Bug#870688: [Debian-science-sagemath] Sage 8.0 status (was Re: Sage 7.6 upload for RC bugfix and GAP 4.8.7 in unstable)

2017-08-08 Thread Ximin Luo
Ximin Luo:
> -#869778
> Ximin Luo:
>> [..]
>> Hi, I see that libgsl23 was uploaded but who is taking care of the library 
>> transition? It seems that this process was not followed:
>> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ReleaseTeam/Transitions
>> The transition tracker detected the library change:
>> https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/auto-gsl.html
>> However there is no corresponding Transition Tracking bug report:
>> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=release.debian.org
>> Currently this prevents me from doing test builds of sagemath, because some 
>> of its build dependencies are not installable [..]
> As a temporary workaround:
> $ aptitude search '~Dlibgsl2$ ~R^sagemath$ ~rnative' --disable-columns
> p  python-cvxopt - Python package for convex optimization 
> p  xcas - Computer Algebra System - console and graphical calculator
> Since this list is quite small, I've done my own binNMUs of these packages 
> (using sbuild --binNMU etc) and uploaded them to deb-sci-sage. This makes 
> `debian/rules release-deb-sci-sage` work again, I'll run it properly in the 
> morning and report the results.

8.0-0~sage1 built and uploaded! 

sage -t --long src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/backend_cdd.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/interfaces/giac.py  # 7 doctests failed
sage -t --long src/sage/interfaces/gap.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/libs/gap/all_documented_functions.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/libs/gap/assigned_names.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/libs/ppl.pyx  # Timed out after testing finished
sage -t --long src/sage/misc/compat.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/misc/fast_methods.pyx  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/misc/weak_dict.pyx  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/numerical/backends/glpk_backend.pyx  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/numerical/optimize.py  # 5 doctests failed
sage -t --long src/sage/parallel/use_fork.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/plot/arrow.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/plot/plot.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/probability/probability_distribution.pyx  # 1 doctest 
sage -t --long src/sage/repl/interpreter.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/repl/rich_output/backend_ipython.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/rings/number_field/unit_group.py  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_quotient_ring.py  # 8 
doctests failed
sage -t --long src/sage/tests/cython.pyx  # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long src/sage/tests/cmdline.py  # 6 doctests failed

Requires binNMU-rebuilt cvxopt, giac (against libgsl23), plus new source 
uploads of fplll, fpylll, givaro, and a cypari2 that is going through NEW.

As soon as cypari2 passes NEW I think it is OK to upload all of those other 
packages to unstable, then we can fix the failing tests later.


GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE

debian-science-maintainers mailing list

Bug#870688: [Debian-science-sagemath] Sage 8.0 status (was Re: Sage 7.6 upload for RC bugfix and GAP 4.8.7 in unstable)

2017-08-07 Thread Ximin Luo

Ximin Luo:
> [..]
> Hi, I see that libgsl23 was uploaded but who is taking care of the library 
> transition? It seems that this process was not followed:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ReleaseTeam/Transitions
> The transition tracker detected the library change:
> https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/auto-gsl.html
> However there is no corresponding Transition Tracking bug report:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=release.debian.org
> Currently this prevents me from doing test builds of sagemath, because some 
> of its build dependencies are not installable [..]

As a temporary workaround:

$ aptitude search '~Dlibgsl2$ ~R^sagemath$ ~rnative' --disable-columns
p  python-cvxopt - Python package for convex optimization   
p  xcas - Computer Algebra System - console and graphical calculator

Since this list is quite small, I've done my own binNMUs of these packages 
(using sbuild --binNMU etc) and uploaded them to deb-sci-sage. This makes 
`debian/rules release-deb-sci-sage` work again, I'll run it properly in the 
morning and report the results.


GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE

debian-science-maintainers mailing list

Bug#870688: [Debian-science-sagemath] Sage 8.0 status (was Re: Sage 7.6 upload for RC bugfix and GAP 4.8.7 in unstable)

2017-08-07 Thread Ximin Luo
Control: block 870688 by 869778
Control: affects 869778 + sagemath

Ximin Luo:
> Tobias Hansen:
>> [..]
>> The accidental upload of cysignals 1.6.5 to unstable is now a RC bug
>> (#870688). Not sure if we should fix it by downgrading cysignals,
>> patching sage 7.6 or just let the bug sit until we upload sage 8.0. At
>> least the "Breaks: sagemath (<< 8.0~)" does indeed prevent cysignals
>> from migrating to testing, which is good.
>> [..]
> Hi, I'm at DebConf over the next week and will very likely be able to find 
> some time to deal with this.

Hi, I see that libgsl23 was uploaded but who is taking care of the library 
transition? It seems that this process was not followed:

The transition tracker detected the library change:

However there is no corresponding Transition Tracking bug report:

Currently this prevents me from doing test builds of sagemath, because some of 
its build dependencies are not installable:

cd .. && sbuild \
  --extra-repository='deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian experimental main' 
  --chroot-setup-commands='apt-get install -y apt-transport-https' \
  --extra-repository='deb https://debian-science.alioth.debian.org/apt 
sid-sage/' \
  --build-dep-resolver=aspcud \
  --build-failed-commands '%SBUILD_SHELL' \
(I)Distcheck: Solving...
output-version: 1.2
native-architecture: amd64
  package: sbuild-build-depends-sagemath-dummy
  version: 0.invalid.0
  architecture: amd64
  status: broken
  package: libgslcblas0
  version: 2.4+dfsg-5
  architecture: amd64
  unsat-conflict: libgsl2:amd64
  package: libgsl2
  version: 2.4+dfsg-2
  architecture: amd64
 package: sbuild-build-depends-sagemath-dummy
 version: 0.invalid.0
 architecture: amd64
 depends: libgsl-dev:amd64
 package: libgsl-dev
 version: 2.4+dfsg-5
 architecture: amd64
 depends: libgslcblas0:amd64 (= 2.4+dfsg-5)
 package: sbuild-build-depends-sagemath-dummy
 version: 0.invalid.0
 architecture: amd64
 depends: python-cvxopt:amd64
 package: python-cvxopt
 version: 1.1.9+dfsg-1+b1
 architecture: amd64
 depends: libgsl2:amd64


GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE

debian-science-maintainers mailing list

Bug#870688: [Debian-science-sagemath] Sage 8.0 status (was Re: Sage 7.6 upload for RC bugfix and GAP 4.8.7 in unstable)

2017-08-05 Thread Ximin Luo
Tobias Hansen:
> [..]> 
> Hi,
> good work on finding the fpylll issue! Now the main holdup for sage 8.0
> is still cypari2 being stuck in NEW. I wrote on June 21 to
> ftpmas...@debian.org and August 2 directly to the ftpmaster who helped
> us get sagemath through NEW in time for stretch. Let's see if it helps.
> I'm also not totally sure if the sagemath packages can be built at the
> moment. When I build in a schroot with sage deps installed with
> DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=5 fakeroot debian/rules binary
> after the build is almost completed, including running the tests, it
> later tries again to run the test suite and fails (I attached the end of
> the console output). I wanted to try if this also happens with sbuild
> once the fpylll problem is fixed.
> However I will be on vacation the next three weeks.
> The accidental upload of cysignals 1.6.5 to unstable is now a RC bug
> (#870688). Not sure if we should fix it by downgrading cysignals,
> patching sage 7.6 or just let the bug sit until we upload sage 8.0. At
> least the "Breaks: sagemath (<< 8.0~)" does indeed prevent cysignals
> from migrating to testing, which is good.
> [..]

Hi, I'm at DebConf over the next week and will very likely be able to find some 
time to deal with this.


GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE

debian-science-maintainers mailing list