Re: finding a process that bind a spcific port

2014-01-22 Thread Andy
netstat -tulpn | grep :10001
grep 10001 /etc/services

fuser 10001/udp
This will output PID
Then find out process name associated with PID

ls -l /proc/PID/exe

---Permission to forward and reprint is given.---
*Don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is who I am.
My attitude depends on who you are.*

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:37 PM, Nico Angenon wrote:

 the output


 -Message d'origine- From: Andika Triwidada
 Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:33 PM
 To: Nico Angenon
 Cc: debian security
 Subject: Re: finding a process that bind a spcific port

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 7:20 PM, Nico Angenon wrote:


 i think i’ve been hacked on one of my boxes...

 I try to find with process bind a specific port :

 # netstat -anpe |grep udp
 gives me
 udp0  0*
 0  5950269 -

 # lsof |grep 10001
 doesn’t show me anything

 lsof -i -n | grep 10001

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Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2720-1] icedove security update

2013-07-08 Thread Andy Ruddock
Hash: SHA512

Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:

Debian Security Advisory DSA-2720-1
 Muehlenhoff July 06, 2013 

  Package: icedove

 An updated and compatible version of enigmail is included with
 this update.

How does this enigmail version affect iceape?

Is it system-wide or icedove specific (seeing as how the enigmail
package is being removed, I'm guessing the latter)?

 We recommend that you upgrade your icedove packages.
 Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply 
 these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be 
 found at:
 Mailing list:

- -- 
Andy Ruddock
- (OpenPGP Key ID 0xB0324245)
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2360-1] Two month advance notification for upcoming end-of-life for Debian oldstable

2011-12-06 Thread Andy Leake
ooops its actually Lenny!

On 7 December 2011 06:09, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 - -
 Debian Security Advisory DSA-2360-1 Muehlenhoff
 December 6, 2011
 - -

 This is an advance notice that security support for Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
 (code name lenny) will be terminated in two months.

 The Debian project released Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 alias squeeze on the
 6th of February 2011. Users and distributors have been given a one-year
 timeframe to upgrade their old installations to the current stable
 release. Hence, the security support for the old release of 5.0 is going
 to end on the 6th of February 2012 as previously announced.

 Previously announced security updates for the old release will continue
 to be available on

 Mailing list:
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


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security advice wanted for home server

2009-02-27 Thread andy baxter
I have an embedded device with attached usb hard disk (a Linksys NSLU2) 
which I have installed debian on, with the aim of using it as a home 
server over ADSL. (The idea being that it's quiet and consumes very 
little power, so I'm happy leaving it switched on all the time, which I 
wouldn't be with a desktop type machine.)

I'm thinking of setting it up as a web server at some point, but could 
do with some basic advice about the security side of things if anyone 
can help with that. One question is how likely this is to be a problem 
(and would the fact that it's on an arm chip not intel reduce the 
likelihood of a successful attack?); also what kind of precautions I 
should take against being cracked?

My network is an ADSL modem/router with built in firewall and port 
forwarding, behind which I have 2 laptops, one running linux and one 
running windows xp, plus the NSLU2.

What I'm thinking of doing to secure the NSLU2 is:

- Check that the only open incoming ports are ones that I need.

- run a firewall (shorewall?). (Though is this actually going to make a 
difference on such a small network where there are only the localnet and 
internet zones to think about and the router already has a built in 
firewall? I'm assuming that it's something I should do, but not sure 
what kind of attacks a firewall on the NSLU2 would really stop, given 
that only one incoming port (http) is going to be open on my router, and 
I can make sure that the server doesn't have any incoming ports open 
except http and ssh)

- use aide to check the system files regularly. The way I'm thinking of 
doing this is to put a bootable debian image (with aide installed) on a 
flash disk, then every week or so boot my laptop from this with the 
slug's usb hard drive plugged into the laptop as well, and check the 
system using aide that way. Then install any updates, then calculate the 
checksums again and store them on the flash disk (which I would never 
use for any other purpose). This is putting me off somewhat, as I was 
doing something similar with another server I had a while back, and it 
was a fair bit of hassle to keep it up every week. So it would be good 
to know if this is overkill, or a sensible thing to do?

- work through the securing debian manual to see if there's anything 
else I've missed.


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Re: security advice wanted for home server

2009-02-27 Thread andy baxter

Sébastien NOBILI wrote:

Le vendredi 27 février 09 à 10:43, andy baxter a écrit :
I can make sure that the server doesn't have any incoming ports open  
except http and ssh)

I would use another port than 22 for the SSH. If your machine's ports are
being scanned and it appears port 22 is open, then you'll probably have a
lot of brute-force attacks to SSH.

Is there any reason to do this given that I'm not planning to log in by
ssh from outside my local network? The only ports I'm thinking of
opening on the router's firewall are http and the port used by
bittorrent (I want to run torrentflux on the NSLU2, which is a web based
bittorrent client).

Personally, I redirected on my router a high port number (1234, for
example) to port number 22 of my home server. No more brute-force attacks.

Just in case you didn't think about it, restrict SSH access to certain
users, in /etc/ssh/sshd_config :
PermitRootLogin no
AllowUsers your_login


I've done PermitRootLogin; thanks for mentioning the other one. I was
also trying:


But this seemed to prevent even from logging in, after a
'/etc/init.d/ssh restart'

Would ListenAddress 10.*.*.* (or 10.*) work?

Incidentally, at the moment, with only a base system installed, these
are the TCP/IP ports that are open:

dolphin:/etc/ssh# netstat -atu
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address
tcp0  0 *:ssh   *:*
tcp0  0 dolphin.localnet:ssh10.0.0.3:58300
tcp0  0 dolphin.localnet:ssh10.0.0.3:37295


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Re: security advice wanted for home server

2009-02-27 Thread andy baxter

Sorry, forgot to send this to the list.

Martin Bartenberger wrote:

andy baxter schrieb:
Thanks to those who replied about ssh config. Would be good to know 
more about whether it's worth setting up aide for a small home server 
like this, and if the way I'm thinking of doing it is OK. My main 
worry isn't someone reading my files, which aren't desperately 
secret, it's that I don't want to hassle of having to reinstall after 
being cracked, and I don't want to become part of someone else's botnet.
It depends on you. I'd think that it's enough if you watch the 
processes running on your server from time to time, check it with 
rkhunter or something similar and keep an eye on your logs (via 
logcheck for example). You also can chroot your webserver. For me, 
using something like aide would be a bit too much for a small personal 

Thanks - I think I'll give aide a miss. Another question - I'm thinking
of putting together a cd with some files on it useful for checking the
system. Then every so often I can mount the CD on the NSLU2 and check
the system knowing that the programs I'm using are reasonably clean
(barring kernel/system library modifications etc.). The programs I'm
thinking of putting on the disc are:

- everything in /bin
- rkhunter plus config files.
- chkrootkit ditto
- top
- netstat
- less
- mc

So the question is - does this seem like a worthwhile thing to do, and
are there any other programs worth including?


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Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 1715-1] New moin packages fix insufficient input sanitising

2009-01-29 Thread Andy Smith
Thank you Devin, the problem was solved yesterday by other member helps.

2009. 01. 29, csütörtök keltezéssel 07.14-kor Devin Carraway ezt írta:
 Hash: SHA1
 Debian Security Advisory   Steffen Joeris
 January 29, 2009
 Package: moin
 Vulnerability  : insufficient input sanitising
 Problem type   : remote
 Debian-specific: no
 CVE ID : CVE-2009-0260 CVE-2009-0312
 Debian Bug : 513158
 It was discovered that the AttachFile action in moin, a python clone of
 WikiWiki, is prone to cross-site scripting attacks (CVE-2009-0260).
 Another cross-site scripting vulnerability was discovered in the
 antispam feature (CVE-2009-0312).
 For the stable distribution (etch) these problems have been fixed in
 version 1.5.3-1.2etch2.
 For the testing (lenny) distribution these problems have been fixed in
 version 1.7.1-3+lenny1.
 For the unstable (sid) distribution these problems have been fixed in
 version 1.8.1-1.1.
 We recommend that you upgrade your moin packages.
 Upgrade instructions
 wget url
 will fetch the file for you
 dpkg -i file.deb
 will install the referenced file.
 If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
 sources.list as given below:
 apt-get update
 will update the internal database
 apt-get upgrade
 will install corrected packages
 You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
 footer to the proper configuration.
 Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch
 - ---
 Debian (stable)
 - ---
 Stable updates are available for alpha, amd64, arm, hppa, i386, ia64, mips, 
 mipsel, powerpc, s390 and sparc.
 Source archives:
 Size/MD5 checksum:40914 139bcec334ed7fbf1ca2bef3c89a8377
 Size/MD5 checksum:  4187091 e95ec46ee8de9527a39793108de22f7d
 Size/MD5 checksum:  671 7b24d6f694511840a0a9da0c9f33f5ad
 Architecture independent packages:
 Size/MD5 checksum:   914904 ab6158ae7010c3701859ceb26bd61bd2
 Size/MD5 checksum:  1595112 a46561072eb0ee26ee1a71275c0e64b3
   These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
   its next update.
 For apt-get: deb stable/updates main
 For dpkg-ftp: 
 Mailing list:
 Package info: `apt-cache show pkg' and
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

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Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 1710-1] New ganglia-monitor-core packages fix remote code execution

2009-01-25 Thread Andy Smith
Thank you for information!
Andy Smith

2009. 01. 25, vasárnap keltezéssel 21.26-kor Steffen Joeris ezt írta:
 Hash: SHA1
 Debian Security Advisory DSA-1710-1   Steffen Joeris
 January 25, 2009
 Package: ganglia-monitor-core
 Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
 Problem type   : remote
 Debian-specific: no
 CVE Id : CVE-2009-0241
 Spike Spiegel discovered a stack-based buffer overflow in gmetad, the
 meta-daemon for the ganglia cluster monitoring toolkit, which could be
 triggered via a request with long path names and might enable
 arbitrary code execution.
 For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in
 version 2.5.7-3.1etch1.
 For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
 version 2.5.7-5.
 For the testing distribution (lenny), this problem will be fixed soon.
 We recommend that you upgrade your ganglia-monitor-core packages.
 Upgrade instructions
 wget url
 will fetch the file for you
 dpkg -i file.deb
 will install the referenced file.
 If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
 sources.list as given below:
 apt-get update
 will update the internal database
 apt-get upgrade
 will install corrected packages
 You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
 footer to the proper configuration.
 Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch
 - ---
 Source archives:
 Size/MD5 checksum:   508535 7b312d76d3f2d0cfe0bafee876337040
 Size/MD5 checksum:   316476 052c6ae45b1d114616ae8a4d04530cfe
 Size/MD5 checksum:  759 cf4c7357786fd423ee1c04a936dfc389
 alpha architecture (DEC Alpha)
 Size/MD5 checksum:   150882 e0450d50127c267dbb97d3f27b41603a
 Size/MD5 checksum:   111420 5050aa958bd47ca0202f782989a3f662
 Size/MD5 checksum:   106024 204e913ca281f7698d94c28e0b53fa7d
 Size/MD5 checksum:   168450 5476515111a428a8e13c27437ef9f18c
 amd64 architecture (AMD x86_64 (AMD64))
 Size/MD5 checksum:   102418 e4f43cb6911e3b8ebcd38dd400698c70
 Size/MD5 checksum:   132094 ea40ef93a55598d06bbebd6ca297371b
 Size/MD5 checksum:98228 c7694aad20a0c47144fcf9ed3a8c7005
 Size/MD5 checksum:   153468 c3b2b87c5ccc506aa5294ca7fe4c5c65
 arm architecture (ARM)
 Size/MD5 checksum:92476 58bbe3b2bab165d03c0b4042152b558c
 Size/MD5 checksum:88620 7eeb57376971a530a8630a31d428f63f
 Size/MD5 checksum:   119844 8b79fdc26c8d936ae851e3eae7782644
 Size/MD5 checksum:   138300 60bd39e5a8c5591d2c81e450a6b410ad
 i386 architecture (Intel ia32)
 Size/MD5 checksum:93078 93bcce44d781f9b6338e563f335487a5
 Size/MD5 checksum:95864 364689bae05cead30438b1f58ed39254

security idea - bootable CD to check your system

2007-06-24 Thread andy baxter


I am writing to ask what you think of the following idea? Something that 
I would like to see is a bootable CDROM which can check all the packages 
on a debian system. My idea is that it would work roughly as follows:

- You halt the machine and put in a bootable CD, then reboot.
- The machine boots from the CD, which is read-only and known to be good.
- It boots into a minimal linux system which will do nothing but the 

- ask you whether you are booting for the first or second time.
- Read a floppy or other removable media to find configuration 
information for the machine being checked.
- Read the host machine's hard drive to find a list of all installed 
- Connect once to the network to retrieve a list of files and their 
checksums for each of these packages from a debian server. This list 
could be saved either to a designated partition on the hard drive, or to 
removable media.

- Disconnect from the network.
- Reboot itself.
- The second time round, don't connect to the network.
- instead, check all the binaries (and optionally config files) against 
the checksums.
- generate some kind of easy to read report on screen, or else save it 
to removable media.

Do you think this would work (i.e. be a good check on whether your 
system has been compromised), and is it worth doing? I'm not sure if I 
have the skills to take on something like this all by myself, but I 
would be willing to put some time in to help where I can if anyone else 
wants to have a go at it.

Alternatively, if people don't think it's worth your while developing 
something like this, where should I start looking to try to put it 
together myself, and is there anyone at debian who might be able to help 


andy baxter.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: security idea - bootable CD to check your system

2007-06-24 Thread andy baxter

The difference is that:

a) These all run on the live system they are trying to protect, so in 
principle they can be neutralised at the same time as the system is 
attacked, the same as any other binary. E.g. like the way attackers 
modify system programs like 'find' to hide files they have installed.
b) Their databases need to be updated every time you update your system, 
whereas this approach would update itself automatically whenever you 
downloaded a new package or update.


Felix Windt wrote:

Tripwire, integrit and aide all perform something similar to what you


-Original Message-
From: andy baxter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 7:23 AM

Subject: security idea - bootable CD to check your system


I am writing to ask what you think of the following idea? 
Something that I would like to see is a bootable CDROM which 
can check all the packages on a debian system. My idea is 
that it would work roughly as follows:

- You halt the machine and put in a bootable CD, then reboot.
- The machine boots from the CD, which is read-only and known 
to be good.

- It boots into a minimal linux system which will do nothing but the
- ask you whether you are booting for the first or second time.
- Read a floppy or other removable media to find 
configuration information for the machine being checked.
- Read the host machine's hard drive to find a list of all 
installed packages.
- Connect once to the network to retrieve a list of files and 
their checksums for each of these packages from a debian 
server. This list could be saved either to a designated 
partition on the hard drive, or to removable media.

- Disconnect from the network.
- Reboot itself.
- The second time round, don't connect to the network.
- instead, check all the binaries (and optionally config 
files) against the checksums.
- generate some kind of easy to read report on screen, or 
else save it to removable media.

Do you think this would work (i.e. be a good check on whether 
your system has been compromised), and is it worth doing? I'm 
not sure if I have the skills to take on something like this 
all by myself, but I would be willing to put some time in to 
help where I can if anyone else wants to have a go at it.

Alternatively, if people don't think it's worth your while 
developing something like this, where should I start looking 
to try to put it together myself, and is there anyone at 
debian who might be able to help me?


andy baxter.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: security idea - bootable CD to check your system

2007-06-24 Thread andy baxter
I've tried using debsums - however it's not really a good check on your 
system because the program and the data it's using both come from the 
system you are trying to check, so could be compromised. Also, it seems 
to miss out many important packages - e.g. here's the standard error 
output from a recent run of debsums on my server:

whale:~# cat debsums.err
debsums: no md5sums for at
debsums: no md5sums for base-files
debsums: no md5sums for bsdutils
debsums: no md5sums for console-data
debsums: no md5sums for debian-archive-keyring
debsums: no md5sums for ed
debsums: no md5sums for gnupg
debsums: no md5sums for gpgv
debsums: no md5sums for hotplug
debsums: no md5sums for initscripts
debsums: no md5sums for kernel-image-2.4.27-2-586tsc
debsums: no md5sums for klogd
debsums: no md5sums for libbz2-1.0
debsums: no md5sums for libdb4.2
debsums: no md5sums for libdb4.3
debsums: no md5sums for libdb4.4
debsums: no md5sums for libgdbm3
debsums: no md5sums for liblockfile1
debsums: no md5sums for libncurses5
debsums: no md5sums for libncursesw5
debsums: no md5sums for lynx
debsums: no md5sums for mawk
debsums: no md5sums for mime-support
debsums: no md5sums for modutils
debsums: no md5sums for mount
debsums: no md5sums for ncurses-base
debsums: no md5sums for ncurses-bin
debsums: no md5sums for netbase
debsums: no md5sums for openbsd-inetd
debsums: no md5sums for ssh
debsums: no md5sums for sysklogd
debsums: no md5sums for sysv-rc
debsums: no md5sums for sysvinit
debsums: no md5sums for sysvinit-utils
debsums: no md5sums for update-inetd
debsums: no md5sums for util-linux

What do you mean by 'fingerprint updates?'


Daniel van Eeden wrote:


Sounds like you're looking for debsums[1]? A CD/DVD is possible but
doesn't allow fingerprint updates. I know that certain Sony MemoryStick
are equipped with an rw/ro switch. So a cardreader or usb thumbdrive
makes it posible to only use 1 medium instead of two and it still has
the read-only security.



Daniel van Eeden

On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 15:23 +0100, andy baxter wrote:


I am writing to ask what you think of the following idea? Something that 
I would like to see is a bootable CDROM which can check all the packages 
on a debian system. My idea is that it would work roughly as follows:

- You halt the machine and put in a bootable CD, then reboot.
- The machine boots from the CD, which is read-only and known to be good.
- It boots into a minimal linux system which will do nothing but the 

- ask you whether you are booting for the first or second time.
- Read a floppy or other removable media to find configuration 
information for the machine being checked.
- Read the host machine's hard drive to find a list of all installed 
- Connect once to the network to retrieve a list of files and their 
checksums for each of these packages from a debian server. This list 
could be saved either to a designated partition on the hard drive, or to 
removable media.

- Disconnect from the network.
- Reboot itself.
- The second time round, don't connect to the network.
- instead, check all the binaries (and optionally config files) against 
the checksums.
- generate some kind of easy to read report on screen, or else save it 
to removable media.

Do you think this would work (i.e. be a good check on whether your 
system has been compromised), and is it worth doing? I'm not sure if I 
have the skills to take on something like this all by myself, but I 
would be willing to put some time in to help where I can if anyone else 
wants to have a go at it.

Alternatively, if people don't think it's worth your while developing 
something like this, where should I start looking to try to put it 
together myself, and is there anyone at debian who might be able to help 


andy baxter.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: security idea - bootable CD to check your system

2007-06-24 Thread andy baxter
Thanks for the encouragement. I've been looking into it a bit more, and 
I'm not sure that it would be possible for me to build this by myself, 
as it would need changes to the debian ftp archive to work. I.e. you 
would need there to be a retrievable list of filenames and checksums for 
every package in the debian 'pool' archive, which doesn't exist at 
present. E.g. for every '.deb' file, there would be a '.deb.sums' file 
in the same directory. So unless someone at debian thinks it's a good 
enough idea to justify adding this information to the archive, I don't 
think it's going to happen as I originally thought. Another way to do it 
is to keep all of the package files that have been used to build the 
system on the machine's hard disk, check them first using the checksums 
in 'Packages.gz', and then retrieve the md5sums for the individual files 
from the locally archived packages.

You could avoid the problem of people adding files by also generating a 
list of all the files in certain directories (/bin, /lib, /usr) which 
don't match an installed package. This list should hopefully be small 
and manageable enough that someone could scan through it quickly to see 
if anything odd has changed.

As I said in my first email, I'm not sure if I'm up for trying to do 
this all by myself, but I'll let you know if I do make a start on it.



Bernhard R. Link wrote:

* andy baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] [070624 18:19]:
I've tried using debsums - however it's not really a good check on your 
system because the program and the data it's using both come from the 
system you are trying to check, so could be compromised. Also, it seems 
to miss out many important packages - e.g. here's the standard error 
output from a recent run of debsums on my server:

I had someone in the past considered this, too. First of all debsums's
main advantage is looking for unintended changes (and its indeed a shame
so many of the important packages come without, that makes bad RAM or
unreliable controlers a much larger hassle than they needed to be).

To make anything security relevant out of them, the CD would need to
have checksums of the contents of those files (for the different
versions of the packages) and the missing md5sum files on it.

But even that would only make sure none of the official files are
changed, while it is more easy to cause harm by simply adding stuff.
(Even changing can happen by just uninstalling and puting the stuff
manually in there).

So the whole thing would have to be combined with something like a
security focused checker (perhaps similar to cruft).

That together with some code to automatically detect the system and
use the right partitions at the right place would surely be a nice tool,
but if would for sure be an enourmous amount of work before anything
halfly usefull comes out of it.

So good luck and let me know when it is finished. (Because I doubt
anyone else will find the time to do it).

Bernhard R. Link


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: security idea - bootable CD to check your system

2007-06-24 Thread andy baxter

Jim Popovitch wrote:

On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 16:50 +0100, andy baxter wrote:

The difference is that:

a) These all run on the live system they are trying to protect, 

Unless you configure them to only write to an offline mount point that
is normally ro and only rw through external effort which is in
Tripwire's best practices.

-Jim P.
OK, this would work. The problem for me is that it would involve turning 
the media r/w and updating the database every time I run apt-get to 
install security updates, which I do once a week. If I was running a 
large server farm and I was looking after it full time, this would be 
OK, but my situation is that I have two machines, both for personal use, 
and I don't want to have to devote my entire life to looking after the 
security on them. The machines are a laptop for general use, and a 
server which I use for testing and demonstrating small web-based 
projects I do for people on a voluntary basis. They are connected to the 
internet by ADSL, with only the server set to accept incoming connections.

The other night, I had my laptop switched on and a sound file I had 
never heard before played through the speaker (it said 'hello' in 
someone else's voice). I'm assuming I've been cracked and it was 
someone's idea of a joke. I've halted the server in case that was their 
way in, and I'm planning to reinstall both my machines this week, but 
also looking for a more long term solution which I could put some time 
into now and save myself and anyone else who wants to use it a lot of 
trouble in the future.

What I'm looking for is a solution where I can do security updates every 
week, as my first line of defence, but then have a fallback way of 
detecting intrusions which I could run maybe every month, which doesn't 
need too much work to keep on top of it once it's been set up. I can 
probably find ways of improving my security using existing tools, but it 
occurred to me that the system I described would be a pretty watertight 
check on whether a system has been cracked, which is what I'm looking for.

andy baxter.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: security idea - bootable CD to check your system

2007-06-24 Thread andy baxter

Stephan Wehner wrote:

I'm wondering why you are looking only at debian packages. Should the
integrity check not be designed to tell you about all software on your
To be honest, I forgot about this. I'm only running unmodified debian 
packages, but I can see that other people might have systems which use 
custom compiled software.


* Other Linux distributions would also benefit.
* You get more feedback / input / contributions.
* Your system is checked more thoroughly.

I have the impression there are projects already, that would do to the
job with some tweaking (tripwire, ..)

Maybe, although I can't see how you get round the problem that you need 
to update the checksum database every time you install new or updated 


Plus, you might as well bundle the check with a backup-system, since
you are already looking at your system at rest, and no services are
running to worry about.


On 6/24/07, andy baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Popovitch wrote:
 On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 16:50 +0100, andy baxter wrote:

 The difference is that:

 a) These all run on the live system they are trying to protect,

 Unless you configure them to only write to an offline mount point that
 is normally ro and only rw through external effort which is in
 Tripwire's best practices.

 -Jim P.

OK, this would work. The problem for me is that it would involve turning
the media r/w and updating the database every time I run apt-get to
install security updates, which I do once a week. If I was running a
large server farm and I was looking after it full time, this would be
OK, but my situation is that I have two machines, both for personal use,
and I don't want to have to devote my entire life to looking after the
security on them. The machines are a laptop for general use, and a
server which I use for testing and demonstrating small web-based
projects I do for people on a voluntary basis. They are connected to the
internet by ADSL, with only the server set to accept incoming 

The other night, I had my laptop switched on and a sound file I had
never heard before played through the speaker (it said 'hello' in
someone else's voice). I'm assuming I've been cracked and it was
someone's idea of a joke. I've halted the server in case that was their
way in, and I'm planning to reinstall both my machines this week, but
also looking for a more long term solution which I could put some time
into now and save myself and anyone else who wants to use it a lot of
trouble in the future.

What I'm looking for is a solution where I can do security updates every
week, as my first line of defence, but then have a fallback way of
detecting intrusions which I could run maybe every month, which doesn't
need too much work to keep on top of it once it's been set up. I can
probably find ways of improving my security using existing tools, but it
occurred to me that the system I described would be a pretty watertight
check on whether a system has been cracked, which is what I'm looking 

andy baxter.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: security idea - bootable CD to check your system

2007-06-24 Thread andy baxter

Stephan Wehner wrote:

 I have the impression there are projects already, that would do to the
 job with some tweaking (tripwire, ..)

Maybe, although I can't see how you get round the problem that you need
to update the checksum database every time you install new or updated

Ok, I see your problem: you want some other source, not your system,
to hold the values (checksums) that ensure integrity. But you do not
mind that it is online (not available when your system is not
connected to the Internet)

So when you run a security-check, and new software has been added, you
might as well define a route to a place to hold the
newly-to-be-calculated checksums (CD-ROM/USB stick, outside server
where you can post/read, gmail-filesystem, etc).

The idea of doing it this way was that you can run a check at any time 
without having to keep updating the checksum database yourself, because 
it's automatically updated online whenever a new package comes out.

A worthwhile ambition, where I still feel it'll be as hard to make it
debian-only as not. Another point is that configuration files play a
big part in the security of your system and a debian-only package
checksum will not be able to capture the state of locally changed
configurations. For example if your fstab says mount this partitiion
read-only then you would like to be notified by your check if that
has been changed (maliciously).
From what you and other people have said, I'm realising that running a 
secure system isn't as simple as I had thought at first. What I'm 
thinking of doing is putting this idea to the back of my mind for a 
while, and meanwhile concentrating on learning how to secure my network 
better with the existing tools. Hopefully, once I've got some experience 
with this, then I'll be able to see a bit better how far the process can 
be automated.

Thanks to everyone who has replied for your time.

andy baxter.

 Plus, you might as well bundle the check with a backup-system, since
 you are already looking at your system at rest, and no services are
 running to worry about.


 On 6/24/07, andy baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Popovitch wrote:
  On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 16:50 +0100, andy baxter wrote:
  The difference is that:
  a) These all run on the live system they are trying to protect,
  Unless you configure them to only write to an offline mount 
point that

  is normally ro and only rw through external effort which is in
  Tripwire's best practices.
  -Jim P.
 OK, this would work. The problem for me is that it would involve 

 the media r/w and updating the database every time I run apt-get to
 install security updates, which I do once a week. If I was running a
 large server farm and I was looking after it full time, this would be
 OK, but my situation is that I have two machines, both for 
personal use,
 and I don't want to have to devote my entire life to looking after 

 security on them. The machines are a laptop for general use, and a
 server which I use for testing and demonstrating small web-based
 projects I do for people on a voluntary basis. They are connected 
to the

 internet by ADSL, with only the server set to accept incoming

 The other night, I had my laptop switched on and a sound file I had
 never heard before played through the speaker (it said 'hello' in
 someone else's voice). I'm assuming I've been cracked and it was
 someone's idea of a joke. I've halted the server in case that was 

 way in, and I'm planning to reinstall both my machines this week, but
 also looking for a more long term solution which I could put some 

 into now and save myself and anyone else who wants to use it a lot of
 trouble in the future.

 What I'm looking for is a solution where I can do security updates 

 week, as my first line of defence, but then have a fallback way of
 detecting intrusions which I could run maybe every month, which 

 need too much work to keep on top of it once it's been set up. I can
 probably find ways of improving my security using existing tools, 
but it
 occurred to me that the system I described would be a pretty 

 check on whether a system has been cracked, which is what I'm looking

 andy baxter.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hey, dude, it's me ^_^ :P (SpamEnder: BLOCKED

2004-03-29 Thread Andy Tunstall
In an effort to eliminate unsolicited e-mail, I have installed SpamEnder.  Please 
REPLY to this e-mail, without modifying the subject line, so that I can receive your 
original message. Upon my approval, future e-mails you send to me will be released 
automatically. If you do not REPLY to this e-mail, SpamEnder will block all future 
e-mails from this address and will not give you another opportunity to reply.

Copyright 2003, Evolvian, Inc. (

Excerpt from original message:
 I don't  bite, weah!

pass: 74636

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: Hey, dude, it's me ^_^ :P (SpamEnder: BLOCKED

2004-03-29 Thread Andy Tunstall
In an effort to eliminate unsolicited e-mail, I have installed SpamEnder.  
Please REPLY to this e-mail, without modifying the subject line, so that I can 
receive your original message. Upon my approval, future e-mails you send to me 
will be released automatically. If you do not REPLY to this e-mail, SpamEnder 
will block all future e-mails from this address and will not give you another 
opportunity to reply.

Copyright 2003, Evolvian, Inc. (

Excerpt from original message:
 I don't  bite, weah!

pass: 74636

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: Debian + Verisign's .com/.net hijack

2003-09-17 Thread Andy Coates
Dale Amon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 What precisely have they done? I'd not heard about
 their latest idiocy... 
 [I note that I just got html mail from them about 
  a domain renewal... I just delete html mail 
  without reading.]

They've put a wildcard DNS entry for .com and .net to resolve to their
product called SiteFinder which offers a IE/MSN like Did you mean
to type  services.

So any domain that doesn't exist, or in the PENDING/DELETE states, or has
no nameservers associated with it, now resolves.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian + Verisign's .com/.net hijack

2003-09-17 Thread Andy Coates
Dale Amon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 11:57:16AM +0100, Andy Coates wrote:
  They've put a wildcard DNS entry for .com and .net to resolve to their
  product called SiteFinder which offers a IE/MSN like Did you mean
  to type  services.
  So any domain that doesn't exist, or in the PENDING/DELETE states, or has
  no nameservers associated with it, now resolves.
 Ah, so what would happen if many thousands of people ran pings 
 and other things against nonexistant names?

Pings are being blocked AFAIK, but there are many ports open (mail for
example).  Best bet is to search the NANOG lists (, whole
lotta information and discussion about it there.


RE: XP box inside the firewall

2003-07-31 Thread Andy Simpkins
If adding a DMZ isn't suitable you should cirtainly block cirtain outgoing
I recomend blocking every outgoing port except thouse that you need (i.e.
http, ssh etc)
would also recomend blocking outgoing email from everything except the
firewall, that way if the windoze box (or any other) picks up a nasty it
will not be able to email by itself to the rest of the world...


-Original Message-
From: Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 30 July 2003 22:44
Subject: Re: XP box inside the firewall

Kristof Goossens, 2003-Jul-30 14:09 +0200:
 On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 02:01:06PM +0200, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
  Hi all!


  The question is really if I could do something in the firewall that
  would help isolate the XP box somewhat. Closing outgoing ports (input
  ports are all closed), drop certain types of packages, or something
  like that?

 You can set the notebook on a different network. Put the firewall/router
 on that network with another nic. It's the principle of a dmz... By
 the notebook on another network, and prohibitting access from that network
 to the internal network, you can keep your internal systems safer...

This is a good option.  In addition, or even instead of this, educate
your parents about your security concerns.  Assuming that you trust
your parents, education could be the simplest solution.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: XP box inside the firewall

2003-07-31 Thread Andy Simpkins
If adding a DMZ isn't suitable you should cirtainly block cirtain outgoing
I recomend blocking every outgoing port except thouse that you need (i.e.
http, ssh etc)
would also recomend blocking outgoing email from everything except the
firewall, that way if the windoze box (or any other) picks up a nasty it
will not be able to email by itself to the rest of the world...


-Original Message-
From: Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 30 July 2003 22:44
Subject: Re: XP box inside the firewall

Kristof Goossens, 2003-Jul-30 14:09 +0200:
 On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 02:01:06PM +0200, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
  Hi all!


  The question is really if I could do something in the firewall that
  would help isolate the XP box somewhat. Closing outgoing ports (input
  ports are all closed), drop certain types of packages, or something
  like that?

 You can set the notebook on a different network. Put the firewall/router
 on that network with another nic. It's the principle of a dmz... By
 the notebook on another network, and prohibitting access from that network
 to the internal network, you can keep your internal systems safer...

This is a good option.  In addition, or even instead of this, educate
your parents about your security concerns.  Assuming that you trust
your parents, education could be the simplest solution.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: DSA-311-1 New kernel packages - Bug is not fixed!

2003-06-09 Thread Andy
Once you've run that exploit once it sets itself as setuid=root

check for that will you? :)

if that's the case, recompile  reexecute


On Monday 09 June 2003 20:25, Helmar wrote:
 - From the security advisory 311-1:

 Package: kernel
 Vulnerability  : several
 Problem-Type   : local, remote
 Debian-specific: no
 CVE Ids: CVE-2002-0429 CAN-2003-0001 CAN-2003-0127 CAN-2003-0244
 CAN-2003-0246 CAN-2003-0247 CAN-2003-0248 CAN-2003-0364

 A number of vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Linux kernel.


 - - CAN-2003-0127: The kernel module loader allows local users to gain
root privileges by using ptrace to attach to a child process that is
spawned by the kernel


 - End of excerpt.

 I just upgraded my kernel image from 2.4.18-k6 to 2.4.18-1-k6 and i
 cannot confirm that the above bug has been fixed. The simple exploit (i
 think it has been from bugtraq) is still working fine, giving every
 local user easily root privileges.

 Could it be that this has only been fixed in more recent kernel versions
 or has there been some kind of error?

 I hope this has been the right list to post on...

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DSA-311-1 New kernel packages - Bug is not fixed!

2003-06-09 Thread Andy
Once you've run that exploit once it sets itself as setuid=root

check for that will you? :)

if that's the case, recompile  reexecute


On Monday 09 June 2003 20:25, Helmar wrote:
 - From the security advisory 311-1:

 Package: kernel
 Vulnerability  : several
 Problem-Type   : local, remote
 Debian-specific: no
 CVE Ids: CVE-2002-0429 CAN-2003-0001 CAN-2003-0127 CAN-2003-0244
 CAN-2003-0246 CAN-2003-0247 CAN-2003-0248 CAN-2003-0364

 A number of vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Linux kernel.


 - - CAN-2003-0127: The kernel module loader allows local users to gain
root privileges by using ptrace to attach to a child process that is
spawned by the kernel


 - End of excerpt.

 I just upgraded my kernel image from 2.4.18-k6 to 2.4.18-1-k6 and i
 cannot confirm that the above bug has been fixed. The simple exploit (i
 think it has been from bugtraq) is still working fine, giving every
 local user easily root privileges.

 Could it be that this has only been fixed in more recent kernel versions
 or has there been some kind of error?

 I hope this has been the right list to post on...

RE: port 113

2002-12-02 Thread Andy Coates
 Hi All,
 Logs in my firewall shows me incoming connections to port 113 of the
 firewall!! What it means?

Some service you or your computer is connecting to is checking your
ident.  Disable the identd daemon or comment out the entry in inetd.conf
if you do it that way.

Usually happens when you IRC, or some FTP sites check.  Don't recall a
vulnerability for it.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: port 113

2002-12-02 Thread Andy Coates

Netbios related probes I think (windows machines).  If you don't have
any win machines, ignore it.

Easiest place for these sort of queries is google - plenty of people ask
the same type of questions.


 Ok, but if the port is 137 is that a problem?
 Andy Coates writes:
   Hi All,
   Logs in my firewall shows me incoming connections to port 
 113 of the
   firewall!! What it means?
  Some service you or your computer is connecting to is checking your
  ident.  Disable the identd daemon or comment out the entry 
 in inetd.conf
  if you do it that way.
  Usually happens when you IRC, or some FTP sites check.  
 Don't recall a
  vulnerability for it.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: port 113

2002-12-02 Thread Andy Coates
 Hi All,
 Logs in my firewall shows me incoming connections to port 113 of the
 firewall!! What it means?

Some service you or your computer is connecting to is checking your
ident.  Disable the identd daemon or comment out the entry in inetd.conf
if you do it that way.

Usually happens when you IRC, or some FTP sites check.  Don't recall a
vulnerability for it.


RE: port 113

2002-12-02 Thread Andy Coates

Netbios related probes I think (windows machines).  If you don't have
any win machines, ignore it.

Easiest place for these sort of queries is google - plenty of people ask
the same type of questions.


 Ok, but if the port is 137 is that a problem?
 Andy Coates writes:
   Hi All,
   Logs in my firewall shows me incoming connections to port 
 113 of the
   firewall!! What it means?
  Some service you or your computer is connecting to is checking your
  ident.  Disable the identd daemon or comment out the entry 
 in inetd.conf
  if you do it that way.
  Usually happens when you IRC, or some FTP sites check.  
 Don't recall a
  vulnerability for it.

RE: synchronized pings

2002-10-10 Thread Andy Coates

 El 10 de oct de 2002, a las 09:31 +, P. Ook escribio:
  Hi all,
  I've found 'synchronized pings' in my logs from several 
 hosts all around the world.
  Today they where 11 hosts more or less doing ping to my 
 Debian box at the same time
  (11 pings in the same second). Sure this is not a DOS 
 attack, almost for my server,
  but i can't understand why they are pinging me all at the 
 same time, three o more
  times a day. Any ideas?
  Searching in the logs I found pings from same of theese 
 hosts a month ago, but in that
  days they were only 3-5 hosts pinging me at the same time...
  Thank you very much in advance.
 -- Fin de mensaje original --
   These could be what people said  smurf attack. Take a look at:

If it was a smurf attack, you'd see pings from hosts on the same subnet
(since the idea is one echo results in more than one reply).  Since
they're all different in his logs, this basically rules smurf out.

If you check the IPs, they all belong to one company (SPEEDERA) who
specialise in content delivery.  I'm guessing someone in your network
(or even yourself) is viewing some sort of media they distribute, and
one of the techniques for finding the closest distribution point to you
could be a simple ping test.

Akamai do it if I recall, and these people seem very similar.  They
usually welcome requests to stop testing, since some people do get


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: synchronized pings

2002-10-10 Thread Andy Coates
 El 10 de oct de 2002, a las 09:31 +, P. Ook escribio:
  Hi all,
  I've found 'synchronized pings' in my logs from several 
 hosts all around the world.
  Today they where 11 hosts more or less doing ping to my 
 Debian box at the same time
  (11 pings in the same second). Sure this is not a DOS 
 attack, almost for my server,
  but i can't understand why they are pinging me all at the 
 same time, three o more
  times a day. Any ideas?
  Searching in the logs I found pings from same of theese 
 hosts a month ago, but in that
  days they were only 3-5 hosts pinging me at the same time...
  Thank you very much in advance.
 -- Fin de mensaje original --
   These could be what people said  smurf attack. Take a look at:

If it was a smurf attack, you'd see pings from hosts on the same subnet
(since the idea is one echo results in more than one reply).  Since
they're all different in his logs, this basically rules smurf out.

If you check the IPs, they all belong to one company (SPEEDERA) who
specialise in content delivery.  I'm guessing someone in your network
(or even yourself) is viewing some sort of media they distribute, and
one of the techniques for finding the closest distribution point to you
could be a simple ping test.

Akamai do it if I recall, and these people seem very similar.  They
usually welcome requests to stop testing, since some people do get


RE: Setting up a mail server

2002-09-03 Thread Andy Coates
 Hello all,


 Now I find myself in the position of changing the setup, so 
 that it is a
 real internet-facing mail server.  It will act as the MX for 
 my domain,
 using exim, and will distribute the mail to people, either still with
 qpopper or with an IMAP server (haven't decided yet).
 There are several questions I have at this point:
 I would like to add user accounts, so that exim and qpopper (or IMAP)
 accept and deliver mail for them, but not allow these users shell
 access.  Is changing their shell to /bin/false enough, or is there a
 smarter way (or one that is not quite so manual?)

You'd want to go one step further and forget even adding them an
account.  Qpopper supports PAM modules for other authentication than
/etc/passwd, as well as third-party patches for alternate mechanisms.
This usually means that all mail on the system is handled by one user,
since there is no individual unix accounts actually in use.

I don't use qpopper myself (since IIRC it doesn't support IMAP, just
POP3).  If you're open to alternatives, have a look at Courier MTA
( which supports both POP3 and IMAP via many
authentication systems, and it'll also do your SSL.  Main reason I use
this is for integration with qmailadmin/vpopmail, but even with exim
since it uses Maildir format so your mail deliveries won't need any
special tweaking.

 Many of these user accounts will no doubt be sending and 
 receiving email
 from dial-up accounts, which limits the ability to deny service on a
 per-IP basis.  Suggestions for security, with pointers, please?  I
 already plan on SSL, I'm asking I guess more about open relay 
 issues in
 this sort of setup.  Also, these user accounts will not be 
 dialing into
 an ISP that I control, but I may wish to allow them to use me as a
 smarthost - does this seem foolish?  I am undecided.

Use SMTP AUTH with exim too (no special patches needed).  You can
configure it to query wherever you decide to authenticate POP3/IMAP
from, so you have one password for both reading and sending mail.

 Anything you think I'm leaving out?  I've done a lot of googling and
 RTFM'ing recently, but I haven't found a really good guide to 
 security considerations for a mail host - if someone has a 
 good link it
 would be appreciated.

I'd look at the whole picture - you'll be giving users access to mail,
and the ability to relay mail.  Both require authentication, so you'd
save yourself a lot of hassle if both authenticated against the same

There's probably hundreds of combinations to achieve that, but since
Courier is probably the most configurable with regards to
authentication, and exim is just sexy anyway, I'd say those two are your
best bet.  Both can be configured to authenticate against a MySQL
database (or LDAP), which are relatively easy to setup and plenty of
examples on the web on how to do so.

You seem to be aiming for a very secure system, so what I've said might
not be the *ultimate* secure system, but it is very simple and easily
managed - as well as being as safe as you'll probably ever need.


Re: red worm amusement

2001-07-20 Thread Andy Bastien

In the depths of that dark day Sat Jul 21, the words of Wichert Akkerman were 
the beacon:
 For amusement I checked the web logs for a few debian machines to see
 if they had some red worm attempts. Seems we've been probed a fair
 bit: 16 times on, 22 on and 18
 on Almost all attempts were made on July 19. Aren't
 we glad we all run Linux? :)

I've got nothing in my web logs, but I've gotten a whole lot of these
over the past couple of days:

Jul 19 12:00:47 router kernel: IN=eth1 OUT= 
MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 SRC= 
DST=123.456.789.012 LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=116 ID=47979 DF PROTO=TCP 
SPT=1707 DPT=80 WINDOW=8760 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

Along with the normal crop of connection attempts to ports 111 and
27374.  That's life on Roadrunner.

Re: Followup: Syslog

2001-04-15 Thread Andy Bastien

Of all the days, it was on Sat, Apr 14, 2001 at 02:32:20PM -0400 that Jacob Kuntz 
 from the secret journal of Andy Bastien ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Another technique is to use a separate logging server which has the
  transmit leads on it's ethernet connection snipped.  It's capable of
  receiving (via UDP only, since it can't ACK!) log entries, but it's
  virtually impossible to start an interactive session remotely to shut
  it down or otherwise interfere with it.  It's possible to attack the
 It also can't arp. You'll need to prime the arp cache from a file for every
 host that needs immutable logs. Have you tried this? I wonder if you'll even
 get a link light.
 A syslog that strips formfeeds and line feeds attached to a printer is a
 little better, but I haven't found an efficient way to egrep with my eyes.

I have to admit I've never done this myself, but I know people who do.
If you have a hub that won't sent packets to the link because the
transmit leads don't make a circuit, the leads can be looped back or
some hubs will let you disable link detection.

Here's a page that discusses how to make a receive-only cable (scroll
down to 3.6):

This from a mailing list discussion about some problems that people
have had with cutting the transmit wires.  Be aware that the guy who
starts the thread clipped the wrong wires:

Of course, you can use a standard cable with a dedicated logging
network segment and disable all network services on the logging server
except for syslog.  Different networks are find that different
solutions work the best for them.  I also don't want to claim that
there is anything wrong with logging to a printer, and some people
might want to log to a printer and a remote server.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Followup: Syslog

2001-04-15 Thread Andy Bastien
Of all the days, it was on Sat, Apr 14, 2001 at 02:32:20PM -0400 that Jacob 
Kuntz quoth:
 from the secret journal of Andy Bastien ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Another technique is to use a separate logging server which has the
  transmit leads on it's ethernet connection snipped.  It's capable of
  receiving (via UDP only, since it can't ACK!) log entries, but it's
  virtually impossible to start an interactive session remotely to shut
  it down or otherwise interfere with it.  It's possible to attack the
 It also can't arp. You'll need to prime the arp cache from a file for every
 host that needs immutable logs. Have you tried this? I wonder if you'll even
 get a link light.
 A syslog that strips formfeeds and line feeds attached to a printer is a
 little better, but I haven't found an efficient way to egrep with my eyes.

I have to admit I've never done this myself, but I know people who do.
If you have a hub that won't sent packets to the link because the
transmit leads don't make a circuit, the leads can be looped back or
some hubs will let you disable link detection.

Here's a page that discusses how to make a receive-only cable (scroll
down to 3.6):

This from a mailing list discussion about some problems that people
have had with cutting the transmit wires.  Be aware that the guy who
starts the thread clipped the wrong wires:

Of course, you can use a standard cable with a dedicated logging
network segment and disable all network services on the logging server
except for syslog.  Different networks are find that different
solutions work the best for them.  I also don't want to claim that
there is anything wrong with logging to a printer, and some people
might want to log to a printer and a remote server.

Re: Followup: Syslog

2001-04-14 Thread Andy Bastien

Of all the days, it was on Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 05:54:07PM -0500 that Kevin van Haaren 
 --On Friday, April 13, 2001 3:40 PM -0700 Micah Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 hath wrote:
 | One additional tweak which falls into line with the security setups, that
 | I think is a good idea is to made the log files in /var/log to be chattr
 | +a (append only) so logfiles cannot be modified or removed altogether to
 | cover up tracks. This isn't the the biggest security trick because all it
 | does is make it if you don't know about chattr then you can't install a
 | trojan. If you've got root then removing the immutability flags is
 | trivial, but only if you know how to, or even know they exist. But it has
 | kept the lower-level admins at a site I work at from modifying the
 | logfiles, which is against policy.
 if you want a real way to do this (more than just obscuring what you've 
 done) go get one of those old dot-matrix printers with fanfold paperfeed 
 and dump your logs to it in addition to the one on drive.  Keep it in a 
 secured room.

Another technique is to use a separate logging server which has the
transmit leads on it's ethernet connection snipped.  It's capable of
receiving (via UDP only, since it can't ACK!) log entries, but it's
virtually impossible to start an interactive session remotely to shut
it down or otherwise interfere with it.  It's possible to attack the
server that is sending the log entries to shut down its connection to
the logging server, but this is probably no easier that disabling a
printer on a parallel port (a simple way is to send 1 formfeeds),
and by the time this can be accomplished, there should already be a
trail of log entries.  Old log entries can be written to multiple CDRs
for archival purposes, with a copy stored in a secure off-site

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Followup: Syslog

2001-04-14 Thread Andy Bastien
Of all the days, it was on Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 05:54:07PM -0500 that Kevin van 
Haaren quoth:
 --On Friday, April 13, 2001 3:40 PM -0700 Micah Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 hath wrote:
 | One additional tweak which falls into line with the security setups, that
 | I think is a good idea is to made the log files in /var/log to be chattr
 | +a (append only) so logfiles cannot be modified or removed altogether to
 | cover up tracks. This isn't the the biggest security trick because all it
 | does is make it if you don't know about chattr then you can't install a
 | trojan. If you've got root then removing the immutability flags is
 | trivial, but only if you know how to, or even know they exist. But it has
 | kept the lower-level admins at a site I work at from modifying the
 | logfiles, which is against policy.
 if you want a real way to do this (more than just obscuring what you've 
 done) go get one of those old dot-matrix printers with fanfold paperfeed 
 and dump your logs to it in addition to the one on drive.  Keep it in a 
 secured room.

Another technique is to use a separate logging server which has the
transmit leads on it's ethernet connection snipped.  It's capable of
receiving (via UDP only, since it can't ACK!) log entries, but it's
virtually impossible to start an interactive session remotely to shut
it down or otherwise interfere with it.  It's possible to attack the
server that is sending the log entries to shut down its connection to
the logging server, but this is probably no easier that disabling a
printer on a parallel port (a simple way is to send 1 formfeeds),
and by the time this can be accomplished, there should already be a
trail of log entries.  Old log entries can be written to multiple CDRs
for archival purposes, with a copy stored in a secure off-site

[ [SECURITY] [DSA 027-1] New OpenSSH packages released]

2001-02-08 Thread andy
a note to sparc users (and others): the versions of ssh and ssh-askpass-gnome
referenced below and to be found at

have earlier version numbers than the packages uploaded on Jan 28 (e.g,
ssh_1.2.3-9.3_sparc.deb), which fixed the lack of pam support
( - was there a reason why only
some users noticed that problem?).  

the version numbering seems to have gotten a touch off...  looks like the pam
support remains present.


- Forwarded message from Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

 Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 00:08:58 +0100
 From: Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Debian Security Announcements
 Subject: [SECURITY] [DSA 027-1] New OpenSSH packages released
 Hash: SHA1
 Debian Security Advisory DSA-027-1   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Martin Schulze
 February 8, 2001
 Package: openssh
 Vulnerability  : remote memory overwrite, key exchange problem
 Type   : remote exploit
 Debian-specific: no
 This upload fixes:
  1. Prior versions of OpenSSH are vulnerable to a remote arbitrary
 memory overwrite attack which may eventually lead into a root
 exploit.  No exploit program is known yet but expected to come up
  2. CORE-SDI has described a problem with regards to RSA key exchange
 and a Bleichenbacher attack to gather the session key from an ssh
 We recommend you upgrade your openssh package immediately.
 wget url
   will fetch the file for you
 dpkg -i file.deb
 will install the referenced file.
 You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
 footer to the proper configuration.
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 alias potato
   Potato was released for the alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc and sparc
   Source archives:
   MD5 checksum: b823b3a94de32533cb35c23a9b956c5c
   MD5 checksum: bae514efd776c6007944677e767c60a0
   MD5 checksum: 6aad0cc9ceca55f138ed1ba4cf660349
   Intel ia32 architecture:
   MD5 checksum: 0283cfa29a7ac7e7857a6e86202d
   MD5 checksum: e093ef0bc4201860c66edc859f064e71
   Motorola 680x0 architecture:
   MD5 checksum: a7f52d223f5755dacc09c20bbaf10d3e
   MD5 checksum: 50cbe82d6f733357350cbedebc6b58a6
   Sun Sparc architecture:
   MD5 checksum: c2b2aefe74ba8852f0ac0bb2a3145892
   MD5 checksum: d0de50b38fd8b517aa2b62fd15d5fcd4
   Alpha architecture:
   MD5 checksum: 5be857c6395f02bb9b454bfb13621b06
   MD5 checksum: e55ef711299a60f5ee5df935a5db4931
   PowerPC architecture:
   MD5 checksum: 343c30fec20cf21f7075d86eed9f66f5
   MD5 checksum: 12d7876a78d4eb9485b1aec8da28d3f9
   ARM architecture:
   MD5 checksum: fc55f1ec0dfba1175f7060235a6d6d09
   MD5 checksum: 3e01291dedf24d01e5645734ec2c4cfb
   Architecture independent:

Re: Ext2 - ?????????? ??????????

2001-01-29 Thread Andy Bastien

Of all the days, it was on Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 08:35:57PM + that Tom Breza quoth:
 Can u write in English pls? or don't write at all

Oh, the irony.

  e2fsck ‚ ‚Œ  Œ ƒ‚.
  šˆ  ‚ ƒ‹ ‹ ‚€ƒ 
ƒ‡‚Œ ‚‚ ...  ‚
  ŽŒ ƒ  ‚ ‹ ‡‚ .

Although something in a Roman alphabet would at least have a chance
with the fish.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ext2 - ?????????? ??????????

2001-01-29 Thread Andy Bastien
Of all the days, it was on Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 08:35:57PM + that Tom Breza 
 Can u write in English pls? or don't write at all

Oh, the irony.

  e2fsck помогает только на несколько минут.
  Конешно с такими скудными данными трудно 
  получить ответ ... но всетаки
  надеюсь у кого то было нечто подобное.

Although something in a Roman alphabet would at least have a chance
with the fish.

Re: Clear screan question

2001-01-28 Thread Andy Bastien

Of all the days, it was on Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 09:00:07AM -0600 that wes schreiner 
 "Sander Smeenk (CistroN Medewerker)" wrote:
  Quoting wes schreiner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Not that I can see, though I'd love to know of a clean way to clear the
   scroll-back buffer.  I agree it's a bit hackish.  Can anyone come up
   with something better?
  Ehm.. I did this:
  knopje# echo -e "\033[2J\033[1;1H"
  knopje# cat /etc/issue
  knopje# mv /etc/issue
  And now when i log out from consoles the screen clears and the scrollback
  buffer is empty.. The \0332J is ANSI for Clear Screen and \033[1;1H is ANSI
  for place cursor on x1 y1...
  Works for me...
 Tried it, but this only clears the immediately visible screen for me,
 not the scroll-back buffer.  I'm using mgetty, are you using mingetty or
 some other *getty?  Maybe that's the difference.  If so, then Ethan's vt
 switching method is better because it doesn't depend on the getty.

These ANSI codes do only clear the screen when the user logs out,
which was the original question.  At some point somebody interpreted it
to be about clearing the scrollback buffer, and things have been going
off on that tangent ever since.  FWIW, I posted these ANSI codes about
two days ago and also noted that they don't work at all if you don't
have an ANSI terminal.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Clear screan question

2001-01-28 Thread Andy Bastien
Of all the days, it was on Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 09:00:07AM -0600 that wes 
schreiner quoth:
 Sander Smeenk (CistroN Medewerker) wrote:
  Quoting wes schreiner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Not that I can see, though I'd love to know of a clean way to clear the
   scroll-back buffer.  I agree it's a bit hackish.  Can anyone come up
   with something better?
  Ehm.. I did this:
  knopje# echo -e \033[2J\033[1;1H
  knopje# cat /etc/issue
  knopje# mv /etc/issue
  And now when i log out from consoles the screen clears and the scrollback
  buffer is empty.. The \0332J is ANSI for Clear Screen and \033[1;1H is ANSI
  for place cursor on x1 y1...
  Works for me...
 Tried it, but this only clears the immediately visible screen for me,
 not the scroll-back buffer.  I'm using mgetty, are you using mingetty or
 some other *getty?  Maybe that's the difference.  If so, then Ethan's vt
 switching method is better because it doesn't depend on the getty.

These ANSI codes do only clear the screen when the user logs out,
which was the original question.  At some point somebody interpreted it
to be about clearing the scrollback buffer, and things have been going
off on that tangent ever since.  FWIW, I posted these ANSI codes about
two days ago and also noted that they don't work at all if you don't
have an ANSI terminal.

Re: Clear screan question

2001-01-28 Thread Andy Bastien
Of all the days, it was on Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 01:38:10PM -0600 that wes 
schreiner quoth:
 Andy Bastien wrote:
  These ANSI codes do only clear the screen when the user logs out,
  which was the original question.  At some point somebody interpreted it
  to be about clearing the scrollback buffer, and things have been going
  off on that tangent ever since. 
 Sorry Andy, but you are the one off on a tangent.  Here's the original
 message from Tom Breza [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I just use fetch and I been editing filie fetchmail, after I 
 finish editing file I log off from by presing CTRL-D but above 
 log prompt I can read what was been done before, is any chance 
 to clear screan complitly when I log off? That when I press SHIFT-PgUp 
 nobody can see anything?
 See that SHIFT-PgUp?  We have always been talking about clearing the
 console scroll-back buffer.  Just clearing the screen is easy, that's

You're right, I missed that.

 why this thread has shown several ways to do that.  Clearing the
 scroll-back buffer is trickier.  Either one uses a logout script to fill
 it with blank space (my suggestion) or the script switches to an unused
 vt and back (Ethan's suggestion).  Got an ANSI code to do that?

Well, no.  I always disable the scrollback buffer on the console, because
the last thing I want people to do is come by and see other users have
been up to.  In xterms, the scrollback buffer goes away when the terminal
window is closed, so it's not a problem.

Re: Clear screan question

2001-01-26 Thread Andy Bastien

Of all the days, it was on Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 01:53:31AM +0100 that Tim van Erven 
 On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 05:03:49PM -0600, wes schreiner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Tom Breza wrote:
   I just use fetch and I been editing filie fetchmail, after I finish
   editing file I log off from by presing CTRL-D but above log prompt I can
   read what was been done before, is any chance to clear screan complitly
   when I log off? That when I press SHIFT-PgUp nobody can see anything?
  Most shells have a file they will run at logout.  For bash this is
  ~/.bash_logout.  In my ~/.bash_logout I have:
  echo ^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L
  echo ^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L
  echo ^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L
  echo ^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L
  echo ^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L
  echo ^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L
  echo ^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L
  The idea is to have enough Control-L's to clear out the scroll-back
  buffer and the clear is there so that the next login happens at the top
  of the screen.  Works like a charm.
 Doesn't seem to work for me. It just prints out the '^L's. I replaced
 it with:
 echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
 echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
 echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
 echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
 echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
 echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
 which works just fine. Notice that this is also one echo shorter which
 is sufficient on my potato install and saves a little time.
 It's still got a hackish feel about it however. Anyone know if there's
 a cleaner way to do this?

If you have an ANSI terminal, you can put an ESC[2J ESC[0;0H in
/etc/issue.  The color codes also work, BTW.
VTxxx terminals probably have a similar screen-clearing code, but I
don't know what it is.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

file ownership in liblockfile1 1.01 (sparc)

2000-10-11 Thread andy
just ran tiger on a fresh debian (2.2) install, and received the following

# Performing check of PATH components...
# Only checking user 'root'
--WARN-- [path002w] /usr/bin/dotlockfile in root's PATH from default is
not owned by root (owned by dovienya).

--WARN-- [x] The following files have undefined groups ownership:

and sure enough...

-rwxr-sr-x1 dovienya mail /usr/bin/dotlockfile
-rw-r--r--1 root 500  /usr/doc/liblockfile1/changelog.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root 500  /usr/doc/liblockfile1/copyright
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root /usr/lib/ -
-rw-r--r--1 root 500  /usr/lib/
-rw-r--r--1 root 500  /usr/man/man1/dotlockfile.1
-rwxr-xr-x1 root 500  /var/lib/dpkg/info/liblockfile1.postinst
-rwxr-xr-x1 root 500  /var/lib/dpkg/info/liblockfile1.shlibs

i verified that the same holds true on two other installs, and didn't find
any information on this on the net at large...  so i thought i'd send an
email out debian-security way to get some feedback...

