Fun job: Please test/review patch for picocom CVE-2015-9059

2017-05-31 Thread W. Martin Borgert

Hi security,

there is a problem with the picocom terminal emulator:

picocom before 2.0 has a command injection vulnerability in the
'send and receive file' command because the command line is
executed by /bin/sh unsafely.


The bug report contains a patch,
but I'm not sure whether it does what it should.

A test case would be wonderful!

If nobody can review or test the patch, there are other options:

 - remove picocom 1.7 from stretch (2.2 is in experimental and
   does not have the vulnerability, it will be in unstable ASAP
   and will be backported to both Stretch and Jessie)

 - just disable 'send and receive file', which nowadays is not
   very important anymore, I need to check how easy this is,
   but I'm optimistic

 - document the problem, but ignore it otherwise, because not
   many people will use file transfer anyway - this is neither
   heartbleed nor shellshock; no fancy name, no logo

TIA & Cheers

Re: Handling of "malware" in Debian

2016-11-10 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2016-11-10 09:45, Paul Wise wrote:
> My intuition says that there are users who don't have apt-listchanges
> installed or don't read the NEWS files. The most likely place folks
> will see the notification is in the UI of the malware package itself.

This is true. OTOH, if the WOT UI is gone, users will either not
care (good) or ask themselves where it is gone and can still
check the package (good, too). It's not, that the user or root
would have to perform any action.

Re: [Pkg-mozext-maintainers] Handling of "malware" in Debian

2016-11-09 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2016-11-09 19:34, Ximin Luo wrote:
> Context for the new list you added, please?


Is it OK, if I do the upload? I'm in the team, but David Prévot
did previous uploads.


Re: Handling of "malware" in Debian

2016-11-09 Thread W. Martin Borgert

Quoting Holger Levsen :

i'm not sure about the releasing with stretch part. Maybe it would be
better to have the updated, empty package in stretch in 5plusX days and
then remove it before the release, say on January 1st.

Ah, OK. Understood. Well, maybe As Short As Possible before the release,
during DC17 :~)

Re: Handling of "malware" in Debian

2016-11-09 Thread W. Martin Borgert

Quoting Holger Levsen :

On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 05:35:20PM +0100, W. Martin Borgert wrote:

Quoting Holger Levsen :
>I think so. And I also think this should be done.
>and, who's gonna file the RM bug for unstable?
I would RM for buster, because users of stretch might already be affected.

thats not how it works. You file an RM bug for a package in unstable
against ftp.d.o now, and then this RM will propagate to stretch. A RM
for stable needs to be requested via about against

If users of testing or unstable have the malware installed now and
the package gets removed from the archive, users are left with the
malware, right?

That's why I thought about uploading an empty package to unstable,
it should be released with stretch, but can be safely removed later.

(Same for stable, only that for testing it is even more urgent,
because I believe that the malware function has been introduced
after releasing jessie.)

Re: Handling of "malware" in Debian

2016-11-09 Thread W. Martin Borgert

Quoting Holger Levsen :

I think so. And I also think this should be done.

and, who's gonna file the RM bug for unstable?

I would RM for buster, because users of stretch might already be affected.

Re: Handling of "malware" in Debian

2016-11-09 Thread W. Martin Borgert

Quoting Paul Wise :

A new empty package would be better than just removing it but the user
would not get any notification about why the functionality is gone nor
any information about the privacy violations they were subject to.

Would NEWS.Debian be sufficient?

Handling of "malware" in Debian

2016-11-09 Thread W. Martin Borgert


because of the WOT[*] incident, I wonder how Debian should handle
malware packages in favour of our users.

The current scheme is to remove the offending package from stable and
go along. With unattended-upgrades or other automatic upgrade schemes,
such packages would remain on many systems and potentially harm users.

I suggest to handle such cases differently by uploading a new, empty
package (like transitional packages, but without new depends).

What do you think?



OT: Mutt, HTML (was: discussion about security issues...)

2015-05-12 Thread W. Martin Borgert

Quoting Patrick Geschke :

@Martin: Y NO ?

Nice, thanks!

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2015-05-12 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2015-05-11 22:33, Johannes Wolpers wrote:
> I will dominate this world one day

Please do not send HTML formatted email to mailing lists.
It makes them difficult to read for us mutt users. Dankeschön!

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Re: [Reproducible-builds] concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy

2014-09-24 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2014-09-24 23:05, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> * the signature files sign the package contents, not the hash of
>   whole .deb file (i.e. control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz).

So preinst and friends would not be signed? Sounds dangerous to me.

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Re: [Reproducible-builds] concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy

2014-09-21 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2014-09-21 21:13, Richard van den Berg wrote:
> Package formats like apk and jar avoid this chicken and egg problem by 
> hashing the files inside a package, and storing those hashes in a manifest 
> file.

Is there a "chicken and egg problem"? Only if one insists on embedding
the signatures in one file, I would say.

> Signatures only sign the manifest file. The manifest itself and the signature 
> files are not part of the manifest, but are part of the package. So a package 
> including it's signature(s) is still a single file.

This is nice, indeed, but: The Debian repository is mirrored all over
the world and distributed on DVSs/CDs. If package files change
whenever a signature is added, this would lead to needless traffic and
obliterate readonly media.

(Well, rsync would mitigate the mirror problem by only transmitting
the signature parts of a file, right?)

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Re: [Reproducible-builds] concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy

2014-09-21 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2014-09-21 20:04, Elmar Stellnberger wrote:
>A package with some new signatures added is no more the old package.
> It should have a different checksum and be made available again for update.
> Perhaps someone wants to install the package not before certain signatures
> have been added.

If a package would change by adding another signature, then this
would invalidate previous signatures. Exactly because of your
use case (waiting for a number of signatures or waiting for a
specific signature before installation) the signature must be
separated from the actual package.

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PPA security (was: Debian mirrors and MITM)

2014-05-30 Thread W. Martin Borgert

Quoting Jeremie Marguerie :

Thanks for bringing that issue! I feel the same way when I install a
packet from a non-official PPA.

Unfortunately, every package can do anything: pre-inst, post-inst,
pre-rm, post-rm run as root. If you don't trust a PPA the same way
you trust your OS vendor (Debian, Ubuntu or whoever), install only
in a VM or a container (not sure, whether a docker container is
considered safe enough, but chroot is not sufficient).

Alternatively, download the package, unpack it, remove maintainer
script or check them carefully, check for s-bits on binaries etc.
repack it and install. I'm probably missing more checks here.

While it would be nice to have sth. like "less trusted sources" and
allow their packages only certain kinds of install/de-install
operations (i.e. no maintainer scripts) etc., it's  hard to get
right and a broken solution would put users at risk.


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Re: md5 hashes used in security announcements

2008-10-25 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2008-10-25 07:09, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> Can anyone please explain why that long list of links and filenames is 
> interesting, or point to a link that does?

I assume, it's tradition from the times, when only few people
used apt-get and friends (and many years apt-get did not have
signature support). A pointer to a "generic" description for
people who don't want to/cannot use apt-get would be sufficient
nowadays. Could someone from the security team correct me?

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Re: antivirus for webserver

2008-10-07 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2008-10-06 21:57, R. W. Rodolico wrote:
> And, install a good log summary program and read the results religiously.

I use "visitors". Would you suggest another one?

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DNS and cats: Password leaks are security holes

2008-08-28 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2008-08-28 20:40, Simon Valiquette wrote:
> That's obviously true, but that doesn't cover the case when logs are  
> copied to a second system with sysadmins that doesn't have access to the  
> first server.  And if someone use the standard 514 syslog port instead of 
> using an SSL tunnel or the newer syslog-tls on port 601, well you get  
> cleartext password on the wire (yes, people sometime make stupid 
> mistakes).

I once typed a password accidently in address line of a web
browser, which popped up in the wrong moment. This resulted in a
DNS query for my password. I hereby declare it a security bug,
that the web browser tries to resolve my password! :~)

> Personally, I would prefer never to see password stored in clear text  
> anywhere, whatever the file permissions are.

We're talking here about a password that has been typed
accidently for other information. We're not talking about a
regular password store. If the password is good, nobody will
assume a password, but think, that a cat ran over the keyboard.

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Re: Fwd: Password leaks are security holes

2008-08-28 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On 2008-08-28 13:05, Johan Walles wrote:
> It's readable by anybody with physical access to the hardware.

If their have physical access to the hardware, auth.log would be
my least worry.

> That doesn't mean Debian should *help* root doing that in a default
> install.  Security by default, anybody?

Yes. But I fail to see, that this is not the case here.

> I can see a point in logging *valid* usernames.  Logging invalid
> usernames (which aren't unlikely to actually be passwords) is a
> security risk.

Sometimes, a user thinks their username is valid, and the system
"thinks" it is not. They call the system administrator and with
the help of auth.log they can find out what the problem is.

> [1] -

It says "Almost 4,000 Laptops lost or missing in Europe's major
airports every week". Let's assume their disks are encrypted,
which is very easy using the Debian Installer (since etch, IIRC?).

Note: I certainly typed in accidently a password for a login name
in the past and would not oppose a patch by you to (optionally!)
not log user names. But I fail to see a real problem here. After
all, most users make mistakes when it comes to e-mail (e.g.
sending confidential information to the wrong person or even a
publically archived mailing list etc.) Here I see much more
potential for problems than auth.log.

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Re: Find installed contrib and non-free packages

2008-06-12 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 07:40:15AM +1000, Andrew Vaughan wrote:
> On Friday 13 June 2008 07:17, Andrew Vaughan wrote:
> > In lenny
> > $ aptitude search "~o"
> Actually no need for aptitude,  
> $ apt-show-versions |grep "No available version in archive$"
> will do the job.

This is probably The solution. Both apt-show-versions and
aptitude are reasonable fast for the job. The shell script
posted elsewhere in this thread needs about forever and a bit.

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Re: Find installed contrib and non-free packages

2008-06-12 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 12:27:12PM +0200, Vladislav Kurz wrote:
> 1. remove contrib and non-free from /etc/apt/sources.list
> 2. run dselect (update, select) and you will see all contrib and non-free 
> packages as obsolete/local packages. 

Good, because it will show other suspects as well. E.g. packages
from non-Debian apt sources, which are also unsupported
security-wise. I wonder how I can achieve the same using just
apt-get/apt-cache? I remember, that I once wrote a script using
python-apt to get this information, but the script is lost :~(

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Re: Find installed contrib and non-free packages

2008-06-12 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 11:38:33AM +0200, Filip Husak wrote:
> I think the following command resolves your problem:
> for pkg in `dpkg -l | grep ii | awk '{print $2}'` ; do if [ `apt-cache
> show $pkg | grep 'contrib\|non-free' | wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then echo $pkg;
> fi; done

You should grep for "^Filename: pool/\(contrib\|non-free\)/" to
prevent false positives. And: Packages that have been installed
from non-Debian apt sources or via dpkg --install are missed.

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OT: apt-get (was: Frustration with randome number generator vuln and ssh)

2008-06-04 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 10:24:53PM +0200, yosh wrote:
> Sorry for hijacking the thread :)
> If I choose install a package from stable and there is a newer copy in  
> testing (which I'm using) apt-get will try to replace that package on  
> the next apt-get upgrade. Is there any way to counteract this?

Simple way: set the package on hold with dpkg --set-selections
Advanced way: apt-pinning, allows more fine-grained control

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Re: Frustration with randome number generator vuln and ssh

2008-06-04 Thread W. Martin Borgert
On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 02:37:38PM -0500, James Miller wrote:
> All I needed to do was run "aptitude install libssl0.9.8=0.9.8c-4etch3"  
> I have to admit, I _really_ need to learn aptitude, I'm kinda stuck in my 
> ways using apt-get and dselect.

I believe, that "apt-get install =" works as
well. Or: "apt-get install /" with
distribution = stable or testing or unstable. No need to switch
to aptitude, IMHO. But let dselect rest in peace :~)

(Another common aptitude advantage was its automatic handling of
orphaned packages, but apt-get does the same since some time.)

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