Re: PAM support on potato

2000-10-24 Thread Jamie Heilman

Philippe BARNETCHE wrote:

> It looks like xdm doesn't support pam.
take a look at the "Looking Ahead" section

> I can't get pam_ldap working (either with login or gdm or kdm) while it's 
> running great on other distributions.

depending on your needs this will cover gdm or not, here's what I use:
auth requisite
auth required
auth required
account  required
session  required
password required

It should be noted that I don't use a pam_unix failover for auth or session
because on my workstation there are no valid shell accounts in the password
file, outside of root ofcourse who shouldn't be loging in via gdm ever

I haven't had any luck getting the pam_ldap password stuff to work, ymmv.

login is more complicated and you should really understand fully what
you're doing before you construct a login pam config.  But suffice it to
say that pam_ldap does work atleast for auth and account.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PAM support on potato

2000-10-24 Thread Jamie Heilman

Wichert Akkerman wrote:

> Shouldn't the auth bit be:
> auth required
> auth required
> auth sufficient
> auth required
> Otherwise you won't be able to login using local accounts.

Well it would be if I had local accounts, but I don't.  Thats what I was
trying to explain when I was talking about why I didn't have a pam_unix
failover. (lousy word I know, I just couldn't think of a better one)
> The current version might be broken; the vesion in potato should work
> just fine.

I'm using the one from potato, everytime I try to get password working it
ends up either asking my password too many times, or simply ignores the
cracklib requirements I've tried to pair it with.  Another part of the
problem is also openldap's mandate that the password be encrypted by the
pam module, which while I understand why they did that, is a pain because
now we have to deal with buggy hashing mechanisms in every program that
comes along and wants to change passwords.  IIRC pam_ldap fails to put the
{md5} token in front of a generated md5 hash, this is probably fixed in the
more recent versions, I haven't checked.  Anyway, I wanted to use salted
SHA and that wasn't supported at all.

If anyone has a working pam_ldap married to cracklib pam configuration for
potato, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nss-ldap security bug

2000-11-03 Thread Jamie Heilman

Don't race to install 110-3, it has unresolved symbols.
See bug #76018

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nss-ldap security bug

2000-11-23 Thread Jamie Heilman

The libnns-ldap 122-1 update made it into r1 without ever having an
official Security Alert announcement, I dunno how big of a deal this is,
but I figured I should dredge it up incase it needed be addressed
officially.  Anyone?

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nss-ldap security bug

2000-11-23 Thread Jamie Heilman

> I know, it's on the list of things to do. Since it's already in there it
> has a lower priority then fixing things that don't have a fix yet
> though.

Thats cool, it hasn't been compiled for alpha yet either so I guess there's
still work to be done.

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

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Re: Strange logs for connection

2001-01-23 Thread Jamie Heilman

Fran?ois Conza wrote:

> I receive this log by mail from my server but dont understand
> In my /etc/hosts.deny i have :
> ALL:ALL:spawn (safe_finger -l @%h | mail -s %u-%c root) &:banners 
> portmap: ALL

you're portmap: ALL rule will never be reached, the first line makes it 
> This is a mail from my serveur :
> []
>  Login: operator   Name: operator
>  Directory: /rootShell: /bin/sh
>  On since Mon Jan 22 08:56 (CET) on pts/0 from
> 41 minutes 26 seconds idle
>  No mail.
>  No Plan.
> That this mean ? I have a back door in my serveur ?
> That can i do ?

No, this is what safe_finger returned, its part of the output you asked for
in your hosts.deny.  Some fool at has a finger daemon
running, beyond that the information isn't horribly usefull, we don't know
that finger daemon is telling you the truth.  If you ask me spawning
safe_finger is a waste of time, it provides no trustworthy information and
generally only alerts a would-be attacker to the fact you have automata
that returns a probe when tickled.

If you really want to use tcp_wrappers to notify of abnormal access
attempts I suggest using something more like this:

ALL: ALL: spawn (mail -s "%s access attempt from %h"  This is an nmap on my serveur

If you don't need it, don't run it.  Try identifying all the processes
which are using those ports using "lsof" and "netstat -taup" anything you
don't need you should disable.

Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

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Re: glibc LD_PRELOAD

2001-01-30 Thread Jamie Heilman

Ethan Benson wrote:

> is potato vulnerable to the LD_PRELOAD file overwriting vulnerability
> discussed at
> there was an unexplained libc6 update on Jan 10 for i386 (but not
> powerpc, not sure about other archs) to, all the
> changelog mentions is `Add backported security patch from glibc 2.2' 
> current version of libc6 on powerpc is: 2.1.3-13
> current version of libc6 on i386 is: 2.1.3-15

I believe there have been attempts to fix this, atleast in 2.1.3-16 and
later.  From the 2.1.3-16 changelog:

  * Ok, include Solar Designers nifty patch for more security issues.
Thanks to Solar again for making me do a double release :)

 -- Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun, 14 Jan 2001 00:30:17 -0500

However 2.1.3-17 exhibits odd behavior which I mentioned to Ben in a
private email, though he hasn't got back to me on if its now deemed
"normal" or whatever.  Basically ldd doesn't work as expected anymore, as
illustrated by:

[60]polyphony<~/>ls -l /usr/bin/wall
-rwxr-sr-x1 root tty  9276 Jul 27  2000 /usr/bin/wall
[61]polyphony<~/>ldd /usr/bin/wall
wall: /dev/:0: No such file or directory

Broadcast Message from jamie@polyphony
(/dev/pts/4) at 13:20 ...


[62]polyphony<~/>sudo su -
polyphony:~# ldd /usr/bin/wall
wall: /dev/:0: No such file or directory

Broadcast Message from jamie@polyphony
(/dev/pts/4) at 13:21 ...



I have no idea if this has further reaching consequences, but ldd didn't
used to actually execute the programs you ran it on.  This seems to only
affect sgid applications.

Jamie Heilman
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
-Frank Zappa

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Send a mail

2001-02-10 Thread Jamie Heilman

> Well, I can't tell you how to change the 'from' entry in your MTA.

man qmail-inject

at any rate none of this is security related


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Re: Debian or Linux 7???

2001-02-19 Thread Jamie Heilman

> Just how much more secure is Debian than redhat?

Security comes from knowing how to use and administrate Unix, it doesn't
just fall into your lap at the press of a button.  If you want a secure OS
you have to work for it and understand what you're doing.  Debian is no
more secure than Redhat is no more secure than Solaris is no more secure
than OpenBSD.  We could make a lot of vague generalizations about default
setup and what-not but its really just a waste of time.  If you don't want
to be hacked, learn how to prevent it.

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OpenSSH and CVS

2001-02-19 Thread Jamie Heilman

Matthew H. Ray wrote:

> I'm running Debian on a CVS server and have Debian clients.  We're using
> OpenSSH to replace the rsh calls in CVS.  The problem is that every time
> a cvs user makes a CVS call (like cvs diff file), they have to enter my
> password.  I know there's a way around this, but I can't find clear
> documentation. 

If you don't want to enter passwords then you could use RSA keys. (man ssh)
However you say - "enter my password" - that smacks of misconfiguration as
they should be entering *their* passwords, not yours.  Don't expect any
system which uses a single account shared among many users to be secure.

Also, if you have any wincvs users be sure you set your CVSROOT to
something that a) includes the :ext: protocol hint, and b) doesn't include
the username.  I have found through experience that wincvs is pretty picky
about those things, where unix clients aren't.  For example a good CVSROOT
is :ext:mycvsserver:/mycvs/root/path where as a bad one which will almost
certainly make wincvs choke (these get stored in the CVS control files
remember) is user@mycvsserver:/mycvs/root/path.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

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Re: Wrong DNS configuration. Which?

2001-02-28 Thread Jamie Heilman

Romanenko M.A. wrote:

> Am I right, that sendmail's check_mail rejects connection because there
> are no A-record for in other side DNS configuration?

Yes, now if you believe this is a desirable configuration or not is another
matter, but that is probably what is happening.  It might be spam, it might
be a misconfiguration on their end.

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

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Re: NTP security

2001-03-10 Thread Jamie Heilman

Piotr Tarnowski wrote:

> If not can I limit allowed clients somehow ? (I noticed that DENY on
> ipchains to others than my reference external server limits ntptrace
> usage).

To the best of my knowledge you can't natively (in the application)
control access at the transport level, which is unfortunate.  You can at
the protocol level however.  Get the NTP documentation and read about the
authentication options and the access control options.  To control access
at the transport level you will have to use firewalling rules.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

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Re: NTP security

2001-03-10 Thread Jamie Heilman

Rishi L Khan wrote:

> Maybe use tcp wrappers? That's how I'd do it.

Nope, ntpd doesn't link against libwrap and can't be run out of inetd.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

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Re: NTP security

2001-03-10 Thread Jamie Heilman

> So what is the most secure way of syncing time on a server ?

Coupling your server directly to an atomic clock, or some other source of
"hard" time, yeilds no network reliance at all, and is the most secure way.
Using bug free software is the most secure way to synchronize over a network.
ntpd could probably benefit from a good auditing as it is a reference
implmentation and those tend to get a rather unwieldy code-base.  (BIND
being a prime example)

> I noticed that /etc/services has a tcp entry for ntp. Is there any way
> (short of changing the code) to coax ntp to use tcp instead of udp ?

No, UDP is intrinsic to how NTP works.

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: NTP security

2001-03-10 Thread Jamie Heilman

> See Ultra-Link, for a low cost battery powerable 
> atomic clock radio receiver.  It has a 3V inverted TTL RS-232 link 
> that runs at 2400 or 9600 baud.  Power draw is +3.5V to 15V at 600uA.  

Thats pretty snazzy.

> Actually it isn't.  A bi-directional link is usually needed, but it 

Ah I was making my observation based on that NTP seems to be designed
around a connectionless protocol that structures itself in a tree-ish
format, kinda like DNS, and that a connection based protocol would make the
structure too unwieldy.  Granted DNS does do some data transfer over TCP
but its not generally needed during normal operation.  At any rate, it
couldn't be done without modifiing the code, and finding somebody else to
peer with who also had a modified server.

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

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Re: NTP security

2001-03-12 Thread Jamie Heilman

On one of my multihomed machines together with authentication I tend to use
something like:

restrict default ignore
restrict ntpserver1 nomodify
restrict ntpserver2 nomodify
restrict ntpserver3 nomodify
restrict network1 mask netmask1 notrust nomodify
restrict network2 mask netmask2 notrust nomodify
restrict network3 mask netmask3

Basically this synchronizes time using the 3 server sources and then via a
broadcast server config it advertises the time to network1, network2, and
network3. network3 however is the only network which administrative
requests may be honored from, or localhost.  See the other popular thread
right now for locking down your interfaces on a ip forwarding machine. 
Combined with a packet filter this should offer pretty good protection,
though it will be somthing you have to watch as your server addresses can
change with little warning.

On the subject of securing NTP, has anyone gotten the autokey stuff to work
the version of ntpd in stable?

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

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Re: Ports to block?

2001-04-05 Thread Jamie Heilman

Nate Duehr wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 09:38:46PM +0100, Steve Ball wrote:
> > If you run a web server then open port 80 tcp, if you have SMTP inbound 
> > email then open port 25 tcp, if you run your own DNS for your domain 
> > then open port 53 udp.
> You're going to be upset the first time you hit a site that has enough
> information in the DNS response to break the UDP size limit.  BIND
> will switch to TCP and you will drop the packets.

Thats resolving, which uses non-privelged ports.  Don't filter on remote
ports, its only going to get you in trouble.

Back on the server side:
If you run a dns server you should know if you need to provide TCP DNS
service or not as you know what content your DNS server contains.  Most
people don't have DNS record sets large enough to trigger a TCP lookup.
BIND's zone transfer protocol works over TCP however, so if you're acting
as a master you may have to open the tcp port to your slaves.  Ofcourse if
you're running BIND and you're concerned about security ...
There are better servers than BIND and there are better ways to transfer
zone information.

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Logging practices (and why does it suck in Debian?)

2001-04-11 Thread Jamie Heilman

Kenneth Vestergaard Schmidt wrote:

> Before I start this, however, I would really like to know if this is just 
> going to be something I'll do for myself, or if there's anybody else 
> interested in it? Maybe even design it for inclusion in Debian? I personally 
> think this should be done, since the default now sucks (to put it mildly).

Personally I always redo the standard syslog.conf, but I find it can only
be done well if you know what role your machine is going to generally play
ahead of time.  For example on my workstations I remove the uucp, lpr, and
cron entries, because of the programs I traditionaly use those entries
never see enough use to justify seperate log files, I just let them get put
into the syslog.  I also remove the mail logs that are sorted by priority
because a) on my workstations I use nullmailers and hence don't generate
many logs, and b) on my servers I use qmail w/multilogger.  Finally on my
servers I always remove the xconsole dump as X has no place on a secure
server and hence nobody is going to be looking at that pipe anyway.  But
then I can do all this because I already know what kind of logs to expect
during normal usage and I can "budget" for it.  I wouldn't say that my
configuration is going to work for everybody.  Actually the default debian
syslog config is better than many other default configs in that the split
is fairly intuitive.  OTOH there's something to be said for shipping a
lousy a default configuration as it makes people sit down and become more
familiar with the software they are using.

  Syslog and other facility based loggers just generally suck.  Thats not
really Debian's fault and I'm not really sure what you're going to do about
it.  Unfortunately facility based logging has become the standard in Unix,
even though most of the time its not very usefull.  Worse yet syslog just
isn't reliable.  I run syslog-ng on a few machines but its not much better,
though it is an improvement.  I think this is mostly because syslog-ng
tries too hard to be all things to all people in all situations.

  Dan Bernstein's multilog program is the only logger I've seen that offers
various reliability guarentees and actually delivers on them, but it has
some prerequisites for usage that can frequently be difficult to meet.
What I'd really like to see is a facility logger that could collect logs
like traditional syslog but then would let me hand them to something like
multilog to be stored on disk.

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Logging practices (and why does it suck in Debian?)

2001-04-11 Thread Jamie Heilman

Jim Breton wrote:

> Some such solutions are intermittently discussed, designed, etc. on the
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.  Suggest you subscribe and hang out for a while.
> :)

Really?  See now I've just been browsing archives and I didn't see anything
so I figured subscribing would be yet another list where I'd watch the
same old folks flame the same old newbies... not that I don't find it
amusing, I just figured why add another. ;)  But hey if somebody's gonna
write the glue to stitch facilites and multilog together I'm all for it,
especially if somebody else can figure out how to make logger that does
reliable and perhaps secure network transport.

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: psuedonymity and apache

2001-05-01 Thread Jamie Heilman

> I am interested in finding a way to make apache be pseudo-anonymous in its
> logging.

Personally I use the SetEnvIf and CustomLog directives to achieve areas of
anonymity on my web site. (not to mention the possible performance savings)
Details how to do that are in the apache docs.

If you wanted to get relatively anonymous session-ids placed into your log
files you could use the mod_usertrack's cookies in your CustomLog
delcaration.  (again its in the docs)  The downside is that cookies are
well, cookies, and aren't reliable.  There may be a better module out there
that places a user-tracker token into the environment, that would be
something to look for.

The assumption you're making is that an IP can be traced back to a person,
I'm not going to argue that this assumption is flawed, but what you're
asking for is a way to have your cake (be able to track down abuse to the
source) and eat it too (not store the connection info).  If its
accountability you're trying to avoid no matter what, if you store the IP
anywhere, be it encrypted/seperated or not, you've already lost.  If you
don't want to be able to say connected to /myphatmp3archive/ then
don't log it.  Even then you're probably screwed as your upstream could
conceivably log the activity.  If, on the other hand, you just want to
display your log files to the world sans the detailed connection
information, just post-process them and remove the IP.

Jamie Heilman
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
-Frank Zappa

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Re: Lprng version question

2001-05-02 Thread Jamie Heilman

Wolftales wrote:

> Am I running a version that has the fix for the syslog() exploit?

Learn how to read a changelog, it will save you a lot of time and worry,
from /usr/share/doc/lprng/changelog.Debian.gz:

lprng (3.6.12-8) stable; urgency=high
  * Apparently the upstream lprng 3.6.15 which the setuid test code was
  * taken
from was buggy itself giving lots of false positives!!
This code is from 3.6.24 which does work. Closes: #74942, #74946

 -- Craig Small <> Tue, 17 Oct 2000 16:35:43 -0500

lprng (3.6.12-7) stable; urgency=high
  * syslog() overflow bug fixed
  * getttext NLSPATH security bug fixed.
  * spool_file_perms security bug fixed.
  * Added setuid Linux bug work-around.

 -- Craig Small <> Sun, 15 Oct 2000 15:42:02 -0500

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bind stop working right.

2001-05-30 Thread Jamie Heilman

> It is the bind 1:8.2.3-0.potato.1
> Is there any fixes/know problems to this version?
>From a security standpoint there are always problems with bind, but no
matter, there are much better DNS servers out there.  I believe I saw
maradns enter unstable a few days ago and you can always snag djbdns from

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rlinetd security

2001-06-19 Thread Jamie Heilman

> > I do care.  I often disable inetd completely, if the server in question
> > doesn't need any of what it offers.
> Interesting thought...  I wonder if I can get away with that easily?

No, you can't if you're plan is to uninstall inetd, the package structure is
broken and won't allow it due to $@)!ed up dependancies.  I've been trying
to do it for ages.  Then, when I found equivs I danced a jig.  Its pretty
much impossible to do in potato, I think you can pull it off in sid/woody
though with the help of equivs - I haven't tried as my only unstable box
actually needed inetd, and was only accessible from an internal network so
I wasn't worried about inetd's underlying flaws wrt DoSability and lack of
concurency limiting.  If you use inetd on untrusted interface you are
asking for pain, I thought that was fairly well understood by now.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rlinetd security

2001-06-19 Thread Jamie Heilman

Tim Haynes wrote:

> FWIW I heard recently[i] that djbdns never needs TCP. Maybe this is by

Not exactly.

tinydns only uses port 53 udp
axfrdns only uses port 53 tcp - you run this if you a) need to allow zone
transfers to legacy systems, b) need to serve
large queries, otherwise, you don't need it
dnscache uses port 53 both tcp and udp - its the caching resolver

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rlinetd security

2001-06-19 Thread Jamie Heilman

Ted Cabeen wrote:

> In other news, the maintainer of netbase is against removing the netbase 
> dependency on netkit-inetd, but I can't really seem to tell why.  I've looked 
> at his posts on debian-devel and in the BTS, but I haven't found a good 
> justification for the dependency yet.  If anyone does know Anthony's reasons, 
> I'd like to hear them.

I thought about asking why a few months ago, but after reading his responses
in the BTS I decided I'd save my breath.  There is no good reason afaik,
and I'd even go out on a limb and say there is no good reason *period* as
I've been running several machines without a working inetd for a year or so
now, simply don't have the need for it on most workstations in my situation.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using BIND in a chroot enviro?

2001-07-01 Thread Jamie Heilman

I'm not sure its even worth mentioning this, but its a thread on security
and BIND, so here's the ob. plug for Something Better(tm):

In this case the only thing needed is a single instance of dnscache
listening on an internal interface, no need to open up your network further
at all.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using BIND in a chroot enviro?

2001-07-02 Thread Jamie Heilman

> forget it.
> 1. non-free

Certainly, that is something to consider, if your prejudice is that way
bent.  I tend to judge software more on its technical merit than on its
distribution policies.  At any rate, maradns is of similar design, and it
is DFSG compliant, if you want yet another alternative.

> 2. author write like "alle shit then my"

Uh, sure.

> it can't resolv over tcp witch is need if payload break a spezified
> length limit
> also bind9 can make this also

You clearly don't understand what this person was asking for, or what
dnscache is capable of.  There seem to be a lot of people waving the 53/tcp
flag lately like its some kind of huge bogon that you have to watch out for
when you're building your firewall rules.  I assure you, its not, its
really quite simple.  If, like the person who started the thread, you are
simply trying to utilize a local caching resolver to speed up your DNS
queries, you don't need to worry about port 53 on your external interface
AT ALL and you can completely firewall it off.  If your upstream ISP only
accepts queries from source port 53, they are stupid and you'd be best off
finding a better ISP, or just doing all the resolving yourself (probably
more secure that way anyhow depending on how much you trust your upstream's
DNS cache configuration).

If, on the other hand, you are serving DNS records to the world at large,
you already know perfectly well if you have records over 512 bytes that
will require tcp transport or not, or if you need to allow zone transfers
to outside parties, so the question of if you need to allow 53/tcp is
already decided, all you have to do is recognise that fact.

Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using BIND in a chroot enviro?

2001-07-02 Thread Jamie Heilman

Tim Haynes wrote:

> H. I dislike the word `prejudice' there, even if it does sum my
> approach to non-free up very well.

I understand that feeling, I have it myself, its why I used the term.  I'm
not gonna let myself off the hook anymore than anyone else, I get on my
soapbox regularly and rant against having any NT machines at my place of
employment for much the same reason.  And I have total knee-jerk reactions
when people talk about using this or that proprietary solution.  We all
have prejudices, I feel its usefull to recognise and be comfortable with
that fact, so I can take it into account when I'm trying to be impartial
about something.

> Technical merits are of stuff-all use if the software can't be
> redistributed freely in sensible packages.

"Well thats just like, your opinion, man." ;)  (here's to hoping you've
seen The Big Lebowski)
> > > 2. author write like "alle shit then my"
> > 
> > Uh, sure.
> Whatever the quote means, I don't need *another* DJB-war barely a fortnight
> after the last one.

Aww, but they contain the same addictive chemical found in the Colonel's
chicken!  Yeah anyway, I just didn't understand the quote either.

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache, mod_auth_pam, pam_krb4, and you

2001-07-09 Thread Jamie Heilman

> I'm going slowly insane trying to convince Apache to pass a user/pass to
> pam_krb4, thereby validating a user for entrance into a secure directory.  Is
> it too much to hope for that it's this simple?

I haven't used that module before, but I would suggest making sure you have
a /etc/pam.d/other ruleset that looks similar to:

auth required
auth required
account  required
account  required
password required
password required
session  required
session  required

This will make things which fall through other pam rules complain loudly in
the logs and reject any [auth/account/password/session] attempts without
explicit rules.  Its not only handy for debugging but its also probably not
a bad default configuration, I rather wish pam was distributed this way as
a stock config, but I gather its not "traditional."  Anyway, it may help
you figure out whats wrong, it may not - I tend to find looking at the
source code for pam modules mandatory when debugging problems like that,
many times there is a squirled away debug option which can bring more
things to light.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: snort 's logs go to /var/log/auth.log for some reason?

2001-07-30 Thread Jamie Heilman

Dmitriy wrote:

> How can I change this?

man snort, note -s option
man syslog.conf

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Why do people do this? [Was fishingboat in root]

2001-08-31 Thread Jamie Heilman

Jason Thomas wrote:

> maybe ask the maintainer of the package to change it to something
> meaningful!

better yet, uninstall the package and boycott stupid behavior

Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: crc32 compensation attack

2001-09-23 Thread Jamie Heilman

Micah Anderson wrote:

> Got what appears to be a "crc32 compensation attack in my logs today,
> about 10 minutes worth of these types of messages should I be
> worried? Should I laugh at this feable attempt to break in? Should I
> gnaw my fingernails with my shotgun on my lap?


I would be worried that somebody is interested in your ssh sessions.  I
would be less worried that they were able to successfully compromise the
session, but check the source code for that message so you can find out
where it was generated and what the attacker may have been trying to do.
(I would have closed the session as soon as I saw this myself though just
to be on the safe side.) There was a theoretical attack against the crc32
compensation attack detector itself a while back, this might be what you


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exim mail

2001-12-14 Thread Jamie Heilman

Daniel Rychlik wrote:

> How do I stop this from happening.  Apparently my bud telented to port 25
> and somehow sent mail from my root account.  Any suggestions, white papers
> or links?  Id would like to block the telnet application all together, but I
> dont think thats possible.

He didn't use your root account, he used the nature of SMTP to trick
you.  And no, you can't block telnet, unless
you choose to not run a mail server at all.
Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [2] Mailserver HDD organization

2002-01-19 Thread Jamie Heilman


> now i have tried postfix and exim and i like both.
> But wich is more secure? any body some knowledge about that? 

postfix has a better, more security concious, design

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Un-installing inetd on Woody.

2002-02-13 Thread Jamie Heilman

Stefan Srdic wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running Woody at home and have no use for the inetd deamon. I
> have tried to un-install the package which provides inetd
> (netkit-inetd), but it depends on package netbase so if I remove
> nekit-inetd I lose netbase.
> How can I circumvent this problem?

apt-get install equivs

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PAM support on potato

2000-10-24 Thread Jamie Heilman
Philippe BARNETCHE wrote:

> It looks like xdm doesn't support pam.
take a look at the "Looking Ahead" section

> I can't get pam_ldap working (either with login or gdm or kdm) while it's 
> running great on other distributions.

depending on your needs this will cover gdm or not, here's what I use:
auth requisite
auth required
auth required
account  required
session  required
password required

It should be noted that I don't use a pam_unix failover for auth or session
because on my workstation there are no valid shell accounts in the password
file, outside of root ofcourse who shouldn't be loging in via gdm ever

I haven't had any luck getting the pam_ldap password stuff to work, ymmv.

login is more complicated and you should really understand fully what
you're doing before you construct a login pam config.  But suffice it to
say that pam_ldap does work atleast for auth and account.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: PAM support on potato

2000-10-24 Thread Jamie Heilman
Wichert Akkerman wrote:

> Shouldn't the auth bit be:
> auth required
> auth required
> auth sufficient
> auth required
> Otherwise you won't be able to login using local accounts.

Well it would be if I had local accounts, but I don't.  Thats what I was
trying to explain when I was talking about why I didn't have a pam_unix
failover. (lousy word I know, I just couldn't think of a better one)
> The current version might be broken; the vesion in potato should work
> just fine.

I'm using the one from potato, everytime I try to get password working it
ends up either asking my password too many times, or simply ignores the
cracklib requirements I've tried to pair it with.  Another part of the
problem is also openldap's mandate that the password be encrypted by the
pam module, which while I understand why they did that, is a pain because
now we have to deal with buggy hashing mechanisms in every program that
comes along and wants to change passwords.  IIRC pam_ldap fails to put the
{md5} token in front of a generated md5 hash, this is probably fixed in the
more recent versions, I haven't checked.  Anyway, I wanted to use salted
SHA and that wasn't supported at all.

If anyone has a working pam_ldap married to cracklib pam configuration for
potato, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: nss-ldap security bug

2000-11-03 Thread Jamie Heilman

Don't race to install 110-3, it has unresolved symbols.
See bug #76018

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: nss-ldap security bug

2000-11-23 Thread Jamie Heilman

The libnns-ldap 122-1 update made it into r1 without ever having an
official Security Alert announcement, I dunno how big of a deal this is,
but I figured I should dredge it up incase it needed be addressed
officially.  Anyone?

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: nss-ldap security bug

2000-11-23 Thread Jamie Heilman
> I know, it's on the list of things to do. Since it's already in there it
> has a lower priority then fixing things that don't have a fix yet
> though.

Thats cool, it hasn't been compiled for alpha yet either so I guess there's
still work to be done.

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

Re: Strange logs for connection

2001-01-23 Thread Jamie Heilman
Fran?ois Conza wrote:

> I receive this log by mail from my server but dont understand
> In my /etc/hosts.deny i have :
> ALL:ALL:spawn (safe_finger -l @%h | mail -s %u-%c root) &:banners 
> /usr/local/etc/banners/deny
> portmap: ALL

you're portmap: ALL rule will never be reached, the first line makes it 
> This is a mail from my serveur :
> []
>  Login: operator   Name: operator
>  Directory: /rootShell: /bin/sh
>  On since Mon Jan 22 08:56 (CET) on pts/0 from
> 41 minutes 26 seconds idle
>  No mail.
>  No Plan.
> That this mean ? I have a back door in my serveur ?
> That can i do ?

No, this is what safe_finger returned, its part of the output you asked for
in your hosts.deny.  Some fool at has a finger daemon
running, beyond that the information isn't horribly usefull, we don't know
that finger daemon is telling you the truth.  If you ask me spawning
safe_finger is a waste of time, it provides no trustworthy information and
generally only alerts a would-be attacker to the fact you have automata
that returns a probe when tickled.

If you really want to use tcp_wrappers to notify of abnormal access
attempts I suggest using something more like this:

ALL: ALL: spawn (mail -s "%s access attempt from %h"  This is an nmap on my serveur

If you don't need it, don't run it.  Try identifying all the processes
which are using those ports using "lsof" and "netstat -taup" anything you
don't need you should disable.

Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

Re: glibc LD_PRELOAD

2001-01-30 Thread Jamie Heilman
Ethan Benson wrote:

> is potato vulnerable to the LD_PRELOAD file overwriting vulnerability
> discussed at
> there was an unexplained libc6 update on Jan 10 for i386 (but not
> powerpc, not sure about other archs) to, all the
> changelog mentions is `Add backported security patch from glibc 2.2' 
> current version of libc6 on powerpc is: 2.1.3-13
> current version of libc6 on i386 is: 2.1.3-15

I believe there have been attempts to fix this, atleast in 2.1.3-16 and
later.  From the 2.1.3-16 changelog:

  * Ok, include Solar Designers nifty patch for more security issues.
Thanks to Solar again for making me do a double release :)

 -- Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun, 14 Jan 2001 00:30:17 -0500

However 2.1.3-17 exhibits odd behavior which I mentioned to Ben in a
private email, though he hasn't got back to me on if its now deemed
"normal" or whatever.  Basically ldd doesn't work as expected anymore, as
illustrated by:

[60]polyphony<~/>ls -l /usr/bin/wall
-rwxr-sr-x1 root tty  9276 Jul 27  2000 /usr/bin/wall
[61]polyphony<~/>ldd /usr/bin/wall
wall: /dev/:0: No such file or directory

Broadcast Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(/dev/pts/4) at 13:20 ...


[62]polyphony<~/>sudo su -
polyphony:~# ldd /usr/bin/wall
wall: /dev/:0: No such file or directory

Broadcast Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(/dev/pts/4) at 13:21 ...



I have no idea if this has further reaching consequences, but ldd didn't
used to actually execute the programs you ran it on.  This seems to only
affect sgid applications.

Jamie Heilman
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
-Frank Zappa

Re: Send a mail

2001-02-10 Thread Jamie Heilman
> Well, I can't tell you how to change the 'from' entry in your MTA.

man qmail-inject

at any rate none of this is security related


Re: Debian or Linux 7???

2001-02-19 Thread Jamie Heilman
> Just how much more secure is Debian than redhat?

Security comes from knowing how to use and administrate Unix, it doesn't
just fall into your lap at the press of a button.  If you want a secure OS
you have to work for it and understand what you're doing.  Debian is no
more secure than Redhat is no more secure than Solaris is no more secure
than OpenBSD.  We could make a lot of vague generalizations about default
setup and what-not but its really just a waste of time.  If you don't want
to be hacked, learn how to prevent it.

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

Re: OpenSSH and CVS

2001-02-19 Thread Jamie Heilman
Matthew H. Ray wrote:

> I'm running Debian on a CVS server and have Debian clients.  We're using
> OpenSSH to replace the rsh calls in CVS.  The problem is that every time
> a cvs user makes a CVS call (like cvs diff file), they have to enter my
> password.  I know there's a way around this, but I can't find clear
> documentation. 

If you don't want to enter passwords then you could use RSA keys. (man ssh)
However you say - "enter my password" - that smacks of misconfiguration as
they should be entering *their* passwords, not yours.  Don't expect any
system which uses a single account shared among many users to be secure.

Also, if you have any wincvs users be sure you set your CVSROOT to
something that a) includes the :ext: protocol hint, and b) doesn't include
the username.  I have found through experience that wincvs is pretty picky
about those things, where unix clients aren't.  For example a good CVSROOT
is :ext:mycvsserver:/mycvs/root/path where as a bad one which will almost
certainly make wincvs choke (these get stored in the CVS control files
remember) is [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mycvs/root/path.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: Wrong DNS configuration. Which?

2001-03-01 Thread Jamie Heilman
Romanenko M.A. wrote:

> Am I right, that sendmail's check_mail rejects connection because there
> are no A-record for in other side DNS configuration?

Yes, now if you believe this is a desirable configuration or not is another
matter, but that is probably what is happening.  It might be spam, it might
be a misconfiguration on their end.

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

Re: NTP security

2001-03-10 Thread Jamie Heilman
Piotr Tarnowski wrote:

> If not can I limit allowed clients somehow ? (I noticed that DENY on
> ipchains to others than my reference external server limits ntptrace
> usage).

To the best of my knowledge you can't natively (in the application)
control access at the transport level, which is unfortunate.  You can at
the protocol level however.  Get the NTP documentation and read about the
authentication options and the access control options.  To control access
at the transport level you will have to use firewalling rules.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: NTP security

2001-03-10 Thread Jamie Heilman
Rishi L Khan wrote:

> Maybe use tcp wrappers? That's how I'd do it.

Nope, ntpd doesn't link against libwrap and can't be run out of inetd.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: NTP security

2001-03-10 Thread Jamie Heilman
> So what is the most secure way of syncing time on a server ?

Coupling your server directly to an atomic clock, or some other source of
"hard" time, yeilds no network reliance at all, and is the most secure way.
Using bug free software is the most secure way to synchronize over a network.
ntpd could probably benefit from a good auditing as it is a reference
implmentation and those tend to get a rather unwieldy code-base.  (BIND
being a prime example)

> I noticed that /etc/services has a tcp entry for ntp. Is there any way
> (short of changing the code) to coax ntp to use tcp instead of udp ?

No, UDP is intrinsic to how NTP works.

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

Re: NTP security

2001-03-10 Thread Jamie Heilman
> See Ultra-Link, for a low cost battery powerable 
> atomic clock radio receiver.  It has a 3V inverted TTL RS-232 link 
> that runs at 2400 or 9600 baud.  Power draw is +3.5V to 15V at 600uA.  

Thats pretty snazzy.

> Actually it isn't.  A bi-directional link is usually needed, but it 

Ah I was making my observation based on that NTP seems to be designed
around a connectionless protocol that structures itself in a tree-ish
format, kinda like DNS, and that a connection based protocol would make the
structure too unwieldy.  Granted DNS does do some data transfer over TCP
but its not generally needed during normal operation.  At any rate, it
couldn't be done without modifiing the code, and finding somebody else to
peer with who also had a modified server.

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

Re: NTP security

2001-03-12 Thread Jamie Heilman
On one of my multihomed machines together with authentication I tend to use
something like:

restrict default ignore
restrict ntpserver1 nomodify
restrict ntpserver2 nomodify
restrict ntpserver3 nomodify
restrict network1 mask netmask1 notrust nomodify
restrict network2 mask netmask2 notrust nomodify
restrict network3 mask netmask3

Basically this synchronizes time using the 3 server sources and then via a
broadcast server config it advertises the time to network1, network2, and
network3. network3 however is the only network which administrative
requests may be honored from, or localhost.  See the other popular thread
right now for locking down your interfaces on a ip forwarding machine. 
Combined with a packet filter this should offer pretty good protection,
though it will be somthing you have to watch as your server addresses can
change with little warning.

On the subject of securing NTP, has anyone gotten the autokey stuff to work
the version of ntpd in stable?

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

Re: Ports to block?

2001-04-05 Thread Jamie Heilman
Nate Duehr wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 09:38:46PM +0100, Steve Ball wrote:
> > If you run a web server then open port 80 tcp, if you have SMTP inbound 
> > email then open port 25 tcp, if you run your own DNS for your domain 
> > then open port 53 udp.
> You're going to be upset the first time you hit a site that has enough
> information in the DNS response to break the UDP size limit.  BIND
> will switch to TCP and you will drop the packets.

Thats resolving, which uses non-privelged ports.  Don't filter on remote
ports, its only going to get you in trouble.

Back on the server side:
If you run a dns server you should know if you need to provide TCP DNS
service or not as you know what content your DNS server contains.  Most
people don't have DNS record sets large enough to trigger a TCP lookup.
BIND's zone transfer protocol works over TCP however, so if you're acting
as a master you may have to open the tcp port to your slaves.  Ofcourse if
you're running BIND and you're concerned about security ...
There are better servers than BIND and there are better ways to transfer
zone information.

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

Re: Logging practices (and why does it suck in Debian?)

2001-04-12 Thread Jamie Heilman
Kenneth Vestergaard Schmidt wrote:

> Before I start this, however, I would really like to know if this is just 
> going to be something I'll do for myself, or if there's anybody else 
> interested in it? Maybe even design it for inclusion in Debian? I personally 
> think this should be done, since the default now sucks (to put it mildly).

Personally I always redo the standard syslog.conf, but I find it can only
be done well if you know what role your machine is going to generally play
ahead of time.  For example on my workstations I remove the uucp, lpr, and
cron entries, because of the programs I traditionaly use those entries
never see enough use to justify seperate log files, I just let them get put
into the syslog.  I also remove the mail logs that are sorted by priority
because a) on my workstations I use nullmailers and hence don't generate
many logs, and b) on my servers I use qmail w/multilogger.  Finally on my
servers I always remove the xconsole dump as X has no place on a secure
server and hence nobody is going to be looking at that pipe anyway.  But
then I can do all this because I already know what kind of logs to expect
during normal usage and I can "budget" for it.  I wouldn't say that my
configuration is going to work for everybody.  Actually the default debian
syslog config is better than many other default configs in that the split
is fairly intuitive.  OTOH there's something to be said for shipping a
lousy a default configuration as it makes people sit down and become more
familiar with the software they are using.

  Syslog and other facility based loggers just generally suck.  Thats not
really Debian's fault and I'm not really sure what you're going to do about
it.  Unfortunately facility based logging has become the standard in Unix,
even though most of the time its not very usefull.  Worse yet syslog just
isn't reliable.  I run syslog-ng on a few machines but its not much better,
though it is an improvement.  I think this is mostly because syslog-ng
tries too hard to be all things to all people in all situations.

  Dan Bernstein's multilog program is the only logger I've seen that offers
various reliability guarentees and actually delivers on them, but it has
some prerequisites for usage that can frequently be difficult to meet.
What I'd really like to see is a facility logger that could collect logs
like traditional syslog but then would let me hand them to something like
multilog to be stored on disk.

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

Re: Logging practices (and why does it suck in Debian?)

2001-04-12 Thread Jamie Heilman
Jim Breton wrote:

> Some such solutions are intermittently discussed, designed, etc. on the
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.  Suggest you subscribe and hang out for a while.
> :)

Really?  See now I've just been browsing archives and I didn't see anything
so I figured subscribing would be yet another list where I'd watch the
same old folks flame the same old newbies... not that I don't find it
amusing, I just figured why add another. ;)  But hey if somebody's gonna
write the glue to stitch facilites and multilog together I'm all for it,
especially if somebody else can figure out how to make logger that does
reliable and perhaps secure network transport.

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

Re: psuedonymity and apache

2001-05-01 Thread Jamie Heilman
> I am interested in finding a way to make apache be pseudo-anonymous in its
> logging.

Personally I use the SetEnvIf and CustomLog directives to achieve areas of
anonymity on my web site. (not to mention the possible performance savings)
Details how to do that are in the apache docs.

If you wanted to get relatively anonymous session-ids placed into your log
files you could use the mod_usertrack's cookies in your CustomLog
delcaration.  (again its in the docs)  The downside is that cookies are
well, cookies, and aren't reliable.  There may be a better module out there
that places a user-tracker token into the environment, that would be
something to look for.

The assumption you're making is that an IP can be traced back to a person,
I'm not going to argue that this assumption is flawed, but what you're
asking for is a way to have your cake (be able to track down abuse to the
source) and eat it too (not store the connection info).  If its
accountability you're trying to avoid no matter what, if you store the IP
anywhere, be it encrypted/seperated or not, you've already lost.  If you
don't want to be able to say connected to /myphatmp3archive/ then
don't log it.  Even then you're probably screwed as your upstream could
conceivably log the activity.  If, on the other hand, you just want to
display your log files to the world sans the detailed connection
information, just post-process them and remove the IP.

Jamie Heilman
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
-Frank Zappa

Re: Lprng version question

2001-05-02 Thread Jamie Heilman
Wolftales wrote:

> Am I running a version that has the fix for the syslog() exploit?

Learn how to read a changelog, it will save you a lot of time and worry,
from /usr/share/doc/lprng/changelog.Debian.gz:

lprng (3.6.12-8) stable; urgency=high
  * Apparently the upstream lprng 3.6.15 which the setuid test code was
  * taken
from was buggy itself giving lots of false positives!!
This code is from 3.6.24 which does work. Closes: #74942, #74946

 -- Craig Small <> Tue, 17 Oct 2000 16:35:43 -0500

lprng (3.6.12-7) stable; urgency=high
  * syslog() overflow bug fixed
  * getttext NLSPATH security bug fixed.
  * spool_file_perms security bug fixed.
  * Added setuid Linux bug work-around.

 -- Craig Small <> Sun, 15 Oct 2000 15:42:02 -0500

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

Re: proftpd exploit??

2001-05-24 Thread Jamie Heilman
Zak Kipling wrote:

> On Thu, 24 May 2001, Andres Herrera wrote:
> > I've tried to exploit it by login and sending:
> > ls ../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../
> > and suddenly it began eating memory and getting slow all the system.
> ...
> > Any solution??
> Resource limits on the ftp server process?

Or a DenyFilter of \*.*/ as is recommended on the web site.

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

Re: Bind stop working right.

2001-05-30 Thread Jamie Heilman
> It is the bind 1:8.2.3-0.potato.1
> Is there any fixes/know problems to this version?
>From a security standpoint there are always problems with bind, but no
matter, there are much better DNS servers out there.  I believe I saw
maradns enter unstable a few days ago and you can always snag djbdns from

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: rlinetd security

2001-06-19 Thread Jamie Heilman
> > I do care.  I often disable inetd completely, if the server in question
> > doesn't need any of what it offers.
> Interesting thought...  I wonder if I can get away with that easily?

No, you can't if you're plan is to uninstall inetd, the package structure is
broken and won't allow it due to $@)!ed up dependancies.  I've been trying
to do it for ages.  Then, when I found equivs I danced a jig.  Its pretty
much impossible to do in potato, I think you can pull it off in sid/woody
though with the help of equivs - I haven't tried as my only unstable box
actually needed inetd, and was only accessible from an internal network so
I wasn't worried about inetd's underlying flaws wrt DoSability and lack of
concurency limiting.  If you use inetd on untrusted interface you are
asking for pain, I thought that was fairly well understood by now.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: rlinetd security

2001-06-19 Thread Jamie Heilman
> >Can't it just be removed with update-rc.d?
> Sure, of course.  You just can't delete it from the system entirely, which is 
> what I would prefer.

Exactly, you can do all kinds of things to make sure it isn't enabled, (I
usually add exit 0 to the top of the init script) but not having the
software isntalled that you don't use is one of the biggest advantages to a
binary based distro like Debian.  Its the inability to do this at a
sufficiently granular level in *BSD that makes me want to punch through
walls sometimes.  One of the biggest reasons I still evangelize binary
distro's and linux.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: rlinetd security

2001-06-19 Thread Jamie Heilman
Tim Haynes wrote:

> FWIW I heard recently[i] that djbdns never needs TCP. Maybe this is by

Not exactly.

tinydns only uses port 53 udp
axfrdns only uses port 53 tcp - you run this if you a) need to allow zone
transfers to legacy systems, b) need to serve
large queries, otherwise, you don't need it
dnscache uses port 53 both tcp and udp - its the caching resolver

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: rlinetd security

2001-06-19 Thread Jamie Heilman
Ted Cabeen wrote:

> In other news, the maintainer of netbase is against removing the netbase 
> dependency on netkit-inetd, but I can't really seem to tell why.  I've looked 
> at his posts on debian-devel and in the BTS, but I haven't found a good 
> justification for the dependency yet.  If anyone does know Anthony's reasons, 
> I'd like to hear them.

I thought about asking why a few months ago, but after reading his responses
in the BTS I decided I'd save my breath.  There is no good reason afaik,
and I'd even go out on a limb and say there is no good reason *period* as
I've been running several machines without a working inetd for a year or so
now, simply don't have the need for it on most workstations in my situation.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: Using BIND in a chroot enviro?

2001-07-01 Thread Jamie Heilman
I'm not sure its even worth mentioning this, but its a thread on security
and BIND, so here's the ob. plug for Something Better(tm):

In this case the only thing needed is a single instance of dnscache
listening on an internal interface, no need to open up your network further
at all.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: Using BIND in a chroot enviro?

2001-07-02 Thread Jamie Heilman
> forget it.
> 1. non-free

Certainly, that is something to consider, if your prejudice is that way
bent.  I tend to judge software more on its technical merit than on its
distribution policies.  At any rate, maradns is of similar design, and it
is DFSG compliant, if you want yet another alternative.

> 2. author write like "alle shit then my"

Uh, sure.

> it can't resolv over tcp witch is need if payload break a spezified
> length limit
> also bind9 can make this also

You clearly don't understand what this person was asking for, or what
dnscache is capable of.  There seem to be a lot of people waving the 53/tcp
flag lately like its some kind of huge bogon that you have to watch out for
when you're building your firewall rules.  I assure you, its not, its
really quite simple.  If, like the person who started the thread, you are
simply trying to utilize a local caching resolver to speed up your DNS
queries, you don't need to worry about port 53 on your external interface
AT ALL and you can completely firewall it off.  If your upstream ISP only
accepts queries from source port 53, they are stupid and you'd be best off
finding a better ISP, or just doing all the resolving yourself (probably
more secure that way anyhow depending on how much you trust your upstream's
DNS cache configuration).

If, on the other hand, you are serving DNS records to the world at large,
you already know perfectly well if you have records over 512 bytes that
will require tcp transport or not, or if you need to allow zone transfers
to outside parties, so the question of if you need to allow 53/tcp is
already decided, all you have to do is recognise that fact.

Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

Re: Using BIND in a chroot enviro?

2001-07-02 Thread Jamie Heilman
Tim Haynes wrote:

> H. I dislike the word `prejudice' there, even if it does sum my
> approach to non-free up very well.

I understand that feeling, I have it myself, its why I used the term.  I'm
not gonna let myself off the hook anymore than anyone else, I get on my
soapbox regularly and rant against having any NT machines at my place of
employment for much the same reason.  And I have total knee-jerk reactions
when people talk about using this or that proprietary solution.  We all
have prejudices, I feel its usefull to recognise and be comfortable with
that fact, so I can take it into account when I'm trying to be impartial
about something.

> Technical merits are of stuff-all use if the software can't be
> redistributed freely in sensible packages.

"Well thats just like, your opinion, man." ;)  (here's to hoping you've
seen The Big Lebowski)
> > > 2. author write like "alle shit then my"
> > 
> > Uh, sure.
> Whatever the quote means, I don't need *another* DJB-war barely a fortnight
> after the last one.

Aww, but they contain the same addictive chemical found in the Colonel's
chicken!  Yeah anyway, I just didn't understand the quote either.

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

Re: Apache, mod_auth_pam, pam_krb4, and you

2001-07-09 Thread Jamie Heilman
> I'm going slowly insane trying to convince Apache to pass a user/pass to
> pam_krb4, thereby validating a user for entrance into a secure directory.  Is
> it too much to hope for that it's this simple?

I haven't used that module before, but I would suggest making sure you have
a /etc/pam.d/other ruleset that looks similar to:

auth required
auth required
account  required
account  required
password required
password required
session  required
session  required

This will make things which fall through other pam rules complain loudly in
the logs and reject any [auth/account/password/session] attempts without
explicit rules.  Its not only handy for debugging but its also probably not
a bad default configuration, I rather wish pam was distributed this way as
a stock config, but I gather its not "traditional."  Anyway, it may help
you figure out whats wrong, it may not - I tend to find looking at the
source code for pam modules mandatory when debugging problems like that,
many times there is a squirled away debug option which can bring more
things to light.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way way without saying squat and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: snort 's logs go to /var/log/auth.log for some reason?

2001-07-30 Thread Jamie Heilman
Dmitriy wrote:

> How can I change this?

man snort, note -s option
man syslog.conf

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

Re: Why do people do this? [Was fishingboat in root]

2001-08-31 Thread Jamie Heilman
Jason Thomas wrote:

> maybe ask the maintainer of the package to change it to something
> meaningful!

better yet, uninstall the package and boycott stupid behavior

Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

Re: crc32 compensation attack

2001-09-24 Thread Jamie Heilman
Micah Anderson wrote:

> Got what appears to be a "crc32 compensation attack in my logs today,
> about 10 minutes worth of these types of messages should I be
> worried? Should I laugh at this feable attempt to break in? Should I
> gnaw my fingernails with my shotgun on my lap?


I would be worried that somebody is interested in your ssh sessions.  I
would be less worried that they were able to successfully compromise the
session, but check the source code for that message so you can find out
where it was generated and what the attacker may have been trying to do.
(I would have closed the session as soon as I saw this myself though just
to be on the safe side.) There was a theoretical attack against the crc32
compensation attack detector itself a while back, this might be what you


Re: Exim mail

2001-12-14 Thread Jamie Heilman
Daniel Rychlik wrote:

> How do I stop this from happening.  Apparently my bud telented to port 25
> and somehow sent mail from my root account.  Any suggestions, white papers
> or links?  Id would like to block the telnet application all together, but I
> dont think thats possible.

He didn't use your root account, he used the nature of SMTP to trick
you.  And no, you can't block telnet, unless
you choose to not run a mail server at all.
Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

Re: [2] Mailserver HDD organization

2002-01-19 Thread Jamie Heilman

> now i have tried postfix and exim and i like both.
> But wich is more secure? any body some knowledge about that? 

postfix has a better, more security concious, design

Re: Un-installing inetd on Woody.

2002-02-13 Thread Jamie Heilman
Stefan Srdic wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running Woody at home and have no use for the inetd deamon. I
> have tried to un-install the package which provides inetd
> (netkit-inetd), but it depends on package netbase so if I remove
> nekit-inetd I lose netbase.
> How can I circumvent this problem?

apt-get install equivs

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

Re: sources.list for potato

2002-06-21 Thread Jamie Heilman
Wichert Akkerman wrote:

> Previously Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> > For a truly stable Debian system, drop 
> >   deb dists/potato-proposed-updates/
> I wouldn't recommend that, on occasion a package makes it into
> proposed-updates that really should not be installed on a potato reason
> for some reason.

Yeah, I second that.  If you're going to poke around in
prosposed-updates you should do it on a machine that isn't in
production, sometimes things like bug #121305 happen.  Speaking of
which, Wichert, as OpenLDAP is your baby now, you wanna close that old
bug out?  Ben never did and its pretty much moot now as that bad
package never made it into primetime.

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache chunk handling vulnerability and Apache 1.3.24-3

2002-06-23 Thread Jamie Heilman
> Can someone clarify for me, please (not directly debian related, I know,
> but...) - the patches appear to only be to the chunk-encoding functions
> in mod_proxy.  If mod_proxy isn't loaded, is apache still vulnerable?

its not just mod_proxy, apache was vulnerable regardless
Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [d-security] Re: Apache chunk handling vulnerability and Apache 1.3.24-3

2002-06-23 Thread Jamie Heilman
Christian Hammers wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 11:50:10PM -0700, Jamie Heilman wrote:
> > its not just mod_proxy, apache was vulnerable regardless
> BTW: in the case that mod_proxy is not loaded: is it enough to just 
> backport the get_chunk_size function from http_protocol.c (like in the 
> file debian/patches/cert_vucert944335) to earlier versions to fix the 
> vulnerability or is there more?

I would say yes, in the case where mod_proxy isn't loaded.

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Permissions Required On hosts.allow ?

2002-08-28 Thread Jamie Heilman
> So I've opened perms up to 644 again, but this seems the wrong thing
> to do.  I realise I was only gaining a minor layer of
> security-thru-obscurity, but every little helps - surely we don't
> want this file to be world-readable ?
> I note from inetd.conf that in.telnetd runs as uid.gid
> telnetd.telnetd, whereas hosts.allow has uid.gid root.root, which I
> guess is the cause of this.


> Can I change this around a bit to achieve my goal - maybe make a new
> group called "foo" (say) and give that gid to in.telnetd and
> hosts.allow ... ?

Obscuring your libwrap/tcpd configuration from your local users, at
the expense of allowing services to run as seperate, non-privileged
users is a bad idea.  Privilege seperation provides a very tangible
benefit, obfuscated config files do not.

Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

Re: Permissions Required On hosts.allow ?

2002-08-30 Thread Jamie Heilman
Nick Boyce wrote:
> Yep - that's just the sort of thing I had in mind - I can't see a
> problem with it if all the new GID does is grant read access to the
> tcp wrappers config files.  [ I just realized one more ingredient
> required is to make the relevant service daemons sgid tcpwrap as well
> as members of it. ]

Add water, makes its own sauce.  
> But I realize this stuff is tricky, and there may be some unforeseen
> consequence that only a thorough knowledge of the source code (which I
> don't have) can elicit - that's why I sought comments :)

Its not that tricky, but its also not that broken.  There are several
approaches to system hardening.  You can keep going down the path of
absolutely minimal access rights, and eventually you'll end up with
some sort of ACL system, and thats just fine, for the things that need
it.  There are several projects that do this, they all help make your
system hard to crack/use/maintain, depending on your perspective.
Wirex has something I that may or may not be called SubDomain, SELinux
has some access control I believe, and there's probably others out
there.  And if you need to enforce a strict security model, these are
probably the most apropos approach.  What you're doing by creating a
new supplementary group, is unnecessarily opening up a can of worms wrt
the maintenance of your server.  I would suggest that if you plan on
participating in the active maintenance of your machine you should
consider the value of simplicity over sheer paranoia.

Lets assume you ignore me (which is just fine) and implement the
supplementary group access control.  Now to use tcpd, libwrap,
tcpdchk, tcpdmatch, etc., a program's runtime privileges must include
your supplementary group, or be those of the superuser.  Obviously we
can throw out programs that have superuser privs as having problems
with this scheme.  So you're left with the implication of a call to
setgroups(2) or possibly initgroups(3), or it could mean the program
is running with your new group as its primary group.  Well running all
your services with the new group as the primary one is going to be
problematic.  As you postulated not every service will work if you
change its primary group, and perhaps more concerning is the amount of
custom configuration you're going to have to maintain to set up a new
primary group for a bunch of various daemons.

On to the supplementary groups; both setgroups and initgroups require
superuser privileges.  Thus all services which want to use tcp
wrappers must be started by a process with superuser privileges.
Depending on which services you want to use this may or may not be an
immediate issue.  Services which require a privileged port usually
already start as superuser so they probably won't be affected,
provided they actually bother to call setgroups.  I checked, and
netkit-inetd does, so that clears you for everything that wants to use
tcpd from netkit-inetd.  (As an aside, the netkit-inetd shipped with
Debian doesn't bother to check the !#$%ing return code though, which
is lame, and incidentally, was reported over a year ago in bug #100186.
If the OpenBSD inetd actually makes its way in as a replacement this
issue, not to mention a host of other inadequacies, would hopefully be
resolved.)  Are there initially-privileged daemons which don't call
setgroups?  As I recall python didn't even support that syscall until
recently, I'd say its possible this could bite you, though perhaps
unlikely.  As for programs which aren't initially privileged and want
to use libwrap - they just won't work.  (You may be surprised how many
of those there are, use apt-cache to browse the reverse depends on
libwrap0.)  Keeping all this mind while you modify and update your
server configuration over time, I mean hey, thats what makes this fun

All that aside, if you run a fairly modest server without too many
oddball requirements, you can probably make the supplementary groups
hack work with relatively low pain.  You've bought yourself a bit more
maintenance overhead, and you haven't altered your fundamental
vulnerability to compromise at all (by which I mean if the services
you run and the configurations you run them with actually have
exploitable bugs in them or not), but hey, at least your users won't be
able to read those files.  And thats, um, something.

Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

Re: Permissions Required On hosts.allow ?

2002-08-30 Thread Jamie Heilman
> He can probably reduce the pain somewhat by using cfengine to
> rewrite protections and ownerships. That way if he updates the
> next cfengine run will set everything to spec. Otherwise his
> life will be an eternal priv violation chase.

Thats an idea, increased security vis-a-vis increased infrastructure.

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

Re: Permissions Required On hosts.allow ?

2002-08-30 Thread Jamie Heilman
Joe Moore wrote:
> As to your later message:
> setgroups() and initgroups() are not necessary.  Already UID telnetd is able
> to write to /var/run/utmp because of its membership in GID utmp.

>   If they run as a user not listed for tcpwrap (such as an interactive
> user), they will not be able to read /etc/hosts.allow.  This may be a very
> good thing:
> If /etc/hosts.allow is unreadable, and /etc/hosts.deny has ALL:ALL, tcpwrap
> will prevent all connections.  This is desirable if you want a more secure
> system.  This means that if you have not added telnetd to the tcpwrap group,
> in.telnetd will not accept connections from anywhere, even if it's
> accidentally (or intentionally) started (by a malicious? user)

!!!  Talk about a convoluted approach.  If you want services which
happen to use tcp wrappers and which happen to have been started
without your knowledge to reject connections by default just don't use
wildcards (ALL:) in hosts.allow.  List every daemon explicitly.  Don't
rely on the side effects of misconfiguration to do something that the
framework already allows.

I'll say this one more time: the system isn't that broken, stop trying
to fix it.  There is no legitimate reason to jump through all these
hoops just to hide your tcp wrappers configuration from your local
users.  If the requirements for your host dictate minimal access
rights use an access control system thats been designed to achieve it
without creating a huge mess.

Jamie Heilman
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
-Frank Zappa

Re: Permissions Required On hosts.allow ?

2002-09-03 Thread Jamie Heilman
Joe Moore wrote:
> Jamie Heilman wrote:
> > Joe Moore wrote:
> >> As to your later message:
> >> setgroups() and initgroups() are not necessary.  Already UID telnetd
> >> is able to write to /var/run/utmp because of its membership in GID
> >> utmp.
> > 
> > Huh?
> Telnetd does not run as root.  However, it needs to write login entries into
> /var/run/utmp.  How does it do this?  The UID telnetd is listed as a group
> member of group "utmp".  The /var/run/utmp file is owned root:utmp, and is
> group-writable.  in.telnetd can write utmp entries.

OK, but this in no way makes setgroups() unnecessary, which is why I
was confused by your earlier statement.  telnetd's privileges are
bestowed by the inetd process, using, amongst other things,

> >> If /etc/hosts.allow is unreadable, and /etc/hosts.deny has
> >> ALL:ALL, tcpwrap will prevent all connections.  This is desirable
> >> if you want a more secure system.
> > 
> > List every daemon explicitly.  Don't rely on the side effects of
> > misconfiguration to do something that the framework already
> > allows.
> This side-effect is not a primary purpose.

I'm not debating if its primary or not, I'm mearly pointing out you
aren't adding extra security to the system that wasn't already present
in the stock configuration.

> It would be just as easy for the malicious user to not link
> into their executable.

This malicious user scenario is a strawman, there is no need to
discuss it.  Accidental daemon starting is, unfortunately, a bit more
relevant given Debian's policy to run whatever has been installed by
default.  (Note, I'm not challenging this policy, it is what it is.)
Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

Re: Permissions Required On hosts.allow ?

2002-09-03 Thread Jamie Heilman
> I come to the Land Of Unix from mainframes, where I used to earn my
> crust.  The mainframes had a tight security lockdown from out of the
> box (or truck, as the case usually was of course :).

I kind of guessed as much.  Yours is not an usual desire.
> I'd be very interested to hear about any such options in the Linux
> world.  AFAIK, Linux ACL facilities are still experimental
> (

Most things in the realm of tighter access control are experimental,
and tend to stay that way for a long time due, probably, to the lack
of cohesion behind the various movements.  But as I mentioned before,
you'll probably want to examine subdomain from Wirex, SELinux, maybe
LIDS, RSBAC, and doubtless there are others, but I'd start with those.

Jamie Heilman
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle 
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure 
 insanity..."   -Rimmer

Re: "suspicious" apache log entries

2002-09-10 Thread Jamie Heilman
> [Sat Aug 31 21:03:49 2002] [error] [client] request failed: 
> erroneous characters after protocol string: CONNECT 
> / HTTP/1.0

open proxy probe, standard Internet crapola,

Re: "suspicious" apache log entries

2002-09-10 Thread Jamie Heilman
Jamie Heilman wrote:
> > [Sat Aug 31 21:03:49 2002] [error] [client] request failed: 
> > erroneous characters after protocol string: CONNECT 
> > / HTTP/1.0
> open proxy probe, standard Internet crapola,

Hmm, ok it appears all the links off that page are 404s, guess I
should have checked that before I replied, anyway, I think you're
guess was right, just somebody trying to abuse a hole in a weak proxy.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way, without saying squat, and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

SmartList sucks was Re: [OT] unsubscribe

2002-11-18 Thread Jamie Heilman
> Mailman already has a config option for that, seem not to be switched
> on by the admins.

Debian mailing lists are managed using the ironically named
"SmartList" software.  Transitioning to better software probably isn't
a high priority due the significant number of lists already deployed.

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

Re: unknown udp port

2002-11-25 Thread Jamie Heilman
> What I figured out is that the server uses an unpriviliged random udp
> port when originating queries to other name servers and that named binds
> that udp port a priori and listens on that port waiting for replies to
> questions it will make. I hope I got it right, could someone please
> confirm that?

Yeah, that sounds like BIND.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: Removing stupid HTTP methods from Apache

2002-12-03 Thread Jamie Heilman
Anne Carasik wrote:
> I'm running Apache on a Woody machine, and I can't figure
> out for the life of me how to disable certain insecure HTTP
> methods like PROPFIND and PUT.

Don't run software that answers requests with these methods if you
don't want them enabled, nothing in apache (1.3 anyway) will service
those by default.  Otherwise, yeah, Limit and LimitExcept are the
directives you're interested in.

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: Where to install the firewall scripts

2002-12-15 Thread Jamie Heilman
> networking goes down.  Can anybody point us to the relevant
> documentation?

last I knew there wasn't any, it was a todo item

I wrote a quicky stub logger that logs its environment and how it was
called, this is what I found:

called as "/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/pre-up" (no arguments), nothing passed
in to stdin, id: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

obviously your IPs may differ, looks like run-parts is used to call
everything in that script for every interface being taken down.  I
wouldn't count on PWD being /tmp I think that may have been an
artifact of my script (which I wrote a long time ago and don't have
anymore).  Anyway, you get the idea.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way, without saying squat, and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: NIS(Client && Server) + Security

2003-01-02 Thread Jamie Heilman
> I have 3 machines, A, B and C.  Machine A is my gateway,B my NIS,
> mail and SMB server and machine C is my WorkStation.  My doubt is if
> is secure to have a NIS client on machine A or simple re-direct my
> connections to machine B?

Unless there's something you've not told us there's no reason to have
A provide your NIS service, so why even consider it?  If you did put
NIS on machine A, for whatever reason, you would need to ensure hosts
external to your local network couldn't access the NIS service, which
could be done using the usual packet filtering techniques.  In general
NIS should never be exposed to untrusted access because its far too
vulnerable to attack.  I say this assuming A, B, C are all on a single
local network, if machine B is external to the network machine C is
on, well then, its a different story, and perhaps NIS isn't the best
tool for the job.  (IMO, NIS is almost never the best tool in
homogenous linux environments.)

Jamie Heilman
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
-Frank Zappa

Re: NIS(Client && Server) + Security

2003-01-03 Thread Jamie Heilman
> One last thing: What links do you sugest to read about this matter (NIS) and
> what better tools exist for this kind of job?

I don't really have any links, I'm just going by what my experience
has been.  The NIS security issues are well known, I'm sure a google
search will turn up scads of information.  NIS is almost the only
option though if you require on-the-fly user replication between
multiple different kinds of unix hosts.  None of the BSDs that I know
of have implemented a flexible SYSV-like name service switch yet,
(there was a FreeBSD guy who was promising to do it but last I heard
there was no public code, I haven't looked at 5.0 yet though) which is
pretty much required to start stitching things like LDAP directly to
your libc routines.  Glibc supports this so its a given for
environments that use it.  Solaris >= 2.7 supports it *I think* ...
its been a while since I dealt with that.  Padl software makes both
NSS and PAM hooks for LDAP, freely available to the linux community.
(Not the best security record sadly, but I'm unaware of any
competition.)  OS X supports pluggable name services via netinfo
(yuck) which work OK in my experience, though NFS was fugly at the
time.  Generally if you've got an environment that supports it, and
you really need unified management[1] of your name services[2] I'd
suggest using LDAP, openldap w/TLS provides significantly more
security than NIS.

[1] unified environments come at a high reliability cost, you've got
to provide redundancy fallover services or your network can become
unusable in the blink of an eye if something fails.  I'd never
consider using something like LDAP on a network with less than 5
machines, not for name services anyway.  Small tasks can be handled
well enough with rsync and ssh and some routine scripts.

[2] note when I say name services, I'm not talking about DNS, though
the facilities exist to incorporate that into a unified configuration.
Personally I'd never use a unified environment for DNS management
because doing so tends to create some annoying chicken-or-egg
scenarios that newbie admins can easily trip over and cause a mess.
I'm not fond of fragile services, which incidently is why I don't run
BIND and why I think anyone who does is a fool.  There are plenty of
good replacements, djbdns, maradns (for those of you who tend and
nurture your myopic little hatred of djb like its some kind of 100
year old bonsai), etc.  And they don't crash every few days for no

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way, without saying squat, and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: BCC fields shown

2003-01-18 Thread Jamie Heilman
Csillag Krist?f wrote:
> Soren Boll Overgaard pointed out that deleting the BCC fields from the
> mails sent to other recipients is not the mail client's responsibility.
> It should be done by the MTA.

Soren isn't entirely right.  In practice its more sane for the MUA to
process, then remove, the Bcc field before sending the message,
especially if the MUA will be speaking SMTP to send the message.

> Evolution is configured to use /usr/sbin/sendmail for sending
> out mails.

Local injection adheres by no standard accross MTAs, but a reasonable
thing for an injection program to do is to process and remove the Bcc
field atleast in the case where the program is called without any
arguments (the arguments being, traditionally, the addresses of the
intended recipients).  In many injection programs, the behavior that
dictates how recipients are chosen is configurable.

> If I configure it to use the SMTP server at localhost, it is working
> properly.

I wouldn't rely on that, if its not your MUA removing the Bcc you
should be aware not all SMTP servers are going to remove that field
for you.

> So I guess this is a bug in the sendmail program in exim ??

Maybe, or maybe the proper flags simply aren't being passed to your
local injection program to tell it to abide by the behavior you

Jamie Heilman
"I was in love once -- a Sinclair ZX-81.  People said, "No, Holly, she's 
 not for you." She was cheap, she was stupid and she wouldn't load 
 -- well, not for me, anyway."  -Holly

Re: Cross site tracing and apache

2003-03-21 Thread Jamie Heilman
Emmanuel Lacour wrote:
> Is there someone having information about this web vulnerability, goals
> and risks and how to disable it?


There's plenty of discussion out there on why this "vulnerability"

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way, without saying squat, and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: Bug severity for substantial DoS vulnerability

2003-04-16 Thread Jamie Heilman
Florian Weimer wrote:
> What's the correct severity for substantial DoS vulnerabilities?

I'd gauge it a little based on how popular the software is in the
vulnerable configuration (which is something of a crapshoot).  Sounds
like you're talking about remotely exploitable as well, which I guess
earns it a bonus point.

Jamie Heilman
"You came all this way, without saying squat, and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

Re: Secure remote syslogging?

2003-04-23 Thread Jamie Heilman
Litzler Mihaly wrote:
> How do you think switching a separate VLAN for this would be also secure 
> enough? Is it a must to use a dedicated device?

Switching is done for speed, not security.

Re: OpenSSH and debian?

2003-05-06 Thread Jamie Heilman
Phillip Hofmeister wrote:
> The same information can be gathered from your MTA (if you are
> running one) by doing an RCPT TO: and then an RSET.

This is not universally true and is generally a matter of how the MTA
is configured.

Jamie Heilman
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
-Frank Zappa

Re: rpc.mountd

2003-05-23 Thread Jamie Heilman
Baran YURDAGUL wrote:

> I have to questions firts one how can I configure mount.d on linux
> use reserved ports ?

man rpc.mountd

   -p  or  --port
  Force  rpc.mountd  to  bind  to the specified port,
  instead of using the random port number assigned by
  the portmapper.

> and the second is about the apache sever, how can i disable http
> trace ?  thanks..

use google

Neither of these provide any additional security, why exactly do you
think they are necessary?

Jamie Heilman
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
-Frank Zappa

Re: rpc.mountd

2003-05-23 Thread Jamie Heilman
Baran YURDAGUL wrote:
> Is there any problem occurs If I bind mountd to just one port under
> 1024 ? Cause mount.d bind to 4 different port when it is started via
> automatically ?  these are the Medium marked ISS scan results ..

Just to make sure I follow, an ISS scanner complained about finding
those high ports... But, just pushing the port numbers down below 1024
won't solve anything.  You're much better off filtering traffic to
those ports with ipfilter and backing that up with a good tcp_wrappers

Jamie Heilman
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
-John Logue

Re: apache

2003-06-10 Thread Jamie Heilman
Martynas Domarkas wrote:
> Hi. I would like to use date string in apache log file names. Is there a
> way to use some directive in httpd.conf to be parsed as shell command
> like `date +%Y%m%d` or some other way to solve the problem? I will use
> logrotate mechanism of debian, and this date string could be used only
> for file creation after apache process receives SIGUSR1.

Grab the cronolog package, its easier and less intrusive.

Jamie Heilman
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."  -Rosencrantz

Re: apache

2003-06-10 Thread Jamie Heilman
Martynas Domarkas wrote:
> Thanks, but I realy do not like instalation of another packages. There
> must be a way to do this with apache configuration.

Martynas Domarkas wrote:
> Thanks a lot. This is nice solution, but I still like apache do the job,
> and let logrotate simpy rotate /var/log/apache/*.log. I feel like I have
> seen somewhere some piece of shell command in httpd.conf.

Martynas Domarkas wrote:
> Yes, of course. But in this case I will invoke rotatelogs... I don't
> like it.

As, you've exhausted the other possibilites, why not
read the fine manual:

Jamie Heilman
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
-Frank Zappa

Re: pam doesn't see nis

2003-08-20 Thread Jamie Heilman

SmartList sucks was Re: [OT] unsubscribe

2002-11-18 Thread Jamie Heilman
> Mailman already has a config option for that, seem not to be switched
> on by the admins.

Debian mailing lists are managed using the ironically named
"SmartList" software.  Transitioning to better software probably isn't
a high priority due the significant number of lists already deployed.

Jamie Heilman
"Paranoia is a disease unto itself, and may I add, the person standing
 next to you may not be who they appear to be, so take precaution."
-Sathington Willoughby

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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