md5 checksums used in DSA

2008-10-11 Thread Bas Steendijk
MD5 is still used to produce file hashes in the DSA mails, for users to 
verify the integrity against errors and malicious intent. the use of PGP 
signing further suggests the intent to protect against malicious intent.

MD5 should not be used for this purpose. MD5 collisions can be produced 
by individuals on meaningful files.

demonstration: produced 10 different, meaningful, PDF documents with the 
same MD5 hash to "predict" the winner of the 2008 US elections.

demonstration: X.509 certificates from 2 different owners with the same 
MD5 hash

MD5 should be abandoned immediately in favor of a new hash.

2 possible candidates:

- SHA-1: the present day de-facto standard hash. no collisions have been 
found or published yet. it is currently broken to the extent that a 
collision can be produced with complexity 2^69. it is suggested that one 
can produce collisions in 56 hour per collision, with custom hardware 
worth USD 38 million.
recommendation is to not use it in new systems if possible.

- SHA-256: newer, bigger, hash function, not yet broken, should provide 
security for a very long time to come

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Koro Gabiola . Oporretan nago . Estoy de vacaciones

2008-10-11 Thread koro
Estaré ausente de la oficina desde el  2008/10/10 y no volveré hasta el

Laneko gaien bat baldin bada, jarri harremanetan Peio Arreitunandiarekin -
Zeozer pertsonala bada itxaspe[arroba]gmail[punto]com -en egongo naiz.
Egunero ez dut irakurriko.
Itzuli arte ;)

Si es algún tema relacionado con el trabajo del IMH, ponte en contacto con
Peio Arreitunandia 943744132 .
Si es un tema personal, puedes escribir a itxaspe [arroba] gmail [punto]
com. Lo leeré de vez en cuando.

Hasta la vuelta ;)

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