On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:49 AM, Russell Coker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 01 December 2008 22:45, "Chip Panarchy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > My distribution has been specialised to suite the requirements of your
> > everyday (and not so everyday!) pen-tester and white/grey hat hackers.
> >
> > My sobriquet for this distribution is: HackBuntu.
> Why not just have a set of extra packages to run on Debian/Lenny?  Why is a
> different distribution needed for penetration testing?
I agree.  Why split off into a separate distribution, instead of debianising
any of your chosen packages that are not yet among the ~17,000 packages in
the stable Debian set?

For any set of packages one finds so useful that they're like their own
distribution, I think the labor would be better spent -- more useful to the
community I mean, maybe not as fun for you -- in extending / improving
documentation on using those tools, or Chip's suggestion, which looks to me
like 'debianising.'  Your message indicates a comprehensive security
strategy, and a large market for that certainly exists.  But the additional
work of maintaining a separate distribution seems like a waste.


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