I am not able to type in Russian

2002-08-01 Thread Harold Crouch
My computer is running Debian (Woody) with XFCE, Sylpheed for e-mail,
and Galeon for web browsing.  I installed KOI8 fonts, and now Galeon
correctly displays Cyrillic text inthe Debian-Russian mailing list

I am able to select KOI8 fonts in Sylpheed.  But, I am not able to
type cyrillic alphabet.  I installed the xruskb package (and removed
the xkb package), and I believe that xruskb contains the keyboard maps
that I need.  I do not understand the instructions included in the
xruskb package.  

Would someone please tell me how to switch between English and Russian
keyboard maps?

Harold Crouch

Re: I am not able to type in Russian

2002-08-01 Thread Pavel Andreew

Harold Crouch wrote:

I am able to select KOI8 fonts in Sylpheed.  But, I am not able to
type cyrillic alphabet.  I installed the xruskb package (and removed
the xkb package), and I believe that xruskb contains the keyboard maps
that I need.  I do not understand the instructions included in the
xruskb package.  

Would someone please tell me how to switch between English and Russian
keyboard maps?

   With woody xruskb package doesn't need. Simply add (check) this section 
in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Generic Keyboard"
Driver  "keyboard"
Option  "CoreKeyboard"
Option  "XkbRules""xfree86"
Option  "XkbModel""pc105"
Option  "XkbLayout"   "ru"
Option  "XkbOptions" grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"

   RUS/LAT switch is Ctrl+Shift, ScrollLock led is indicator.

Pavel Andreew
Ekaterinburg Telegraph

Re: I am not able to type in Russian

2002-08-02 Thread Alexei Khlebnikov
> I am able to select KOI8 fonts in Sylpheed.  But, I am not able to
> type cyrillic alphabet.  I installed the xruskb package (and removed
> the xkb package), and I believe that xruskb contains the keyboard maps
> that I need.  I do not understand the instructions included in the
> xruskb package.

Am I understand you right that you can switch, but cannot type? And typing
on the
keyboard produces no result other than beeps? After switching back to
typing works fine? In such a case you have to set correct locale by command.

export LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.KOI8-R

You also must have russian locale generated. Edit /etc/locale.gen, then
generate locales with locale-gen. I reccomend setting locale somewhere
in init-scripts before loading X. Good luck.