Severity: normal
Usertags: freeze-exception


I have recently made a series of uploads for fixing issues in KDE SC and I 
would like to get those package revisions into Squeeze. First of all, thanks 
for quick unblock of the following:


Now remaining packages:

* unblock kdenetwork/4:4.4.5-2

This revision fixes an RC bug (#603661) which breaks kopete ICQ support for 
all users. AOL has recently sold ICQ and, as a result, ICQ main login server 
address was changed. The fix is trivial: change ICQ server address in kopete 
to the new one. The patch also includes an standard KDE update script for 
changing the address in the user config file (if present).

The upload also solves circular dependency between kopete and libkopete4. This 
might ease a job for apt and friends during upgrades (#580044).

* unblock kdepimlibs/4:4.4.5-2

While the debian bug is of normal severity (#600907), the issue might have 
more severe implications. After all it's a crash and memory management bug 
which typically are a cause of security problems. Anyway, in my opinion, the 
two-line patch is too trivial to be ignored.

* unblock kdeaccessibility/4:4.4.5-2

When I looked at the upstream code of kttsd, I could only bang my head against 
the wall. Yes, it is that bad and it's beyond me how KDE project could release 
kttsd in that state to the users. It turns out kttsd 4.3 was just fine but 
they decided to port it to speech-dispacher. Rather than doing it properly, 
they only merged a somewhat working KTTS daemon back, commented most of 
configuration code out and released kttsd 4.4 in this ridiculous state leaving 
many configuration core and GUI elements not working.

Obviously, this is not on par with expectations for Debian stable release and 
#599825 describes only a small fraction of problems. I considered removing 
kttsd from archive but it's pretty tightly integrated into KDE and it's pretty 
important for accessibility purposes. So in 4:4.4.5-2 you see what I had to do 
to restore KTTS configuration to a usable state. Patches are relatively huge, 
but they mostly add new or uncomment old GUI related code. Trust me, there is 
no other way to do this. In hope that my efforts were not wasted, I ask for 
unblock for this revision.

P.S. This leaves Debian Qt/KDE team with two RC bugs (#582953 and #590147) on 
kdepim which in my opinion date as old as Debian etch. Their real cause is not 
known and hopes for getting them fixed are low after so many years. What is 
more, they are rare.

Modestas Vainius <>

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