Bug#1069325: A smaller lockscreen is shown above a larger one due to a second enabled powered-off display device

2024-04-19 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: kde-plasma-desktop
Version: 5:142

This is occurring after upgrading to Debian12 whenever waking from sleep or 
locking the screen.

First submitted this here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485199

I could click on both password boxes to enter the password and login (it 
doesn't matter if it's the smaller or larger lockscreen). The problem was 
solved by going to Display Configuration -> selecting the other monitor and 
disabling it. But it is occurring again now after I reenabled it. (I powered on 
the other display, enabled it, selected extend to side with meta+P, configured 
a few things like the wallpaper of the other display, and then powered it off 
without disabling it.) The two displays have different resolutions.

I'm using Wayland now. I had plasmashell running from the kstart5 plasmashell 
command in the konsole and this is the output in the console that could be 

> file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.taskmanager/contents/ui/PipeWireThumbnail.qml:11:1:
>  module "org.kde.pipewire" is not installed
> Could not find the Plasmoid for Plasma::FrameSvgItem(0x55be4a604ee0) 
> QQmlContext(0x55be4763e640) 
> QUrl("file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml")
> Could not find the Plasmoid for Plasma::FrameSvgItem(0x55be4a604ee0) 
> QQmlContext(0x55be4763e640) 
> QUrl("file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml")
> qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
> qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
> Checking screens: available: (QScreen(0xid1, name="HDMI-A-1")) redundant: 
> QHash((QScreen(0xid2, name="HDMI-A-2"), QScreen(0xid1, name="HDMI-A-1"))) 
> fake: QSet() all: (QScreen(0xid1, name="HDMI-A-1"), QScreen(0xid2, 
> name="HDMI-A-2"))
> Initializing  
> "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/kcm_fonts.so"
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:20:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'pluginName' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:75:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:78:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'pluginName' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:80:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:81:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:82:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:83:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:84:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:16:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:17:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
> file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.slideshow/contents/ui/main.qml:18:
>  TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null

This seems to happen at every resume from sleep but if the mouse is located on 
the larger lockscreen once it is moved just slightly the smaller lockscreen 
disappears. Also it would be useful if the two displays have different 
resolutions and Unify screen rather than Extend screen is used (as now) the 
larger resolution is kept on the display with the larger resolution. If there's 
something I should test or some logs I should check, please let me know.

Bug#1019438: (No Subject)

2024-04-14 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Control: reassign -1 kde-plasma-desktop [5:142]

This problem still exists in Debian12 with Wayland. It only works with the VLC 
player where I can use the preview to change tracks but it doesn't work for 
apps like Dolphin, konsole, firefox, Discover and so on.

I checked and there is this output when hovering over the panel item:

> file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.taskmanager/contents/ui/PipeWireThumbnail.qml:11:1:
>  module "org.kde.pipewire" is not installed

Do I need to install or configure anything for this to work?

Bug#1068829: Disabling the autostart of KDE Connect and screenreader KAccessible

2024-04-11 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: kde-plasma-desktop
Version: 5:142

These aren't needed for most users and are a privacy and security risk. In 
principle, it makes sense to only autostart things one actually needs to reduce 
the likelihood of crashes, the number of irrelevant log entries, the hardware 
resource consumption, and the attack surface (for example due to potential 
vulnerabilities in any of the software, especially if they constantly listen on 
some port).

Many people are looking for ways to disable these autostarts and don't like 
that they're just enabled by default, see for example 
 and https://discuss.kde.org/t/how-to-disable-kde-connect/7686/3 (there two 
devs clarified that this is not a KDE issue but "a distribution issue" which is 
why I'm filing it here).

I thought Debian was a distro with great regard for security and stability and 
that it considers privacy and actual user needs/practices.

A major issue with these autostarts is that there is no proper way to disable 
them. See 
These methods do not only require time and are inconvenient (it's not even 
clear which one to use), they also get reset when the packages get upgraded 
such as during a  distro upgrade. KDE Connect constantly listens on some ports 
and according to the second link has been a known vector for a DOS attack.

I think "Calendar Reminders", screenreader "Orca", and "geoclue-2.0" also 
should not autostart but this issue is only about wireless file/device sharing 
app KDE Connection and KDE Accessible.

I don't think these autostarts were enabled to give people a reason to get 
educated on autostarts and autostart-prevention and to harden these two apps. 
If that's why they were automatically starting by default so far, then they 
should still be disabled now. If needed, the user could be asked if they want 
to have these autostart during initial installation.

Rather than bundling security-reducing bloat autostarts, I suggest that if 
these are installed by default at all, they are not configured to autostart. 
The user can easily configure them to autostart if they actually want that in 
the "Autostart" settings.

Bug#1068785: Sometimes the keyboard is turned off when waking from standby after upgrading to Debian12

2024-04-10 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: sddm
Version: 0.19.0-5

This could also be an issue of the Sleep function. I'm using a laptop that 
suspends to swap partition. After upgrading to Debian12 with KDE, sometimes the 
keyboard of a laptop is turned off while the touchpad still works.

It doesn't work again after putting it back into standby and then waking it 
from standby. It really is in standby as one could hear if it wasn't.

After waking from Hibernate or when just locking the screen the keyboard does 

Moreover, often if not always under some conditions (which I'll try to find out 
and then add) the laptop shows the prior screen for 0.2-4.0 seconds before it 
shows the lockscreen. This obviously is a privacy issue and could be linked to 
the prior problem. It hasn't occurred the last two days.

When I just Log Out the keyboard works fine at the lockscreen. It only doesn't 
work when resuming from sleep (opening the lid after it was closed or pressing 
the power button after clicking Sleep).

Once I started testing and asking about this the problem the keyboard didn't 
just stop working sometimes but never worked after resuming from Sleep for at 
least 10 different kinds tries. Now first clicking Sleep in the bottom left 
caused a shutdown (instead of sleep) again (I think it did some disk check when 
waking), and afterwards the keyboard now works again when resuming from sleep 
in two tries but I think it's only back to sometimes rather than always being 

Please go here for further details: 

Also it may be useful to test or develop tests whether it's fully and without 
problems going to Sleep, see: https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/774151/233262

Bug#1068784: When configuring Wayland to be the default at the login screen this doesn't change the session the user is automatically logged into

2024-04-10 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: sddm
Version: 0.19.0-5

When configuring Wayland to be the default at the login screen (dropdown in the 
upper left) as recommended at places where people asked about how to switch 
from X11 to Wayland, this doesn't change the session the user is automatically 
logged into.

I think it should be changed or the user be asked if they'd like to change the 
default after auto-login if they changed it at the lockscreen.

Here I got this reply https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/1912 :

>If you set
>it'll use the last used session for autologin. kcm_sddm does not support that, 
>so you'll have to put that into /etc/sddm.conf.d/y_autologin.conf to override 
>the value from kde_settings.conf.

Bug#1068783: After upgrading to Debian12 the session SDDM automatically logs in to is changed

2024-04-10 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: sddm
Version: 0.19.0-5

On one of the machines upgraded from Debian11 to Debian12 I had configured that 
it automatically logs in. But it seems like in the dropdown next to "with 
session" after the upgrade this was changed to "Kodi" instead of "Plasma (X11)" 
(there was no noticeable difference to the standard X11 session and Kodi didn't 
autostart). It's probably because "Kodi" is the first value in the dropdown 
which seems to be sorted alphabetically.

Please either make it so that the value before the upgrade is set there or that 
it's Wayland in specific.

Bug#1068780: Two login screens with the same name and with no preview/image

2024-04-10 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: sddm
Version: 0.19.0-5

In Debian12 with KDE5 (SDDM v0.19.0-5) after an Upgrade from Debian11 under 
System Settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Login Screen (SDDM) there are two 
Login screens with the same name and no preview. Screenshot in the link below 
(this issue tracking system is outdated by decades). When hovering on the 
second login screen the trashbin button is also greyed out.

Screenshot and some info that could be relevant: 

If I start systemsettings from the console when opening up this page to view 
the login screens this is the new output:

QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(): Object already has a QQmlContext
 QML SelectableLabel: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"
file:///usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_sddm/contents/ui/main.qml:54:20: QML Image: 
Cannot open: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-maui/maui.jpg
file:///usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_sddm/contents/ui/main.qml:54:20: QML Image: 
Cannot open: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-maui/maui.jpg
file:///usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_sddm/contents/ui/main.qml:54:20: QML Image: 
Cannot open: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-maui/maui.jpg
file:///usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_sddm/contents/ui/main.qml:54:20: QML Image: 
Cannot open: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-theme/maui.jpg
file:///usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_sddm/contents/ui/main.qml:54:20: QML Image: 
Cannot open: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-maui/maui.jpg
file:///usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_sddm/contents/ui/main.qml:54:20: QML Image: 
Cannot open: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-theme/maui.jpg
qml: The item SubCategoryPage_QMLTYPE_74(0x55b0a5ab7d50) is already in the 

Maybe this is because two display monitors are configured? I previously had a 
problem of a second smaller login screen above a larger one (mirrored content 
where I could login in either) before I disabled the other powered-off display 
monitor under "Display Configuration". Bug report in need of more info if 
anybody can provide it here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485199

I would expect that there only is one login screen and that it has a preview 

Bug#1068779: Shortcuts for systemmonitor and plasma-systemmonitor are missing after upgrade or when installing it

2024-04-10 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: plasma-systemmonitor
Version: 5.27.5-2

On one of the machines I upgraded to Debian12 from Deb11/KDE the Default 
shortcut Ctrl+Esc for "Show System Activity" in "KDE Daemon" under Shortcuts is 
disabled but not on the other. This meant that the process manager didn't show 
anymore when pressing ctrl+esc after upgrading which can be quite annoyance to 
users and seems like a problem that is easy to solve: just make sure that 
shortcut doesn't get disabled. Note that Ctrl+Esc is also set as a shortcut 
under File->Close. I don't know why it was disabled. It could also be enabled 
whenever plasma-systemmonitor / systemmonitor gets installed. That this is hard 
to find under "KDE Daemon" where most users wouldn't expect this entry makes it 
an even bigger problem but the shortcuts should be working by default without 
requiring any configuration in general anyway.

In addition, the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc should be set for opening 
plasma-systemmonitor; currently this has to be configured under Custom 
Shortcuts. It should be there by default or right after installing 
plasma-systemmonitor which should be installed by default. 

Related issue: plasma-systemmonitor with the process manager is not installed 
anymore after upgrading to Debian12 

Bug#1068777: plasma-systemmonitor with the process manager is not installed anymore after upgrading to Debian12

2024-04-10 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: kde-plasma-desktop
Version: 5:142

After upgrading from Debian11/KDE to Debian12, plasma-systemmonitor was not 
installed. This should definitely be an installed package and I think it is 
configured to be.

On Debian11, KSysGuard was used. Now there only is KSysguard in "Background 
Services" which "Launches KSysguard on Ctrl + Escape" and launches 
systemd->systemmonitor. While this shortcut was kept, ctrl+shift+esc wasn't set 
anymore so one has to configure it again under "Custom Shortcuts" with command 

I checked /var/log/apt/history.log and there it says 
"plasma-systemmonitor:amd64 (5.27.5-2, automatic)" underneath apt-get 
full-upgrade in the packages next to "Install: ". However that process exited 
with "Error: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" because of 
"FATAL ERROR: Both /lib/udev/mtp-probe and /usr/lib/udev/mtp-probe exist." 
after which I ran "apt --fix-broken install" before running "apt-get 
full-upgrade" again.
Right after all this (that is upgrading to Debian12) I noticed this package was 
not installed and installed this specific package.

plasma-systemmonitor, which includes the process manager, should always be 
installed by default on a new KDE setup as well as when upgrading from the 
prior Debian version which had KSysguard installed. In addition, the widely 
known and much used shortcut ctrl+shift+esc should also be there by default and 
launch plasma-systemmonitor (or alternatively systemmonitor).

Bug#1023024: Session crashes when switching back to first display from a second one connected with HDMI when Wayland is used with KDE

2022-10-29 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: plasma-workspace
Version: 5.20.5-6

First of all I don't know which package is causing this but it has to do with 
Wayland and KDE.

Full description of the issue with some logs: 

In short:

I have two displays and am using Debian 11/KDE with Wayland.

As a workaround to prevent another bug, I have the HDMI cable to the second 
display disconnected except when I use it. I have found a workaround that 
allows me to use (switch to) the second display without the session crashing.

When switching the monitor back again, the KDE session crashes (this means I 
need to login again and restart running apps and so on).

Bug#1018003: comment

2022-10-09 Thread mYnDstrEAm
In the totally outdated issue tracker I can't edit the text: it doesn't crash 
anymore because as a workaround I have the monitor HDMI cable disconnected 
except when I use it.

When connecting the HDMI cable, the session ends only when the monitor that the 
HDMI cable is plugged into is turned off. The wallpaper is changed to a default 
one nevertheless. Currently, the remaining problem is that when doing one of 
these things to switch the monitor back again the sessions as well: a) pulling 
out the HDMI cable b) switching off the active second monitor c) press meta+p 
and selecting "Unify outputs" (haven't tried the other ones yet).

For the workout to be complete, I only need to find out how to switch back to 
the formerly active display without the session ending. I'll try a few more 
things later such as going into standby, then pulling out the HDMI cable, and 
waking it again. If somebody knows a working workaround, please comment.

Bug#1018003: comment

2022-10-09 Thread mYnDstrEAm
May also be related to "Plasmashell problems after changing the HDMI output and 
KDE does not recognize the new display": 

Currently, it doesn't crash anymore but I often need to go to an alt+f3 (any 
number) terminal and run `loginctl unlock-session {id}` and `logout` to resume 
the session.