Am 10.07.2012 18:10, schrieb Elena ``of Valhalla'':
> I'm converting to machine readable debian/copyright because otherwise 
> I didn't see any sensible way to keep track of the different licenses / 
> copyright owners.
> Attached is a very partial debian/copyright file, up to
> Source/JavaScriptCore (plus Tools and WebKitLibraries); 
> any comment on the format before I continue?


the file looks good so far. Maybe you can make your life a bit easier by
merging some file paragraphs. If all files in a directory have the same
licence, but different copyright lines, you can make one "Files: dir/*"
paragraph and list all the copyright lines in that one field. Most
packages also have a "Files: *" paragraph for the most common licence at
the beginning and overwrite that subsequently with the following paragraphs.

Best regards,
Tobias Hansen

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