Re: Upcoming changes to Debian Linux kernel packages

2023-10-03 Thread Andreas Beckmann

On 03/10/2023 19.30, Bastian Blank wrote:

thread.  Or freak out because meta packages remain uninstallable in
backports for days.


plus gcc or we change how backports works.

If uninstallable packages in backports are a problem, perhaps backports 
needs something like britney to migrate packages from an uploading area 
to the publishing area (once a package set is installable, no need for 
delays). That should solve the problem where several source packages 
need to be updated together. (It would also solve problems with 
unsatisfiable dependencies where the backporter-uploaded binaries were 
built by accident in sid instead of stable, requiring a binNMU before 

(but this should be discussed elsewhere)


Re: Upcoming changes to Debian Linux kernel packages

2023-09-24 Thread Andreas Beckmann

On 25/09/2023 00.50, Bastian Blank wrote:

Already built modules remain until someone deletes it.  So you can also
switch back to the still installed older kernel version and it will have
the still working module available.

This is what I expect not to work.

Assume I have Linux 6.6 and a third-party gpu driver module installed 
(so there are dkms and the Linux 6.6 headers as well) and everything is 
working fine.
Then I upgrade the system, which brings Linux 6.7 (along linux-image-6.6 
which is kept installed) and a new version of the gpu driver (which adds 
support for 6.7). So the old gpu module for 6.6 gets removed and a new 
one is built for 6.7 only (since there are only 6.7 headers now).
Unfortunately 6.7 breaks some exotic in-tree driver (which I desperately 
need), so I need to go back to 6.6. Oops, there is no gpu driver module 
any more. Recovery now needs manual intervention.

I'm not sure which class of bugs you are trying to solve with this 
proposed unversioned linux-headers change. IMO the current scheme of 
linux-headers-$version-$abi-$flavor matching 
linux-image-$version-$abi-$flavor works well. But perhaps something 
could be improved on the metapackage side. Ideally a user should install 
either meta-linux-image-without-headers-$flavor OR 
meta-linux-image-with-headers-$flavor (and ideally installing dkms 
should "automatically switch" to the with-headers variant, not sure how 
this could be done). The current scheme of having to install 
linux-image-$flavor AND linux-headers-$flavor is a bit tricky.

I'm open to implement improvements on the dkms side.


PS: the proposed "more versioning in the linux-image packages" will 
solve some rare dkms issues where modules didn't get rebuilt after 
linux-headers-* was upgraded but $(uname -r) didn't change

Re: Upcoming changes to Debian Linux kernel packages

2023-09-24 Thread Andreas Beckmann

On 24/09/2023 15.01, Bastian Blank wrote:

## Kernel modules will be signed with an ephemeral key

The modules will not longer be signed using the Secure Boot CA like the
EFI kernel image itself.  Instead a key will be created during the build
and thrown away after.

Do I correctly assume that change only affects the modules shipped by 
the linux-image packages and not third-party modules built with dkms?

## Header and tool packages will not longer contain version

This means that only headers of one single version can be available on
the system at one time.  This might be a bit inconvinient for dkms, as
it can't longer build modules for multiple versions.

That sounds problematic in case of third party modules. If it is 
possible to have multiple linux-image-* packages installed, but only 
headers for one of them, the third-party modules will only be available 
for one of the kernel versions for sure (maybe there are still old 
module builds available, but no guarantee especially after the 
third-party module got updated). This will make switching between 
different kernel versions difficult to impossible, e.g. it may be hard 
to go back to a working older kernel version in case the new one does 
not work properly (or the third-party module cannot be built or does not 
work for the new version).

Regarding getting the correct linux-header-* packages installed for the 
installed linux-image-* packages:

Maybe linux-image-* could have
  Recommends: linux-headers-* | no-linux-headers
s.t. the correct linux-headers-* are installed by default (installation 
of recommends is enabled by default) for all installed linux-image-* 
packages. no-linux-headers would be an opt-out package that can be 
installed manually if someone does not want to get linux-headers-* 
installed at all. It should never be installed automatically.

For dkms it is hard recommend the correct linux-header-* package, right 
now we have
  Recommends: linux-headers-generic | linux-headers-686-pae | 
linux-headers-amd64 | linux-headers
which does not really work for the non-default kernel flavor, e.g. the 
-cloud or -i386 kernel. So some improvement on the kernel side would be 
nice here.


Re: Reintroducing openjdk-8 for Bullseye?

2020-04-09 Thread Andreas Beckmann
On 09/04/2020 22.12, Graham Inggs wrote:
> I don't know about the AdoptOpenJDK builds, but Visual Profiler and
> Nsight do work with openjdk-8 8u252-b07-1 from unstable.
> [1] 

The version previously bundled by nvidia with nvidia-cuda-toolkit (up to
10.1.168) is an ancient 8u77 amd64 build, packaged as
nvidia-openjdk-8-jre in non-free.

For the purposes of src:nvidia-cuda-toolkit, a stripped down version of
openjdk-8 should be sufficient: only amd64 and ppc64el builds, only -jre
(no -jdk), and it could be moved to contrib to reduce exposure even further.
