Pycon 2016 starts in one week in Portland OR, USA.  I'll be there for the
duration (flying in late Friday evening).  Who else is coming?

We should definitely have a Debian Python BOF, and perhaps a keysigning if
there isn't one organized for the larger Python community.  I'm sure we can
find fun things to talk about, like PyPy support, planning for Python 2's EOL,
the inevitable Python 3.6 transition[*], etc.

If you aren't already registered for the conference, sorry but it's too late.
I'm told it sold out months ago.  But there are 4 days of post-conference
sprinting and those are free to all.  You don't even have to be registered for
the conference to attend the sprints.

Hope to see some of you there!


[*] Yay Doko!

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