
On Friday 25 March 2011 14.43:32 [-R.I.P.-] - Макс wrote:
> Hello! You logo use without link!
> http://tm.patent.su/400000-400999/tm/servl/servlete1dc.html loock this.
> it's pattent!

Thank you for notifying us.

I don't speak russian well, so I hope somebody else can translate what this 
page says.

""кондитерские изделия, а именно конфеты, печенье, пирожные, зефир, лукум, 
торты, изделия кондитерские желеобразные, халва."" is, according to Google, 
"confectionery, namely candies, biscuits, cakes, marshmallows, Turkish 
delight, cakes, jelly confectionery, halva." so I don't think this is 
anything we should worry about on a first glance.

-- vbi

> How [Debian developers] maintain their sanity is beyond me.
Who says we do? ;)
        -- Bob Tracy / Julien Cristau

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