Hi Norbert,

> But I guess you had, or some cosmic radiation induced bit switch did it
> for you on your hard disk ;-) The default for all installations is being
> on.

yeah, then lets say "maybe" or "probably" I did that, nevertheless, at least it 
was a couple of years ago and I cannot remeber ;-)

> > In my similar kvm virtualized installtion the switch also is/was off,
> > but there it seems to make no problems, even after a couple of changes and 
> > restartings.
> Hmm, that is indeed strange, though.
> I suggest that *you* create a bug report at upstream (I guess kwin?)
> because I cannot reproduce it on my systems (AMD based), and upstream
> devs will need detailed informations.

Ok, just did that now as suggested, see 


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