disappear from the web pages entirely.
Admittedly, I'm a data hoarder and I hate to see anything ever be dropped,
but it seems like it might be good to have a list of candidates who were
asked to reapply later or something in addition to the categorizations
that are available now.  Maybe capped at only the last six months of them
similar to now-approved candidates are by default.

Russ Allbery (

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Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-06 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 02:01:01PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Frans Pop wrote:
  On Tuesday 06 July 2010, Don Armstrong wrote:
   On Tue, 06 Jul 2010, Frans Pop wrote:
Is it actually OK for FD to demand that candidates go through DM
before applying for DD, or as part of the NM process?

   If the FD isn't fairly confident that someone has enough experience in
   Debian to make occupying an AM's time and taking slotes and time away
   from more qualified candidates, then yes, they should be strongly
   suggesting that people aren't ready to become DDs, and thus should
   spend more time working on Debian, possibly as DMs.

  Strongly suggesting (or advising) is different though than requiring or 

 The FD can say that someone isn't ready to enter the NM process,
 though, and then provide specific suggestions as to how they can
 demonstrate to the FD that they are ready to enter the NM process.

That doesn't seem to be what's happened here, though.  Admittedly we've only
seen Manuel's paraphrasing of the conversation he had with FD (Manuel,
please post actual mails, not paraphrasing!), but from there it appears that
this was not being proposed as an example of how Manuel could demonstrate
his involvement and committment to Debian, but rather as an enforced
precondition for the NM process.  I also find that troubling.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-04 Thread Russ Allbery
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo writes:

 I have to reply briefly, I hope that you can infer the rest of the story 
 from the replies or pointers.

It wasn't particularly brief!  But I've read through your entire message
twice now.  I don't think there was a great deal of new information in
this followup message, which implies to me that I have a reasonably good
understanding of the situation from your perspective.

This probably isn't going to make you any happier with me than you are
with Christoph, but I feel obligated to say it anyway: I think you are
reading way more hostility and negative reaction into e-mails that you
were sent than was actually there.  I also don't think you're seeing how
hostile your mail messages sound.  I'm not saying that the conflict in
e-mail is entirely your fault, but from your mail messages here and the
additional mail that you've quoted, in emotional tone you seem to be doing
roughly the same thing to others that you feel they're doing to you.

Please try to use a charitable reading of other people's messages when
understanding e-mail and, as you said yourself:

 The first thing that a Front Desk person has to do is to investigate,
 try to understand what the people is saying (applicants are not [always]
 familiar with Debian's inner ways of working), and more important, read
 it twice or ask if you don't understand what the applicant is saying,
 not mocking them.

I think the situation would not have escalated in the way in which it did
if you had followed the smae advice, because I don't believe either
Cristoph or Joerg meant their messages anywhere near as negatively as you
perceived them.

 c) Re: the MIA stuff: he is not MIA, he does some work to some of his
 packages, you can see it in the PTS; but didn't do any work on these
 ones for 3 years, nor replied to offerings of help, bug requests telling
 to orphan them, etc.  And I'm no DD to start inquiring DDs and bothering
 people with MIA stuff, I think.  BTW, He just replied to a bug report
 after I we updated the K3D package.

I appear to have not been sufficiently clear here, so I'll try to be even
more direct.

Absolutely nothing changes about this procedure whether you are a DD, a
DM, or someone with no official relationship with Debian.  If the package
is unmaintained, someone needs to follow the process described in the
Developer's Reference for dealing with this.  If the maintainer is not
responding to bugs about that package and not maintaining that package,
they are MIA with respect to at least that package, even if they're doing
other Debian work, and regardless of terminology, that's a problem that
needs to be addressed.

You do not need to be a DD to address this, and if you're interested in
maintaining this package, you *should not* wait to be a DD to address
this.  You can start working on this now.

This sort of social process is as important in Debian as technical
abilities.  Without the social process and without resolving problems like
unmaintained packages, technical skill cannot be applied appropriately or
fully utiliized.

 Given two people working on package GIMP, with 6 months or 1 year of
 collaborations each and similar work done (e.g. they're technically
 about the same good), one being DM and another not and they both decide
 to apply for DD the same day; on which grounds do you deny the one which
 is not a DM to apply for DD?

If the contributions are the same, then it shouldn't make a difference,
but they do need to be the same at all levels, not just technical
competence.  OpenSceneGraph has an incorrect Maintainer and Uploaders
field from what you've said, which should be fixed, and the other packages
you've done work on have not been properly investigated and orphaned and
are being maintained via NMUs.  Those are both things that I, were I your
application manager, would expect you to fix before I would be comfortable
approving you as a Debian Developer.

Debian is *not* just about technical work.  It's also about interacting
well and effectively with other developers, including developers one is
not already working with.

Also, note that being a DM lets you get experience with parts of Debian
that you cannot without being a DM, specifically the process of doing
direct uploads and unattended and unreviewed work in Debian.  They're not
major things, and I don't think they're absolute requirements for applying
to be a DD in all cases, but it's still experience and there's no point in
turning it down, IMO.

 Also, Christoph Berg and the rest of the Front Desk understand it like
 me, since they apply the unofficial policy of requiring DM, he said
 that very clearly.  If they had understand it like you, it would not be
 unnofficial policy, it would be official.

This line of argument is just not going to go anywhere.

The job of the Front Desk, and the New Maintainer process, is not like a
legal process where you are following a set of exhaustively documented and

Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-02 Thread Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

I don't know if this is the proper place to speak about this, if so please 
tell me where I should send this.  I saw the recent email Conflicts between 
Developers: Let others mediate in this mailing list so it gave me the idea 
to explain the issues here, and it's more a Debian project than a Debian 
devel thing, I think.

Another thing, I'm going out for the weekend plus monday, so don't expect 
replies from me in about 3 days at least (unless I happen to have time later 

Let's go... 

There's a little conflict with NM Front Desk, especially Christoph Berg and 
Joerg Jaspert.  I'm not sure whether those emails can be considered private 
or not (if they were forwarded to some public mailing list, etc) but I only 
have the private copies sent to me; but being part of daily Debian 
activities I think that they should be public anyway and they don't involve 
personal details of anybody but me.


After being unofficial co-maintainer for months of OpenSceneGraph [1] and 
while creating new packages for newer versions of Aqsis [2] and K3D [3] 
before the freeze, which they were neglected by their maintainer for 3 years 
[4], have legal problems in some cases lurking in Debian repositories for 
years (I'm consulting them with debian-legal@), technical problems in other 
cases (no SONAMES for libraries, defining RPATH, using in-source third party 
software instead of the existing package in Debian, lacking man pages for 
some binaries which I created and sent to them...), technical difficulties 
in general (they both changed the building system from SCons and I think 
that automake to CMake, roughly twice the size and depending on 10-30 
libraries, which causes waiting a lot of time for compilations to finish and 
failures or BD-uninstallable in some architectures, etc)... after all of 
this, I decided to apply for Debian Developer, which I judged appropriate in 
the case that any conflict arose with the maintainer for the ownership of 
the package.

This started about 1 month ago.

Signature by Debian Member

Since I wanted to be DD, I needed the signature of a Debian Member (as 
some web pages say, I won't spend time seeking it now), so I wrote to 
newmaint@ asking for a clarification whether DMs were considered Debian 
Members or not for this purpose.  Christoph Berg replied telling me, among 
other things, that Debian Members were only Debian Developers but also 
that I was confused about applying to DM or DD.  I explained him that I was 
not, I wanted to apply for Debian Developer for the reasons stated above, 
and because the webpages describing the process (which I'll cite later) 
state clearly that it's not mandatory to be a DM before applying for DD 
(though highly recommended, but I was already --unofficially-- co-
maintainer of OpenSceneGraph anyway).  He didn't tell me about unoficcial 
policies (more on this later) by then, a few weeks ago.

Anyway I travelled to another city (Corunna, which I had to go near anyway) 
and meet the DM that I knew more closely for many years, with signatures 
himself of many DDs, and the DD that I didn't know personally, and exchanged 
keys and signed them happily and so on and so forth, and everyone was merry, 
and I submitted my application for NM.

(There are more official Debian Developers in that city but they didn't 
reply to the calls, and they do not maintain packages at least in some 
cases, so probably they should resign from Debian, by the way.)

Application to NM

So I sent my application, I got my advocate and everything was good (there 
was a bit of delay with the DD sending his signature to my key because of 
personal problems, but that's OK and I got it now). 

Christop Berg sent me a questionnaire on behalf on Front Desk on June 27th, 
asking me to explaining my accomplished tasks in Debian, if I was already 
Debian Maintainer and a few other things, the usual template (emphasis 
mine): You are currently waiting to get an Application Manager assigned.  
Before we do so, we would like to ask you a few questions about what you 
have done in and for Debian so far. ***We want to make sure that New 
Maintainers already have experience working in Debian***, so we would like 
to know which areas you are actively contributing to.  Additionally, this 
will allow us to find you a matching AM.

I replied with the same answers that I said in the Precedents above 
(though I was still preparing some packages for Aqsis and K3D, some of the 
new Aqsis packages were submitted already one or two days before the 
questionnaire came in, so it was a prove that I meant to do what I was 

One of the questions was (*):
 Are you a 'Debian Maintainer' as described on or do you plan to become a DM?

a) No
b) Not specially, my main intention is to become Debian Developer.  DM 

Re: Problems with NM Front Desk

2010-07-02 Thread Russ Allbery
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo writes:


 After being unofficial co-maintainer for months of OpenSceneGraph [1]

The way that the maintenance of that package is noted in the package
control fields is strange.  Recent non-NMU uploads appear to have been
made by people who are not listed in Maintainer or Uploaders.  This is
probably just a matter of some confusion (although you say something below
that makes me wonder), but it would be nice to get the package control
file to accurately reflect who's working on it.

 and while creating new packages for newer versions of Aqsis [2] and K3D
 [3] before the freeze, which they were neglected by their maintainer for
 3 years [4],

What's going on with the status of these packages?  Maintaining them via
NMUs isn't something that we should be doing in Debian in the long run.
If the current maintainer isn't interested or doesn't have time to
maintain them, they should really be orphaned.  Have you (or someone)
already been in touch with MIA about that?  K3D in particular appears to
have been maintained solely by NMU for nearly three years.

 after all of this, I decided to apply for Debian Developer, which I
 judged appropriate in the case that any conflict arose with the
 maintainer for the ownership of the package.

I have to say that's a disturbing reason to apply to be a Debian
Developer.  I'd like you (and anyone else who is interested) to apply to
become a Debian Developer because you want to work on Debian and have
direct upload rights, but not as a way of helping with conflicts with
other package maintainers.  Being a DD or not should not, at least in my
opinion, make any difference in such a conflict.  If the maintainer isn't
maintaining the package, it should be orphaned or put up for adoption,
regardless of whether the person who wants to take it over is a DD, a DM,
or has no formal affiliation with the project at all.

 Signature by Debian Member

 Since I wanted to be DD, I needed the signature of a Debian Member (as
 some web pages say, I won't spend time seeking it now), so I wrote to
 newmaint@ asking for a clarification whether DMs were considered Debian
 Members or not for this purpose.  Christoph Berg replied telling me,
 among other things, that Debian Members were only Debian Developers

Which is true, and it would probably be a good idea to clarify wording
that refers to Debian Members, since that's not the terminology that we
use in general and, with the existence of DMs, it can be confusing.  But
yes, to be a DD you need a key signature from another DD (or follow the
alternative procedure, but we try to avoid using that procedure if at all

 (There are more official Debian Developers in that city but they didn't
 reply to the calls, and they do not maintain packages at least in some
 cases, so probably they should resign from Debian, by the way.)

There's no requirement to maintain packages or to help with key signings
to be a Debian Developer, just to mention.  If someone doesn't think
they're likely to do any Debian work in the future, then yes, resigning is
probably something they should consider, but Debian is a community and I
don't want to see people leave that community unless they want to.  If
they just don't have time but may have time in the future, I don't see a
need for them to stop being Debian Developers.

 Christop Berg sent me a questionnaire on behalf on Front Desk on June
 27th, asking me to explaining my accomplished tasks in Debian, if I was
 already Debian Maintainer and a few other things, the usual template
 (emphasis mine): You are currently waiting to get an Application
 Manager assigned.  Before we do so, we would like to ask you a few
 questions about what you have done in and for Debian so far. ***We want
 to make sure that New Maintainers already have experience working in
 Debian***, so we would like to know which areas you are actively
 contributing to.  Additionally, this will allow us to find you a
 matching AM.

Right, this is a normal and expected question.  People should not apply to
be DDs unless they already have a demonstrated track record of work with
the project in some area, and are ready to be a DD from both a technical
and a procedural direction.  You do, as you've mentioned, have some track
record of work with the project.  (I haven't personally reviewed it in
detail to see how extensive it is.)

 One of the questions was (*):
 Are you a 'Debian Maintainer' as described on or do you plan to become a DM?

 a) No
 b) Not specially, my main intention is to become Debian Developer.  DM 
 doesn't allow to do what I'm doing with Aqsis and K3D when the official 
 maintainer doesn't cooperate, that's one of the main reasons why I want
 to become DD instead of just DM (so I don't have to bother any sponsor,