RE: Developing on Debian

2005-10-14 Thread Jason Mock

I have a few more questions that were pushed my direction from our Board
of Directors.  Before the questions though I would like to thank you for
the fast response to my inquiry!  It will make you proud to know that
you were the first response to the questions that I had out of Red Hat,
Suse, Xandros, Slackware, and Mandriva.  Here are the 2 additional
questions that I need some assistance with:

1.  Security features, current and planned?

2.  Why is distribution better than others available?

Again thanks for your input, and help in our search for a Linux
platform.  You guys are great!

Jason Mock
Sales Engineer
High Touch, Inc.

Reaching higher for our clients everyday...

-Original Message-
From: Philip Hands [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 6:30 AM
To: Baruch Even
Cc: Jason Mock;
Subject: Re: Developing on Debian

Baruch Even wrote:
 Debian GNU/Linux is a volunteer organization that develops a
 operating system based on the Linux kernel and GNU project. I'll go
 point by point to answer your questions.
 Jason Mock wrote:
I had some questions on your ISV program.  We're a retail point of
software company that is seeking out a Linux platform to distribute
software on.  A few of the questions that I have are concerning the
Corporate Server version of your software.  I need the following

*_Original purchase cost_* - Currently we use SCO Unix.  The way this
process works with them is we buy a development kit, produce a tape
contains the OS and our software.  We assign the end user a license
the server, and pay SCO on that license.  How does your process work
when it comes to distribution?  What are the license costs associated
with this process?
 Debian GNU/Linux is free-software, as long as you base your system on
 our official components (the 'main' archive) you are free to
 the system and have our blessing to use and distribute it with no
 license costs whatsoever.
 Yes, we _are_ that generous.

While what Baruch says is true, you should be aware that with Debian
GNU/Linux, as with all versions of GNU/Linux (some people call that just
Linux BTW, they're talking about the same thing) much of the operating
system is covered by a license called the GNU GPL (General Public

As a distributor of GPLed software, you would be obliged to offer your
clients copies of the source of those programs, or a written offer to
provide it on request, and you should probably mention that you are
GPLed software in your manuals somewhere.  I'm sure that this obligation
could be handled by including an extra CD/DVD in the packaging, with the
relevant for of words on it's cover -- it might be worth checking the
details on the debian-legal mailing list if you decide to use Debian as
your base.  There are other licenses we use that have similar
but a single page of small-print and an extra CD should deal with the
in one go.

N.B.  The GPL does not in any way affect programs that you simply
onto the same distribution media.  As long as you don't start modifying
already GPLed code, or taking snippets of GPLed code and including them
your own programs, there is no obligation for you to distribute the
of your own copyrighted works -- that's a silly rumour that Microsoft
trying to spread at one point.

As evidenced by the multiple replies, we're not a company, we're a
volunteer organisation.  As such we're not going to be signing heads of
agreement letters with you, or part funding one another's marketing
campaigns or many of the other things that you might expect from a

That said, there are compelling reasons to choose Debian as your base,
rather than the alternatives.  Since there is no company, there is no
motive on our part to release cosmetic upgrades just to be able to
you an upgrade fee.  Historically, we release less often than other
distributions, at least partly because we do not release until the
is really stable -- having no marketing department means that we don't
a deadline to hit, so we don't just release whatever we've got on the
assigned release date, we work on the code until it works properly, then

As an ISV that means that you will not need to be retesting everything
every six months.

The flip-side of that is of course that new features tend to take a
to percolate into our stable release, but we also have an up to the
unstable distribution, and a half-way house testing distribution.
imagine that all your needs (if you were happy with SCO) will be more
satisfied by our stable release, but if there's one or two packages that
offer features that you need from later than that, the normal approach
to grab the newer source and build them for the stable system -- we
tolls to make this easy.

So, the bottom line is, you can grab

Re: Developing on Debian

2005-10-14 Thread Baruch Even
Jason Mock wrote:
 I have a few more questions that were pushed my direction from our Board
 of Directors.  Before the questions though I would like to thank you for
 the fast response to my inquiry!  It will make you proud to know that
 you were the first response to the questions that I had out of Red Hat,
 Suse, Xandros, Slackware, and Mandriva.  Here are the 2 additional
 questions that I need some assistance with:
 1.  Security features, current and planned?

I assume you mean security updates and features related to security such
as firewalls, SELinux and such.

The Debian project provides security updates to the stable version
(currently sarge) and for a short while to oldstable (the version that
predates that, currently woody). The security service is provided via
the servers and you simply use apt-get to upgrade
the needed packages. Some peoples simply script their machines to do
that nightly in an unattended fashion.

The service is provided free-of-charge and the time between releases is
long so you are assured that your current platform will be stable for
quite some time, and as discussed before, upgrading to a newer version
is usually done with little trouble when the time comes and doesn't
require a full reinstall. This is by design.

 2.  Why is distribution better than others available?

That would be something that you need to evaluate for your own needs
based on your requirements and how the various distributions fulfill them.

IMO, Your best bet is to search for the data points that would affect
each point of your needs from the Linux system.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Developing on Debian

2005-10-14 Thread Philip Hands
Jason Mock wrote:
 I have a few more questions that were pushed my direction from our Board
 of Directors.  Before the questions though I would like to thank you for
 the fast response to my inquiry!  It will make you proud to know that
 you were the first response to the questions that I had out of Red Hat,
 Suse, Xandros, Slackware, and Mandriva.  Here are the 2 additional
 questions that I need some assistance with:
 1.  Security features, current and planned?

We have a highly responsive security team who address issues as they arise:

This combined with the fact that our packaging system allows for continuous
upgrades means that when an alert happens, you will have developed a level
of confidence in the system that will allow you to actually perform the
upgrade.  Other systems, where one is not able to develop that confidence,
tend to gently rot to the point where nobody is brave enough to upgrade
anything, regardless of how grave the security flaws that are being left
open by not doing so.

The reason our upgrade system works so well is in part due to the chaotic
nature of our organisation.  Because we have vast numbers of developers,
and users, running all sorts of odd combinations of versions of software,
upgrading them in different orders, and generally doing bizarre things,
pretty much every conflict or dependency problem you were ever going to run
into has been found by someone else months ago -- that means that you won't
get bitten by those bugs.  If we only tested packages against the other
software in a particular release, and only attempted to build it for one or
two architectures, many of those packaging issues would go undetected, and
so would still be available to bite you.

So we have effective security updates, on a system where you will be brave
enough to actually apply them in a timely manner.

 2.  Why is distribution better than others available?

I think I covered a lot of the points I the previous mail.

probably few things that should be of particular interest are:

The fact that we positively encourage people to do spin-off distributions
for specialist purposes, to the extent that we have mailing lists, and
tools to make that easier -- as an ISV, selling turn-key solutions, you are
in effect doing a specialised version of the OS you distribute, so having
the tools and experience of others to build that with is likely to make the
final result much more robust than if you're just standing there passively
waiting for the distribution vendor to slop whatever they felt like serving
up this time round into your bowl.

We don't expect you to pay is any sort of fee.  Not up-front, and not per
server.  Of course, you may chose to spend the money you've saved on
support from one of the many offering commercial support on Debian, but
that will be up to you, and if you don't like the support you get, you'll
have the chance to go elsewhere without needing to change the distribution
you're using.

There is absolutely no possibility of us going bust, changing business
strategy, deciding to sue the known universe or any of the other annoying
things that software vendors are prone to do, because we're not doing this
for the money, and I doubt there is anything anybody could do to stop most
of the people involved in Debian from doing what they're doing.

 Again thanks for your input, and help in our search for a Linux
 platform.  You guys are great!

Have fun, whatever you decide.

Cheers, Phil.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

RE: Developing on Debian

2005-10-14 Thread Jason Mock

Thank you again for your timely response.  On the security question, what we 
are looking for is the built in security within the system.  Does debian have a 
built in firewall, Antivirus, or any other security features that help create a 
secure work environment?


Jason Mock
Sales Engineer
High Touch, Inc.
Phone:  316.831.8106
Fax:  316.831.8306 

Reaching higher for our clients everyday...

-Original Message-
From: Philip Hands [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 12:46 PM
To: Jason Mock
Cc: Baruch Even;
Subject: Re: Developing on Debian

Jason Mock wrote:
 I have a few more questions that were pushed my direction from our Board
 of Directors.  Before the questions though I would like to thank you for
 the fast response to my inquiry!  It will make you proud to know that
 you were the first response to the questions that I had out of Red Hat,
 Suse, Xandros, Slackware, and Mandriva.  Here are the 2 additional
 questions that I need some assistance with:
 1.  Security features, current and planned?

We have a highly responsive security team who address issues as they arise:

This combined with the fact that our packaging system allows for continuous
upgrades means that when an alert happens, you will have developed a level
of confidence in the system that will allow you to actually perform the
upgrade.  Other systems, where one is not able to develop that confidence,
tend to gently rot to the point where nobody is brave enough to upgrade
anything, regardless of how grave the security flaws that are being left
open by not doing so.

The reason our upgrade system works so well is in part due to the chaotic
nature of our organisation.  Because we have vast numbers of developers,
and users, running all sorts of odd combinations of versions of software,
upgrading them in different orders, and generally doing bizarre things,
pretty much every conflict or dependency problem you were ever going to run
into has been found by someone else months ago -- that means that you won't
get bitten by those bugs.  If we only tested packages against the other
software in a particular release, and only attempted to build it for one or
two architectures, many of those packaging issues would go undetected, and
so would still be available to bite you.

So we have effective security updates, on a system where you will be brave
enough to actually apply them in a timely manner.

 2.  Why is distribution better than others available?

I think I covered a lot of the points I the previous mail.

probably few things that should be of particular interest are:

The fact that we positively encourage people to do spin-off distributions
for specialist purposes, to the extent that we have mailing lists, and
tools to make that easier -- as an ISV, selling turn-key solutions, you are
in effect doing a specialised version of the OS you distribute, so having
the tools and experience of others to build that with is likely to make the
final result much more robust than if you're just standing there passively
waiting for the distribution vendor to slop whatever they felt like serving
up this time round into your bowl.

We don't expect you to pay is any sort of fee.  Not up-front, and not per
server.  Of course, you may chose to spend the money you've saved on
support from one of the many offering commercial support on Debian, but
that will be up to you, and if you don't like the support you get, you'll
have the chance to go elsewhere without needing to change the distribution
you're using.

There is absolutely no possibility of us going bust, changing business
strategy, deciding to sue the known universe or any of the other annoying
things that software vendors are prone to do, because we're not doing this
for the money, and I doubt there is anything anybody could do to stop most
of the people involved in Debian from doing what they're doing.

 Again thanks for your input, and help in our search for a Linux
 platform.  You guys are great!

Have fun, whatever you decide.

Cheers, Phil.

Re: Developing on Debian

2005-10-14 Thread Philip Hands
Jason Mock wrote:
 Thank you again for your timely response.  On the security question, what we 
 are looking for is the built in security within the system.  Does debian have
 a built in firewall, Antivirus, or any other security features that help
 create a secure work environment?

Of course.

Here's an intro:

For examples of relevant packages, one can do a few searches:

I'm sure you can come up with a few of your own -- have a play here:

Debian's current stable release contains a little over 15,000 packages,
which means we include pretty much every mildly useful Free Software
package in existence, including the security related ones.

Debian generally takes the approach that if you don't want a service, the
software that provides that service is not even installed on your system.
Since installing and removing packages is trivially easy, that's the
fastest way of turning services on and off -- it's difficult to exploit a
program that is not there.

The problems you're likely to face are mostly going to be things like
deciding  which of the many available virus scanning frameworks is the one
that suits you best.  (I'd go for MailScanner  clamav on that particular
question, but tastes differ)

I suggest you have a look around the various documents available on the web
site, and perhaps try putting any further questions you might have into
google -- the howto above, for example, is the first hit on google for a
search on securing debian (it's also in some way related to most of the
next 100 hits and beyond -- Debian material is widely available on the net)

Cheers, Phil.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Developing on Debian

2005-10-13 Thread Baruch Even

Debian GNU/Linux is a volunteer organization that develops a world-class
operating system based on the Linux kernel and GNU project. I'll go
point by point to answer your questions.

Jason Mock wrote:
 I had some questions on your ISV program.  We’re a retail point of sale
 software company that is seeking out a Linux platform to distribute our
 software on.  A few of the questions that I have are concerning the
 “Corporate Server” version of your software.  I need the following
 *_Original purchase cost_* – Currently we use SCO Unix.  The way this
 process works with them is we buy a development kit, produce a tape that
 contains the OS and our software.  We assign the end user a license for
 the server, and pay SCO on that license.  How does your process work
 when it comes to distribution?  What are the license costs associated
 with this process?

Debian GNU/Linux is free-software, as long as you base your system on
our official components (the 'main' archive) you are free to distribute
the system and have our blessing to use and distribute it with no
license costs whatsoever.

Yes, we _are_ that generous.

 *_Upgrades_* – With SCO we currently buy an upgrade license on a per
 system basis as we determine that an OS upgrade is in order.  How does
 your upgrade process work?  What are the costs associated with this
 process?  How is the upgrade distributed?

Upgrade is performed using our upgrade tools on a live system, the base
tool is apt-get with various wrappers on top of that. If your systems
are connected to the internet it can be done from our servers directly.
Otherwise you can simple distribute the updated packages and upgrade
from a CD.

Adaptation to that is possible and is up to you, there are many
companies and consultants in the Debian eco-system that can help with
your exact needs.

 *_Support_* – As an ISV with SCO we have an account rep that works with
 us to ensure that we are kept up to speed on new versions, end of life, 
 etc.  We also have access to an ISV level support via a 1-800 telephone
 number.  How does your company handle the sales and technical support? 
 What are the fees/costs associated with this type of support?

We are not a company, we are a volunteer organization, as such our
support is provided by mailing lists, IRC channels and web-based forums
by many volunteers.

You can however solicit help and support from the many Debian
consultants and there are quite a few companies that will be willing to
take money for support. The exact costs depend on the consultant or
company and you'll have to negotiate that with them directly.

More information on our support can be found at and a list of consultants is at

 Thank you for your input,

You are welcome.

You can find more information on our website at

Hope this helps,
Baruch Even
Debian Developer

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Developing on Debian

2005-10-13 Thread Philip Hands
Baruch Even wrote:
 Debian GNU/Linux is a volunteer organization that develops a world-class
 operating system based on the Linux kernel and GNU project. I'll go
 point by point to answer your questions.
 Jason Mock wrote:
I had some questions on your ISV program.  We’re a retail point of sale
software company that is seeking out a Linux platform to distribute our
software on.  A few of the questions that I have are concerning the
“Corporate Server” version of your software.  I need the following

*_Original purchase cost_* – Currently we use SCO Unix.  The way this
process works with them is we buy a development kit, produce a tape that
contains the OS and our software.  We assign the end user a license for
the server, and pay SCO on that license.  How does your process work
when it comes to distribution?  What are the license costs associated
with this process?
 Debian GNU/Linux is free-software, as long as you base your system on
 our official components (the 'main' archive) you are free to distribute
 the system and have our blessing to use and distribute it with no
 license costs whatsoever.
 Yes, we _are_ that generous.

While what Baruch says is true, you should be aware that with Debian
GNU/Linux, as with all versions of GNU/Linux (some people call that just
Linux BTW, they're talking about the same thing) much of the operating
system is covered by a license called the GNU GPL (General Public License).

As a distributor of GPLed software, you would be obliged to offer your
clients copies of the source of those programs, or a written offer to
provide it on request, and you should probably mention that you are using
GPLed software in your manuals somewhere.  I'm sure that this obligation
could be handled by including an extra CD/DVD in the packaging, with the
relevant for of words on it's cover -- it might be worth checking the
details on the debian-legal mailing list if you decide to use Debian as
your base.  There are other licenses we use that have similar conditions,
but a single page of small-print and an extra CD should deal with the lot
in one go.

N.B.  The GPL does not in any way affect programs that you simply aggregate
onto the same distribution media.  As long as you don't start modifying
already GPLed code, or taking snippets of GPLed code and including them in
your own programs, there is no obligation for you to distribute the source
of your own copyrighted works -- that's a silly rumour that Microsoft were
trying to spread at one point.

As evidenced by the multiple replies, we're not a company, we're a
volunteer organisation.  As such we're not going to be signing heads of
agreement letters with you, or part funding one another's marketing
campaigns or many of the other things that you might expect from a company.

That said, there are compelling reasons to choose Debian as your base,
rather than the alternatives.  Since there is no company, there is no
motive on our part to release cosmetic upgrades just to be able to charge
you an upgrade fee.  Historically, we release less often than other
distributions, at least partly because we do not release until the software
is really stable -- having no marketing department means that we don't have
a deadline to hit, so we don't just release whatever we've got on the
assigned release date, we work on the code until it works properly, then

As an ISV that means that you will not need to be retesting everything
every six months.

The flip-side of that is of course that new features tend to take a while
to percolate into our stable release, but we also have an up to the minute
unstable distribution, and a half-way house testing distribution.  I'd
imagine that all your needs (if you were happy with SCO) will be more than
satisfied by our stable release, but if there's one or two packages that
offer features that you need from later than that, the normal approach is
to grab the newer source and build them for the stable system -- we provide
tolls to make this easy.

So, the bottom line is, you can grab a copy for free, distribute it as
widely as you like without fee (as long as you supply your clients with the
source of our bits) and we're positively happy for you to do so.

*_Upgrades_* – With SCO we currently buy an upgrade license on a per
system basis as we determine that an OS upgrade is in order.  How does
your upgrade process work?  What are the costs associated with this
process?  How is the upgrade distributed?
 Upgrade is performed using our upgrade tools on a live system, the base
 tool is apt-get with various wrappers on top of that. If your systems
 are connected to the internet it can be done from our servers directly.
 Otherwise you can simple distribute the updated packages and upgrade
 from a CD.
 Adaptation to that is possible and is up to you, there are many
 companies and consultants in the Debian eco-system that can help with
 your exact needs.

Just to emphasise the point, Debian 

RE: Developing on Debian

2005-10-13 Thread Jason Mock
Thank you all for your help.  Very good information to have!

Jason Mock
Sales Engineer
High Touch, Inc.
Phone:  316.831.8106
Fax:  316.831.8306 

Reaching higher for our clients everyday...

-Original Message-
From: Philip Hands [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 6:30 AM
To: Baruch Even
Cc: Jason Mock;
Subject: Re: Developing on Debian

Baruch Even wrote:
 Debian GNU/Linux is a volunteer organization that develops a world-class
 operating system based on the Linux kernel and GNU project. I'll go
 point by point to answer your questions.
 Jason Mock wrote:
I had some questions on your ISV program.  We're a retail point of sale
software company that is seeking out a Linux platform to distribute our
software on.  A few of the questions that I have are concerning the
Corporate Server version of your software.  I need the following

*_Original purchase cost_* - Currently we use SCO Unix.  The way this
process works with them is we buy a development kit, produce a tape that
contains the OS and our software.  We assign the end user a license for
the server, and pay SCO on that license.  How does your process work
when it comes to distribution?  What are the license costs associated
with this process?
 Debian GNU/Linux is free-software, as long as you base your system on
 our official components (the 'main' archive) you are free to distribute
 the system and have our blessing to use and distribute it with no
 license costs whatsoever.
 Yes, we _are_ that generous.

While what Baruch says is true, you should be aware that with Debian
GNU/Linux, as with all versions of GNU/Linux (some people call that just
Linux BTW, they're talking about the same thing) much of the operating
system is covered by a license called the GNU GPL (General Public License).

As a distributor of GPLed software, you would be obliged to offer your
clients copies of the source of those programs, or a written offer to
provide it on request, and you should probably mention that you are using
GPLed software in your manuals somewhere.  I'm sure that this obligation
could be handled by including an extra CD/DVD in the packaging, with the
relevant for of words on it's cover -- it might be worth checking the
details on the debian-legal mailing list if you decide to use Debian as
your base.  There are other licenses we use that have similar conditions,
but a single page of small-print and an extra CD should deal with the lot
in one go.

N.B.  The GPL does not in any way affect programs that you simply aggregate
onto the same distribution media.  As long as you don't start modifying
already GPLed code, or taking snippets of GPLed code and including them in
your own programs, there is no obligation for you to distribute the source
of your own copyrighted works -- that's a silly rumour that Microsoft were
trying to spread at one point.

As evidenced by the multiple replies, we're not a company, we're a
volunteer organisation.  As such we're not going to be signing heads of
agreement letters with you, or part funding one another's marketing
campaigns or many of the other things that you might expect from a company.

That said, there are compelling reasons to choose Debian as your base,
rather than the alternatives.  Since there is no company, there is no
motive on our part to release cosmetic upgrades just to be able to charge
you an upgrade fee.  Historically, we release less often than other
distributions, at least partly because we do not release until the software
is really stable -- having no marketing department means that we don't have
a deadline to hit, so we don't just release whatever we've got on the
assigned release date, we work on the code until it works properly, then

As an ISV that means that you will not need to be retesting everything
every six months.

The flip-side of that is of course that new features tend to take a while
to percolate into our stable release, but we also have an up to the minute
unstable distribution, and a half-way house testing distribution.  I'd
imagine that all your needs (if you were happy with SCO) will be more than
satisfied by our stable release, but if there's one or two packages that
offer features that you need from later than that, the normal approach is
to grab the newer source and build them for the stable system -- we provide
tolls to make this easy.

So, the bottom line is, you can grab a copy for free, distribute it as
widely as you like without fee (as long as you supply your clients with the
source of our bits) and we're positively happy for you to do so.

*_Upgrades_* - With SCO we currently buy an upgrade license on a per
system basis as we determine that an OS upgrade is in order.  How does
your upgrade process work?  What are the costs associated with this
process?  How is the upgrade distributed?
 Upgrade is performed using our upgrade tools on a live system

Re: Developing on Debian

2005-10-12 Thread Lars Wirzenius
ke, 2005-10-12 kello 16:42 -0500, Jason Mock kirjoitti:
 I had some questions on your ISV program.  We’re a retail point of
 sale software company that is seeking out a Linux platform to
 distribute our software on.  A few of the questions that I have are
 concerning the “Corporate Server” version of your software.  I need
 the following information:

I suspect that you mistake the Debian project for a company. We're not a
company, we're a volunteer project. See for more information.

Never underestimate the power of a small tactical Lisp interpreter.