Re: name transition of an application implemented in Ruby

2023-10-19 Thread Norwid Behrnd
On Tue, 17 Oct 2023 19:55:45 -0300
Antonio Terceiro  wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 08:25:30PM +0200, Norwid Behrnd wrote:
> > Dear Antonio,
> > 
> > Initially, package `ruby-gem` was assembled by `gem2deb` which is why I 
> > assume
> > it were acceptable to retain a name reflecting the language of 
> > implementation
> > in the name of the repository.  Meanwhile, the RFS on mentors provides a 
> > .deb
> > which yields a package by name of `mdl` only.  The syntax engaged relies on 
> > the
> > example of Debian's Policy Manual (section 7.6.2) to remove (if existing)
> > earlier versions of the package on the fly with the elder name by a pattern 
> > of
> > 
> > ```
> > Provides: new_name
> > Conflicts: old_name
> > Replaces: old_name
> > ```
> > 
> > in file /debian/control.
> > 
> > As far as currently understood, this lifts the need need to rename many
> > files/the repository, or to submit the package for review as an entirely new
> > one your suggestion would require.
> > 
> > Do you think the package qualifies now as fit for upload?  
> Any new package, source or binary, requires a pass through NEW. i.e. if
> you keep the source package name (ruby-mdl), but add a new binary
> package (mdl), it has to go through NEW anyway.
> IMO it's better to save everyone's time and do that a single time; this
> is why I'm suggesting to just uploading a single new source package that
> provides both the new binary and the transitional package to supersede
> the old binary package.

Now that I see the point I agree with you.  The syntax checker was split a
into transition / dummy package of old name `ruby-mdl`

to relay to a new and separate `mdl`

-- only the later to contain the additional/new functionality.

Re: RFS: ruby-health-check 3.1.0

2023-10-08 Thread Norwid Behrnd

On Sun, 8 Oct 2023 15:07:10 +0100
Oyindamola Olatunji  wrote:

> Hi,
> The following packages are ready to be uploaded (I also verified the
> points listed on
> The current version is 3.0.0
> Could you please sponsor them?
> ruby-health-check 3.1.0
> My salsa repo:
> Thank you!
> Oyindamola Olatunji 

is there a particular reason why your contribution (so far) does not show up on  This yields a brief summary about checks run
automatically which can be both useful for you (sometimes, an update requires
multiple increments [and hence intermediate uploads]) to eventually obtain a
package good enough; hence, you obtain early a feedback when items once marked
as red errors, or yellow warnings eventually turn «green».  And potential
sponsors can assist you by comments, too.  As an example currently seeking a
review, see my RFS on



name transition of an application implemented in Ruby

2023-10-07 Thread Norwid Behrnd

Dear subscribers,

I seek assistance to rename an application in Ruby, especially the sequence to
file a RFS.

Just prior to the freeze of Debian bookworm, I packaged `ruby-mdl` from
rubygems with `gem2deb`.  Though it was accepted, Daniel Leidert and one
sponsor of the package recommended to to consider a different name of the
package because it isn't a library, but an application; a task better
postponed for the time after the release of `bookworm`.

There are two questions building on top of each other:

+ Because a new version 0.13.0 was released on rubygems, I started to prepare a
  new package for Debian[1] and equally wish to improve this detail now.  Based
  on,[2] plain `mdl` seems to be a name suitable.  Reading about
  the documented «Transition package method»,[3] I would have to replace the
  currently used file `/debian/control` (copied below) by a new one (copied
  below) for one RFS, commit the changes to salsa, build, sign, dput as usual.
  Once this hurdle is taken, I would file a subsequent separate RFS for a dummy
  package.  Any objections for this part?

+ Second, I found `equivs` described elsewhere[4] to prepare a dummy package
  and I am able to replicate their example with their control file (`equivs`
  version 2.3.1).  However, a copy my dummy control file as a plain file in a
  separate empty folder only yields

$ equivs-build ./control 
syntax error in control file: This is a transitional package. It can safely be
  removed. ```

  To me, `Depends: mdl, ${misc:Depends}` reads like I should thus i) await
  a successful RFS of `ruby-mdl` 0.13.0 as `mdl` to then ii) copy my control
  file as `/debian/control` into the folder which was used to prepare the
  package `mdl`.  Really this simple (no commit to, but sign
  and dput to as usual)?

With regards,

Norwid Behrnd


+ `/debian/control` as used so far:

Source: ruby-mdl
Section: text
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Norwid Behrnd 
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
   gem2deb (>= 1),
   ruby (>= 2.7),
   ruby-kramdown (>= 2.3),
   ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm (>= 1.1),
   ruby-mixlib-cli (<< 2.2),
   ruby-mixlib-cli (>= 2.1.1),
   ruby-mixlib-config (<< 4),
   ruby-mixlib-config (>= 2.2.1),
Standards-Version: 4.6.2
Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-ruby
Rules-Requires-Root: no

Package: ruby-mdl
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends},
Description: Markdown lint tool
 ruby-mdl checks an individual markdown file, or a directory of markdown
 files against a set of 42 rules for syntax consistency.  In its report back
 to the CLI, the Ruby based implementation reports the line(s) with an issue
 identified and how to improve it.

+ `/debian/control` which would be used to transition to a new name

Source: ruby-mdl
Section: text
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Norwid Behrnd 
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
   gem2deb (>= 1),
   ruby (>= 2.7),
   ruby-kramdown (>= 2.3),
   ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm (>= 1.1),
   ruby-mixlib-cli (<< 2.2),
   ruby-mixlib-cli (>= 2.1.1),
   ruby-mixlib-config (<< 4),
   ruby-mixlib-config (>= 2.2.1),
Standards-Version: 4.6.2
Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-ruby
Rules-Requires-Root: no

Package: mdl
Replaces: ruby-mdl (<< 0.12.0-3)
Breaks: ruby-mdl (<< 0.12.0-3)
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends},
Description: Markdown lint tool
 mdl checks an individual markdown file, or a directory of markdown
 files against a set of 42 rules for syntax consistency.  In its report back
 to the CLI, the Ruby based implementation reports the line(s) with an issue
 identified and how to improve it.
+ `debian/control` as so far understood to prepare the dummy package

Package: ruby-mdl
Depends: mdl, ${misc:Depends}
Architecture: all
Priority: optional
Section: oldlibs
Description: transitional package
This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed.


RFH: reliable renaming `ruby-mdl` to `markdownlint

2023-01-30 Thread Norwid Behrnd

Dear subscribers,

for `ruby-mdl` accepted into branch `testing`, while retaining the commit log to
Debian, my aim is to adjust its package name into `markdownlint` because this
corresponds better its character as an application.  I seek advice form here if
the following approach (so far neither commited to salsa, nor uploaded to the
debian.mentors page) is

+ permissible now, on top of other adjustments in /debian/upstream/metadata, or
  debian/upstream/metadata, for example, or better is submitted as a separate
  subsequent release to Debian.  There already is an upload to mentors about the
  changes to the files around `markdownlint` *excluding* the name change, thus
  I can file a RFS to account only on these "internal adjustments" only, too.
+ how the provision of a new name for the .deb eventually built can be improved

Because it is about an application implemented in Ruby, I assumed this mailing
list might be more appropriate than the one of debian.mentors.  If wrong with
this line of thought, I can transfer the question to the other address.

Ad rem.  Based on a presentation by Sebastian Reichel, I infer the new entry in
`/debian/changelog` has to mention `markdownlint` instead the `ruby-mdl` used so
far.  Simultaneously, `package` in file `/debian/control/` has to carry the new
name, too.  Contrasting to my anticipation, a new run with `dpkg-buildpackage`
fails reporting

$ dpkg-buildpackage
dpkg-source: error: source package has two conflicting values - ruby-mdl and 
dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source --before-build . subprocess returned exit 
status 255

In what appears to me as problematic approach *potentially* unkowinly breaking
some stuff, I then altered `source` in /debian/control to `markdownlint`, copy-
pasted `ruby-mdl_0.12.0.orig.tar.gz` as `markdownlint_0.12.0.orig.tar.gz`,
removed `debian/ruby-mdl/usr/share/man/man1/mdl.1.gz` as well as
`debian/ruby-mdl/usr/share/doc/ruby-mdl/changelog.Debian.gz`.  For an already
existing `/debian/mdl.1` I created a copy as `/debian/markdownlint.1`, and the
same for `debian/ruby-mdl.manpages` as `debian/markdownlint.manpages`, the later
adjusted to indicate the new path (`debian/markdownlint.1`).  After a run of
`dpkg-buildpackage` and `lintian`, file `debian/ruby-mdl.substvars` was removed
(because of lintian's report).

From what I can see by now, `dpkg-buildpackage` is able to generate the usual

$ ls markdown*
markdownlint_0.12.0-3_all.deb  markdownlint_0.12.0-3.debian.tar.xz
markdownlint_0.12.0-3_amd64.buildinfo  markdownlint_0.12.0-3.dsc

and the .deb is functional both for an installation on a spare partition of
Xubuntu 22.04.1 (not used for the packaging) then appearing as `markdownlint`
in `synaptic` as well as for

$ dpkg --info markdownlint_0.12.0-3_all.deb
 new Debian package, version 2.0.
 size 18892 bytes: control archive=1240 bytes.
 691 bytes,14 lines  control
1833 bytes,19 lines  md5sums
 Package: markdownlint
 Version: 0.12.0-3
 Architecture: all
 Maintainer: Norwid Behrnd 
 Installed-Size: 86
 Depends: ruby, ruby-kramdown (>= 2.3), ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm (>= 1.1), 
ruby-mixlib-cli (>= 2.1.1), ruby-mixlib-config (>= 2.2.1), ruby-mixlib-config 
(<< 4), ruby-mixlib-shellout
 Section: devel
 Priority: optional
 Description: Markdown lint tool
  Markdownlint checks an individual markdown file, or a directory of markdown
  files against a set of 47 rules for syntax consistency.  In its report back
  to the CLI, the Ruby based implementation reports the line(s) with an issue
  identified and how to improve it.

in Debian.  On the other hand, `lintian` newly states

markdownlint: no-manual-page [usr/bin/mdl]

as warning though there is a man page included (`markdownlint.1.gz`):

$ dpkg -c ./markdownlint_0.12.0-3_all.deb
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 ./
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 ./usr/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 ./usr/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x root/root   521 2023-01-28 16:54 ./usr/bin/mdl
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 ./usr/share/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 ./usr/share/doc/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 ./usr/share/doc/markdownlint/
-rw-r--r-- root/root   267 2023-01-28 16:54 
-rw-r--r-- root/root  4456 2022-12-30 23:43 
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 ./usr/share/man/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 ./usr/share/man/man1/
-rw-r--r-- root/root  1462 2023-01-28 16:54 
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2023-01-28 16:54 

Re: adjustment for `ruby-mdl`

2023-01-20 Thread Norwid Behrnd

with additional reflection, I assume one could proceed in the sequence outlined
below.  It aims to balance Debian Team Ruby's focus to revise its packages
prior to the freeze of `bookworm`, with some progress for `ruby-mdl`.

* With the source-only upload in preparation, `ruby-mdl` could advance into
  `testing` on condition I edit entry `maintainer` (for the Debian package), at
  least for now replace `Debian Ruby Team` by me.  Then, the package no longer
  is frozen in `unstable` where -- as by today -- it is for 12 days.
* The rename of the package,[1] maybe with the split into a binary and a libary
  you suggested, then is postponed for a package `0.12.0-3` (likely) for the
  time *after* February.

Objections by anyone?

Regards, Norwid

[1], Transition package method

Re: adjustment for `ruby-mdl`

2023-01-19 Thread Norwid Behrnd
Hello Daniel,

thank your for your note I like to reply to.

* To name "the thing".  Thankfully, there is `gem2deb` to collect and organize
  the relevant data from rubygems and `ruby-mdl` is the name suggested by this
  implementation.  I don't mind the result by `gem2deb` requires additional
  edit (some of the points addressed by the documentation), perhaps including
  a new name *of the package* in Debian.  (E.g., in its documentation, the
  validator `pytest` for Python is called by `pytest`.  With the advent of
  Python 3, Debian & Ubuntu family currently name it `python3-pytest` as
  package, and the call from the CLI is `pytest-3` regardless if there (still)
  is some remain of Python 2 in the hosting installation, or not.)

  Open to an adjustment, I like `ruby-mdl` as package name because it states
  the language of implementation, hence a pattern which allows others an
  implementation in their language of choice (e.g., `python3-markdownlint`).
  It equally is a short name and `mdl` already shows the call sign from the
  CLI. On the other hand, `markdownlinter` would introduce a name different to
  the project's name .and. part of the address on GitHub.
* Split into a binary part and a library part.  Because `ruby-mdl` is the first
  time I package a .deb, this exceeds my expertise.  Do you recommend a
  particular resource to get familiar with this procedure?  Likely related to
  this suggest is the information (i.e., low severity)
  `application-in-library-section` broadcast by `lintian`, prior signing the
  changes file and to engaging `dput mentors`.
* Joining the Debian Ruby team.  OK, it is convincing this could facilitate
  much; possibly including an adjustment of the name space (if it is an issue).
  I file a separate petition of admission to the group (*beyond* the
  subscription to the mailing list).
* The copyright issue.  For one I assume each contribution to `markdownlint`
  recognizes the choice for MIT because the pick for a license known to GitHub
  simultaneously adds the tag to the web site .and. a `LICENSE.txt` to the
  project for you.

  For two, the project discerns between contributors and maintainers (to
  `markdownlint`; three considered active [Mark Harrison no longer is one of
  them]) without an explicit note I spot (so far) "for any contribution to us,
  you transfer your copyright to us" as with publishers.  Because copyright may
  differ by locale, I assumed it were better to err and to list all, than
  omitting one.  (Because the relevant git archaeology was/is relayed to two
  scripts to put elsewhere, the extraction doesn't take much time, either.)

Regards, Norwid

adjustment for `ruby-mdl`

2023-01-18 Thread Norwid Behrnd
Dear subscribers,

recently, I packaged `markdownlint`,[1] a syntax checker for markdown
implemented in Ruby, for Debian as `ruby-mdl`.  Thanks to a sponsor, there was
an initial upload to Debian's package tracker,[2] too.  A new upload
(source-only upload) was prepared[3] and as Bastian Germann suggests, it
possibly were better to move the relevant data from

to an address like e.g.,

With the manual about packaging Ruby gems for Debian[4] and gem2deb,[5] I
request advice how to proceed for such an  adjustment, i.e. a merge into your
git repository?  Or, does it suffice to share the knowledge with you that
there is a .deb `ruby-mdl` to prevent an other of you prepares a .deb of this
name, and then to continue hosting the relevant data in the salsa instance
under my name?

In retrospect, there equally are two questions:

* Because `ruby-mdl` is my first contribution leading to a .deb on Debian, I'm
  an uploader.  Does assembling the necessary data equate that a maintainer of
  this .deb, i.e. should I/should I equally adjust this entry for the Debian
  package tracker?

* GitHub's project page about `markdownlint` counts 52 contributors to
  `markdownlint`.  To extract their names and the first year of contribution,
  I wrote two small scripts to assist the adjustment of file
  `/debian/copyright`.  Now, though `gem2deb` creates the three git branches
  of `master`, `pristine-tar`, and `upstream`, does the creation of an extra
  branch interfere badly with the intended layout of Ruby gem packages for
  Debian?  Because it does not change the source code of the Ruby code
  (compared to what `gem2deb` fetches from the rubygems database) it does not
  appear like a bug fix `upstream` should include before merging the results
  into `master`.

  On the other hand, I would welcome if the repository to package
  `markdownlint` as `ruby-mdl` for Debian would include these two short extra
  codes (e.g., an other user might be interested to build the package when
  `markdownlint` on rubygems has been updated).  What would be your advise on
  this point?

With regards,

Norwid Behrnd


landing page, perhaps a missing cross-link

2023-01-12 Thread Norwid Behrnd
Dear maintainer of the web site

section 3.5 Packaging.  The bold introduction reads "Workflow about packaging
new Ruby based software for Debian can be found here." where "here" offers a
cross-link.  In the next section "Maintaining", the last phrase is "To know
about updating a package and uploading it, visit here." as if "here" once was
intended to equally redirect to an other web page.  At present, "here" however
does not link (any more) to an other resource.  Maybe it was

currently used in the phrase above, or the edit of the text is incomplete.

The observation refers to the page in the modification by 2021-06-19 14:38:31.


Norwid Behrnd

Building with gem2deb points to a removed package

2022-12-13 Thread Norwid Behrnd
Dear authors of guide «Bulidng with gem2deb»,[1]

the lower part of this guide (last revision by 2022-06-17) recommends to
check if the copyright information is set correctly and points to package
`license-reconcile`.  However, according to the package tracker,[2] this very
package no longer is available for Debian 12/bookworm (testing), nor unstable
for more than one year.

Apparently, with `gem2deb`, `dpkg-buildpackage`, and `lintian`, there already
is a check in place.  Can the guide be updated accordingly?

With regards,



adjustments after running gem2deb

2022-12-09 Thread Norwid Behrnd
Dear subscribers,

while preparing the submission of a Ruby application[1] as a .deb (prepared by
gem2deb), I would like to clarify a few details in the files one has to adjust.
At present, the application (MIT license) got 52 contributors; among them, there
are four current and two past maintainers.  The initial contributor is one of
the past maintainers.

After reading two guides[2, 3], my three questions are:

+ file /debian/copyright, entry upstream-contact:  The script based generation
  entered the email of the initial contributor of the project; maybe this was a
  piece of information extracted from the project's already existing copyright
  file.  However, wouldn't it be more useful to insert either
   + a contact to one of the current maintainers,
   + a maintainer of the entry on gem2deb uses, or
   + the address of the person submitting the .deb package to Debian, because
 file /debian/control includes an entry uploaders?
+ file /debian/copyright, entry copyright:  The pattern suggested is



  Does it suffice to sort this list in ascending order of the year of each
  contributor's first contribution?
+ file /debian/control, entry maintainer:  By default, the Debian Ruby Team is
  added.  Should I substitute this by name and email address of the four current
  maintainers of the project?

With regards,

