Re: [Fwd: security]

2005-01-30 Thread Rich Puhek
Luis M wrote:
6. use the AllowUsers option in sshd_config and put a comma separated
list of users that are allowed to login remotely. All other users will
simply be denied access.
7. Use tcp_wrappers to allow only a handful of IPs to login remotely
to your box. If you don't have a static IP that you use yourself to
login to your computer remotely, you might want to allow IPs coming
from ISPs in your own country/region. That way you limit attacks to a
very limitted subset of IPs that can be tracked (and possibly sued)
:-) Use whois to determine the IP blocks for major ISPs.

I have one final twist on the concept, pertaining to #7. I was going to 
completely lock down a network I administer (no root SSH, only DSA key 
based SSH2, etc...) but can't quite make that leap, due to the remote 
possibility of needing to ssh in as root from somewhere, possibly when I 
don't have a DSA key handy. My solution was to default deny SSH access 
to the network, selectively enabling friendly IP ranges (exactly the 
concept Luis had, based on the idea that I'll be able to find a real 
person to contact).

The key addition I have is I also allow SSH access from any IP address 
to one specific box that's hardened more than normal, and watched more 
closely than the others. That way, in an emergency, I'd be able to ssh 
in there, and bounce to another box (or update my access list on the 

A more advanced concept would automatically close that hole to anyone 
trying to hit port 22 on one of the protected servers, but that's 
overkill for my needs. Also, in my case, I'm dropping the packets right 
at the edge router. That's easier for me to maintain, especially since I 
had a set of rules for blocking various bad things already. Another good 
idea would be to supplement my router-based solution with iptables on 
every box, but I figure I'll start with the low hanging fruit.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Update of security-critical outdated packages

2004-01-15 Thread Rich Puhek

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Dear all,

It is an issue that's been bugging me for some time, and while I have 
tried to find good reasons, I have not, so I might as well write them 
down. I have a lot of respect for the security team, and I don't think 
I have anything to contribute other than my thoughts, but I'll try to 
share them. 

Many packages in stable are really outdated. After first installing 
Woody, I first thought that looking at the prospect of waiting 
one-and-a-half year for the next release would scare me away from 
Debian. Now that I've grown up a bit more, it doesn't. I'm perfectly 
fine with using backports for things like KDE. Also, if I was a 
sysadmin for a lot of boxes, supporting many not-too-savvy users, the 
release cycle is perfectly reasonable. For a stable system, pinning is 
not option, because you'll quite soon have to update things like libc6 
if you do. It's not about that. Backports are fine for most purposes, 
and I'm fine with the release cycle. 

Depending on what you're doing, pinning actually can work quite well. 
But you're correct in that upgrading too many pakages quickly leads to 
an explosion of dependancies.

It's about a small handful of security-critical packages, like for 
example Snort. In the case of Snort, the security team has explicitly 
discouraged people from using the packages available in Woody, see 
DSA-297. I find it very hard to understand that in the cases where the 
security team strongly advises an upgrade, that the backported packages 
are not included in e.g. a point release. 

This has nothing to do with the security team and security issues as 
far as software vulnerabilities. If there's a security issue with a 
package, the security team will fix the problem in the stable release. 
Problem solved (as in DSA-297).

Snort is related to you overall system security, yes, but new releases 
of Snort have to do with your desire to run the latest and greatest 
releast of a package, not with security issues.

So, this is just about the very few packages the security team feels are 
so outdated, one advice people not to use them. For those packages, the 
question is: What is the advantage of keeping so outdated packages in 
the archive? 

If the package is outdated, you have other options, including apt-get 
source and other options mentioned in your email. It just doesn't have 
to do with the security team.

In the case of snort, an old version could still be useful in the 
archive. Picture a machine that must run stable (for various reasons), 
sitting behind a decent firewall. It may use snort as a last line of 
defense, it may use snort just because it's handy for detecting strange 
patters which could indicate other network problems, etc. It could even 
have some locally-grown programs that use some snort tools.

This is somewhat relevant to the point Ryan just raised in his recent 
post about better apt security with 3rd-party sites, since having 
outdated packages in the archive makes people use backports from 
3rd-party sites, and you don't know the validity of these packages. 
True, but security issues aren't forcing people to use backports. If 
they are, they don't understand how Debian handles security.

It seems to me to be a perfect way to trojan a newbie's machines: The 
newbie hears on debian-user that he must update some of these packages: 
So, there is a malicious cracker who put a site up with official 
updates, and the newbie adds it to his sources.list. Instantly, he 
gets a version of Snort that ignores attacks and chkrootkit with a 
rootkit... Even if you could use debsigs, a newbie probably couldn't 
verify the package anyway, due to the lack of personal WOT. I think it 
is a rather bad situation. 
It's kind of off the topic, but if you're concerned about tools like 
snort, et. al., you should be at the experience level where verifying 
signatures of untrusted packages, upgrading to testing|unstable, doing 
apt-get source, or simply building from a tarball are viable options for 

If a newbie believes a posting that he must update  from site:;, there's not much 
to be done about it, aside from better education of end users.

As you stated, this does get more into the points raised in the other topic.

Again, I'm fine with backports for many packages, and I'm fine with the 
general release cycle, it's just the small number of critical 
security-related packages that I feel needs some discussion. 
What's the difference if someone downloads a backport of snort or a 
backport of a window manager? Either way, if the backport is evil, 
you're screwed. It's probably worse to have a malicious backport of more 
mundane software, since the effects may be less noticeable, and the 
software may be more widespread.

IMHO, it's been discussed to death already. Whether you want a brand new 
version of snort or a new version of KDE is 

Re: Update of security-critical outdated packages

2004-01-15 Thread Rich Puhek

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:

On Thursday 15 January 2004 17:33, Rich Puhek wrote:

Depending on what you're doing, pinning actually can work quite well.

Yup, and I do it on my workstation (not that I understand it, it is 
rather magic to me).  

Snort is related to you overall system security, yes, but new
releases of Snort have to do with your desire to run the latest and
greatest releast of a package, not with security issues.

Well, that's not how I read DSA-297. I have no desire to run the latest 
and greatest release of a package on my production server, to the 
contrary, with the notable exception of SpamAssassin. I would argue 
that it is only because of security issues I would ever consider 
upgrading a package on a production server (and mine isn't even in 
production yet! :-) ).

it may use snort just because it's handy for
detecting strange patters which could indicate other network
problems, etc. It could even have some locally-grown programs that
use some snort tools.

OK, valid argument, still, wouldn't it be rather rare compared to 
actually using it for what it is intended for?

True, but security issues aren't forcing people to use backports. If
they are, they don't understand how Debian handles security.

Again, that's not how I read DSA-297. 

They advise using newer versions of snort because it recognizes newer 
attacks. Any security holes in snort will continue to be patched. In 
other words, if someone discovered today that woody's snort version has 
a buffer overflow, you can bet that snort will be updated in security 
within a few days.

The key difference here is in the use of the term security issues. The 
security release is used to patch holes in a server. The version of 
snort in stable has no security issues in the sense that installing it 
does not open you up to attack.

It's kind of off the topic, but if you're concerned about tools like
snort, et. al., you should be at the experience level where verifying
signatures of untrusted packages, 

It has nothing to do with experience. Sometimes, you just don't have the 
WOT needed to verify a package. Most probably, only those who have at 
some point attended a Debian keysigning party have a WOT suitable for 
that, and perhaps people who live in an area with many Debian users. In 
sparsely populated areas like Norway, a good WOT is a real luxury, and 
one of past year's most luxurious evenings was the Debian keysigning 
party... :-)

upgrading to testing|unstable,

You don't want to do that on a production system.

On a general production server, no. Now think about why: you might have 
to upgrade lots of dependancies, you might get stuck with incompletely 
tested software, it's more difficult to maintain security updates. Those 
are also the arguements used for not arbitrarily upgrading packages in 

You may find that upgrading to unstable (or a hibrid of unstable 
packages) is just about ideal for something like an IDS or an antispam 
server. Machines like that tend to need bleeding-edge software, so 
almost by definition, they end up runing unstable.

doing apt-get source, or simply building from a tarball are viable
options for you.

Yep, but it is still besides the point: Really good reason for keeping 
outdated packages in the archive (ok, you provided one above)? 

Is the arguement that old packages like snort should be removed 
altogether, or that packages I really find important should be 
upgraded more aggressively?

If it's the former, I'd argue that unless you can present a hugely 
compelling arguement for removal (like a sudden discovery of a licensing 
issue, with an accompanying lawsuit), it would be a bad idea to suddely 
have packages disappear from stable.

If it's the latter, well, we're back to the initial arguements about 
release cycles, package updates, etc. Also, how do we decide what's 
important enought to be upgraded immediately? should SpamAssassin be 
upgraded because I don't want to receive spam that's been catchable for 
a year? Should PHP be upgraded because I want to be able to serve pages 
that have been written in a language version supported for the last year 
 (like $_FILES['userfile']['error'] ). Should perl be upgraded because 
it's a very important language? Eventually, you'd discover you come up 
with the package list for Debian/unstable.

Again, I'm fine with backports for many packages, and I'm fine with
the general release cycle, it's just the small number of critical
security-related packages that I feel needs some discussion.
What's the difference if someone downloads a backport of snort or a
backport of a window manager?

Big difference: If the WM is a bit unstable, or it has a bit weird 
performance at times, I don't care. It's the cost of running unstable 
software. But if the NIDS fails to recognize an attack that's been 
known for two years, it is pretty serious. 

It sounded like your main objection to backports was that someone could 

Re: Update of security-critical outdated packages

2004-01-15 Thread Rich Puhek

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dear all,

It is an issue that's been bugging me for some time, and while I have 
tried to find good reasons, I have not, so I might as well write them 
down. I have a lot of respect for the security team, and I don't think 
I have anything to contribute other than my thoughts, but I'll try to 
share them. 

Many packages in stable are really outdated. After first installing 
Woody, I first thought that looking at the prospect of waiting 
one-and-a-half year for the next release would scare me away from 
Debian. Now that I've grown up a bit more, it doesn't. I'm perfectly 
fine with using backports for things like KDE. Also, if I was a 
sysadmin for a lot of boxes, supporting many not-too-savvy users, the 
release cycle is perfectly reasonable. For a stable system, pinning is 
not option, because you'll quite soon have to update things like libc6 
if you do. It's not about that. Backports are fine for most purposes, 
and I'm fine with the release cycle. 

Depending on what you're doing, pinning actually can work quite well. 
But you're correct in that upgrading too many pakages quickly leads to 
an explosion of dependancies.

It's about a small handful of security-critical packages, like for 
example Snort. In the case of Snort, the security team has explicitly 
discouraged people from using the packages available in Woody, see 
DSA-297. I find it very hard to understand that in the cases where the 
security team strongly advises an upgrade, that the backported packages 
are not included in e.g. a point release. 

This has nothing to do with the security team and security issues as 
far as software vulnerabilities. If there's a security issue with a 
package, the security team will fix the problem in the stable release. 
Problem solved (as in DSA-297).

Snort is related to you overall system security, yes, but new releases 
of Snort have to do with your desire to run the latest and greatest 
releast of a package, not with security issues.

So, this is just about the very few packages the security team feels are 
so outdated, one advice people not to use them. For those packages, the 
question is: What is the advantage of keeping so outdated packages in 
the archive? 

If the package is outdated, you have other options, including apt-get 
source and other options mentioned in your email. It just doesn't have 
to do with the security team.

In the case of snort, an old version could still be useful in the 
archive. Picture a machine that must run stable (for various reasons), 
sitting behind a decent firewall. It may use snort as a last line of 
defense, it may use snort just because it's handy for detecting strange 
patters which could indicate other network problems, etc. It could even 
have some locally-grown programs that use some snort tools.

This is somewhat relevant to the point Ryan just raised in his recent 
post about better apt security with 3rd-party sites, since having 
outdated packages in the archive makes people use backports from 
3rd-party sites, and you don't know the validity of these packages. 

True, but security issues aren't forcing people to use backports. If 
they are, they don't understand how Debian handles security.

It seems to me to be a perfect way to trojan a newbie's machines: The 
newbie hears on debian-user that he must update some of these packages: 
So, there is a malicious cracker who put a site up with official 
updates, and the newbie adds it to his sources.list. Instantly, he 
gets a version of Snort that ignores attacks and chkrootkit with a 
rootkit... Even if you could use debsigs, a newbie probably couldn't 
verify the package anyway, due to the lack of personal WOT. I think it 
is a rather bad situation. 

It's kind of off the topic, but if you're concerned about tools like 
snort, et. al., you should be at the experience level where verifying 
signatures of untrusted packages, upgrading to testing|unstable, doing 
apt-get source, or simply building from a tarball are viable options for 

If a newbie believes a posting that he must update  from site:;, there's not much 
to be done about it, aside from better education of end users.

As you stated, this does get more into the points raised in the other topic.

Again, I'm fine with backports for many packages, and I'm fine with the 
general release cycle, it's just the small number of critical 
security-related packages that I feel needs some discussion. 

What's the difference if someone downloads a backport of snort or a 
backport of a window manager? Either way, if the backport is evil, 
you're screwed. It's probably worse to have a malicious backport of more 
mundane software, since the effects may be less noticeable, and the 
software may be more widespread.

IMHO, it's been discussed to death already. Whether you want a brand new 
version of snort or a new 

Re: Update of security-critical outdated packages

2004-01-15 Thread Rich Puhek

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:

On Thursday 15 January 2004 17:33, Rich Puhek wrote:

Depending on what you're doing, pinning actually can work quite well.

Yup, and I do it on my workstation (not that I understand it, it is 
rather magic to me).  

Snort is related to you overall system security, yes, but new
releases of Snort have to do with your desire to run the latest and
greatest releast of a package, not with security issues.

Well, that's not how I read DSA-297. I have no desire to run the latest 
and greatest release of a package on my production server, to the 
contrary, with the notable exception of SpamAssassin. I would argue 
that it is only because of security issues I would ever consider 
upgrading a package on a production server (and mine isn't even in 
production yet! :-) ).

it may use snort just because it's handy for
detecting strange patters which could indicate other network
problems, etc. It could even have some locally-grown programs that
use some snort tools.

OK, valid argument, still, wouldn't it be rather rare compared to 
actually using it for what it is intended for?

True, but security issues aren't forcing people to use backports. If
they are, they don't understand how Debian handles security.

Again, that's not how I read DSA-297. 

They advise using newer versions of snort because it recognizes newer 
attacks. Any security holes in snort will continue to be patched. In 
other words, if someone discovered today that woody's snort version has 
a buffer overflow, you can bet that snort will be updated in security 
within a few days.

The key difference here is in the use of the term security issues. The 
security release is used to patch holes in a server. The version of 
snort in stable has no security issues in the sense that installing it 
does not open you up to attack.

It's kind of off the topic, but if you're concerned about tools like
snort, et. al., you should be at the experience level where verifying
signatures of untrusted packages, 

It has nothing to do with experience. Sometimes, you just don't have the 
WOT needed to verify a package. Most probably, only those who have at 
some point attended a Debian keysigning party have a WOT suitable for 
that, and perhaps people who live in an area with many Debian users. In 
sparsely populated areas like Norway, a good WOT is a real luxury, and 
one of past year's most luxurious evenings was the Debian keysigning 
party... :-)

upgrading to testing|unstable,

You don't want to do that on a production system.

On a general production server, no. Now think about why: you might have 
to upgrade lots of dependancies, you might get stuck with incompletely 
tested software, it's more difficult to maintain security updates. Those 
are also the arguements used for not arbitrarily upgrading packages in 

You may find that upgrading to unstable (or a hibrid of unstable 
packages) is just about ideal for something like an IDS or an antispam 
server. Machines like that tend to need bleeding-edge software, so 
almost by definition, they end up runing unstable.

doing apt-get source, or simply building from a tarball are viable
options for you.

Yep, but it is still besides the point: Really good reason for keeping 
outdated packages in the archive (ok, you provided one above)? 

Is the arguement that old packages like snort should be removed 
altogether, or that packages I really find important should be 
upgraded more aggressively?

If it's the former, I'd argue that unless you can present a hugely 
compelling arguement for removal (like a sudden discovery of a licensing 
issue, with an accompanying lawsuit), it would be a bad idea to suddely 
have packages disappear from stable.

If it's the latter, well, we're back to the initial arguements about 
release cycles, package updates, etc. Also, how do we decide what's 
important enought to be upgraded immediately? should SpamAssassin be 
upgraded because I don't want to receive spam that's been catchable for 
a year? Should PHP be upgraded because I want to be able to serve pages 
that have been written in a language version supported for the last year 
 (like $_FILES['userfile']['error'] ). Should perl be upgraded because 
it's a very important language? Eventually, you'd discover you come up 
with the package list for Debian/unstable.

Again, I'm fine with backports for many packages, and I'm fine with
the general release cycle, it's just the small number of critical
security-related packages that I feel needs some discussion.

What's the difference if someone downloads a backport of snort or a
backport of a window manager?

Big difference: If the WM is a bit unstable, or it has a bit weird 
performance at times, I don't care. It's the cost of running unstable 
software. But if the NIDS fails to recognize an attack that's been 
known for two years, it is pretty serious. 

It sounded like your main objection to backports


2003-09-22 Thread Rich Puhek

Ted Roby wrote:

My secalert account for these lists is being drenched with 40 to 70 of 
these fake Microsoft Update emails per day.
My filters on my client dump them to a Junk folder, but I would prefer 
it if my Exim filter would do the job at the server level instead. I am 
running Nigel Metheringham's system_filter.exim.

The single part MIME filter doesn't seem to catch it though. What are 
others on this list using or doing to blatently block this stuff? There 
is no valid .exe I could receive, ever.

Amavis. If you're just running Linux boxes, you can skip the anti-virus 
programs, and just use the banned_filenames. If you have users who are 
on Windoze machines, add in clamav, and you've got a free AV solution 
that's pretty good.

There's others that should work fine to... look into MIMEDefang, (I 
think that's what it's called).

The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that
procession but carrying a banner.
-- Mark Twain



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746
tel:   218.262.1130
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-09-22 Thread Rich Puhek

Ted Roby wrote:

My secalert account for these lists is being drenched with 40 to 70 of 
these fake Microsoft Update emails per day.
My filters on my client dump them to a Junk folder, but I would prefer 
it if my Exim filter would do the job at the server level instead. I am 
running Nigel Metheringham's system_filter.exim.

The single part MIME filter doesn't seem to catch it though. What are 
others on this list using or doing to blatently block this stuff? There 
is no valid .exe I could receive, ever.

Amavis. If you're just running Linux boxes, you can skip the anti-virus 
programs, and just use the banned_filenames. If you have users who are 
on Windoze machines, add in clamav, and you've got a free AV solution 
that's pretty good.

There's others that should work fine to... look into MIMEDefang, (I 
think that's what it's called).

The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that
procession but carrying a banner.
-- Mark Twain



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: [d-security] Re: ssh vulnerability in the wild

2003-09-17 Thread Rich Puhek

Adrian von Bidder wrote:

On Tuesday 16 September 2003 22:30, Rich Puhek wrote:
[mix stable/testing/unstable]
This is what I usually do - and usually, it works quite fine. Right now, 
though, I've been pulling in more and more from testing/unstable since some 
things depend on the new glibc, and some other things randomly break when 
used with the new glibc, so I've had to upgrade those things, which in turn 
depend on foo, which...

Ahh, when it starts to want to download a lot of libraries I don't know 
much about, that's when I lean towards apt-get source. reduces the 
exploding dependancies/conflicts problem...



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746
tel:   218.262.1130
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [d-security] Re: ssh vulnerability in the wild

2003-09-17 Thread Rich Puhek

Adrian von Bidder wrote:

On Tuesday 16 September 2003 22:30, Rich Puhek wrote:
[mix stable/testing/unstable]

This is what I usually do - and usually, it works quite fine. Right now, 
though, I've been pulling in more and more from testing/unstable since some 
things depend on the new glibc, and some other things randomly break when 
used with the new glibc, so I've had to upgrade those things, which in turn 
depend on foo, which...

Ahh, when it starts to want to download a lot of libraries I don't know 
much about, that's when I lean towards apt-get source. reduces the 
exploding dependancies/conflicts problem...



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: [d-security] Re: ssh vulnerability in the wild

2003-09-16 Thread Rich Puhek

Dossy wrote:

On 2003.09.16, Stephen Frost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is 3.6.1p2-3 vulnerable?  For those of us who want security, must we
downgrade to 3.4p1-1.1 or build from source after patching by hand?  Or
will this security fix be applied to sarge as well?
There's at least a version on which has the version
for unstable.  I don't know what to tell you about testing/sarge.  I'm
sure it will be in before release but beyond that I've no idea when it
will make it into testing.

Eek.  So, if we want to run secure systems, we either have to run
unstable (and all the troubles that comes with) or stable?  I find that
testing is a good middle ground for a reasonably stable system but
with reasonably up-to-date packages, so that's why I run it.  Running
stable involves hand-managing way too many packages that I do need
more recent versions, and unstable involves way too many troubles if I
apt-get update without carefully inspecting what's being updated, which
I don't have the time for.
:-(  poop.

Guess I'll go the deb-src route and hand-patch, I guess.  Not what I
wanted to do today ... ;-)
-- Dossy

Or (to get a reasonably up to date system):

* Set your default release to stable (I actually prefer to use 
distribution names, so that if I'm asleep at the switch when a new 
version is released I don't accidentally 'apt-get upgrade' when I should 
'apt-get dist-upgrade')

* Include testing and unstable in sources.conf

* Include apt-src for testing and/or unstable.

* Install a stable system, then for special needs, try 'apt-get install 
foo/testing' (or foo/unstable). If you can live with the dependancies, 
 great. If things turn ugly, then apt-get source instead.

This way, you'll have stable (with the corresponding security updates) 
for just about everything. For the few packages that need to be from 
unstable or testing, either patch them yourself, or watch incoming, or 
watch for others to contribute .debs.

Plus, you can apt-get update  upgrade without having your system blow up.

I've found fairly few cases where I actually *need* a more recent 
version, so this approach works great for me. In most cases, the only 
perceved need for a more recent version has been for security updates, 
which, of course, are backported in Debian stable. Of course, YMMV.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746
tel:   218.262.1130
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [d-security] Re: ssh vulnerability in the wild

2003-09-16 Thread Rich Puhek

Dossy wrote:

On 2003.09.16, Stephen Frost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is 3.6.1p2-3 vulnerable?  For those of us who want security, must we
downgrade to 3.4p1-1.1 or build from source after patching by hand?  Or
will this security fix be applied to sarge as well?

There's at least a version on which has the version
for unstable.  I don't know what to tell you about testing/sarge.  I'm
sure it will be in before release but beyond that I've no idea when it
will make it into testing.

Eek.  So, if we want to run secure systems, we either have to run
unstable (and all the troubles that comes with) or stable?  I find that
testing is a good middle ground for a reasonably stable system but
with reasonably up-to-date packages, so that's why I run it.  Running
stable involves hand-managing way too many packages that I do need
more recent versions, and unstable involves way too many troubles if I
apt-get update without carefully inspecting what's being updated, which
I don't have the time for.

:-(  poop.

Guess I'll go the deb-src route and hand-patch, I guess.  Not what I
wanted to do today ... ;-)

-- Dossy

Or (to get a reasonably up to date system):

* Set your default release to stable (I actually prefer to use 
distribution names, so that if I'm asleep at the switch when a new 
version is released I don't accidentally 'apt-get upgrade' when I should 
'apt-get dist-upgrade')

* Include testing and unstable in sources.conf

* Include apt-src for testing and/or unstable.

* Install a stable system, then for special needs, try 'apt-get install 
foo/testing' (or foo/unstable). If you can live with the dependancies, 
 great. If things turn ugly, then apt-get source instead.

This way, you'll have stable (with the corresponding security updates) 
for just about everything. For the few packages that need to be from 
unstable or testing, either patch them yourself, or watch incoming, or 
watch for others to contribute .debs.

Plus, you can apt-get update  upgrade without having your system blow up.

I've found fairly few cases where I actually *need* a more recent 
version, so this approach works great for me. In most cases, the only 
perceved need for a more recent version has been for security updates, 
which, of course, are backported in Debian stable. Of course, YMMV.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: Simple e-mail virus scanner

2003-08-20 Thread Rich Puhek

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
Dear all,

I guess I'm not really looking for a security solution, but I guess 
you folks are the most likely to know, so I try here... 

In the last couple of hours, I've got about 25 100KB of the recent 
Sobig.f M$ virus, along with about the same number of bogus there was 
a virus in an e-mail you sent.  It would be really great to be able to 
filter those out so that I don't need to see them, that is, get them in 
a folder I can clean out now and then.

But I don't want to run a full-scale virus scanner, because for the time 
being, I really don't need any, as no e-mail is read on an MS machine 

I figured, most viruses should be able to detect by using simple regexs, 
right? So, a simple scanner that looks for a number of regexs available 
from a repository could do the trick...? Or perhaps use something like 
Vipul's Razor for this kind of stuff...? 

So, I'm wondering, does anybody know about any such approach?

You may just want to bite the bullet and install amavisd-new. Even 
though you're not really worried about the viruses per se, it will 
filter out the crap. If Sobig.F is any indication, this may become more 
desirable. You may even just want to install amavis without a virus 
scanner (and just searching for banned filenames), if an AV program 
imposes too much of a load on your system.

Amavis also is nice for catching executable files that are so common 
with current worms (our install actually was catching Sobig.F this way 
before the AV signatures were updated). If you're not reading email on 
an MS machine, I'm guessing it's fairly rare for you to recieve legit 
emails with .pif, .exe, or .bat attachments.

The nice thing is, amavis will do a better job at catching the 
attachments then some of the ad hoc methods discussed earlier (see the 
config section on banned filenames). Another plus is that it can be 
configured to SMTP reject the message, instead of accepting and then 



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746
tel:   218.262.1130
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Simple e-mail virus scanner

2003-08-20 Thread Rich Puhek

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:

Dear all,

I guess I'm not really looking for a security solution, but I guess 
you folks are the most likely to know, so I try here... 

In the last couple of hours, I've got about 25 100KB of the recent 
Sobig.f M$ virus, along with about the same number of bogus there was 
a virus in an e-mail you sent.  It would be really great to be able to 
filter those out so that I don't need to see them, that is, get them in 
a folder I can clean out now and then.

But I don't want to run a full-scale virus scanner, because for the time 
being, I really don't need any, as no e-mail is read on an MS machine 

I figured, most viruses should be able to detect by using simple regexs, 
right? So, a simple scanner that looks for a number of regexs available 
from a repository could do the trick...? Or perhaps use something like 
Vipul's Razor for this kind of stuff...? 

So, I'm wondering, does anybody know about any such approach?


You may just want to bite the bullet and install amavisd-new. Even 
though you're not really worried about the viruses per se, it will 
filter out the crap. If Sobig.F is any indication, this may become more 
desirable. You may even just want to install amavis without a virus 
scanner (and just searching for banned filenames), if an AV program 
imposes too much of a load on your system.

Amavis also is nice for catching executable files that are so common 
with current worms (our install actually was catching Sobig.F this way 
before the AV signatures were updated). If you're not reading email on 
an MS machine, I'm guessing it's fairly rare for you to recieve legit 
emails with .pif, .exe, or .bat attachments.

The nice thing is, amavis will do a better job at catching the 
attachments then some of the ad hoc methods discussed earlier (see the 
config section on banned filenames). Another plus is that it can be 
configured to SMTP reject the message, instead of accepting and then 



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: Debian Stable server hacked

2003-08-06 Thread Rich Puhek

A few thoughts on potenital problems:

Thijs Welman wrote:

Unfortunately i don't have the resources to get an IDS system up and

A bare-bones IDS isn't all thet extreme to build, especially if you are 
only interested in a single network. Debian stable + snort source 
package from unstable might be your best bet...

regards and tia,

Thijs Welman
Delft University of Technology
the Netherlands
[0] My server is running Debian stable with:
- linux-2.4.21-ac4 custom compiled kernel without LKM-support
- sshd
- apache
- apache-ssl
- php4
- smbd/nmbd (firewalled at the university network border)

NOTE: Ok, firewalled at the network border, but could poorly-secured 
internal windows machines have been used as a springboard for an attack?

The same goes for the below services, are you sure that all the machines 
and people on the same side of the firewall are completely trustworthy? 
This is a big hole if you're only firewalling at the border of your 
campus network, and have a wide variety of machines out there...

- postfix (not accessible from outside)
- bind9 (not accessible from outside)
- mysql (firewalled)
- proftpd (firewalled)
- snmpd (firewalled)
- amanda-client from inetd (firewalled)

All packages are unmodified releases from Debian stable and, yes, i do
update packes from as soon as there are any updates. :)

Was anyone else logged in at the time? Perhaps one of your admins had a 
weak or compromised password?



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: SPAMMED ONCE AGIN !!! (Was: Re: Under 10 bucks, cell phone antenna boosters. qmnh coxehywqphhnsg)

2003-04-14 Thread Rich Puhek

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Because I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] only to get mails, there 
was someone which had made a lookup on the Mailing-List-Server to 
get this Address... 

Well, no. If you look carefully, you have managed to leak that address 
to the list before. On March 17, 2003, for instance (Message-Id: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) you posted a 
reply to a question. Although you set your From address to be the 
linux4michelle address, you also ended up with the following line:

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

So, your MUA or MTA has leaked that address, without anyone needing to 
do a lookup on the Debian servers.

That is a nice approach to handling the spam problem, but as you can 
see, one must be very careful to prevent leaking the subscribed to address.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: Traffic monitoring

2003-03-14 Thread Rich Puhek
Nils wrote:
Hello everybody!

I have small but complicated problem.

How do you monitor what network traffic you have and how much? I want to
be able to see the origin and destination, type and volume.
We have two computer labs, with its respective ISP-connections, both with
volume based rates. These two sites are also connected to each other
through a VPN. The volume between the two sites should really be marginal.
Due to what we get charge by the ISP, we suspect a lot of non-sanctioned
material (mp3..) being transported over smb. I would like to at least be
able to monitor the volume from respective computer going through the
firewall (and the VPN).
If you can install a machine as a sniffer (hubs only in the network, or 
a switch that supports port mirroring), iptraf may really help here.

I don't find it very usefull over long trends, but I use iptraf on my 
network whenever I see an unexplained jump in traffic and need to track 
down the source.

It's able to show traffic by port, by packet size, or a running display 
of source IP:port and destination IP:port pairs. Also supports packet 
filtering (which is really nice to filter out the port 22 connection 
from my workstation, so the continual screen updates don't distract me 
with increasing packet counts).

It's also packaged for Debian.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746
tel:   218.262.1130
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Traffic monitoring

2003-03-14 Thread Rich Puhek

Nils wrote:

Hello everybody!

I have small but complicated problem.

How do you monitor what network traffic you have and how much? I want to
be able to see the origin and destination, type and volume.

We have two computer labs, with its respective ISP-connections, both with
volume based rates. These two sites are also connected to each other
through a VPN. The volume between the two sites should really be marginal.
Due to what we get charge by the ISP, we suspect a lot of non-sanctioned
material (mp3..) being transported over smb. I would like to at least be
able to monitor the volume from respective computer going through the
firewall (and the VPN).

If you can install a machine as a sniffer (hubs only in the network, or 
a switch that supports port mirroring), iptraf may really help here.

I don't find it very usefull over long trends, but I use iptraf on my 
network whenever I see an unexplained jump in traffic and need to track 
down the source.

It's able to show traffic by port, by packet size, or a running display 
of source IP:port and destination IP:port pairs. Also supports packet 
filtering (which is really nice to filter out the port 22 connection 
from my workstation, so the continual screen updates don't distract me 
with increasing packet counts).

It's also packaged for Debian.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: Protection against http tunneling (was: HTTP tunnel with linuxserver and windows client)

2003-03-13 Thread Rich Puhek
Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:
The question is... is there any way to protect against this? I mean, how
would you differenciate on for example, a squid, the traffic of one of this
tunnels from the real traffic you want to allow?

There is a way to protect any particular form of tunnelling (i.e., if you
know that a particular tunnel is there, you'll find a way to disrupt it).
But there is no practical way to prevent covert communications of an inside
user to the outside world, if any reasonable connectivity, through whatever
firewall or whatever, exists. You can minimize the risk by monitoring
everyone's activity 24hours, but even then you don't have 100% guarantee.
And if you close the network, the person can smuggle diskettes in and out,
creating a high-latency link. Or use the state of his office lighting (on or off)
at every 17th minutes to signify whether the next bit of the message is 0 or 1.
Not too good to transmit a picture, but enough to eventually relay a secret
encryption key to someone out there watching. You've got the idea...

Reminds me of a rumor I heard that someone was working on an NFS over 
SMTP gateway. Would have pretty crappy latency, but the point was to 
prove that a firewall is not a guarrantee of security.

Also worth considering in your examples is RFC2549 (IP over Avian 
Carriers with QoS).



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746
tel:   218.262.1130
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Protection against http tunneling (was: HTTP tunnel with linux server and windows client)

2003-03-13 Thread Rich Puhek

Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:

The question is... is there any way to protect against this? I mean, how
would you differenciate on for example, a squid, the traffic of one of this
tunnels from the real traffic you want to allow?

There is a way to protect any particular form of tunnelling (i.e., if you
know that a particular tunnel is there, you'll find a way to disrupt it).

But there is no practical way to prevent covert communications of an inside
user to the outside world, if any reasonable connectivity, through whatever
firewall or whatever, exists. You can minimize the risk by monitoring
everyone's activity 24hours, but even then you don't have 100% guarantee.

And if you close the network, the person can smuggle diskettes in and out,
creating a high-latency link. Or use the state of his office lighting (on or 
at every 17th minutes to signify whether the next bit of the message is 0 or 1.
Not too good to transmit a picture, but enough to eventually relay a secret
encryption key to someone out there watching. You've got the idea...

Reminds me of a rumor I heard that someone was working on an NFS over 
SMTP gateway. Would have pretty crappy latency, but the point was to 
prove that a firewall is not a guarrantee of security.

Also worth considering in your examples is RFC2549 (IP over Avian 
Carriers with QoS).



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: [work] Integrity of Debian packages

2003-03-07 Thread Rich Puhek
Gary MacDougall wrote:

Yes, the American Empire is certainly on the move... and the World is 
their oyster.

Be afraid, be very afraid.


Maybe you should talk to the family of the 3300 people in the WTC that 
died because the FBI, CIA
or Special Services didn't have or couldn't intercept the many mail, fax 
and cell phone communications
that went between the cowards that flew planes into the buildings.

You know, I feel safer now than I did on 9-11.  The price of freedom is 

Ummm, interception wasn't the problem. Interpretation was the problem. 
Harvesting more email isn't going to solve much (and will possibly 
compound the problem) if intelligence agencies lack enough manpower to 
translate and interpret the messages.

Your comment seems to lay blame for 9/11 on the intelligence community. 
It's fair to say that they had major flaws at that time (and possibly 
now as well). You could argue that this specific incident could have 
been prevented if certain measures were in place. Keep in mind, the 
perpetrators were a determined group that was willing to accept death in 
the pursuit of their goal. That's a combination that is nearly unstoppable.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746
tel:   218.262.1130
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [work] Integrity of Debian packages

2003-03-07 Thread Rich Puhek

Ted Parvu wrote:
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 01:10:29PM -0500, Gary MacDougall wrote:

Maybe you should talk to the family of the 3300 people in the WTC that 
died because the FBI, CIA
or Special Services didn't have or couldn't intercept the many mail, fax 
and cell phone communications
that went between the cowards that flew planes into the buildings.

You know, I feel safer now than I did on 9-11.  The price of freedom is 

Hmm, the price of freedom is costly

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Ben Franklin

Perhaps you would do well to consider that the US military should never
have allowed those planes to hit anything.

Umm, according to that document, the military could *not* take any 
action against the aircraft. They do have authority to destroy Derelict 
Airborne Objects, but the definition of such an object does not include 
any form of manned craft. The document goes on to specify what 
assistance the military will provide to civil authorities in piracy of 
civil aircraft:

Military personnel will provide the following types of support: 
intercept, surveillance, lift, equipment, and communications. Military 
personnel may not participate in a search, seizure, arrest, or other 
similar activity. This restriction would include the apprehension of 
aircraft hijackers or use of military aircraft (fixed-wing or 
helicopter) or other vehicles as platforms for gunfire or the use of 
other weapons against suspected hijackers.

So it would seem that as of Sept. 11th, 2001 (the order you reference 
was issued June 1st, 2001), the military could not do anything besides 
escort the planes. Note the specific restriction against the use of 
weapons against suspected hijackers.

Why don't you google what the standing intercept orders are for aircraft
that stray off course or that lose communications.  Then ask yourself
why only the plane that was headed for the Whitehouse was downed.
The Washington propaganda machine is in full force in this country.  Use
the Net to understand what is really going on here.  


Yes, of course the Net is even more reliable than the government 
propaganda :-)

Granted, there's bound to be plenty of slant from the official line, but 
keep in mind the fact that any yahoo with a modem can generate a 
different view that's even less credible.

Let's also take a good look at the reality of the situation. Life isn't 
a movie, there's a finite time involved to do something as basic as 
getting an aircraft off the ground, plus transit time to fly from an 
airbase to intercept the suspect craft. Also, after the cold war ended, 
we kinda stepped down the alert level at airbases around the US, so I 
doubt there were any pilots sitting around in a ready room just waiting 
for a siren to go off, planes might not have been fuled up, planes were 
most likely not armed, etc.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746
tel:   218.262.1130
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [work] Integrity of Debian packages

2003-03-07 Thread Rich Puhek

Gary MacDougall wrote:

Yes, the American Empire is certainly on the move... and the World is 
their oyster.

Be afraid, be very afraid.


Maybe you should talk to the family of the 3300 people in the WTC that 
died because the FBI, CIA
or Special Services didn't have or couldn't intercept the many mail, fax 
and cell phone communications

that went between the cowards that flew planes into the buildings.

You know, I feel safer now than I did on 9-11.  The price of freedom is 

Ummm, interception wasn't the problem. Interpretation was the problem. 
Harvesting more email isn't going to solve much (and will possibly 
compound the problem) if intelligence agencies lack enough manpower to 
translate and interpret the messages.

Your comment seems to lay blame for 9/11 on the intelligence community. 
It's fair to say that they had major flaws at that time (and possibly 
now as well). You could argue that this specific incident could have 
been prevented if certain measures were in place. Keep in mind, the 
perpetrators were a determined group that was willing to accept death in 
the pursuit of their goal. That's a combination that is nearly unstoppable.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: [work] Integrity of Debian packages

2003-03-07 Thread Rich Puhek

Ted Parvu wrote:

On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 01:10:29PM -0500, Gary MacDougall wrote:

Maybe you should talk to the family of the 3300 people in the WTC that 
died because the FBI, CIA
or Special Services didn't have or couldn't intercept the many mail, fax 
and cell phone communications

that went between the cowards that flew planes into the buildings.

You know, I feel safer now than I did on 9-11.  The price of freedom is 

Hmm, the price of freedom is costly

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-- Ben Franklin

Perhaps you would do well to consider that the US military should never
have allowed those planes to hit anything.

Umm, according to that document, the military could *not* take any 
action against the aircraft. They do have authority to destroy Derelict 
Airborne Objects, but the definition of such an object does not include 
any form of manned craft. The document goes on to specify what 
assistance the military will provide to civil authorities in piracy of 
civil aircraft:

Military personnel will provide the following types of support: 
intercept, surveillance, lift, equipment, and communications. Military 
personnel may not participate in a search, seizure, arrest, or other 
similar activity. This restriction would include the apprehension of 
aircraft hijackers or use of military aircraft (fixed-wing or 
helicopter) or other vehicles as platforms for gunfire or the use of 
other weapons against suspected hijackers.

So it would seem that as of Sept. 11th, 2001 (the order you reference 
was issued June 1st, 2001), the military could not do anything besides 
escort the planes. Note the specific restriction against the use of 
weapons against suspected hijackers.

Why don't you google what the standing intercept orders are for aircraft
that stray off course or that lose communications.  Then ask yourself
why only the plane that was headed for the Whitehouse was downed.

The Washington propaganda machine is in full force in this country.  Use
the Net to understand what is really going on here.  


Yes, of course the Net is even more reliable than the government 
propaganda :-)

Granted, there's bound to be plenty of slant from the official line, but 
keep in mind the fact that any yahoo with a modem can generate a 
different view that's even less credible.

Let's also take a good look at the reality of the situation. Life isn't 
a movie, there's a finite time involved to do something as basic as 
getting an aircraft off the ground, plus transit time to fly from an 
airbase to intercept the suspect craft. Also, after the cold war ended, 
we kinda stepped down the alert level at airbases around the US, so I 
doubt there were any pilots sitting around in a ready room just waiting 
for a siren to go off, planes might not have been fuled up, planes were 
most likely not armed, etc.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: Sendmail vulnerability : is Debian falling behind?

2003-03-03 Thread Rich Puhek

Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
It's been discussed plenty on the Debian mailing lists as well
as having the package maintainer give an update on the status of the
packages that are being prepared/ready at this time... Might suggest
checking a bit further before making such a rash judgement on issues
arelady being dealt with...
RedHat and SuSe have commerical money to throw at it... Debian
is run by volunteers... As well RedHat and SuSe do not support nearly as
many platforms as Debian, so it sometimes takes a bit to get all the
packages compiled on all the platforms prior to making an annonouncement
so they are all available...

On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 03:17:16PM -0600, Jor-el wrote:

Woah... easy on Jor-el, everyone. He wasn't slamming Debian's schedule 
on security updates so much as being concerned about whether Debian was 
being given the same early notification of vulnerabilities as RedHat, 
SuSe, and other vendors. As mentioned in another thread, Debian didn't 
appear to be on the list of vendors notified by CERT (see

-- Rich


Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746
tel:   218.262.1130
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sendmail vulnerability : is Debian falling behind?

2003-03-03 Thread Rich Puhek

Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:

It's been discussed plenty on the Debian mailing lists as well
as having the package maintainer give an update on the status of the
packages that are being prepared/ready at this time... Might suggest
checking a bit further before making such a rash judgement on issues
arelady being dealt with...

RedHat and SuSe have commerical money to throw at it... Debian
is run by volunteers... As well RedHat and SuSe do not support nearly as
many platforms as Debian, so it sometimes takes a bit to get all the
packages compiled on all the platforms prior to making an annonouncement
so they are all available...


On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 03:17:16PM -0600, Jor-el wrote:

Woah... easy on Jor-el, everyone. He wasn't slamming Debian's schedule 
on security updates so much as being concerned about whether Debian was 
being given the same early notification of vulnerabilities as RedHat, 
SuSe, and other vendors. As mentioned in another thread, Debian didn't 
appear to be on the list of vendors notified by CERT (see

-- Rich


Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: CERT Advisory CA-2003-07 Remote Buffer Overflow in Sendmail (fwd)

2003-03-03 Thread Rich Puhek

Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:

(See also the bugs from the CC).
I believe that Debian should be somehow put on the CERT vendor list:
they give the vendors more advance warning on the security issues before
they issue an advisory, allowing to issue an emergency patch.

Does anybody on this list (debian-security) have any ties with CERT
to do it?

- Original Message - 
From: Ramon Kagan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:00 PM
Subject: CERT Advisory CA-2003-07 Remote Buffer Overflow in Sendmail (fwd)


I don't see Debian listed in the notification list at the bottom of the
CERT Advisory.  Is there any estimate on the release of patched sendmail

Ramon Kagan


I'm guessing that Debian is notified by CERT, since I have seen Debian 
listed in CERT advisories before. The last CERT Advisory I noticed that 
applied to Debian was the CA-2003-02 Double-Free Bug in CVS Server. The 
email announcement did include Debian.

The key is that the vendor responses are those recieved by CERT, so if 
Debian was notified (I assume that means CERT emailed someone on the 
security team, or some other semi-official Debian person) and didn't 
return a response yet, you won't see Debian in the Advisory email.

According to the advisories, CERT keeps updating the vendor portion of 
the advisory ( for this 
advisory), so I'd assume we'll see Debian listed there eventually.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

Re: Questions on Sysloging with a DMZ

2002-06-14 Thread Rich Puhek

Mike Dresser wrote:
 I was thinking of using a digiboard on the syslog machine, and connecting
 a serial link to each server.  However, that doesn't help me on stuff like
 cisco's and jetdirect boxes that can only output syslog over ethernet.

logging console level

should get what you need on a cisco. Might have to set that serial port
to no password, which brings up an additional home if physical security
is a concern.


Rich Puhek   
ETN Systems Inc. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ssh ip address

2002-02-19 Thread Rich Puhek

Try just doing an `echo $SSH_CLIENT`. Depending on your version, you may
need split the output up a bit...


Eduardo J. Gargiulo wrote:
 Hi all.
 Is there any way to obtain the IP address of a ssh client and use it on
 a shell script? I want to put a crontab like
 ssh server script
 but I need the IP address i'm connecting from in the shell script and
 the address is assigned dynamically.


Rich Puhek   
ETN Systems Inc. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ssh ip address

2002-02-19 Thread Rich Puhek
Try just doing an `echo $SSH_CLIENT`. Depending on your version, you may
need split the output up a bit...


Eduardo J. Gargiulo wrote:
 Hi all.
 Is there any way to obtain the IP address of a ssh client and use it on
 a shell script? I want to put a crontab like
 ssh server script
 but I need the IP address i'm connecting from in the shell script and
 the address is assigned dynamically.


Rich Puhek   
ETN Systems Inc. 

Re: Security Feedback - Backup Process?

2001-07-18 Thread Rich Puhek

Security input aside... have you considered using rsync instead of
building a bunch of huge tarballs? I use a similar method, but my backup
machine pulls data in with rsync. I don't build ISOs, I just tar from
the backup machine to tape. By using rsync, I beat up my network much
less, and I speed up the operation.

Also, with the method I have, I maintain everything on my backup
server... no configuration goes on the clients.

Just something else to consider.


Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
 The batch backup process is divided into four pieces:
o collect [each machine]: builds tarballs based on configuration
o stage [backup machine]: stages all collected data from other machines
o store [backup machine]: builds ISO image and writes staged data to disc
o purge [each machine]: purges old archived tarballs and/or ISO disc images
 Other than the problem with the saved-off files, is it safe to say that this
 process is as reasonably secure as any batch process which relies on ssh can
 be, or are there other things I can change to make the whole thing more secure?
 I really appreciate any feedback any of you might provide.  I read the list,
 or you can send email privately to [EMAIL PROTECTED].


Rich Puhek   
ETN Systems Inc. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Got root?

2001-04-30 Thread Rich Puhek

Ummm.. you got it a bit backwards... UNIX does not *give* root access to
daemons below 1024... The program (not necessasarily a daemon) must HAVE
root access before it can bind to a port below 1024.

That said, you may be on to something. It sounds like a good idea to
me... but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.


Sunny Dubey wrote:
 I know that this might sound like a stupid question, but its one that has
 been bugging me.
 Why does UNIX continue to give root access to all deamons below port 1024?
 I know that UNIX does it so that normal users can't seem like legit and
 important services, but there surely must be some better way of delegating a
 port below 1024 to a deamon.
 A while ago, I remember reading on slashdot about how TrustedBSD and OpenBSD
 were different from each other.  One of the differences was the fact that
 TrustedBSD used ACLs to give acccess to whatever for whomever.  Couldn't you
 essentially do the same for ports?  (Instead of giving access to files, you
 would give acces to ports)
 It would be like having a file called /etc/acl.ports (or something) and
 within the file, would be a list which binaries are allowed to bind to what
 ports.  (an example is provided below)
 # /etc/acl.ports
 # Port Numbers   binary
 80  /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
 22  /usr/local/openssh/sshd
 21 /usr/local/anonftpd/ftpd
 This way, not only would root have control over all ports below 1024, but the
 deamons themselves don't need to be running as root.  (I also think that it
 would be very odd for a deamon _needing_ root access to run in the first
 place ...)
 Thanks for hearing me out.  I could be very wrong on all of this.  (Sorry if
 I am)  I would just like to know why this hasn't been implemented in UNIX.
 (Actually, I did once hear about some patch to the LInux kernel that did
 something similar, but I have yet to find the patch)
 Sunny Dubey
 insert funny-witty comment here


Rich Puhek   
ETN Systems Inc. 

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Re: Got root?

2001-04-30 Thread Rich Puhek
Ummm.. you got it a bit backwards... UNIX does not *give* root access to
daemons below 1024... The program (not necessasarily a daemon) must HAVE
root access before it can bind to a port below 1024.

That said, you may be on to something. It sounds like a good idea to
me... but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.


Sunny Dubey wrote:
 I know that this might sound like a stupid question, but its one that has
 been bugging me.
 Why does UNIX continue to give root access to all deamons below port 1024?
 I know that UNIX does it so that normal users can't seem like legit and
 important services, but there surely must be some better way of delegating a
 port below 1024 to a deamon.
 A while ago, I remember reading on slashdot about how TrustedBSD and OpenBSD
 were different from each other.  One of the differences was the fact that
 TrustedBSD used ACLs to give acccess to whatever for whomever.  Couldn't you
 essentially do the same for ports?  (Instead of giving access to files, you
 would give acces to ports)
 It would be like having a file called /etc/acl.ports (or something) and
 within the file, would be a list which binaries are allowed to bind to what
 ports.  (an example is provided below)
 # /etc/acl.ports
 # Port Numbers   binary
 80  /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
 22  /usr/local/openssh/sshd
 21 /usr/local/anonftpd/ftpd
 This way, not only would root have control over all ports below 1024, but the
 deamons themselves don't need to be running as root.  (I also think that it
 would be very odd for a deamon _needing_ root access to run in the first
 place ...)
 Thanks for hearing me out.  I could be very wrong on all of this.  (Sorry if
 I am)  I would just like to know why this hasn't been implemented in UNIX.
 (Actually, I did once hear about some patch to the LInux kernel that did
 something similar, but I have yet to find the patch)
 Sunny Dubey
 insert funny-witty comment here


Rich Puhek   
ETN Systems Inc. 