Bastian Venthur <> writes:

> sorry if this question has been asked before. What is the currently
> recommended way to make `python` point to `python3`? I'd like to have
> it set on a system default level if possible.

At a system default level, in Debian, the command ‘python’ (if it is
installed) invokes the default Python 2 interpreter.

Based on existing discussions I am confident there will not be a
recommendation for a ‘python’ command to invoke anything except the
default Python 2 interpreter, until long after Debian ceases support for
Python 2 — and there is no current plan to drop Python 2 support in

If you want a ‘python’ command at the system default level with
different behaviour from that today, that's going against
recommendations so I think you won't find a recommended way to have
different behaviour.

To have a command with custom behaviour, the recommendation is the
general one: put an executable file at ‘/usr/local/bin/python’ with
whatever behaviour you want.

 \       “But Marge, what if we chose the wrong religion? Each week we |
  `\          just make God madder and madder.” —Homer, _The Simpsons_ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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