❦ 15 octobre 2017 10:12 +1100, Brian May <b...@debian.org> :

>> pyasn1 is currently at version 0.1.9. The current version is
>> 0.3.7. There is a bug report asking for a new version:
>>  https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=872724
>> Should a transition be opened for such a packet (this is not usual to
>> have transition for Python packages, but there are many reverse
>> dependencies to this one)?
> Is the new version likely to break dependencies? If so, a transition
> might be good.

Changelog says:

Iterator protocol support implemented for all container types. Warning,
warning, warning: this change may potentially affect backward
compatibility when:

 - user class overrides __getitem__() without overriding __iter__()

 - when user code iterates over SEQUENCE object to get its components
   (now keys will be yielded)

No other mention of breaking compatibility. I would say, it shouldn't.
Make the coupling between modules visible.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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