Re: Documenting Python Debuntuisms

2010-07-15 Thread Markus Gattol
 Barry First, when Python searches for a module to import, only
 Barry sys.path is consulted (modulo other import hooks). It doesn't
 Barry really treat $PYTHONPATH or the cwd any differently. It does
 Barry initialize sys.path from $PYTHONPATH and it does (sometimes)
 Barry include a special marker (the empty string) first on sys.path to
 Barry indicate the cwd, but once Python's machinery gets going
 Barry $PYTHONPATH is ignored.

Thanks for pointing this out. I made the appropriate changes.

[skipping a lot of lines ...]

 Barry This means that if you install Python from-source, as many
 Barry Python developers do through the default cmmi build, and system
 Barry administrators do achieve Python builds isolated from critical
 Barry system resources, you could break your system Python by
 Barry installing incompatible packages into what you thought was an
 Barry isolated environment.

You mean because the source install of Python installs into
/usr/local/lib/python3.1/site-packages in addition to /usr/local? It
still does if I recall correctly.

 Barry Because it was unlikely upstream Python was going to change
 Barry (e.g. To install from source by default into /opt) or that
 Barry Debian Python policy was going to change, Doko came up with a
 Barry clever compromise of changing the system Python's /usr/local
 Barry claim to be dist-packages instead (mirrored to /usr/lib space
 Barry for convenience and consistency). This seemed like a perfectly
 Barry workable solution, which I still agree with, despite the mild
 Barry surprise factor for seasoned non-Debian-versed Python
 Barry developers.

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Re: unused substitution,variable ${python:Versions}

2010-07-15 Thread Vincent Bernat
OoO Lors de la soirée naissante du mercredi 14 juillet 2010, vers 17:17,
Bernd Zeimetz disait :

 I'm working on package that uses CDBS 
 That's not a very good choice.

 Because cdbs is an unmaintainable beast of Makefiles. I'm not sure who is
 willing to keep the Python parts in there working. Since we have dh, which is 
 sane piece of code with a sane upstream, most new packages use dh. And I know
 several people who are willing to update dh to work with new Python
 versions/packaging changes if necessary.

cdbs is a  simple piece of software to maintain  a Python package. Until
recently, it was the only option to get a debian/rules as short as this:

#!/usr/bin/make -f
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/

I still  prefer cdbs  to dh because  it is  easier to configure  by just
setting variables. I  know that there is some  drawback (see for example
#386970 that is still not solved)  but for simple packages, it just does
its job.

I think that since it is  major piece of Debian (still an official way
to build  a package), we  should ensure that  it will work with  the new
policy. I will try to take care of this (and I will look at other python
related bugs currently in BTS).
-+- Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 7F24

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Re: [Half-OT] Plone and: Re: python 2.6 deb for lenny ?

2010-07-15 Thread Michael Mulich

On 6/24/10 12:58 AM, Fabio Tranchitella wrote:

IMHO, the real mess is Plone itself: it can be a great platform, but it is
a nightmare to deploy and maintain.

I couldn't agree more.

I sent a message to the pkg-zope-developers mailing list yesterday about 
packaging zope2.12 and plone4.[0] This so far has resulting in the 
suggestion to use z3c.recipe.debian, which is a buildout recipe for 
creating a debian package out of a buildout. And as I explained in a 
followup to that email.[1] A summary of that message: Plone is not a 
fixed application and therefore packaging a buildout will likely cause 
me pain in the long run.

I won't use buildout in production *period*. I experimented with using 
pip to help in building a packaged version of Plone. That failed because 
of zope.configuration. You can see my thread for further details.[2]

So I'm fairly stuck at this point, but I'm not giving up. I'm going to 
package plone no matter how many times it kicks me in the head (or at 
least until brain damage ensues). Any one else feel like joining me? :)


-Michael Mulich (pumazi)

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2010-07-15 Thread Brian May
Hello All,

As part of my paid Job I am working on Karrage, and open source Django
based application application for management of users and resources on
shared cluster systems.

As this is an open source GPL program (yes, management have already
agreed to this), long term I would like to see this included in
Debian. Short term however, there are a number of technical issues
that need resolving. For example, dependencies on external libraries
that are not yet in Debian.

On issue that has been nagging us - what is the best way to handle
python based config files? e.g. the file that is standard
for Django applications?

At present our (planned but not implemented) approach is to have our
python dist-utils script create a directory karaage/conf under the
python path, and then karaage can import then using import
karaage.conf.settings for example. Use of dist-utils and cdbs makes
the debian/rules file very simple.

However, from the point of view of the package, it would be better if
we could put the config files under /etc/karaage.

Just wondering if this situation has been encountered before? If so,
would rather use an existing solution rather then invent my own.
Ideally any solution should be similar to what you would get by
installing directly from source and RPMs too.

Also: Is there any Debian specific concerns I should be aware of when
packaging Django applications?

Please CC me, I am not subscribed (not yet anyway).

Brian May

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Re: karaage

2010-07-15 Thread Paul Wise
On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Brian May wrote:

 On issue that has been nagging us - what is the best way to handle
 python based config files? e.g. the file that is standard
 for Django applications?

This sounds like more of a question for the webapps list. My standard
answer for webapps is that the package should not assume which URL it
is installed at, not assume there will be only one instance of it and
not assume where the sysadmin would like to keep uploaded user data.
So you probably need dbconfig-common, wwwconfig-common and some
debconf prompts to ask the sysadmin if the want to create an instance
at install time and then ask appropriate questions about how many
instances, which URLs they should be at and where on the filesystem or
which database hosts to use. For stuff like automated database
upgrades you can use a configuration file in /etc that lists all the
instances to upgrade.


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Re: unused substitution,variable ${python:Versions}

2010-07-15 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko

On Wed, 14 Jul 2010, Matteo Vescovi wrote:
 Could you please point me to an existing python package that uses dh 
 that I can use as an example starting point?

 An example package that handles a pure python modules and an extension 
 module would be great.
For properly bundled pure Python one you merely need 
as your debian/rules ;)
cdbs would work as fine for you there too (it used to be my favorite ;))

But if you want a good example for a Python module primarily based
on an extension (i.e. there is not much of Python arch-indep code),
Christian Kastner pointed me today to Jakub's good work on python-djvu
-- there you get an example which provides proper python-*-dbg package,
does unittesting for all versions (including -dbg) during build and
builds the documentation, with not too much of debian/rules since it
relies on dh's builtin functionality primarily.

If you do have a mix of relatively large amount of Python code and
arch extensions, you might like to look into packages which provide
arch-indep python-bla, and then python-bla-lib{,-dbg} for extensions.
E.g. you could look into mine python-nipy although it isn't using the
latest -dbg logic of dh (TODO for me ;)), so not yet the nicest example.

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